How have you been. We call ourselves partners in crime. That we are not going to talk about the crime part of it, just to the partner part. What has been interesting since ive been in the position of library of congress is the fact that people ask me what does the National Archives do. What does the archivist do a and then theres a confusion around the history and the role of each of the institutions, and ive learned a lot about that even in coming up to reclaim the declaration of independence, the bill of rights. We call it the constitution. And that was held by the library of congress and the type of thing. It wasnt until the 1930s the United States got serious about its records. Iwas Franklin Roosevelt was passionate about records and that we actually created and he signed the legislation that created the archives. The charters had been in the custody of the state department independent of library of congress when the archives building was built, a beautiful tabernacle was created for the declaration of independence but the library of congress refused. [laughter] and i told her that against you ever since. I knew this was going to happen. It wasnt until he read truman came into office and kind of laid down the law with a new library of congress but they really needed to deliver the document where it belongs. So as carla describes it, it was a ceremony with tanks and military people lining up the set and she claims she always describes it as a transfer of the document to its rightful place. And we have photographs of the people right there waiting. You can imagine the curators and the librarians thinking maybe its time. And who was the library in . I forget. Someone here must remember. Winston is here. You were here, whats [laughter] that was the start of kind of the clarification to divide things. It was to collect and protect and make available so anything created by the governments of the question is what about the stuff creativity for when the legislation was signed. Some of it is that the library of Congress Since the materials were stored in attics and basements some of it was lost but what we have now is the a dividing line between everything the government creates and everything they dont create which is you. And there are times when im glad that you are you. [laughter] and there are times that i wish i were you. [laughter] i describe it in another way, to back that for instance truman and his official record and i would like to get into those things into some of the letters that he wrote to his family. So this is where the the personal part and personal life event official might be other library of congress. So the papers 23 president s from George Washington to coolidge are apt the library and we were both in mississippi. Where ulysses s. Grant and Abraham Lincoln collection. There are more than 200 president ial sites around the country and the people beyond had some kind of responsibility for some aspect of a president s life and their meeting in washington in august. Whats interesting about the president ial library of congress has custody of the actual papers and documents of ulysses s. Grant and what they will collect and make copies of a. So when h so when he created the archives, he also decided to have a president ial libraries are technically his was the first. I am convinced he was passionate about his papers and understood the importance and a spent a lot of time hiring the first archivist and spent a lot of time supporting the first in his work as he was trying to figure out where the records are and more importantly to convince the agency heads to give up the records if that is something people were interested in doing. So, roosevelt created his own library that this was all voluntary up until 1972 when thanks to president s nixon and hayes thought that he owned his own records and legislation was passed needed Government Property so 1972 is kind of the marker that you have to give your papers to the National Archives. So it became official. That is another confusion that happens. The act of 1972 was created earlier than that and its a Records Management activities so all of the 275 agencies and departments. We provided by a gentlemans agreement to way back when, we provide storage and service them, they are the records of congress. I want all the people watching and listening to realize working with your colleagues you have this kind of friendly and historical competition. I know youve seen that movie national treasure, but they have that first printing that just had john hancock on it. The originals didnt find something. And the gettysburg address that he took on the field, what he took the night he was assassinated, for locks of Thomas Jeffersons hair. [laughter] so it is kind of fun to have this historical back and forth. Tommy marx has some historical artifacts as well. From the vatican. [laughter] there are few things over there. Then this body would bring up hamilton. Okay lets bring up hamilton. Its through the New York Public Library actually. Tommy was the director of hamilton, was a member for the libraries visiting committee and he and i became good friends and when we decided to honor ron chernoff, we had all three of them in the house. We are just going to let that go. And we just digitized the last note to his wife. [laughter] [applause] outlining the poverty asking for support from the government. And for the rest of her life when she did this to his reputation. So we can go on you just name a historical figure. So what are we doing together . We are doing some cool stuff. We are working on a turkic exhibit tracing the role i think you are involved in the. Another project about the beginnings of the country. We are calling it the two georges. They were reading some of the same books at the same time and they had similar interests so it will be a joint exhibits with the archives. The research timing didnt coincide. But Kings College of william and mary so that type of collaboration happens all the time. We mentioned tony marx because in terms of a Public Library, it had a collection that complements some of the things that were involved. This is the library that we worked closely with in different ways. So, the question people have asked me already, and it came up at a session, one of the sessions what do we do and how do we deal with Technology Going forward . Some of the records are going to be in a different format. You have been on the forefront of god with your putting a hard stop on collecting. I am sure that you pretend about the president s reform plan that was issued if you go to page 103, you will see the description of the contribution to that plan and what it spells out is a message we have already delivered to the agencies. We are no longer accepting paper at the end of 2022. They have until 2022 to get the paper to us. Its scheduled to be transferred after 2022 its a digital only. So the agencies have been prepared for this. Many of them have been digitizing the records. Of those agencies already are creating the records electronically and if they have been for quite some time so this is not a great surprise or shock and just as a data point as i know there are some people who are confused about whats going on with the planning for the Obama Library more than 80 of the records are born digital. There is no paper equivalent. So, the plan is with the agreement of the foundation, we would create the first alldigital president ial library. Its the money that would have been invested in creating a physical facility in chicago is going to be devoted to digital station of the 15 that isnt already digital and thats already a different model and how we deliver Information Service and an opportunity for creating and connecting with other users. Are you going to be borrowing some techniques. We would loan to them artifacts. Its paper from photographs endquotes of artifacts. Gifts from the american people, more macaroni pictures than youve ever seen in your life. [laughter] about letters from young people . Those are digitized now. When i met with the directors the first time a echidna tkidwrote to the presidg for information about the proposed core and its a letter from me. [laughter] they found two letters and when i visited the library, they gave me a copy of the letter that i sent to lbj come graduating at refining the act. David was working on this for a while. [applause] [laughter] [applause] is an opportunity for the kids to write a letter to the president and we deliver those to the president on the next monday morning and the white house then supplies us a letter we can send back to them for their interest. Thereve been wonderful moments and things that have been challenging, but one of the most challenging has been trying to figure out as a former childrens librarian how i can take this wonderful thing that you do with children and archives, they sweep over by the constitution. [laughter] in that wonderful place where they are. Its night and they are really having fun. Then the next morning, and ive heard so many people tell me this. You know the archivist of the United States makes pancake. [laughter] so now dont worry. We have Thomas Jeffersons recipe for macaroni and cheese. This is really true. I said okay maybe we can make this [laughter] [inaudible] we have a new gang of three, via four and five. So there is now the gang of three. Its david, it david and carla hayden, the archives and library we met and talk about this and we might have but if the kids stored at the National History museum and all that stuff. Or they slept there. So we are trying to figure this out. You didnt mention the fact that an important thing that we should talk about and a close working relationship with the three of us had which is unlike ive been there for eight years almost nine years now and this is the first time the three institutions have gotten serious about working together. And its fun because when i invited her to davids over to the library of congress for this lunch and of course our curators and librarians put out a good silverware. We knew that this david was then offered we had them bring out these things. It was the first printing for the opera, which ive never even heard of. He never heard of it. And then david sorkin is a jazz fanatics so we brought out the strings we have just received. And then the curator, who was so good, he knew opera and jazz, and he sang. He had the Chicken Salad thing and all that, it was nice. [laughter] the curator had a piece by a man known for jazz and merged the two types of music, because Jelly Roll Morton dead and opera or something, so he just slid right into that. Now, david, and i think that we can reveal this, wanted to get the card of the curator of a. A. I had to talk to the guy afterwards. Its a lot of fun. We are doing the next one. The pressure is on about what are we going to show you. Womens suffrage is coming up and he had a lot of things. We were giving an exhibit and we even talked about it and mentioned you had some pretty cool things. His book on the right brothers was based on that and then got model plane so we are looking to see what are some of the things that we have that each of us can bring to gather for special exhibits to put things when one is having an exhibit and event to put it into our own institutions. In the smithsonian we were pleased. To purchase the first known photograph of Herriot Tubman and its going to be exhibited. They took care of it and its going to be on exhibit at the new museum of africanamerican history. [applause] we will see more of that. Its always fun. [laughter] [laughter] tony is over here going a [laughter] tony was like abi still live in baltimore. That says it all. And i commute. Its really interesting because ive lived in other, when i lived in chicago there were so many commuters that came in, people would come in to chicago from gary indiana every day. The idea that people come in from different states, different places every day and ive taken the train now and you see how many people come in to the city and its like elastic. I didnt get a sense of that before. You go in and you say, there are people who live there, theres an energy there that is similar to new york were you going to new york and you just feel a pace and it changes and thats why when i go back to baltimore have the Baltimore Highlands and its different. There are a lot of young people in baltimore. And they all walk fast. [laughter] they have two or three devices. They are all smart and all passionate about what they are doing its really rewarding. The brainpower is there. You probably already do it . What is it . Another idea stolen from us . Yes. [laughter] were in a talk briefly about one and a talk public about the citizen archivist in the sitting story. We are working on, you have in washington dc literally some of the brightest, smartest young people you will ever meet and they are, some look like they are 12 years old and they are policy, they are just something. Weve tried to think of how can we get these young millennial sum of the amount of the millennials, engaged because they are so smart. Weve had scavenger hunts and jeopardy and some really cool things to engage them. We have libations sometimes and things like that but. Yes. Thomas jefferson was a wine connoisseur. [laughter] we work it. [laughter] to get these young people engaged in things that because they want to still learn, a lot of them are coming from these colleges and right out of college and still at georgetown and doing all this stuff. They will sit and listen to someone talk about something or an author or someone. They want to meet people. One young congressional staffer said, you know, this is like date night to go do Something Like a film in the summer, free popcorn how about that . [laughter] free popcorn. Free, on the lawn, with the machine, not just a oh my god with the machine too. [laughter] then they get to see, i think we might have you a little bit on that. I dont think so. [laughter] not fundraising. This is an idea i talk from your Public Library of the young lions of similar kind of group really interested in the library, been in existence for like 25 years or so. Some funding and award, Fiction Award for young author. I took that idea to the National Archives and we have a group, Similar Group we are working with, the young Founder Society should engage them in the life of the National Archives. This is a group of folks who drawn in all different directions, the beginning of the focus is the challenge. We dont have a name yet we are working on that. I like young founders but thats the good thing. We are working on how we can get this a group and its going to be really actually its the same group of kids for young people. Prop hauch will be going to these types of things. If you have literature you want me to share with my group. Lets talk about your citizen archivist. We took it almost verbatim and made it citizen historian because of the transcription of things. So when i was hired in 2009 by president obama on his first day in office he told his senior staff that the government doesnt have all the answers and we need to figure out ways to engage the American Public in solving some of those problems. I took that to heart and work with the staff to think about ways that we could engage the American Public in the work that we do and the result was the creation of this citizen archivist dashboard which has a number of activities that you can help us do our work, taking photographs, identifying come of this has become fairly standard now identifying people and places and photographs. The centerpiece the thing im most excited about is the transcription project we have going on where we loaded thousands of records, kids are being taught cursive really and i have billions of records in cursive so we are disenfranchising an entire generation and future generations because they cant read this stuff. We are people all over the country, all over the world who are helping us transcribe in this citizen archivist dashboard activity. So thats the way we are trying to engage the public in helping do our work. And we just put citizen historian and ticket because the model is so great and there is the same need at the library of congress, Susan B Anthonys papers, all these people, frederick douglass, some of the things that are in cursive that literally young people and because of the writings sometimes other people can read these documents. So the library of congress is launching citizen historian and we reference and say it started with the National Archives citizen archivist because we want people that are doing want to think about doing the other too. Were also working together on her history of site with our reference folks sharing collaborating providing Reference Service to anyone who has a particular reference question. We are fielding and sharing information from our own collections to solve the Research Needs of the people using history hub. That is another, we are bringing the smithsonian on board with that also. I noticed your folks are at the National Archives last week for an edit on wikipedia editathon. We are working together. Yes. I also want to share what i know weve talked about a little bit, the concern about history Going Forward and records being created digitally and how we deal with storage issues, security, technology, keeping up in the future and its a real concern at times that future historians how will they get these items as history is being made in a different format . Its the one thing of all the things that keep me up at night. Thats the one that keeps me up at night. Its ensuring that our mandate is to ensure that people have access to the records in perpetuity and we are barely able to guarantee that in paper but being able to guarantee that in the electronic environment is our biggest challenge. I always have in the back my head the work that Nicholson Baker did in the book entitled double fold where he chastised us for micro filming all those early american newspapers and throwing up the originals and leaving us in a situation where here in the United States we did not have copies of our own newspapers. Thats right. Because the microfilm, the microfilm was so poorly created and disintegrated in some cases but there was no, and lots of reels, no quality controls. The images were perfect. The worst thing was many of the New York Herald was the first, i believe the first newspaper to introduce color into the comics. In the sunday additions. The newspaper microfilm is black and white so you lost the whole sense of history. In a flawed project am happy to report Nicholson Baker, the month that the book came out, Nicholson Bakers book came out, the librarian community has official been waiting abi was opening a new Storage Facility at Duke University and i needed a speaker. I invited nick to come be our speaker to open because heres this warehouse of papers, this wonderful awe had dinner, nick had to raise the money from his borrowing from his inlaws to buy from the British Library, the only paper copies that existed. The British Library was especially numb. Nick bought them and set up a warehouse in New Hampshire he became a news baby library and providing photographs and scanned images from this collection so i invited nick to be our speaker and he came, we had dinner and i told him, when you get tired of playing newspaper librarian, this wonderful new facility that you just dedicated would be a great place to house them. Those newspapers are at Duke University now thank god. In my mind when im thinking about what we are dealing with with the electronic information, so that we dont get into the position where weve lost everything because of the security things, deck technology, all kinds of issues. And the security thing, that becomes even more of an issue with the technology, the library of congress for instance has storage modules, think amazon and what those warehouses look like. In Fort Meade Military base, the electronic environment in terms of security and making those transitions as technology progresses thats a major challenge too. Exactly. We are doing a lot of work with the industry to educate them about what the needs are around tools that in my case agencies need to create and maintain their records. The situation of the federal government is very much the situation that i remember from University Settings where every agency, every faculty was able to go off and build their own system or by something off the shelves and there was no interoperability, no enterprise approach to technology and that is clearly the description of the federal government that ab each department has his own way of dealing. The state of information, the Information Technology infrastructure is not where it should be and thats another issue thats outlined in the reform plan, another point thats in support of the work we are trying to do. What about the resources . Yes. How is your budget . [laughter] well, the Technology Actually has been very supported in terms of Technology Effort in bringing the library of congress very modern and efficient and very heartening coming in and seeing that and having met kind of support you know you have to maintain it and also the staffing that you need to have that Digital Strategy is going to be able to look forward and keep going we just hired a Digital Strategy manager and going to do more with that because we have to. We have to look out and also look back at the same time its a fun time and a lot of ways. Its getting a lot of people from the Technology Sector that are coming into the library to work and to help us follow these things and thats brought energy and crossfertilization thats been really exciting for us. That something we should put on our agenda for the three of us. Yes. The technology. He hired someone from great britain. Bbc thats a Technology Digital guru and we had him come to the library of congress or talk to our staff about what the public is doing. We are a little jealous. They are doing a lot of cool things and we have them come. Just as crossfertilization between institutions, between types of libraries, archives, its been helpful for us to say we have come from dominant common problems and what can we do together. We have Young Professionals we have children working on things for seniors . Things for seniors. Good. [laughter] we are planning a sleepover. [laughter] [laughter] well, we have a Wonderful Partnership with aarp, i must say, dave supported book festival and some other things. We have a lot of support from them also. I know you do. But what can we do to engage seniors . As i mature that becomes a particular interest. We do have, its been interesting to watch this transcription project because there are a number of Senior Centers and nursing homes, theres a nursing home in lynn massachusetts that adopted us and doing transcriptions, which i think is wonderful. Thats in terms of retired professors, people want to keep engaged and because you can do it remotely thats with limited mobility with a lot of seniors. This is the way they can keep involved and keep that but a were you doing . About cooking. Macaroni and cheese probably. Stay tuned. The library of congress is one of the Worlds Largest selections of historical cookbooks. Imagine what programming you can do it that. Amazing. Not gonna say anything because he will steal it. He probably has the patent to what ever the mixer. [laughter] or Something Like that. Before your time we had a blockbuster exhibit called whats cooking uncle sam about the governments role in food, which told the story of horrible story about testing preservatives and the changes of the food groups over time. Did you know butter used to be a food group . Butter. I still think it is. [laughter] i am for that. [laughter] i have to talk about your shop. He just renovated and you have a new Education Center and your shop is to die for. I heard you were trying to steal my shop manager . [laughter] i was scouring. I did talk to the nice lady. [laughter] she seems moderately happy. [laughter] [applause] shes ready for a new challenge. We stole her from the zoo. [laughter] im not saying a word with that one. In her first year she introduced socks into the repertoire. 100,000 worth of stocks within the first year. Right. You are shop, the really cool thing about archives in the shop is that when you are in a section, and they have sections that are just wonderful about subjects and arrows and world war ii and all of this, there are the terminals right there that connect you to the collections and what else he can do. So right when you are making that decision about purchasing, you also are being tied to the archives in that. Thats what really makes it not just the retail experience, also great but tie into the content of the archives is what you really got. If youve never been to the National Archives there are two entrances one on pennsylvania avenue, the constitutional avenue, if you want to come see the charters and exhibits in the museum side of house, the other side is for research. You come in that door to use the collection to do research. Since i got that trying to figure out break a hole through that wall so there is more indirection on both sides. So you get the taste of the museum side about possible genealogist genealogy is our biggest market. [cheering] [laughter] more genealogists than anything else. Genealogist and veterans then Everything Else after that. Some way to use the experience the immediate experience from the museum on the other side of the Research Side to get people, not just genealogy but our records in general, learning more about our history and most important, learning about civics and how the Government Works and what the three branches of government are and what the responsibilities are as american citizens. Thats what im trying to figure out. [applause] we all are. I think we have, i know we have time now for questions from the audience and we would love to, im not sure where the microphone, there they are. There is a spotlight. Great. We really would like to hear from you. How about you start, with that microphone there. Thank you both for safeguarding the evidence of our history and especially for doing it with such style, grace, and good humor. I would especially like to thank you doctor hated for being an awesome mentor and teaching me everything i know about building inclusive and caring library communities. I enjoyed an incredible career because of your mentorship and i would just like to take this as an opportunity to thank you. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart for everything you do. [applause] thank you. I appreciate that. Thank you. [applause] hi. A week or two ago i read in the newspaper about trump ripping up his papers and i was wondering if either one or both of you wanted to weigh in on that end. [laughter] and that the president , the title. One of the fascinating jobs of the National Archives is to deal with transitions of administrations. There are about 4000 president ial appointees leaving and arriving at the same time. One of her jobs is to ensure the folks leaving are leaving behind their records and the other is to ensure those folks coming in are being trained about what the rules are. That includes all the executive branch stuff covered by the federal records act and all the president ial records act stuff, for those folks in the white house. This is the same with the startup of any administration that their system starts in the federal records act gives me much more authority than the president ial records act does in terms of what i can do. I do investigations and i have more teeth on the federal side with the agencies then on the president ial records side. I provide guidance. I can tell you that our communications with the white house are privileged, were not allowed to talk about them. And their communications with us are also privileged. I can tell you, however, every time i pick up the paper and read one of these things, whether it was this administration or the past, i learned about the secretary of states personal server reading it in the new york times, thats how i found out about it, its not just this administration, the administrations in general, every time Something Like that happens we launch a series of questions to verify what exactly is going on. Then we ask for permission, once we get resolution we asked for permission to post whatever the responses. If you go to the archives. Gov website and check our foia page you will see for each Administration Responses to questions that we have raised about just the kind of activity you are talking about. I cant say anything more about this particular incident but i learned about it when you did. I would like to ask about the safeguarding of the technology and the types of technology we are using. My name is mark miller and i am not a librarian, im a trustee at various levels. One of my advocacy roles i sit on the board at the library in virginia, which may be unofficially the only library older than the library of congress. And among the 50 state libraries, unofficially. [laughter] officially its not. Among the 50 state libraries there is an enormous wealth of information and if we find that the federal government, the library of congress, the archives and all the federal agencies are having a hard time with both funding and uniform method of technology, we also can understand those 50 states are on their own to create their own system of technology where so it poses the problem, how do we find a way to take what you are working on at the National Level and encourage or require or force or something to get the states to operate on that same technological system so that eventually you can filter its way down . I live in leesburg virginia, i have easy access to the archives and the library of congress, the vast majority of the country can never really physically get there, there they go to their states, and how is it to have a technological system so everybody could Work Together such that at the same time we dont, not trying to figure out some way that when the technology does change that we can migrate to a new system so that they are not all stuck with 3. 5 floppy disks and zip drives and stuff that will never be in use in the future. How do we work on all of that together to get the states essentially on board with the way you guys are working to protect our information digitally. For me its working with the council of state archivists. We meet on a regular basis and share best practices but also the Development Work we are doing is all open source tools so for meeting with the industry to educate them on the issues around Records Management those of the same issues the state archivists are dealing with in their recordkeeping and we made a commitment to the state archivists we will share all the tools that open source tools will be available for anyone who wants to use them. Terrific, thank you. Also working with khosla and some of the other state organizations as well. There are number of Networking Opportunities that will allow us to share platforms so we are all very involved in that. Hello. President trump uses twitter quite a bit. I was wondering how you are documenting his tweets for the future . You collect tweets . President obama for eight years tweeted so weve got a lot of experience with the Previous Administration on collecting tweets. We are capturing both streams, the real donald trump and focus and the deleted tweets. [applause] in terms of the technological capacity that you have to have and to go forward, are you doing historic and in the new thats in terms of some of those challenges that we face. We are certainly in response to this, the virginia question, we are certainly working very closely with other federal partners on cloud storage. Its clearly the future for us and the present, frankly. Hello. There was a video showing before this session that indicated the library of congress acquires 12,000 items a day, which i find it to be an incredible number. Can you tell us what are all those things roughly . [laughter] well, every working day the library of Congress Selects approximately 12,000 items, could be serial, periodicals, photographs film monograph all types of items the vast majority of the items are available because of the copyright deposit system. Where you might have about 20,000 items coming through the copyright deposit system, the library has in their Collection Management Department select materials from that as well as purchase and other things. Quite an enterprise. He mentioned the genealogists are the largest audience of the National Archives, with all the materials that you have, how do you go about prioritizing what you are digitizing . We are crowd sourced, we asked the Community Whats most important. We have a hit list of the records that the publix has told us are most important. We are heavily dependent on private funding to accomplish that. Theres not any government funding for that kind of work. Very often its matching up the right partner with the list of things that have been identified for digitization. Weve been very fortunate to have benefited from the support of an anonymous donor who is very interested in world war i, world war ii film and photograph. Which is always been high on our list of things to do. That was a good match. Its an ongoing process of finding the right donor and matching it with the priority list we have and that list is somewhere on our website if you go to archives. Gov somewhere, i cant tell you where. If you search you will find tried digitization priorities. Its a public list. And the library of congress has a list of collections to be digitized. I guess my question is really around truth and history and a question i have is, how are you capturing context and how are you ensuring that our archives represent everyones history instead of the history of just people who are in power right now . Can i jump in on that with context . I dont do context. We do context, in a different way. I mentioned don meacham, great historian, Doris Kearns Goodwin who was here, her book about team of rivals, with the scholars and historians do is take the actual things, as you know, and they provide the context and the Historical Perspective and using all types of sources so by making sure that the sources are there or collecting and thats where a lot of the curators and librarians are saying, this collection could be important to anyone that was going to be looking at b fill in the blank. The subject or this history or this culture. As with the collection Management Library librarians anda if were responsible for anything the government creates and unlike some other National Archives, we dont select good stories, only the good stories. We collect everything that is created and scheduled for delivery to us. This issue of truth is incredibly important and all the work that we do to follow up on what we see our potential violations of records laws goes to exactly to that point to ensure that we are to the best of our ability making sure that people are creating and maintaining and transferring to us the records as they are created, not adjusted, not deleted, not changed and thats our responsibility. When you think about if you go to mount vernon George Washingtons home, there is an exhibit there and it have Martha Washington and it shows you Martha Washington after George Washington died she took all the letters and put them in and burn them. Because she didnt want anyone and there is no letter that survived between george and Martha Washington because she didnt want that personal part to be exposed. Thats an interesting thing when you look at context or historical figures in history that, let me give you two examples of collections that im personally proud of the fact that we have saved them that these things have survived over time and we have them in our custody so we can learn from them. We have 377 treaties signed with the indian nations. That would be easily have been a collection that was that could have been destroyed because of embarrassment or whatever. These treaties are used today by tribal elders and tribal lawyers to settle water rights claims, land claims but they tell a horrible story of how our government treated native americans. Things that were promised of them quick things that were never delivered. Theres that whole body of record and the other is all the records around the japanese internment camps which tell a horrible story of how we treated germanamericans, japaneseamericans, some chineseamericans, in a way that is just in ainhumane. Another set of records that should been maintained and should serve as a lesson of our own history. Hello. I have a question about the citizen archivist and the citizen historian grams. If there is a big need for volunteers and those programs, and wondering the state Library Associations might be able to provide or mobilize some retired librarians that could help with that. I know Texas Library association has a roundtable of retired librarians that do things like that would be a good thing to draw upon. Its a great idea thank you. If there is a need, quite often people are participating in these programs that are very popular and there isnt a great need. There is a need. A great need. I will go home and do something about it. Thank you. We will follow up. [applause] hi, im a history librarian at Mississippi State and thanks for the shout out to the abmy question is, one of our biggest problems is helping students and researchers access primary sources who dont have the resources to drive institutions all over the world and all over the country. I was wondering if yall have ideas apart from digitization which requires tons of resources from institutions. If you have ideas or anything about how we can help students and researchers access all these resources . Digitizing is very helpful in terms of the actual collection but also the library of congress has a Program Teaching with primary resources. You actually have curriculums that connect you to whats digitized and you can connect to other sources as well. The smithsonian has put up a lot of educational aband archives. [laughter] being able to help educators with, not just enough to put it up there, but to actually have the curriculum guides, k12, also beyond, is one way we are really working on that. Then the 18 wheelers going into communities. You not to do that . The scanner bagel project. To actually go in and have staff and people that can work with School Groups and other people. We have acalled docs teach lesson plans are educators created. More excitingly, lesson plans that teachers who are using the documents have created. There is a community of teachers that works around the docs teach site to share information about best practices in the classroom. Cool. Hi. Im a librarian and i work at a 9 to 12 grade boarding school in connecticut. I spend a lot of time educating our students and teachers about fair use and copyright and bibliographies and trying to make sure they do all the stuff theyre supposed to do. I was concerned when i heard about the possibility of the Copyright Office moving away from llc and i didnt know if there was news about if that was still good to happen or if everything is safe and wonderful and staying with the library of congress. We do utilize resources at the library of congress and narrow for a lot of things we do. Right now the Copyright Office is still being administered by the library of congress and any movement on changing that is on hold basically. Waiting on congress. In the meantime, what we are working on is modernizing the copyright process. I see you put a thumbs up, theres a lot of work to be done there. Whatever happens the copyright process needs to be modernized, easier for people to register and to record. When i say record means, record their rights, transferring, especially in the digital age. We are really busy trying to do that. And support financially, physically, to work on that modernization effort. So where it lives is really secondary to what it does and how it does it. Thats what we are working on now. Thank you. Another thumbs up. [applause] hello, my name is alfred powell, and from arichmond Public Schools and i want to first of all thank you all for sharing and giving us new enlightenment on the division and the actual responsibilities of both entities. Secondly, doctor hayden, making library of Congress Open for all populations opportunity for information, something you shared a long time ago and i see it manifesting in your work there. Also for those may be in virginia a resource called immediately a that you can tap right into the library of congress, archives, smithsonian all in one platform and so many other entities to give you full access so i know virginia has it, i dont know about their rights of privilege for other people but thats a resource. My question is, as an elementary librarian in richmond, how i get my kids into the macaroni and cheese and the overnight stay . We are working on it. We give them opportunities for exposure, how do we a [multiple speakers] if you go to the archives. Gov website. [laughter] youll find announcement of the next one coming up which is october 14 i believe. We do twice a year, october and february. Its open to 100 kids, 8 to 12 years old. They have to have an adult with them. All right, we could do it. Thank you. The pressure is on. No macaroni and cheese. [multiple speakers] may be hot dogs too. And weve got to think about that, organic. [laughter] because Thomas Jefferson was a foodie and had a garden. We are working on hours. We are going to get that going. Please let us know and keep in touch. Librarian llc. Gov. Thank you so much, appreciate it. I would like to know, has President Trump mentioned where he might want to have his president ial Library Museum someday . Thats a great question. We get regular phone calls from around the country from press asking that same question. Usually press in florida. [laughter] as far as i know, no decision has been made. An indication, perhaps, when barbara bush passed he announced that he planned to be buried in new jersey at the golf course so if he plans to be buried at the side of his library, may be an early indication, i dont know. I was going to ask you about that, Abraham Lincoln went. Hi david, calvin russo from michigan. What you do in michigan . Them on the Library Board for comstock relationship in your effort to continue the legacies of the president s. This is an interesting dynamic. You have the federal government, private foundation and the family working together to preserve the legacy of an administration and the family in these now 14 sites across the country that are part of the National Archives. There is an Advisory Group that was kind of dormant when i arrived and it was important to me as i was going around meeting my staff and meeting the folks in the foundation that we develop a better working relationship so that we can share best practices and leverage the work thats being done around the country in each of these institutions. And to get them to Work Together not only my own directors but to Work Together more productively as the group. We need usually try to meet twice a year once in washington and once at one of the sites, to talk about most recently talking about the reform plans, consolidation classified information in washington, rather than in the president ial library. In some staff reductions in the president ial libraries. Its important for me as a communication tool these are the most complex of our relationships because its a stewardship kind of responsibility getting a disparate group of folks even within some of the families a disparate Group Getting them to work with the federal government. Oh my god, the federal government, and the private foundation. Another thing that i spend a lot of time on but its been very a thank you for the compliments, its been very productive. So when there is a president like lincoln, how do you deal with the ongoing. I dont. [laughter] already. [laughter] i have enough to worry about. The Abraham Lincoln association. Like the Ulysses S Grant historical. Lincoln is a good example, he is everywhere. We have some lincoln, youve got lincoln, the Lincoln Library has lincoln. I think the lady in the green. Hi. I had a question about Staff Development. As you continue to shift your priorities toward digitalization, how will your priorities and Staff Development . Both organizations have huge staff. I was just curious to hear your thoughts on priorities and Staff Development and what you will look for in the staff in the future . Actually, the library of congress has to have Staff Development and training, the technology, but also archival message and conservation and preservation. If that balance between thats going on at the same time so thats a big part of it having the technology also retrofitting some staff member skills that started out in helping them with the technology skills. This can be both and i know yours is very constitutional. Hominy staff . 3200 approximately. Rebuilding fort meade packard center. Okay. Here we go. We wont go there. A lot. I heard. Its clear that the set of competencies we are looking for is shifting. Its a double prong kind of approach in terms of working with their own staff to develop to help them develop the kinds of skills that they need to be successful in a digital environment and also recruiting folks who are coming in to the skills. Thats a process thats been going on for 10 years long before i got there but certainly the situation at the new york public and even before that when i was in my that this future and building to that, our Strategic Plan and the National Archives Strategic Plan before goals and most important goal to me is the fourth goal which is build our future to our staff so theres a commitment from the top to ensure that we are most importantly training and retraining our own staff as well as recruiting new folks who are bringing in that kind of skill. Just on a quick personal note, i went to school and worked in dc in the 80s and some of the most inspired moments took place during research at lc and at the National Archives, memories that will never go away. My question is, i know that the National Archives has a program by using wikipedia to get true history truthful history out to the public and i wondered if you would talk about that a little bit and then i will put doctor hayden on the spot and find out if elsie is gonna start doing the same. Had been a huge fan of wikipedia since my time at duke when i discovered an entry, somebody had done an entry on me. Was it correct . It was over the top. It was embarrassingly over the top. I couldnt figure out how you find out who writes who did it and i was embarrassed that people would think i wrote this thing. Then i watch the editorial process with people commenting and how it got changed i got fascinated with this whole thing. When i went to the New York Public Library, i started to recognize the value of wikipedia and ornament to you newt abwhen i went to new york i got even more interested in it and encouraged our curators are folks processing collections to go in and add links in wikipedia to the new york Library Collections to draw people back into the library. I remember my favorite example at new york public was at the library abfor the performing arts, a processor had finished processing the abwanted to wikipedia and had a lincoln within an hour she had a flaming email from a faculty member at northwestern, i believe, about who had created the site and the wikipedia site and how dear you go in and change and suggest changes to my work. I was really proud of her because she flamed right back at him. Telling him that she had the collection in front of her. This is the truth. The value of linking was something that i really believed in, firmly believed in. When it came to washington was another opportunity to think about how can we, one of my greatest concerns from the very beginning is still greatest concern, where like the best kept secret in washington can best kept secret in the world, people dont know about the National Archives. They dont know about the richness of the records and collections. So how can we expose more and more people to what we are doing and wikipedia was one of of course one of the things that i wanted people to start linking all of our records to items in wikipedia. So we hired the First Federal wikipedia residence. I stole this kid was a graduate student at simmons to be the wikipedia residence, who is still our wikipedia in residence. He dropped out of school, i had to apologize to his parents, his mother, he dropped out of school to do this fulltime. His work with the staff to educate them, change the culture around attitudes toward wikipedia and we have now have, for me its all about eyeballs. We get about 7 million hits to our catalog a year this is 2017 data as they are about almost 5000 articles in wikipedia that rely heavily on National Archives content. 1. 7 billion hits last year. [applause] this is why am such a huge fan of wikipedia. I speak at wikipedia conferences and if youre going to wikipedia and search seersucker and look at the images. You will find me. [laughter] and thats a growth area for me personally but the library of congress has always been involved in doing quite a lot. It does help to add what you know is correct authoritative content to wikipedia and so the librarians are very involved in that and making sure that they are part of it too. We have time for one more question before we have to break off. Hello. Id like to applaud the american Library Association and the National Archives for recognizing diversity. Especially in the form of gender diversity women. Id like to acknowledge the fact that doctor hayden is the first africanamerican National Librarian and we also have another leader at the Jimmy Carter Library in atlanta, doctor meredith evans. I really would like to applaud the association for recognizing that leadership does come in different forms. [applause] thank you. Thank you so much. [applause] i really want to thank all of you for being here because we enjoy being together, working together, we have a rather colleague tony mark scheer from new york public and david score in absentee but you should know that we are working together and trying to make sure that a its great to have carl in washington. Its like a breath of fresh air. The future is rosie. [applause] thank you all. [applause]. [music] that concludes our look at some of the programs in our archives with the library of congress, carla hayden. You can watch any abductor hayden several appearances on booktv by visiting our website booktv. Org and searching her name. Cnn chief legal analyst toobin weighs in on the Mueller Investigation and impeachment of President Trump. More Schedule Information online or consult your program guide. Host thank you so much for being here, debora mackenzie. Much of your work over the years i was delighted to read your book which is the first that youve done in this way. Guest the first that ive written. Host it must have been challenging to create such a factual

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