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The record about the issues that matter to you from covid and classrooms, to Police Reform and emigration. Its the chance to speak directly to you now your moderator nbc ten boston anchor latoyia edwards. Moderator welcome to the shias Democratic Senate debate. Were at the center. We like to thank our guests particular into nights event. Well start with the incumbent senator ed markey. He starred messages is in the ascendant since 2013. Before the he served massachusetts seventh district in the house of representatives 1976. We also welcome congressman joe kennedy. He served massachusetts Fourth District ten story 13. Before that he served as an assistant District Attorney in the das office and Middlesex Das office. Where following social distance a guideline to jacuzzi drank to nights debate. Everyone including the candidates are spread out more than six feet apart and our panelists are not in the studio with us. Here they are. They are in different locations in the boston be deceptive. They are grace gomez, tim, and alison king. Before we get started here are the rules for two nights debate. Both candidates will get one minute for questions directed to the both of them. Rebuttals at my discretion. They would get 452nd for individual questions with a 30second rebuttal with a rapidfire round pick up into the eating they will both have one minute for closing statements. You can join in right now on this debate use hashtag masendebate. Going tough to come this that store market would get the first question. Over the past two weeks the campaign has turned ugly. The Kerry Campaign called off a fundraiser when the broadway stars were scheduled to appear canceled after they were called on twitter by your supporters. Some were subjected to Cyber Bowling for isis was tweaked and theyre pretty nasty. What steps have you your campaign taken to put an end to this. Markey a lot of young people put up the pictures of themselves. When they were in the theater in high school to talk about the issues they felt were important to the broadway stars. For them they wanted to tell all of those people that alexandria ocasiocortez had endorsed me, that i was the cosponsor of the Green New Deal with alexandria and that had caused the revolution a focus on Climate Change in our country. It was talk about the seizures. It was raising this concern about our planet and the partnership with alexandria ocasiocortez and not just creating a moment but improvement which has changed the way in which our entire country use the issue of climate crisis. Moderator congressman kennedy your 30 seconds to respond. Kennedy thanks for tuning in. I dont think thats what happened at all. There were supporters of mine there that try to put together an event that were targeted. One of his supporters literally tweeted that bullying works. Look, this is an issue not just because of what we saw at this event is been a bit of history. His supporters have targeted share of Steve Thompson won the highest profile black elected officials in the state are they gone after my colleagues in the house of representatives. Moderator thats time but we want to do turn to you. Congressman kennedy, what you like the tactics about. All of the broadway stars back to articulate more about who you were challenging. Is issue less about cyberbullying than the lukewarm support for your Campaign Among young progressives . Im not at all. Im proud of the sport we have from young progressives and weve had from the beginning in this race. Thats why cut industries because i believe more than anything young progressives believe in change and in the when you Stronger Leadership to deliver it. Mechanical we can back to a bro. An essential worker who couldnt earn a living which. 150,000 lives lost a covid19. Was a country that led george floyd type is politicians that would went off to wash and a thought they could legislate from afar telling their Community Faculty what was best for them rather than asking what to do to make sure they can reach their dreams. Thats why im running to make sure weve leaders that are connected to our communities will fight for them every single day and thats what we need change. Moderator we will let the center respond. Markey thank you. The Sunrise Movement which is the heart of the Green New Deal have rallied to my site. They are young people in college and high school and middle schools just rallying all across the state all across the country. On top of that the league of conservation voters, the sierra club, the human rights campaign, the lgbtq groups have sided with me. Theyve endorsement in this race as has naral, as that planned parenthood. This is a movement built around the progressive groups and a country but led by john people who rally because of this climate crisis. Moderator thank you for that. We want to let the congressman address this one more time. Kennedy of course those workstations have a toshiba are they endorse incumbents. Almost all of them have endorsement of your race ive had come to the unit who was also endorsed me . Over 60 different labor unions. Not National Organizations. Local want to know his vote and was best. Why . Because they know in a fight for economic dignity, and if i can try to make sure every county will be able to compete, food on the plate a roof over their head and i will be the champion. Thats why im in this race and thats why we need change. Markey theres a reason why the massachusetts teachers have endorsement. Thats 150,000 teachers across the state because they know i side with the jumpy advocate and education they need. The same thing is true for 32 bj, those are the janitors interested. Those of the frontline workers who need help the most. They are backing in this race. Moderator we know you both passionate about this. Lets move on to my colleague alison king. The next round of questions, allison. Congressman kennedy you just touch on this briefly but you been asked the question many times, why are you in this race . For much you provide a variety of answers but its still unclear to some. To clarify, why did you decide to target the ascendant or who was authored one the boldest democratic proposal this pastor, the Green New Deal and is considered one of the sentence most reliable progressive voters . 45 seconds. Kennedy because i believe theres more to being a senator particularly senator from massachusetts than just the bilge about the votes that you cast. Lets look at the 2010 election cycle. This is when republicans at a house, and presidency, Supreme Court justices, that wasnt a massive time or time for major progressive legislating. What else could you do . I went around the country try to campaign for other democrats that we could regain control and pass progressive agenda. Senator markey went nowhere. He wasnt at home either. He talked to folks around weston massachusetts, talk to folks like roxbury in springfield and worcester and he wasnt there. Theres so much more that is needed at this moment that just somebody who files the right bill and says thats enough. Senator markey, d care to respond to that . Markey when i see and justice i fight to fix it. I just dont talk about change. I need to change. Thats been my career. Thats the Green New Deal. Thats medicare for all. Thats ensuring that we do the research on can safety. Thats my law. Thats breaking of the telecommunications monopolies and making sure the internet is on the desk of every student, rich and poor in our country. Its why the District Attorney of the boston your time is up but agenda question for you. You have been in washington for more than four decades. People know your name and your record. Massachusetts incumbents typically dont face serious primaries. Why is it you are perceived to be vulnerable in a for joe kennedy and others have dropped out of the race to try to push you out . Markey i can only run as a markey from malden. My father drove a truck for the mill company. I drove a truck to work my way as a commuter through Boston College. I was a first in my family to go to college. I had the Student Loans that i had to carry on my back in december i know that kids today all the cost the commonwealth have to do the same. Why would you seen as vulnerable . Markey he has every right to run but im running on my record of the white him, and my record of leadership and passing the big bills come in making the big changes in our country that are necessary and i think my record is what is right now leading to this incredible momentum which is been behind my campaign because im running on the issues important to the people in the commonwealth. Congressman kennedy i would like to respond. Kennedy 50. His record deserves examination. Senator markey oppose the integration of the boston public schools. Senator markey voted for mass incarceration. Senator markey voted them would join republican immigration axioms to fight against Obama Administration cited decreased the number of detention beds. He supported or tried to ban access to thwart the concision amendment to ban access to abortion. Senator markey voted for the iraq war. That is all part of his record and that is up for debate at a thing when it comes to the question of whose progressive in this race that record thank you. I will send it back to latoya. I know you want to jump in but i will give you 15 seconds to respond but we have to get to the issue that a buddy, well come to wichita about, real quick try to hes attacking on a vote when he cast the same vote on the same policy. So give me a break, coxswain. You took the same position. Where we differ where you voted to hollow out puerto rico, cut their education, healthcare, housing and other programs. You took a vote that harm puerto rico in a serious way. Moderator i see both the shaking her head. Hold it right there. I see the passion energy. Red ticket to the coronavirus and a promise you will get back to that and have lets turn to dash everybody cares about the coronavirus and didnt get my colleague has a question on that topic. Grace. Good evening. Im going to ask you both this question in spanish and english. [speaking spanish] its a question every parents might did send a child back to school september. What you stand on the fall semester and what is your advice for parents . Congressman kennedy we will start with you. 60 seconds. Kennedy thank you. [speaking spanish] isil of deep reservations about sending my kids to school and thats it i would not do it. Our schools need more assistance think thats why i voted for and support the heroes act which includes 3 3 trillion of sup. Including newly 900 billion for states and municipalities. To do things like hire more teachers, provide access to more sanitation measures and resources, to make sure we can create a safe place for our kids. Until we do, i think every parent is going to feel conflicted as i get. Thank you. Senator markey, you have 60 seconds. Markey only if its safe. The safety will be determined by science, and the science isnt a date. Its the data. Donald trump, Mitch Mcconnell are blocking any help them would go back to the communities so they dont have to lay off teachers. So they have the testing, they have contact tracing, they have the personal protective equipment to be able to say its safe. And moreover, its my legislation that is a law that put the internet on the desk of every child in our country, thats my long right now, and im going to be fighting for 4 billion additional dollars to make sure kids get it at all. Because right now unbelievably 12 million American Kids do not have the internet at home and thats going to lead to a homework gap, going to lead to learning gap, thats going to lead to an opportunity gap for the kids for the rest of the lies. Im going to be leading the fight on the floor of the senate over the next to make sure they get all the funding they need for the teachers and the kids. Moderator thank you grace. We talked about schools for moment. This question is for the both of you. Its regarding a letter grade. Senator markey how do you rate the job congressman kennedy has been handling the Coronavirus Crisis for his constituents in terms of fighting for the sake involving a frontline workers stay most money and economic stability . One minute. Markey i can, the congressman has worked very hard again for his constituents and ive worked very hard for my constituents. I fought successfully to add a program or 250 billion in order to make sure that there would be a funding for the gig workers interstate. We have a quarter million gig workers otherwise would get no Unemployment Insurance whatsoever. I fought very hard and successfully to make sure we would have 150 billion hospitals in the state of massachusetts. I fought successfully heartening with Elizabeth Warren and the alaska republican delegation to add 300 million for Disaster Relief for the fisherman in our state. So on issue after issue i stood up and fought and delivered for the people of massachusetts in the coronavirus packages thus far and my job will be on the senate floor in an epic battle with Mitch Mcconnell and republicans over the next two weeks to make sure the additional helper goes in that the healthcare is the right one in our state. Moderator you didnt give a a grade. We will get congressman kennedy right now. How do you rate the job senator markey is to handling the Coronavirus Crisis . , i think is been fighting as well. I dont doubt his concern for our constituents. We both that seen in oce impact this has had on people across the commonwealth. I will say in the midst of the coronavirus i suspended my political campaign. We raise over 100,000 to support local organizations because we knew then you disagree. To try to write meals and additional resources. The senator didnt. Theres an awful lot more that can be done again that just the votes and bills you far. Im not going to i think senator has worked for hard for his constituents but lets be clear the reason why we been able to deliver more for our community is because when democrats in control of the house of representatives. That enabled us to set the framework of this debate. Mitch mcconnell and donald trump knew they had to go through nancy pelosi and house democrats. I i was campaign to make sure we could flip that house last cycle. Senator markey literally went nowhere. This medicine because you collect frequent flyer miles but if you believe in the change when you get to go out and fight for it. Moderator want to switch focus to we want to turn to the topic of Police Reform and social justice. Both of you gone , record is a k lives matter. But specifically look at your actions per give us specifics of what you done and what you will do to show that black lives matter. This is for both the you. 60 seconds, first you senator markey. Markey thank you. Well, when i was a state legislator in the 70s there was no black senate seat in massachusetts. I had to make a a decision to e on the Democratic State leadership to make sure there was a black senate seat and they did. It hurt my career but thats why bill owens who became that first black state senator from massachusetts his endorsement and doors monday the led the effort in the house of representatives, that was a tough fight. Im partnering with Elizabeth Warren and with Ayanna Pressley to repeal qualified immunity which is a protection which Police Officers receive even if they have wrongfully murdered an innocent individual. Thats what we saw in the floyd kiss. I parked and what i Ayanna Pressley to make sure we have transit fees that are free in boston. Social justice is making sure, 30,000 or less, less, 30 of income goes to paying for transportation cost. In each and every one of his issues and partnering with cory booker on his overall, the next act i am is only cosponsored overall the criminal justice moderator lets bring in, can do the same question. Give us specifics of what youve done and what you will do to show that black lives matter. Kennedy latoya, when i was asked to give the response does all transfer state of the union with that national platform, i was one of the first democrat to declare that black lives matter. Elizabeth part of my work from the very first moment and congress and the first of my past of an Educational Opportunity to my work with Mental Health care and Maternal Health good as when the founding members of the black maternal maternal caucused in washington i cosponsored legislation and support legislation voted for legislation like the george for jessica policing act, the builder was led by the Congressional Black Caucus that sets the framework for the beginning of this work ive authored legislation to meet issue told Police Officers accountable. Ive worked hand in hand with the premise family for massachs that knows this paint directly come the dj henry family. They have become dear friends because of the work ive done with them after their son was senselessly murdered by Police Officer in new york nearly ten years ago. Moderator thank you. I want to push back. Lets get real for a moment. There are people like klezmer supporters, black and brown people watching right now, black mothers like me or look and saying in this time of social justice, representation, optics matter. Its or then come you clearly have laid out your records but they seek to white men vying for use senate seat represent massachusetts, and summit asked listen, you dont understand maybe the worry your husband will not return home eating everyday that eats each at you. You dont understand the worry your daughter may be the next Breonna Taylor shot dead inside her own hope your cue to understand the black trend worry about killings that are not being solved right now come pick unity there. Why is your voice the right voice in this moment . Sender, i will have you speak directly to the committee right now. Markey thank you. We are at a moment when justice is needed. The soul of our country is on fire. We need justice, justice for black and brown families. We need criminal justice overhaul. We need to overall our police system. We need an Environmental Justice, educational justice, healthcare justice. Thats medicare for all thats making sure that the child care, the leave is therefore the essential workers who were clearly those forsaking all going out every single day. Traffic i apologize for cutting off. Keep with time. Congressman, same time. Kennedy thank you latoyia. First off i like to say those concerns are right. Of Course Experience matters. Lets be very clear as you pointed we are both too privileged white in and i certainly extremely privileged. The question then is, how will the course of our campaigns and and or service can we demonstrate the fact that we can want to acknowledge our difference and fight to actually make sure those voices are heard. In the words of my college Ayanna Pressley that those closest to the paint have a chance and seat at the table to actually inform that policy. The fact that moderator sorry, i know youre both so passionately to talk about all day, so were going to continue the conversation but expand on it a bit with my colleague tim. Is a question of Police Reform. This one for congressman kennedy. Thank you latoyia. Good evening to him. You just mention congressman jeffries and ability put forward. He put the bill forward in 2015 months after eric garner step in your city, the bill banning chokehold by police cosponsored at the dump when when democrats in the house. Similar bills introduced in 2018, again last year and unity. You can cosponsored any of those bills until last month. What do you see now this summer that you didnt see when garner was choked and killed by police six years ago . , its a great question. The bill i reference with hiking jeffries isabel about lowering the standard for civil rights abuses which is a different issue but regardless, i stand by the record when it comes to holding Police Officers a campbell. As i said ive worked hand in glove with the henry family trying to make sure there was, in fact, justice for dj after he was killed in the Police Involved shooting by Police Officers. In Westchester County new york. My work on criminal Justice Reform his work ive been proud of and have the work ive been able to do with mr. Jeffries, with the members of the black caucus as well. The fact ive been able to be endorsed by people like congressman john lewis who served 25 years with senator markey. Store market, want to give you an opportunity to weigh in. Markey we need fundamental criminal justice overall. Thats why cory booker not vintages the next step act and thats just change sensing how we we have to do that. Congressman kennedy back in 2015 voted to send military weapons to the streets of our country, to the place in our country. Now he says that he doesnt take deposition in a longer period but from my perspective the question is, is that conviction or is it political convenience which has led to the change of the position of the congressman . Senator markey, i want to read a court. The quotas you might might be known for some things anytime and office, Racial Justice and criminal justice is not one of them. Your opponent said that the less month and looked back on your record, struggle to find any Police Reform initiative you have championed. You oppose bussing to desegregate often public schools. Would you say you are proud of your record on racial and criminal justice . Markey very proud of my record and thats why i can dish it attorney of austin has endorsed me, its why dan, the mayor of the lords has endorsement in this race and its why again bill owens who was at the original black state senator from massachusetts, i stood up and rest my career and order to vacuum in that effort have black senate seat in massachusetts. So on all of those issues and today the fight to repeal qualified immunity which is something that Ayanna Pressley is leading in the house, im leaving with Elizabeth Warren in the senate, in order to make sure we give adjusted to families in our country also to overhaul the sentencing guidelines for crack cocaine versus powdered cocaine. Congressman kennedy, i see your reasoning. This one and the previous one if you like respond to both. Kennedy thank you. A couple of things to clarify the record. Senator markey attacks on me, senator markey voted to great at 1033 program that he now criticized me for voting. He voted to create it. Look, these allegations here, this is why people get discouraged and politics and why they want change. The bottom line is while he he d he was there advocating for the first act under africanamerican states and he was advocating to keep against bussing and integration of boston public schools. He rails against mass incarceration at this point or three strikes but he voted for mass incarceration and still to this date has yet to apologize for that vote. Thank you. Latoyia. Moderator thank you. Markey i did not vote, i did not vote, i did not vote to militarize the street of the country. I did not cast that vote. That is not true. That did not happen. Moderator thank you for your passion on this topic. The question from a view on criminal Justice Reform. Ask them what they plan to do about all of the defund the Police Movement or senator markey do support Defunding Police departments . Markey i believe that it is absolutely imperative we just reimagine what we are doing in our country. We need more money for health care, for education do we need more money to you our country and not to imprison our country. We have 5 of the worlds population and we have one quarter all the prisoners in the world are in prison in the United States. We are 5 of the World Population to one in three women in the world are behind bars in the United States. We just have to change our system. We dont need more law enforcement. We need more prevention. We need more healthcare. We need more education. We need for job training in our country. We just have to change the framework which we have. We owe an apology to whole all generation of africanamerican young men because weve not provided them with the resources they need in order to maximize their godgiven abilities and that is our responsibility. In the years had to make sure we just dismantle the existing Economic System criminal Justice System we have in our country to make sure that it works for those people. Moderator same question to you. You get one minute as well. Do you support Defunding Police department . Kennedy we had to completely reimagine how we police in the country. One of my main areas of focus has been structural overhaul to her Mental Health care system. Because i saw how this country criminalizes Mental Health and Substance Abuse disorder. Latoyia the two largest provider of Mental Health care in this country are the jails in los angeles and chicago. You talk to the sheriffs around the state, the folks who runner jails, they will tell you on any given night between 8090 of incarcerated individuals are suffering from Substance Abuse disorder or mental illness. We have agreed a Healthcare System that says we dont know where else people should go and so we lock them up. I was that he homeless camp that is a permanent camp right off of route two the other day. A young man had had a heart attack on thursday. He was back in that camp on saturday morning because he said that was the only place that he felt comfortable to be. What an indictment on our system. Thats where the focus needs to be, caring for people. Moderator i did want to know both of you said reimagine, not defund, so thats the take with them is. Well take a quick 62nd break. Theres also much more to get to punish is important you and your family including Immigration Reform plus taking a look at the records very closely as well as their views on Climate Change and will have some rapidfire questions. Read before but never open up you can come hold it up to your screen for this qr codes of more about the candidates and their views. It will take you to our website we are back for you in one minute. Moderator welcome back everyone to the messages as Democratic Senate primary debate im latoyia edwards. Much more to get to with our guest senator markey and congressman joe kennedy as both hope to persuade you to vote for them september first which is just over five weeks away. We will shift gears to the topic of immigration. First question from grace gomez. Gentlemen this question is again for both of you all start with congressman kennedy. Im going to ask both in spanish and english. [speaking spanish] [speaking spanish] recipients of temporary protected status or tps as well as dreamers are hanging by a thread in the United States. They pay their taxes, have a work permit most Business Owners in massachusetts and most constantly renew the status to stay in this country. Congressman kennedy and you make a clear commitment tonight to them about the future, and if so how you going to do it . You have 60 seconds. Kennedy [speaking spanish] this is one of the reasons why i focus on companies that Immigration Reform in washington because we need a system that reflects our house. Comprehensive Immigration Reform. We can close when president obama put out those principles when this and had a vetoproof majority and we couldnt get there in the house. Its one of the reason why i have kept going so hard to try to provide that change we need in order to push these changes to repair and each to be a priority of what of come of President Biden and if im elected to the said i will ensure that this is going to do what other priorities and i will not rest until we are able to deliver on that change. In the midst of that debate senator markey joined with republicans and immigration extremists to come siding with the detention beds rather than a immigration thank you very much. Senator markey, same question to you. 60 seconds. Markey again, congressman, just give me a break. You cast the same exact policy. Kennedy not true. Markey the issue to raising the certain important. Whether its daca, tps, immigration, reform in general, that has to be the top of the agenda. We have 11 Million People in this country, all of them next year should be placed on a pathway to citizenship. Thats my goal. If i go back to the United States senate, im going to fight to make sure that everyone of those 11 trillion people, not just daca, not just tps, the have to be that they had to get the protections which they deserved but we have to have comprehensive immigration policy. We just cant have ice out there as a police force trying to grab people in the middle of the net out of the top of a tripledecker in lawrence. Rep to let them know they are safe and that is why the massachusetts immigration and Refugee Agency gave me their because they know the priority that i place on this issue. I do it to push back because the comprehensive Immigration Reform, congressman kennedy mentioned, happened happen to. Ever since then the immigration keener to hear hasnt had really anything solid. So instead of focusing on the Immigration Reform as a whole, what are you both willing to do for the tps and the dreamers who are really the only step that they need is to get the citizenship or everything else. What are you going to do for that, congressman kennedy . Kennedy in order to get there we need change because what weve seen is the falcons are not willing to do this. I engage with republican colleagues in negotiations over two years ago, last cycle to go to get this across the finish line and the republican members were plagued by speaker ryan and Republican Leadership yet again. We need change to deliver on this change because we have seen the public is are not going to deliver on it. You need to have, that shouldnt be news anybody. You have to go out and fight for it and i have the i been done to the board on multiple occasions. Moderator we will continue on this topic but we want to bring in my colleague tim from the newsroom and this question for both of you. Tim. You both have been to our southern border. Yet taken pictures and send for your own eyes. Children in cage, thousands of families have been separated and other stories making the headlines these days are rightw tonight more than 300 children are still in i. C. E. Custody away from their families and while at the sosa systems at the risk of contracting covid19. Senator markey mention this top of the agenda. What he doing now to end this have been Something Like this from happening again . Markey you mention my three trips to the border to see those kids will in cages. Heartbreaking. We now have two fumigate donald trump out of the white house. He is a racist president. He says is going to make America Great again but hes just making america hate again and he puts immigrants in the crosshairs so that hate comes out. We have to get rid of Mitch Mcconnell as majority leader and the next year our agent has to be topoftheline, President Biden giving his inaugural address first thing up to make sure they rev and immigration bill that gets a pathway to citizenship for every one of these individuals so they dont have to worry in his locker. Has to be what we are doing in order to give those families hope right now and i can tell you that i am going to fight as i have been every single day. Same question to you, congressman kennedy. What is your plan . Kennedy tim, a couple things. One, i have to take issue, senator markey continues to try to muddy the water so it doesnt have to respond. He voted with republican extremists against president obama come against present obama and Congressional Hispanic Caucus to try to actually provide more detention beds to housing immigrants. Thats a doctor hes trying to muddy that with government funding vote that happen to live every democrat voted for. Those are not the same thing. Its why we need more than just somebodys somebody that vote the right way. Ive been down to the southern port of multiple times that the difference is that no effect on trump was going to solve this problem can we raise nearly 250,000 to provide funding for Legal Services agencies to sue the federal government to release the skids and unite those hamster because as a representative you can do more than just signed a letter and try to convince Stephen Miller that he fact is wrong on immigration. Its why i joined with mr. Chabot mr. Jayapal. Its why theres so much more we can do to vote the right way try to again, just to clarify, congressman kennedy cast the vote on the same policies and the same language and he voted for it. But moreover, just like to make this clear, even last august when trump was deporting kids with cancer, immigrants and a country from massachusetts and other states can i organize with Ayanna Pressley to stop that. We force donald trump to back down because its wrong to take children and adults were sick and being given treatment and the country, try the Deportation Police come in and take them out of the country. I took them on. I thought trump your key back down and it is very rare trump backs to him but he had to back down because of the leadership that i was providing Ayanna Pressley. Moderator okay. Lets get to the elephant in the room. You been talking about. Senator markey this week members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus slammed you as being the only progressive to vote against a 2013 bill that preserved a quarter for immigrant detention beds in isis to lose. How do you square that with what youve said about immigration on the campaign trail and, frankly, what you said this evening . Markey again unless it once again. Congressman kennedy is attacking me on a vote on the very same language embracing policy that congressman kennedy voted for himself. Later on that you he did the same thing. Thats not an issue where we disagree. We disagree on a vote which congressman kennedy cast twice which is hollowing out puerto rico, its educational system, its health care system, housing system, the university of Puerto Rico May go under and congressman kennedy had the decision to make. And twice he voted for the bondholders to receive their payment and not for the people of puerto rico. He now says thats not his position. Thats just in my opinion the change of not a conviction but political convenience. Moderator lets give the congressman 30 seconds to respond. Kennedy folks, if there ever was an example of what we need change in washington it is a ise exchange you just heard. It is the politics of the past and it does not work. Senator markey joint, theres a reason why four members of hispanic caucus blasted senator markey because i voted with him and he didnt. Because he speaks now about the values of immigration yet had a chance to stand with the immigrant community and chose not to, chose to end up providing more resources to adult home presidency to detain more immigrants. Thats not right and i stood strong against it from day one. Markey what he is saying is just not acted. He did the exact same thing. Moderator came to respond directly to the firmament . The criticism is there. Youre canvassing one thing about senator markey. His canvassing you also voted for this legislation can you answer that . It included the exact same quote. Why did you take the vote . Kennedy latoyia, thank you. Lets get this clear on the record. There was a vote that came up about immigration that detention policy. A standalone vote. Senator markey join with a handful of conservative democrats and republicans, and keep in mind this was as grace pointed out in the midst of discussion about comprehensive Immigration Reform. He stood with republicans against the Obama Administration can obama gave instructions he would veto this vote or at least railed against this vote note e voted with republicans against obama. Because of that vote, to come wrapped up in an overall funding bill to Fund Government months later. Every democrat including barack obama voted for and barack obama cited. But it got put into because it passed because people like senator markey voted for to begin with. Trachea i deserve to build the come back to this because he voted for in a big package. I voted for in a big bill as well, but if you want to vote against it, you know, a year later when the wasnt going to be released for daca kids, i voted against the entire appropriations bill. If that was his conviction he shouldve voted no piety didnt picky voted yes in the very same language is in there. Again, give me a break, congressman. Thats just absolutely not. Kennedy the multiple members of hispanic caucus that criticize you not me. Your campaign then went after them individually after they criticized you. You could take it up with them. The criticism the fact your campaign decided to go after them speaks volumes about the liability you feel about this. I understand why you would like to muddy the record to you in the midst of an overall discussion on comprehensive Immigration Reform. You also in the tough senate race. You took a vote that ended up not being the one that is think many of you with one member of the house delegation from massachusetts that voted that way, the only one. Moderator thank you trent i just have to clarify just for the record, later on same here. Same but congressman kennedy voted for in the big package as well, so ultimately its a nonissue. We voted for the same way which is why we should be talking about and what he did to hollow out puerto rico because we have tens of thousands of people here in massachusetts because of it and what it has done to puerto rico. Moderator go ahead. Touch briefly on puerto rico. Kennedy it was a bill that is a devastating cuts which is in puerto rico. I follow the lead of our lives in the house of representatives who came to me directly and said it was either promesse or no help at all. That was a choice. Im one of very few democratic colleagues that a push signed on to bill to for a nimitz to promesa to ensure people are puerto rico get access to the services and resources they need. Ive been leading the fight to ensure there is equity with regard to Health Care Funding and overalls for puerto rico. Moderator we have to hold a writer and switch our focus come we appreciate the energy of want to talk about something differently. Alison king has the next question. Will switch gears. Congressman kennedy when youre at Stanford University you join the kappa alpha fraternity, this is a fraternity that is been called up over the decades are racist behavior. The spiritual leader of the fraternity was intended to be confederate commander robert e. Lee. Last august that use before announcing your u. S. Senate bid you disaffiliated from kappa alpha. Why did you choose alpha to begin with and why didnt you just affiliate it in a much more public way a long time ago . Kennedy thank you. Look, i wish i had but the reality is that the chapter at stanford had almost no relationship with the National Organization and had none of the behaviors or traditions of that National Organization. It was a diverse place with, across race and color and creed and nationality. What i learned about it in the time afterwards, clearly, my situation there was a mistake and that, publicly and taken responsibility for that. Led a group of former classmates to discipline. The difference on this is i have taken responsibility for action and wish i could go back and tell my 18 year old me was going to be a mistake. I will let senator markey touch on this. Markey i was a commuter to boston kos i dont know anything about fraternities, but obviously its good the congressman is answering questions about it because i think its important in the same rates important he had answer questions about his change on medicare for all, on militarization of the streets, working for District Attorney okeefe down in cape cod, on promesa, on marijuana and a question and each one of these instances is the change because of conviction or is it because of political convenience . I will give the congressman ten seconds and then i have a question for the senator. Kennedy when it comes to Racial Justice i think its hard to here criticism from you. Congressman john lewis surge with you for 25 25 years and he endorsement in this race. That says enough. Okay. I am not going to send it over to senator markey. You have been accused more than a few times over the years of spending more time in nonelection years agile in chevy chase maryland and after home. Congressman kennedy accuse you of absenteeism which he says has diminished or effectiveness in the state. You said you recently you provide the the facts to clearp this controversy by noticing this information. What are the results . Again, i just dont fight for massachusetts, i deliver for massachusetts. Im able to take my leadership on the floor of the United States senate and make sure that on Climate Change, on health care issues, on the senator, this is about your residency. Thats why mayors, state representatives. Okay i would like to let have endorsed me in the race. Im going to let congressman kennedy take a shot at this. Look, allison, it clearly matters where an elected official resides and where you rest your head, the reason why it matters is because particularly now we need to have elected officials that are in fact hearing the concerns across our country and across our commonwealth and advocating their voices. If things were going as well as people thought in washington, we wouldnt be there. You have to be present you have to go out and ask and not tell. You have to listen, not dictate and thats why i got in this race and thats the change that we need. Thank you. And thats what ill bring to the u. S. Senate. With that im going to send it back to latoya. Again, i just want to say i bring the Kitchen Table where i learned the lessons from my mother and father, my father a milkman and my mother a housewife and i bring the values to the senate and thats why i see the families struggling to pay their bills. Senator, thank you. The same struggle that i saw my mother and father going through when they were trying to pay the bills for their three sons and thats what i channel every single day on the floor of the United States senate. Fighting for every family. Senator, thank you. Congressman, i saw the eye roll. Look, i dont senator markeys story is wellknown. The issue is not whether he went to Boston College or lived in malden at one point, the issue is whether hes giving adequate representation to people across the commonwealth. When i got in this race i called around. I had no desire to go against an entrenched senator and career suicide. When you went to chelsea or worcester and they havent seen them. And that representation as you talked about matters. What were seeing more than anything our policies are not touching the people that need to make sure and being again, i have to im sorry, senator. Its important for me to say this. In the congressmans own Congressional District. Senator. And right now, 19 of the state representatives and senators are endorsing me, only four who know him best in his own Congressional District are endorsing him. So from my perspective, the mayor, mayor walsh, mayor of worcester, mayor of brockton, all endorsed me because they know i stand up and fight for those communities. I have their back every single day. Senator, thank you, 10 seconds. All over the United States senate. Thank you, senator. Senator, of course they endorse you. Most of them endorsed you before i got into this race and thats fine, thats the way this goes. This race is not won because of endorsements, because theres a candidate challenging in our country and do something about it. So dont say, dont say. We have to do something about it and dont say im not doing the job and those endorsed me in this race. What you said is not accurate. Those do have my back in the race and know i have done the job and saying to you, theyre not with you, theyre with me because i have been and continue to do the job for the people. Endorsements dont win, endorsements do not win senate races. Theyre with me and had a choice to go with you, if what you say is true and im not doing the job. What 15 seconds. 10. 10, im take it, look it, this is why we need change because it is a washington thing to think that endorsements of elected officials means credibility and means success. That is the politics of the past and it does not work. If you think this is the best we can be, by all means support my opponent. If you think better, then senator. Around the state. I actually have to jump in, thank you so much, gentlemen, thank you, senator. Thank you. I appreciate that. Okay. We want to stick to time here and we have a topic that i know you both love talking about, climbs change. Congress kennedy, supporters of the wind project say your family helped to take down one, i support that and ive put wind at the forefront of my agenda. This past week got a bill put through the house of representatives to establish a center of excellence for offshore wind. We have made, ive been working with congressman david cicilliny of rhode island to help ensure robust operation of wind across out of southeastern massachusetts. The very first project can create enough Renewable Energy to power 400,000 homes, but its not just about one project, its about the transformation for communities like fall rivers and new bedford and in massachusetts that can power the future. All right. Ill put it up against anyone. Senator markey, a tight 30 seconds to respond, please. Well, alexandria ocasiocortez and i introduced the Green New Deal, a revolution in the way to run this, the planet is running a fever. All electric vehicles, new plugin vehicles, storage battery technologies, Energy Conservation strategies across this country to create millions of jobs, to save all of creation by engaging in massive job creation. All right. And thats the leadership ive provided with aoc. All right, senator. And requires senator, i, thank you so much. Exposed to pollution thank you, senator markey you coauthored the Green New Deal and you mentioned that and actually we are going to move on to rapid fire, i want to make sure we have time for that, we promised it quick questions and questions answers. If you were joe biden, who would you pick for a running mate, i need a name. Ed markey, and other that joe biden. Elizabeth warren and apart from that an africanamerican woman. And senator markey, should face masks be mandatory in massachusetts. Yes, unless the coronavirus ends. Should they be mandatory. Yes, and nationally. And governor baker up to the voters of massachusettsment would you vote for him. Depends on the field. Senator markey, charlie baker, another term in office as governor, republican . Lets see where we are in 2022. Way too early at this point to be prognosticating that far ahead. Hard enough to predict 2020. The candidates now have one minute for closing statements. Senator markey, you go first. Thank you. The soul of our country is on fire. We need justice. We need medicare for all. And the Green New Deal for Environmental Justice for anyone. We need to overhaul our criminal Justice System so that black and brown families across our country know that there will be justice for them. We need a pathway to citizenship for every immigrant in our country so that there is justice for them. You have to overhaul our sick cares system and we have to overhaul our child care system so that theres justice for every family. Martin luther king said that the moral universe is long and ends with justice. All of our hands have to be on that arc to bend it towards justice. We need to do that now. We can do it. All right, senator. Thank you so much. I ask for your vote. Thank you very much. Congressman kennedy. Thank you, latoya. Ive spent the last couple weeks crisscrossing the state listening to concerns across the commonwealth to a Restaurant Owner in springfield who literally cut a hole in her wall it start a takeout business and a fisherman whose job is on the line. And a man who pulled extended family to find a way to make ends meet and some struggling to get access to ppe they need and show up every day for their community. Times are tough, but our people are resilient. And to a person, they are optimistic about our future. But they know that in order to deliver that future, we need change. Congressman. The politics of the past will not build our future. I ask for your vote on september 1st. Congressman, thank you and that concludes tonights debate. We thank you so much, both senator ed markey, congressman joe kennedy. Your vote is your voice, primary tuesday september 1st, please be safe and have a great night, everyone. Here is a look at our live coverage tuesday at 10 a. M. Eastern on cspan, the House Judiciary Committee holds an oversight hearing with attorney general william barr. On cspan2, the senate is back at 10 a. M. To consider judicial nominations and cspan 3 also at 10 a. M. , the acting chief of the u. S. Parkplace testifies before the house Natural Resource committees before the role in clearing protesters in Lafayette Square back in june for the president s visit to nearby st. Johns episcopal church. Later in the day former vicepresident joe biden gives a speech on the coronavirus and his plan for reopening the economy. Economy. Senate Appropriations Committee chair Richard Shelby officially introduced a 306 billion dollars emergency Coronavirus Relief plan in a written statement. Here is Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell talking about that package. [inaudible conversations] good afternoon, everyone. When the senate last acted

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