Of millions diagnostic tests school plans should last for at least one year while the government pursues a vaccine at warp speed faster than we have ever done thate before the nobody expects vaccine this august the second half should be better able to provide more test, more treatments better Contact Tracing and hopefully we should have a vaccine in the fall of 2021 before we begin to approach normal. Several Reasons School have the advantage to provide a safe environment for students and faculty is younger people have been less hurt by coalbed 19 than older people although doctor fauci told our committee we should be careful to assume that young people are not at risk second, schools are generally oolll communities but generally supervised and monitored and they could be traced if a child becomes sick then the classmates can be tested and for individual schools are able to remain open schools are not unfamiliar with outbreaks of flu or other illnesses that have temporary closure of individual schools while others continue to be open those environments pose challenges as well first there is not as much extra space that are elementary and secondary schools as there is most College Campuses to make social distancing more difficult. Second School Administrators face more rigid rules as a result theci state local union rules and regulations are to make changes to the academic calendar and school size and schedules would be more difficult and a mask wearing culture is hard especially with the youngest children to see facial expressions is also important for Young Children to socialize and self regulate with masks for some learning for Early Elementary School children rigorous hygiene is not always easy for children and then at night they go home to expose other adults even systematic testing of 55 million children is a lot of tests. Today nine out of ten families with children have at least one parent and those with children two thirds have both aparents employed according to bureau of labor statistics for many Children School is the safest place they will be out they also while 30 Million Students receive a school lunch 70 percent qualify for free or reduced price meals they have a responsibility to make our schools among the safest communities in the country doing so will help the country move back toward normalcy. Senator murray. Thank you mr. Chairman i appreciate all of our witnesses being with us today asyo well. And thank you to the Committee Staff working extra hard today to make thisnk hearing possible so we can stay socially distant again how inspired i aman by the young people protecting against Police Brutality nationwide calling for change and accountability and justice i hope their urgency and resolve is an example to all of us here in Congress Today we will discuss a quality Public Education the middle of a Global Pandemic coalbed 19 has appended schools truly that are unprecedented with parents and students and as this crisis was first hitting my home state of washington, i got a text from my daughter telling me her School District had closed because of the coronavirus outbreak. She didnt know what to do or what that meant to take care of her kids while she was still working what that meant for their learning or as a senator i had no answers. Wasnt long before nearly every School District, every educator, every parentt and student had the same questions to challenge schools and families the past school year were unimaginable. Schools and School Districts heare now facing the biggest cuts to state and local revenues that we have seen a long time or facing increasing cost as a result of this pandemic its especially important to recognize it hasnt been easy for anyone communities and families of more resources have had more capacity so we talk about ways to reopen the schools for educators and staff the responses not only Public Health to drive decisionmaking but also to ensure every child has for the pandemic covid19 has a disproportionate impact on the black community in communities of color and to show the exasperated inequity in the Education System before the pandemic data projects that black students and latino students lost over nine months of learning compared to white students were projected to lose six months of learning because of this estimates show that achievement gap could grow between 15 and 20 percent in the country we cannot let covid19 continue to make things worse when it comes to the education of students of color and those of low income and those experiencing homelessness English Learners and migrant students so when it comes to reopening safely and as i said before and cannot say enough schools and School Districts must follow the advice of local Public Health officials and let science drive decisionmaking at minimum Public Health experts say they should be able to provide widespread testing and Contact Tracing in every single case of the virus the federal government should also start planning for the distribution of a vaccine rwhich is critical for schools to return to normal but until we have a safe and effective vaccine to see School Leaders engaged in detailed scenario planning because before they send their children back to the classroom they need to know schools have thought through every possible scenario and how much we dont know how to trend on children transmit the disease we need to look at how vulnerable parents and feguardians send their kids back to school there are countless questions to be answered before they can physically aopen safely School Districts and schools cannot do this alone they need indepth actionable guidance from the federal government on best practices to ensure safety of students and Educators School staff and the Broader Community to measure learning loss among students in Public Health protocols to protect student and staff so when they are able to open physically and operate virtually or use a hybrid approach to use quality and equitable and incremental hell. And then has further exacerbated the inequities and those who are sharing the iphone and not even sure if they can afford that. And that is just one small example. And then to be under resourced and the links to the online material to experience homelessness across the country and with transportation to pick up school meals is not always an option. And the reckoning ofnc the racism is important to ensure every child has access to Mental Health and support. And when it comes to delivering of course we have to do better because if we dont the achievement gap will be so hard to close will undoubtedly widen and we cannot let that happen. We need massive investment in her schools with the confederation of teachers that they will need billions more on top of what we already know what iso needed for basic things like cleaning supplies and ppe and the work of the National Education association. And with the weeks ago. And then to continue to push for action. And then we do need to hear from secretary of education about her efforts on the broad interpretation of this provision. So each of us here Us Department of education to be all in to rise to the mass the challenges and we look forward to those conversations today and i would like to ask consent to put in the hearing record upland from the American Federation of teachers to safely we open our schools and the National Education association about state and local budget cuts or the need for Additional Resources. Thank you for your Opening Statement and to get back to School Safely under the leadership of doctor schwinn the Tennessee Department of education has developed resources including School Closure toolkits and instructional guides for programming on pbs. Doctors when willl be convening a group to support communities and teachers are second guessed nebraska commissioner of education also chosen to serve as president elect of the board of directors under his direction with the department of education to create a website launched it suggest several options for districts to consider for ensuring the schools opening safely this small. The superintendent of Denver Public schools under the tleadership Denver Public schools has announced they have been exploring a variety of options to safely bring students back to school i will now turn to senator murray. Thank you mr. Chairman we are lucky enough to have former secretary of education under president t barack obama during his tenure i had the pleasure to work closely withhe him and has been a steadfast champion for Public Education to give every child the opportunity they deserve and im glad i have a chance to hear from himbl today serving on department of Education Commission acting deputy secretary of s education and new york state Education Commissioner the High School Social studies teacher and principal currently is the president and ceo of the Education Trust at the National Nonprofit and then to identify to close the achievement gap holding a bachelor of arts and jd and ma in teaching and a doctrine of education his life story is a testament to the power of Public Education so thank you so much doctor king for being here like forward to your testimony. Thank you again for being here each witness please summarize your testimony in aboutn five minutes which will lead more time for questions from the senators. Good morning members of the committee thank you for inviting me to testify at ertodays hearin hearing. This has been an unbelievable period of time in tennessee for students and families and as educators and studentstn navigating learning we must now consider the challenges to reopen schools. To be clear, this is complicated any decision wesi make no onesizefitsall solution what might be best for one is not for the other interstate we have a major reason region and a county with the first positive case last week looking ahead to School Reopen look at the challenges reopening in tennessee and the way we plan to address them. Number one health and safety of the School Community in number two. Bridging the Digital Divide high quality academic and resources. First, School Reopening must but the health and safety of children and their teachers and communities under the governors leadership a National Leader when comes to testing foror covid we will ensure that any School Personnel or anyone interested in testing can do so. To support districts the department will work with partners to put aside ppe had no touch the monitors with a suite ofr resources on how to implement safe and Healthy Practices in schools we need Realistic Solutions nutrition , classroom support and transportation. The department is committed to providing resources and working with teachers and kids. Theres almost 1 millions students in the Public Schools we have responsibility to support all of them as if they were ourur own we make promises to families every day children will be safe in our care with access to highquality education we must do everything we can to keep that promise. Second, we must address thend Digital Divide. Districts we 24 centuries Solutions Access to broadband and professional development our own governor references not having internet on his farm. That is reality for all too true for students and teachers but especially for the rule and most vulnerable population. And the department is giving surface on sufficient care. With a free and appropriate education. And with that centric strategy routed to high quality academic a opportunity. We must stay committed to address anything that we can we know the impact of last learning especially fort children and to be especially focused on the younger students and that at a distance is incredibly hard to do ask any Kindergarten Teacher the department recently reopen the framework and will release over 20 additional toolkits for educators to use. Students and educators must be given the resources and support they need. Must be about helping them thrive. So whether it is to socially distance classrooms tennessee has shown my collectiveab commitment and i realize that all of these are not small things and a matter for kids. We must keep people safe and kids educated our job and responsibility is to figure out how to do that well we are deeply appreciative to jumpstart those necessary needs across the state to appreciate what has been done i was still lies ahead these challenges i seeee opportunity and our kids my own included to meet those head on with optimism and courage. Our kids are counting on as i look forward to your questions later in the hearing. [inaudible] members of the committee thank you for the opportunity to testify im honored to participate with the critical discussion of where we need to go as a country with the Education System this fall to rival the pandemic of the dramatic longterm impact this is the Inflection Point to lay their that persistent inequities of the Education System and every sector from health care to justice. And every other black lives lost and i worked my whole career and then ultimately ensure equity Closing School statewide was not something i anticipated as part of my role of commission and the earliest days of closing annual more difficult task would reopen schools late march and early april we identified Summer Learning to focus energy on the recovery and reopening scenarios and by april 15 i was publicly announcing efforts underway to plan for the fall semester on may 8th we had launched nebraska to have a recovery approach organized around three majoror pillars and conditions to focus on facilities and wellness and continuity of learning and transitions back into education. Nebraska small School Districts in the most remote areas of the state while the largest in omaha exceeds 53000 students additionally nebraska has counties that yet officially experience a case but others have been affected to the worst per capita cases in the country we have several working groups that are developing regional and local plans with local Public Health officials School Leaders are committed to balancing the difficult task of safe opening with communities and staff inl mind there are a few onesizefitsall moments and it is increasingly clear that guidance needs to be available for local schools and Health Officials to customize local conditions and environments. Ea i continue to engage in productive dialogue with currents of Disability Advocates to provide a afford. Schoolage provide necessary education. Although i know that broadband is not in the jurisdiction of this committee, it is apparent that the lack of Broadband Access is a huge inequity for many of our students and households. Im concerned that the Economic Impact of the dynamic will result in sustained pre through 12 funding. This is a perfect storm as we face increased needs and decreased resources. I cannot express enough how proud i am of nebraska. Their amazing talented individuals. But in recent monthses i have al stepped up an incredible unprecedented ways to serve our students while we have many challenges ahead. Remain confident in the abilities of local educators to make theur impossible possible. But we also mustt protect our educators. Teachers will continue to be in front of lines and we must address individual accommodations and also limit an already strained more force. This will require additional contract time for teachers and educational staff that may be able to go on beyond Normal School day. Or think this committee no members of Congress Pretty schools are addressing many of these with these funds and securing Critical Services and infrastructure for the recovery. As a level, we continue to partner across the Education House Health Factor to do address conditions and continuity of learning brainhe understand the concern that many of stress guarding the secretay Services Provision interpretation cares. Hard members of congress to clarify this as soon as possible. I want to insert the both public and nonPublic Schools are able to move forward quickly without lingeringbl doubts about the proper use of these funds. In closing we must seize this opportunity to address that this inequity that have perished in the persisted for decades, is become a bit of a mantra with our partners in nebraska we need to build better. I truly believe that education is a must be a substantial part of the effort to erase inequity vessels of siding will take up whole approach to address these challenges at this time. Thank you. Thank you. Welcome. Good morning and thank you. Ranking members and senators, want to thank you for the opportunity to share this experience with that Public Health crisis. In our and countries of the past three months. And particularly over the past two weeks. It is increasingly clear that our systems and education and policing healthcare and housing have systemic racism. We now have the unique opportunity unlike any other in our lifetime. To address these inequities and create a better solution for our students and our community. March 20th, we close our schools for what we thought would be an extended spring break. We then begin to get a clear indication of how deadly covid19 is. We immediately focused on the whole time on Remote Learning programs for 93000 students and a 16000d employees. In addition to keeping our students and teachers connected for academic and social development, this focus on providing wraparound support including service for over 732,000 meals and distributing over 55000 laptops to students who need those for smart Remote Learning brady given the number of lowincome families, ensuring the equitable Internet Access for most learning continues to be one of our biggest unmet challenges. Going from the next school year of knowing that some of our highpriority students, those niwho need extra instructional attention, that have fallen behind during this promote. In midmay, they put together working group of teachers to help been together the new school year. Recent murder families understand asking them to help focus our planning. The message we urge in the survey was loud and clear rated health and wellness first and then get kids back into the classrooms. As a result we partnered with local Health Experts to create guidelines for the foundation for all of our students. Based on the Current Health guidance, planning for a mix of in person and Remote Learning when School Year Starts in august. We have shared three options that also makes the Remote Learning so all students have been a minimum of 40 percent and person in each of our options. Irony learners, students with disabilities and students are not in track tomi graduate. Will receive a full additional instruction each week. This is an important equity measure that will help negate the impact of learning from a remote site. Incredibly on the hard work and focus on equities and conserving our families and community over the past threeee months. An invaluable support from colleagues across Denver Colorado and the nation who seek change. In School Partnership and sharing advocacy is invaluable. Colorado, have been especially valuablele partners. Challenges we face in developing a mark rated program, and the exciting rapidly changing econditions of this covid19 crisis. We cannot reopen schools without the help week of receiving the federal government to do the cares act. We are currently facing a 61 milliondollar budget shortfall in the Economic Impacts of covid19 in the cares act will provide some of the recovery loss of revenue an additional cost related to covid19. We saw a lot of work to do to balance our budget, and resources to educate all of the students while maintaining our focus on equity. Since i wouldve kids in our Community Need us the most, for education at all of the support is provided, where having to make massive cuts. I appreciate funguses efforts to provide additional funding for education i would like to stress that while it is very helpful, we know that her students will face incredible challenges in the coming years. And we only Critical Services ready and we will be obligated to provide despite our public challenges. Are educated or are working hard during these challenging times. Additional funding will be essential to make suree the kids academically come through this pandemic with a great future ahead ofle them. And just funds willes help us provide therapies into her touring and training for our staff and technology for students. We must double down. We are to deliver the promise of the education to create a more equitable society. Thank you. Thank you ms. Superintendent brain and welcome secretary can create. Thank you so much chairman. Members of the committee, thank you for the opportunity to testify and how we can ensure students and Educators School staff andmu their families to be prioritizing to consider the most equitable way to reopener nations in schools. An ms of this covid19. Before discussing this in more detail, i am compelled to lift up when our students returned the School Buildings and will need additional support. As they grapple withh the continued reality of racism in america and a legacy of over 400 years of antiblack. The murders of george floyd, breonna taylor, ahmaud arbery. Their lives were devalued. Our schools reopened, students of color and their families also find themselves during this pandemic, disproportionally impact their health and safety. An economic crisis, additional disproportionally financially living in a country that too often still struggles to recognize the community. School closures due to the pandemic although unquestionably necessary to perfect health, has had an impact on students of color. In underserved students have for disproportionally have less access to distant devices and Internet Service pretty teachers with less support around Online Learning and under resourced district right of parents less able to telework for the morning during day. And more emotional stressors. Despite the heroic efforts of educators, many students and families are noti received the academics for the need. As we Work Together as a nation towards the 2021 school year, must ensure that all students and especially they get the Educational Resources they need. Marriage congress to take the followingal actions. First increased federal education. State local education budgets will continue to be devastated by the loss of tax revenue. Without congressional action, there will be no conceivable way to avoid layoffs, hiring freezes, disproportionallynu impacting educators and the staff in high poverty schools. The Public Health requirements to ensure sit recently opening of schools, but be able to be met in too many places. There are calling on congress that we advocate 500 million for state and local governments including ice 175 million for k12 education. Second ensure the state can district dont walk away from students who have been hit hardest by the crisis. New funding should include strong maintenance provisions required both states industry. Together these requirements maintain education spending at the same percentage of state spending for the pandemic and shield the highest need School Districts from the worst. Third to make sure that the Distance Learning is possible for every student. 79 percent of white households compared with 66 percent of black families and 61 percent of hispanic families. In short, access to broadband students as possible, congress should allow at least four baleen dollars to the program to provide hotspots in excess to families. Help schools and teachers learning loss by the pandemic. Congress should now do dedicated funds to help school and more learning time such as the Summer School and extended school day. By the school year or afterschool programs. And fifth, address students nutritional social and Mental Health needs. The ppess program to enable more children to receive meals alone in school and ensure students and educators social and emotional and Mental Health needs are met through funding additional professionals. And finally Congress Must not step back from this Important Role protecting students civil rights. They exist because the federal government wanted to ensure all students have equitable access to highqualityle education. The goal is unchanged. Permitting blanket waivers to either the dangerous and unnecessary. We also urge congress to ensure the department of education follows the good intent. In the title i Services Provision in the cares act, the departments interpretation would see your money from low Income Public School students into the hands of wealthier private schools. Ninety and rejected by several states and one that many should reject as well. We have the public updated to help drive decisionmaking training and when students return to school, now we need to target the appropriate resources and support to help students and educators andnd school staff to recover and prevent anywh furthr livening. Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you today. I look forward to your questions thank you. Will now move a round of questions from the senators. I would say each of the senators ad the witnesses, there is small box at the bottom of your screen comes a time cooperated and has five minutes on it. If youou can stay as close to tt is possible, than all of the senators will have a chance to talk with the witnesses. Let me begin with the doctor schwinn. Tennessee as you said has been a leader in testing. Its in the top 12 or 13. Tennessee has tested more than half of the million tennesseans for covid19. But as we come upon the school year, we have a million children going back to school. Governor lady tells me that the demand for covid19 tests is down in tennessee. Maybe because it is so available. His motto is in doubt, given to us and when people all and they can get one. What about systematic testing of the 1 million children in tennessee. Thank you for the question enemy highlight what is happening ine tennessee related to testing. Yesterday we had one of the highest number of folks, get testing and think we have seen some incredible efforts across the state. Tennessee has been the top 12 per capita testing in the bottom. 12 only have five minutes. I still question what im getting to what he going to do about the 1 Million Studentss pretty. I having a Testing Available the state will continue to bem able to work closely with unified commands in a a Tennesse National guard to be able to make that available for the staff and students and their also working to partner to provide free ppe thermometer to any schools in the district and wants of for all students. You i talked yesterday but your plan for what it would take for each of your 1800 schools to go about the School Safely. Have you figured out about what the cost for School District would be for that. We have districts of hundred and 30 is biggest over hundred thousand. The First Student cost riley disinfecting materials including wives, facemask etc. Hundred dollars two 150 per student. On top of that you have nutrition, Transportation Services which will vary depend on whether the district has run contract out. Saving custodial. For districts that are approximately 3000 4000 students early estimates which are consistent would be anywhere from one to 1. 75 billion for the year. Thats fairly consistent with nswhat they National Study by te administrators is pretty so the total for tennessean, did you add that up with the total bill might be for the state. Yes are pretty so and would that, again acknowledging the fluctuation based off of the decisions of contract they may or not may not have. If they will be somewhere in the 100,002,175 thomas 175 million and certainly the cares act funding that is coming towards it will help support some of that. What you do me a favor. As that National Head of the cheap state of school officers, but congress is already appropriated 13. 5 million, to learn 60 million came to tennessee for k12, the studies have gotten hundred and 50 billion pretty usually by the third of the state budget are more goes for schools. So when i am interested in is how much of the money theyve already given you, can you be usingo to help that 1. 5 to 1. 8 million for School District how much more is required. One more question of you before go to the doctor. Why, and what are, when that the federal government to do for you liability read lets say the kid takes off of his mask and coughs on the student. The student comes down with covid19 and the parent sues the teacher or the principal. Doesnt need to be some sort of governmental action for liability. Ip tennessee teachers are covered under the liability for state law. Legislature current legs going unexpanded qualified continue to spark them feeling confident to welcome students back to schools when be incredibly important night think incredibly thankful for the legislature to become that were pretty. Im out of time of the me ask you if i may, if your organization would cement to our committee about what you think it would cost to help all of the School District go back to School Safely. Just this specific things and much of that can be recovered by the 13 million that we have already given directly to k12 hundred 50 weve already given to the states. I think we would all agree that there is no much of anything we can think of to do that would help all families and all students especially minority students. And to be able to open the school and august and i want to make sure that the federal government does his part. Thank you. Due to the continued impact and potential spread of the covid19, it is likely that some schools will need to keep their physical buildings close either fully or partially. Follower some of our schools. States industries and schools educators need to adjust quickly and that face of this unprecedented pandemic. Distance education provided to the spring very significantly across classrooms and schools in districts and states. And some of the recent Research Reports indicate the students facing some of the greatest challenges during the covid19, some students with disabilities English Learners, homelessness, also the fact that the high quality in many instances. The secretary the me ask you, what is the lessons we can learn from successes and and failures of the distancelearning sprinted and what should States Industries doing now to plan for this distance planning this fall. I think what we have seen is that devices remain a challenge. You have a situation where maybe there devices in the home with their multiple kids need to be able to use those devices simultaneously. Bandwidth remains a challenge. And challenge in Rural Communities and he also see urban communities and the lack of bandwidth and also see places where Cable Companies wont allow families to access Internet Services. This meant unpaid balance on their cable bill. So tackling the Digital Divide is essential. We also know that teachers and under resourced issues and have the professional development and support than he is a need to make an investment in Teacher Professional Development this summer. So that we can prepare for next school year effectively. Given the Public Health context and students with existing health conditions. Every School District will need some degree of hybrid learning so we should prepare for thatt eventuality. Returned to school this fall, only 70 percent of your reading progress the school year. Anywhere from have to all, closures and inconsistent support for distancelearning programsre are projected to cros those gaps before this minimum. Let me have you. Speaker pelosi l this pretty wt policies and states or districts put in place now to measure the learning whether it physically opens or the distancelearning to what type of practices and policies can you talk about help academic intervention. We certainly need diagnostics. In the commissioner in tennessee and texas in in making available state funds to support those diagnostic assessments. That would be very helpful. But some do something about it. What Similar International peers of dennis open schools early for the highest needs students. Students with disabilities and who are behind academically. Any part of the strategy. Summer distancelearning may be part of the strategy. We wrote a column for significant investment by the district for Summer Learning. We also know that next School Year Students wanting more time to make up for what they have lost. That will mean adapting the School Schedule to allow for extended learning time. Orthey also know tutoring has a very strong evidence basis for the reasons that these efforts to provide for tutors in the schools to support student learning. Thank you. Finally, let me just start this question for saying thank you john these educators and support staff that is been navigating this crisis. Showing the nearly two every three educators have concerns about the inperson instruction. 18 percent of educators, 27 percent of principles are over the age of 55 according to cdc and walmart adults are at increased risk. Many educators have preexisting condition for the word about theirth family members and if a child care. And aaron somebody suggested number intricateof educator, are very passionate about the work and to retire early. Thats an s unexpected thing. I just have a few seconds left. What steps of the School Districts taken to make sure that all educators feel safe and secure. Personal is absolutely critical that schools is a marking on the reopening plans of working with their teachers. We actually have safety committees that included teachers so that is imperative. Really working with each teacher. People first strategy working with theirde agency. Early trying to promote that with our schools as well. In theireaea acting within concs and making the accommodations as best i can to come back to the schools. By the time but they beat your witnesses could respond to be in writing and talk to me about that. Thank you senator. Senator cassidy. Thank you all for what youre doing. Children have the lowest risk from complications in terms of opportunity cost, there in the bearing the highest cost. Good to be able to understand without definition. Those children are. I am a physician so approaching this from twofold. One, as, a physician and thinkig about Public Health and secondly someone is trying to public School Reopened back in indiana. What issue with your black testing, monday wednesday friday or, a lot of parents work as part of the opening testimony. What you do for those kids who parents work with the child will not be in school two three days week. Is there any accommodation or just kind of the way it is working out pretty. Thank you for the question. Its definitely one of the complexities that we are grapplinghe with. We would like to have the kids in school and parents to be abe to go back to work. Businesses are only allowed to go to 50 percent of the working force. In time and hope is that they try to partner with childcare. Organizations that we can help sink up the schedules for families. So that would families are working from home, children can also be at home. On the sayer goal it seems many kids in schools possible. The massive, but it appears that cannot work from home. Assisted to steal kind of Public School setting. And so, for example, childcare. Would that be the schools this possibility with the school to do w that. Trying to work with our local partners to see how we can provide more childcare. We are limited because of the size of our building to have a number students in her classroom. Got it. Doctor, you mentioned some areas in which the sub in the case. This is tosi say that in those areas, theres no instruction alton schools. It is really what i read from the Public Health expert, if you have an extremely, you can actually continue life as normal. This is practice pattern that you have taken. We are working with local Health Officials and coming up with essentially and rest style. Yes, there is evidence of the spread that there will be a certain level of risk potentially yellow orange red risk dial that we use extensive spread, will need additional accommodations for health and safety. That there is very little. Bismarck of what is happening in the school board store intention is to be able to balance that based on the conditions. Summa if locally there is no bspread, they could just reopen pretty. Weve actually had this conversation bring many of those places are doing that. We believe that the accommodations will be necessarily all the time to continue on that limited spread. Dear Public Health expert would probably not recommend but for many of you, ill ask may be to you. We put together something called smart act whichch would help ste and local governments restore tax dollars lost because of thef economic shut down list by the federal government. With the academic locked income he suggested that without such a date would be difficult to rehire. But specifically i read the law of a lot of the educators have been laid off. Having been furloughed or off of the summer. I know you were laid off. They dont have any money. And you know its bringing them back. The program that you outlined would require more personal malaise pretty do have the Financial Capacity and at this time, i would ask the other panelists as well. Absolutely we do not have the Financial Capacity to do everything that we would like to be able to do. In fact we are looking at prety significant cuts. Thank you to our witnesses and i want to thank the witnesses as well they have a response to my questions one will focus on the question of learning loss that i want to start for what secretary king just said at the outset of the testimony and im putting from his statement that im glad he referred to this earlier the murders of george foyt of rhianna taylor have one again once again said the message to that theirntsn lives are valued and also the disparities and challenges faced communities of color and education to focus on what that means in the midst of a pandemic in the economic crisis to disproportionately affect the Financial Wellbeing of the students to live in a country that still struggles to recognize their humanity. And all of these issues we have to bear in mind these inequities and disparitiesa which should be the subject of action. I want to focus as well on students with disabilities facing barriers as well. I spoke last week with parents of children or students with disabilities and they shared with me in pennsylvania they have been provided sometimes hundreds of pages of instructional material that can be overwhelming for a parent and now if the outbreak were the virus itself rears its ugly head again now this will lead to closures again. How can we minimize some of the disparities in this context with students with disabilities to ensure that the students who have additional instructional needs and continue to be provided with a high quality education by way of distancelearning . Such an important question. We have to start with getting the infrastructure right to make sure they have access to devices and Internet Servicestml mefor starters and schools have the resources to provide Compensatory Services no question showing that Graduation Rate is almost 20 points below that of students for general education. We have to make sure we look up for the last time and then have the resources for schools to provideve additional intervention and there may be opportunities but thats not sufficient to address the scale of learning loss we are seeing particularly with students of disabilities they will need more time. May be a longer school day may be a longer school year to make that up. Thinking we look forward to working with you on this issue. I want to close with an issue pertaining to learning loss. Aiin we are told from the center from reinventing education 44 percents are providing instruction online as well as monitoring students attendance and their progress by way of distancelearning m lack of Assistive Technology compounded inequities to exacerbate the achievement gaps we have been discussing today how can we assess learning loss and work to close the achievementto gaps. We will need diagnostic assessment or students with disabilities in particular and whether or not they make progress toward those goals and what it would take to help them. And i worried they are set aside the protections to potentially jeopardize to support the students with disabilities especially with those of communities of color in the most vulnerable so we sure states and School Districts honor those services when they come back to school. Thank you mr. Secretary. Thank you senator casey. Thank you to the witnesses and this hearing. I have so many worries you are sharing your concerns and teworries really those that will need the assistance of our School Nurses and counselors im worried about those kids who are doingur okay before covid that now looking part of the Homelessness Group now those that are homeless the anchorage School District for instance we have over 90 different languages a and those in the home district with those non English Learners would be adapting to this i want to ask my question first that so much of the success with the truncated school week or school year so much of what we have dealt with relied on the fact the kids could have access to their teachers through the internet and in my state internet is spotty at best we can give them as many laptops as they want but if it doesnt connect it doesnt get them anywhere so i appreciate what you have raised doctor king for the critical support of the rural areas and when schools closed and the program is limited to provide Internet Access, kids cant get access after that they dont have the connectivity that theyi need. So we have been pushing on this and talking with folks at the sec they have a program they pushed to reach the entire campus so kids can go to a parking lot at school and logon for what we are told without changes to statute they cant provide support for tele education for students and this is really problematic for us in alaska and what we are dealing with to literally put a dish up on top of the School Building we have seen great support from the Telecom Providers during this initial covid march and then to provide that support in the fal fall. So i guess the question i is, whether or not there is any integrated issues with those recommendations for this committee to be reformed in a future bill . So there is no answer insight for so many im not sure how you make it happen. It looks good on paper because these kids are left out. You are exactly right. The School Health libraries and Broadband Coalition suggested a comprehensive s strategy with those to make sure every student has access to the internet and there is an Important Role for the sec to play with the Internet Service providers to make that as simple as possible for folks to access Internet Service make it possible for schoolol districts with the Internet Service or families and think about the cleveland School District that is committed to work with Service Providers to ensure every household in cleveland has access and from the School District standpoint is a question of closing the homework gap even if we are past covid19 but also today the internet is foundational to access postsecondary opportunities and Job Opportunities so we do need a comprehensive solution and that infrastructure. And we recognize the superintendent from denver i have a question as it relates to homelessness that we use in the wake of Community Partners inside and outside and i introduced a bill just today related specifically to this so i am concerned there is a gap in services when it comes to homeless kids and families i am out of time i went to respect the chairmans directive so id like to have a conversation offline with you with suggestions that i hope we havects further questis and i will submit that for the record. Thank you. Thank you senator. Thank you mr. Chairman i want to begin with the remarks of Ranking Member murray and witnesses and colleagues to have the unquestionable call for all over the country including so many young people for Racial Justice Racial Equity and the change every the committee and the senate for conversation and those in the Health Committee within the jurisdiction labor and pension to see where we can do more. Everyone has drawn attention on how we can safely reopen our schools and provide high quality education to all of our children. On this topic we have to consider how students can safely go back to school but also ensure these environments for faculty and administrators and support staff and i would note as others have the population is at higher risk for severe illness from the covid19 disease according to federal data k12 teachers are over the age of 50. I am confident all of the School Districts want to reopen safely that they need clear rules of the road so they feel confident they would be safe at work why we introduced covid19 every Worker Protection act with the nccupational safety and Health Administration the standards that cover all workers into implement the control plan to workers safe think its critical for the safety asre educators of the osha standard. But this spring with that unprecedented shift to distancelearning on the extraordinarily tight timeline with other Critical Issues that shift underscored the need to helpmi educators effectively integrate a wide range of technologies into their teaching that has a wide range of specific needs. Do you know that in your testimony nebraska has identified professional development to support Remote Learning as a priority with use of the cares act fund . How did you identify this is a priority . What additional federal funding to support this type of professional development with distancelearning technology to help better ensure the educators are prepared to use these tools to help all students . Thank you for the question. The reality under launch nebraska we need to find our weaknesses in the different learning environments some of those are from a technology standpoint we didnt realize many in urban and rural areas did not have adequate broadband at home. We looked at anything from arinfrastructure and devices and educational content and with students with disabilities and other types of challenges they might have relative to accessing that technology and then training teachers to use that effectively to become critical we actually had a series of professional learning for our teachers across the state now 15 different training and we also need to distribute to high Quality Content thats a big part of the conversation some of that content does not immediately translate to a digital environment for looking at cares act funding to make those investments. A thank you. I was on a school board for ten years 2004 through 2014. This is in a category in and of itself and to navigate through it. Im anxious to get back with my friends and some are still on the board. But the first questions and the issue of viability and among Business Owners and indiana they tried to get their are businesses going to get the economy started with the republican conference was a concern is that something thats a tangible measure . As a concern to do something that would have a lot of acrobatics to it. And with the 37 page guidelinesel. In and out of the classroom. And dad is a concern . Emma School Board Members and administrators. And we cant have individuals waiving their rights to general liability concerns. S. We dont have an answer to provide for these environments that is worthwhile conversation. And then to keep kids educated thats what this is about. And to tort liability through state law. When educators are in the classroom to focused on keepingcuer kids focused and wee learning can take place. And not so overfocused whether or not he has his mask on in a kindergarten classroom the focus on teaching literacy. This is something we have been discussing to implement the Health Guidance entering into the workplaces. And with those Compensatory Services. And those that we are very concerned. E and with those recent developments the understanding and with that transmissibility and that equation and the teachers and staff and what we learned recently and aiming to do with that challenge in general and then what you do differently now and to discuss a little bit how we protect teachers and staff and the category. So looking back as a country we ought to move more quickly to put in place the contract on contact takes on Contact Tracing so we still need to do that work that it remains accessible we dont yet have Contact Tracing infrastructure that we need that will be foundational but we know now from Public Health expertise and send for physical distancing to have a a strategy and that Contact Tracing within the School Building. And the Temperature Check and symptomatic. And with those Additional Resources and School Districts have to do this in close consultation with local Public Health experts and there are kids in addition to staff that are vulnerable also kids have preexisting conditions to make them more vulnerable and living in homes the family members who have them vulnerable. Thank you to the panel let me join and our request to have secretary of education appear before our committee dad is essential with all the questions we are raising today we need the nations top education unofficial before us. Let me express alarm at the prospect of leaving for a twoweek recess in july without appropriating additional funding for ttswey. Putting as much money for the Airline Industry as a did the entire american Public School system that is important but not more important than all of the schools in the nation and we got a letter back inan may 2s choose the School Superintendent with 25 percent cast on this cuts in funding and then to spread the money around to not get ass far so we need to get additional funding to states and School Districts with the july recess to make sure they can reopen safely can be done this summer directed to secretary king. At i am panicked about this and those to plan and higher and with the support services they would need around the students what is the impact of a 25 percent cut of funds on schools with disabilities. Exactly the right question and fortunately we see the degree of morality if you have a 20 or 30 percent cut in state aid programs elimination to cs a stabilization dollars so they are hampered and that work. And then to have that intensive support and those teachers would these tremendous amount of support with the last learning time. And many of there is the ctemotional need and they have too few counselors are Mental Health resources that is critical to those families and have struggled over the several months without access to what it provides. And as an example in new jersey they have already laid off 80 aides and they are gone and likely not coming back to switch gears because i saw an announcement to remove Police Officers from schools in denver and also make sure they are not targeted because of their race and the reality w is frankly they made other in virginia for instance black students are 40 percent of the population but there is 75 percent and in my state and the Police Officers with the answer taught me to your decision. But it really it aligns with tthe values that they had with the need to create environments and then to create safe spaces. Im over my time mr. Chairman. Thank you for being here today. The usda for to using that flexibility. And to based on those experiences theyve had in recent weeks how are the districts preparing the nutritional needs of students and then our state of georgia to help provide resources and we want to hear from you on this important topic. In tennessee we know theto most important work in School Nutrition so how quickly we submitted it labor. So that families could put in their addresses to get the closest meal possible. That the expenses and cost of distributing that and then to bring that up but and then to be incredibly important going into next year. We worked with our Community Partners understand Food Security had a communityy o level. And then with nebraska to regionalized the state whatever we are doing in schools and then the initial effort and then for the needy families. And then to engage in Remote Learning and that is a tremendous effort and with that distribution rap and then the gas money. Without Electronics Benefits transfer card it has the potential in particular as School Districts consider that schedule with that ebt card is more important to make sure they have a access. And that concludes all the time thank you for each of you for your attention. Senator kane . Thank you to all the witnesses that they are facing and also with remarks of the Ranking Member of the ongoing work we need to do to address that institutional racism and how important the educational system is as part of that effort. And then i advocated for additional funding and flexibility for state and local governments and then that greatest implications. And then to address student learningng loss. And do you agree they should prioritize to get the support they need so they have the necessaryor tools . And it is theth Additional Resources we advocated 75 million just to make sure districts dont have to make devastating cuts to personnel t and programs. But we saw this during the Great Recession lost personnel and the consequences were worse for the most vulnerable. Thankre you. Hope we have a bipartisan effort senator cassidy was talking about it as well i also want to talk about with those challenges during the crisis on this issue. And then disproportionately and under the ida those who experience disabilities have a right to access and they have been shifted and was students with disabilities experience more loss as a respond to covid19. We already know that for many School Districts they are not getting nearly that. With those services. And some of the things and is vital and that staff is needed to potentially provide services at home and in a socially distant way parents need additionalen support and they are reliantt on schools to help them especially with the disabilities and with that emotional support as instructional support for kids its a criticall area to make up for what students have lost and maybe a distancelearning or hybrid learning environment to the school year. I just want to pass the commissioner a question as well. We talked about all the Different Things we have to do to get our studentswe ready that even in places where Public Health officials believed they can safely reopen to increase health risks at home they feel uncomfortable with their kidid going back to school can you share due to Ongoing Health concerns . And a very important conversation with that first approach that when families feel is not safe there are protocols if they have real medical conditions that are a big concern for that family especially students with disabilities and vulnerabilities on top of this we want them to be accommodating to those waysngs and find unique and work with parents on iep plans to each individual concerned we see that taking place across the state and that we may experience but from my a perspective we need to work with those of those concerns. I am over time. To prioritize the work and with the 5 milliondollar compensatory Education Fund and with those in a great on integrative for those. Thank you very much. Thank you for being here ndtoday i want to start by directing the issues the Ranking Member raised early on mr. George floyd was a constituent of mine murdered by a Police Officer in my hometown. And then cannot look away from that in justice to reveal that systemic racism and inequity and then around the country that they are demanding the systemic inequities that we see in every part of our community. And then to address this everywhere with the need for education what is difficult to talk about in my state. Over the past 20 years Minnesota Schools have grown more segregated. With over 200 schools of 90 percent of the enrollment. The blackwhite achievement gap int. Minnesota and the dynamic in the minnesota paradox for the humphrey school. And those disparities that exist in my and then to grapple with it. So i went on this issue today how to safely reopen the schools. Let me ask you and that it has created such significant stress and it is not a great equalizer. And it iss a burden and underinvestment. And then how to bring that safely back to school and thinking about the mental ouhealth challenges. On top of Everything Else but it seems like the scale and scope we are thinking about so can you address this toou talk about if we have schools to figure out. So think about kids with that hope andit stability when there may be addiction or domestic violence. That economic trauma with covid19 with that disparate health impact. There is a lot that they are dressing when they return to school one to 401 to 600 and theres no way you can provide adequate support and then to skyrocket among parents. And with that emotional support and with that investment and that would be very difficult in the context facing significant cuts. And then schools are looking at cutting rather than investing it when they tend to cut in other places this is my great worry because congress apparently feels no urgency the end the school year that would happen in ae lifetime. Senator joan. I think we are ready to conclude the hearing senator murray do you have additional remarks our questions before we close . Qu secretary and then to be enrolled in the o Public Schools with the increase of unemployment and that an equitable the School Budget with distance education and to prioritize those that are experiencing homelessness. And for those texas students and those are experiencing homelessness. And then to have the capacity so let me start with you. And to be concerned with the home thehe students. And then to find ways they could do that. And then to teach remotely and then to make sure they are all right. And then they are being recognize the Homeless Population is a huge concern. And then there is that intentional effort to check in on every single student on their role. And with that to track down students. And that is the full use of students when they are closed. That continues to thissen summer that then to understand the challenges and then to be highly mobile. For those support for those that need it them most. And then that region far east and then to makeun sure they with the board of education for what they require and support that level of contact with our kids that we can focus on the two most. Mportant things and in that capacity. And then to stress the intense effort for the this time every mode learning students are experiencing homelessness that is one of the hardest to reach students. And then consistent access. And a very high risk and that is the intensive effort to keep them engaged. Thank you to all of our t witnesses today. And then there are a lot more questions than answers in those districts and with that revenue in a very long time. And that indepth actionable Public Health guidance. With educators. And to measure that learning last. That what they dont need it is the secretary in this crisis to push the agenda to compound the problem. And then how crucial that is how many people and then to take over incredibly challenging and then to do everything we can to support them. Thank you to the senators and the witnesses and the staff and then at the time the nation is focused on Racial Discrimination and disparity with a change in behavior we can do about that. Because to go back toward normalcy for those who are disadvantaged its hard to think anything more we can do to get back to schoolng safely any teacher can tell us of the emotional and physical damage if they are not open and the difficulty it creates so this is not an important hearing. Mentioning it it would be helpful to me and others senators if you could provide some specifics to the committee what would take in terms of Financial Support as doctor schwinn said two goals is to open safely so the National Administrators association did us a favor and just the basic things that would take and those are reluctant to take a risk and like one. 7 million average School District. That was the figure. And with achieve state schools and then second and then the money we have appropriated and then appropriate a kindergarten through 12th grade and then 260 million of that. And then to open the schools safely in the summer and in the fall. And then 25 million for testing. And some of that can be used. And then 150 billion given to the states. And some of that could be used in the complications and to be restricted they could spend the money. And then to have more flexibility and so all of that would be most helpful if you cant segregate going back to School Safely from all the other things that many people suggest we should be doing to help children learn. So i am intrigued and diagnostic testing. And then the plan is to have 30 or 50 million test by the Time School Starts and then the federal government faults them and then to create new diagnostic tests those to contain the disease but to build confidence and so with those part of the School District they should be as part of the state plan for testing. And then to get some help to find those test because they should be available for systematic testing. This is been helpful hearing. Thank you for taking time for your demanding schedules the record will remain opene for ten days to submit Additional Information for the record we will meet next wednesday and then focus on telehealth lessons from the covid19 pandemic with ten years of experiencece in three months and next wednesday we will focus on the impact on the covid19 epidemic and as a result we stand adjourn. Want to address the murder of

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