Years now and this has been approach that we came to reluctantly but now agrees with the coalition on those that believe that held a particular and some of them are languishing for more than four years. This is too long and they want something done about it. Thank you. Mr. Dunn has decided that australias immigration person will close in just 15 days. I note that the men you have held there for over four and half years remind your government responsibility as they might clear on numerous occasions by the un icr and when he said the first week in regard to offering transfer to and i quote from the minister that is the are putting those options on the table. Is it still your intention to close the prison on 31st of october . What will you do with the many hundreds of our fellow human beings who suffered greatly at your hands in the hands of the labour party . Where will they sleep and will have access to medical after the closest . Thank you, mr. President. Thank you senator for the question. I am going to disagree. You and i both do on these occasions with the way you have described the Processing Center. In relations to your question is the government going to close the Processing Center, the answer is yes. Australia support it will close the Processing Center by the 31st of october 2017. Png has established accommodation and serves and arrangements in another province. Refugees have expressed an interest in your resettlement may also volunteer to transfer to [inaudible]. Non refugee represents our citrix return home voluntarily and will be assisted to do so. Nonrefugees, not returning voluntarily, will be involuntarily removed from png by the government of tmj. Can i again say the senator that the question that does continue to be asked or needs to be asked is why. Why is anybody on the island in the first instance . It is not senator because labor and liberal put them there. As you know, when you were in coalition with the former labor government, you lost control of the borders and as a result to this day, to this day, it is those of us who are on the side of the chamber continue to clean up your mess. 50000 people arrived and over 800 [inaudible] and 1200 deaths at sea of which we know and lets not even go the time is expired. Not drowning, just been tortured, mr. President. My supplement the question is this. We categorically roll out the use of force to remove refugees from the prison and will you further categorically rule out cutting off electricity from the prison in order to coerce people to leave . Minister. Again, mr. President , [inaudible] i dont like how characterizes question. Absolutely none of it relates to what this government is doing at the [inaudible] government. Its not a person and you know, senator, that torture can never be used and quite frankly it is an insult that you would even raise that but the government with the support of the estrella government will close the Processing Center. The border. The relevance, the two questions were abundantly clear and specific. First will the minister roll out of force to get them from the data center and secondly which he expressly pull out cutting off water and electricity to coerce people out. I ask you to remind her of the question. Thank you, senator. In doing so, i will indicate the minister was addressing points in your preamble but yes, i will remind the minister of the question. Thank you, mr. President. As senator will know anybody will be removed by [inaudible] a year ago there was great alarm at the spread of isis fighting in the middle east and even australians during the summer as well. Now about australias role in the sinking territory of the isis group in the middle east. Senator mckenzie. Thank you, mr. President. My question is to the minister of defense. The liberation of rocca has gained control over [inaudible] could in the minister update the progress being made against them and cindy . Thank you and i thank you for your test. Australia does welcome the reports that Syrian Democratic forces with the support of the International Coalition have retaken the key city of rocca in syria. The International Coalition understands that while the majority of [inaudible] has been liberated there are isolated resistance pockets remaining in areas of the city still remain unsafe for civilians to return home. This is important progress and rocca contains to the caliphate and essential to their narrative of legitimacy and success. The actions of [inaudible] in rocca as well as prison syria has been appalling. The use of passion and brutality to rule territories. When local forces came to respond to vicious tactics, murdering civilians attempting to this grape and using the prices of the city. [inaudible] in rocca against their ideology. Its it will discredit them worldwide and [inaudible]. Many syrians have lost their lives fighting terrorist are these operations in our thoughts are with their families. The syrian difficult forces are also to be commended for their determination to defeat and we acknowledge their losses also. The stabilization between rocca will take some time and the reestablishment of both institutions and essential services is critical that residents are able to return and rebuild their lives. Thank you, minister. Senator mckenzie, submental. Could you provide an progress on the contribution on the Australian Defense force to the feet of the Iraq Security forces. Is to president , the liberation of mosul on the night of july in the end of august and [inaudible] at the beginning of october represent the beginning of the end of the entities in iraq. They are moving to the Euphrates River valley inside iraq and some of these strongholds are in difficult terrain and president different tactical problems for the urban fighting experience in those towns and cities that i mentioned here in earlier in this chamber. We will support iraq consists of three forces whether they defeat [inaudible] and maintain territorial sovereignty. We continue to train, advise and assist the iss for training [inaudible] i acknowledge those men and women continue to serve in this role as a contribution. Senator mckenzie, final submittal question. Can you update the senate on how they are combating terrorism to the in the Pacific Region . Mr. Mr. President , this is a very important aspect of the challenge and it continues to [inaudible] for fighters will continue to return to our regi region. Were committed to working with original partners and allies in the end of pacific to prevent that terrorism from getting a foothold here. I think in june theyve been providing surveillance support [inaudible] i do welcome the announcement by my counterpart in the building that the city of [inaudible] is liberated and i look forward to making in the philippines next week. Its been a difficult fight over the past five months and very challenging for the armed forces and the terrorists tens of thousands of civilians and destroyed their once burning town. As a part of the philippines represent the commitment to the terrorism challenge is the time for has fired. Both major parties have gone the various contortions on chronic policy over the last decade and its result in the last couple of years in a real skyrocketing and this is a deep pickpocket issue for voters and the governments plan now is a National Entity guaranty and labor remain skeptical. The mm adversity. Inc. You mr. Speaker. My question is the Prime Minister report with office the liberals promised us brilliance power bills would drop by 550 a year. They did not. This year the apartments are promised that [inaudible] members on my right will cease interjecting and the members of city will begin her question again. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Mike pushes for minister. Before coming to office the liberals promised australians the power bills to drop by 550 and they did not. Since the Prime Minister promised that [inaudible] yesterday it was revealed that [inaudible]. Why with the australian people believe anything this Prime Minister says about energy . The minister for energy and the averment. Well, mr. Speaker, think the member for her question and i can read from an agency report. [inaudible conversations] become commonwealth said that savings to future household will be raised. There we go. The labour party is telling him his truth like the one that they repeated in this house about a thousand dollar increase which went against the advice of the Australian Energy regulated and other agencies which they havent had the current to repeal in the places. We have been very successful not just abolishing the carbon tax but also a [inaudible] to come down about 12 and the beginning of this year. It puts pressure on the label government to rein in energy who are engaged in on [inaudible] we saw electricity prices fall by about 25 , mr. Speaker. Of course, the Work Department started with [inaudible] and i can import the house but the family of four in sydney with electricity cost of just under 2800 a year used the Government Energy website, switched suppliers and as a result will save around 650 a year. About a family of three students were living in [inaudible] in melbourne with alacrity costs from about 480 a year and they use the victorian electricity website and they saved around 230 a year, mr. Speaker. There was a family of three living in brisbane and they had electricity cost the other side. Interjecting. [inaudible conversations] they use the Government Energy on the website and they switched suppliers and as a result they say 630 a year, mr. Speaker. We know that under a proposal recommended sewer by the Energy Security board that savings to households will be better than the ones that were promoted by the Clean Energy Target that the men reported a second best option. Mr. Spear, the labour party is isolated and they are standing alone, standing alone in opposition to the recommendation from the experts, the industry, the Industry Organization have all come around to support this initiative as one theres an ongoing enough right now in the island and some of the solemn states have debated for more than four years relieving at and refusing to leave the compound. Theyre asked to move out in the rest of the committee and some of them say they are unsafe and the government png and they area days until it closes. Can you provide an update on how many asylumseekers will be left behind after the 31st of october and what will happen to them and will the government continue to provide these asylumseekers in line with human conventions of appropriate medical and healthcare, torture and trauma support and Security Services . Mr. Speaker, i think the honorable member for her question. I appreciate the opportunity to provide her with that again today in relation to the situation that she is aware that they announced earlier this year that the regional Processing Center in [inaudible] will close on the 31st of october and we arrived to do that because we havent had the successful arrival 1100 days so the population, detention and we do it quite dramatically inappropriate so is because we want but weve been given this difficult situation and in the process of cleaning it up. He said, mr. Speaker, is that we have the ability to transfer some people to the Transit Center [inaudible] the population is 662 non refugees that the honorable member speaks of and we have the new facility at Hillside House to accommodate 198 refugees and [inaudible] the ability for the refugees that is the balance of the 606 to move from the regional Processing Center into [inaudible] and into another facility that we have set up there. There is that capacity, mr. Speaker, and we want to do it as we as possible. As the honorable member knows you were able to negotiate an arrangement with United States in order of some hundred people in [inaudible] and our priorities are women and children to move them off the island is the as possible and noting that there are no women and children on [inaudible] and we had an uptick of 53 people in working with United States to make sure that people can move out as quickly as possible. What we need to do in all of this is to make sure that we dont get [inaudible] because arrivals would be relocated to [inaudible] and held their and weve been very clear about the fact that we dont any other circumstance come to australia with those who arrive by vote because are going to allow those people just a point of order. My question is not relevant with malik to and trauma services. Mr. Speaker is coming to that point. Services that we provide and nothing was provided by labor. You the people there. Im not going to be lectured by labor. [inaudible conversations] the services she speaks of will continue to be provided out of the center and transport arrangements to the new centers back question time also turned to a couple of significant commemorations in terms of australias contribution to the great wars. The 7025th anniversary of the battle of [inaudible] in the hundredth anniversary of the battle of [inaudible] this was known as the last great for slight charges. The member for [inaudible] thank you. My question is the minister of veteran affairs. Today is the 7025th anniversary of the battle of [inaudible] and next year will see the 100th anniversary of the battle of [inaudible] but the minister can update the house and what the government is doing to commemorate these significant events. Thanks, mr. Speaker. Id like to thank the member for his question and i know hes deep and abiding issue in the battle of [inaudible]. Today marks the anniversary of the second of three major battles that occurred around [inaudible] in egypt around juln forces suffered almost 6000 cities over a period of five months. The battle proves to be the turning point of the war in north africa where rommel and his panzer army would repel and the exit forces were subsequently driven from the continent. Earlier today 23 veterans of the campaign attended a reception in their honor and later today i participate in last ceremony at these memorial and i know the opposition will be represented well. For honor to welcome these veterans who were world on the 7025th anniversary of the battle of [inaudible]. To give you an idea of the metal of these men one of my constituents, max hammond, was going to come to the war memorial today but unfortunately and he is in his mid 90s he had a heart attack two weeks ago. He came in to my Electoral Office today and wanted to apologize for the government because he wouldnt be there. Obviously the message that i gave back was that he didnt need to apologize and it is all of us in every australian needs to thank him and all those veterans who served in north africa. Next week we will also commemorate this incendiary of the charge of the light horse charge and it was one of the great cavalry charges. They attacked the enemy lines defending the town of bathsheba. That 800 australians from the fourth and 12 light horse regiments were involved in the charge suffering 31 deaths and 36 wounded. They captured more than 700 turkish shoulders and secured a vital water source for allied troops in the middle east. Some members of this parliament will travel to israel to contaminate a significant battle next week and the service and sacrifice of the australians dissipated. During this. I ask all australians to pause and reflect on the service and sacrifice of the australians and all of those who have served. As question time wrapped up it was all about raids conducted by the la police on the Workers Union in their offices. [inaudible] it was heading up the aw view in 2007 and the concern. Of these raids and when the nation came out about seeing in the keeping off [inaudible] a blowtorch was applied instead to the government. My question is to the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister confirmed the following events. By midday yesterday senator saw the five times that her office is not aware of eminent please raids before it began and went of busby reported the journalist had received a leak about the [inaudible] and at 7 30 p. M. Realizing that the truth had been exposed and senator cash admitted to misled the senate. The Prime Minister has the [inaudible] thank you. Thank you mr. Speaker. What i can confirm is senator cash defends the interest of trade mutant members. [inaudible conversations] this is the leader of the opposition. With the tradition of the trade Union Movement to have Services Provided by unions paid for will regrettably it is, mr. Speaker, and one of the Services Provided by unions through employers is putting away their penalty rates and that is what they get paid for, mr. Speaker. Example after example, hundreds of thousands of dollars. [inaudible conversations] that really worked out well for the members, didnt it . Constant chemicals is a long list and one payment after another was found by the Royal Commission to have no benefit for members and indeed to compromise the interest of the members because it compromised the ability of the union to represent them. It is passed legislation that prevents those corrupt payments from being made to prevent and the labour party. [inaudible conversations] they thought nothing was worse than knowing when the employer was paying money to the union and the fact is, mr. Speaker, the fact is that the men of [inaudible] have done is ensured that the standards of integrity is partiality is [inaudible] [inaudible conversations] that is the end of this edition of question time wrapped. Im tom, thanks for watching. On monday the Senate Finance committee will debate and mark up the senate gop tax reform plan. Live coverage beginning at 3 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan3. Tomorrow in observance of veterans day Vice President mike pence will take part in the replaying ceremony of the tomb of the unknown soldier and will speak after words at the memorial and peer. Live coverage from Arlington National cemetery begins at 11 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan. Sunday night on after words its imperative for me, because i had a platform, and this was my 15 minutes then here i am and im here today speaking on behalf of the fbi speaking on behalf of any Intelligence Agency and not speaking on behalf of anyone but myself but i would like to say that i hope and pray that i am speaking on behalf of of the millions of Muslim Americans and 1. 7 billion across the globe the dont think radically. I want them to feel comfortable and stand up and say that is not the religion but that is what is being warped by al qaeda and isis and theyre not the only one of the boys anymore. Muslim american federal agent requested to remain anonymous talks but his experience fighting domestic terrorism in america with his book american radical inside the world of an on the cover muslim fbi agent. Hes interviewed by michael turman, author of thinking like a terrorist. Insights of a former fbi undercover agent. Watch after words sunday night at 9 00 eastern on cspan2s book tv. My name is lizette mendez, Program Director of the Miami Book Fair. My Miami Book Fair takes place in downtown miami at the campus of miamidade college. This year we have a little over 545 authors representing a new genre, anything that you can think of we are representing at the miami but there. Type of tv for the miami book for live from Miami Dade College saturday and sunday november 18 and 19 on cspan2. During president s president ial campaign he promised to move Israel Us Embassy to do this from tel aviv. After becoming president he signed a sixmonth waiver to delay the move in hopes of spring peace talks between israeli and palestinian officials. The waiver expires on decembe december 1st. This week former us andsr

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