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Justice system. Bring reform to policing. If seen the same situation happen 20, 30, 40 times. How many times you have to see the same situation before you act . And we are going to act in the state of new york. Transparency of records for Police Officers, which, by the way, the records of Police Officers will no longer be disclosure, so the records of Police Officers will be like every other public employee. They will be like teachers, they employees,e csea their records will be available. And if people make complaints about them, they will be in the record and they will be released. Ban chokehold. We went through it with eric garner, how many times . To pass a law that says that, the attorney general five years ago i did an executive order with the attorney general to investigate cases where police kill an unarmed person. Why . Because a local District Attorney and i have tremendous respect for a District Attorney, but a District Attorney works with the police force day in and day out. How do you expect the public to think that the local District Attorney as an arbiter is going to be unbiased . Attorney general, statewide elected official, who can do the investigation of Police Misconduct and give the people of the state confident that it is a fair investigation. Racebanning of false, based 9 11 report. We worked with the legislature over the weekend, i think we have an agreement on the bill that going to be introduced. If they pass, i will sign the bills and i will sign them as soon as they are passed. I want to thank both of them for their leadership, this is a difficult time. People are angry. People are angry on multiple are intenseeelings on multiple issues. In the midst of it, you have to rathert what is right than just what is politically expedient. And i want to praise the Senate Leader in the Assembly Leader for their leadership, and i hope we have a good, productive week this week. But this is not about what an individual state can do. Its actually broader than that. New york state will take this legislative action and i hope it then becomes a model for other states to follow. Weve done that in new york a number of times. We did it with marriage equality, free college tuition, raising the minimum wage, it provides a spur for progressive action by the rest of the country. But this is also bigger than what states can do. What this protest really is about is systemic racism and systemic injustice and systemic inequality. Yes, when it comes to policing. But frankly it is worse than just policing. It is the fundamental institutions in our society that systemitize discrimination. Its the fact that we have two education systems, one for the rich and one for the poor, and poor children receive a different education than rich children. There is a gross funding disparity. Its the lack of portable housing agendas or the federal government just doesnt provide Affordable Housing anymore. Sectiond to provide eight vouchers so you could build, they used to build public housing. That has all stopped. That has all stopped. Its the health care system, what we saw with covid19. You have inequality in the health care system. And the neighborhoods where the covid ravaged are the neighborhoods that have Less Health Care to begin with. Thats not a coincidence. Cause ofe fundamental the injustice, and thats what we should be addressing along with policing issues. And there is a moment to do this. There is certainly a National Moment for that change. Carpe diem . Carpe momentum. Seize the moment. Change comes in a moment. When did we pass gun safety . Right after sandy hook. Why . Because people said enough is enough. People are saying enough is enough again. Thee the moment and end systemic injustice inequality. Education, health care, housing, policing, criminal justice. City, we of new york did it all based on data and was no political ideology at work here, we talking about a virus. Democrat oresnt do republican, liberal or conservative. It is based on facts and we have followed the facts and look at where we are now with our testing results. On sunday, we did 58,000 test across the state. We have the lowest level in the state since march 16. That is a fact. Few days, 58,000 tests we did on sunday, 1. 2 statewide. Saturday, 60,000 tests. Friday, 77,000. Why arent we reopening . Because these numbers say we cant. There is no ideology, based on the numbers, we can reopen. Than anyng more test state in the united states. We are doing more test than any country in the globe per capita. Thats why i have confidence saying we can do this. Based on yesterday, 58,000 tests, that is a lot of test, that is a large sample. And i feel confident making a decision on these numbers. Now, we can change the numbers just like we changed the numbers the first time and reduce them. New yorkers get sloppy, you can see those numbers go back up, but they are purely a function of behavior. You tell me what new yorkers do today, i will tell you that number tomorrow. Literally, study it on a daytoday basis. At yesterdays numbers, just yesterday, across the state, new york should nine weeks ago, the 9 testing positive. Four weeks ago, 10 . Two weeks ago, 4 . Yesterday, 2 . Just yesterday. And you see these other numbers for the other regions. Thats how we are making decisions. , we will interphase two tomorrow. Long island is on track for wednesday. What this phase one reopening mean . It means companies, businesses can reopen pursuant to specific guidelines. This is not reckless reopening. We know what happens when that is done. Guidelines,he construction, manufacturing, masks, no congregant meetings. Curbside pickup. Happens,ide pickup instore pickup only if curbside is not practical, and that has to be with prearranged orders. Just going into the store to pick up in order. Thats because you cant do curbside, thats all that is. Curbside in new york city is obviously a different phenomenon than other markets with less traffic. That is what store shopping is. These guidelines work. In every been enacted other region in the state. Those other regions have entered phase one, follow these guidelines, and there has been. We know that it works. It was followed. The same guidelines apply to new and if we follow those guidelines in new york city, there should not be a spike, just like there hasnt been a spike across the rest of the states. To keep ao Going Special eye on new york city to see what happens. More than 35,000 tests per day in new york city. If you see any increase in the infection rate, react immediately. And 35 tests, 35,000 tests per day is a healthy snapshot, a , and watch it literally every day and calibrate what youre doing. Again, im asking all the protesters to please get tests. That is a new question that has been dropped into the mix. We had all these at home we have and then thousands of people show up to work places. Did that affect the spread of the virus . We dont know. We dont know. Protesters,g the please, go get a test. It is free, it is available. But there is a chance that you were in proximity to people. Again, weve gone through this. One person in a crowd of 100 people can infect dozens. Weve seen it. You 15 testing sites in the new york city area that are prioritized just for protesters. All the focus on the hotspot neighborhoods in new york, these are zip codes where we know there is a much higher infection rate than other parts of the city, and it is dramatically high. Overall, some of these communities are over 50 , so we are targeting these hotspots, more testing, or treatment in these hotspots and more awareness. We are also setting up additional testing, thank you very much, north well health, and community care. More testing sites in those zip code areas for people in those zip codes to get tested. Sites alone in new york city. You can get a test. Anything, andt there are 240 sites available, so there is no reason not to do it. There is a website where you can go to the website, punch in your address, find the availability, call and set it up. Im asking the protesters tested and take as a precaution, act as andou have been exposed, you may want to tell people that you are interacting with stay away from people who are in a vulnerable population until you take the test and you know that you are not infected. Where in those zip codes you have that high infection rate, get tested. Get tested. Thats all on the website. Are working through this, we are going to extend the deadline for filing property taxes by 90 days. That gives Small Businesses some assistance, we are going to restart elective surgery and ambulatory care in new york city. The mva is reopening. Interview,me on an howdy you know the subway is going to be safe on reopening day . I said because if it wasnt safe, i wouldnt ask anyone to go on the subway. I make these decisions and for just is very simple, i assume im making the decision said if thend i subway isnt safe for me, then i wouldnt ask anyone else to go on the subway. Today i took a ride on the seven train. The mta has done phenomenal work. Remember theh to bad old days in new york city. When we would talk about how dirty the cars were and the garbage that was in the subway cars and the stench, frankly, that was in the subway cars. The subway cars are cleaner than they have ever been. In my lifetime. Mean, they had to disinfect the subway cars. Just think about that. Its almost a bizarre task, right . We are to disinfect a subway car. So many years, they couldnt figure out how to get the newspapers and the coffee cups out of the subway cars. Now they are disinfecting it and they are disinfecting the cars and the stations. ,heyve done 30,000 stations 500,000 this infections. Disinfections. Theyve applied antimicrobial substances, they are using Uv Light Technology to clean facilities. They are doing everything they can. We are giving them an additional one Million Masks and 25,000 gallons of Hand Sanitizer that we make in the state, 500,000 two ounce bottles. I have about 10 that i collected. When you aredatory riding public transportation, subway bus, stay six feet away when possible. Use the Hand Sanitizer. Use the Hand Sanitizer and observe the guidance that is on the trains, etc. They are also watching the its up to us, new york campaign. How do you stop the spread . It is what we do. Are the subways sake . It is how we act. The sidewalks safe . It is how we act. If you are wearing a mask, if youre keeping distance, yes, it is safe. But it is a function of us. Each one of us. Us as a collective. Why the ridership has been reduced, there was also an opportunity in the reduced ridership, right . One of the ongoing challenges on construction is to do construction, you have to reduce the train usage. If you reduce the train usage, you inconvenience commuters. When the ridership was reduced, increased their construction. Because the ridership was reduced, so fewer riders were inconvenienced by the construction. And they accelerated 2 billion in capital projects. Rehabilitating the f train, using the lessons they learned , i want toain applaud the team for setting a record in smart government construction. Smart government construction does not have to be an oxymoron, you can have smart government construction and generally they showed that. They are accelerating 11 stations, 22 new elevators. Accelerating steel and concrete complexes in brooklyn. New yorkers did what many experts told them was impossible. I dont think ive had a good nights sleep in 100 days. Knowing some of the things they told me. New yorkers bent the curve by being smart. We are back,ating, we are reopening, we are excited. Our mojo is back, our energy is back, great. Stay smart, stay smart. Us factsaround around us. Other states, the spike is going up. California, florida, texas. Dates, and reopening look at what happened after the reopened. That is a cautionary tale, my friends. The gentleman on the subway car just said to me in arizona they reopened and they are seeing a spike. Hes right. Look at the spike in arizona. Smart after the reopening. Because if you dont, you can see a spike. That is the last thing that we want to see. But i dont believe we will because we are new york tough, smart. Second word, smart, right after tough. United, disciplined, the last word is for me, loving. Questions . Other states that saw a spike, they dont even have mass transit, they dont have subways. Given the setting of the subway, as clean as it is, dont you expect new york to see a spike . Are you a cynic, . My friend are you a pessimist . I am not. The subway has been open all during this time, for 100 days. We were at the highest infection rate in the country. We had the highest number of cases in the country. We had the highest hospitalization rate in the country. Subways were open. We went from that point 100 days now, one of the lowest infection rates, and one of the best downward spirals with the subway. , ase stay as smart disciplined as we have been for the past 100 days, we will be fine. If wechange our behavior, reverse, if we get sloppy, if we get cocky, then we will have a problem. But were not going to do that because we are smart. On the train,asks if the ridership picks up just a little bit, they are unable to maintain if they are using the sanitizer, using the masks, it will be ok. The lead now in terms of passing Police Reform if we are going to have a problem, the variable here is the protests having an effect. I dont know. And i dont want to speculate, thats why im asking protesters to get tested. Forwe will have the masks all essential workers and if we keep the discipline, we will be fine. The state is passing these bills as you go, some of which have been bottled up for many years, have not been available. They will be out publicly by wednesday, im told. Like to see changes within the nypd itself . Do you think the current leadership there is up to it . Gov. Cuomo look, mayors run their local Police Department spirit of think is a wakeup call not a wakeup call. This is a transition, transformation moment of the country. People are saying it has to stop. We have to change, right . When they are saying he find the police, what are defund the police, what are they saying . They are saying we want from the mental change in the police. They are right. Mr. Floyd, mr. Garner, enough is enough to read they are right. Our state legislative packages will do that. They understand they are operating in a different reality with different perceptions, so i. Hink we will see a shift i think people who do not hear it and dont get it will have a real problem and the Political Leadership of that Police Department will have a problem, right . And those local mayors. You look at what is going on in minneapolis now. I would like to see us go further than that. Theres discrimination, institution lies in society and its manifested in the criminal system, but its worse than that. Its actually worse than that. Education is where it starts. Ealth care is where it starts you want to make the difference . N america you want to live up to the promise, the american dream, let america be america again, every child has to have access to education. Not two educations separate, but equal, separate but unequal. Every child. Schools, 13,000 per student. Rich schools, 36,000 per student. How . How . Opportunity. We have equal opportunity. Really . Child starts out, 13 13,000 for education. Your child starts out with education . My child comes from a poor zip code, more problems in the community, often more problems in the household, less education, less opportunity, less services. Equal opportunity. No . We have not been talking about this for decades, and this is where it starts. The fundamental insanity, you spending 50,000 a year its more than the tuition of harvard university. How long have we been talking about this. Its a reverse set of priorities. Do you view Police Unions as more as making it difficult, injuring Police Performance . Gov. Cuomo look, every union argues the interests of their employees, their workers, right . Make education reform, you hear from the teachers union. When you go to hear go to reform the Mental Health system you hear from csea. If you go to reform, construction, labor, you hear from the construction and labor unions. So, they are arguing from their employees point of view. I understand that. 58 Police Unions are saying if you release personnel records you may jeopardize their privacy. Thats a point. And the bill has Privacy Protection in it. 50a, which ion know the Police Unions are not happy about, look, all it is doing is reserved reversing an exemption on Police Record so now a police employee, Police Officer is like a schoolteacher, csea worker. Its just parity and equality public worker. R they say, you will release just complaints, if you send a a complaint letter about the place it will be released. Yes. But if i sent a complaint letter about a schoolteacher, its going to be released. So, its just fairness and equity across the board. Other unions across the country, not just in new york . O think that would reverberate or is there a role for them gov. Cuomo . Inis there a role for them this for the Police Unions . Gov. Cuomo of course theres a role for the Police Unions. They will bring the interests of the police to the table. Whenever you make any decision, when you do reform, you want to make sure that you understand all the issues and perspectives and pick the right path. But everybody has a perspective here, right . Everybody has an interest. So, listen to all voices and pick the right, just tap. Hyper emotional issue. I get that. And people have very strong opinions. But thats the art form of government, right . We pass gun safety reform. There were thousands of protesters. Had hundreds of Death Threats on gun safety. Everybody has a point. Everybody is an argument. You cant make everyone happy. Its not about making everybody happy. But it is about hearing all sides. That is what it is about. We hear that you asked the protesters message . A because we have seen every day there are people who are not wearing masks. Gov. Cuomo Police Officers should be wearing masks. I have encouraged them to get tested. We have tests for essential workers were there are prioritized. So, yes there is the same message to the protesters is the message to the police. I have had these conversations with the police several times. Because the police were out there as essential workers all the way through this. A tremendousd amount of testing with the police force when we started. There were boarded up Stores Across the city. Mr. Cancian look av. Cuomo look, we had terrible night, the night of looting in the city. It was terrible. It was distraught of. It was destructive. It was frightening. It was bad for the city in a number of ways. I think it scared City Residents. And it scared City Residents of the bad time because were already going for covid and people were nervous about the city, about the density, about the numbers, and then you see this night of looting, which just look like the city was out of control. It was bad for the communities we are trying to how. People see the pictures of looters running up and down madison avenue in manhattan. There were not as many pictures, but there was just as much activity in the bronx and in between and in queens mom and pop businesses that are struggling on a good day. Destroying businesses that are providing needed services to or communities. So, the looting was very bad. It wasnt the fault of the protesters. Some people try to put the protesters as looters. Toh, that would be a way dismiss the protesters, but its not true. Its not the fault of the Police Officers, right . Officers, its not their issue. City areficers in this the best Police Organization in the country, i believe. 36,000 strong. They have handled many difficult nights in this city. You have to have enough police deployed. I dont send state police somewhere unless i have enough state police. Its about management and deployment. Protesters. E. Ut its over it was a bad night. I took action. The mayor took action. Its over. It has not happened again. There has been no looting. There was one night. It stopped. It is over. Back . Ull come i think the looting was a bad night. It was a bad night, but it was one night during i think new yorkers know how to calibrate this. Look. Also, honesty works. Away withget authenticity in this city. It was a bad night. Bad two nights, alluding actually to nights. Yeah, it was bad. Ut i said it was bad and i said it has to stop and it has to stop now and it was a management, deployment issue of an managementd acted differently in the deployment was different and it stopped. Think wasnt good, but i it was addressed honestly. It was addressed effectively. And over the past several nights we have not seen any looting. I think new yorkers are past that. Governor, can you tell us about your evolution on 50a. You have been reluctant to do reform. I asked you about this a week ago and you were not nearly as definitive gov. Cuomo what did i say to you when you asked me the first time . I said theres no need to change 50a does not do what the local governments say that it does. Thats true. New york city used to release disciplinarian records. They released them. Then they stopped. When they stopped him a they said, oh, its illegal because of 50a. 50a was in existence when they released them. Very good paraphrase of what you said gov. Cuomo then there is the councils letter saying that 50a does not stop you. Do i believe it is the strawman for local governments . Yes. But even as a strawman, ok, we will knock it down as a strawman. Yes, a tough question. This one is for you. Gov. Cuomo that never works. [indiscernible] as soon as the Senate Starts taking up confirmations, i will send them. So, a week as they takes soon of confirmations. Confirmations are a different function of the state senate. I have a batch of confirmations. When it comes to reopening and seizing the moment on the you thinkts, it do the mayor is doing enough, do you think city officials are doing enough . They really reformed the streets. You are actually right. Bus lanes. Ted ive not heard the mayors announcement, but obviously a disparity between what the mta us for and what the mayor is doing. Do you want to comment on that . 20 miles of bus lanes is a step in the right direction, but we asked for 64 reason, which is really we want Speed Service so everyone can get more frequent service and everyone can accommodate to growth and to make the social distancing possible. You announced that they were accelerating a lot of projects. Is there any update on that . Gov. Cuomo who is we . You. Gov. Cuomo the federal government has to approve the federal congestion pricing plan. I have spoken to the federal government about it. The mta has spoken to the federal government about it. The mta has not approved the federal congestion pricing plan. Why not . You would have to ask the federal government. I do not believe they have a bona fide reason. Why have they not approve the pricing question mark i have no idea. Why havent they approved the cross hudson tunnels . Why havent they approved the tunnel from laguardia . Salt, which pass penalized new yorkers and increased the taxes of new yorkers who were already contribute more to the federal government than anyone else . I dont know. At ok, guys, thank you. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] later today, the white house presser kerry gives a briefing at 2 p. M. We were fortunate early on to rulest our old telephone and they are strategically located across the city of new york. That in and of itself provides a puts of communicating that out a predicate of what can be and with sensor technology, theres so much that can be done from that platform alone. Democratic congressman Yvette Clarke tonight at 8 p. M. Eastern on the communicators. This week, the house and senate will hold hearings on Law Enforcement accountability. Tuesday, secretary of labor Eugene Scalia will testify on the cares act and the role of Unemployment Insurance during the coronavirus pandemic. And then at 10 a. M. , a house judiciary hearing on policing enforcementd law accountable he. Secretary of the treasury Steve Mnuchin will testify on the implementation of title i of the cares acts. Whats this week, live tuesday and wednesday on cspan and this week, live tuesday and wednesday on cspan and cspan3. Or listen on the free cspan radio app. Former president s jimmy carter, bill clinton, george w. Bush, and barack obama made surrounding the killing of george floyd in minneapolis. Here is what they had to say. From president carter dehumanizing people do basis us all. The bonds of our common humanity must overcome the divisiveness of our fears and prejudices. Resident clinton remarked 57 years ago dr. King dreamed of a day when his four little children would be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. Today, that dream seems even more out of reach and will never reach it if we keep treating people of color with the unspoken assumption that they are less human. Present bush said president bush said this strategy raises a long overdue question rid how in ournd systemic Racism Society . The only way to see ourselves in a true light is to listen to the voices of those of so many who are hurting and grieving. Those who set out to silence those voices do not understand how america becomes a better place. And former president Barack Obama Says it falls on all of us, regardless of our race or station, including the majority of men women in Law Enforcement who take pride in doing their tough job the right way, every day to Work Together to create a new normal in which the legacy of bigotry and unequal treatment no longer insects are institutions or our hearts. You can read the statements online at cspan. Org. The congressional black halls held a virtual town on race and america following days of protests following the death of george floyd. Joining the conversation, activists as well as representatives from Law Enforcement and the media. Good afternoon, everyone. Im congressman Hakeem Jeffries here in the great state of new york. I am proud to represent the ,ighth Congressional District also known as the peoples republic of brooklyn. You coming to the to with other members of the Congressional Black Caucus joined by our led by our fearless chairwoman in other members you will be hearing from

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