Highest number we have ever done, that is good news, 280,000 total tested. The number of new cases, 10,841. A new high. The total hospitalizations, 15 thousand people currently hospitalized and 4000 icu patients. 10,000 patients discharged, that is the good news. The number of deaths, all time increase up to 3565. Most impacted states, you see new york at the top again, new jersey has a serious problem. In new jersey, and a growing problem. And then michigan, then california, then massachusetts. Total number of hospitalized, is down a blip, but we believe that is not statistically meaningful. Do you have the number of icu cases, they are up. The number of intimations are up, the number of discharges are also up, and this is interesting. Two thirds of the people who have been hospitalized have been discharged. Ok . Two thirds of the people hospitalized have been discharged. That is what we have been saying all along. Most people will not be hospitalized. Those who come and will be treated, and leave, that is two thirds. One third of that number has a serious condition which will require continued hospitalization. We are tracking the growth of the number of infections by hospital, and we can see just where the numbers are increasing. We have been talking about hitting the apex, it is the point where the number of infections on a daily basis is at the high point, and that is the ultimate challenge for the health care system. Can we handle that number of cases at the high point of the curve, i call it the battle of the mountaintop, because that is what it will be. It will be the number one point of engagement of the enemy. By the numbers, we are not yet at the apex, we are getting closer, depending on who model you look at, 6, 7 days, some people go out 14. But, our reading of the projections is somewhere in this seven day range, four, 6, 7, 8 day range. No one can give you a specific number, which makes it frustrating to plan when they cannot give you a specific number or date. We are in that range. We are not yet at the apex, part of me would like to be at the apex and just, let us do it. There is part of me that says it is good we are not at the apex, because we are not yet ready either. We are not yet ready for the high point. We are working at the capacity, and the more time we have to improve the capacity, the better, and the capacity of the health care system, beds, and equipment. We will be doing a Conference Call with all of the hospitals today to coordinate a equipment deployment, watching the spread of the rate of infections is interesting. This chart is what we have been talking about, and you can see it here. The upstate number is the top bar. The rest of new york has been fairly constant, 4 or 5 . Westchester, rockland, 8 , 6 , 7 . Long island is the area that is growing. You see long island goes from 16 to 17 , to 19 to 22 . New york city is actually dropping, as the number of cases in long island increases as a percentage of cases within the state. For us, this is about tracking the virus and the spread of the virus, and then deploying as the numbers suggest. In terms of beds, the 2500 ed facility is going to make a major difference. That has to work. The white house agreed to make that a covid positive facility. Originally, the center, the state convention center, we worked with the federal government, they constructed a 2500 bed facility and was supposed to be noncovid. I spoke to the president and transferred that with his intervention to a covid facility. The federal government will staff that in the federal government will equip that. That is a big deal, because that 2500 bed facility will relieve a lot of pressure on the downstate system. That is a significant number of beds, and that facility now has to make that transition quickly, and that is what we are focused on. It will be staff and equipment intensive, but the theory is to the best we can, relieve the entire Hospital System downstate by bringing those Covid Patients there. And, from the intake to the treatment, and it is going to be very difficult to run that large facility. But, if that works, and if it works well, that changes the numbers dramatically. That is a top focus for us. I spoke to the white house today on planning the logistical operation to get that up and running asap. And, that is the Top Operational priority. In terms of staffing, 85,000 volunteers, 22,000 from outofstate. 85,000 volunteers. I am also signing an executive order to allow medical students who were slated to graduate to begin practicing, we need doctors and nurses, so we will expedite that. On ventilators, we ordered 17,000, to give you an idea of how many 17,000 is, the federal stockpile was about 10,000 ventilators for the nation. We ordered 17,000 just for the state of new york. And, when we ordered the ventilators, we were paying for the ventilators. So, trust me, the financial situation of the state, we were not looking to spend a penny that we did not have to spend. And we place that order for the ventilators and were paying for that order. That order never came through. This goes back to the china situation. We had signed documents, we placed the order, governor baker talked about this in massachusetts. Then you get a call that says we cannot fill the order because you had all of that demand going in. So, what do we do . We find what equipment we have and use it the best we can. If you ask hospitals today what ventilators you have that are unused . And available . That they do not need much shortterm, and take 20 of that number of available ventilators, that is 500 ventilators. 500 ventilators is a significant number now. China is remarkably the repository for all of these orders, ventilators, ppe, it all goes back to china, which longterm we have to figure out why we wound up in the situation where we do not have the manufacturing capacity in this country. I understand the cost of manufacturing, but, this is a Public Health reason, as we have learned the hard way why we need the capacity in this country to do this. But, anyway, it all comes back to china. New york has been shopping in china. We are not really china experts. International relations is not what we do on a daily basis. I have been to china before a trade mission. So i have a basic understanding, but we went to the asia society to help us navigate china. I asked the white house to help us navigate china, i spoke to the ambassador, and we got really good news today, that the Chinese Government is going to facilitate a donation of 1000 ventilators that will come into jfk today, and i want to thank joe and clara, and jack from alibaba for their donation, that is going to be helpful. I want to thank ambassador wang for his help in making all of this happen, because this is a big deal and it will make a significant difference. Also, the state of oregon contacted us and is going to send 140 ventilators. Which is, i tell you, just astonishing and unexpected. And, i want to thank Governor Brown and all of the people in the state of oregon for their thoughtfulness, again, this was unsolicited, but it is 140 ventilators and it will make a difference. I was thinking about it on behalf of new york and what it means for oregon. First, it was a kind gesture, i know Governor Brown and she is a kind person, but it is also smart from the point of view of oregon. Why . Because we are all in the same battle, and the battle is stopping the spread of the virus. Look at what they did in china. It was in the wuhan province. First order of business was contain the virus in wuhan. Why . Because you want to contain the enemy, that is always the big first step. Oregon, we dealing with it now, we do not stop the spread in new york, it continues, and if you look at the projections it could get to oregon and they could have a significant problem towards may. Our problem is now. It is also smart, from oregons self interest. They see the fire spreading, stop the fire where it is before it gets to my home. Somebody sent me a great quote from fdr, who had such a beautiful way of taking complicated issues and communicating it in common sense language. And, he was dealing with trying to get the landlease program approved and accepted by the public. Why would this country help another country fight its war . And that was the lendlease program. His point was that it was a common enemy and that other countrys fight is actually our fight. If we do not stop the spread, then it is going to burn down our own country. This is how he does it, because the concept is right, what how does he explain it . Suppose my neighbors home catches fire and i have a length of garden hose 400 or 500 feet away. If he can take my garden hose and connected with his hydrant i may help them put out his fire. Now what do i do . I do not say, my garden hose cost me 15, you have to pay me 15 board. What is the transaction that goes on . I do not want the 15, i want my garden hose back after the fire is over. If it goes to the fire all right, without any damage, he gives it back to me, and thanks me for the use of it. But suppose it gets smashed up, holes in it during the fire. We do not have to do too much formality, but i say to him, i was glad to lend you that hose and i cannot use it anymore. It is all smashed up. He says, how many feet of it were there . I tell him that there were 150 feet. He says, all right, i will replace it. If i get a nice garden hose back, i am in good shape. State of oregon has lent us 140 ventilators. It was kind and smart, stop the virus here, it is better for the state of oregon in the nation. Their curve comes after hours, we will return their ventilators, but i know new yorkers and i know our generosity, and we will return it double fold. Because, that is who we are and what we believe. So, stop the fire in new york, kind, generous, also smart. Personal opinion, look, i want this all to be over, it has only gone on for 30 days since our first case, it feels like a lifetime. I think we all feel the same. This stresses this country and state like nothing else has in this lifetime. It stresses us on every level. The economy is stress, the social fabric is stressed, the social systems are is stressed. The most difficult level is the human level. It is for me, anyway. And, it is every day and everywhere. My brother catches the virus, that is stressful. My mother is worried about my brother, and she is concerned. We have a Birthday Party yesterday for stephanie and we were standing around the cake. Everybody six feet from each other in this bizarre what is supposed to be a fun, usual celebration of a birthday. My daughters cousin has a tragedy, and that is just emotionally very painful. They cannot hug each other and hold each other, they cannot even grieve together. These cyber chats, this is so emotionally taxing that you cannot even begin, you cannot even quantify the effect on society, and the effect on individuals. And, the burden that we are dealing with. So, i want it over. If there was anything i could do to accelerate getting it over, i would. Some ways, i want to get to the apex and onto the other side, and let us slide down that mountain. On the other hand, we have to be ready for the fight and we have to handle that fight. And, that is where we are. So, what do we do . You have to get through it. There is no simple answer. You are not going to wish this away. You have to get through it. You have to get through it intelligently, saving as many lives as you can, that is hard work, perseverance, mutuality, community, and finding your better self, inner strength and dealing with the situation. It is almost unmanageable on every level because you are out of control. This is a painful, disorienting experience. But, we find our best self, our strongest self. This day will end, and we will get through it and to the other side of the mountain. And, we will be the better for it. But, we have to do what we have to do between now and then, and that is what we are doing. Questions or comments . You said that 2500 were committed are there any field right now . Gov. Cuomo we received some, and we had ordered 17. We had paperwork, we had contracts, and they just never appeared. You are now 3500 deaths in the state of new york, and you were reporting about 1800. Can we say that more than 1000 people have died out of new york city, but is there some discrepancy in the data . Gov. Cuomo that is statewide versus citywide. More than 1000 people have died outside of the city . I can double check, we keep it on a hospital by hospital basis, so we can give you a regional breakdown. Should people in long island anticipate gov. Cuomo if you look at the numbers again. Could you put back the chart, please . For me, i am not a medical doctor. And, even a medical doctor, you follow the data and look at the numbers. You look at the numbers and we have been saying watch long island. It is like a fire spreading. At one point, the fire does not max out in one place, it consumes where it is, and then it is moving out. You look at where it is moving, you see the long Island Number is growing. It has been growing for the past 10 days. And, it has been growing steadily, so, interestingly, it is not moving north, it is moving east than it is north. And that is what those numbers say. On the data again, is there a reason the state is not breaking it down by age, gender, race. New york city is doing that and some other places are doing it. Some people are concerned. We can do that yes. You will provide that . We watched covid19 tracker which breaks it down by county and in the following days we will add age range and death by county so you get more precise information. It will be updated twice a day. Gov. Cuomo for me, we get it by hospital, because those hospitals are just dots on a map. If you look at where it is moving, and then deploying equipment like ahead of the fire, that is what we are doing. We can run the data however they have it. Is there any indication that the spread on long island because new york City Residents have flat out east or seeking treatment there . Gov. Cuomo i do not think we know. What are the ventilators from oregon expected to arrive, and how many days do they have left . Gov. Cuomo i love that expression, you go to war with what you have, not what you need. We are not at the apex, so we are still in the stage where we have the luxury, if you will, as gathering as we can. The 1000 ventilators from china and the 140 from oregon, we are still shopping, and all those other devices we talked about, splitting. Theoretically, splitting means every ventilator can help two people. It doubles the numbers of ventilators, theoretically. The medical professionals say that splitting is not ideal by any stretch of the imagination. But, splitting, bipap machines, we have 9000. They cannot replace a ventilator, but they can replace a ventilator for a person who does not need a full ventilator. We are gathering equipment because we are not at the apex, but when you hit the apex, you have what you have. I talked to the white house several times a day, and the federal government says the stockpile is about 10,000 and moves a little bit. But let us say that is 10,000, that is for the nation. So, there is no place for repository that is going to have everything that we need. By the way, even if we had total access to china, i think they have so distributed so much product that they do not have it. At one point, you are where you are, and then you have to do the best with what you have, right . We are not there yet, but we are getting close, and then we have all of those backup measures, and we will have to make do with all of that, the splitting, bipap, anesthesia machines, available units, and shifting units. That is what it will be, you go to war with what you have. What if you run out of sick days . Is that still the case . Gov. Cuomo that is still the case, but you do not know what the number is so nobody can tell you that. Tell me what the inflow is on the apex and i will tell you what we need. We do not know the inflow, nobody can tell you that, nobody can tell you the number that it stop that, you are still going up the mountain, i say what is the number at the top of the mountain . And they say, who knows. Nobody can answer that question. Hopefully, it starts to peak as soon as possible, i would like the apex to be tomorrow. So, nobody can answer that specifically, so you do not know what the number is at the top. 110,000 beds for coronavirus patients . That was a prediction earlier. Gov. Cuomo it depends on where it stops. 15,000 or 16,000 seems to be a long way to go. Gov. Cuomo you are looking at a system that is now at 75,000 beds. We are at 75,000 beds. We had 53 and we mandated an increase. That takes us to about 75 and change. We added 2500, we added other temporary facilities. We are probably up to 80,000 beds. The question if you have 16 or 17,000 people hospitalized, are you going to need that . Gov. Cuomo i do not know. But what it did was nobody expected the need of equipment. Nobody suggested ppe shortages, so you have to adjust. We were focused on beds early on, and we scrambled on the beds, but now it turns out it is ppe and masks, and ventilators. You are sued by the nra due to are there more legal challenges keeping people home or any antigathering orders. Gov. Cuomo i think ive been sued by the nra a dozen times. I did not even know i was sued this time. I wish you could become immune to this virus the way i have become immune to nra lawsuits. Do you still expect legal or National Legal challenges to these executive orders . Gov. Cuomo as i said the other day, it is a slow day if i do not get sued five times. The state is a great target. Have any of the healthcare workers been sent out to different hospitals, how many and what sort of process is there for that. Gov. Cuomo jim will answer, remember we collect the universe, and then it has to be vetted, and people basically hired by individual hospitals to meet their needs and they have to be comfortable that that person meets their needs. Jim i will take the second question first. We have a vetting process internally. Hundred people that the respective volunteers vet the volunteers. They get put into the portal and the hospitals do their own vet to make sure. We have had about two dozen hospitals already connect with several thousand in place, every hospital that has had a need has been met in the portal so far, and we expect it to grow on a daily basis as we continue to manage the process. Can you update us on the response when you put out the call for new York State Companies to start manufacturing some of the equipment that is desperately needed for frontline workers . Caller we have had some Companies Come forward, Empire State Development is working with them. It is all timing, we are talking about being several days from the apex, and our need is one week, even if you want to take the longest projection, two weeks. To say to a company i need one million gallons and i need them here in two weeks is hard, but there are companies that are interested and have come forward, and we are working with them. Back to your point, the 10 day shift in this chart is dramatic. New york city went from 75 of the cases in the state down to 65 , and that is almost all growth in long island from 15 to 22 . The shift is undeniable. Rockingham county officials have been asking why there is not a containment zone set up around some communities, can you explain the rationale . Have you heard about that . When you talk about a containment zone like westchester, that was about shutting down houses of worship in places where a lotta people were packed in one place. We have now done that shstate ride. We will reach out to those people and find out what more they want us to do. We are all ears at all times. What we did in rochelle, we have done state wide. The deaths in new york city is 2624, so outside it is still under 1000. Gov. Cuomo that was impressive. What things did you want to get done that were not done . And is a legislative session is essentially over . Gov. Cuomo marijuana, bigger economy, those were the two complicated initiatives that we wanted to work through that we did not get a chance to do, off the top my head, unless you remember any others . Is the session effectively over . That is up to the legislation, but i think it is safe to say that it is effectively over, they did a phenomenal job working through all of the policy issues and budget issues, so i think it is effectively order. It is up to them. Anyone who has not asked. Everyone has. Go ahead. Can you explain why an extender on the child victims act was not in the budget . Gov. Cuomo obviously, this was such an abbreviated session, we did not get to everything. I do not think we even seriously considered was there any serious conversation about the extension . If it is something that bubbles up, we can revisit it. The legislator passed a resolution to vote remotely, so if there is something we need to revisit and they are not able to come back it is on the table. Why was there not any discussion . They say that door shut. Gov. Cuomo they signed the bill in july so there is a one year window so the door is not shut. The bill sponsor has not called me. Gov. Cuomo and has not expired, has it . August. They said it will effectively close the filing period. Gov. Cuomo it goes until august, so if they want to take an action, could. Look, there are bill sponsors that sponsor how may bills . Hundreds. And then there are priorities that are brought to the table. I never had a conversation about the bill with either of the leaders. Let us take one more. President trump said that he sent more ventilators to new york as of yesterday. Have you received more from the federal government . Gov. Cuomo yes. How many more . We will find out. Gov. Cuomo the Javits Center is going to be the main federal assistance, that is 2500 beds, their staff, their equipment, that will be a significant relief valve for much of downstate. If we get that up and running, and that is a priority. Arthur ashe stadium . In flushing, is that overflow . Gov. Cuomo noncovid bed overflow, if we need it. The beds, when we first started, the main concern was having enough beds, we were focused on beds. It has shifted to equipment and staff. Thank you, have a good weekend. Thank you. Monday night on the communicators, from the annual state of the net conference internet archive creator brewster talks about documenting the internet. Archive about 800 million pages every day. About 800 billion urls. It is kind of huge. And that is only part of what we do. We also archive television. And also international television. Find clips of to what other people said and be able to put them in blog posts. The idea is to make it so people can quote compare and contrast and think critically about what happened on television. Watch the communicators monday night at 8 00 eastern on cspan two. Television has changed since cspan began 41 years ago but our mission continues. To provide an unfiltered view of government. We are brought you primary election coverage, the impeachment process, and now the federal response to the coronavirus. Cspansatch all of Public Affairs programming on television. Online. Or listen free on our cspan radio app. You can listen through our social media feeds. Cspan, created by private industry. As a Public Service and brought to you today by your television provider. And now, new Jersey Governor Phil Murphy gives an update on his state response to the coronavirus. New jersey has the highest number of confirmed cases in the nation. This is 90 minutes. Gov. Murphy good afternoon, everybody. Just to remind folks what our plan is for the next couple of days. Obviously, we are together right now and i, as i mentioned, unless there is a very meaningful material development, in which case we will change plans, tomorrow will be an