People diagnosed with coronavirus. Howardk oh will join us in just a moment. If you are a medical professional, we would love to hear from you. The numbers are on the screen. You can also join us on social media on twitter or facebook. Good evening. A lot to get to, including the numbers from Johns Hopkins university. Numbers continue increasing. 782,000 confirmed cases around the world and 30,000 deaths. 160,000 162,000 cases in the United States. Of manhattanive positive foris covid19. She says she began to feel under the weather and developed muscle aches, fever, stomach upstate stomach upset and could no longer smell or taste. She was diagnosed with coronavirus. Symptoms are mild. She is isolating herself at home. She is monitoring her symptoms and working remotely. She encourages everyone to stay and continues to practice social distancing. Congressman South Carolina and is also battling the illness. ,oining us is dr. Howard koh the former assistant secretary of health for the obama administration. Lets begin with the headline getting so much attention the last 24 hours from dr. Fauci that we could see as many as 200,000 deaths in the u. S. Your reaction . This, itin times like is really important to use the best science we have and experts , theing these projections worst Case Scenario is over 2 Million Deaths, which is horrifying. Doubling down on Public Health measures, social distancing, handwashing, those numbers could be lower. These are appropriate estimates by dr. Fauci. We do not know what the future holds. So much depends on how much we follow the guidelines. You have been speaking a lot about the pandemic of 1918. I want to put two numbers on the table. 50 Million Deaths in 1918. Deaths as a 675,000 result of spanish flu. You have pointed out we have not learned the lesson from a century ago. This comes as part of our regular Public Health history and we need to be prepared as much as possible and learn from the past experience. In 1918, 6 175,000 deaths in the thatry but we learned social distancing works. Entists have studied social distancing was implemented immediately and they had much lower death rates than in philadelphia. We need to understand what social distancing can do and apply measures today to save lives. Hear the term bending the curve, what data do you look at . Dr. Koh we are in a situation where cases and deaths are still rising. We have the highest number of cases in the world in the United States and deaths that double every three days in the u. S. Alone. Gic deaths today curve and getting on the other side of the break epidemic will require seeing webers go down and then might be able to roll back guidelines but now is the decision to extend the guideline for another 30 days was the right decision and scientifically the only decision that could be made. The president says he hopes the economy will be back up and running by june 1 and someday we will get past this pandemic, even though it might come back later in the fall. What lessons can we take away . What mistakes can we apply for the future in terms of federal response on public response . Future, we need to invest more in Public Health prevention and preparedness. State Health Commissioner through 9 11 and anthrax and after that we saw tremendous attention to prevention, treating, education. Then,unately, since attention has waned. Right now we have so many challenges with testing and getting the government to work to protect people and i think we are finally seeing some progress. We need to wrap up testing and continue testing special populations. By extending regulations for another month and doubling down on Public Health, we could get to the other side. Many have pointed out there were a lot of bureaucratic delays in terms of Public Health response. Someone who served as the assistant secretary for hhs, how do you correct that . Dr. Koh better planning and coordination and training in the future. Us have been involved in government and academia in the community and seen exercises and time wherebut in a there are so many Public Health threats with respect to opioids, tobacco, Mental Health and other issues that make up in average Public Health day, often we do not spend a moment to prepare for the future, which is desperately needed. So i hope as an outcome we see dedicated attention to prevention and preparedness Going Forward. Passedkage Congress Just should be a great help to hospitals and the community. Attentiond sustained to all the things Going Forward. Koh is on therd line and served in the Obama White House as the former u. S. Assistant secretary for health and human services. We will get to your phone calls and a moment. For you personally, how is it impacting your life . Dr. Koh i am fortunate because i am a professor now so i get to teach classes online. I get to keep running my research and grant opportunities virtually so i am fortunate but there are many others who are not as lucky as i am. I am very respectful and appreciative of the Frontline Health care workers and the hospitals right now. They are in a battle and need our help and support. I am also grateful to all the people running essential businesses in our communities. Stations,ore, gas people making the economy go forward one day at a time. We need to support one another while staying apart. Anything your students are asking that gives you pause . Is that a Silver Lining everyone now understands the importance of Public Health. It is a hard concept to understand but it protects Peoples Health 24 7 and it works. Just have a normal, healthy day when it works and you dont appreciate it. But in times like this, you get to see what Public Health can give to each person. The gift of health. How important it is to protect the health of a person. This pandemic reminds us of that and i hope we can learn the lessons Going Forward. Host what is it about this virus that makes it so insidious . Dr. Koh it is a new novel it camerus and when into our country we had a late start in terms of getting testing and surveillance and coordination. It quickly grew. It is rising at exponential rates. Data with respect to cases and deaths. This is always a threat in the background. These pandemics are happening now and will happen in the future so we have to be better prepared Going Forward. Questionss get some for the doctor. He teaches at harvard. Sarasota, florida joins us. Good evening. Thank you for your time. Healthy but may have had exposure, we followed quarantine guidelines and are quite ill at the end of january. Test showrent exposure or current virus, and , shouldows exposure blood or plasma donations be offered . Exposed, youou are can quarantine yourself. That means you are exposed but not necessarily infected. After 14 days you can lead quarantine. What we need to track is if you get sick, you have more than 100. 4ymptoms, over temperature and shortness of breath. At that point, connect with a Health Care Provider and get tested to see if you have it or not. News is testing sites are popping up everywhere in every state and we are trying to keep the testing sites away from Embattled Health care systems with drivethrough facilities. I am hoping all those options are available. Host lets go to maps in naples, florida. Us how manyell hundreds of cases and of deaths [indiscernible] dangersinimizing the that were created by this epidemic . Agrees theeryone response has not been timely or optimal. We are making progress and making up for it but the testing , for example, we have close to one million tests but we need many more. We need the best coordination between the State Government and federal government right now. Governorsant to see bidding against one another for bidding governors against each other for supplies. Coordination is critically important. Planning is important Going Forward for every hospital, state, and federal government. Host this is a related tweet. Mike says, up until two weeks ago, there were professional sports and celebrity events going on and no one mentioned people dying and now all of a sudden it is a catastrophic situation. Can you touch on those points . Dr. Koh this is the danger of this virus. When it grows, it is exponential growth. Right now we are having some discussion about highrisk and lowrisk parts of the country but lowrisk today could be highrisk tomorrow. So we are moving quickly. If you are living in a part of the country that is considered low risk, stay ahead of this and get as much prevention and proactive Public Health in your Community Working with leaders and mayors, this is the time to do it. The representative woke up sunday morning and was feeling ill and lost her temper her sense of taste and smell and those are some of the early signs, with cramping and fevers. She is one of the members of the house and rand paul battling illness. What will Congress Need to do in the future in terms of how they operate for the next five or six weeks . They wont be back until end of april at the earliest. Dr. Koh congress has passed three release packages so far. Its important. It is important to consider the package is a start because we do not know what the future holds. Hospitals have been under tremendous stress anyway before this started. Public health has been under resourced for far too long and 24 7 so iem working Hope Congress takes the opportunity to track this every day and try to keep generating resources we need. Host lets go to shelby and ohio. Good evening. Hello. About symptoms, how do you know what the symptoms are . Do you have vomiting or diarrhea like with the flu, or what . Steve just summarized key symptoms. Fever, cough, shortness of breath. There are some gastrointestinal symptoms. Diarrhea and other g. I. Symptoms. Could feelnning, he like a common cold or the flu. It could feel like the common cold or flu. Stay in touch with your health care professional. As it gets more uncomfortable for you, your doctor could recommend you get tested. You iscation between important. Also go toan coronavirus. Com for a list of symptoms and questions that can be answered. Do to says, what can you help yourself if you have the virus and you are at home . Is there a way to treat symptoms with overthecounter drugs . Dr. Koh if you are infected, go into isolation. You need to be in a separate room from everyone else in the house and hopefully have your own bathroom and make sure utensils you use are separate from everyone else. Practice as much distancing from others in the house as much as possible. , we are hoping you could then be a source of support for others. Isolate yourself if you have the virus. Host Johnson Johnson announced testing for a vaccine could come as early as september. What does that timetable tell you is a Public Health official . Dr. Koh tremendous efforts to try to accelerate vaccine production now. Dr. Fauci has talked about this. His best projections are a year or more might be needed to get vaccines for the general public. So the projection you are citing sounds early to me, but you never know. We have tremendous expertise in the country. Is the time where the u. S. Is leveraging their tremendous scientific power. We have research for a vaccine and new therapeutic innovations so we are hoping when we get to the other side of this, we will have effective vaccines and treatments Going Forward. Hosta is joining us in north carolina. Retired Infection Control nurse and prevention nest and i am returned and all the i am surprised all the coverage i have seen on tv i of thet heard mention Infection Control department and the nurses and the role they play and it is a very Important Department and they are unsung heroes. They are always dealing with these things. They do pandemic plans for the hospitals. I am surprised with this 24 7 coverage that i have never seen any discussion of their role. Dr. Koh thank you for your service and commitment to these very important issues. I agree with you. The frontline workers in the hospitals are heroes and Infection Control experts like you are tremendous champions for prevention. Over recent years we have had much more attention to decreasing infections in hospitals. Disinfection of facilities like hospitals is very important in times like this. Hospital administrators are key and we need to keep hospitals as infection free as possible and keep the risk down for doctors, nurses, and patients and make is practicing disinfection measures at home. Host from Winter Springs florida, good evening. I have a question about social distancing. Theyafraid eventually when open up the world to restaurants, businesses and we can go back to work, i will be scared of a catastrophic plague system where tens of millions of people will die because the virus is not going to go away in august or september. So it is a big fear when we go back to normalcy that this could be a plague situation with tens of millions of people dying. I want to get your thoughts on that. Dr. Koh thank you for your question. That is why it is so important to follow the science and trends. We cannot open businesses right now because the trends are going up. Once they start going down and we see transmission has slowed, its time to open up and it is important to gain the confidence of people like you when we resume our normal lives. That ifeen well studied you are infected, you have a chance of infecting two or three other people. If we cannot down the number two below one, that is what social distancing does, we can make the infection go down and hopefully fade away. That is the goal. Once we do that and we show the best science possible and earn the trust of the public, we will gain the confidence to reopen businesses and schools and get back to normal. Host what do you say to parents of Young Children who want to go outside and play with their friends . Dr. Koh going outside is fine. As long as you stay 6 feet away. This is not the time to have. Arties with other kids teaching your kids that prevention and committing to helping other kids is one of the lessons by staying away because of health reasons. It is a very important thing for parents to teach children right now. Host terry from north dakota, good evening. Thank you for taking my call. I appreciate cspan and your guests. To keeping was back medical workers and First Responders healthy. So much the president has said so much about how did we go from meeting 20,000 needing 20,000 masks to 300. How can we explain to that man so that he realizes if 20 people are sick and we have all of the workers who are changing their masks so frequently, what can we do to help other people understand there is this shortage of masks when we are using so many . Dr. Koh you are absolutely right. This is a time where we need to be careful how we use masks and get respirators. There is a shortage throughout the country. We need to preserve use for Health Care Workers on the front line. This is why we recommend the general public who is healthy to not use masks. They are reserved for those who are sick or caring for the sick. Stockpile and generation of more, hopefully we can get to a butt, we have a shortage, the issue of personal protective equipment is huge right now and we have to be very careful to protect frontline workers who are working day in and day out in hospitals. Host our focus is the Public Health threat from coronavirus. Tomorrow we will talk with the mayor of seattle and governor of maryland to talk about public response. Russell in illinois, good evening. Good evening. My granddaughter is a nurse in the hospital and was exposed to the virus. They did not know the patient had it. Now she is experiencing some of and the hospital told her to stay home. It will not test her they will not test her. She has to go to her personal physician and might schedule a test for her. I think there is a shortage of sucks and the hospital the way they are doing this. All, manyirst of thanks to your granddaughter for her commitment to care for others. The fact she is quarantining herself is appropriate. If she had no symptoms at all it is appropriate she not be tested but any level of symptoms, she needs to talk very closely with her health care professional, her doctor, especially if her fever gets over 100. 4. As the cdc has updated guidelines about who should be tested, Health Care Professionals are in a priority one group. So those factors might come into play when her doctor recommends whether or not she gets tested. ,ost sherry from pennsylvania you are next. Pharmacist, ias a understand we are essential workers and took the oath to protect the people. Have aconcern is i preexisting lung condition and im concerned about losing my job and feel i should be protected with a preexisting condition. Risk with these conditions. As a pharmacist i think it would be nice when zones become hot, that the pharmacy has a drive through that we remain open but only through customers picking up prescriptions through the drivethrough. Dr. Koh thank you for your service. Pharmacists are on the front lines. If you have a medical condition you feel puts you at risk, is something you should confirm with your doctor and talk with your employer as soon as possible. It could be an option that perhaps you do Something Else in dealharmacy that does not with directly interacting with customers. I do not know how many other jobs you could fill but these considerations are very important and if you have concerns about that, please talk intensely with your doctor and employer. It is very important. Host a tweet from david in says, has isolation meaningfully reduced other diseases, especially regular flu . Dr. Koh absolutely. A Key Foundation for Infectious Disease is identifying the infected person and isolating contacts. Racing when the cases were lower in the country, that was the initial on. Tegy that we embarked ,hose key principles identification, isolation, are killers for Public Health prevention. Soht now the country has much disease, we are into the mitigation phase. Hopefully at some point as we get to the other side, we can go back to the contingent phase that involves identification, isolation, and contact tracing. That would give more attention to Public Health staff and communities and that is why Public Health workers and people in Public Health at the Community Level is very important right now. With tim inall redding, california. Call. Nk you for taking my it seems there is a fair amount of uncertainty around the numbers of fatalities projected wondering ini was what needs totude happen in order for this uncertainty to be resolved . And i want your opinion as to whether or not steps are being taken now effectively or not. Virush this is a novel and novel threat. We have never faced a threat like this before so that is why we need to rely on the best science, look at the best protections possible and do everything we can with respect to prevention, Public Health and development of vaccines and therapeutic agents for the future. The good news is we have complete attention on this coasttocoast and we have a 15 day guideline that has expend that has been expanded to another month. If every state doubles down on all the efforts, it is my hope we can get to the other side of the epidemic sooner rather than later and continue to unify the country Going Forward. Int based on your expertise the short term, the next two weeks, what will they look like . Dr. Koh we will still see rising trends, cases, and deaths. This is where it is really important to track what is happening in other countries. China for example, they started before us and it took about 2. 5 months of a pretty severe lockdown to get to the point where they are opening up society again. They have done that in the last week. Equipment,ipping masks, and personal protective gear to us. So we want to track this and learn from other countries and continue to protect Public Health as best we can moving forward. The dr. Is a professor of Public Health at harvard and experts serving in the Obama White House. Thank you for being with us. Dr. Koh thank you. Host we will continue with a look at Public Health with dr. Scott atlas who joins us from Stanford University. Earlier today the president announced a new milestone in terms of testing. President trump today we reached a milestone in the war against coronavirus. Over one million americans have now been tested. More than any other country by far. Not even close. And tested accurately. Secretaryke to ask azar to say a few words about the fact we reached more than one million tests. Thank you for your leadership and marshaling the resources we have for this effort. Hole ofu for leading a economy approach. The u. S. Hit more than one million sample tested, a number no other country has reached. We are testing nearly 100,000 samples per day. Another level no other country has reached. Thank you to every partner involved in this effort. That includes all the men and women of the fda and cdc, including director redfield. The have worked to balance need for testing on an aggressive scale with scientific rigor americans expect. Testing coordinators have unleashed the ingenuity of the private sector. Thank you to the leaders who used the on the Ground Resources and knowledge to lead testing and make it more accessible to those who need it. All of the daily briefings are available on our website, cspan. Org coronavirus. An oped from washington, isolation is stopping Human Interaction but it will not eradicate covid19. Writing the economic lockdown lossoflife could be enormous, far longerlasting than coronavirus itself. Two points need to be understood. Isolation in terms of medical science and testing is important but should be prioritized instead of thought of as urgent for everyone. Dr. Atlas joins us from california. Im going to have you explain your oped in the washington times. Dr. Atlas the biggest picture point made is we need to look at things rationally and not incite fear with worstCase Scenarios. To minimize what is happening. It is a serious problem. But the strategy on dealing with the problems has to be based on fundamental biology and i would encourage everyone to listen to those who know the science like dr. Birx and doctors dr. Fauci more than opeds and people who dont have medical background. And according to my oped, it is to say we have a reason to want to have a certain amount of immunity develop naturally. That is the way viruses and other diseases ultimately get under control. Perfectt necessarily biologically to have every Single Person isolated with the of all human contact. Let me explain why. Thiswe have a disease like where the overwhelming majority of people do not have a serious illness, this is something viewers need to understand. Hard toe many people, say how many because numbers are 20 of people or more would be asymptomatic. Its important because if people are not sick and they are carrying the virus, their body produces antibodies, the immune response that is natural. When you have people transmit the viruses, more and more people become immune and are therefore protected and ultimately more people get protected from the virus and the virus ultimately dissipates or disappears. Its also important to note there are people who are vulnerable who will have a serious disease and have a risk of dying. It is crucial that those people are protected, that means mighted from anyone who even be just a carrier of the virus. So we need to be very clear that the policies being done, i am not disputing them right now, but we can look forward to when we get the urgent situation a little bit more under control, there will be a reason, a biological reason, to have more people intermingling with each other as long as we protect those who are vulnerable who and not overwhelm the Health Care System unnecessarily. O a couple of points host let me pick up on the point about the Health Care Systems. That is what we are hearing from the governors of new york, new jersey, they are worried the hospitals will be totally overwhelmed. Many already are. Are a couple of components. First and foremost, if you have mild disease, you do not need , ifcal care from the virus you have a mild fever, mild cough. As long as it does not progress toward significant shortness of breath or high fever and you are otherwise healthy, the appropriate step for you is to isolate yourself for about two weeks. Is a very important point to make because you are a danger to others who are not otherwise healthy. Take it seriously. Secondly, if you are older and have underlying diseases like kidney or lung disease or heart failure, these people have to be very careful. , you they have a fever might need medical care and you should contact your doctor. But when you have people who were under this misconception that the first thing that is urgent is for everyone to get tested, that is really not urgent. What is urgent is to protect the vulnerable and keep everyone who is sick who is otherwise healthy in terms of underlying diseases isolated from everyone else. That means dont rush to the hospital or medical sister Medical Center and you are otherwise healthy with just a mild fever or mild cough, just isolate yourself. You dont need to be tested. Testing has to be strategically done. Who needs a test urgently . Sick and hospitals and might have the virus need to be tested urgently because we need to be isolated from everyone and if theyhospital we receiving a treatment, need to know what they have. The other person who needs urgent testing is the Health Care Professionals who are dealing with patients. We cannot have Health Care Professionals overwhelmed by being sick. We need every one of them. We also need the group that deals with Senior Citizens tested to isolate those at the highest risk, Senior Citizens in nursing homes, we need to have the people work with them tested. That is critical. Flus and otherst coronavirus is that are mild and similar to this, we know if ,eople come into a nursing home 7 to 10 of people in the nursing home die. So it is very critical for people to take isolation policies very seriously, including social isolation. Host we are talking with dr. Scott atlas. He is a graduate of the university of chicago and is a senior fellow and professor of radiology and chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center. Lets get to your phone calls. The first is from richmond. I am from richmond, california. It seems from what i hear on the ,ews that most of the people their viral condition progresses to pneumonia and they die. I have been vaccinated against pneumonia. So what is my status . Ballpark assame everyone else or less likely to have a severe problem if i get the virus . I am in my 70s. Host do you have other preexisting conditions . Not that i think relates to these. I have a tremor that i take prednisoner, i take and i guess i read that medicine makes you slightly more likely to have problems but i consider myself healthy. Host good luck to you. Dr. Atlas the first point is people who die from this typically die from respiratory problems in the intensive care unit. They have some sort of pneumonia, typically a severe viral ammonia that often can bacterialondary pneumonia. To answer your question, there is no vaccine for this ammonia. So any this pneumonia. So any vaccine for anything else does not necessarily protect from this disease. A vaccine is being worked on. Other bacterial pneumonia vaccines are not necessarily assumed to protect against the complications from this. Host the next colors from ramona, california. Hello. My name is tina. I have preexisting conditions. My daughter is living with my inlaws and just became rn. Young, impressionable, and just had her first covid patient die on her. She is wearing the same masks she world day. She has one in her car she wore all day. She has one in her car from her grandfather. Am i going to lose my daughter because trump doesnt think testing healthcare workers, and you do not seem it is important enough that they should be tested weekly . I am an x Mental Health worker. I used to work in that field. I worked in a nursing home. I was an administrator. I saw many many people die from the flu. Its devastating. But for my daughter, 27, for her to take care of a covid patient in her first year of taking care, she is in the icu nurse. It was her first choice. She likes the challenge. Is she supposed to die over covid because trump does not want to isolate Health Care Workers or test them weekly . This is a travesty for the Health Care Workers who would prefer to be isolated after taking care of patients who are dying in their units or patients who are the heirs who are dying who are they errors who are theirs who are dying. Dr. Atlas i understand. Everyone involved is thankful for people like your daughter who are going to work in these situations. I think it is important that Health Care Workers get tested. They are in the same top everyone in the category of people. Health care workers are essential to be tested. Have goodntial they protective gear because they are on the front lines dealing with patients who are infected and , which is how this is generally transmitted. So i completely agree with you that Health Care Workers need to be tested. They will need to be tested repeatedly because a negative test day one does not mean five minutes later you have not been exposed to someone in that setting. I know there is a big prioritization of testing and personal protective gear for Health Care Workers. There is a big push by everyone. Host lets go to New Hyde Park in new york. Good evening. Host youre on the air. Go ahead. Aside from social distancing, is it possible to get the virus through droplets in the air . Dr. Atlas this is a good question. The general way the virus is transmitted from everything known, we do not have complete information. New information comes out every day. Being in the face of someone coughing or picking it up from someone who coughed onto their hand and then you touch you touchurface if they are or surface. You touch their hand or surface. Most of the info is that this is transmitted in droplets from coughing. It gets to the question of if people needs mask people need masks and who needs them, which is a cause of confusion. The reality is those who need those who anticipate being coughed on. People in crowded settings. If you are walking into a room with someone with covid19, its a problem. If you are a Health Care Worker in a Medical Center where patients are coming in coughing. They need masks. , the mask is mainly designed to stop you as an infected person from coughing into someone else. Doing aerating room medical procedure, doctors wearing surgical masks, its not infected, it is to avoid infecting others. So if someone is sick, stay home. Room, thealk into the person who was sick should put on a mask. Its a little different from what people think. If you are Walking Around outside in a noncredit situation , the cdc not crowded situation. The cdc does not recommend a mask. Recommend a look at their recommendation for the flu. They say there is no recommendation for someone with no symptoms to wear a mask in public even if you are high risk on their flu website. Is there a system in place in terms of best practices where doctors can share what works and doesnt . Dr. Atlas there are general guidelines that all Medical Centers understand and tremendous communication going on nationally and internationally. I think there is a lot of this is anand Infectious Disease so there are known precautions to take for Health Care Workers and this seems to be very contagious and there is no question every Health Care Worker knows they should wear masks. From new last call hampshire. You have been in socialized adicine and are the editor of the free market is similar to the free market in wuhan. Any comments on how the free can deal with a pandemic as opposed to the socialized medicine, which you are opposed to . Sayatlas i would not everyone would say the free market is like the market of luanne. Whoo hand, china. Uhan. No system can effectively deal with if everyone needed a ventilator tomorrow, its impossible to provide. When you look in our system versus the socialized systems of europe, we are more prepared. Two times to 10 times more Critical Care beds per person in vulnerable populations, more beds per person than the socialized medicine systems of england, canada, western europe. We are not italy. We have more ventilators per person. Than allr times more of the social medicine systems. This is well documented. Fromve the best outcomes respiratory failure diseases like this. The best outcomes in the world. The socialized medicine systems. We have the best access to drugs. Patients, cancer patients, heart attacks, Better Outcomes then the systems of socialized medicine. System could easily be because resources are limited but i am confident if i were sick i would want to be in the u. S. More than any new place with socialized medicine. Dr. Scott atlas joining us from california, senior fellow at hoover and part of the Stanford University Medical Center, thank you for being with us. Coming up, we will check in with members of congress, tim ryan and join us via zoom earlier today with governor cuomo, he talked about his back and forth with trump and whether politics needs to play a part in the pandemic. How many years would you say you have known me . 20. 20 years. Known in thoser 20 years that i am unwilling to tangle . I think the president because i take his comment as a compliment. A poll that said people were pleased with my leadership and i thank him for that. It was a compliment. As far as his comment about having a political contest with me, i am not engaging him in politics. My goal is to engage him in partnership. This is no time for politics. Lead by example. Im not getting into a political dispute with the president. Bait of asing to the political challenge. Im not running for president. I never once. Not. D from day one i was i am not playing politics. I just want partnership to deal with this. Clearly, whenhim you do good things for my state and you are a good partner, i will be the first one to say so. And i have. Comfort todayship and said him thankful and said to him thank you. The army of army corps of engineers did a great job. Will you help my state i will say thankful. When i believe new york is not being served, i will say that. Sometimes it is simple. Just tell the truth. Right . Tell the truth. If you are doing the right thing by new york, i will say it. If you are doing the wrong thing by new york or the rest of the country, i will say it. But i am not going to engage in politics. Not that i am unwilling to tangle, but because i think it is counterproductive and inappropriate and antiamerican. Forget the politics. Forget the politics. We have a national crisis. We are at war. There is no politics. There is no red and blue. It is red, white, and blue. So lets get over it and lead by example. Host that from Governor Andrew Cuomo from new york in his regular daily briefing. Tim ryan democrat from ohio joins us from zoom. I let my dog in and out. Host how are you dealing with this . Getting . Tions are you a lot of people are scared. You really recognize how many people touch the Health Care Workforce and First Responders, police, fire, how many are in quarantine. I think they are afraid. They do not have the protective equipment they need. They do not have the ventilators they need. They know the numbers are going up. There is a lot of fear. Host you are the father of Young Children. What questions are they asking . When do we get to go back out . We have been pretty good. They have been good at trying to understand what is happening. They see what is on tv. We have narrowed it down to a small group of friends. Just literally one friend each they can hang out with. We have tried to tighten it. They are going about their business. In ohio we are a few weeks behind what is happening in new. Ork so it will get more real know the nursel at the hospital who is working overtime without a mask. As that becomes morehere, it wil for the kids. Host your colleague confirming today that she is battling covid19 and is in selfisolation. Her symptoms began sunday morning. What else are you hearing from colleagues in the house . Doing calls,e been Hakeem Jeffries has been doing a phenomenal job, literally spent the entire day today on the telephone on a caucus meeting, an update from Frank Pallone and freddie scott. About personal protective for thet, osha rules Health Care Workforce. What you are hearing on these hearing thisare member of congress from detroit and what is happening. Greg meeks was on the call advocating for what is going on in new york. They are in the member of the crisis right now. A member of congress from alabama. That with a call like a caucus so big, you get a feel for what is happening and what the tempo is in different communities. But we are all in the same boat. People dont have the protective equipment they need to be we need the manufacturing and production done in the u. S. , weve got to ramp it up immediately. To aow we got off terrible start and we are really behind. So you get the people on the front line who are afraid but they are doing the job and showing courage across the country. Host the plant in lordstown, what role will that play in this pandemic . Guest it wont play much of a role if the president doesnt wrap his arms around the defense production act and get this thing up and running on behalf of the american people, to the point where he can take an old auto factory like the one in lordstown, ohio the president , again, sometimes he is misinformed. He wanted General Motors to start up the plant and make ventilators, but they sold that plant months and months ago to a Truck Company that is still getting off the ground. But there is still a lot of room in the facility and lordstown motors, like many responsible corporations around the country, are saying we have the space if you needed for production and we will work with you. But that will not happen until the president really gets the bull by the horns. That is the frustration for so many of us. People on the front lines are afraid. We are the United States of america, we should be utilizing facilities like the one in lordstown and others across the country to be manufacturing the respirators, n95 masks, surgical masks, goggles. Theres no reason we should not have this up and running and have all of these factories equipping our Frontline Health workforce. Weve got to get the president s attention on this because every hour that goes by, thousands and thousands of Health Care Workers who show up at work, they dont know if they will have a mask or respirator. Host what is your routine like now with selfisolation . Governor dewine has been the most aggressive with telling people to stay home. Guest i grew up in northeast ohio, and my grandparents lived a couple of blocks down. We grew up hearing the stories of the great depression, and their lifestyle. I think it reminds me a lot of that. Clearly i am on the phone a lot during the day, working with local hospitals, calling people about ppes and trying to get us organized and prepared, that we eat lunch together. My wife and i are cooking dinner every night, homemade dinners, which is nice. A year list of honey do things for me to take care of. I put together a pizza oven that had been in the shed for years. We are on a lot of zoom calls and that kind of thing. Andi am not out and about, for a United States congressman, it is very different. Host final question, when you think the house will reconvene . Your return date is very much in limbo. Guest you know, i am not sure. A lot of people are working on how we do remote voting, Remote Committee hearings, which i think is going to be interesting. I think this whole coronavirus is going to change our society in ways i dont think we can fully appreciate now. Even the fact that you cant get haircuts right now may be something that affects us down the road. But i am not sure. Velasquez interacting with members of the Democratic Caucus while we were there, it shows the risk factor of being together, but at the same time, there will be another package we will have to get out, state and local governments did not get enough money in this package. Postal workers did not qualify for family and medical leave. The frontline workforce, we still need rules in place to protect them. So we have got to do the job, but in a responsible way. Asn you look at the modeling the virus moves across the we mayou see ohio be well into may before we are getting to our peak. Other states will be devastated. You look at florida and mississippi where the governors are been completely irresponsible and letting citizens go out and about, they will get hammered. What does that look like with all of florida shut down in may or june . How do you reconvene . It is up in the air and there is no playbook. We just have to try to do the responsible thing and figure it out. But there is no answer yet. Host congressman tim ryan, democrat from youngstown, ohio, and is the dog in or out of the house . Guest he is one is in the house and the other is out of the house. They are brother and sister and have separation anxiety so something will bunch here soon viewed host thank you for spending some time with us. Tomorrow, the mayor of seattle will join us and also the governor of maryland, larry hogan, in another primetime edition of washington journal. We are back tomorrow morning at 7 00 a. M. Eastern time. Thank you for joining us for this monday primetime edition of the journal and enjoy the rest of your evening. Cspans washington journal, live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. The executiveg, director of the National Conference of state legislatures discusses what the 2 trillion corona virus aid package means did then, means. Lateste talk about the of elements in u. S. Efforts to come back combat the pandemic. Unionresident of a labor for the Hospitality Industry on how the coronavirus is impacting his members. Journal liveton tuesday morning. Join the discussion. If you miss any of our live coverage of the government response to the coronavirus outbreak, watch it any time cspan. Org coronavirus. 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