Thompson, seek recognition . Mr. Thompson madam speaker, pursuant to House Resolution, i for up h. R. 5377 and ask its immediate consideration in the house. The peaker pro tempore clerk will report the bill the title of the bill. The clerk Union Calendar number 275, h. R. 5377, a bill to amend revenue code of 1986 to modify the deduction of and local taxes and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to House Resolution in the naturement of a substitute recommended by the committee on ways and means in the bill is adopted and bill, as amended, is read. Ered as the bill shall be debatable for ne hour equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the means. Ee on ways and the gentleman from california, r. Thompson, and the gentleman from nebraska from texas, mr. Rady, each will control 30 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from california, mr. Thompson. Mr. Thompson thank you, madam speaker. I ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and and to heir remarks their remarks and any other material on this bill into the record. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Madam speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Thompson madam speaker, i rise in strong support of h. R. 5377, the restoring tax fairness for states and localities act. This bill would temporarily repeal the salt cap in order to restore fairness in our tax code and provide Congress Time to develop more comprehensive tax reform. The current cap on the state and local Tax Deduction reflects the sloppy and cynical nature of the 2017 republican tax bill. This bill was hastily rammed through congress in just 51 days without a hearing, without an opportunity to hear from state and local governments, and without an opportunity to hear from teachers or First Responders. Republicans decided from the beginning from behind closed doors to include a cap on salt deductions in order to help finance their tax cuts for corporations and the rich. In my home state, california, verage salt deductions are 0,448. A total of 6. 5 million california families or 35. 6 of tax filers claimed the deduction in 2017. The double taxation of earnings people have already paid in state and local taxes inhibits state and local governments ability to fund even the most vital of programs, including Emergency Services and public education. H. R. 5377 fixes this problem by restoring the longstanding tax precedent that protects state and local governments ability to raise revenue to fund these services. And this fix doesnt add a single dime to the deficit. Furthermore, this bill provides tax relief to the middle class Public Servants left behind by the republican tax bill by doubling the outofpocket deduction for teachers, classroom expenses, and creating a new deduction for expenses for First Responders. Teachers in 90 california claimed the educator expense deduction. And they will all get double under this bill. The shortsightedness of the salt cap had further consequences for middle class taxpayers in high tax states. Capping the salt deduction diminished the incentives for middle class taxpayers to claim tax benefits that encouraged Home Ownership and charitable deductions. By limiting the salt deduction and raising the standard deduction, fewer middle class taxpayers benefit from taking the mortgage Interest Deduction and Charitable Giving deductions. Home ownership is an important way for middle class families to build wealth. Eliminating incentives for Charitable Giving undermines local charities that rely on donations from middle class members of their communities. I think my colleagues from both sides of the aisle can agree that these are the types of behavior we should be encouraging through our tax code. This bill reverses the republicans actions to undercut these middle class benefits to finance tax cuts for the wealthiest americans. Finally, this bill isnt about cutting taxes for high earners. This bill is about tax fairness. Ensuring that taxpayers are not double taxed by being required to pay federal income tax on earnings they pay in state and local taxes. And appeals to the core tenets of our federalist system. In the spirit of tax fairness, this bill is responsibly offset by restoring the top marginal rate back to 39. 6 for the highest income bracket. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. I would like to remind members to take their conversations off the floor. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, madam speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Brady this bill is a tax cut for the wealthy and a green light for state and local politicians to raise taxes on local families even higher. The center for American Progress and center for budget policy priorities are two liberal organizations. I dont againly agree with. Today i have generally agree w today i say i do. The center for progress made it plain repealing the salt cap shouldnt be a high priority. In fact that this is overwhelmingly a tax cut for the rich. The center on budget and policy priorities agrees they have said repealing the salt cap what democrats are proposing to do today is regressive and overwhelmingly benefits high income households. They go further. And say this is little help to the middle class. Its a sad day when its obvious to everyone but democrats they are championing a huge tax cut for millionaires and billionaires while the middle class in america gets zip. Today we debate their insistence on hiking taxes on main street businesses across america to pay for their massive tax windfall for the wealthy 1 . You think your local property taxes are high now . This legislation is a starter pistol for a new race among state and local leaders. Who of them will be first to raise property taxes, sales taxes, and income taxes even higher . On working families and local businesss . Hese local taxes are, frankly, brutal. According to the liberal tax center, only 1 of taxpayers in america paid more axes last year due to the reasonable salt cap. 1 . In california, only 2 . In new york, a mere 3 . The rest of taxpayers in america either received a tax cut or they broke even. Republicans the tax cuts and jobs act lowered taxes on income across the board. Doubled the child Tax Deduction and expanded it to far more families and doubled the tandard deduction so more can keep what they earn and. Important this was because more and more families, including in high tax states, in high tax states, found the a. M. T. Canceled out and salt itable deductions completely. Another myth thats been that it hurts states budgets. Any enjoyed a windfall and revenue, an average of 6 with stronger economies, more workers expanded tax base. Said lifornia governor capping salt would lower revenues for california. Brought a is state whooping 3 billion more in personal income taxes than he predicted. All thehe same story in high tax states, including new jersey. Question is what did these states do with their windfall . Did they pocket these extra dollars or did they pass them their families and local businesses by reducingity taxes . Ocal taxes . Ce state and local states like new jersey actually their state and local taxes while new york, illinois, and massachusetts are debating higher salt taxes. So if governors, legislators, keep raising local raises with a salt cap, imagine how without ll raise them one. There is to be price to be state and local taxes. In truth, these are terrific dynamic economies and really good people, but to moneywise. Com, the four states americans are are new rom the most jersey, new york, connecticut, and illinois. Millennials, young people are the same, but you can add california to that list. Hese young people love their states with good reason, but they just cant see a future high taxes and impossiblily high costs. In the end, though, why should impossiblily high costs. Why should though, low tax states pay for high tax states . A farmer subsidize a banker in manhattan . Should a person that doesnt itemize their taxes subsidize the billionaire in the penthouse who does . Why should lebron james, an athlete, legendary, really, of the lakers, hell an estimated 2. 4 million tax break next year democrats bill . But the janitor and beer vendor n staple center, they get nothing. Gerrit cole, a former astro, is oing to the yankees as their new ace, hell get an estimated 850,000 next year. That parking lot attendant at Yankee Stadium gets nothing. This bill does. Because more than half of the alt deduction goes to millionaire and billionaire households. House is not the in order. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is correct. Order. Se is not in please take your conversations off the floor. The gentleman is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you. The salt cap of 10,000 is National Average of salt deductions and because of republican lawmakers in high ax states who weighed in aggressively during tax reform, it can be used for property, sales, or income taxes. N the a. M. T. , with which is worth up to 10,000 in tax breaks, was eliminated. Thanks to progrowth tax reform, u. S. Economys roared into gear, the lowest unemployment in half a century, paychecks in more than test outpacing ob growth inflation. American manufacturing is back. We have a million more job workers. And america is once again the land of opportunity. Salt g a cap on the isuction for middle class a crucial component of achieving this economic victories for merican workers and their families. That old broken regressive salt no break for the wealthy has place in a fair modern tax code, positive growth in america since its removal is a clear demonstration of that fact. Thing we hear eliminating the salt deduction is a double taxation and the courts, nal, tax policy experts have debunked myths. And we hear about moocher states. The only moochers are the state local politicians who think its their money and mooching off the backs of hardworking Small Businesses in high tax states. I know. Y democrat colleagues are sincere in this effort, i know. But with this bill, you have the mantle laimed party of the rich. I strongly urge all my colleagues to vote no on this and, again, i offer this republicans are committed to orking with democrats to make our tax code even more competitive, to make our economy stronger, and to never stop working to help the little guy and giving e class tax breaks to billionaires, encouraging states to raise not thexes even more is way to do it. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the reserves. The gentleman from california is recognized. Mr. Thompson thank you. Out that t to point the irony of my friends my friend from texass testimony shouldnt be lost by any of us. The republicans that created this problem with their tax bill. Did a tax bill that benefited corporations and the people in the country. And then to say that somehow regular folksting is really laughable. In the tax cut cost us debt 2. 3 trillion. The ld one minute to gentlewoman from new jersey, sherrill. Man ms. Sherrill i thank my colleague, the gentleman from california. I rise today to defend the taxpayers of our country. People who believe in a Strong America with Great Schools and great infrastructure. Madam chair, i launched 12 days of salt last week to urge this 2016 tax ift the bills 10,000 cap on state and deduction. Today is the 11th day of salt. I have been on the floor for 11 talk about this. This is an issue of tax fairness with people investing in their and in ies, in schools infrastructure. Only to face double taxation as he federal government punishes these efforts. The 2016 tax bill was an attack taxpayers. Ey new jersey already sends more money to washington and gets nearly every state in the country. Our bill will put money back in of our residents and communities and not just in new jersey. His bill provides relief for 13. 1 million americans. It also doubles the deduction teachers outofpocket expenses and creates a new deduction for First Responders workrelated costs. I ask my colleagues to support tax relief, to support our First Responders and pass this bill. Thank you and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the yields. Dy the gentleman reserves, and the entleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Brady thank you, madam speaker. Im proud to yield the balance of my time to the republican tax policy e subcommittee, the gentleman from nebraska, and i ask unanimous that he be allowed to control that time. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized. Thank you, madam speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Admit, i am amust bit puzzled why we are here for this bill. Our work in the house is almost done for the year. Weve funded the federal government and extended expiring programs like flood insurance. About to well i guess we are about to pass the usmca with a record vote. Democratic colleagues can go ome and celebrate theat they voted to make history to impeach the president. But apparently before we go home we also need to give ebenezer scrooge a tax cut. Before we get into the problems with todays bill, we should positives of the tax cuts and jobs act which this bill seeks to undermine. And jobs act lowered tax rates for all americans and increased the child tax credit. The standard deduction from 6,000 for individuals and 12,000 for couples to 12,000 for individuals and 24,000 for couples. Help ensure federal tax policy doesnt reward states and cities for raising their taxes high, we instituted a 10,000 very thoughtful cap on deductions cal tax to ensure americans in low tax unfair sharepay an of federal taxes. Thanks to the combination of lower rates, larger child tax higher standard deduction under tcja, for xample, a single mom with two kids doesnt pay a penny of ederal income tax until her income exceeds 53,000. In other words, we ensure that income nt owe federal tax until her income exceeds not an hour but 25 per hour. For americans who do pay income higher standard deduction 29 million means 29 million more their lds could simplify taxes. Hat are the democrats doing today . Not ensuring our tax code is quitable, but passing a temporary emphasis temporary helps those h 12,000 to 1 million paid for by permanently small ing taxes on businesses. Let me say that again. If you make between 0 and not givethis bill does you tax relief or a tax cut. If you make between 75,000 and 200,000, there is a small chance you could get a small tax cut. Perou make between 200,000 year and 1 million per year, you have the best chance of cut. Ng a tax madam speaker, we should continue working together to find ways to improve the tax all americans. This bill makes the code both more complex and less and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. Is gentleman from california recognized. Mr. Thompson madam speaker, id like to yield one minute to york, a eman from new great Public Servant and someone whos partnered with us on a issues, important peter king. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Thank the gentleman for yielding. Madam speaker, i stand in strong support of this legislation. Commend my colleague, congressman suozzi, for introducing it. Disappointed in my republican colleagues. Here you are raising a class warfare argument. Like the progressive left. One of the reasons why cities like new york and counties like suffolk had to raise their property taxes is because for 50 years weve been states. Ing u. S. 70 , 80 of the money we pay the comes back toment us. The rest goes to your states. All those years where you have been able to develop using our money, we had to raise local taxes. And now youre turning into warfare. You talk about millionaires. The people in my district are millionaires. Theyre cops, firefighters, construction workers. The people that answered the call on 9 11. Youre doing is undermining the middle class. Whats middle class in your state is different than mine. Reason we are high is because of the fact we had to subsidize all the rest of you for all these years. When politicians come to new york to raise their money and go back home and vote against us. Strongest that the advocate for this when this was and leading in 1986 to the defeat of the attempt to take away salt was donald trump. It would hurt id the states that work the hardest will get hurt the most because of this. Just say, and ill end on this. That we have subsidized long enough. Fairness. Ng for it is wrong for conservatives to be talking about having a tax on a tax. Yield back the balance of my time. I urge passage of this bill. Ave some equity in the tax code. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california reserves. The gentleman is recognized. Mr. Brady i have a sear a series of have statements in opposition from americans for tax reform, prosperity, National Taxpayers union and heritage action. Ask unanimous d consent that these documents be submitted for the record. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Smith madam speaker, i now yield six minutes to the gentleman from South Carolina, r. Rice, an expert on tax policy. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Rice madam speaker, today i strong opposition to this partisan bill that would ive millionaires and billionaires a tax cut and do nothing to help the middle class. Cuts and jobs act brought prosperity throughout people of and to every demographic and every income level. Is at 50year lows. Alltime lows for hispanics. Ricans and American Economic growth remains world. Y of the after years of stagnation under the obama administration, are growing wages at rates not seen in over a decade. Restored inhas been this land of opportunity. How did the tax cuts and jobs act accomplish this . Primarily it cut tax rates for businesses to make them more competitive in the world, especially Small Businesses that employ 2 3 of American Workers. 10,0007 eliminates the cap of deductibility object state on state and local taxes referred to as the salt deduction and pays for it by raising the top rate from 37 to 39. 6 . This is the rate paid by many of the Small Business owners that employ all of those americans and has restored our prosperity. This would absolutely make those businesses less competitive in the world and would dampen americas renewed prosperity. Madam speaker, even worse the 10,000 cap on deductibility of the salt deduction is more than sufficient for over 90 of americans. Lifting this 10,000 cap is a plain tax cut for the rich. The democrats constant complaint about the tax cut and jobs act is that it was a tax cut for the rich which is simply untrue. But today they propose to fix it by giving an even bigger massive tax cut to the rich. Thats correct. Let me repeat t they complain that the tax cuts and jobs act was a tax cut for the rich and they want to fix it by giving an even bigger tax cut to the rich. 52 of the benefit of repealing the salt cap goes to income earners making more than a Million Dollars a year. 52 . 94 of the benefit goes to income earners in the top 10 of wage earners. Madam speaker, the democrats should stop trying to convince america that they care about the middle class. There is an old proverb, i cant hear what youre saying because your actions speak so loudly. This legislation would be particularly bad for poor and rural areas and states with low taxes like florida and texas. Which have no state income taxes. The average salt deduction in my home county is 1,800. Ell below the 10,000 cap. We had a hearing where we invited mayors of affluent townships around d. C. And in new york state and their complaint was that without the salt deduction they would have difficulty in raising taxes on their residents. Madam speaker, the d. C. Suburbs have the highest Household Income in the country. The median Household Income is over 100,000. I represent Marion County, South Carolina, one of the poorest in the state. 57 of its residents are africanamerican. The median Household Income is around 30,000. Less than a third of that in the washington suburbs. But if this salt cap is lifted, the income taxes that the poor residents of Marion County pay, a portion of those will go to subsidize the housing and the services of the well paid bureaucrats in the suburbs of d. C. Their taxes are already used to pay the salaries of these folks. But now you would have the poor rural residents across america, not just Marion County, subsidize their taxes as well. Madam speaker, yesterday those across the aisle voted to impeach President Trump who has done more to rebuild the middle class than anyone since ronald reagan. The figures dont lie. Today they introduce a bill that would give a massive tax break to the highest wage earners. This bill would make our tax code more regressive. It would provide a huge tax benefit to the 1 . This benefit would increase income inequality. The democrats actions, madam speaker, betray their loyalties and those loyalties are not to the american middle class. Madam speaker, i encourage all of my colleagues to think of American Workers and vote no on this legislation that will hurt the middle class. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from nebraska reserves. The gentleman from california is recognized. Mr. Thompson thank you, madam speaker. Id like to thank the gentleman for pointing out that our bill is paid for unlike the tcja and the pay for comes from the wealthiest earners. Id like to yield one minute to the gentleman from connecticut, a great member of the ways and Means Committee, congressman larson. Mr. Larson i rise to support this bill strongly. I want to thank him for his efforts and especially the efforts of Bill Pascrell who has been our passionate leader on the ways and Means Committee on this very important issue. What a spirit of christmas is upon us today. Its great to see the bipartisanship is continuing. I was so happy to see peter king down in the well talking about what this means. I dare say to my other colleagues, i would love to have mr. Rice come and visit augie in east heartford and have him talk about how billionaires are being benefited. In connecticut on average we used to deduct on average 19,000. 19,000 in personal property taxes. Now we get to deduct 10. Why . To the e could pay 1 nation, 83 of your tax cut thats unpaid for, paid for by working people. And in our state we send more money to the federal government than we get in return. So the basic unfairness that was established by lincoln back during the civil war is that this is double taxation, and especially hurts the blue Collar Worker force all across this great country, but especially in those states who go ut of their way to pay their own. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Larson i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from california reserves. The gentleman from nebraska is recognized. Mr. Smith thank you, madam speaker. I might add that nebraska, the states that i represent, actually is considered to be a donor state as well. And theres great support for the salt cap in nebraska. Madam speaker, i now yield three minutes to the gentleman from arizona, mr. Schweikert. The speaker pro tempore before i recognize the gentleman i would just remind the members to direct their comments to the chair. The gentleman is recognized. Mr. Schweikert thank you, madam speaker. To my friends here, this is one of those moments i wasnt going to come up here and try to do firebrand or theater, but we do have a little moment of intellectual inconsistency. So lets actually just try a quick thought experiment. We as a body, my brothers and sisters on the left, you support a progressive tax system, right . Madam speaker, if you support a progressive tax system, then the fact of the matter is if you have a high income earning state community, you pay more taxes. So just a little line of intellectual consistency. So you support wealthier paying more so what happens when you actually have a deduction that you want to put back sorry, you know me and charts, its a problem. Im working on a 12step group to deal with it. The fact of the matter is the top 5 of income earners get 77 , 77 of the benefit. You cant intellectually have it both ways. Arent your brains just exploding saying one hand we want you to give rich people these deductions, but on the other hand we want to tax rich people more except for this bill where we want to give the really, really rich people the benefit. So you are going to get a chance we are going to have an m. T. R. And at least this way you can take it away from the real, really, really, really, really rich people who make 100 million or more saying they dont get to take the salt deduction. Well see what level of super rich people we are defending in this debate. I understand you are doing actually from a political standpoint we are all doing you are doing the right thing. You are doing the work from your district. But at least we could be intellectually honest about the math. If you represent a district that has high taxes, whether it be the income or the state tax income taxes or property taxes, coming and defending salt is fine. Makes sense. Be honest about what the math means. If you are a donor state its because you have high incomes. If you want this its because you are defending your wealthy. And its just math. And the math, madam speaker, the math always wins. Yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from nebraska reserves. I would remind the members to please address their comments to the chair. The gentleman from california is recognized. Mr. Thompson thank you, madam speaker. I yield one minute to the gentleman from oregon, congressman blumenauer. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Blumenauer thank you, very much. I appreciate your hard work on this. This is the largest transfer of wealth in American History with the tax bill the republicans. They kept the tax break for corporations. And they are hitting middle class families in my district, four in 10 average about 15,000 a year. But one of the things we havent talked about is the hit to home values. I ask unanimous consent to enter into the record an article by alan sloan in the Fortune Magazine that talks about trumps trillion dollar hit to homeowners. By denying the full salt deduction, you are making it more expensive to buy homes. You are having a lower resale value. Its a loss net worth. Plus about a 1 hit because of the higher Interest Rates that are going to come because your tax bill of 2 trillion is on the collar. I would strongly urge my colleagues to look at this to see how pervasive the hit is. Not just to their income tax, but to their most precious asset, their home value. The speaker pro tempore without objection, that entry will be placed into the record. The gentleman reserves. The gentleman is recognized. Mr. Smith i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from california is recognized. Thank you, madam speaker. I yield one minute to the gentleman from new jersey, a leader, very vocal advocate of this bill, congressman pascrell. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Pascrell thank you, madam chair. I rise in strong support of h. R. 5377. The bill is carefully crafted. It happened a package of tax relief created to address the injustice. Done to our middle class families by the salt cap. Remember, you are rich, you get double taxed. Youre not so rich you get double taxed. Thats what we are talking about here. It is the product of months of hard work by members of our committee and the working group led by mr. Thompson. I want to thank the gentleman from california, the time he spept on this, and not giving up. Im grateful to our many other colleagues from other states, blue and red. I also want to thank our committee chair, the gentleman from massachusetts, for his leadership and hard work. I strongly urge all my colleagues to support this important legislation. And im going to conclude by this, madam chair, that they have all talked about one side or the other side has done this. About what happens to those quoteunquote, millionaires if in the bill we pay for it by increasing the personal income tax from where it was before. Have you subtracted that from what you are going to get back upped taxs . No, you havent. Because you have done it in a dishonest way. And thats why the middle class gets shafted. Not this time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman has yielded. The gentleman from california reserves. The gentleman is recognized. Mr. Smith i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized. Mr. Thompson id like to yield one minute to the gentleman from illinois, great member of our ways and Means Committee, congressman davis. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Davis thank you, madam chairman. My Congressional District is one of the most affected Congressional Districts in the nation. Ranking 38th among districts in highest average salt deduction. Er 105 thousand household 105,000 households benefite from the salt in my district in 2017 with an average benefit of 19,400. Then the republican ta law increased taxes on millions of ians. Oyians and illinois the salt deduction is a bedrock part of the tax code sincets inception. It has been around since the beginning of time. If it aint broke, dont fix it. Need to restore it and make sure that citizens get the benefit in their communities from their state government, and then be able to use it as a part of their income tax. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from nebraska is recognized. Mr. Smith reserve. The speaker pro tempore the is leman from california recognized. Mr. Thompson madam speaker, i yield one minute to the entleman from new york, a treasured member of our ways and Means Committee, congressman higgins. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Higgins i thank the gentleman for yielding. Madam speaker, there are many tax s with the republican scheme, but the 10,000 state nd local Tax Deduction cap is one of the most egregious. The salt deduction has been a the state United States tax code since the introduction of the federal tax in 1913. To acknowledge state and local taxes are paid for services that the federal government does not provide. When state and local governments of that deduction, they were taxed twice. His is an issue which has been said many times in the committee of tax fairness. This legislation was a team effort under the direction of the thompson, ahead working group, the persistence pascrell and ll tom suozzi, they made their with clarity and insistence on fairness for their inspired all of us to fight to defend that same fairness for ours. This is a good bill. I urge its support, and i yield time. He balance of my the speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from california reserves. The gentleman from nebraska is. Ecognized mr. Smith madam speaker, i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the entleman from california is recognized. Mr. Thompson mr. Speaker, id like to yield one minute to the gentlewoman from california, a great member of our ways and congresswoman , chu. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. S. Chu i rise in support of h. R. 5377, which will stop the of le taxing of millions americans. Restoring the ability of state ns to deduct their and local taxes is about fairness. Its about fairness for the in my california district, where the average salt was nearly 21,000, more than double the current 10,000 limit. Fairness for the married teachers making 60,000 receive only half of the deduction of nonmarried creating a ectively marriage penalty. Its about fairness for our struggle rnments that to provide Important Services such as education, public infrastructure. And its about fairness for our teachers and firefighters who additional deduction in this bill to help them afford expenses. Ed the 2017 tax scam was unfair. 1 and corporations got a massive handout while american the ies were left holding bag. A vote in support of this bill today begins to restore that and i urge my colleagues to support it. The speaker pro tempore the reserves. The gentleman from nebraska is recognized. I reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from california is recognized. Madam speaker, id the gentleman o from illinois, congressman schneider. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. R. Schneider thank you, madam speaker. I thank the chairman for recognizing me. I rise in strong support of h. R. Tax fairnesstoring for states and localities act. This legislation seeks to fix most harmful provisions of the 2017 republican tax law. Limit on the state and local Tax Deduction. Aising this unfair punishing cap is a top priority for the constituents i represent. Pay federalicans to tax on the taxes theyve already paid to their state and local double taxation, and it is wrong. In my illinois district, 42 of filers use the salt deduction and the verage deduction is significantly higher, nearly double the new cap. 10,000 cap the new applies equally for married and creating a s, marriage penalty. This is not fair to americas class. Its wrong that the burden of the tax law that overwhelmingly enefits the most fortunate americans, indeed 83 that wentited from the 2017 law to the top 1 , its unfair the burden should lie on a narrow of states like illinois. Would 377 h. R. 5377 right these wrongs. I urge a yes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. He gentleman from nebraska is recognized. Mr. Smith madam speaker, i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from california is recognized. Mr. Thompson madam speaker, id to yield one minute to the gentleman from new york, someone this,worked tirelessly on you couldnt get out of his line of sight no matter how early i hed be he gym, waiting, we got to do salt, from new n tom suozzi york. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Suozzi thank you, madam speaker. Thank you, mr. Chairman thank you chairman neal, thank you Bill Pascrell, or your help, thank you, peter island. Friend in long thank you to the 50 cosponsors of this bill, bipartisan realized we hat have to be, as someone mentioned before, intellectually honest. We need to be intellectually and recognize, number one, that 100 of this bill is by the wealthiest americans. 100 of this bill is paid for by taxpayers who make over 44,000 year. Its 444,000 a year. This is being paid for 100 by wealthy. This is called the restore tax fairness for state and that name ist, and exactly what this is about, restoring fairness. Its not fair that people are paying taxes on taxes theyve already paid. Its not fair that state and relied nicipalities who on this since the beginning of the tax code in 1913 are now gut and punch in the changing the rules. Teachers, ndorsed by endorsed by firefighters, police officers. R. Thompson madam chair, i yield 30 seconds. Mr. Suozzi endorsed by the u. S. Conference of mayors, national of cities, National Association of counties. Fair, madam speaker, that my colleagues on the other boasting, boasting that people are leaving places like to their nd moving states. What happens . The people that are left behind, moderate income people that cant move away are left holding the bag. States hurt by this existing g. O. P. Tax cut are the other states in this nation. My state sends 48 billion more. Urge support and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from nebraska. Mr. Smith madam speaker, i reserve. Howthompson madam speaker, much time remains . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california has 14 minutes. The gentleman from nebraska has 11 minutes. Mr. Thompson madam speaker, i yield one minute to the gentleman from nevada, a great committee, r congressman horsford. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Thank you, madam chair. Madam speaker and to the chairman, i appreciate the and speak ino rise support of the restoring tax fairness for states and act, which includes my bill, the support american 2019, which will substantially increase the current educators deduction for teachers. On average, teachers in clark ounty school districts, the fifth largest district in the skun, which i represent in which i represent, 500. Salary, 40,000. Caitlyn cline, a kindergarten carl elementary more. In las vegas spends every year she spends 1,000 out of her own pocket to give her classroom the educational deserve. E they as ms. Cline says, as a teacher, i have to work extra hard on the side to help pay my bills and have extra money for work expenses. Extra Financial Relief that can be utilized can make a huge difference. Urge my colleagues to vote in favor of this bill, lets give the teachers the they need and provide them the deduction for the expenses that they incur. Yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman is recognized. Mr. Smith thank you, madam speaker. That there will be a chance here in a few moments to answer the concerns the prior speaker had. With that i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the reserves. The gentleman from california is recognized. Mr. Thompson madam speaker, i yield one minute to the california, from treasured member of the energy and commerce committee, ms. Eshoo. The speaker pro tempore the recognized the gentlewoman is recognized the gentleman is recognized. The gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Eshoo thank you, madam speaker. Proud to rise in support of 5377, and i am an original cosponsor of the legislation. I will put my full statement in record, but let me just say a few things that are top line. Constituents over 200,000 constituents, ouseholds affected by this in my Congressional District. Now, someone was talking about math. Original tax bill was bad math. Trillion to the national debt. Fair . No. Assault on the middle class. Ets be perfectly clear about this. And what has the middle class here . To anyone they are the backbone of our country. The backbone of our country. Four major things to deduct. Mortgage interest, salt, deductions, and house expenditures. Do . Hat did your tax bill it screwed the middle class, in plain english. This restores that deductibility, and they deserve to have it. And this bill is paid for. I think thats good math and i its fair and i thank mr. Thompson and the committee for on work that theyve done it. Bravo to all of you, and thank from my constituents. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. Recognized. N is mr. Smith in the interest of accuracy in this debate, i doubled the standard deduction for all americans, not just selective americans. T all we doubled that standard deduction, therefore, helping the middle class. With that i reserve the balance time. The speaker pro tempore just a reminder to keep the conversations off the floor as we proceed. Is gentleman from california recognized. Mr. Thompson madam speaker, i yield one minute to the gentleman from new york, the affairs of the foreign committee, congressman engel. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york is recognized. Thank you. Madam speaker, i rise today to to begin to 5377, repair some of the damage from the g. O. P. s tax scam this ation, which passed house two years ago. I said at the time and i say it again, its one of the worst i have ever seen, and it blows a hole in the budget. So much for fiscal responsibility on the other side of the aisle. One of the more egregious was sions in that bill capping state and local Tax Deductions at 10,000. Of deduction has been part our tax code for over 150 years. Constituents my who often have property, income, tax exceeding 10,000. New yorkers already pay more to the federal government as a donor state than we receive back. We receive only 84 cents for every dollar we send to washington. This imbalance is greater than any other state and grows salt cap. The homeowners have seen homes decline because of the salt cap. Introduced h. R. 515 with 20 of my colleagues to repeal this harmful tax provision. Pleased to see my new york colleague, mr. Suozzis measure my bill here h of on the floor today. In conclusion, let me say, we need to reverse some of the harm the g. O. P. s tax scam bill has inflicted on so many americans, my new york constituents. Support h. R. 5377, and lets be and for all. Thank you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. Will receive a message. The messenger madam speaker, a senate. From the the secretary madam speaker. The speaker pro tempore madam secretary. The secretary i have been directed by the senate to inform the house that the senate has assed s. 1822, an act to require the federal Communications Commission to issue rules relating to the data with respect to the availability of broadband ervices, and for other purposes. And which the concurrence of the requested. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from nebraska is recognized. Mr. Smith madam speaker, i now minute to the gentleman from texas, mr. Arrington. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Thank you, madam speaker. I want to first commend my olleague from new york, mr. Suozzi, for his passionate district. Or his i understand where his heart is. I understand his motives. Are pure and makes it a lot easier to work with that have that approach Public Policy that way. As i mentioned to him in think this is wrongheaded. Bad Public Policy. Its certainly not in keeping ith benefitting the general welfare of the public. Restoring these salt deductions, im sure many of these points being made earlier discourage from keeping es their taxes low. They also penalize states like tax rates eep their of the b majority benefits of these deductions millionaires. Thats not an exaggeration. Over 50 of the benefit will go millionaires. Are in fact, 95 of the benefit will make over who 200,000. Thats real money in west texas. I yield the gentleman 30 seconds. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Arrington i think one of the biggest problems i have with this ultimately is were raising that top rate after we cut taxes, restored more freedom to the markets, unleashed growth, job creation, all the tremendous response from the tax cuts and jobs act, and now were putting a tax burden on the American People, were raising taxes on Small Businesses, a third a third of the taxes being raised here will fall on Small Businesses. Mom and pop shops. Community banks. Family farmers. Main street will be negatively affected in a big way. So i urge my colleagues to vote no on this legislation. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves, the gentleman from california is recognized. Madam speaker, i yield one minute to the gentleman from illinois, congressman casston. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. I want to start by thanking my colleagues across the aisle for passing the tax cuts and jobs about my predecessor exained on it, i wouldnt be here otherwise so thank you all. Its important to understand, we need to pass this bill to undo the damage done by that bill. The hurt it gave to middle class family, teachers, First Responders across the country from the first tax code in 1913, weve included allowing a deduction for state and local taxes for the simple reason that we shouldnt tax people twice. Mr. Casten its not just going back to 19 13678 our founders got that point as well. Alexander hamilton in federalist 32 said an Uncontrollable Authority to raise funds is a problem. The house is not in is not in order. The speaker pro tempore the house is not in order. Please take your conversations off the froor. The gentleman is recognized. Mr. Casten what hamilton sunday certain services, like roads, schools, library are better and more efficiently provided by local authorities. When we double taxation we create a fight between federal and local authorities to the detriment of those critical local services. The repeal of the state and local Tax Deduction, the tax cut and job act i urge my colleagues to vote yes and yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserve the gentleman from nebraska is recognized. I reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized. Madam speaker, i recognize i yield one minute to the gentleman from minnesota, congressman phillips. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. I rise today in support of h. R. 5377, the bipartisan mr. Phillips i rise today in support of h. R. 5377, the bipartisan act. This will provide immediate relief to famwlis families who edeserve it. The tax law was a bad deal for the state of minnesota, the people of my state and millions across the country. The salt cap is a punishment to states that invest in school, invest in roads, invest in people. And a punishment to hardworking families in those states who deserve our appreciation and gratitude. Not a tax increase. People like matthew and karen, two educators in my district who bought a homenary young family three years ago an now with increased tax burden face the real prospect of losing their home and having to move further away from their kids school and community. Im fighting hard nor bill and on a mission to make the tax code more equitable for people of my state, one that already shared much of of its hardearned money with washington than it gets back in return, particularly for people like matthew and karen. I urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to come together, enthe salt cap and repeal such a punitive mistake. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california reserves. I would ask again that the house members please take their conversations off the floor. The gentleman from nebraska is recognized. Thank you, madam speaker. I reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from california is recognized. Madam speaker, i yield one minute to the gentlewoman from california, congresswoman porter. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Porte madam chairwoman, i rise today in support of the restoring tax bonus for states and localities act. Over the last year i have heard a resounding message from Orange County family, from republican from democrat, and from independents. We must repeal the harmful salt mits included in trumps tax law. When that law caps state and local Tax Deductions it raised tacks on tens of thousands of Orange County family, full stop. The average salt deduction in my district is over 22,000. By capping the detuck at only 10,000, less than half that amount, Orange County families are being double taxed on the money they earned. The salt cap also imposes a marriage penalty and it is therefore antifamily. Reversing salt is bipartisan. I heard this in april when i held a tax town hall in april my constituents couldnt understand why republicans an democrats could not come together to address the salt problem and help middle class families in california while halliburton, amazon, and chevron paid no federal income tax in 2018. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewomans time has expired. Ms. Porter our families should not be penalized by double taxation. I thank the chairman i thank chairman neal and thompson for their work on this important bill and i urge support from my colleagues on both sides of the aisle. I yield two minutes to the gentleman from new york, mr. Zeldin. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Zeldin i rise in opposition to this bill, i want to thank my colleague the speaker pro tempore the house is not in order. Please take your conversations off the floor. The gentleman is recognized. Mr. Zeldin as i was say, i thank my colleague from long island, mr. Suozzi and i have engaged in many conversations about this important issue and im sure that that will continue after todays debate. Id like to clear up a few things about this legislation before us today to cut through some of whats been debated. This bill permanently hikes taxes on individuals and Small Businesses to 39. 6 for those currently in the 37 tax bracket. And for many in the 35 tax bracket as well. In exchange for a very temporary change of the salt deduction only until 2021. So the salt deduction is going change very temporarily but permanently were going to be increasing taxes on individuals and Small Businesses. So passthrough businesses, we have to understand, 90 of u. S. Businesses are passthroughs. They dont pay the Corporate Tax rate. They pay under the individual tax rate. And almost 100 of all passthrough businesses have less than 100 employees. Were increasing taxes permanently on all of these Small Businesses in exchange for that shortterm change. I support multiple active bills that would change the state and local Tax Deduction without raise anything taxes on individuals and small miss. Its important to remember that the only salt deduction legislation that will provide relief is legislation that can be signed into law and this bill which permanently raises taxes on individuals and Small Businesses is not it. In my district, from main street to wineries in the north fork, this is bad news for Small Businesses up and down long island. Im focused on providing true tax relief for all hardworking long islanders. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. I yield the gentleman an additional 0 seconds. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Zeldin its unfortunate at the thoached day when the dust has settled theyll continue to be the victim of out of touch congressional leadership. My colleagues know im eager to work with them to fix this legislation so we can get this across the finish line to provide true tax relief for hard working americans. Unfortunately that very temporary change to salt in exchange for that permanent tax increase for individuals and Small Businesses is why i cant support this bill in its current form. I yield. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from california is recognized. Thank you, madam speaker. I want to remind the gentleman, madam speaker, that although i appreciate that he wants to get rid of the cap you cant do it without paying for it, thats the same irresponsible behavior that the republicans employed in their tax bill and it cost us 2. Trillion in our national debt. I yield one minute to the gentleman from new jersey, mr. Gottheimer. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Gottheimer thank you, madam speaker. I rise in support of h. R. 5377, the to fainlly deliver the tax cuts so desperately needed for families and businesses in my district in northern new jerseyism thank chairman neal for his leadership on this legislation which will ultimately save the Fifth District tax filers 5. 6 billion each year. Thats just in my district alone. Today, i release a study of a study tax cut mod tole show at every income level the tax cuts to families in the Fifth District of new jersey will see as a result of this bipartisan bill. Not only will the bill cut taxes, it will increase Property Values and drive Economic Growth which is why the new Jersey Chamber of commerce and new jersey realtors have come out in support of the legislation. We have to fix thes me caused by the 2017 tax hike bill in the moocher states and provide relief for new jersey families, First Responders and Small Businesses. Ever since i joined in voting against the 2017 tax hike bill i have been fighting to fullry reinstate salt. Its time we fight back against the moocher states who stole 800 billion out of our pockets. Im sick and tired of paying the bill hofsemoocher states. That is a huge win for new jersey families. I urge my colleagues to vote yes and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from is recognized. Mr. Smith i remind my colleague who just spoke that the average family of four in his district receives a benefit through tax cuts and jobs act of about 5,000 per year. With that, i yield one minute to the gentleman from california, mr. Lamalfa. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Lamalfa last night we were in the twilight zone, today tpwheer a parallel universe. I come from a state, california where we bear so much cost of taxes from sacramento. All were doing here is justifying the increase in the car tax, increase in the gas tax, spend mung on a dead high speed rail project. The increase from mysterious gas tax, the cap and trade tax. All were going to do here is reward bad behavior in california and five or six other high tax states. Instead, lets get back on track with doing things that cause jobs to have to happen as the bill our democrat colleagues dont like. They didnt like proposition 13 which has saved homes in california. Theyve been complaining about it ever since. Now theyre trying to eviscerate prop 13 and raise taxes on businesses. This will justify that ability to do that. Dont send a message that they can raise tacks in california or other states anymore why bi what happens in this place. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman reserves. The gentleman from california is ecognized. Blood pressure thompson i yield one minute to the gentlewoman from virginia, congresswoman wexton. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Wexton i rise in strong support of h. R. 5377, the restoring tax fairness for states and localities act. The salt deduction has propected protected virginia taxpayers from double taxation over over 100 years, but that changed when donald trump and the republicans instituted a tax cut punishing taxpayers in districts like mine. In 2017 my state had the highest average salt deduction at 18,000 and the greatest number of households claiming salt at 213,500, more than half my district. The salt cap is unfair and punitive, hurting virginians and over 11 million americans, Hardworking Taxpayers deserve better. Today we have an opportunity to do better, to restore this tax relief. Putting money back in the pockets of 150,000 households in my district and many, many more across the country. Madam speaker, i urge all of my colleagues to support this important legislation and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from neeb is recognized. The gentleman from nebraska is recognized. Mr. Smith thank you, madam speaker. I yield to the gentleman from new york, mr. Zeldin, two minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is ebb nice is recognized. Mr. Zeldin thank you, madam speaker. I think its important to reiterate the fact that this bill is just a very temporary change to the salt deduction until 2021 in exchange for a permanent increase to taxes on individuals in small individuals and Small Businesses. While were having this debate i think its important to point out that the reason why our state and local Tax Deduction was as high as it was is because our state and local taxes are as high as they are. As we take this opportunity ton this floor, lets send a mess a message to mayor deblasio of new york city and governors and state legislators in albany and new jersey, that all governors have a role to play in tax relief. Thats why our state and local Tax Deduction was as high as it was. For people in our entire state. For Governor Cuomo and the democrats running in albany right now watching this, to do your part my people in my district are desperate for relief and congress shouldnt try to bail you out time and time and time again. Well stand here and fight for you. And thats why i support multiple bills that will make a change to state and local Tax Deduction. Ironically, this is a bill that makes it worse through a temporary change for the salt deduction in exchange for a permanent tax increase. Now theyre getting screwed both i ways and im different than some of my colleagues. I had some opposition to the bill in 2017. And im a posed to this bill as well. For those democratic politicians who are in new york city and albany putting the screws to my constituents because they only know how to raise tax they dont know how to to spend wisely, start doing your part because thats where salt deduction was as high as it was for so long. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized. Mr. Thompson madam speaker, i yield one minute to the the district of columbia, Eleanor Holmes norton. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Norton i thank my good friend from california for yielding. Famously complain about taxes. Who can then blame residents of where trict of columbia 40 claim the salt deduction of g the largest number taxpayers in the country . 10,000 ing at least a deduction, the 2017 republican that it concedes imposes double taxation. He republican tax bill was particularly nefarious because it virtually targeted blue top taxes support values like public local education. We cannot, of course, protect americans from taxes, but ever passage of the Internal Revenue code, we have rotected them from being taxed on dollars already taxed by state and local government. Fairness for tax states and localities act ensures that wisdom. I yield. The speaker pro tempore the reserves. The gentleman from nebraska is recognized. Mr. Smith madam speaker, i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. California isfrom recognized. Mr. Thompson madam speaker, how left . Ime do we have the speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california has 5 1 4 minutes. The gentleman from nebraska has 3 1 2. Mr. Thompson madam speaker, i yield one minute to the york, the from new chair of the oversight committee, congresswoman maloney. The speaker pro tempore the recognized. Is mrs. Maloney i thank my friend or yielding and for his great leadership. Madam speaker, there was a lot wrong with the 2017 republican law. This week we can fix part of it cap on the the state and local Tax Deduction, or salt. Deduction allows taxpayers to deduct from their taxes the state and local pay. Me taxes they republicans capped it at 10,000, far, far less than many new yorkers pay. Great deal of pain for many new yorkers families. Also a marriage penalty in the law. So if two people who earn each in salt get married, goes combined deduction from 20,000 to 10,000 when they tie the knot. That doesnt make sense. Us, h. R. 5377, ntroduced by my colleague, tom suozzi, addresses both of these issues. T lifts the cap for married couples to 20,000 in 2019. It eliminates the cap entirely the following two years and pays for it by restoring the tax rate. Op marginal i urge my colleagues to support 5377. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from nebraska is recognized. R. Smith madam speaker, i am prepared to close if there are no speakers on the other side. I am prepared to close, madam speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Smith thank you, madam speaker. Spreading rest of holiday cheer, i will be brief. I believe the bill we are about policy. On is bad if you look at the salt cap, policy. D a state that has lower taxes should not be forced to pay more to subsidize a state that has higher taxes. There are generally reasons that is a higher tax state, and that was generated locally state level. But i think its bad policy, as mr. Zeldin was pointing out, to a permanent tax increase to tax benefit. Porary thats bad policy and with that, yield the er, i balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from california is recognized. Mr. Thompson thank you, madam speaker. I just want to point out, their is temporary as well. Just not as temporary. Speaker, the National Association of Police Letter toons in their us wrote, and i quote, our members are not just First Responders. Also citizens of the communities in which they work. Capping the hat salt deduction is a significant suburban se for many homeowners, including Law Enforcement officers. Them squarely in the range of middleclass taxpayers cuts and jobs act was supposed to help. Deductionith the salt cap at 10,000, many First Responders are finding themselves on the wrong end of a tax hike. We support the twoyear repeal of the cap and call on congress o permanently repeal it for homeowners, for our communities, and for First Responders who ork every day to keep those communities safe. Madam speaker, i want to take ust a quick moment, as we head into this Holiday Season, to offer my appreciation to the staff. Nd means tax the members that serve on ways and means already know that they and the hardest working men women on the hill at their disposal. This bill would not have been without their commitment, their policy xpertise, dedication, and hard work. I want to take a minute to thank director, ttee staff aruna, and the lead staffer on peg, my deduction, senior counsel, terry, as well efforts of ndous arjon, lee, and andrew on the committee. Work and we should all be really glad that theyre here. All americans should be. All of my colleagues to support this bill, and i ield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore all time for debate has expired. Resolution house 772, the previous question is ordered on the bill, as amended. The question is on engrossment and third reading of the bill. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. Third reading. The clerk a bill to amend the Internal Revenue code of 1986 to modify the limitation on deduction of state and local purposes. For other the peaker pro tempore house will come to order. For what purpose does the gentleman from South Carolina rise . Madam speaker, i have a motion at the desk. The speaker pro tempore is the bill . Man opposed to the i am in its present form. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman qualifies. The clerk will report the motion. The clerk mr. Rice of South Carolina moves to recommit the 5377 to the committee on ways and means with instructions to report the same forthwith withse the following amendment in the matter proposed to be 2a by section mr. Rice madam speaker, i ask dispense consent to with the reading. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will suspend. He gentleman from South Carolina. Mr. Rice i ask unanimous consent to dispense with the reading, madam speaker. He speaker pro tempore is there objection . Without objection, the reading dispensed with. The gentleman is recognized for five minutes. Madam speaker, my motion to recommit is very simple. It will retain, despite the of the underlying bill, it would retain the cap, the salt deduction only for tax returns where the earn more than 100 million a year. 7 s would produce about billion in savings, and we would pply the 7 billion to doubling, doubling the deduction or firefighters and teachers firefighters and teachers supplies from 500, which is in the underlying bill, to 1,000. Acrosspeaker, my friends the aisle love to say that they downtroddeny of the and middle class, but their actions certainly speak a lot words. Than their and the underlying bill here is giveaway to the rich. Let me say that again. To the plain giveaway rich. Of the n excess of 50 benefit of restoring or taking goes to the cap earners. Wage 94 , 94 of the benefit of doing away with the salt cap goes to top earners that are in the earners. Erican wage please, madam speaker, my should across the aisle stop saying that they are for class. Dle in know, i represent an area South Carolina, the average salt deduction is 1,800. Five the salt cap of 10,000 times higher than what is needed to cover the average deduction in this county. Counties as oor well. 57 africanamerican. Average wage of 30,000 a year. And these people, if we do away cap, his salt deduction these people would be subsidizing with their federal taxes mansions in high is simply and that not fair. It doesnt just apply in South Carolina. All plies to rural areas over our country, including rural areas in california and areas in new york city. Cuts and jobs act signed in effect two years ago has restored opportunity in this land of opportunity. Historic lows in unemployment, record numbers of ople are working in this in every demographic. Madam speaker, the house is not in order. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is correct. House is not in order. Please clear the aisles and take off the ersations floor. The gentleman is recognized. Mr. Rice record numbers of eople are working in every demographic category. It cut taxes for people at every income level. Has been unity restored in this land of opportunity, but my friends dig at this. Sle their big opposition to this ax cut s that it was a to the wealthy they say 80 went to the wealthiest 1 . Thats not true. Focuses on the time fter the individual tax cuts expire. But their proposal to fix the jobs act, their proposal to fix this bill that hey say is a tax cut for the wealthy is to put back an even wealthy. Ax cut for the gain, 94 of the benefit of this bill goes to people who wanl n the top 10 of earners wage earners in this country. Is an old proverb, madam peaker, i cant hear what youre saying because your actions scream so loudly. We truly are if for the middle class, if we ruly are for the downtrodden, if we want to support our firefighters and our teachers, for this motion to recommit. In placesalt deduction for the wealthiest of the wealthy. Who are earning 100 million a year or more, surely pay for theird to property taxes on their mansions from rural idies people like the people in marion, South Carolina. We really believe that we want to back the middle class, our words up with actions. Thank you, madam speaker. Yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. For what purpose does the gentleman rise . I rise in opposition to this motion. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new jersey is recognized for five minutes. Madam speaker, lets talk takes the ctually salt deduction. In my district in new jersey, they are not rich. Theyre teachers. Firefighters. Theyre Small Business owners. Theyre young families who want seniors who want to stay in theirs, and then in targetedse republicans them because they happened to live in states where we choose good schools and services, and why . To to pay for school, not pay for our military, not to pay for our health care, but because in need it to find someone america to pay for cutting our effective Corporate Tax rate in half. Malinowski when middleclass families in my district saw their taxes rise, just onee values fall, company, berkshire hathaway, one company got a 29 billion windfall. Did corporations give that money to their employees . No. According to c. R. S. , the average merican worker got an added bonus of 28. Did they invest in new jobs . Noh no. So where did the mungo . Ill tell you where most of it went. The tax cut helped corporations buy back over 1 trillion of their own shares on wall street. Which gave us a temporary sugar high on wall street. We may as well have bushed that money on the national mall. For, for this, the republican tax bill took from middle class families money they needed to buy their first home, to send their kids to college, to stay in their home when they retire, for this, because capping salt wasnt nearly enough to pay for that bill, the bill blew a 2 trillion hole in the national debt. Just as everyone on our side predicted because we used something called math. Madam speaker, lets restore the salt deduction, vote for this bill, i yield two minute those gentlelady from california. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman cannot yield blocks of ime. Mr. Malinowski i yield to the gentlelady from california. When congress enacted the first income tax in 1861 in the midst of the civil war, it included the first exemption for state and local taxes. President trumps tax law violated our nations longheld views of states rights and a limited federal government. Its long been accepted in america that we do not tax the same income twice. Ms. Poferter federal taxation must not crowd out the taxes needed to support critical state and local functions like good schools, roads, and bridges. That principle was first stated in the federalist papers. It is a core component of states rights and it was a and it was attacked by trumps tax law. The salt deduction expresses the longstanding american preference of local solutions to local problems. President trumps tax law hurts california communities. By limiting to the deduct lingt the speaker pro tempore the house is not in order. Please clear the aisles and take conversations off the floor. The gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Porter by limiting the deductibility of state and local taxes, the trump tax law was a direct threat to states and communities investing in local services. Over the longterm it will cause local governments to slash revenue that funds school, health care, transit, parks and First Responders. This bill will not only help middle class family bus it will expand tax relief for educators by doubling the tax credit from 250 to 500. It will create a new tax credit for First Responders. The people who put their lives on the line every day to serve us. Im heartened that my colleagues on the other side of the aisle want to work on a progressive income tax. Im heartened that they want to tax billionaires and ultra millionaires and champion a progressive tax system that addresses income inequality. But this vote today is about principles. Its about standing up for the principle that state and localities are able to fund the services that are most crucial to their communities. With that, i yield back. I yield to the gentleman mr. Malinowski i yield to the gentleman from california. In the spirit of the Holiday Season, i accept the motion to recommit. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Malinowski i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. Without objection, the previous question is ordered on the motion to recommit. The question is on the motion. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. The motion is agreed to. Madam speaker, i ask for the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The gentleman from South Carolina is recognized. The yeas and nays are requested. Those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. A sufficient number having are having risen the yeas and nays are ordered. Members will record their votes y electronic device. Pursuant to clause 9 of rule 20 this 15minute vote on the motion to recommit h. R. 5377 will be followed by fiveminute ifes on passage of h. R. 5377 ordered and passage of h. R. 5430. This is a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 388, and the nays are 36. The motion is adopted. He house will be in order. For what purpose does the gentleman from california rise . Madam speaker, pursuant to the instructions of the house and the motion to recommit, i report h. R. 5377 back to the house with an amendment and ask everyone to vote for this measure. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the amendment. The clerk amendment offered by mr. Thompson of california. Mr. Thompson of california moves to recommit the bill, h. R. 5377, to the committee on ways and means, with instructions to report the same back to the house for thewith with the following amendment forthwith with the following amendment. Inserted section 2a, insert the adjusted gross income of the taxpayer for such taxable year does not exceed 1 million 100 million after january 1, 2020. And section 3, strike subsection a and insert the following. A in general. Ection 164b, madam speaker. The speaker pro tempore the lerk will suspend. The gentleman from nebraska is recognized. Madam speaker, i ask unanimous madam speaker. I ask unanimous consent to dispense with the reading. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the reading is dispensed with. The question is on adoption of the amendment. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. The amendment is agreed to. The question is on engrossment and third reading. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. Third reading. The clerk a bill to amend the Internal Revenue code of 1986 to modify the limitation on deduction of state and local taxes and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is on the passage of the bill. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. The gentleman from nebraska is recognized. I request a recorded vote. The speaker pro tempore a recorded vote is requested. Those in support of the request for a recorded vote will rise and be counted. A sufficient number having arisen, a recorded vote is ordered. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a fiveminute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 218, the nays are 206. The bill is passed. Without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. He house will be in order. For what purpose does the gentleman from maryland seek recognition . Mr. Hoyer madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent to speak out of order for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Hoyer madam speaker, following the vote on the passage of h. R. 5430, members are advised that there will be no more votes in the house until january 7. I want to wish all members of this house, their staffs and all the employees of this institution on whom we rely so much and who do so much for us and for our country a happy Holiday Season with your family and loved ones and with your neighbors. May god bless our country. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the Unfinished Business is the vote on passage of h. R. 5430 on which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 5430, a bill to implement the agreement between the United States of america, the united mexican state and canada, attached as an annex to the protocol replacing the north American Free trade agreement. The speaker pro tempore the question is on pass and of the bill. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a fiveminute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore the yeas are 385 and the nays are 41. He bill is passed. For what purpose does the gentleman from North Carolina seek recognition . Madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent that my vote be included in the record with respect to h. R. 5387. I was in the speakers lobby at the time of the vote and when i entered the chamber, the vote was concluded. Had i been on the floor, i would have voteda. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentlemans statement will appear in the record. Mr. Butterfield thank you, madam speaker. The speaker pro tempore the chair lays before the house a communication. The clerk house of representatives, madam, i hereby from the Permanent Select Committee effective today, jim jordan, member of congress. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The resignation is accepted. The chair announces the speakers appointment pursuant to clause 11 of rule 10, clause 11 of rule 1 and order of the house of january 3, 2019 to the Permanent Select Committee on intelligence. The clerk mr. Crawford to rank after mr. Stewart of utah. The speaker pro tempore the chair will entertain requests for oneminute speeches. For what purpose does the gentleman from hawaii seek recognition . Mr. Case i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Case i rise today to introduce my bill to protect one of the most unique and fragile environments on earth my hawaii from invasive speaks yes, sir. We have the highest number of endemocratic speaks yose and wreaked havoc as well as hawaii agriculture. In the last 200 years, plant and animal species have gone away. Leading countries have required preventive measures and the continental United States requires inspection of goods from hawaii to prevent the introduction of species that may damage mainland crops. My bill says simply if these Invasive Species and they are good enough for the rest of the country and the rest of the world, they are good enough for hawaii. Thank you, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the ouse will be in order. For what purpose does the gentleman from kentucky seek recognition . I request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman is recognized for one minute. Just a few hours ago this body voted for impeachment, i rise today to speak about an abuse of power. Congress has the sole power to declare war and the awesome responsibility to decide when, where and for what purposes our soldiers will be asked to give their lives. 18 years ago, this body misappropriated this that power by having an authorization to fight anywhere. The war on terror has claimed the lives of more american soldiers than lives of civilians who were lost on 9 11, and foreigners not associated with terror. This chamber has pass dollars over 6,000 pages of legislation and spent over 1 trillion we just funded the 19th year of the war in afghanistan without changing or even defining a strategy for winning or ending that war. So i close by indicting this very body for an abuse of power, abuse of our war powers and abuse of our power of the purse. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition . I request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman is recognized for one minute. Tonchingtonching i rise in opposition to the United Statesmexicocanada agreement. Democrats worked hard to improve the initial agreement and still falls short. Let me address one. There is an unbreakable link between trade and climate pollution. This agreement does not address the ongoing and immediate Climate Crisis that we face. For 25 years we have watched as nafta outsourced american jobs. Under this agreement, we will see the outsourcing of pollution and our efforts to address climate change. The United States must get serious and build International Cooperation and commitments to all vehicles available to us. Trade negotiations do not happen frequently, but their impact is felt for generations. I cannot support this that fails to look ti climate change. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition . I request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman is recognized. Mr. Thompson i rise today to celebrate the life and incredible of morton jay landy. He passed away at the age of 90. He was a long time resident of pennsylvania and his military service took him across the world. After enlisting in the marine corps in 1946, he would go on to serve in japan after world war ii and during the cuban missile crisis and the vietnam war. After 12 years of serving our nation after serving 32 years of serving our nation, morton retired from the marine corps and finished with the highest enlisted rank and second highest Sergeant Major in the marines. Mortons service did not stop there. He spent much of his time volunteering for the historical society. The passing of him is a profound loss and i offer my condolences to his family and those who were forever touched by his commitment to service. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman s recognized for one minute. Mr. Payne madam speaker, i rise today to praise my house colleagues for their votes to impeach President Donald Trump last night. I know it was not easy for many of them. But when called to make the tough choice, they proved themselves true patriots. They chose to protect and defend our country. And our constitution from a president who has little regard for either. Foreign influence in American Affairs was the Founding Fathers biggest fear. That is why president s must be natural born citizens. But now we have a president who profits from foreign officials staying at his hotels, who solicits foreign interference in our elections. And who attacks everything american, including our courts, f. B. I. , our veterans, gold star families and even our citizens. The Founding Fathers would have been extremely proud of what we did last night. That is why im proud to be a member of a congress that fights for the public good and not personal profit. With that, madam speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore members are reminded to refrain from engaging in personalities toward the president. For what purpose does the gentleman from South Carolina seek recognition . Madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Russell wilson thank you, madam speaker. As we today close this mr. Wilson thank you, madam speaker. As we today close this years legislative session, i reflect on the year. The highlightas my continued association with india, as former cochair of the caucus of india and indian americans, continuing my famils 75year appreciation of india. In august, i visited mumbai to pay respect at the locations of the islamic extremist attacks of november 26, 2008. The indian equivalent of the 9 11 mass murder. The Independence Day addressed by the Prime Minister in new deli was inspiring new delhi was inspiring. I was present in houston for the welcome of Prime Minister modi by President Donald Trump. With 52,000 persons attending, it was the largest welcome event in American History for a head of state. At the same time, the indian parliament, with multiparty support, voided the constitutional you aen to me of kashmir, supporting autonomy of kashmir, supporting the Prime Ministers effort to boost economic development, fight corruption and end gender kraft and religious discrimination caste and religious discrimination. We will never forget september 11 and the global war on terrorism. With the leadership of donald trump, the world is grateful to see india succeed as the Worlds Largest democracy. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from minnesota seek recognition . Without objection, the gentlelady is recognized for one inute. Ms. Mccollum mr. Speaker, today i congratulate my son, jonas, who graduates tomorrow from north dakota state universitys college of agriculture and applied science. Ms. Craig when jonas was in high school, he took Postsecondary Education classes at Inver Hills Community college, allowing him to grate with a degree in Natural Resource congratulate with a degree in Natural Resources management in 3 1 2 years. I have four sons and jonas has always been the peacekeeper. He got into no trouble that i know of in high school and hes such a loyal friend that he went to college with his three best friends. Of course, i didnt want jonas to leave minnesota for college, but he decided that minnesota just wasnt cold enough for him. So he moved to fargo. And now that hes done tomorrow, i couldnt be happier to welcome him back home to minnesota. Congratulations, jonas. Mr. Chairman, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what puose does the gentleman from alabama seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute so for weeks we were told that we couldnt wait, we had to go forward with impeachment before christmas, that the republic was at stake. And then this house passed a purely partisan impeachment yesterday and the speaker has decid to hold the articles of impeachment. That underscores the word sham, that puts an exclamation point after the word sham. That shows what a ridiculous exercise we just went through. We cant dictate to the senate how they handle their trial. They get to pick that. Mr. Byrne this shows that theyve got cold feet on the other side. They dont have a case, they cant win a fair trial in the senate. And th know it. And theyre frayed toend the articles over there afraid to send the articles over there. Where theyll get a fair trial and not the Kangaroo Court we had in this. With that, mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from virginia seek recognition . The gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. Without objection. Mr. Speaker, when the american peole sent us to congress, they sent us here with policies they wished us to act upon. A wish list, if you will. And n in the Holiday Season, lets reflect on what weve delivered for the American People from that wish list. Federal workers will receive a 3. 1 pay increase and for the fit time ever, 12 weeks of paid parental leave. Two important priorities that ive fought for since i was sworn into office. Just last week we passed sweeping legislation that would help lower the skyrocketing cost of prescription drugs. Without objection, so ordered ms. Wexton weve also ved for universal background checks, equal pay for equal work, a living wage for hardworking americans, equal protections for lgbtq americans, action on climate change, protections for dreamers and t. P. S. Recipients, reauthorizing the violence against women act, and hundreds of other bipartisan bills. But, mr. Speaker, the house cant fulfill this wish list all on our own. We need the senate to vote on the bill that we passed in this chamber. And just like the grinch, whose heart grew thr sizes just in time to save christmas, senator mcconnell can still deliver on the American Families holiday wish list. Thank you, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from tennessee seek recognitio mr. Speaker, i seek unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlemais recognized for one minute. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today to recognize dr. Pam mobly, a physician from knoxvill dr. Mobly has been in the bahamas since september, assisting with medical relief efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian. R. Mobly was on green turtle kay when Hurricane Dorian began battler the bahamas. The storm displaced a local medical personnel on green turtle cve, but dr. Mobly decided to wait it out. Once it was safe, she began providing medical assistance to those injured in the hurricane. Even though dr. Mobly could have returned to the United States months ago, shes remained in the bahamas to care for the injure and helpwith relief efforts. Mr. Burchett herselfless actions are truly remarkable. Applaud her for her humanitarian efforts in the bahamas and thank her for being an excellent representative of the knoxville community. I know i speak for many in east tennessee when i say pam is making us all very, very proud, mr. Speaker. And with that, i yieldack the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from floda seek recognition . R. Speaker, i ask for unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gelelady is recognized. Mr. Speaker, today millions ofamerics are working to pay off their student debt. This is already an enormous burden for those who have graduated from putable schools, but its nearly impossible for those who attend schools that fail to live up to their responsibilities to their students. Predatory forprofit institutions recruit studen with false promises and leave them with worthless degrees and thousands of dollars of debt. Ms. Shalala these schools are prone to sudden closure, leaving students stranded with no recourse to continue their education. The College Affordability act works to solve these pressing issues that plague far too many students. Th bill uld prevent sudden closure of coeges by requiring accreditter tos to act on warning signs. Finally, it woulclose the g. I. Bill loophole th allows forprofit colleges to take advantage of our brave veterans. I urge my colleagues to support this crucialegislaon and hold the schools accouable to their students. Thank you, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman is recognized. For one mite. Mr. Speaker, west texas is the bread basket and energy basin of the United States of america, our producers feed, clothe and fuel this great naon. And not just conventional fuels, mr. Speaker. Texas is by far the largest producer of wind energy in e nation. This is not only good for rural economies, but it also dirsifies our Energy Production and helps suprt our Nations Energy independence for future generations. Mr. Arrington today id like to recognize one of our outstanding west Texas Wind Energy developers, triglobal energy, and their c. E. O. And good friend, john billingsly, as they celebrate their 10th anniversary this year. I commend triglobalor the excellence in reneble energy over the past decade and i wh them the very best success in decades to come. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose doeshe gentleman from oregon seek recognition . Arkans seek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Speaker, turkeys force has threatened to shut down an airport. What a sad day for the Atlantic Alliance that has shouldered so many burdens and shared so much loss and blood and treasure. Mr. Hill since the end of world war ii, america has backed turkey and her independence and freedom from soviet domination, culminating with turkey joining the alliance in 1952. Im an original cosponsor of representative kinzingers United Statesturkey relations review act. This would require us to carefully assess the options for relocating american personnel and assets from the air base. Given turkeys purchase of the Russian Air Defense system, the incursion in northeast syria and now threatening to close the airport, turkey is not acting like a true and reliable partner. Turkish Prime Minister erdogans provocative behavior merits the u. S. And other nato allies to consider options. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition . Without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Jackson lee thank you, mr. Speaker. We have much to be thankful for in this great and grand nation. Were thankful for a constitution that allows us to define what is right and wrong. I thank you for all of the americans who will be with their families, all of those who are documented and undocumented individuals in this country who have come for relief and refuge. I am thankful for the members of congress who uphold this constitution. And im also thankful for the opportunity to salute brian stevenson, who has just turned his book into a movie. Like forward to working to reform the juvenile justice system, to add my bills banning the box, solitary con banning solitary confinement and alternative sten sts sentencing for our children. Our children should be receiving Restorative Justice and like brian stevenson, i believe theres a future if we invest in the future of our young people. So i intend to introduce when we come back from this time in our districts an omnibus, large juvenile Justice Reform bill that takes into consideration our teachers, our Law Enforcement, our social workers, our young people, our faith community, and brian stevensons advanced and innovative concept that delivers just measures. Happy holidays. Merry christmas. Happy quansa to everyone in the United States kwanzaa to everyone in the United States of america for this wonderful Holiday Season. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from West Virginia seek recognition . I seek unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is ecognized. For the first time, the president of the United States was impeached with only members of one party voting for it. This has been a shameful partisan exercise in the u. S. From start to finish. Speaker Nancy Pelosis actions yesterday contradicted her previous statements that impeachment should only happen if it has bipartisan support. Since the moment President Trump was sworn in, democrats have made it their mission to remove him and overturn the results of the 2016 election. Of january 20, 2017, Washington Post wrote, the effort to impeach President Trump is under way and indeed it was. President trump did nothing wrong and these articles of impeachment were totally meritless. The American People and folks across West Virginia have been able to witness this unjust and unfair process. Despite a rigid investigation and process, democrats could not find any real evidence of an actual crime. I will continue to stand with President Trump as he fights back against this baseless impeachment and i look forward to a fair trial in the u. S. Senate. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from mississippi seek recognition . I request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman is recognized. The story of the birth of jesus christ from the gospel of luke and it came to pass in those days and caesar august tuesday that the world should be tax. And this was made was governor of syria and all went to be taxed everyone into his own city and joseph went up from galilee out of the city of nazareth onto the city of david which is called bethlehem because he was in the house of david. To be taxed with marry, his wife being great with child. And so it was that while they were there, the days were accomplished that she will be delivered and brought forth her firstborn son and laid him in a manger. And they were in the shep erds keeping watch over their flock by night and the angel of the lord came upon them and the glory shown around about them and they were afraid. And the angels said fear not i bring you great tiedings of great joy. For under you is born this day in the city of day a savior, which is christ the lord. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from wisconsin seek recognition . Wuke i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman is recognized. It was a beautiful one minute and hard to follow it. This morning, when i got up, i read a column by one of the talking heads around here saying there was a fictional war on christmas and i thought i would address the issue. There may or may not be a war. Mr. Grothman there is a war on putting christ in christmas and comment on the back ground music we hear throughout the Christmas Season in washington, d. C. , we have wish a typical radio station. From 4 00 in the morning until 1 00 this afternoon, the only song that they played that ntioned christ was god rest ye merry gentlemen. They have a list of their 50 favorite songs for christmas. They managed to find 49 great songs that didnt mention christ. If you get around shopping, you will hear the music background leaving out hashing the herald angels sing all the songs that my age grew up with. I would hope that america will step forward and demand more of corporate america. I would like to she boig and north high Southern California of playing joy to the world and away in the manger. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . I request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. Mr. Gohmert im giving a oneminute the last day of the week, not only in judiciary where we were prevented from having minority witnesses come and having the minority witness day, the majority could have changed the rules, they didnt bother but violated their own rules. We have special orders every day. And thats two hours for each party, but with impeachment going on, the speaker chose to shut down that for the week and shut down the fiveminute speeches. So pretty well shut down speech that we normally are allowed to have. Normally i would hope to read a christmas proclamation, but since im allowed three more seconds. Merry christmas, happy new year. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair lays before the house the following enrolled bill. The clerk an act to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2020 for military activities of the department of defense for military construction and for Defense Activities of the department of energy to prescribe military military strength for such fiscal year and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to section 7b of House Resolution 758, the house stands adjourned until 11 a. M. On monday, december 23, 2019

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