Independent Variables
Socio-demographic (age, residency, marital status, occupational status, family monthly income, ethnicity, religion), obstetric and reproductive factors (parity, gravidity, history of ANC).
Data Collection Tools and Procedure
The questionnaire was adopted from different articles published in English and contextualized to local situations. The adopted questionnaire was translated to locally spoken Oromo language and pre-tested. The validity of the tool was evaluated by comparing the consistency between the original and re-translated version of the tool. After the pre-test, the order of questions was rearranged, modified by replacing and adding more choice. The questionnaires contain five parts: socio-demographic data, obstetric and reproductive data, knowledge, attitude and practice questions. The questionnaires have a 12-item scale for knowledge assessment questions and a 10-item scale for practice questions. The scoring system of women’s knowledge and practice were either 1 (for correct answer) or 0 (for incorrect answer). The maximum score was 12 for knowledge and 10 for the practice component of the question whereas the minimum score was 0 for both. Data were collected by four trained BSc midwives using an interviewer-administered structured questionnaire.