KARACHI: While banks claim going high-tech with adoption of new technologies, the Banking Mohtasib (ombudsman) on Thursday said that the complaints against banks increased by 56 per cent during the calendar year 2020.
Banking Mohtasib Pakistan, Muhammad Kamran Shehzad, said in a press conference that 56pc increase was observed in the receipt of complaints during the year 2020 as compared to 2019.
During the calendar year 2020, the Banking Mohtasib Pakistan Office disposed of 21,360 complaints out of 25,528. The ombudsman office has provided relief amounting to Rs598 million to the complainants or banking customers.
While unveiling the Annual Report 2020, Mr Kamran said that 22,750 new complaints were received in 2020 whereas 2,778 were brought forward from 2019.