Coming to Work with Higher Leadership Expectations
The memories of 2020 will stay with us for some time – but as those memories fade there are changes that businesses will carry into the future. Call it what you may — remote working, working from home, or the virtualization of work — leaders need strategies for this new reality. In a new report, Kincannon & Reed addresses some of the key challenges facing leadership in this transformative era.
April 8, 2021 – The virtualization of work has impacted more than the workday. It has impacted every level of business. Importantly, leaders are thinking differently about attracting, developing, and retaining talent. The new work environment has increased the competition for high performing talent. Hiring managers across the food and agriculture industries, for one, are re-designing strategies and thinking through new employee relocation requirements, including onboarding, motivating, and developing their people. In so doing, HR professionals and business leaders are discovering an expanded talent pool with richer diversity and more commitment to adaptability. That is good news for both companies and the executive recruiters who locate their future talent.