Avengers and is the star of the Netflix Original altered carbon, Anthony Mackie is joining us, everybody also, Bernie Sanders is the new king of the democrats, the crossover is going on tour, and donald trump tries to pronounce indian words. Lets catch up on todays headlines. Lets kick things off with the royal family. Theyre like the kardashians but less welcoming to black people. Its been a month since harry and meghan announced they wanted to leave the family, and now theyre told theyre free to go but have to leave their name tags behind. Harry and meghan will be royals no more at least publicly. They released at the tails of stepping down with the royal duties, with the agreement the queen not use royal in any more philanthropic or commercial pursuits. They will no longer be able to use their royal titles after march 31. Trevor damn ham harry and meghan are losing their titles . Thats the most embarrassing loss thins williams hairline. laughter but, yes, the queen announced harry and meghan can no longer describe themselves as royal. If i was harry and meghan, i would be, like, fine well be known as royal. laughter the queen is trying to turn harry and meghan from the official royals to the store brand. You know how the store brand is kind of like the brand name but off slightly. Frosted flakes will have tony tiger but the store brand is a weird polar bear ovary morning you look at the box, eating cereal, i wish my mom didnt buy you laughter i dont think the queen is going to win this one. Its not like harry and meghan need the titles for us to know who they are. No one hears names harry and meghan and says, which ones, the ones from nashville . laughter now to someone who will be losing his freedom for a long time. Harvey weinstein has been found guilty of rape in the third degree and of committing a criminal sexual act in the first degree. The jury acquitted him on three other charges including the most serious of predatory sexual assaults. Throughout the whole process he kept saying i didnt do this, i didnt do this, but, of course, now, he faces five to 25 years in prison, at least with more possibly coming, with additional new charges out in los angeles. Yes, people, its official. Harvey weinstein is going to prison, which is crazy because he already looks like hes been in prison for 25 years. laughter seriously. Weinstein is not going to do well in prison, partly because other prisoners dont like sex offenders, but really dont like some of Harvey Weinsteins movies. They will come up to him in the prison yard, like, i wasted my money on that . It would be funny if they lock up weinstein with bill bill cosby. No one is falling asleep in that cell. You go to sleep no you go to sleep no you go to sleep no laughter , the coronavirus, the disease that started in december in china is taking off around the globe. Breaking news overnight on the coronavirus, experts say the world reached a tim point to prevent a Global Pandemic after a surge of cases outside of chain china. The biggest outbreak in italy where cases spiked from 3 to 150 over the weekend. About a dozen or more italian towns are in lockdown, the villages turned into ghost towns, venice canceling the carnival festival. The Financial Capital taking extreme precautions, the fashion show by armani desserted. The models walking in a room of empty chairs. Trevor the coronavirus officially shut italy down. Fashion shows, soccer matches canceled, even the statue of david is playing it safe. laughter by the way, i really find it interesting how, when the coronavirus hits a country, you learn what that country is all about. It hit italy and it stopped Fashion Shows and soccer matches. In china it stops manufacturing plants. If it hits france, we have to reduce physical contact, everyone is limited to just one mistress, ha ha ha laughter the World Health Organization says we are reaching a tipple point where the virus could become a pandemic. So if you have a bucket list, nows the time to do it, my friend. If you want to skydive, do it now. If you want to swim with sharks, do it now, because that woman at work you always wand to kiss, stay away from her didnt you learn anything from Harvey Weinstein . Also she might have coronavirus. cheers and applause yeah. You want to know what i put on my bucket list . Dont get coronavirus. laughter checkmate. Thats it for the headlines. Lets move on to the top story. cheers and applause president donald trump, still not used to saying that. Last night he flew 8,000 miles for his first state visit to india. Trumps in india partly to negotiate a trade deal and part to get his copy of the karma sutra sign. You might wonder how would a country full of brown people react to a visit from donald trump . Turns out from the moment trump arrived it was love at first sight. President trump arrived this morning for a twoday visit. The president received whats being called a kings welcome orchestrated by the indian Prime Minister. The president headed a massive rally packed with more than 100,000 people. A make America Great again rally india style. They even blasted macho man before the president took the stage and, when he did, a show of affection for indias Prime Minister. The president is overwhelmingly popular here in india where his pro business, tough on terror imis widely admired. I happen to like Prime Minister modi a lot. He says between the stadium and the airport, well have about 7 Million People. So its going to be very exciting. Trevor 7 Million People came out to see trump go from the airport to the stadium. Thats impressive. Although, to be fair, its also india. Theres 7 Million People between any two locations. laughter yeah, i mean, the line at indian starbucks is 7 Million People. There are indian bribes right now no, daddy, i just want a small wedding, no more than 7 Million People. Okay, First Cousins only. laughter it is true that donald trump is very popular in india. All right . Some like him because of his antimuslim rhetoric. Some like him because of his business savvy. All of him like him because his skin looks like tikamarsala. laughter and india is so fond of president trump, they pulled out all the stops for his visit. At indias famous taj mahal, workers spruce and polish. The ever rises, as millions of litters of water are released to cover his foul, poluted smell. Preparations include a hastily built wall meant to block the view of a slum keeping thousands of poor people out of sight. Trevor theyre trying so hard to impress trump theyre even building a wall to hide their slums. Trump has to love that. They built a wall and i havent seen a single mexican. laughter now, india cleaning its rivers and streets for trump might seem extreme but, if you think about it, this is what guys do when a girl says shes coming over. Make your bed, pick up the clothes, hide your junk, and she calls, and you say, damn it i forced the toilet for nothing . So india is trying to give trump a memorable experience. There was, however, one tiny culture clash that trump had to deal with. Donald trump is in india this morning but he could be forced to go without his favorite meals of burgers and steaks, and his Prime Minister modi plans not to serve any meat to the president during his visit. One person familiar with president trumps eating habits has told the media theyre worried about how hell cope with the lack of meat, saying i have never seen him eat a vegetable. laughter trevor i honestly dont know whats stranger, the fact that trump might eat vegetables or people are actually worried about how it will go. Because you realize the news wasnt even snarky about it. They werent like, ha, ha, the president has to eat vegetables. They were, like, yo, if donald trump eats broccoli, he could die. laughter so this is going to be hard on trump. What im thinking is worse for him is cows are so sacred in india that theyre allowed to just wand around in the city. Can you imagine how hard thats going to be for him . He hasnt eaten beef for two days and hes going to start seeing cows in the street . Hes going to be, like, oh, my god im ha hallucinating all the cows ive eaten have come back to haunt me im sorry, cows so sorry applause but i will say im impressed because despite the beef issue trump is making the best of his india trip. In fact, he made an effort to show the indian people how much he respects them by trying to speak their language. And it went about as well as you would think. India welcomes us at the Worlds Largest critic stadium right here. Namaste suchin kindle kir. Duwali as the great religious teacher swamy veevay kanumdun. laughter applause trevor oh, man even if that pronunciation was right, the facial impression was so wrong that looked like the most exercise hes gotten in decades. stuttering name all right, thats my steps for the day, im done. laughter oh, man. Now, this is really interesting, after trump butchered half of the hindy dictionary, indian twitter lost their minds. Its not pronouncing but to those indians, i say, dont be mad, trump may not be able to pronounce hinti words but he cant pronounce english either. Hes an equal opportunity offender. It would have been scarier if trump had come out fluent in hindi. He would be, like speaking hindi bigly laughter applause it would have been weird. So that was day one of president trumps trip to india, and, you know what . Im proud of the president. Im really proud of him for teaching us a valuable lesson and that is, no matter how old you are, you can still go to new places, make new friends and have mind blowing experiences like eating a carrot for the first time. And to that i say n amustay. Back [ eerie music playing ] [ distant breath ] adrians not dead. Hes invisible. [ scoffs ] [ heavy breathing ] dont let him haunt you. Surprise. Hersheys. The original cookies n creme. hundred bands in my pocket, its on me on me yeah, your grandmama probably know me know me its a moment when i show up, got em sayin, wow new doritos flamin hot limon. Yes. Yes. Yeah sure. Yes yes. Yeah, yeah no problem. Yes. Yes, yes a thousand times yes discover. Accepted at over 95 of places in the u. S. cheers and applause trevor welcome back to the the daily show. This weekend we saw major developments in the democratic primary race, and not just joe biden got bangs, no, it looks like the democrats might already have their nominee. So lets catch up on all the latest in another installment of world war d. cheers and applause applause this weekend, las vegas saw two of the craziest knockouts of all time wilder versus fury and bernie versus everyone. This morning, feeling the burn, Bernie Sanders dominating in nevada. Sanders not only taking the silver state but besting his arrivals among latinos, winning both men and women, college and noncollege graduates and even scoring votes from moderates. I am a u. S. Senator and ive got a big ego and i appreciate the bernie, but it aint bernie, it is us. cheers and applause trevor damn, bernie is really committed to socialism, right . Even when the crowd is trying to cheer for him, he wants to share it back with them. I wonder if hes always like this. On his birthday, are they like, happy birthday to no, to you. Its all of our birthdays. In fact, you should make a wish. My wish came threw true. I got socks. laughter but Bernie Sanders won big in vegas, and im not surprised. If anyone needs free college and healthcare its a city full of people who lost all their money playing slots. And bernie won big with all the big nevada demographics, thats what made it so impressive. Young people, old people, white, latino, blue, bent, feathered, everybody, which bolstered his electable argument. But theres still one sizable demographic that bernie hasnt won over and its the other democrats in the race. With the rise of sanders, his opponents are beginning to take him on. Senator sanders believes in an inflexible, ideological revolution that leaves out most democrats, not to mention most americans. Some believe that the way to beat donald trump is to be just as polarizing. Biden with casey hunt, dismissing sanders efforts to tie himself to former president obama. The way he talks about it, youd think he and barack were close buddies. You think they were not . I know they were not. Trevor oh arrr i know they were not. laughter so weird the democratic primary has become a fight about who actually is friends with obama. laughter because have you noticed, everyone is dropping his name. Hes in all of their ads. But hes been silent this entire campaign. Its almost like obama is the Imaginary Friend all the democrats have. Its just, like, i saw obama today and he told me im in bestest candidate and i should be president but nobles saw him because he hides when the grownups come. laughter i dont know if biden should be attacking bernie for exaggerating his friendship with obama, especially since biden has tunes for some exaggerations of his own. Joe biden has recently been telling voters that he was once arrested, trying to see Nelson Mandela in south africa in the 1970s when he was already a sitting u. S. Senator. This day 30 years ago, Nelson Mandela walked out of prison and entered into discussions about apartheid. I had the great honor of meeting him. I had the great honor of being arrested with our u. N. Ambassador on the streets of suweto trying to get to see him on robbins island. I came back from south africa trying to see Nelson Mandela and getting arrested for trying to see him on robbins island, he was in prison. The New York Times reviewed all the records and cant find any evidence of that arrest actually happening. Trevor man, this is not a good luck for biden. Remember, first, he falsely claimed he marched in the civil rights movement. Now hes making up a story about getting arrested in apartheid, south africa . Weird. The guys trying so hard to impress black voters, next, he will be, like, i was there when chuchala did the combat. I looked chumanga in the face and said, cut the malarkey, corn pop laughter biden keeps telling the story, but nobody else on the trip remembers getting arrested and theres no evidence it happened. As a south african, im personally offended by this. Nelson mandela hated it when people used his name to seem more important. Thats what he told me when we were in prison together. laughter so after the nevada caucus applause after the nevada caucus, the democratic nomination picture is becoming clearer. Warren and klobuchar need a miracle to get back in place. Biden and buttigieg are fight desperately to be the alternative and bernie seems to be on the clear path to winning most delegates. And when he wins them, bernie is not sharing shit. Its not us, its me well be right back cheers and applause we only come out at night we only come out at night i walk alone ill pretend to know the way we only come out at night we only come out at night i receivelize travel rewards. Going new places going out for a bite going anytime. Rewarded learn more at the explorer card dot com. Hey allergy muddlers. Achoo . Do your sneezes turn heads . Try zyrtec. It starts working hard at hour one. And works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. Zyrtec muddle no more. Gotcha. Youre going down. Introducing the allnew sonata with remote Smart Parking assist. Have a good day. And hyundai digital key. A better way to stay one step ahead. Shes staying in a rainforest tree house . Thats my dream. You dream big for a man on a plane to omaha. 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Man oh i was, like, dont go to the oh, there it is. There is the round brown. Oh, boy, look away. Trevor i feel like thats motivation. You look good, man. cheers and applause all right, all right. Well, you know. Trevor no, because most people in hollywood would be, like, lets get a stunt double for that part, well get a butt double, and you were, like, no, no. No, youre going to get the round brown. You want it, you got it trevor welcome back to the show. Thank you. Trevor congratulations on this new show. This is an interesting show, altered carbon, because its a show about people who can shift and go into other bodies and theyre traveling between souls and human experiences. Youre playing a character we knew from the first season, but youre new, and youre being someone played by someone who is being someone else. How do you brairp for that as an actor. Very good i started out as asian, then white and now im black. laughter basically, the story line, if you didnt see season one, they created carbon chips, youre able to put your soul and memory into the chips and the bodies are considered veefs. So from planet to planet, solar system to solar system, if you can pay enough, you can have an upgraded better sleeve. Trevor right. Or if you want a Security Guard who, like in this season, im a gadget, wizard, kung fu karate killer with magnetic killer style, so laughter when you watch it, youre going to say that dudes got magnetic killer style. So they took my carbon soul and put it into me and here i am. Trevor right. I remember the last time i hung out with you in person it was after a Justin Timberlake it was a good time. Reporter and this was one of the more interesting conversations. So its a loud environment and when i see anthony, its, nice to see you, how are things going . Hes, like, its great. I just finished building a house. Its loud so you say, you built a house . I built a house with windows and doors i thought it was a metaphor for your career. laughter but you actually build house force fun with your hands. Yeah. Trevor explain. Heres something amazing. Im from new orleans. After katrina, the devastation of new orleans was horrific and there was so much empty space, so many things were washed away. Like, i do not exist before 16 years old. Because everything was gone. Wow. So, now, when i see a piece of grass, i think of the family that was there, the history that was there, the house that was there. So i go and i buy that grass, and i build a house on that grass, so that i can afford a family Affordable Housing and the opportunity to live in a great neighborhood. applause trevor you have this passion but it had to have come from somewhere. Because ive had a truck before in life. Ive had tools. Ive once worn a tool belt. At no point did i saw, yeah, im going to build a house. It had to come from somewhere. It came from any dad. I was fortunate enough to grow up in the house my dad built and the largest levy break during katrina was in my dads backyard. Ever since growing up in that house, you know, when everything went wrong and the economy went crazy and everything fell apart, every morning, my dad woke up and said, they can take everything they want, they aint taking this house. Trevor wow. And it taught me the importance of having a home, you know, like, to use the word home. You know, theres nothing theres nothing that compares to that. Thats why i live in new orleans. I lived in new york 12 years. I loved it. I have been fortunate enough to live in i would say 90 of the best cities in the world, but i moved back to new orleans because thats my home. I can sit on my porch with a cup of coffee and see a dude walking down the street, practicing his trombone. No other city in the world can you see that. I can throw a rock and hit a great trumpet player. laughter applause trevor that is the best slogan for new orleans i ever heard in my life. Come to new orleans, you can throw a rock and hit a great trump trumpet player. My man, you are a super hero in real life. Endseason two of altered carbo will be available on netflix february 27th. Anthony mackie, everybody well be right back cheers and applause how bout no . No. Uh uh, no way. Come on. No. No. N. Ni ni, no no only discover has no annual fee on any card. N. Ni ni, no no hersheys. The original cookies n creme. [sfx bullwhip cracks] old town road by lil nas xs yeah, im gonna take my horse to the old town road, im gonna ride til i cant no more doritosĀ® cool ranch just got cooler. mom vo we got a subaru to give him some ato reconnect and be together. And once we did that, we realized his greatest adventure is just beginning. vo welcome to the most adventurous outback ever. The allnew subaru outback. Go where love takes you. cheers and applause trevor thats our show for tonight. Thank you so much for tuning in. Dont forget, tomorrow, the daily show is going live right after the democratic debates, and were going to tell you exactly what happened because bloomberg released us from our n. D. A. So make sure you tune in. Here it is your moment of zen. Live television gang. Thats live tv for you. Excuse me, my kids are here. Live television. It to leave bleep . Joining us from india with the latest. Carol, this tripe seems to be more pomp than policy. tone were obviously having problems with our audio there. Captioning sponsored by comedy central. And now david spade spade whats up, boys . Hey all right. Whooo. Have a seat, thank you. Thank is for coming. Tonight weve got julia, chris, tony here, were ready to do it. Been gone a week. Thbi

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