[applause] its being challenged in the courts. Jon yes. I have to say for me, this is a states right issue. This is not something that you should be. What are you going, you know, you are running out of time. Im not running. Jon but you dont have that much time to take away americans guns and declare marshall law and put hard working americans in fema camps. If youre going to do that, you better get started. Are you stealing, you know theres an ebb and flow to every administration, to every president. It appears that youre feeling it a little bit right now. Youve got this deal with iran worked out. Youve got your fast track authority. Are you feeling like seven years in whatever. I finally know what im doing. [laughter] jon im figuring this thing out, is that how youre. Theres no doubt that you get better as you go along. Its like any other job. You get more experience. But what i do think has happened is that a lot of the work we did early starts bearing fruit later. And it just so happened over the last couple months that people are seeing some of the work that we started way back when i first came in. So iran for example, we put those sanctions in and methodically built pressure over iran over the last four or five years to get them to the table to negotiate. And because of the great work of our team, john kerry and secretary ernie muniz who happened to be an mit physicist, did something more than i did. Jon he explained a lot of the intricacies. So it finally comes to fruition. But it represents a lot of work. The same is true when it comes to Something Like healthcare. Obviously weve been through all kinds of ups and downs and knocks, fights. When the Supreme Court finally says i think definitively we can move forward on this with a lot of euphoria but we got 16 minute People Health insurance that didnt have it before. That really was a consequence of the work that we did. [crowd cheering] [applause] so the way im feeling right now is ive got 18 months. There are a bunch of other things that we want to get done. Some of them we got started early. Climate change is a good example where we double fuel efficiency standards on cars, increased solar power by 20 times. And now weve got a paris conference on Climate Change coming up later this year. And if we can get china and india and some of the other Big Companies to take a look at what weve already done. And finally get something global and start addressing what is going to be basically. Jon let me ask you a question about iran. Whose team are we on . In the middle east. In iraq, were fighting with iran against sunni isis but in and saudis. Thats not quite right. [laughter] right now were going after isil and weve got a 60 Country Coalition and thats our top priority. But with respect to iran. Theyre an adversary. Antiamerican, antiisrael, they sponsor terrorist organizations like hezbollah. You dont make peace with your friends. So the issue here is do we want them having a Nuclear Weapon and the answer is no. The question is whats the best way to do that. And the deal we put together i can say that iran will not be able to get a Nuclear Weapon. We cut off the four major pathways for getting a Nuclear Weapon. We have international unanimity around an inspection regime and a verification regime that is unprecedented. Weve got mechanisms in place to make sure if theyre cheating, not only do we are much more likely to catch them but we can also immediately put back the sanctions that weve got. And when you hear the critics talk about well its a bad year, we could have got a better deal, you then ask them well what represents a better deal. What is it that you think could happen. Typically they are vague and they fall back on well if you beat your chest a little bit more. Or if you brought dick cheney to the negotiations. Jon lets not get crazy. Everything would be fine. Jon but it seems to me our strategies have been weve tried invading a country, throwing a tremendous amount of money in training at their army, being a hundred,000 troops being the safety net of that Country Holding it together. Weve tried bombing a country, libya and impose the dictator. Jon honing that that hoping that works out. Jon we tried arming militant groups in the hopes that it gets in the right hand. But this new thing, you called it earlier diplomacy. [laughter] that sounds interesting. [applause] we still get to [applause] the key issue here is that if we are able to negotiate peacefully around not having a Nuclear Weapon. Sure. They are still going to cause us problems in various areas. Were still going to have enormous differences with them and we still have to work with core allies like israel and the gulf countries to make sure iran is not sponsoring terrorism or destabilizing other countries. But we will have taken off the table what will be a catastrophic strategic problem if they got a weapon. People who are concerned about iran have legitimate reasons to be suspicious. I have to remind them, though, that when we negotiated to make sure that there were some limits on Nuclear Testing with the soviet union, the evil empire with missiles trained on us where people were crawling, school kids were crawling under tables. Jon youre freaking me out. Folks tend to forget that. That poses a much greater threat. And we actually had to give something up and yet history shows it was a way for us to at least make sure that there wasnt catastrophes even if the system theyve built eventually fails. In this situation were not giving something up. A president s options 10 years from now, 15 years from now well be better because we have insight in the program. They will have sent out a whole bunch of enriched material that they have right now. The break up times will be longer than they are right now. So this is not a situation where were unilaterally disarming or being taken to the cleaners. What were doing is making sure this critical problem is being resolved and recognize is we still have more work to do. In terms of the middle east generally. Youre going to get into the middle east, i should take a commercial break. Are you sure. Jon well take a break and come back. What you said about the iran pact was excellent and once the senate shoots it down, well talk about it again. [laughter] well be right back with more from president obama. From president obama. [crowd cheering] cheesy bites with new crust flavors flavor pizza huts cheesy bites pizza is back with your choice of 1 of 7 crust flavors, like bbq and ranch. No one has more flavor. Only at pizza hut if you want a paint thats tough enough to protect from the elements. If you want a paint flexible enough to survive the subtle cracking of time. 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Are we demanding too much of you . Are we demanding too much of government . Are we too inflammatory . What is your feeling on it . First of all, the medias a bunch of different medias. [laughter] there are some that get on my nerves more than others. I think thats fair to say. I think im most concerned about is not that its unfair or that its too tough on government because i think that thats what journalism and media is supposed to be doing. I think it gets distracted by shiny objects. [laughter] and doesnt always focus on the big tough choices and decisions that have to be made. And part of that is just the changing nature of technology. It is very hard now for folks to do an hour long special on the other america lets say or some of the other classic documentaries that were done a long time ago. Its tough to get everybodys attention focused in the same way. And so what that means is that on big tough issues, sometimes its hard to get the entire nations attention focused on it. And weve been operating on that. But look, part of my job and part of the job of everybody in the white house is how do we adapt to this new environment. How are we more nimble. How are we dealing with social media. Jon youve dealt appropriately with the media. We know maybe the medias problems. What about are they useful. Jon they come from, is that something that has, have people in government, have people in administration, has your office, have yourself, have you become too guarded in the way that you speak to the American People and to practice in the art of spin, that the conversation becomes meaningless. I thought you were going to say we had no talking points. We have too many talking points. Jon no. Can be construed as either insincere or heres what i say. I think when you are outside of government, you feel unconstrained in ways that when you are in the whitehouse, you recognize if i make this comment, it may move the market that way. Or if i make this comment, ive got to make sure what are our allies thinking about that international issue. So probably early on, i think that youre more cautious. I also think the structure inside the whitehouse is not well adapted to this new environment. We were way too slow in trying to redesign and reengineer the Whitehouse Press Office so that we could have more unconventional interactions with the media and more long form, you put it on the web. You dont worry whether its on a tight two minute package going on the nightly news. Theres a learning process thats taken place. But i tell you what, jon, overall, i dont feel particularly guarded. I just had a press conference about iran where not only did i stay there for an hour, i said who else has got a question. Jon if you didnt feel good about that deal. I think the truth of the matter is theres been a lot of times where i sat there and we talked a lot about stuff where i did not feel as good about what had happened but i feel we have to be accountable. Overall i think that the problem with our interaction with the media is probably overstated. I think whats understated is the vulcanization, the splinting ring of the media so its hard for us to get one conversation. You have folks who are constantly looking for facts that reinforce the point of view as opposed to having a common conversation. One of the things we have to think about, not just the president but all of us is how do we join together in a common conversation around something other than the super bowl. Jon who do you have in the super bowl. Not the bills right now. Jon no. Jon no. Well come cheesy bites with new ranch crust flavor cheesy bites pizza is back and sweeten it up with a hersheys triple chocolate brownie for just 5. 99. Only at pizza hut. 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Its been 15 years were in iraq, afghanistan. Yemen. Military families. Less than 1 of americans are bearing the entire brunt of this. There is no real sense of shared sacrifice. What about something that really changes the paradigm, college being three years and then one year of Selective Service. That Selective Service being in, it could be social service, it could be something else. But bringing the sense of sacrifice back to the country, and i would be the first one, even old people could do it, i would do it. I think it would be a wonderful idea for us to think about how we build on the National Service that current exists and expand it. Now how people respond to it politically, how young people respond, it would be interesting. Jon i think young people would embrace it and others would see it as see, heres what i, you know the best education i got was a few years me working in low income neighborhoods as an organizer not really knowing much what i was doing. But understanding that i wanted to try to commit myself to something bigger than just me. And the young people i meet around the country, and by the way around the world, they have that same sense. This notion that young people have lost their idealism or being cynical or ironic, its not true. But we have to give them pathways to get them involved. And so weve tried to expand things like americor as much as possible. Part of what we want to do is hopefully tie it more to getting a lower cost College Education so they get scholarships in return for the work theyre doing. I think that would be a good place for us to start. Were talking earlier about the middle east in an issue like iran. I really want people to Pay Attention to this issue. And learn about it, and then contact your elected representatives and express your opinions. I mean maybe not everybodys going to agree with me on this, but this is an example of where we have a huge issue of war and peace, either the stopping Nuclear Weapons through diplomacy or potentially we have a military option. Youve got a bunch of hot heads and pundits and folks who are not going to be making sacrifices if in fact you end up in a conflict. Who are reprizing some of the same positions we saw during the iraq war, not asking tough questions. And if theyre not hearing from citizens, then we end up making bad choices. And the one thing i know since, as i enter into the last year of my presidency, is that the country is full of good and decent people. And there is a sense of common purpose at the neighborhood level. And in the school and the workplace. And that dissipates because all the money and because of all the filters and all the polarizing that takes place in terms of how policies take shape. But the only way to prevent that is by people getting involved. It doesnt take that much. I guarantee you if people feel strongly about making sure iran doesnt get a Nuclear Weapon without going to war and that is expressed to congress, then people will believe in that. And the same is true on every single issue. If people are engaged, eventually the political system responds despite the money, despecified the lobbyists, it still responds. Jon so for you and this may be a closing segment because obviously you have things to do. Im here all night. I guess what you would say is after seven years, is that the advice that you then bequeath to future President Trump . [laughter] [applause] well, im sure the republicans are enjoying mr. Trumps dominance jon anything that makes them look less crazy. [applause] thank you so much for stopping by. Its always a pleasure to see you. Youve been a great great jon weve been compromised . Dont let hunger kill your game. Hot pockets brings you new snack bites. Bitesize hot pockets sandwiches with 100 real cheese. 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