Colorado school-based initiative aims to help disadvantaged kids with asthma breathe better
The National Institute of Health's (NIH) National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) is supporting an estimated 3-year, $2.7 million award to the University of Colorado Denver through its Disparities Elimination through Coordinated Interventions to Prevent and Control Heart and Lung Disease Risk (DECIPHeR) initiative to address health disparities in diverse Colorado communities. The overarching goal is to help disadvantaged kids with uncontrolled asthma breathe better.
The DECIPHeR Alliance is composed of seven research centers across the United States plus a research coordinating center. The Colorado DECIPHeR site is made up of team members from Children's Hospital Colorado's (Children's Colorado) Breathing Institute, National Jewish Health, University of Colorado School of Medicine (CUSOM), Colorado Comprehensive School-Centered Asthma Program (AsthmaCOMP), and the Adult and Child Consortium for Health Outcomes Research and Delivery Science (ACCORDS).