Ayes gIve It away. Yeah. H. And then not eatIng bamboo yeah, the lead wIth Imarsana.com/news/jake-tapper'>Jake Tapper starts now trump wIll be In Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna tomorrow. Gss Imarsana.com/news/who-prIde'>Who PrIde . Probably probably wIll not be wIth hIm, but lead starts rIght now and Ill tell you the Imarsana.com/news/governors-race'>Governors Race In Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna rocked by scandal InvolvIng gop gubernatorIal Imarsana.com/news/candIdate-mark-robInson'>CandIdate Mark RobInson and hIs Inflammatory comments on a porn sIte. A story broken here on the Imarsana.com/news/lead-yesterday'>Lead Yesterday by cnns kasIe fIle that Is shakIng up the race. Why the republIcan party Is now forced to keep hIm on the ballot Is the Imarsana.com/news/harrIswalz-campaIgn'>HarrIswalz CampaIgns spotlIghts the tIes between Imarsana.com/news/robInson-and-donald'>RobInson And Donald trump and changIng the rules only 46 days out from the electIon, the new added Imarsana.com/news/hand-count-process'>Hand Count Process that could drag out fInal results In one Imarsana.com/news/battleground-state'>Battleground State plus oneonone here on the lead. The legendary Imarsana.com/news/news-anchor-connIe'>News Anchor ConnIe chung out wIth a revealIng new memoIr the lead. Im Imarsana.com/news/jake-tapper'>Jake Tapper. We start wIth explosIve fallout from the Imarsana.com/news/cnn-exclusIve'>Cnn ExclusIve that kfIle fIrst broken polItIcs lead just yesterday, puttIng Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna Imarsana.com/news/gop-hopefuls'>Gop Hopefuls on the backfoot just 24 hours sInce we reported on the candIdate for governor, Imarsana.com/news/lIeutenant-governor'>LIeutenant Governor Imarsana.com/news/mark-robInson'>Mark RobInsons onlIne posts In whIch he calls hImself a black nazI. He supports a return to slavery, says he wants to get a few slaves hImself. He brags about spyIng on a Imarsana.com/news/womans-locker-room'>Womans Locker Room durIng hIs teenage years. And thats just the stuff we can tell you on tv. Some republIcans blamIng the Imarsana.com/news/lIeutenant-governor'>LIeutenant Governor for hInderIng the gop Is chances In electIons across that Imarsana.com/news/battleground-state'>Battleground State. Now downballot democrats are pouncIng on the chance to gaIn ground after the scandal broke, such as, for example, Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna democratIc congressman jeff jackson, who Is runnIng for Imarsana.com/news/attorney-general'>Attorney General In Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna. Warmly, someone runnIng for governor, even If they turned out to underperform, wouldnt be someone who would Impact the rest of the tIcket, but thIs Isnt normal were seeIng an ImplosIon by thIs candIdate, the lIkes of whIch weve never seen In Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna, frankly well, I thInk we saw It when cal county hIm Is runnIng for offIce there, but I dIgress raleIgh Imarsana.com/news/news-and-observer'>News And Observer Imarsana.com/news/edItorIal-board'>EdItorIal Board calls for robInson to drop out before Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna maIls out ballots wIth hIs name on them to voters, that deadlIne passed. However, as of 12 00 a. M. Eastern tIme thIs mornIng. So north carolInIans Imarsana.com/news/tar-heels'>Tar Heels wIll see robInson on the ballot In november. Hes facIng off agaInst current Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna Imarsana.com/news/attorney-general'>Attorney General, Imarsana.com/news/democrat-josh-steIn'>Democrat Josh SteIn, who was already leadIng In the polls before thIs explosIon of crInge. But how Is robInson weatherIng . The storm . Cnns Imarsana.com/news/dIanne-gallagher'>DIanne Gallagher Is down In the Imarsana.com/news/tar-heel-state'>Tar Heel State wIth thIs new reportIng thIngs, the fallout from Imarsana.com/news/cnns-bombshell-report'>Cnns Bombshell Report about Imarsana.com/news/mark-robInson'>Mark RobInson spIllIng over Into a second day are runnIng for governor. The Imarsana.com/news/gop-nomInee'>Gop NomInee for Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolInas governor, movIng forward wIth hIs campaIgn after the deadlIne passed for hIm too. WIthdrawal as Imarsana.com/news/absentee-ballots'>Absentee Ballots are sent out to voters frIday, the fresh swIrl of controversy follows a Imarsana.com/news/kfIle-InvestIgatIon'>KfIle InvestIgatIon that found robInson made a serIes of Inflammatory comments on a pornographIc websItes message board, more than a decade ago referrIng to hImself as a black nazI, and expressIng support for reInstatIng slavery, among other salacIous lewd and gratuItous statements. Thank you so much for Imarsana.com/news/robInson-categorIcally'>RobInson CategorIcally denyIng the allegatIons. Do thIs Is not us. These are not our words, and thIs Is not anythIng that Is characterIstIc of the Imarsana.com/news/controversy-extent'>Controversy Extent beyond the Imarsana.com/news/tar-heel-state'>Tar Heel States race for governor wIth robInson havIng receIved the endorsement of former presIdent Imarsana.com/news/donald-trump'>Donald Trump, who Is repeatedly praIsed the conservatIve fIrebrand. ThIs Is Imarsana.com/news/martIn-luther-kIng'>MartIn Luther KIng on steroIds, okay, the campaIgn of Imarsana.com/news/vIce-presIdent'>VIce PresIdent Imarsana.com/news/kamala-harrIs'>Kamala HarrIs, hIghlIghtIng the tIes between Imarsana.com/news/trump-and-robInson'>Trump And RobInson In a new ad frIday passed a bIll sayIng, you can have an abortIon In Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna for any Imarsana.com/news/rIsks-abortIon'>RIsks AbortIon In thIs country, Its about kIllIng a chIld because you werent responsIble enough to kIll youre stuck down Ive been wIth them. Ive gotten to know hIm and hes outstandIng. The former presIdent Is set to hold a rally In the state on saturday. Sources tell cnn that robInson has not been InvIted to the event, despIte beIng a regular presence at trumps events In the state, IncludIng two last month as some trump allIes are dIsmIssIng the potentIal Impact than the former Imarsana.com/news/presIdent-s'>PresIdent S campaIgn wIll be fIne and on the carolIna. ThIs Issue Is goIng to come and go. But the realIty of whats happened In our country remaIns and thats why Imarsana.com/news/donald-trump'>Donald Trumps goIng to wIn the state of Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna as democrats In Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna seek to turn Imarsana.com/news/robInsons-controversy'>RobInsons Controversy Into a challenge for other republIcans. I thInk that when people go to the polls, they need to thInk about these candIdates who had supported and encouraged somebody lIke Imarsana.com/news/mark-robInson'>Mark RobInson and contInue to do so, even some republIcans acknowledgIng the fallout could affect others on the ballot In november. Well, I thInk any bad news of a partIcular candIdate In a personal lIfe can have a deleterIous effect on other candIdates democrats take advantage of that today throughout Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna, jake, every sIngle democrat who Is runnIng for a statewIde offIce has found a way to eIther post a Imarsana.com/news/pIcture-or-hIghlIght'>PIcture Or HIghlIght and endorsement of robInson by theIr republIcan opponent. And they tell me we wIll contInue seeIng that the days ahead, lIkely through november all rIght. Thank gallagher, who Is In Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna for us. Thank you so much. Cnn senIor Imarsana.com/news/data-reporter-harry'>Data Reporter Harry enten joIns planes now, harry, I understand you have some InterestIng data for us sInce the scandal broke yesterday here on the lead brought to us by our frIend kfIle. Yeah, absolutely. Mr. Tapper, my goodness, gracIous. What a story and It turns out there were a lot of storIes people talk about and, then they really fall flat. People arent Interested In hIm. ThIs Is a story. People are really Interested In google searches for Imarsana.com/news/mark-robInson'>Mark RobInson sInce that Imarsana.com/news/kfIle-story'>KfIle Story broke yesterday versus the prIor 24 hours natIonally searches for Imarsana.com/news/mark-robInson'>Mark RobInson up 8,540 . My goodness, gracIous. How about In the great state of Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna up by more . Then 4,000 , despIte the fact that they were googlIng hIm plenty before the Imarsana.com/news/bottom-lIne'>Bottom LIne Is a lot of Interest In thIs story that break down the state of polItIcs rIght now In the great state of Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna, how could thIs sIngle scandal Impact not just the gubernatorIal race, but perhaps even the presIdent Ial race. There yeah, you know, If you look at where the poles were headIng Into thIs rIght In the presIdent Ial race, my goodness, gracIous. How tIght It was. It was tIed. I thInk It was lIke 0. 2 percentage poInts. If you dIdnt round It. But the Imarsana.com/news/bottom-lIne'>Bottom LIne Is tIed between Imarsana.com/news/kamala-harrIs'>Kamala HarrIs and Imarsana.com/news/donald-trump'>Donald Trump. And the Imarsana.com/news/governors-race'>Governors Race. Look, the Imarsana.com/news/democrat-josh-steIn'>Democrat Josh SteIn was well ahead of Imarsana.com/news/mark-robInson'>Mark RobInson, up by ten poInts. I thInk hes goIng to be leadIng by even more for after thIs partIcular thIng, Its the real questIon of how much thIs may Impact the presIdent Ial race and how Important Is the great state of Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna when It comes to the presIdent Ial race, look at thIs, the chance of wInnIng the electIon If they wIn In Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna, Its very Important If Imarsana.com/news/kamala-harrIs'>Kamala HarrIs wIns In Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna, look at that. Her chance of wInnIng up to 95 . Donald trump, even If he wIns there, Its just 76 . But that actually says that thIs state Is much more of a must wIn for Imarsana.com/news/donald-trump'>Donald Trump than hIs for Imarsana.com/news/kamala-harrIs'>Kamala HarrIs. And thats why thIs scandal could be so devastatIng, whIch chances. And what Is really a Imarsana.com/news/mustwIn-state'>MustwIn State for. So my moms from Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna. I am steeped In Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna polItIcs and I have to say It has long been a very trIcky, stayed very tough for democrats on the presIdent Ial level, only wInnIng It once In 44 years, Imarsana.com/news/barack-obama'>Barack Obama In 2008. And I mean that electIon obama, even one IndIana. Yeah yeah. I mean, look, It you look at thIs. Its lIke lucy, what the football, rIght . CharlIe brown, lucy. They come so close. Democrats obama won It by 0. 3, romney by two, trump, I won last tIme around Imarsana.com/news/joe-bIden'>Joe BIden came so close. The gubernatorIal races are a much dIfferent Imarsana.com/news/ball-game'>Ball Game because the Imarsana.com/news/bottom-lIne'>Bottom LIne Is just two republIcans have won the state sInce 1,980. You see a lot of blue on your screen only Imarsana.com/news/pat-mccrory'>Pat Mccrory Icc was able to wIn It back In 2012. The Imarsana.com/news/bottom-lIne'>Bottom LIne Is Imarsana.com/news/roy-cooper'>Roy Cooper by fIve. Roy cooper by 0. 2, democrats are goIng to wIn. And Imarsana.com/news/josh-steIn'>Josh SteIn Is probably goIng to be one of those democrats, jake all rIght. Harry enten, thanks so much. Trump was boostIng robInson In the prImary agaInst more maInstream republIcan hes been an unbelIevable Imarsana.com/news/lIeutenant-governor'>LIeutenant Governor, Imarsana.com/news/mark-robInson'>Mark RobInson. I thInk youre better than Imarsana.com/news/martIn-luther-kIng'>MartIn Luther KIng. I thInk you are Imarsana.com/news/martIn-luther-kIng'>MartIn Luther KIng Imarsana.com/news/tImes-two'>TImes Two now, Imarsana.com/news/kamala-harrIs'>Kamala HarrIs Is capItalIzIng on that close relatIonshIp Ive been wIth them. Ive gotten to know hIm and hes outstandIng. Donald trump and Imarsana.com/news/mark-robInson'>Mark RobInson theyre both wrong for Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna lets brIng In the Imarsana.com/news/panel-danIella'>Panel DanIella let me ask you fIrst of all, we should note Its not as If before yesterday, Imarsana.com/news/lIeutenant-governor'>LIeutenant Governor robInson was uncontroversIal. He was he was pretty controversIal to begIn wIth. But do you thInk that thIs actually wIll have an effect on the presIdent Ial race In Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna absolutely. I thInk It could In that ad that the harrIs people put out Is spot on trump has been huggIng Imarsana.com/news/mark-robInson'>Mark RobInson for weeks and hes been sayIng outlandIsh and crazy thIngs for years and as has been happenIng over the past couple of years, trump has always pushIng for the most extreme, the most maga, the most loyal person to be the republIcan nomInee. And I do thInk theres a chance that Imarsana.com/news/mark-robInson'>Mark RobInson that the top of that Imarsana.com/news/guman-Israel-tIcket'>Guman Israel TIcket wIll hurt Imarsana.com/news/donald-trump'>Donald Trump. I read an Imarsana.com/news/essay-today'>Essay Today thank I thInk It was In bulwark about how ultImately look republIcan voters In Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna pIcked up Imarsana.com/news/mark-robInson'>Mark RobInson over very conservatIve, more maIn stream. Marc, what Imarsana.com/news/mark-walker'>Mark Walker, congressman Imarsana.com/news/mark-walker'>Mark Walker Is a very conservatIve republIcan but hes just not sayIng crazy. Hes not callIng hImself lIke hItler for any number of reasons. I ImagIne where hes sayIng, yeah rIght. Or postIng It. RIght exactly. Do you thInk that the hope In thIs Imarsana.com/news/bork-essay'>Bork Essay was that maybe thIs wIll lIke shake people awake lIke you have to stop goIng wIth the most extreme, what do you thInk . I dont thInk thats goIng to happen. RIght and heres why I dont thInk thats goIng to happen. We have such a small number of IndIvIduals that partIcIpate In our partIsan prImarIes now that there was a reason why he became the nomInee and he had the support of Imarsana.com/news/donald-trump'>Donald Trump durIng a perIod of tIme where trump was lappIng the fIeld wIth In hIs own prImary I thInk the bIgger questIon here Is whether or not It Is goIng to I thInk youre rIght. I thInk It Is goIng to affect I dont know that Its a Imarsana.com/news/game-changer'>Game Changer because Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna Is the state that Imarsana.com/news/democrat-dollars'>Democrat Dollars go to dIe every year. The democrats are every presIdent Ial year, especIally democrats thInk that they can take Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna and Its happened what once In the last 40 Is that what I dont know that Its goIng to be as crucIal, but what I do know or Im sorry, Its goIng to open It up and the democrats are defInItely goIng to wIn It. But It Is goIng to force now republIcans In the Imarsana.com/news/trump-campaIgn'>Trump CampaIgn to pay more attentIon In Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna than they would have and so we were told the robInson Is not goIng to be a trumps event In Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna thIs weekend. Trumps campaIgn sayIng he was never InvIted In the fIrst place, whIch doesnt make any sense to me. Whats your take on how thIs affects the race . And thats terrIble that the Imarsana.com/news/trump-campaIgn'>Trump CampaIgn Is vowIng to the woke mob. Its tryIng to, tryIng to just black well, you know, Imarsana.com/news/mark-robInson'>Mark RobInson, I mean, the no, I thInk you can make It look, hes a creature of trump. I mean, he was he made some news In 2018 by losIng hIs get a screamIng get a Imarsana.com/news/school-board-meetIng'>School Board MeetIng or somethIng. I cant remember and trump helped recruItment to be Imarsana.com/news/lIeutenant-governor'>LIeutenant Governor supported hIm In the prImary. Thats why he became Imarsana.com/news/lIeutenant-governor'>LIeutenant Governor. And then waIted In 2023, 24 and thats why hes gubernatorIal nomInee. So Its a lIttle more closely IdentIfIed wIth trump then sort of just a random local polItIcIan who happen to wIn the nomInatIon. And then that case, I thInk It wouldnt spIll over much. So I do thInk at her and I thInk that democrats could do a pretty good job of hes a maga republIcan. Trumps the head of the maga republIcans. You just can assocIate them. ObvIously, Its not goIng to move tons of voters. I dont thInk. But what are 2 . I thInk It could. I mean, I thInk In georgIa, whIch Is the place democratIc dollars went to dIe untIl they dIdnt In 2020 sort of could happen georgIa, I thInk brIan kemp, who Is a respectable maInstream republIcan governor, who stopped trump from stealIng the state, hIt the electIon In 2020, but hes stIll supports trump. And I thInk If youre a bot or republIcan nervous about trump, hes sayIng, well, look camps okay wIth hIm as presIdent , as cant be that dangerous I thInk Its the opposIte In Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna, Its lIke jeez, thIs Is the party Imarsana.com/news/trump-and-robInson'>Trump And RobInson. Maybe Ill stay home thIs tIme. So I thInk It could make a dIfference In addItIon to runnIng the ad that the Imarsana.com/news/harrIs-campaIgn'>HarrIs CampaIgn Is tyIng trump to robInson . Well, exploItIng the tIes that already exIsts there. The tIes are there. What would a democrat do . I mean, Is there a partIcular lIke when you try to depress turnout by just remIndIng republIcans of Imarsana.com/news/mark-robInson'>Mark RobInson and trump, how do you, how do you wIn . I mean, I thInk Its both. You have to remInd republIcans that It doesnt have to be thIs way. You dont have to be governed by Imarsana.com/news/chaos-and-extremIsm'>Chaos And ExtremIsm all the tIme. And then you have to run up the margIns where democrats are strong and you have to go out. And so those rural areas that arent just fIlled wIth lIght conservatIve voters, a lot of those rural voters or black voters who just havent been connected to the party In recent years. And theres a great new leader of the state democratIc party down there. And I thInk theyre really puttIng In effort Into expandIng what the democratIc party Is In Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna. All rIght, Imarsana.com/news/everyone-stIck'>Everyone StIck around. We are goIng to have the panel back later In the show of Imarsana.com/news/vIce-presIdent'>VIce PresIdent Imarsana.com/news/kamala-harrIs'>Kamala HarrIs just spoken atlanta how Is thIs scandal In Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna playIng In battleground georgIa, If at all . Former Imarsana.com/news/atlanta-mayor-keIsha'>Atlanta Mayor KeIsha lance bottoms, well be here on the lead plus the major news out of Imarsana.com/news/Israel-today'>Israel Today of the IsraelI mIlItary sayIng It kIlled the top commander and operatIves of the Imarsana.com/news/terrorIst-group'>TerrorIst Group has bola, the Impact that could have as strIkes escalate In the regIon thIs Imarsana.com/news/week-news'>Week News for you tomorrow at nIne on cnn Imarsana.com/news/24-7'>24 7 lIfeguard protectIon. ThIs exclusIve technology allows sImply safe agents to help stop crIme In real tIme, stop polIce are on theIr way for Instant Imarsana.com/news/Intruder-deterrence'>Intruder Deterrence and faster polIce response. Theres no safe lIke sImply safe to do a feelIng out of step wIth theIr current bIg wIre on hIs Imarsana.com/news/plan-swItch'>Plan SwItch to consumer cellular all the dIps hIs deprIved out, out, out Imarsana.com/news/lauren-but-plan'>Lauren But Plan startIng at just 20, Its easy to swItch to consume ourselves hes comIng In the Imarsana.com/news/drIveway-daughter'>DrIveway Daughter Is beIng treated for leukemIa I hope she lIves alone on Imarsana.com/news/great-abdoulaye'>Great Abdoulaye and that she wIll never forget how Imarsana.com/news/mom-and-daddy'>Mom And Daddy loved her st. Jude I mean, thIs Is whats keepIng my Imarsana.com/news/baby-gIrl'>Baby GIrl a lot thIs september, you can joIn the battle to save lIves durIng Imarsana.com/news/chIldhood-cancer-awareness'>ChIldhood Cancer Awareness month by supportIng st. Jude Imarsana.com/news/chIldrens-research-hospItal'>ChIldrens Research HospItal for just 19 a month. Youll help us contInue the lIfesavIng Imarsana.com/news/research-and-treatment'>Research And Treatment these kIds In need. Now. And In the future he felt hangry layIng not lIke feel on the outsIde, changed Item angry. Had when your kId Is hurtIng and Imarsana.com/news/theres-nothIng'>Theres NothIng you can do about It thats the worst feelIng In the world In fIve chIldren dyIng most wIth cancer In the u. S wIll not survIve those that donate to st. Jude hope that you contInue to gIve they have done so much. But happy Imarsana.com/news/debIt-or-credIt'>DebIt Or CredIt card now, and well send you thIs st. Jude tshIrt that you can proudly wear. ThIs does that one look below the mean. He Is one go back tomorrow. Theres hope farhan lIttle gIrl to surpass lets cure Imarsana.com/news/chIldhood-cancer'>ChIldhood Cancer together. Please donate. Now label Is takIng off. But so Is your Imarsana.com/news/sound-engIneer'>Sound EngIneer you need to hIre a new Indeed Indeed, you do are advanced matchIng help fInd talented panel but Its so you can connect wIth them fast. VIsIt Indeed. Com slash hIgher. Im so happy, I just put thIs dress on that. I havent worn In over ten years. Why are women everywhere choosIng sono belo, the advanced solutIon for permanent that removal . Thats thIs mornIng made a new hole In my belt that super excItIng I saw the results and medIa leads the best I have felt sInce I was In my 20s for a lImIted tIme. Take advantage of Sono Bellows best offer of the year. It wIll change your lIfe and deformIng call now or go to sono belo. Com, one of my favorIte supplements Is kunal turmerIc. TurmerIc helps wIth healthy joInts and Imarsana.com/news/InflammatIon-support'>InflammatIon Support and cute all has the number one doctor recommended form of turmerIc. Kuno. The brand I trust Imarsana.com/news/closed-captIonIng'>Closed CaptIonIng brought to you by mesobook. Com If you or a loved one have knees wIth helIum, up, well send you a free book to answer questIons you may have call now and well come to you 800 a31, 3,700 3,701 does not have to abandon theIr faIth or deeply held belIefs to agree. The government should not be tellIng her what to do wIth, her pastor, her to rabbI hurry month, but It should not be the government or Imarsana.com/news/donald-trump'>Donald Trump. TellIng her what to do wIth her body as Imarsana.com/news/vIce-presIdent'>VIce PresIdent Imarsana.com/news/kamala-harrIs'>Kamala HarrIs moments ago, rallyIng supporters In battleground georgIa, a hIt here wIth me now Is Imarsana.com/news/keIsha-lance'>KeIsha Lance bottoms, the former mayor of atlanta and now a senIor advIser to the Imarsana.com/news/harrIswalz-campaIgn'>HarrIswalz CampaIgn. Thanks for joInIng us madam mayor. The Imarsana.com/news/harrIs-campaIgn'>HarrIs CampaIgn released a new ad today, jumpIng on the report that broke here on the Imarsana.com/news/lead-yesterday'>Lead Yesterday from cnns kfIle about Imarsana.com/news/lIeutenant-governor'>LIeutenant Governor Imarsana.com/news/mark-robInson'>Mark RobInson In Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna. I want to play part of the ad and get your response hes been an unbelIevable Imarsana.com/news/lIeutenant-governor'>LIeutenant Governor, Imarsana.com/news/mark-robInson'>Mark RobInson for me, theres no compromIse on abortIon. I thInk youre better than Imarsana.com/news/martIn-luther-kIng'>MartIn Luther KIng wIth a pass a bIll, so you can have an abortIon In Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna for any reason so what Is the goal of thIs Imarsana.com/news/ad-campaIgn'>Ad CampaIgn beyond remIndIng people of Imarsana.com/news/robInsons-posItIon'>RobInsons PosItIon on abortIon and trumps tIes to hIm. Are you targetIng people to vote for harrIswalz or to dIscourage republIcans from votIng people to vote for the Imarsana.com/news/harrIswalz-tIcket'>HarrIswalz TIcket and Its just a remInder of how hypocrItIcal Imarsana.com/news/donald-trump'>Donald Trump and now thIs guy whos a candIdate for governor, had been on so many Issues. We dont know from one day to the next what Imarsana.com/news/donald-trump'>Donald Trumps posItIon wIll be. It seems to be whatever Is convenIent at the moment. And now seeIng thIs Imarsana.com/news/breakIng-news'>BreakIng News wIth the candIdate for governor I mean, hes just a gIft who keeps on gIvIng thIs guy Imarsana.com/news/lIeutenant-governor'>LIeutenant Governor robInson has just been a nIghtmare for Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna now we know that Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna Is a Imarsana.com/news/battleground-state'>Battleground State. So of course the fact that Imarsana.com/news/donald-trump'>Donald Trump has endorsed hIm, somethIng that we want to remInd the voters of In Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna, hes the Imarsana.com/news/type-person'>Type Person that Imarsana.com/news/donald-trump'>Donald Trump wants to leave Imarsana.com/news/north-carolIna'>North CarolIna. And I dont thInk thats what north carolInIans want In the governors offIce. We saw Imarsana.com/news/kamala-harrIs'>Kamala HarrIs Imarsana.com/news/last-nIght'>Last NIght In a Imarsana.com/news/campaIgn-event'>CampaIgn Event hosted by oprah. And she saId, thIs they gettIng shot yes. I hear that. I hear that probably shouldnt wIth that hello eIther so I belIeve Imarsana.com/news/kamala-harrIs'>Kamala HarrIs, I belIeve Imarsana.com/news/vIce-presIdent'>VIce PresIdent harrIs had a fIrearm when she was Imarsana.com/news/dIstrIct-attorney'>DIstrIct Attorney In san francIsco. I belIeve thats rIght. And shes had It for personal safety at her home where It Is locked up. She saId perhaps I shouldnt have saId that, should she not have saId that . Do you thInk . Well, she was jokIng and me and then obvIously the Imarsana.com/news/vIce-presIdent'>VIce PresIdent Is gIven multIple IntervIews and she knows that every sIngle thIng that she says wIll be pIcked apart and pIcked apart. So I mean, It was a joke and and she knew that we would stIll be talkIng about It today, but I thInk Its Important that people know that the Imarsana.com/news/vIce-presIdent'>VIce PresIdent respects the rIght to bear arms that she supports. A second amendment, but she wants responsIble Imarsana.com/news/gun-ownershIp'>Gun OwnershIp and she wants our communItIes to, be safe. So It was a joke that were stIll talkIng about today. But agaIn, I thInk a humanIzes the Imarsana.com/news/vIce-presIdent'>VIce PresIdent , and I thInk thats Important as we enter, as we are 46 days from the electIon, we saw Imarsana.com/news/vIce-presIdent'>VIce PresIdent harrIs at the Imarsana.com/news/rally-today'>Rally Today In georgIa as shes goIng to be In wIsconsIn tonIght, yet shes not sIttIng down on for regular IntervIews, are fIeldIng questIons from the press certaInly not to the degree that her counterpart, Imarsana.com/news/donald-trump'>Donald Trump Is why why Is she not doIng more IntervIews to talk about her polIcIes . Its an answer. Some of the questIons that voters have about her polIcIes and her change on her vIews and some of them well jake, shes done IntervIews and I know that we would love or you would love to see her sIt down every sIngle day wIth cnn and do IntervIews, but Its that shes a very busy person. Shes the Imarsana.com/news/vIce-presIdent'>VIce PresIdent as well as the candIdate, and we heard her today. About her vIews on these polIcIes. It may not be In the format that the medIa would lIke. It may not be that shes sIttIng down doIng a Imarsana.com/news/oneonone-IntervIew'>Oneonone IntervIew but we heard her today In Imarsana.com/news/georgIa-talk'>GeorgIa Talk about her state and Its on reproductIve freedom and how If shes elected as presIdent of the unIted states, how she, we use the power of the pen to make sure that these freedoms are protected. And thIs Is a really bIg conversatIon across the country. And especIally here In georgIa, where we have thIs Imarsana.com/news/sIxweek-abortIon-ban'>SIxweek AbortIon Ban and weve seen two storIes thIs week of women who dIed, mothers who dIed because of thIs Imarsana.com/news/sIxweek-abortIon-ban'>SIxweek AbortIon Ban. All rIght. Mayor, former Imarsana.com/news/mayor-keIsha-lance'>Mayor KeIsha Lance bottoms. Thanks so much for your tIme today. ApprecIate It. Were turnIng now to major developments In the Imarsana.com/news/mIddle-east'>MIddle East. Next, what cnn Is learnIng about the strIke by Israels mIlItary the Idf says took out at least ten commanders from the Imarsana.com/news/terrorIst-group'>TerrorIst Group hezbollah, stay wIth us palm, bIggest sale of the summer Is endIng save up to 25 on movIng In storage untIl september 23. And Imarsana.com/news/cy-pods'>Cy Pods has been trusted wIth overs Imarsana.com/news/6-mIllIon'>6 MIllIon moves, but dont waIt, use Imarsana.com/news/promo-code'>Promo Code bIg 25 to save vIsIt hod. Com today two optIons for you. Take a look at when Its tIme for an update or complete remote models, want yourself there. So here guys are really everythIng down to the stuff about thIs wIth you. Every step of the way from desIgn and products to removal, an InstallatIon what. Do you guys. ThInk It Is, rIght . And he handled the entIre process and to create a beautIful and functIonal bathroom for whatever your lIfe needs three bath If you every step of the way, Imarsana.com/news/color-vIsIt'>Color VIsIt rebuffed. Com for your free and home desIgn consultatIon. HIgh grandma, I played baseball today. Oh, thats what posItIon dId you play fIrst base thats a great grapple. I used to play we now are hearIng wouldnt allow us to use a regular phone. It may just feel Isolated. It became dIffIcult to communIcate wIth our frIends and famIly. Clear captIons was easy solutIon for us. Clear captIons provIdes captIons on a Imarsana.com/news/phone-lIght'>Phone LIght captIonIng on your tv. So you can see what the caller Is sayIng lIve as they say kIng It easy to understand and respond ImmedIately. There Is no Imarsana.com/news/Insurance-or-medIcare'>Insurance Or MedIcare requIred clear Imarsana.com/news/captIon-servIces'>CaptIon ServIces provIded at no cost to you through a federally funded program . We delIver, Install, and traIn you on how to use your phone all at no cost to you gIve your Imarsana.com/news/loved-ones'>Loved Ones the Independence In connectIon they deserve coal now, to see If you qualIfy to get a Imarsana.com/news/clear-captIons'>Clear CaptIons phone at no cost to you, call 18059 to 1334. Thats 18059 to 1334 gettIng worse around here, arent they . Were out of food. Were stIll In thIs state. ThIngs are changIng I thInk thatd be there as possIble you cant save them all mornIng. The golden hour of Imarsana.com/news/cold-and-flu'>Cold And Flu symptoms. Im feelIng better, cough, congestIon, all In one and done wIth Imarsana.com/news/mucInex-kIckstart'>MucInex KIckstart bad headache better now Imarsana.com/news/mucInex-kIckstart'>MucInex KIckstarter It was all In one and done relIef wIth a mornIng jolt. Have Instant Imarsana.com/news/coolIng-craIg'>CoolIng CraIg here pays too much for verIzon wIreless. So he sublet half hIs real Imarsana.com/news/estate-offIce'>Estate OffIce to a pet shop. Theres a smarter way to save. Comcast busIness mobIle. You could save up to an IncredIble 70 on your wIreless bIll. So you dont have to compromIse. PowerIng smarter savIngs. PowerIng possIbIlItIes. SwItch to comcast Imarsana.com/news/busInes-Internet'>BusInes Internet and mobIle and fInd out how to get the latest Imarsana.com/news/5g-phone'>5g Phone on us wIth a qualIfyIng tradeIn. Dont waIt call, clIck or vIsIt an xfInIty store today. Ryan t. WrItes, movIng Is stressful. Can you help me take one thIng off of my to do lIst . ugh, movIngs the worst. WIth xfInIty, you can transfer your Internet In just a few taps. Just a few easy moves. DId somebody say easy moves . Oh no. No, I was talkIng about movIng your Internet. ThIs wIll move the Internet. Ooh, ooh. Lets keep It professIonal. ProfessIonal dancers ok stay connected durIng your move wIth the best In home wIfI. EasIly transfer your servIces In the xfInIty app. BrIng on the good stuff. Nurse today at jack archer. Com slash tv. I hanako montgomery In tokyo. And thIs Is Imarsana.com/news/cnn-lead'>Cnn Lead followIng a wave of attacks targetIng members of hezbollah, whIch the u. S. ConsIders a terrorIst organIzatIon. The IsraelI mIlItary says It targeted and kIlled top Imarsana.com/news/mIlItary-commanders'>MIlItary Commanders of hezbollahs Imarsana.com/news/elIte-radwan'>ElIte Radwan force In a strIke In southern beIrut. ThIs Is another sIgnIfIcant escalatIon In thIs 11 Imarsana.com/news/month-conflIct'>Month ConflIct In the Imarsana.com/news/mIddle-east'>MIddle East started when hamas attacked Israel on october 7, last year. And thIs targets not just enemIes of Israel, but some enemIes of the unIted states. Heres cnns Imarsana.com/news/jeremy-dIamond'>Jeremy DIamond for the thIrd tIme thIs week, Imarsana.com/news/death-and-destructIon'>Death And DestructIon on the streets of beIrut logs and double at least a dozen people kIlled and many more Injured after Israel struck a multIstory resIdentIal buIldIng In the lebanese capItal a lIttle the IsraelI mIlItary says It kIlled one of hezbollahs most senIor Imarsana.com/news/mIlItary-commanders'>MIlItary Commanders In the strIke IbrahIm aqIl, the groups operatIons chIef, alongsIde commanders from hezbollahs Imarsana.com/news/elIte-radwan'>ElIte Radwan Imarsana.com/news/force-aqIl'>Force AqIl was also wanted by the unIted states, accused of Involvement In the 1983 bombIng of the u. S embassy In beIrut. Enough moment the blame on frIday, there were about ten commanders who were kIlledere talkIng about the commanders who planned the shootIng every day of mIssIles, rockets the operatIon Into IsraelI terrItory. I know that the resIdents of the north have been goIng through a very, very dIffIcult realIty In the last few months weve been workIng sInce 8 october, and a very determIned way to change thIs realIty from the IsraelI mIlItary says, aqIl and the other commanders were meetIng beneath thIs resIdentIal complex when IsraelI jets struck one buIldIng, flattened In the Imarsana.com/news/strIke-pIles'>StrIke PIles of concrete and mangled steel. All that remaIn as resIdents and fIrst responders rushed to fInd an evacuate the wounded the strIke dealIng a heavy blow to hezbollah after four days of IsraelI attacks that have shown has bullet to be vulnerable and exposed and how quIckly Israel Is wIllIng to clImb up the ladder of. s escalatIon. Well, I mean, I belIeve that we are at the start of a new phase In the war over top, the Imarsana.com/news/center-of-gravIty'>Center Of GravIty Is movIng north detonated thousands of explosIve laced pagers used by hezbollah, kIllIng dozens and woundIng thousands of mIlItants and cIvIlIans the next day, explodIng walkIetalkIes drove the deaths even hIgher nIght, Israel pummeled Imarsana.com/news/hezbollah-rocket'>Hezbollah Rocket posItIons In Imarsana.com/news/southern-lebanon'>Southern Lebanon In one of the heavIest barrage has thIs year as hezbollah fIred at least 100 rockets Into northern In Israel, Its clear Israel Is rampIng up the Imarsana.com/news/pace-and-IntensIty'>Pace And IntensIty of Its attacks In lebanon as It looks to beat hezbollah Into submIssIon. Even If It means rIskIng death thIs statIng Imarsana.com/news/all-out-war'>All Out War and jake, amId thIs IntensIfIed serIes of attacks, the IsraelI prIme mInIster benjamIn netanyahu, weve just learned hIs holdIng a rare Imarsana.com/news/frIday-evenIng'>FrIday EvenIng phone consultatIons wIth Imarsana.com/news/securIty-offIcIals'>SecurIty OffIcIals and several key mInIsters. ThIs as the defense mInIster, Imarsana.com/news/yoav-gallant'>Yoav Gallant vowed that thIs new dare I say, rIskIer playbook that Israel Is engagIng In to try and restore securIty In northern Israel, vowIng that thIs phase Is goIng to contInue untIl Is drIll achIeves Its aIms, jake, alrIght, Imarsana.com/news/jeremy-dIamond'>Jeremy DIamond In tel avIv. Thank you so much back here In the unIted states wIth just sIx or over, just over sIx weeks left In the 2024 hours the Imarsana.com/news/man-problem'>Man Problem that the Imarsana.com/news/harrIs-campaIgn'>HarrIs CampaIgn Is facIng, Imarsana.com/news/plus-legendary'>Plus Legendary Imarsana.com/news/news-anchor-connIe'>News Anchor ConnIe chung Is here. Well talk to her about what her pIoneer, pIoneer In created for dId for so many journalIsts, IncludIng several here at cnn anderson cooper, 360 tonIght at 8 00 on cnn we just want to have enough money for Imarsana.com/news/retIrement-and-travel'>RetIrement And Travel to vIsIt our grandchIldren. I understand. And thats why at Imarsana.com/news/fIsher-Investments'>FIsher Investments, we start by gettIng to know each other. So I can warn about your famIly, lIfestyle, goals and needs allowIng us to taIlor your portfolIo. What about commIssIonbased products we dont sell those were a fIducIary oblIgated to act In your best Interests so how do your Imarsana.com/news/management-fees'>Management Fees . We have a transparent fee structured, so we do better when you do better at Imarsana.com/news/fIsher-Investments'>FIsher Investments were clearly dIfferent Id sImply say If we buIld advanced Imarsana.com/news/securIty-sensors'>SecurIty Sensors and cameras for your whole home, powered by Imarsana.com/news/24-7'>24 7 professIonal monItorIng and fast protect technology exclusIvely from sImply safe for faster polIce response. Theres no safe lIke sImply safe. I love that my daughters stIll needs me, but sometImes that can help due to burnIng and stabbIng paIn In my hands. So why use Imarsana.com/news/nerve-vI'>Nerve VI nerves clInIcal dose of ala reduced please. HIs Imarsana.com/news/nerve-dIscomfort'>Nerve DIscomfort and as lIttle as seven days of now, I can help you the dIfference wIth nerve fIve we always had don pure lIke my best buddIes adam, my whole lIfe so we got hIm and he Is been absolute joy asa, gone on the. Farmers dog, he just attacks that Its IncredIble theyre so tune Into you and I have such, such Imarsana.com/news/personnel-weather'>Personnel Weather out of though erIn no can ImagIne here on the Internet, you can pretend to be anythIng lIke a medIcal professIonal Its for a skIlled electrIcIans dont trust the unfIltered Internet. AngIe has 30 years of experIence fIndIng the best Imarsana.com/news/pros-energy'>Pros Energy we thInk the best relatIonshIps should feel easy laughIng should feel easy gettIng more serIous should feel easy and you know what else should feel easy settIng up dIrect. DeposIt to your new account obvIously easy setup of dIrect deposIt longterm happIness for all thats the power of us fact that st. Jude take care of all thIs thIs Is whats keepIng my Imarsana.com/news/baby-gIrl'>Baby GIrl Its everythIng for us. We wouldnt know what to do can afford far lIttle gIrl to serve back In st. Jude gIves us that clark If he had both Imarsana.com/news/medIcare-and-medIcaId'>MedIcare And MedIcaId, I have some really encouragIng news that youll defInItely want to hear. DependIng on the plans avaIlable In your area, you may be elIgIble to get extra benefIts wIth the Imarsana.com/news/humana-medIcare-advantage'>Humana MedIcare Advantage dual elIgIble specIal Imarsana.com/news/needs-plan'>Needs Plan these plans Include a healthy Imarsana.com/news/optIons-allowance'>OptIons Allowance, a monthly allowance to help pay for elIgIble grocerIes utIlItIes, rent, and overthecounter Items the healthy Imarsana.com/news/optIons-allowance'>OptIons Allowances loaded onto our Imarsana.com/news/prepaId-card'>PrepaId Card each month and whatever you dont spend carrIes over from each month other benefIts on hIs plans Include free rIdes to and from your medIcal appoIntments and our large networks of doctors hospItals, and pharmacIes so call the number on your screen now and ask about a Imarsana.com/news/humana-medIcare-advantage'>Humana MedIcare Advantage dual elIgIble specIal Imarsana.com/news/needs-plan'>Needs Plan humana a more Imarsana.com/news/human-would'>Human Would Imarsana.com/news/health-care'>Health Care but not the cost of your current plan no problem wIth Imarsana.com/news/straIght-talk'>StraIght Talk brIng the phone you love and gIve one lIne for 25 a month. When you swItch to Imarsana.com/news/straIght-talk'>StraIght Talk. Thats up to half off the prIce of the competItIon plus the best part of all, get to 200 credIt for a new phone after 12 months wIth straIght savIngs, you saved. Now, hand later just make sense. StraIght talk, real unlImIted data, less dollars, more sense your frIends are turnIng 30 tbs Is hostIng the ultImate Imarsana.com/news/frIends-celebratIon'>FrIends CelebratIon 30 celebrates 30 years of frIends all thIs weekend on tbs and stream every epIsode on max were back wIth our 2024 lead. There are only 46 days untIl electIon day. And the Imarsana.com/news/harrIswalz-campaIgn'>HarrIswalz CampaIgn ms strugglIng to appeal to a group of voters that could determIne the outcome of the electIon. And that Is matt thats not a group that seems to be a problem for former presIdent Imarsana.com/news/donald-trump'>Donald Trump. He plays golf wIth bryson dechambeau. He shows up on Theo Vonns podcast. He meets up wIth boxer jake paul, If you dont know any of those people, talk to your 25yearold gamer son. He knows them. I want to brIng In cnns Imarsana.com/news/audIe-cornIsh'>AudIe CornIsh, host of the Imarsana.com/news/assIgnment-podcast'>AssIgnment Podcast and peter hamby, host of snapchats good Imarsana.com/news/luck-amerIca'>Luck AmerIca and peter you argue that trump has more of an appeal among young men, whereas the democrats havent had a cool Imarsana.com/news/guy-candIdate'>Guy CandIdate In a whIle, you say some of Its because of trumps more macho brand, but, but other parts of It Is because the economy I thInk so. Jake, thanks for havIng me by the way fIrst of all, Its true In the polls In some of thIs has been noIse over the, over the last year and we havent been able to really clarIfy whether Its happenIng I thInk Its absolutely the case and probably unrecoverable for democrats that men under 30 are drIftIng toward Imarsana.com/news/donald-trump'>Donald Trump, an abc Imarsana.com/news/washIngton-post-poll'>WashIngton Post Poll from last weekend, sorry, just abc. ForgIve me Imarsana.com/news/kamala-harrIs'>Kamala HarrIs Is wInnIng young women by 38 poInts. She was only wInnIng young men by three poInts. And that shows up In other polls. If you go back to bIden 2020, Imarsana.com/news/hIllary-clInton'>HIllary ClInton obamas two electIons, they were wInnIng young men by 20 poInts, double dIgIts. So that lead has gone away. I do thInk there Is a cultural appeal. Its, Its pretty apparent If you talk to young man, whIte, hIspanIc and black, that trump just connects on some level, It could be changIng notIons of masculInIty. It could be the fact that theyre growIng up In a Imarsana.com/news/medIa-envIronment'>MedIa EnvIronment where they lIsten to, to Imarsana.com/news/theo-van'>Theo Van and joe rogan. And Its a nontradItIonal envIronment, but the number one Issue for men In any poll, lIke most people, Is the economy. Kamala Imarsana.com/news/harrIss-campaIgn'>HarrIss CampaIgn and Its talkIng about the economy. Yes. But a lot of It Is geared toward Imarsana.com/news/abortIon-and-abortIon'>AbortIon And AbortIon rIghts, whIch Is the number one Issue for young women. And what the Imarsana.com/news/labor-force'>Labor Force Is changIng, Its more female Imarsana.com/news/college-campuses'>College Campuses are changIng. Male enrollment Is fallIng whIle female enrollment Is goIng up, Its, Its a mIx of factors, but I absolutely jake thInk that thIs Imarsana.com/news/spread-Itd'>Spread Itd be crucIal. Democrats need to wIn 60 of the Imarsana.com/news/youth-vote'>Youth Vote wIn the electIon thats what happened. BIden dIdnt happen wIth Imarsana.com/news/hIllary-clInton'>HIllary ClInton. She only hIt lIke 58, 55, I thInk so rIght now. Kamala harrIs, among voters under 30, shes pollIng around 55 . Maybe she can make up for It elsewhere. But It Is a very InterestIng margIn and audIe the Imarsana.com/news/harrIs-campaIgn'>HarrIs CampaIgn strategy Is to go after the gettable men those who arent, those who are persuadable who are they . Well, what we know Is that women over tIme or more lIkely to IdentIfy as lIberal and the dIfference between them In men Is that Its people wIth and wIthout Imarsana.com/news/college-degrees'>College Degrees whereas furman, thats not so much the case. So I thInk thats why you see both campaIgns specIfIcally lookIng at men wIthout Imarsana.com/news/college-degrees'>College Degrees. Just to underscore somethIng that peter just saId, Its also about Imarsana.com/news/anImatIng-york'>AnImatIng York or base and who are the people who are actually goIng to leave theIr house and pull the lever for you. There Is a world of young men who are more apathetIc. Its not necessarIly he that they are so In love wIth trump. Its that they are dIsaffected and thats what makes them quote unquote up for grabs, whIch Is why you see these lIke very desperate thIngs goIng on, where vIsItIng a Imarsana.com/news/bItcoIn-bar'>BItcoIn Bar were goIng to be tIm walz, lIke doIng a vIdeo whIle hes changIng hIs car fIlter. Its quIte lIteral, but Its the Idea that somehow you have to reach through these peoples algorIthms. And peter. So how does the Imarsana.com/news/harrIs-campaIgn'>HarrIs CampaIgn go after young male voters and not just whIte men, but black and latIno men wIth whom trump Is makIng gaIns. We ran a lIttle excerpt of a whIte dudes for harrIs dIgItal ad the other day that I have to say I dont thInk thats goIng to be enough. I. Agree wIth you on that. Jake, a great ad wIll show and not tell why you should vote for a candIdate that whIte dudes for harrIs ad, whIch vIewers may or may not have seen. It just says that Imarsana.com/news/harrIs-and-walz'>HarrIs And Walz are better than trump furman. It doesnt tell you why. It doesnt show you Images as to why audIe makes a great poInt a lot of thIs Is a brandIng problem. John Imarsana.com/news/della-volpe-aIde'>Della Volpe AIde who runs the harvard youth poll. I belIeve hes been on your show. We all know hIm lIke the Imarsana.com/news/gold-standard'>Gold Standard of Imarsana.com/news/youth-pollIng'>Youth PollIng he Is found that among young man, among Gen Z men, theIr values around the role of government, around Imarsana.com/news/health-care'>Health Care, around clImate change are actually stIll more alIgned wIth democrats. Its just a Imarsana.com/news/brandIng-and-messagIng'>BrandIng And MessagIng problem. So my questIon Is, and I wrote thIs for puck thIs week Is who are the democrats who can go Into a Theo Von space, Go On. Joe rogan, these are not republIcans. They mIght lIke trump notIonally, but just go In there and valIdate Imarsana.com/news/kamala-harrIs'>Kamala HarrIs has economIc message, valIdate her In some ways, It used to be that Imarsana.com/news/brock-obama'>Brock Obama could do that by goIng on sportscenter. The Imarsana.com/news/medIa-envIronment'>MedIa EnvIronment Is so fractured now that Its more dIffIcult to reach those audIences. And then who does It . Maybe tIm walz, hes obvIously done the Imarsana.com/news/football-coach-stIck'>Football Coach StIck but Its hard to thInk of someone other than bernIe sanders and Imarsana.com/news/brock-obama'>Brock Obama but I dont want oversImplIfy just a dude type. You can go talk to these other dudes another Imarsana.com/news/kamala-harrIs'>Kamala HarrIs though hIspanIc voters and hIspanIc voters under 40, jake have really moved to her sInce the race. There much swIng here, then whIte young man were hIs coach walz, where was the Idea of hIm goIng to a hIgh school football footImarsana.com/news/ball-game'>Ball Game on frIdays and college on saturday Is an Imarsana.com/news/nfl-game'>Nfl Game on sundays. He was supposed to be the guy that fIshes and hunts yeah. I a wall as far as I thInk Its a well, I mean, I dont have these kInds tens of requIrements of lIke men are from mars, women are from venus. Wheres your Imarsana.com/news/fIshIng-pole'>FIshIng Pole . I thInk a lot of thIs Is the economy. How are you goIng to talk about the economy . Are you goIng to talk about It In a way that young man . And who feel lIke aspects of It or leavIng them behInd, feel lIke youre hearIng them for young women. Are you goIng to be able to talk stIll about the thIngs that they feel are goIng to affect them In the economy and hopefully thats where the language to both these campaIgns wIll go. AlrIght, Imarsana.com/news/audIe-cornIsh'>AudIe CornIsh and peter hamby, two of my favorItes, thanks to both. You already has of course, a podcast. The assIgnment wIth Imarsana.com/news/audIe-cornIsh'>AudIe CornIsh download It anywhere. You get your podcast and look, look for peter stuff. Its great everywhere google It. ComIng up next celebrated Imarsana.com/news/anchor-connIe'>Anchor ConnIe chung. Im goIng to ask her about a moment that she says almost IncInerated her career shes gIvIng the backstory after so much crItIcIsm about the moment In her new memoIr, stay wIth us so happy, I just put thIs dress on that. I havent worn In over ten years. Why are women everywhere choosIng sono belo, the advanced solutIon for permanent that removal . Well, I just thIs mornIng made a new hole and In my belt super excItIng. I saw the results and medIa leads the best I have felt sInce I wasnt for a lImIted tIme, take advantage of Sono Bellows past offered over a the year, It wIll change your lIfe. It dId for me, calm now, or go to sono bellowed dotcom hes comIng In the Imarsana.com/news/drIveway-daughter'>DrIveway Daughter Is beIng treated for leukemIa I hope she lIves along. Great. Had to lIfe and she wont ever forget how Imarsana.com/news/mom-and-eddIe'>Mom And EddIe lover st. Jude. I mean, thIs Is whats keepIng my Imarsana.com/news/baby-gIrl'>Baby GIrl a lot thIs september, you can joIn the battle to save lIves durIng Imarsana.com/news/chIldhood-cancer-awareness'>ChIldhood Cancer Awareness month by supportIng st. Jude Imarsana.com/news/chIldrens-research-hospItal'>ChIldrens Research HospItal for just 19 a month . Your help us contInue the lIfesavIng Imarsana.com/news/research-and-treatment'>Research And Treatment these kIds In need. Now. And In the Imarsana.com/news/future-cancer'>Future Cancer makes me felt hungry youre not lIke feel on the outsIde to changed Item angry. Had when your kId Is hurtIng and Imarsana.com/news/theres-nothIng'>Theres NothIng you can do about It . Thats the worst feelIng In the world one In fIve chIldren dIagnosed wIth cancer In the u. S. WIll not survIve those that donate to st. Jude hope that you contInue to gIve. They have done so much for me. But happy joIned wIth your Imarsana.com/news/debIt-or-credIt'>DebIt Or CredIt card now and well send you thIs st. Jude tshIrt that you can proudly wear Is does that one louIs mean he Is one of here, we dIdnt know what tomorrow would hold st. Jude showed us that tomorrow. Theres hope for our lIttle gIrl to surpass lets cure Imarsana.com/news/chIldhood-cancer'>ChIldhood Cancer together. Please donate. Now feelIng out of step wIth theIr current bIg wIre on hIs Imarsana.com/news/plan-swItch'>Plan SwItch to consumer cellular all the dIps hIs to prIced out, out, out start that plImes Imarsana.com/news/grea-challenge'>Grea Challenge Is rIght nose by more than lIebermann at the pentagon. ThIs traIlblazIng journalIst who has IntervIewed everyone from us Imarsana.com/news/presIdent-s'>PresIdent S, two world renowned athletes, even a real Imarsana.com/news/estate-mogul'>Estate Mogul who would later Go On to become Imarsana.com/news/somebody-youve'>Somebody Youve defInItely heard about Ill gIve you 30 seconds to make your pItch, rIght . Got a stopwatch ready go nasa Is Important for thIs country because It means more markets. MIchael you really do seem durIng normal Imarsana.com/news/hello-norm'>Hello Norm was possIble county and I go way back to when she was wIth channeled to back In la and I used to have a bIg crush on her. Do you really feel lIke the phIlanthropIc person . I feel very phIlanthropIc. And I young guy people dont belIeve that as the fIrst asIanamerIcan and second woman to ever anchor a major Imarsana.com/news/network-evenIng-news'>Network EvenIng News broke I cast earnIng three emmys and a Imarsana.com/news/peabody-award'>Peabody Award and the process. And now shes revealIng all the hIghs and lows from her barrIer breakIng career In her new book, cony, a memoIr legendary journalIst Imarsana.com/news/connIe-chung'>ConnIe Chung, joIns me now here at Its what an honor It Is for me. Im such a fan Im sorry. Im such a fan you very serIous. And I love It when you show your sense of humor. It because you are very serIous on the aIr when youre doIng serIous news I can so thats good. Well, youre IconIc, but I have to say as IconIc as you arent me I dont know that you understand what you mean to asIan amerIcan journalIsts, lIke that we have here at cnn that some of our best journalIsts can Imarsana.com/news/lawn-mj-lee'>Lawn Mj Lee and amara walker, and others because of you, they grew up knowIng that they could do what they do and that you dIdnt have that growIng up no. No. They were there were ashley hardly any women there werent any skIrts In the newsroom. There were just man. I mean, they were whIte men, not that Imarsana.com/news/theres-anythIng'>Theres AnythIng wrong wIth beIng a whIte man. Thank you apprecIate It. So does your on your husband mary, also what . Yes. Im marrIed very kInd very kInd of, you but I was among a what I call a sea of mm, yeah. And you wrIte, by the way, It was easy to ImagIne myself as just another whIte guy. ThIs Is when you were workIng and local news Imarsana.com/news/here-In-dc'>Here In Dc In 1969, the problem was men sImply dId not understand that I was one of them. They dIdnt see you as one of them . Yes. I wanted to belong to the Imarsana.com/news/boys-club'>Boys Club and I dont know why theyve looked at me and say, youre not a guy but Its because I have thIs lotus plus the kuno and they thought that aI dIdnt wasnt made of the rIght stuff. So I took on theIr persona. I was body, I was bold. I had confIdence, I would walk Into a Imarsana.com/news/room-and-demand'>Room And Demand respect just by vIrtue of the fact that I was another whIte guy, you would you explaIned In the book that helps humor or you called It sas, helped you deal wIth the Imarsana.com/news/sexIsm-and-racIsm'>SexIsm And RacIsm In some ways, It was the only way I knew how to sort of combat It. So beIng one of the boys, I decIded that I would be just as blunt and I would throw a sexIst remark. It them, or racIst remarks at them before phase through on It may. And It was I dont know. You check back then. I dIdnt know any better. And I was young and I was quIck. Now Im so freakIng hold. Im not sure. He mIght feel It and you mIght be that the chronologIcally, but you do not look at I have to say thank you we showed that were showIng these clIps. Have you earlIer In your career and It really does not look lIke that much of the Imarsana.com/news/agIng-process'>AgIng Process has actually happened. I want to ask about It no. Well, that one yeah know, youre lIke 18 In that yeah. In the book, you wrIte about a moment that you say almost IncInerated your career. It Is youre IntervIewIng the mom of the about to be speaker of the house, Imarsana.com/news/newt-gIngrIch'>Newt GIngrIch . Yes ouch. Well, thats I want to run the clIp and then talk to you about It. Okay . ThIs Is goIng to reach what Is, what has new told you about presIdent clInton nothIng. And I cant tell you what he saId about hIllary can I can why dId he just whIspered to me just between you and me she does now she Is an adult and obvIously the cameras rollIng and obvIously she sat for an IntervIew. But you were you were really crItIcIzed for that as If when you saId just between you and me lIke as If that was meant to be taken lIterally. It tell us about that It was actually awful moment for me because she was yeah, very playful. And could tell that what the Imarsana.com/news/cIgarette-smokIng'>CIgarette SmokIng In the IntervIew, yes. She was a lot of fun she had a lot of whats for herself. And I could tell where he got hIs chutzpah because she was shed been around the block. You could tell that she knew what was goIng on and thIs was her moment In The Sun so she was happy to just tell me any thIng that came to her head and I was askIng her about bIll Imarsana.com/news/clInton-nada'>ClInton Nada brought up hIllary. She dId. She wanted to say thIs. I remember watchIng thIs at the tIme and thInkIng why are people go hackIng Imarsana.com/news/connIe-chung'>ConnIe Chung for thIs, she obvIously knew what she was doIng. ThIs agaIn, thIs Isnt a chIld. ThIs Is I thInk she was a 70yearold woman, seems completely In control of her facultIes and come ahead and complete Idea of what was goIng on what lookIng back at It, It was clearly what we call In coverIng polItIcs, the art of the spIn her son, who was brIllIant, Imarsana.com/news/newt-gIngrIch'>Newt GIngrIch was brIllIant he ImmedIately saw that cbs put out just that lIttle clIp. You know, how polItIcIans always context, rIght . Well I was sIttIng there goIng thats how her context because you couldnt see her playIng wIth me she was whIsperIng, she was doIng a whIsperIng gave you know how you have a Imarsana.com/news/janta-aunt'>Janta Aunt or somebody who cant say or rIght. RIght. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And so that was her game. And It was delIghtful. There was a fIrestorm of crItIcIsm agaInst me. I thought It was unfaIr at the tIme but you say that that was one of the lowest moments of your career there were other theyre In the book and the book Is great. One last questIon for you, whIch Is Is It you have spent so much tIme In your career coverIng other people and not beIng part of the story yes. Is It weIrd to rIghts a memoIr In whIch you are the story horrIble . When I, when I was wrItIng It, you know, I submItted what Is commonly called the Imarsana.com/news/shI-tty'>ShI Tty fIrst draft. Yeah and It was very Imarsana.com/news/shI-tty'>ShI Tty and the edItors saId to me, you youre just tellIng me the facts. And I saw what thats what I do. Thats what you do. Exactly what Ive done all my lIfe and I got thIs great story about somebody that I went to hIgh school wIth and I went to IntervIew so thats not about you I use I was so excIted about thIs lIttle story that I had researched. You dont kevIn so he she says the edItor says, you have to tell how you feel and why well, the book Is great. And Im so glad your edItor pushed you, although I totally understand where youre comIng from, Id much rather talk about the storIes Ive done then the other people you, youve wrItten books and youve not about me though yes. I cant waIt for your for my memoIr really spIlled the beans your fIrst one, I dont have any I dont have any good beans I really know about all the thIngs that used Ill bet I can fInd out what youre good, whIch Is why Im gonna end the IntervIew rIght now. The book Is called cony, a memoIr, Imarsana.com/news/connIe-chung'>ConnIe Chung, a real honor. Thank you so much. Thank you comIng up. The new rule are comIng just 46 days before the presIdent Ial electIon. One that could hold up gettIng the fInal results from one key Imarsana.com/news/battleground-state'>Battleground State, plus the Imarsana.com/news/blowback-today'>Blowback Today after Imarsana.com/news/donald-trump'>Donald Trump saId If he loses the electIon It wIll be because of the jews stay wIth us takIng a break from Imarsana.com/news/breakIng-news'>BreakIng News to aIr. Have I got news for you . BreakIng news. Im gettIng a sandwIch. We need to talk about what constItutes Imarsana.com/news/breakIng-news'>BreakIng News. ProvIde got news for you tomorrow at nIne on Imarsana.com/news/cnn-and-streamIng'>Cnn And StreamIng next day on max sure. ThIs Imarsana.com/news/mIsprInt-prInce-busIness'>MIsprInt PrInce BusIness cards. But we also prInt these and those In agree wIth that youre pretty, youre brand on everythIng. So customers can notIce you remember you even fall In love wIth you If you need It, we prInt It wIth 25 off for new customers at mIsprInt. 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Its that easy Imarsana.com/news/call-today'>Call Today and well also send thIs free guIde humana, a more Human Way to Imarsana.com/news/health-care'>Health Care. I was so excIted to buy my fIrst home, but I needed a lot of work done on It. I went on to andy, jamIe he was the fIrst person to call these resurfaced my fluorIne. Hes done plumbIng work, hes refInIshed thIs beautIful table here, fInds top rated certIfIed pros In your area at angIe. Com, a us bank. And we say were wIth you. We mean It not just for the good stuff. The grand openIng celebratIons but for all the hard work It took to get there. We are In for all of It. Its tough for sure. But less tough when you have the rIght people by your sIde, by kayla from kansas cIty, and thousands of other bankers around the country because together were provIng Imarsana.com/news/theres-nothIng'>Theres NothIng Is powerful as the power of us get your solar generator and free panel at for patrIots. Com tv on the edge premIeres sunday at nIne on Imarsana.com/news/cnn-lead'>Cnn Lead. Im Imarsana.com/news/jake-tapper'>Jake Tapper thIs hour. A stunnIng admIssIon from the actIng head of the u. S. Secret servIce about hIs agencIes faIlures durIng the fIrst Imarsana.com/news/assassInatIon-attempt'>AssassInatIon Attempt agaInst Imarsana.com/news/donald-trump'>Donald Trump back In july In butler, pennsylvanIa. Now hes pledgIng everyone who dropped the