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Power of young people. And we do that largely through iconic partnerships with artists, actors, athletes, and other cultural figures. And its awesome to see a musical icon like Taylor Swift, who is really a Role Model for so many young people because she shares a lot of the same values. And is concerned about a lot of the issues that they care about. And shes being vocal and encouraging new voters to get to the polls. And really emphasizing that No One can sit out in this election. I think the hidden power from her endorsement and her speech at the vmas that might be lost on some. But for those whove us, who worked to work in the youth space, understand that she is actually providing an encouraging basic voter education. And both her called action to register for to vote, but also in researching the candidates and the issues and the reality is young voters or new voters. So they need that information all right, ive got one last thing to ask you, because back in 2020, there was an oped in the Washington Post and basically it said that rocked the vote was the worst thing that ever happened to politics because this is the headline, how politics gets so awful. I blame mtv circa 1992 said look its because it made it into a Celebrity Game and entertainment. How do you see it yeah, the reality is, this is someone whos clearly misinformed and doesnt understand how our democracy is actually structured and that the reality is young voters or new voters. And that is why theyre turning out at lower rates and so one of the big things that we need to do, and this is not a generational problem. This is a systematic problem, is since rock the votes beginning is we have been reaching out to young people where they are and welcoming them into the political space and helping them through the process. So the celebrity and the sizzle of it all is the beginning then its walking them through the process stepbystep, which we have plethora of tools and information that young voters can get actually at Rock The Boat dot org, anything that can bring people in, vote on foreign. Carolyn dewitte, thank you so much. I appreciate you coming on and early this morning. I new hour of cnn, new news central starts. Thanks this morning, new strategies for both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Weve got new reporting on how the candidates are reaching out to voters and crucial swing states. New Bad News for boeing after Tens Of Thousands of workers walked off the job this morning, what this means for the manufacturer and the economy and back in the hands uptons Justin Timberlake set to enter a plea in court after he was arrested there on Dui Charges im John Berman with Sarah Sidner and kate baldwin. Is Friday The 13th, the most Friday The 13th ever and this is cnn news central morning, new reporting on how Kamala Harris is now viewing the final sprint after the big debate. I guess it can be summarized in two words, swift and swing. Heres the swift huge Dnc Camp Campaign ads touting taylor Swifts Endorsement have just launched in Time Square and in las vegas, youre seeing an image of it there. As for the swing, harris is going big on swing state battleground, pennsylvania in a major new push for Swing Voters if they exist. And all of this as her Campaign Today hits its halfway mark, just 54 days ago, she jumped in the race, just 53 days now, left to go cnns Isaac Dovere leads us off with new reporting on what is going on behind the scenes in the Harris Campaign in this final sprint, what are you learning . Isaac . Located the Harris Campaign feels really good about that debate on tuesday. And the way the Vice President performed in the way that Donald Trump performed, that said, in the reporting that i have up on our side, i get into how the Harris Campaign is looking at numbers and saying that they still do not see a clear Shore Path to 270 electoral boats to a win. They see a lot of potential pathways and they are working hard to try to figure out how to get the undecided voters there and how to get the enthusiasm to stay high among her supporters to counter what they know will be high and devoted turnout from Donald Trumps supporters that is a big question for these next seven weeks of the campaign. And its something that they are looking at, how they inject as much energy as they can over and over to do that. And its also why harris has continued to pick at Donald Trump like she was in North Carolina yesterday. Lets take a listen to that. Donald trump intends to end the affordable Care Act as he said in the debate, he made clear he has no plan to replace it. In fact, youre a remember youre going to see more of that, more of also small events like remember that video We Saw over the weekend when harris was hugging supporters at a Spice Store in pittsburgh and less of Policy Rollouts so i mentioned the kind of leaning into the Taylor Swift endorsement off the top of dnc, rolling out these new ads, you also have mega, mega, mega superstar beyond say, what are you hearing from Campaign Sources . Is that what is the plan or the hope i guess maybe among the campaign to get her involved . Yeah. I would say at this point its more a hope and a dream than a plan, but it is something thats folks are working on to try to get beyond say, and Taylor Swift to be doing concerts too, sort of one person described it to me, is trying to make a Coachella Feeling for the campaign less than the normal political campaign. A cultural force into november you can pull off cochair coachella feel when it comes to his political campaign. I mean, youve really pulled some they can do it its good to see you, isaac. Thank you. Great reporting. Is sir. In coachella, its an interesting concept when you say it like that, it makes me really will not debate Kamala Harris again, insisting he won. Despite most of the major polls saying otherwise because weve done two debates and because they were successful, there will be no third debate too late anyway, the votings already begun, yet He Gotta Go Out and vote Donald Trump. Is in California And Nevada today cnns kristen holmes on the campaign trail. Youre in california first kristen, what are you expecting for him today . Yes, theyre the event here is being billed as press remarks. We are told by a Campaign Advisers that he may take questions. Obviously, weve heard this story before. He was up on the stage in New York and went on to ramble for over an hour, roughly 60 minutes, and then never took questions as something that they were billing as a Press Conference so well see what he does here. But what i would expect today is largely what weve heard from Donald Trump in the last 48 plus hours, which is trying to relitigate the debate. What We Saw in Arizona Yesterday was essentially him trying to go line by line to prove that he won the debate and that Kamala Harris was lying. He called her a liar multiple times. I went after her with personal attacks its one after the moderators with personal attacks saying it was completely unfair, he has now called for an investigation into this debate. All while again, saying that despite the fact that it was unfair, he was the winner. So we do expect to hear some of that today. He is clearly been airing his grievances. Now, i do want to mention a Little Bit here about their outreach because because their strategy is not so different from what we just heard from isaac when it comes to harriss strategy, everyone knows both harris and trumps team know that this race is going to be incredibly close, that its going to be decided in the margin. So what youre seeing is these events in nevada, which just today, possibly one tomorrow. We are told as well, these are trying to reach out to any group that they possibly can to siphon off as many voters as they possibly can. Youre going to see Donald Trump way more in these battleground states. Its clearly there is intense battle being already played out in pennsylvania and were going to see him across the map, michigan as well, possibly its content. They are trying to vote in the are there trying to reach out to the margins as well . They are trying to expand their electorate with people who dont usually show up to the polls, which is why youre seeing them engaged so much in very specific kind of Social Media. And the Social Media that reaches outside of traditional voting blocs. But itll be interesting to see what he decides to do today. There are a lot of questions that reporters have for Donald Trump coming out of that debate and the circumstances around it, particularly who attended the debate with him, including Laura Loomer. So thatll be something to see whether or not he actually takes questions about that. Alright, well, when the sun rises, you will be in such a beautiful place. Theres that kristen holmes their impact Rancho Palos fairness this morning john. All right. With us now, cnn senior political commentator, former Senior Adviser to barak obama, david axelrod. Good to be with you guys are having entirely too much fun set this morning. What happens with everything you want sums up, i want fireworks, i want the whole treatment. Every we told days of cantor now that fireworks went off behind him, everyones going to want him in. Talking with people on tv from the Harris Campaign and then hearing from democrats involved with the campaign, one of the things you hear is that everyone feels they did great in the debate. The question is can it reach the undecided voters go . And im not sure they have an answer, at least not the answer they want yet to. It leads me to this question. We of what really is an undecided voter where are they in, who are they . Yeah. Well, look, part of the challenge here is that undecided voters are undecided because theyre not really focused on this campaign the they are low information voters. They tend to be younger and likely theyve, they didnt watch the debate. They may be seeing some Social Media on it, but theyre hard to reach voters and they may make the difference in this race are the undecided between the candidates or the undecided about whether they show up to vote. Well, i think a little of both i think one important thing to note is they probably have a pretty strong judgment about Donald Trump theyre skeptical about politics generally they dont particularly like trump, but they dont know very much about Kamala Harris. There open to her, but theyre also prepared to be disappointed by her as well. So a big task for the campaign is to continue to fill it in the picture of her. And particularly around sort of transactional issues about the economy, like what is she going to do for me on that note, one of the things you hear it in the Chattering Class is oh, you know, Kamala Harris needs more distinctive Policy Proposals is that what undecided voters want . Well, i dont know if i dont think what she needs is a voluminous list of policies, but there may be a few signature policies that speak to the economic experience, quality of life, experience of voters, in which she wants to go deeper and drive with those voters to give a sense that yes, she gets it. I think she might help ill take a chance on her, but these voters are not going to be this is not 2008, right . This isnt that theyre not going to be swept along here. Theyre going to grudgingly conclude that out. Take a chance on this, which is why the harris team, i think genuinely does want another debate, another chance to reach people who may not be paying attention in the palm with her debate, john performance, one of the problems with it. It came rather early in this. I mean, theres going to be an eternity between now and november. And so the other motivation for a second debate is its a second chance to do well and i think theyre pretty confident she would and i think trumps people are like, you know what, this didnt benefit us very much why should we take the risk of doing another yeah, for all for all the argument that goes on out there inside a campaign, you do a debate if he thinks it will help when you dont do it, if you dont think itll help me. Yeah. Full stop. Yes. You know, and thats i think the only analysis and the Trump Team right now, they may change their mind because they think they need it, but i dont know if theyll change their mind. He may change its mine and they keep goading him to try and change his mind by making it seem like hes not courageous enough to do another. I do want your take on the Laura Loomer thing. Donald trump has been traveling the country with her George Bush when i covered him in 2000 used to say, you and judge, the character of a man by the company he keeps Donald Trump was keeping company with this person who said just wildly racist things he get out of there Anti Semitic . Yeah, the way which is interesting given trumps rhetoric about that, i think first of all, i dont pretend to live inside of Donald Trumps head, so i cant tell you exactly but it may be that if theres a strategic reason, hes thinking, look, i got to get these people out who arent particularly activated or i have to get my base out and she speaks to that base and i dont really care what the rest of the world thinks. Im speaking to these voters who may make the difference right now, this is a motivational race to try and get your base out. Its not a Persuasion Race she can help persuade the unlucky had all those influencers who are there was a kind of exotic character to them, but they speak to like tens of millions of people. David axelrod, next time i promise there will be fireworks yes. Please repeat. High all right. President Biden Signaling a new openness to ukraine long range missiles targeting deep inside russia of Vladimir Putin says he would consider this an act of war Justin Timberlake in court this morning, expected to enter a plea on his Dwi Charge stemming from an incident in june, and overnight 33,000 boeing workers walk off the job, the impact the strike could have on the economy there is no slowing down each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do thats why you choose glissando to help manage Blood Sugar Response uniquely designed with carb steady glue, sirna, bring on the day all right, guys. When you do wait until People Rocket Money finds a cancel subscriptions yes, it yes. 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The strike is another blow to the aerospace giant, which you remember has faced massive Scrutiny And Safety issues of its planes sparked by that terrifying Midflight Door Plug blowout in january, Sara Cnn Pop star, Justin Timberlake is due in court in Sag Harbor, New York, where he is expected to plead guilty to driving while impaired, stemming from his june arrest, national correspondent Brynn Gingrass live with us. She is in Sag Harbor. What are you expecting to see this morning . There . Yeah, thats right there. Were expecting to see Justin Timberlake actually here, go in front of a judge and plead guilty, like you said, to that lesser Charge Charge of driving while impaired. Of course, a judge is the one that makes the final decision and that would mean a lesser penalty than he would have faced with a dwi, which is what he was charged with. Back in june. Now, what he could face is basically a fine and maybe some other penalties that the judge might impose will have to wait and see once court begins in just a couple of hours, but we have not seen Justin Timberlake here, not since that day in june when he was arrested after leaving really this bar thats not too far behind me in a Hotel Police say according to the Police Reports that he gotten his car and drove really down Main Street here in Sag Harbor in the hamptons and failed to stop at a Stop Sign was swerving in lanes. They won pulled over. He didnt do well on The Field. Sobriety tests, he refused a breathalyzer several times and he told the Police Officers allegedly that he had one martini and followed him friends home. He actually spent the night in jail that night and that was the onetime that we actually saw him leaving that jail. That morning, but now we expect to see him again. Actually appear before the judge and with that Plea Agreement that he made with the Suffolk County District attorneys office, who is handling this case. So well see if he says anything in court in horse, were standing by for that in any calm as possible. Sibley from his attorney guys im sure that well be checking back with you as soon as you see Justin Timberlake walk into that court, Brynn Gingrass. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. All right. New this morning, united states expected to charge and rainin back hackers, allegedly responsible for reaching Trump Campaign documents and Vice President harris heading to the critical Battle Battle Ground commonwealth of pennsylvania so many syllables, it must be important considered getting a walk in todd . Well, look no further safe steps. Best offer. Just got better now, when you purchase your brandnew saved stamp walkin tub, you will receive a three shower package. Yes. A green shower package. 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When you say terrifying moment in miami last night as dolphins quarterback, Tua Tagovailoa sustained his third potentially has fourth career concussion, a hard hit from bills, Safety Damar Hamlin took him down and the third quarter last nights cnn chief medical correspondent, dr. Sanjay gupta shows us how changes one of the games most iconic place could potentially make a difference just on the third Quarter Bailey puts it the heir what youre watching is perhaps the most dangerous play in football five yards deep battle the endzone. The kickoff return its space in speed. So if you think about where were standing here, youve got players that are lined up in this case, maybe 50, to 60 yards away from where we are. Theyre running down The Field is fast as they can possibly run. So coming down The Field at speed and then having collisions obviously is theres a driver for the nfl says last season concussions occurred four times more often on a kickoff and any other play its exactly why riverdale Country School in The Bronx wants to change the game i sort of jokingly said to him, like, i want to change football in america like we need to figure this out, want to change football in america. Its pretty audacious yeah, i dont know if i actually realize what i was saying at the time. John pizzi is the schools Athletic Director . Yes. So in 2018, we had 18 players left for the last game of our season. We had a bunch so if concussions and a bunch of season ending injuries, so we better decision to cancel our last game. But when that season ended, we had to figure out how we were going to manage the next football season. So together with the concussion legacy foundation, they proposed something pretty radical getting rid of the sport whats most iconic play . No more kickoffs. No more returns the beginning of their games now look like this play just starts at the 35 Yard Line and so far, pizzi says, theyve seen a 33 decrease in concussions across the league. And importantly, an 18 increase in dissipation parents, certainly liked the idea and it turns out, so do the players like team captain, tristan cornell. I see all these injuries that happen from kickoffs so the fact that we dont have that probably allows us to keep healthy and play throughout the entire season. Its a fascinating approach that what the nfls chief medical officer, dr. Allen sills says the league is not yet ready to give up on the kickoff altogether. All options are on the table. I mean, i think that certainly eliminating the play is one of those options. But i believe there potentially other solutions. So this year in the nfl, youre going to see a very different sort of kickoff what theyre calling a dynamic kickoff now again, previously, as soon as the ball was kicked all 11 members of the Kicking Team would start sprinting down The Field to try and tackle the Receiving Team. Lots of speed lots of space. This season. Only the kicker is back here while the opposing teams are lined up all the way over here separated by just five yards. And none of those players can move until the ball has been caught by the Receiving Team or it hits the ground it reduces the speed and the space of the play. Its what Competition Committee Coa chairman Rich Mckay says is one of the biggest Rule Changes in 30 years the problem is, is were trying to not just make this game better next year, were trying to keep the game going for 10203040. Thats what our legacy is supposed to be. A dr. Sanjay gupta, cnn, The Bronx, New York all right. Our. Thanks to sanjay for that, right, new this morning, the u. S is about to file criminal charges against hackers supported by iran accused of sealing some internal documents from the Trump Campaign and hacking into emails of one of trumps allies, roger stone. Lets get right to cnn Cybersecurity Reporter Sean Lingus for the latest on this show. And what are you learning . John, were seeing a very different scenario play out this Election Cycle in 2024 versus 2016, Youll Recall in 2016, the russians did something similar and it took many months for the u. S. Government to respond there was a lot of Hesitation And Trepidation about what going public with the allegations would due in terms of effect the election. Now what were seeing from the fbi and the Justice Department is an aggressive attempts to sort of blunt the impact of this iranian operation to recall the iranians, according to cnns reporting, they hacked roger stone, a longtime confident of Donald Trump, and then used access to his Email Account to try to target the Trump Campaign. And this was in june. So this is a really quick turnaround for the Justice Department and national Security Case because theyre trying to warn the american public about these attempts to meddle in the election and like i said, its Night And Day from what We Saw in 2016, in terms of response to the russian activity, john, im sure Hillary Clinton can tell you its like Night And Day from their response to 2016, sean lyngaas. Thank you so much for that. You know, getting joining us to talk more about this as the top democrat on the House Intelligence Committee congressman Jim Himes of connecticut, congressman. Thank you so much for coming in the Justice Department expected to announce criminal charges against iranian backed hackers. Other charges have already been announced against people working for russian State Media accused of secretly trying to amplify fei, rightwing american influencers outside influence attempts it outside influence on us elections. Bad, no question. That how effective are these Influence And Disinformation campaigns . What are you seeing thats one of our challenges, right . Its really hard to tell how effective these things sorry especially, you know, were in a polarized situation where it seems like, you know, just shy of half americans are completely dug in on one side, half on the other. But of course that means that the races the president ial race and other races get one on the margin. They get won on the margin and at least at the president ial and a couple of locations with Tens Of Thousands of people. So of course you know, they could have a real effect. And kate, its important to remember that you know, people are sort of conflating the russians of the chinese and the iranians. They are the active players in Election Interference two things to remember. Number one, when we say Election Interference, were not talking about messing with the Voting Machines or the tabulations. Were talking about manipulating Social Media in particular, but media in general but to try to promote misinformation, disinformation, propaganda that serves the interests of one of those states. And in that second thing i would say is in that russia is really the major league header. We do see around, we do see kinda operating, but in very, very different ways than the russians you mentioned Social Media and ive been curious about this. I want to get your take because beyond foreign actors, if you will, powerful people like Elon Musk have also been seeing to spread misinformation this week, he offered there are some gross political commentary going after Taylor Swift, after Taylor Swift endorsed Kamala Harris saying that he would give her a Child And Guard her cats. Trump has said that if he wins he will ask Elon Musk to head up what hes calling a Government Efficiency Commission what would it mean in your view to have Elon Musk in a Trump Administration . A question i never thought i would be asked you know, obviously, i dont know, but i will say two things. Number one, Government Efficiency is a really serious and important topic that most people arent honest about. Most americans and most politicians because they wont deal with the hard stuff, will try to tell the american people that its all about waste, fraud, and abuse of course, there is some of that in the government. But if you really want to think about an efficient government, youre going to talk about how to bring into the 21st century a lot of programs that spend a ton of money from the pentagon To Medicare programs that are essential to the american people. And i just dont think Elon Musk and his many, many memes is do that. And second, what i would say anybody Elon Musk look, i admire what he did with cars, what he did with spacex, admire a little less what hes doing with twitters flash x. But i dont know him, but watching him on Social Media, he just looks like a 12yearold and americans need to reflect because democracy is a serious business and the choices that citizens make are serious choices in a nuclear armed most powerful democracy ever on the planet how do you feel about somebody who acts like a 12yearold being in a position of responsibility and maybe thatll inform your vote in november a Little Bit. Talking about going back to kind of electors here and Influence And Misinformation campaigns and attempts at it. Do you think these charges being brought by the Justice Department . Well, they may not ever catch the actors, if you will, charges brought making it public. Do you think that is a good idea . There was some concern about it as our reporting is about how public to go with these influence talking about these influence efforts, do you think that blunt the impact of them know im undecided this debate that says that in a democracy where so much is at stake in an election that is less than two months away. Lets get all of the information out there. Lets make sure that we are constantly naming and shaming those. The russians are tie those other Propaganda Fonts that are out there trying to influence our elections from abroad i understand the counterargument. We obviously want to be very careful about protecting sources and methods methods that we use to gather intelligence or national security information. Weve got to be careful about that. Absolutely. But one of the things that troubles me is that were going to, were going to see more. I know because of my perch on the Intelligence Committee that were going to see more examples of in particular russian meddling in our information ecosystem. And i think its really important that americans see that for the comprehensive, that effort that it is. And heres the key point. The federal government is not going to fix this problem. We can name and shame the actors but americans need to again, sort of Sit Back and say, you know, when im scrolling through doom, scrolling through some of the Social Media feed, and im feeling enraged when im convinced that the other side is not the opposition, but that they are traitors and unamerican who is manipulating me. And thats why i think its really important for americans to know that the information they you see, look, it may be first amendment protected political speech. It may also be something that the kremlin desperately wants you to believe. And important conversation. Thanks for coming on, congressman. Its good to see you. Thank you. Sir. Thank you. All right. Still ahead. One of the films most famous gangster is making a bold claim about what he calls Donald Trumps Mob Tax Chris wallace is here after his conversation with card gurus do as much or as little as you want online only you could do things your way all the time. A dont like full thought got it with gurus its michaels lowest prices of the season take up to 70 of thousands of items as far the Court And Score huge savings on these in great deals on frames and youll love this. All yarn is on sale. Sign up to early words while you save im going to give you this designer bag. If you can prove to me that you know your finances, lets do how many subscriptions do you have . Probably just netflix and spotify. All right. Its saying you have 13 subscriptions, which is costing around 270 a month what the afa cellular, it shows you all your expenses when place, and it can even help you create a budget which i think you need coming. But okay. 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What stood out to you after he also took part in that sort of pythons for kamala this week or last week, what stood out from your conversation with him . Well, what stood out is the fact that frankly, people come on. My show, our shows because actors do it, because they have something they want to promote. Robert De Niro had nothing he wanted to promote. He just wanted to talk politics. And he really wanted to take down Donald Trump. Take a look you really worry that if he were to win again . And im not saying this like its such a farfetched notion. If he were to win again, that he would not give up power you know, he wont, you know, we wont he even said it. Hes never going to give it up. And anybody who delude themselves and thinking that he is shame on you you have compared the Trump Family to a gangster family, which is something coming from you. What do you well, he because he he thinks hes a gangster. He does everything like a gangster. I dont think that gangsters in that world would want think much of him because you, in any Theres Honor among thieves, theres Theres Honor in anything if you dont keep your word and do the right thing with people, no matter what profession youre in. You are going to get astrocytes and in that world is a little harder whether being aspirin ostracised. Well, when you say that they are gangsters, in what way he thinks shes against three things. I do something for you. You do something for me . Thats what i found. So fascinating. Sara, here is Robert De Niro perhaps the most famous Gangster Actor in the world, saying that the gangsters, he knows, and he admits he knows some members of the mob is certainly come across them in his 50 years enacting in New York city. He says, they what have nothing to do with Donald Trump. I like how he said it would be a Little Bit harder and the gangster world, like perhaps losing its writer. I mean, i dont know, just saying let me ask you about what were hearing from Donald Trump he has said very plainly, both in person and on Social Media, that he will not debate Kamala Harris. Again, why do you think hes doing this . Are not doing this . I think for a few reasons. First of all, i think he recognizes in his heart of hearts like, like most people who watched the debate, that he got whipped on tuesday night, she took them down in a way that i dont think any political opponent, republican or democrat ever has before. Thats one. So too why give her another platform of 60 to 70 Million people sometime in october, less than a month before the election to do it again. And three is far from over, even though i think she had a very good debate and she may have opened the door to people who had a lot of doubts, but i dont think shes made the sale. The polls reflect that. And i think he thinks and i think hes probably right that he is better off campaigning separately, keeping his distance from her, and hoping that the questions about her fitness and how liberal she is remain rather than giving her another big platform to answer those questions. Having said all of that, sara, it is Donald Trump. Id say its at least a 5050 chance. Hell change his mind and do a debate we have seen that plan before. Chris wallace. Thank you so much. And you can watch the episode of whos talking to Chris Wallace Streaming Today on max okay they once were Bernie Bros and now say that they are full maga enthusiasts why the switch one . I was just just a part of them for years ago. I was i was in it. Right. Ive been betrayed by them multiple times. So now im trying my hand being betrayed by the republican Party Response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about a, we talk about a Little Bit. Not thats right not its right. We talked about moving no. Thank you. 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Cnns Donie Osullivan looks at how disillusion former progressives are now embracing Farright Extremism how some misinformation sent them along for the ride. And you know, whos here with us right now, thats special for Donie Osullivan ive been called special personnel my life yes. So our whole story this week at misinfonation, weve been looking at the political under current, the fringes of politics in this country. Although as weve seen this week, the fringes like Laura Loomer are people who are now jumping very much into the mainstream and affecting politics what we have been looking at is Bernie Bros from 2020, 2016, a lot of them present, a not insignificant number of them have gotten to trump, but all the way beyond that to the farright and we mess two of them in this Weeks Episode of the whole story. Take a quick look. But the men that werent always this way. My name is jackson henkels few years ago. Jackson was campaigning for progressing the causes i was blm originally blm has been coopted by nato, by the government. Adam aka Charm Hold had changed you should as well. So you money if you use a big liberal a big democrat you are a Bernie Bro Burned Go through and through. I wanted to find out what change. Why do you think the russians like i speak truth to see you American Politics is schizophrenic but you got one side saying youre great. Because he got the outside saying crazy say i think its about 8 of of Bernie Sanders supporters in the 2020 democratic primary are now trump supporter. So its not an insignificant number. Obviously in this case, these are guys who have gotten very much to the Farright And Youll see in their piece this week what were really looking at here as it plays a lot into, we hear a lot about Andrew Chase and online toxic masculinity. Thats a lot of what were seeing here. Its where guys maybe some of them, their lives and going so great for whatever reason and sometimes course theres wider societal and economic reasons for that. But online and the guy you saw there, adam, hes very much he spends most of his days playing Video Games and listening to live streamers talk about politics. They are being told this is not your fault. This is people who fight for trans rights fault. It is mexican immigrants fault. Its liberals fault. It is, its its, it is this kind of part of Radicalization And Extremism . Is there disavowal of like Bernie Sanders in that whole world that he was in. Yeah. Theres a big disappointment that he view that they view rightly or wrongly that the bernie was the primaries were stolen from him in 2016 and 2020, and they essentially theyre still burning and maga. Well know, that they are disappointed that bernie didnt do what trump did which is in their view face. And so they feel, they feel abandoned by bernie. But again, it just plays into this room kinda toxic space online sounds like an adventure you had always is doing is great. You thank you so much for being here and do not miss this special all new episode of the whole story with Anderson Cooper Sunday Night at 8 00 eastern. My Thinking Face you want to talk about special day has been special and it really has been not only is it Friday The 13th gird your loins its just been a special day here and we would like to leave you with the embodiment of all of that, which has been, are highlights of Todays Episode of cnc friday, the 13th Version if at some point to things happen, which is my kids stopped being interested in hanging out with me. Were just, you know, there are 11 and four, so i think theyve got a few years and two if the other thing that happens is how did i get the thumbs up on that . I dont this Technology Work . Well, doug, im a thumbs up about how my life right breaking new ground the best part of their shoulders. We just had a lot of issues i dont know why im crying every time weve got an army of our best people trying to figure out what happened. There. Is that another way . We will figure out this setting to make sure it happens every time. Here on out Thank Goodness but honestly, like it could to me here is laughing is very kind very broke out and sweats, but he was very on your picks. What this guy, this poor of guests have or is having big fire were still up behind if hes never going to forgive a feature guy, could we have fireworks at the end of the show . Thats what i would like It Worth the fight. Coming yeah. In concept as Donald Trump at secc. Thank you so much for joining laughing this bad. Its the best part of the show central with Kate Bolduan, John Berman, sara sidner, Cnn Newsroom up next morning thank here are the five things you need to know to start your Day Stream cnns five things with Kate Bolduan for the news you need about this for an Earnings Call headlines in five minutes or less. The battle for Democracy Isnt there something every day . And the stories you want to share oh, my god, lift off. It is on fire and to see it when it happens bravo, bring it together, guys. Cnns five things with kate baldwin, streaming weekdays on cnn. Com and Max One Second you know, their dreams protected then is everything okay. The police have been dispatched well, hes still do 20 seconds a week to lose 20 of your weight in a year with Diet And Exercise thats the power of glpones through Row Connect with the Provider Today at row. Co slash 20 feeling out of step with their current big wire on his Plan Switch to consumer cellular. All the dips. 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