national attention we shouldn't will take you there. >> donald trump campaigning outside milwaukee, denying he called it harp, but local voters make of it and new reporting. he was planning to stay elsewhere during their republican convention shift. also tonight, our first look at vladimir putin's visit to north korea and the healthy seeking from fellow despot kim jong un. and later a mega church pastor onetime trump's virtual advisor admits to inappropriate sexual behavior after allegations it was with a 12-year-old girl. good evening. we begin with breaking news primary great night. and oklahoma, georgia, and virginia, were kind of high power proxy battle is about to be decided congressman bob good, chairman of the house, freedom caucus, and a staunch conservative facing a challenger backed by the former president. you might ask, why didn't trump? back? good, because the congressman dared endorsed ron desantis for president. >> a lost by the incumbent could be yet another demonstration of donald trump's cloud. >> cnn's melanie zona joins us now from congressman goods primary night headquarters. what's the scene? their life? what are they? sorry spectator ions well, understand, congressman. >> good. just walked in moments ago and there was a small but very excited group of supporters waiting to greet him inside this very small, quaint italian restaurant here in lynchburg, virginia. but even though goods team is feeling confident based on some of the early returns the numbers they're seeing. there's a lot of uncertainty inside that room. i overheard people asking to there, what do you think's going to happen tonight? and that is because this has become one of the most bitter end, the most offensive house republican primary race in the country. bob good was outraged by his opponent, john maguire, who was a navy seal, a state lawmaker. maguire has racked up endorsement it's from 15 of goods own house republican colleagues, including a member of the freedom caucus, where bob good is a chair. so just a sign of how divisive and a polarizing figure bob good is inside the gop, even though he does have his share of allies and offenders. >> can you walk out, walk us through just some of the background on how congressman good ran afoul of not just former president trump, but also former speaker kevin mccarthy and others right? >> he's definitely created his share of enemies inside the gop. and those republicans are looking for payback tonight. of course, there's donald trump as you mentioned, he has never forgiven bob. good four endorsing ron desantis early on, even though we should mention bob, good did flip his support to donald trump after desantis dropped out of the race? that was not good enough for donald trump. and he has endorsed john maguire. he did a tele town hall last night for john maguire and his campaign even sent a cease and desist letter to bob good's saying he can't use these signs that seemed to suggest that trump is still supporting bob. good, i should note we've spotted one of the sides inside the italian restaurant. tonight. and then of course there's kevin mccarthy and his allies who were coming after good with everything. they've got. they poured a tiny money money into this race. and the reason is because bob good was one of those eight republicans who voted to oust kevin mccarthy as speaker. so this rates tonight, anderson is not only going to test trump's influence inside up, but also be a test of the strength of kevin mccarthy is revenge tour thanks. want to turn to a scene and political director. did chaldean at the match of cool. so what are the numbers right now well, right now here is virginia, we're gonna go into the fifth congressional district here, anderson. >> and what you see right now is a razor thin rates 42 votes separates john maguire, the challenger here he's got 50.3% of the vote to bob good's 49.7% of the vote. you see the raw numbers here. he is just 42 votes ahead right now, we've only got about 9% of the estimated vote in right now. so there is a lot of vote counting to do here, andersen, the fact that we're even talking about this primaries kind of astonishing kind of encapsulates his melanie just explained all the intraparty dynamics going on with the house republican conference, trump loyalty test, the ousting of kevin mccarthy. but this is where it ends up right now with 10.9% in lots more vote count how many do a razor thin race in virginia? five. and what about the races in georgia, in oklahoma? >> so take a look here. let's go out to georgia. the big race tonight on the republican side here is in the second congressional district. you see here weighing johnson, this is a run-off. i should note, right? nobody got over 50%. and so this is a run-off to be the republican nominee in this democratic leaning district when johnson and 44.6% of the vote, he's got a bit of a healthy margin there. you see 99% of the estimated boats are in right now 32% for chuck can, who by the way, serve some time in a federal prison for his activities at the capitol on january 6, right now, that doesn't look good for chuck. hand into your your question about oklahoma anderson. i don't think we have any votes yet in the main district. and oklahoma that we are looking at here, which is the fourth congressional district, polls just closed in oklahoma you see here tom cole, the chairman of the house appropriations committee, longtime establishment member of the house republican conference, is facing this big spending outsider in palma and under as a challenge here, nothing yet. the polls just close. we'll wait to see what happens there. >> all right. david, john, and thanks so much. can the top of the ticket meantime, campaign today in racing wisconsin, not far from milwaukee lucky started the republican convention in the city. he recently used the word horrible to describe. also the city he planned not to stay in during the july event according to the new york times, citing three people familiar with his plans. according to the times, the foreign president had planned to stay at a trump hotel in chicago. that is until reporters asked him about it today campaign spokesman calls the story, quote, fake news from the new york times. it goes on to say that trump has always pining on staying in milwaukee city that the candidate was quick to praise the top of his remarks in racine today you know, i love the lucky i was the one that picked milwaukee. >> i have to i was the one that picked at these nine people that they say, oh, he doesn't like bulwark, i love milwaukee. i said, you got to fix the ghraieb. we all know that you got make sure the elections honors. but i'm the one that picked the lucky and the democrats or the radical left lunatics as i call them, what they say is that just so terrible, they lie, lie, lie yeah. >> that happened keeping them honest, he said what he said about the city in a closed-door meeting and republican lawmakers last week. so any word of what he said to them about, well, milwaukee came from republicans, not from democrats are communists, marxists. but even if he was only talking about crime, is he in some of those lawmakers have said crime is by enlarge down in the city, murder down 40% over the last two years according to police figures, shootings, rape, arson, theft, assaults, all significantly lower. so given all that and given how close the state is likely to be in november, the question is, what are local voters making of it? we sent carry tuckman to find out on a beautiful summer day in milwaukee is trendy historic third board. i join these two more milwaukee ions as they eat lunch. >> do you know who you're voting for november i'm undecided. i don't like either candidate what about you? >> i'm undecided to but undecided would not describe how these men feel about what donald trump recently said behind closed doors, donald trump saying that milwaukee is a horrible city. >> but if think about i disagree entirely, this is a great city. vice river, beautiful buildings and nice and clean. >> low crimes. >> what do you think? >> i just learned? >> he has to say because you said so many crazy things, there's not much value to what he has to say. >> i think the former president's comments have struck a nerve and wisconsin's largest city, a city that will be hosting the republican national convention next month. >> a city that now as billboards, poster by the democratic national committee, calling attention to trump's milwaukee rhetoric kate lobel also says she's undecided about her vote i've lived here my entire life and i wouldn't want to live anywhere else. >> so i guess i don't agree with that it make you angry no. >> i just feel bad because i don't want more akiya to have a bad reputation because he said, this woman, so she's never been a fan of trump. >> i think that's an unfair statements and that he doesn't know the people the city was. >> his spokesman has said is that it's been falsely characterize. he was talking about how terrible crime and voter fraud are. now there's no evidence of significant voter-fraud anywhere. >> but there is crime here, although the crime rate has gone down over the last two years, the vitamin crime rate. do by that explanation no this milwaukeean who is voting for trump. she thinks it was all taken out of context. so it doesn't insult you that he said no, but you're no, not at all. outside if the city in racine, wisconsin, most people we talked to who were in line for donald trump's campaign rally had no. inclination to defend milwaukee. >> i think he's sad exactly what he wanted to say. what do you think about donald trump's comment that milwaukee is a horrible city, is absolutely right. >> most democrat runs. cities are horrible cities. murders out-of-control, crime out-of-control, wanted to get things right? >> all cities do have crime, some worse, the milwaukee and some better the milwaukee. do you think you should be saying that that cities are part of america, right? >> it's not anti patriotic to tell the truth. it's patriotic thank to fix what's broken at in the suburbs, the feelings of people we talked to about trump's comment matched up with who they supporting for president are you in cross is planning to vote for donald trump. they don't think it's a big deal. >> i think it's nothing burger. >> casey salazar's planning to vote for president biden and doesn't like the explanation she's hearing about trump's comment. >> he said it and i we know what it meant. >> meanwhile, on the beach in milwaukee county, we ask this man about former president trump's comment. it upsets me i wish that it wasn't said, but it doesn't change how he feels, who you voted for for president november i've voted for president trump garrett, did you run into any trump's supporters in milwaukee who were upset enough to reconsider their vote. it doesn't seem like it about we talked to a lot of trump's supporters share milwaukee anderson at some of them are not at all happy that he made these comments about their city, but we did not talk to one trump's supporter who says, they will not vote for him. >> notably though we did talk to a number of people who are undecided about who to vote for. and among some of those voters, donald trump did himself no. favors by making those comments about milwaukee anderson area tuckman. >> thanks very much. johnny is now three and cnn political commentator, attainment urban karen finney analyst terror griffin, obviously. i mean never a great idea to insult the city where you're going to be holding your convention. >> i mean, if a total unforced error, the billboards they're just perfect politics. i but listen, we haven't heard a lot of these kind of leaks from the trump campaign. the way that we did all the time when he was in the white house previous campaigns, it's been a lot more buttoned up. but this time he was back on capitol hill for the first time in four years since january 6. and there's one just staple of capitol hill anything you say behind closed doors will immediately leaked to reporters, most likely jake sherman, and that's exactly what happened. i think the more that he is out there or in talking to folks engaging with the press, but also other candidates, other lawmakers, we're going to be reminded of the things that he says all the high, all the time behind closed doors. but again, like this, this is not helpful. this is a key state that i think both he and biden are targeting to win and realize it's crucial. >> but there's far for more offensive things that i think he's saying on the campaign trail that the biden campaign should spotlight immigrants are poisoning our blood that talking about rage and retribution, those things matter just as much, david, i mean, it seems like he hates him walking it's going to walk. you didn't go for him in the election last time. i mean, he lost in democratic areas in wisconsin. he lost wisconsin by 20,000 votes yeah i can tell you by whites from milwaukee, it's a beautiful city. >> it's all right. >> i will i can do my shari'a by the time he's a great city and you'll be saying it. >> he'll be shouting elizabeth anderson told that voter fraud that took place in milwaukee get it. he's so concerned about apparently well, i will i will i will i will persuade him to that take place. let's hit gary talked about how to write though he understood this is a political rorschach tests, right? no matter what trump says, some people, if you don't like them, you're gonna you're going to see what you want to see if you'll like, them, it doesn't matter what you say. so there's a long distance between here, november 5 and i suspect this will be the first time were the last time that del chubb says something that's shocking and karen, of course it's an opportunity to accuse democrats have but making up stories, which is what he said, that the milwaukee was a horrible city again, it's coming from republicans yeah. can i just remind this milwaukee predominantly black area of the state and i think what you're seeing actually what i'm hearing is it's galvanizing people in the city and so sure. say more things that are going to galvanize democrats. i'll take that and we should also point out when, when the welcome party, when trump contested votes in wisconsin, they picked the two predominately black areas. >> yeah, to contest the votes. >> and they were accusing them of of of a very specific thing which was actually done in all the counties in terms of absentee ballots, but they only choose to contest it in the predominately black counties, right? >> and look, i don't think that most people will get that level of nuance that you and i were talking about anderson, but i just throw that out there as in a sort of an interesting, i'm sure he doesn't even realize that milwaukee is predominately black and that the way to win the state, you have to win that area. >> but look i agree with david. this is the kind of thing where this doesn't really matter to people who've already decided one way or the other may galvanize democrats, make people feel a little bit difference of about their city the people who though have had a rough couple of days since this came out, are the people actually working on the convention? because a napkin, you still have to deal with city officials while you're trying to plan the convention so they probably had a rough couple of days. >> well, now he's got to find a room two, which is a you probably book, but maybe somebody else. >> i'm fascinated with airbnb. no. locke's horrible well, but he thinks chicago's the safer place to be a place that he's constantly criticized, but i suspect that has more to do with wine to stay in his property there and put up the hundreds of staff that come with them in secret services. well it just in terms of primaries tonight, let's do any of them any of them a brochures, throw or sat test if anything, or i think virginia five, the bob good's see as the one to watch. >> this is good. who by the way traits to support the former president at his trial? well, by the way, this is the chair of the freedom caucus. this is as right-wing as you get in the house. the most pro trump faction of the house, from house republican conference is only sin was that he dared to backed desantis in the primary. but they actually found somebody who who might be to the right of him to run against him. john maguire, because admitted he was at the ellipse on january 6 for the stop the steal rally. so they found somebody who may be able to outmaneuver him there. but what's fascinating is yes, there's the kevin mccarthy revenge tour. there's the donald trump revenge tour, but he's donald trump keeps saying spending $12 million there, it undercuts that matter also now able to project another notable raised eugene wimmen, who is a key player along with his brother alexander. and the first each one of the former president, we can now project. he will win the democratic nomination for the house seat representing virginia's seventh congressional district the karen, did you want to say something? >> well, i was just going to point out that eugene wimmen is running and it looks like he's going to win and sort of when you think about the down trump or events tour, it'll be interesting to see sort of what, if anything, he chooses to do around this c, because obviously virginia is going to be a very competitive state in the presidential flexion and the fall de, board do you make a trump-supporting not supporting bob. good. who did show up to support him at the hush money trial hey look so anderson there, if it's bare, bare knuckle politics, right? i mean, he's, he's, he's very angry that he came out and supported desantis and you make two errors. your vote against kevin mccarthy and make a big hair there and you pick the wrong horse in the primary. i don't know what bob good was thinking, but it's not really smart politics on his, on his part i'll just say and just as a quick aside in georgia three, i think it looks like our friend brian jack, alyssa, everybody's friend of the white house worked in the trump white house political director. there's not a human being on the republican side of the ticket, at least it would say a bad thing about brian jack. it looks like he's going to win handily there and go on. it's a safe are seat, so it looks like it'll be headed to college augustus, november. and just say congratulations, early graduations him. i think that i'll you won't find a bob good's situation that there's not a person on capitol hill on the republican side that has the main thing to say about brian. so it's celebratory david, let me ask you what saturday at the charlie kirk thing the former president was once again talking about and you stop the steal and talking about mail-in voting as being terrible and just dangerous and don't do it. how you must love that somebody who wants to see him let elizabeth anderson we have to listen again. president trump vote-by-mail is okay. >> we need it like i don't know what we can do. >> we need we need that early voting. we need to vote by mail. we need to bank republican votes in an election day. i mean, it's, you know, rid of boards that he is still making this argument. i mean, it is it's remarkable i mean, i'm sure there's a lot of democrats are saying shut up, let him keep doing it yes, we are i know the president feels very strongly about that, right? and let's set the rules are what the rules are, where you could ballot harvest. we need to ballot harvest. we need to do everything in our power. the democrats are very good david, how much money do you want the rnc to devote? >> two people watching drop mail-in ballot drop boxes because lehrer very, very concerned about voter fraud as well. how much are you pushing for the orange? d to devote to the how many billions? >> yeah, i look and i look, i'd like bill years ago too early voting, right. >> anderson, i like buildings to go to banking are votes do the smart thing so that we can win. those are the things we need to do. due to win. >> you know, i've said this before in descendent van and karen and everyone's heard me say this. >> the problem in america with voting by mail and voting, we need a winner on election night, right? florida, you could vote by mail. you vote early but in an election, they push a button. there's a tally and we know who wins, and that's the problem in america. people feel that they, if they vote by mail or vote not in-person, that somehow that's not as effective. it creates problems. we need to remedy that. so an election night or the next morning, we we know who the winner is and i think that would do a lot to give people faith in the election system and the like toil away, they vote to eliminate some of this concern and not telling them it's rigged. that helps as well david and vote-by-mail does work. >> so i'm david, i do disagree with you on that point. it's okay if it takes a couple of days? no, no. i think it works an upset. it works. i agree it works. we need to do more of that. republicans david irving, and catch up with you, karen. karen finney, alyssa farah griffin. thanks so much coming up next, we're waiting for new video. vladimir putin's visit with kim jong un will bring them to you as we get them and dig deeper into why they're meeting it could spell so yet more misery for people in ukraine and later another close associate of donald trump's charged with a crime, boris epstein, who was always with donald trump during his it's new york felony trial. he has now been arraigned today in arizona, nine felony counts of his own. what he's charged with. and as boston silage role in the alleged scheme you may like it never even happened serve pro number space and leg room that's more like it three role. rolex's dx every day moore dog people and more vets are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food they're quitting the kibble and kicking the camps and feeding their dogs, dog food. >> that's actually well, food developed with that's made from real meat and veggies portion and for your dog and delivered right to your door. >> it's smarter healthier, pet food, get 50% off your first box at the farmer's dot, dot com slash real food a us bank, we know how good it feels to reach your milestones. but we also know what really goes into getting you there. that's why we introduced cobras, which connects you to a real bank in real time to help you do anything from adding new debit card, learning. he saves martyred, even created spending want offense strep, a one with co-brand we're always de on your road to here because there's nothing as powerful as the power of us when the saw dust settles and the engine finally r4 the thing you care about most is a job well done but when you get your tools from harbor freight, something about the job feels a little different. for your wallet because we believe no matter what you're working on, you need high-quality tools at a great price. >> and that's what we're all about whenever you do do it for less at harbor freight priceline helps families they 60% on family-friendly hotels. >> so many great steps we might just leave here with another vacation baby. >> i'll take it easy. paris and u2 for modal. >> lisa wasn't alito earlier happy three body serie a city client uses city's financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving some more pet parents this can get everything they need, right when they need it keeping more pets and families happy for the love norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? 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>> he's getting legitimacy he's on the world stage. this couldn't be better for kim jong-un all without having to give up a single nuclear weapon will ripley joins us now from taipei, taiwan how strong is the alliance between russia and north korea? >> is there a limit to how far russia made go? food to support career it's strong for the time being, while there's active fighting in ukraine. >> but experts say the anderson, this alliance is pretty fragile because if there were a ceasefire in ukraine that could shift the whole dynamic emma, here, also, putin really walking a fine line here. he needs to not alienate xi jinping, the president of china, and he also doesn't want to alienate south korea, which is one of them the world's largest arms exporters. in fact, just last week, he thanked soul for not sending weapons to the battlefield in ukraine. but if he goes too far with kim jong un the south could change his mind all right. >> well right, bye. thanks for more on what vladimir putin hopes to gain here we're joined by steve hall, former cia chief or brush operations. >> i mean, stevie is this purely about weapons and ammunition or is about forming i'm kind of a coalition that has a common enemy and would putin is called the collective west i think it's a little bit of both anderson, i mean, on a tactical level, there's no doubt that the russians need to continue to prosecute the war in ukraine. they need armaments, any weapons from north korea, which is timmy just amazing that we have all of a sudden a former superpower russia kinda coming hat in hand to the north koreans. the north koreans, of course, need everything because they're arguably the poorest country in the world. so they'll take whatever they can get. >> but on a bigger, on a bigger scale, you allude to the correct thing. >> this is putin trying to build a coalition and anti-west anti-democratic coalition with the likes of north korea, iran, even cuba recently. and of course, china's in that mix as well. so it's a little bit above is there any military equipment or technology that russia would not want to share with north korea. i mean, obviously the big question would be nuclear yeah, i mean, i think they'll start at the bottom and then work their way up, down the the lesser dangerous and the lesser sophisticated types of assistance to north koreans would make sense. >> the kremlin has said, of course, we would never send sophisticated nuclear weaponry or even know how to north korea. but whenever the kremlin says something like that, that we would never do something like this said we'd never for invade ukraine than it is certainly worth paying attention to. that is the nightmare scenario and it's worth watching very carefully to see where they're going to go on that in march of this year, russia used its veto to deny the renewal of the un panel that investigates sanctions, violations alving north korea is impossible to make sanctions stick if a country like russia is willing to subvert them yeah, i think it is. i think what we saw happen in the national, in the un security council where russia voted against continuing and continuing the team that is actually monitoring that. and china abstained as you're seeing signaling going on between russia, north korea, russian support from north korea. >> but in fact, there are other ways to do this. >> i mean, intelligence collection is of course, the obvious way to find out whether there's been any violations of either their nuclear program more sanctions, or anything else. so yeah, there's other ways to do it besides the un i think what we saw there was political signaling primarily during the us or its allies is trying to drive a wedge between the two countries. if so, how i'm sorry if the, if the united states is trying to drive or allied nations would be trying to have an interest in driving away edge between russia and north korea. >> i mean, how much of a threat? >> yeah, it's really, it's a complicated geopolitical thing because of course, as we were alluding to earlier, you've got the south koreans who are watching this very carefully because of course they have a big interest in what north korea is up to and what assistance they're gonna get. you got china, who has much more to lose than these sort of the waning superpower of russia and in north korea. so, yeah, you've you've got people that are looking to find out where the cracks are and what they need to avoid china's in a particular precarious position, i think in this regard, steve hall. >> thanks very much coming up more allies of the former president and legal trouble this time in arizona will have new details and who are the lake? it is to plead not guilty in the alleged fake electors plot with priceline vip family. >> you can unlock deals five times faster. you don't even have to be an actual family on the day physically, it's clear that i'm the dad. okay. so which dad is paying you crap? 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>> oh, my goodness, no. >> why not? very, very proud. >> giuliani was in arizona last week to post bond after an arraignment by telephone in may five-minute complete embarrassed to the american legal system. >> but i just tendency not to according to the arizona indictment giuliani spread false claims of election fraud, pressure local officials to change the election outcome and was responsible for encouraging republican electors in arizona. >> and six other contested states. now he faces charges in two states arizona and georgia trump is not charged in arizona, though he is referred to in the indictment as unindicted coconspirator. want. >> the fact is, we want the presidential election. we wanted trump and his allies repeatedly railed against the 2020 election results in arizona. joe biden won the state by more than 10,000 votes, being the duly elected and qualified electors for president and vice president of united states. we are back from the state of arizona. >> all 11 of the republican electors who tried to submit certificates falsely saying trump won, are now charged in arizona you have whiteman, former republican state senate candidate jill lehmann, was also a arraigned tuesday for his role as a fake elector. >> president donald j. trump of the state of florida, number above 11 and arizona isn't the only state where trump's allies are facing charges what the election was a rigged election trump and 18 others were charged as part of an election subversion racketeering scheme, and georgia and cases have also been brought in nevada, wisconsin, and michigan against people involved in the fake electors plot. >> jessica schneider, cnn, washington much more head tonight. take a look. this is singer justin timberlake's mug shot after he was arrested in sag harbor, new york and charged with due by dwi what he said during the traffic stop with police officer revealed in court documents that's next i won't let my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms defined emerge as you with trump via most people saw 90% clear skin eye for months and the majority stake clearer at five years cbs allergic reactions may occur, can fire, may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. >> tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine, no plan to merge as you emerge trim phi it. ask your doctor about trump via with so many choices on there are so many teens if as i could be so i hired body doubles to help me out splurging. tina loves a hotel near road rodeo drive junit walked or farm, stay to ride this horse glenn close was millions of possibilities. you can book whoever you want to be. >> that's my line, booking dot yeah. >> hi, i'm greg. i live in bloomington, illinois. i'm not an actor. i'm just a regular person. some people say, why should i take privilege and i don't have a problem with my memory memory loss is not something that occurs overnight. i started noticing subtle lapses in memory. i want people to know that president has worked for me it's helped my memory except my cognitive qualities give it a try. i wanted to help you just like it has helped me prevalent at stores everywhere without a prescription buy iphone 12 with the super fast five g and a dual camera system, then get real unlimited data on the silver unlimited plan for just $20 a month for a whole year? 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for a tony enclave of the hamptons, where celebrity run-ins are frequent. as for timberlake, his locally based attorney and reps. aren't commenting timberlake is currently on tour promotion putting his latest album. this is timberlake's first arrest, but the latest headline in a string of scandals that have recently plagued the pop star some fans turned against the singer earlier this year when timberlake appear to brush off criticism after ex-girlfriend britney spears revealed in her 2023 memoir that timberlake encouraged her to get an abortion timberlake also came under fire in 2021 following the documentary about spears career, as well as renewed questions in the wake of the metoo movement about his role in the infamous super bowl incident with janet jackson he did apologize then add admit that he benefited from a system that condones misogyny and racism. the former and sink or intend time grammy award winner will return to new york next week, set to perform at madison square garden anderson, this is the courthouse where timberlake appeared before a judge earlier this morning has next chordate is scheduled for july 26. that will be a virtual appearance and it turns out that on that same date, he has a concert scheduled in poland, anderson congratulate so much now the texas where the senior pastor of a dallas area mega church has resigned after allegations of a past inappropriate relationship with a 12-year-old girl in the 19th ladies surface last week, the former pastor's name is robert morris, and he's one of are was one of donald trump's former spiritual advisors. >> according to a statement obtained by cnn affiliate wwf aa, the churches board of ellis holders plan to conduct an independent review randi kaye has more the story is gut wrenching when i read it on paper and i've been sharing or years, the story cindy klemmer, shi'a is talking about. he's her own. it's a story of abuse at the hands of gateway church senior pastor robert morris klemmer, shy or told cnn affiliate wxia that he molested her from 1982 to 1987. it started on christmas day, klemmer shires says, when she was just 12-years-old and he was in his 20s according to klemmer, shy or morris was a family friend who was married and already working as a traveling preacher. >> it's just happens to be god's time, i think for it to come to light pastor maurice isn't just any pastor in 2016, morris was part of candidate donald trump's evangelical executive viserys board. >> here's question well, thank you, mr. president, in 2020, when then president trump held a roundtable at mars is dallas area mega church, morris led a prayer before the event trump's spokesman, steven chung, told cnn in a statement that morris does not have a role with the 2024 campaign. >> decades after the abuse, morris resigned today as senior pastor. yesterday, he admitted engaging in inappropriate sexual behavior, but did not name klemmer shire or give her age in a statement to wfla, morris said in part when i was in my early 20s, i was involved in inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady in a home where i was staying. it was kissing and petting and not intercourse, but it was wrong. this behavior happened on several occasions over the next few years he added in march of 1987, this situation was brought to light and it was confessed and repented of. >> he didn't come forward and confess. he was turned in. and when someone's turned in, what are they sorry for? are they sorry because they got caught or are they truly repentant of what they did? >> morris said he stepped away from the ministry at the time and received counseling. klemmer shy or told wfla that her family forgave him, but never supported maurice returning to the ministry and cnn has reached out to morris and gateway church for comment. the board of elders of gateway church told wfla in a statement it was their understanding that ours is extra marital relationship, which he discussed many times throughout his ministry was with a young lady and not abuse of a 12-year-old child. the statement goes on to say, as leaders of the church, we regret that we did not have the information that we now have they said they are heartbroken and appalled and express sympathy to the victim and her family. >> i think that leaders can get caught up and feeling like it's our responsibility to protect god and it's not there responsibility is to protect the people klemmer shires attorney told cnn in a statement that churches ignored his clients disclosures while embracing promoting an endorsing this reported sexual offender as a man of god randi joins me now, it's incredible me that even in a recent statement, this guy cold who was then a 12-year-old girl, a young lady. he's saying he he had to design a probe with the young lady. it was a 12-year-old girl and it happened went over course retired teenage years. exactly. he never acknowledges her age, even though he acknowledges now what happened. and he also told wfla that back in 1989, he and his wife actually met with the survivor and her family. he doesn't say her name. he says that he asked for forgiveness and that they quote graciously, forgave him. but again, this woman is now saying that they never thought he was going to go back to preaching when they forgave him in terms of next steps in this case, anderson, the lawyer for this woman, says, he thinks it's probably too late for them to actually file a lawsuit, but he does hope that now that he's getting all this attention, that maybe it will prompt lawmakers to drop this statute of limitations when it comes to these child sex. >> and this guy's wife is standing by him even though he said this girl from age of 12 on at the time, he said that he told wafa he and his wife had met with her back in 1989, what their situation is now is unclear. randi kaye. thank you. can we have an x, dr. sanjay gupta joins me to discuss his new documentary on all timers research and we launched a brand new segment right here on 360 get back i voted buttons i drag rainbow kid. >> why no donkeys? 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cities, industry-leading global payment solutions help their clients move money around the world mosley in over 180 countries and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. together, city in the world food programme empower fami this is a secret, war, secrets and spies sunday at ten on cnn here are their 60. we're excited to announce a new series called dr. sanjay gupta on call, or we're going to discuss and answer your questions about the latest health news with who else. but our very own chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta sanchez. latest investigation includes a groundbreaking documentary, five years in the making following the most recent alzheimer science, nearly 7 million americans are currently living with the disease and for decades, researchers have tried and failed to come up with ways to effectively treat it leaving a lot of patients with few options. well, now there are new signs of hope from hard science and lifestyle interventions to earlier detection and intervention. there are new tools to battle the disease sanchez latest documentary, the last alzheimer's patient is now streaming on max, part of our parent company good luck in the five years of making this documentary, the 20-year-old newlyweds i've met with patients all around the country who were dying like nose toward high risk for this devastating disease. do remember this time in your life, my it made me really start to think about my own brain i have a family history of alzheimer's as well sometimes i feel a little rusty sometimes i worry that i make mistake seeks that maybe my friends and family are too polite to tell me about your body composition. so that's why i decided to do something quite personal. >> your muscle mass your body fat, quite revealing that weapon quite right. i went through a battery of tests to assess my own risk. >> it's like we get a cholesterol test every year and check your blood pressure. >> i do the same thing for the brain. and what did i find? >> i'll just say it joining me now, neurosurgeon, cnn chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta. so should people be tested for their alzheimer's risk i don't think it's ready for everybody yet. >> anderson, but we're getting really close. i mean, we're probably where we were about 60 years ago with heart disease for a long time, people believed lucky, they're going to get heart disease or you're not. and there's nothing you can do about it. so why even bother getting checked? we now oh, no, that's not true. we're sort of at those early days, i think when it comes to the brain and you saw richard isaacson there, someone you know as well, who says, we're gonna get to the point where you test cholesterol for heart disease. there's gonna be tests like that for all timers as well. i think the main reason why is because now we know there's something you can do about it before you get tested. what can you do? why bother getting tested? that narrative is starting to change anderson and that's one of the things that dr. richard isaacson is very much involved with the preventative aspect. how much of alzheimer's it is preventable yeah, that's a great question. >> and i think if you had to put a number on it, i'd say around 40%. and this is based on not only data here in the united the states, but all over the world. you've had richard isaacson has this preventive neurology clinic, but there are these preventive neurologist places and different places around the world where they've been looking at people saying, okay, we're going to implement certain lifestyle changes let's see what happens to people who do that versus people who don't and some of the lifestyle changes we can just throw them up on the screen are going to sound pretty basic, but here's the thing we now know when you do these things for about 20 weeks, about five weeks, people who went through these lifestyle changes versus those who didn't either didn't progress in terms of cognitive impairment or anderson, they even gop better. it was able to reverse the signs of cognitive impairment early cognitive impairment people who had been diagnosed with alzheimer's. so vegan diet, not for everybody, but again, five months of vegan diet made a difference, 30 minutes of daily exercise, one hour of daily stressors to relief. they had the support sessions and also i think we have a full screen of the supplements. people went on specific supplements for five months as well and when they did this, anderson again, we follow this along for five years to see what would happen to these patients. i saw patients who had clear cognitive impairment when went to go visit them after they've been through the trial, they were clearly improved. i mean, they were normal. it's hard to tell there was any problem at all, which is really incredible given how hopeless it often seems with alzheimer's yeah, i mean, people are told when they're given the diagnosis to get their affairs in order. >> remember one patient saying two? i mean, it was like looking over into an abyss. there was nothing there for them. and i think through the work of dr. dean ornish, who conducted the trial, dr. richard isaacson in many other doctors around the country that is starting to change. i mean, i've been a neurosurgeon for quarter-century than a doctor for 30 years for most of the time, we have said this is going to be preordained and there's not much you can do about it. but that is changing. so these are incredibly hopeful times. it's still early days. i want to emphasize that the trial that dr. orange judge did was just 50 patients. hard trials to do but as they start to do more and more of these patients, trials around the world, we're going to get that data. and i think it's it's going to offer a lot of hope, not necessarily just new medications, but lifestyle changes alone leading to these changes. >> sanjay, it's incredible. thank you. and if you're like me and still have questions about it this as well as the latest and drugs to target alzheimer's. you can submit your questions using the qr

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,Polls ,Spending ,Outsider ,House Appropriations Committee ,Palma ,Kansas City ,Nothing ,Celebratory David ,John ,In The City ,Word ,Top ,Ticket ,Challenge ,Much ,Campaign Today In Racing Wisconsin ,Lucky ,It ,Times ,Reporters ,Chicago ,Event ,Spokesman ,New York Times ,Plans ,Candidate ,News ,Quote ,Staying ,Remarks ,Racine ,The One ,He Doesn T ,Bulwark ,Elections Honors ,Ghraieb ,Nine ,Lie ,Lunatics ,Lie Yeah ,City ,Crime ,Lawmakers ,Meeting ,Communists ,Marxists ,Estate ,Police Figures ,Murder ,Carson ,Assaults ,Shootings ,Theft ,Rape ,November ,40 ,Two ,Voting ,Tuckman ,Board ,Ions ,Men ,Vice River ,Behind Closed Doors ,Things ,Comments ,Wisconsin ,Buildings ,Crimes ,Value ,Nerve ,Calling Attention To Trump ,Billboards ,Rhetoric ,Poster ,Republican National Convention ,Kate Lobel ,Woman ,Anywhere ,Reputation ,Akiya ,Fan ,No ,Voter Fraud ,Statements ,Evidence ,Doesn T ,Milwaukeean ,Explanation ,Vitamin Crime Rate ,Crime Rate ,Context ,Line ,Inclination ,Campaign Rally ,Comment ,Cities ,Worse ,Murders ,Runs ,Part ,America ,Trump ,Thank ,Feelings ,Suburbs ,The Truth ,Hearing ,Deal ,Joe Biden ,Cross ,Nothing Burger ,Casey Salazar ,On The Beach ,Milwaukee County ,Oman ,Wasn T Said ,Trump Garrett ,It Doesn T ,Number ,Supporter ,Favors ,Attainment Urban Karen Finney ,Area ,Terror Griffin ,Convention ,Johnny ,Idea ,Way ,We Haven T ,Politics ,Trump Campaign ,Campaigns ,Terror ,Leaks ,More ,Anything ,Capitol Hill ,Folks ,Jake Sherman ,Press ,Candidates ,Thigh ,Election ,Blood ,Campaign Trail ,Immigrants ,Rage ,Retribution ,Areas ,Whites ,20000 ,Elizabeth Anderson ,Shari A ,Place ,Matter ,Hit Gary ,Tests ,Let ,Something ,Distance ,Time ,Chubb ,November 5 ,5 ,Stories ,Opportunity ,Party ,Thing ,Terms ,Counties ,Absentee Ballots ,Level ,Sort ,Interesting ,Nuance ,Difference ,Mother ,Couple ,City Officials ,Napkin ,Locke ,Book ,Well ,Property ,Somebody Else ,Airbnb ,Hundreds ,Sat Test ,Services ,Staff ,Brochures ,Trial ,In The House ,Faction ,Traits ,Pro ,Sin ,Somebody ,Primary ,Stop ,Rally ,Backed Desantis ,He S ,12 Million ,2 Million ,Eugene Wimmen ,Alexander ,Player ,Nomination ,House Seat ,Events Tour ,What ,Show ,C ,Flexion ,Fall De ,Hush Money Trial Hey Look So Anderson ,Bare Knuckle Politics ,Thinking ,Horse ,Hair ,Aside ,Georgia Three ,Errors ,Brian Jack ,Everybody ,Human Being ,Go On ,Alyssa Farah Griffin ,Situation ,Person ,Congratulations ,Seat ,Safe ,Graduations ,College Augustus ,Steal ,Charlie Kirk Thing ,Mail ,Boards ,Vote By Mail ,Argument ,Yes ,Ballot Harvest ,Rules ,Drop Mail ,Rnc ,Ballot ,Billions ,Bill ,Boxes ,Orange ,D ,Problem ,Everyone ,Election Night ,Winner ,Banking ,Descendent Van ,Problems ,Button ,Tally ,Florida ,Election System ,Concern ,Faith ,Toil ,Well David ,Point ,Upset ,David Irving ,Boris Epstein Bores ,Video ,Ukraine ,Misery ,Dig ,Associate ,Arizona ,New York ,Role ,Felony Counts ,Felony Trial ,Scheme ,Silage ,Boston ,Space ,Leg ,Dx ,Rolex ,Food ,Pet Food ,Camps ,Dog Food ,Approach ,Vets ,Dogs ,Kibble ,Bank ,Healthier ,Door ,Dog ,Portion ,Dot Com Slash Real Food ,Meat ,Veggies ,Box ,The Farmer S Dot ,Cobras ,Debit Card ,Milestones ,Learning ,Offense Strep ,Road ,Co Brand ,Saw Dust Settles ,Tools ,Job ,Engine ,Harbor Freight ,Wallet ,Harbor Freight Priceline ,Price ,Paris ,Families ,Steps ,Hotels ,U2 ,Lisa Wasn T Alito ,Body ,Vacation Baby ,City Client ,Serie A ,Wasn T Alito ,Modal ,60 ,Expertise ,Parents ,Supply Chain ,Pet ,Growth ,Pets ,Love Norman ,Bad News ,Med School ,Savings ,Wifi ,Xfinity Mobile ,Gig ,The Go ,Doc ,Mattresses ,Calling ,Visit Xfinitymobile Com ,Wane Johnson ,Chuck Hand ,Cnn Canal Project ,Up Schreiber Sunday ,Earth ,Harb ,Overseas ,Summit ,Collection ,Heels ,Georgia S Second District Will ,Western ,G7 ,War ,Superpower ,Russian ,Democracies ,Leader ,Will Ripley ,Plane ,Soil ,Putin Pyongyang ,Late Night Landing ,Red Carpet ,24 ,Honor ,Celebration ,Outcast ,Welcome ,Style ,Carol Of Nk News Flags Everywhere ,Kim Il Sung Square ,Oh ,Chad ,Putin ,Everywhere ,Streets ,Portraits ,Cop ,Tendencies ,Military Bands ,Capital ,Dream Come True Kim ,Satellite Images ,Military Parade ,Landmark Meeting In Russia Last ,Weapons ,Technology ,Ammunition ,South Korea ,Military ,Exchange ,Helping Putin Wage War ,Ukraine Carol ,Spy Satellite Expertise ,Workers ,Revenue ,Wishlist ,Missile ,Strategic Partnership ,Fighter Jets ,Presidency ,Analysts ,Agreements ,Afterthought ,Putin Last Travel To Pyongyang ,1961 ,Wall ,Leadership ,Legitimacy ,The World Stage ,Couldn T ,Alliance ,Limit ,Nuclear Weapon ,Taiwan ,Taipei ,Ceasefire ,Career ,Being ,Fighting ,Dynamic Emma ,Experts ,World ,Fine Line ,Arms Exporters ,Battlefield ,Soul ,China S ,Xi Jinping ,Stevie ,South ,Chief ,Mind ,Operations ,Steve Hall ,Brush ,Cia ,Coalition ,No Doubt ,Russians ,Enemy ,West ,Hand ,Hat ,Kinda ,Armaments ,All Of A Sudden ,Scale ,Bigger ,Mix ,Iran ,Military Equipment ,Big Question ,Kremlin ,Assistance ,Sense ,Weaponry ,Types ,Fun ,Nightmare Scenario ,Worth ,Veto ,Renewal ,Sanctions ,Violations ,Un Security Council ,Ways ,Signaling ,Program ,Wedge ,Anything Else ,Interest ,Countries ,Nations ,Threat ,Gonna Get ,Position ,Regard ,Cracks ,Electors ,Details ,Vip Family ,Plot ,Priceline ,Trouble ,Lake ,Family ,Dad ,France ,Role Term ,Right ,Gift Mode ,Xi ,Plenty ,Volkswagen ,Atlas ,Rows ,Seven ,Keys ,Pd ,Gibeon ,Despicable Me ,July 3 ,3 ,Lady ,Memory ,Buildup ,Amyloid Plaques ,Issues ,Writers ,Bike Riders ,Company ,Liver ,Theaters ,T Mobile ,Solution ,Customer Experience ,Connectivity ,Powers Tractor Supplies ,Biji ,Employees ,Delta Airlines ,100000 ,Business ,Roger Two ,Pga Of America ,Partners ,Internet ,Game Changing In Innovation ,Whole Foods Market ,365 ,Homework ,Companies ,Hands Marcy Hit The Homes Com ,London Breed ,Anyone Else ,Emergency ,Pandemic ,San Francisco ,London ,Care ,Lives ,Saving Thousands ,Housing Projects ,Mayor ,Western Addition ,Home ,Small Business ,Homes ,Track ,Downtown ,City Fees ,City Vibrant ,82000 ,Homebuyers ,Drug Dealers ,Police Officers ,Hiring Hundreds ,Cora ,Disclosures ,Captioning ,Love ,Help ,Sad ,Sfethics Org ,Bosley Guarantee ,2024 ,2024 Financial ,Tract ,Life Stage Right ,You Cora ,Relief Products ,Fallout ,Utis ,Urinary Tract Health Products ,Ten ,Charges ,Indictment ,Defendants ,Figures ,Subversion ,Efforts ,Borse Epstein ,2020 ,18 ,Arizona Jenna Ellis ,Orbit ,Jessica Schneider ,Arizona State Court ,Transfer ,Office ,Will ,Make America Great Again ,2016 ,Information ,Amount ,Criminal Hush Money Trial In Manhattan ,Counts ,Fraud ,Election Subversion Efforts ,Epstein ,Attorney ,Elector ,Working Alongside Trump ,Theme ,Regrets ,Rudy Giuliani ,Arizona Epstein ,System ,Arraignment ,Goodness ,Telephone ,Tendency ,Bond ,Election Fraud ,Officials ,Outcome ,Claims ,States ,Georgia Trump ,Unindicted Coconspirator ,Six ,Vice President ,Election Results ,10000 ,Jill Lehmann ,Certificates ,Whiteman ,Senate ,11 ,Arizona Isn T ,Fake Elector ,Cases ,Subversion Racketeering Scheme ,Michigan ,Nevada ,Justin Timberlake ,Court Documents ,Head ,Police Officer ,Traffic Stop ,Take A Look ,Dwi ,Sag Harbor ,Mug Shot ,Washington ,Symptoms ,Moderate ,Stake ,Skin Eye ,Plaque Psoriasis ,90 ,Risk ,Doctor ,Infection ,Plan ,Reactions ,Infections ,Ability ,Vaccine ,Cbs ,Trim Phi ,Body Doubles ,Splurging ,Choices ,Tina ,Teens ,Hotel Near Road ,Rodeo Drive ,Farm ,Millions ,Possibilities ,Glenn Close ,Junit ,That S My Line Booking Com ,Memory Loss ,Privilege ,Factor ,Bloomington ,Booking Dot Yeah ,Greg ,Illinois ,Qualities ,Lapses ,Try ,Data ,Prescription ,Stores ,Camera System ,Iphone ,20 ,300 ,0 ,Stuff ,Celebrations ,Dollars ,Grand Opening ,Bankers ,Thousands ,Hi ,Sure ,Kayla ,Vacation ,Jeep ,Summer Event ,Suv ,Payments ,Gladiator ,Wrangler ,Jeep Compass ,Brand Dealer ,Deals ,Summer ,Cash ,Spain ,Grand Cherokee ,2000 ,Bottles ,Doesn T Have To ,C Idp ,Jeep Wrangler ,Idp Derails ,Patients ,Cid P ,Finding Hope ,Variation ,Little ,Cid P Com ,Places ,Side Effects ,Kidney Failure ,Chronic Kidney Disease ,Sega ,Cip Com Be Heard ,Ketoacidosis ,Urinary Tract ,Mental Yeast Infections ,General ,Sika ,Skin ,Reaction ,Dehydration ,Perineum ,Blood Sugar ,Disinfection ,Dwi Charge ,Police Custody ,Court Records ,Police ,Sobriety Tests ,Brynn Grass Megastar ,The Field ,Authorities ,Pop Star ,Hotel ,Video Police ,Stop Sign ,Direction ,Say Timberlake ,Blocks ,Downtown Sag Harbor ,Hamptons Jail A ,Leinz ,Field Sobriety Test ,Footing ,Glassy ,Slurred Speech ,Odor ,Eyes ,Breathalyzer Three Times ,Breadth ,Martini ,Alcoholic Beverage ,Aren T Commenting Timberlake ,Enclave ,Reps ,Happening ,Timberlake ,Downtown District Of Sag Harbor ,Wins ,Celebrity Run ,The Hamptons ,Scandals ,Headline ,Arrest ,Tour Promotion ,Album ,String ,Memoir ,Britney Spears ,Abortion Timberlake ,Criticism ,Fans ,2023 ,Documentary ,Questions ,The ,Fire ,Movement ,Wake ,Incident ,Spears Career ,Janet Jackson ,Metoo ,Super Bowl ,2021 ,Racism ,Misogyny ,Admit ,Time Grammy Award ,Judge ,Chordate ,Appearance ,Courthouse ,Concert ,26 ,July 26 ,Pastor ,Relationship ,Texas ,Omega Church ,Dallas ,Poland ,19th Ladies ,19 ,Robert Morris ,Statement ,Story ,Churches ,Name ,Advisors ,Affiliate ,Review ,Holders ,Randi Kaye ,Gut Wrenching ,Wwf Aa ,Story Cindy Klemmer ,Abuse ,Hands Of Gateway Church ,Paper ,Shi A ,On Christmas Day ,Klemmer Shires ,Affiliate Wxia ,1982 ,1987 ,Man Of God Randi ,Family Friend ,Maurice Isn T ,Traveling Preacher ,Light Pastor ,Mr ,Roundtable ,Thank You ,Evangelical Executive Viserys Board ,Mars ,Steven Chung ,Prayer ,Age ,Wfla ,Klemmer Shire ,Intercourse ,Occasions ,March Of 1987 ,Someone ,Repented ,Turned In ,Ministry ,Klemmer Shy ,Counseling ,Maurice ,To Morris ,Elders ,Child ,Leaders ,Victim ,Church ,Feeling ,Sympathy ,Responsibility ,Clients ,Guy Cold ,Offender ,Old Girl ,Probe ,Wife ,Survivor ,Forgiveness ,1989 ,Hope ,Statute ,Lawsuit ,Case ,Child Sex ,Limitations ,Guy ,Lawyer ,Dr ,Timers ,Sanjay Gupta ,Back ,Sex ,Wafa ,Get Back ,Buttons ,Segment ,Rainbow Kid ,Generation ,Donkeys ,Elephants ,Damsels ,Symbols ,Boy ,Podcast ,Puke Rainbows ,Yeah Plus ,Circle ,Friends ,Stearns And Foster ,Seeing Is Believing ,Comfort ,Sale ,Telecoil ,Shop ,Materials ,Memory Foam ,Beautiful Mattress ,Ultra Conforming ,July 4th ,400 ,4 ,Shiv ,Mattresses Stearns And Foster ,Foster Com ,Pill ,Treatment ,Health Care Provider ,Big Tare ,Rv ,Derby ,Transmitting Hiv ,Kidney Problems ,Research ,Hiv Treatment ,Liver Problems ,Breastfeeding ,Kidney ,Medicines ,Hepatitis ,Lactic Acid ,Rifampin ,Hepatitis B ,Victoria ,Headache ,Healthcare Provider ,Diarrhea ,Nausea ,Star ,Home Realtor Com ,Professionals Trust ,Home Listing ,Professionals ,App ,Trips ,Motor ,Baby ,30 ,Partner ,Payment ,Solutions ,World Food Programme ,Around The World Mosley ,180 ,Need ,Secret ,Secrets ,Spies Sunday ,Correspondent ,Health News ,Series ,Investigation ,Making ,On Call ,Sanjay Gupta Sanchez ,Who Else ,Disease ,Alzheimer Science ,Researchers ,Options ,Hard Science ,7 Million ,Lifestyle ,Patient ,The Last Alzheimer S ,Interventions ,Intervention ,Parent Company ,Luck ,Detection ,Battle The Disease Sanchez ,Nose ,Brain ,Mistake ,Family History ,Body Composition ,Weapon ,Battery ,Muscle Mass ,Body Fat ,Neurosurgeon ,Cholesterol Test ,Blood Pressure ,Heart Disease ,Richard Isaacson ,Cholesterol ,Narrative ,Change Anderson ,Aspect ,All Over The World ,Neurologist ,United ,Preventive Neurology Clinic ,Screen ,Lifestyle Changes ,Versus ,Didn T Either ,Impairment ,Cognitive Impairment ,Stressors ,Diet ,Exercise ,Support Sessions ,Supplements ,Anderson Again ,Dean Ornish ,Affairs ,Order ,Abyss ,Diagnosis ,Doctors ,Trials ,Changes ,Medications ,Drugs ,Qr ,

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