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closed captioning bronchi by meso our firm only represents mesothelial of victims and their families. >> if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with ms ophelie oma, call us now today on inside politics, biden's border balancing act. the white house is unveiling a new plan to shield undocumented immigrants married to us citizens from being deported. as the president's campaign hopes, it'll please the very same people. he angered with more aggressive border rules the announced just two weeks ago. plus, he loves me, he loves me not that's how dr. anthony fauci describes his complicated relationship with donald trump and his new moire. >> this our part of his conversation with our own dr. sanjay gupta about how difficult it was to correct the former president in front of the american people and why are so many republicans turning on one of the most conservative members of congress hint in today's gop, don't off donald trump right now, voters are having their say as they cast ballots in one of the year's most bitter gop primary races. >> i'm dana bash. let's go behind the headlines and inside politics first up, the power of the ten president biden is poised to announce a sweeping executive action to protect immigrants living in the us illegally, but who are married to american citizens. the white house says it could provide relief to more than half 1 million people and be the most significant action to protect undocumented immigrants since the obama era. dreamer first plan. cnn's kayla tausche is at the white house. kayla will dana president biden later today will announce that executive action that will authorize undocumented immigrants married to us citizens, as well as their children to apply for lawful residents without leaving in the country. >> the biden administration says that those individuals, those spouses, must have already been married before this point and must have already been in the united states for a decade prior to today, the administration expects that about 500,000 spouses will be impacted acted by this order, and about 58,000 children and those individuals are already eligible to apply for green cards, but they would have to do so under prior law outside the country. and if they were found to have been in the us unlawfully than they would have had to remain outside the country for up to a decade that prior eligibility is a distinction that the biden administration believes could help this order survive any legal challenges that are sure to be brought as had been brought to presidents of either party when they announced executive actions targeting this very issue. but president biden today is hoping to do a few things with this order. number one, to quell some of the frustration among immigration advocacy groups who are angered about rules to restrict it asylum that he announced just a few weeks ago. many of those advocacy groups will be here at the white house when he signs this order and announces it later today, there's also an expectation that he wants to neutralize immigration as a hot-button issue ahead of next week's debate and ahead of the broader home stretch into the november election. and then finally experts say he could really boost the economy with this order, allowing half-a-million people to seek better paying jobs would have that effect. those are all things that president biden really wants to do. good. dana? yeah. no question about it. thank you so much for that great reporting. and why to look at a new poll out this morning, which gives you a sense of how critical this issue is. this election year. you see their immigration comes in third, when voters are asked about what issue matters most to them this year, that of course is after protecting democracy and inflation and trump leads on the question of immigration by ten points, when voters are asked who they prefer on the issue for more, let's talk to a terrific group of reporters axios is hans nichols, laura barron-lopez of the pbs newshour, and cnn's very own, lauren and fox. hello everybody laura, you've done so much a great reporting on the issue of immigration on just the policy i think it's fair to say quagmire stalemate i mean, you name it, it's just been an absolute mass for decades and decades because congress can't do anything which has led to first donald trump, and now joe biden doing different but equally sort of aggressive executive orders. >> that's right. and this, of course, comes after republicans said that they weren't going to vote for the bipartisan senate deal that president biden supported and would have signed into law. but this comes almost exactly exactly two weeks after the last executive action where president biden crackdown on the ability for asylum seekers to declare asylum between ports of entry at the border. so more harsh executive action there, one that was criticized heavily by immigrant advocates, by democrats within his own party then he follows it two weeks later with this one where he's trying to say, look, i am taking a more humane approach, a balancing out the last executive order. and this is one that a lot of democrats that i've talked to think could potentially help them politically because of the fact that in their polling across democratic polling firms, as well as among some latino pollsters, show that when you ask voters there's even some latino voters who are not necessarily very happy with president biden. if you ask them if they are more likely to support him, if he takes an action like the one he is today for undocumented spouses. they start moving towards him and double-digits so that could be critical in states like arizona that is so interesting. you mentioned what has happened in the two weeks since he announced the first tough, very tough on the border, executive action. one, to remind our viewers of part of what he said when he made that announcement in early june the individual chooses not to use our legal pathways they choose to come without permission and against the law. there'll be restricted from receiving asylum and staying in the united states for those who say the steps i've taken are too strict. i say to you that be patient and goodwill american people are going to work wearing fan right now, doing nothing is not an option so be patient because i'm going to something that the progressives and even not just progresses, but others in the community that you were talking about. there's a clear handful. yeah, it was a clear hint. the president told us what he's gonna do. i mean, you didn't tell us exactly. look, this is enormously consequential for the half 1 million people that are affected for the rest of the country. i don't want to say it's cosmetic, but this is largely about the symbolism of immigration and where you think the country should go and how welcome you should use the country should be, and how firm the country should be on enforcing the border. >> and i think none of us at this table will be surprised if immigration dominates a large part of the debate that's coming up here on cnn. >> and just a few days a week and a half thank and the biden campaign has always known they need a better answer on immigration because they know trump hammers on it. and this is part of it. whether that'll be adequate. >> i don't know. well, it's not adequate for a lot of republicans on capitol hill, right? >> i was talking to john thune last night as they were coming into the senate and his argument was that basically biden's trying to have it both ways. and this is creating more pull factors for immigrants who may not get or may not be eligible for this program, but may view it as a symbol that they should come to this country. that is the view from the republican side of the aisle. >> and last a couple of weeks ago when needed the last executive order, it wasn't enough for republicans i think it's important to point out once again, they had an opportunity to vote on a bipartisan package. >> they decided not to vote it to support that and move forward. but i do think that that gives you a sense that for people who are in the latino community, this does send a signal, but for republicans, this does not change. it's not just in the latino community though, because these are mixed families. these are it's more than 500,000 that'll be impacted by the actions today. and then it's also those spouses that are us citizens and they're not all latino. those us citizens, they are of different ethnic backgrounds. and i was talking to a spouse to today actually a us citizen, one that's married to an undocument and it's spouse who said that. in her community, in her state, people that are republicans are around her actually support this action and the polling bears that out. that polling shows that a majority of voters do actually support giving status to undocumented migrants who have lived here for a long time. and that's the key, that's 50 or more than ten years. yeah, that's that's a good point. such great insight. i just want to kind of pull back a little bit. you mentioned this. >> yes, there of course. is there's very specific population that will be affected directly affected by what the president is doing today with his pen. but just when it comes to public perception back on the policy let's take some election year politics of this, what to look, how at how different this is perceived. and one specific question which is undocumented immigrants in the us, should they be deported, which is something that the former president is arguing in his gotten his campaign platform. this is right now total 62% say yes. and then when you break it down wide, 67 black, 47, hispanic voters, 53. >> look at how much it has changed. >> just going back to 2016 when donald trump ran for the first time, total was only 39%. and then whites 45, black, 33, hispanic, 17, and khan, as i bring you in, i want you to just thank you for sitting on that because seeing those numbers, those percentages side-by-side and we're talking about an eight year period. really tells the story of how potent this issue is far beyond the communities who are directly affected. >> to me, the biggest delta there and the mass can correct my math is on the hispanic number 53, 17. yes, that's remarkable. >> it's you see something similar that's happened with the whole conversation around tariffs and china things that donald trump talked about in 2016, we're out of the bounds even within the republican party. >> and now they've entered in the mainstream and when the top-line number there is what, 62% supporting deportation. that's a remarkable number. and again, it's just one poll, but it seems like thank to bear out across a lot of polls. and i don't know if it keeps track with your sort of tough on the ground reporting yeah. >> well, i think that what that shows is that again, they're asking are and should undocumented immigrants be deported without really delineating whether or not at someone who's been here for more than ten years, that's fair for a child who's lived here the majority of the life, the dreamers, because polling in across the year is still shows that the majority of americans support a pathway to citizenship for daca recipients. so there's a bit of contradiction from the voters there, but they may be talking about more recent undocumented. >> you were talking about republicans, you were already doing reporting on that last night. let's talk about the former president that candidate, who wants to be in the white house again, donald trump, according to a spokeswoman said about this executive order, biden doesn't care that law, a law abiding taxpayers crushed by inflation are forced to pay for free food, housing, and health care for illegals, biden only cares about one thing, power. and that's why he he is giving mass amnesty and citizenship to hundreds of thousands of illegals who he knows will ultimately vote for him there's a lot of details that are clearly missed there that is not factually accurate statement. but when you think about the shift in the republican party, it's coming because of messages like that one, think about marco rubio. >> what was his message in 2016? >> he is potentially on the list of vice presidential candidates for donald trump. >> he talks about this issue much differently now, that is not a coincidence, that is a direct reflection of the fact that republican voters are following donald trump's words. and that is a perfect, one thing that i also want to point out that i think was referenced in that statement as well as from other trump campaign advisers in response to this action today was that they repeatedly said that these undocumented immigrants are going to be able to vote, come selection, not just to give vote, that's not true, that's not accurate. many of these people will not even get us citizenship until five years from now, assuming that it isn't stopped by the courts. and it's also a conspiracy theory that has just been widely spread by republicans in the lead up to this election cycle. which is, which is that there are wide amounts of undocumented migrants, non-us citizens voting in elections which is not true, yeah. >> okay. thank you. thank you for all of that, especially the clarification. there at the end really stand back and stand by donald trump and house republicans turned now on one of their own, the chairman of the house freedom caucus is an erase for his political life today, we're gonna look at how congressman bob good made so many enemies in his own party and why it may cost him his career the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president the former president, one state, which are two very different visions for america's future that cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27, nine live on cnn and streaming on max protect against rsv. >> with the rex v. a rex v is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory 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15 points in 2022, just two years ago he chairs the ultra conservative house freedom caucus, and yet he made get beyond the verge of getting a pink slip from republican constituents and his ruby red district. now, why have they turned against him? they could have something to do with this we need a speaker who will fight for something anything besides just staying are becoming speaker toes regret that it must vote against the motion to table as i did. and devote to vacate the chair that was good speaking about kevin mccarthy just before he joined seven other republicans and ousting the now-former speaker. but it could go back even further to this decision from last spring just want to congratulate and thank governor ron desantis. america is hungry for courageous, concerned the leadership, and that's on display nowhere else like it isn't a state of florida now donald trump endorsed good's challenger john maguire and campaign for maguire last night in a teller rally just ahead of today's primary if, he's reelected, bob goodwill, staff, virginia in the back, sort of like he did with me. as you probably know, he was against me for numerous years and then after i won the primers, he became a big fan, but that's not good enough because those are the people that they tend to leave you very quickly are fabulous reporters, are back. han's well, is someone who's clearly wearing bob good's suit from that earlier disqualified from dogs good. does it yeah. >> maybe build burdens just any wave goes watching look this is so clear what's happening for those of us that follow politics and are interested in it, there's such a personal dynamic here, and i suppose i should do the throat clearing and say, well, what voters decide, but boy, we all know this is about, it's about donald trump's and his chris lacivita is revenge is the revenge tour. and kevin mccarthy and kevin mccarthy. yeah, great story. yeah, he he picked to be on the wrong side of multiple people here. right. and donald trump to interesting, because he endorsed a santa's, his whole argument was he wanted desantis to be president because he believed that it gave the republicans a clear path for not just four more years, but potentially eight more years. and then as soon as he was out of the race, that statement that he supported donald trump came very i just want to stay with you, lauren, because you walk the halls every day and you understand a lot of the dynamics the drama, sometimes it's like seventh grade drama maybe that's not fair to seventh grade. anyway, this is a headline from our friendly and caldwell and also theodore meir at the washington post. and the headline is, everybody hates bob. it's an opportunity for all of the division within the republican conference to come to an end. that's according to congressman william timmons of south carolina, we're going to cut out the cancer. >> wow. >> i hope it'll send a message to other members that you need to be productive around here if you want to stay around here, said republican congressmen mike de rogers, the chairman of the house armed services committee. >> yet personality matters here. this isn't just about being on the wrong side of donald trump or the wrong side of kevin mccarthy and his powerful political apparatus is also about your livery, your style, how you work with people, your relationships. yes, he is the head of the house republican freedom caucus, that group though, has been very divided on several issues over the course of the last several months, including the effort to try and oust the current speaker, mike johnson. and so i think that it is important to point out that yes, he is in charge of this conservative group that does not mean he speaks for all the conservatives in congress and his style is one that's not particularly friendly or co-operative, enlarge. you heard the former president when he called into that tele town hall for goods opponent say he's he he likes me now what are the things that he is referring to is the fact that bob good. when was one of the republicans who went to new york during the trial? watch what happened there he saw the perjure in chief michael cohen multiple times admitted, acknowledged that he has lied under oath. >> he's perjured himself, and yet we're supposed to believe his testimony as the star witness against president trump well, republicans who don't like him or not buying it, that includes one, marjorie taylor greene, who went to that district and she took video will show you a picture of it. bob good is a liar because she is standing next to sign that says trump goods suggesting that trump's support him. >> i mean, i love this picture because it kinda looks like she was driving by with their shoes off in the car and just got took a picture of it. but the point is that this is a lot of backlash. >> yeah. i mean, look, this is not a toss-up district. this is a district that is going to go so read. this doesn't determine the majority of the house and bob good made the mistake of endorsing ron desantis. and this is ultimately about how loyal are you to donald trump. bob good is really loyal to donald trump's policies is really loyal to the overall campaign message of donald trump. and immediately backed him as soon as ron desantis was about and went up, like as you said, with a lot of republicans to back him and the new york hush money case. so this isn't a candidate who is even trying to distance himself from donald trump. he is very much in line with trumpism. so there's this ultimately about the loyalty. there's loyalty, and then there's loyalty the person running against him. these a state senator john maguire, he was at the stop the steal rally on january 6 of 2021 he i'm going to play a little bit of his conversation with around manu raju, who talked to him on cnn this morning and just want to start by saying there's no evidence that the 2020 election was stolen. let's listen to part of their conversation would you acknowledge the election was not stolen, right i would say it was i would say changing the rules of the game is cheating and i think that i think that trump was robbed and i think the american people, under their constitutional right can assemble and peacefully protest ok, let's put the top of that truth sandwich on there. just say there's no evidence that the 2020 election was stolen. yeah. i mean, he started off on the sort of the standard republican response you get now well, which is to say they're irregular irregularities, right? not going all the way, but then he went went full denialism there look, he made win, right? >> bob, good may lose, like bob good for all the talk we're doing about him right now. he i mean, i don't want to compare it to fdr. write the fdr speech where he welcomes their hatred. he loves the fact that we dislike them for those of us i suspect one, of the staples received a phone call from bob. good. he does not mind picking fights with elites, with the establishment and the gentleman who we just saw, maybe he's the beneficiary this, and maybe he ends up winning, but for bob good, this is like he likes the fight. he may lose his seat, but he likes fighting. yeah. yeah, maybe not so much with trump probably not. but you'd like to fighting with us, right? next friday with me. well that you would think that would just win a minute dorsum it from donald right? >> all right. ready. great conversation up next more trouble for matt gaetz, the latest twist in the house ethics probe into his alleged sexual misconduct drug use. this is a remarkable moment for the house ethics committee and you want to see what they did after a short break cnn celebrate juneteenth with special performances by john legend, hadi lewbel, smokey robinson. we still have a lot of work to do. juneteenth celebrating freedom in legacy tomorrow at ten on cnn three body serie a city client uses city's financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep it supply chain 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florida congressman matt gaetz. >> while the three-year probe into possible sexual misconduct and drug use among and other things, is still going strong. it looks like he may be off the hook for bribery and sharing inappropriate images or videos on the house floor. what do we do? part of the statement that just came out, there has been a significant and unusual amount of public reporting on the committee's activities. this congress, much of that reporting has been inaccurate based on its review to date, that committee has determine that certain of the allegations merit continued review during the course of its investigation, that committee has also identified additional allegations that merit review accordingly, the committee is reviewing allegations that representative matt matt gaetz may have engaged in sexual misconduct and illicit drug use excepted improper gifts, dispensed, special privileges and favors to individuals with whom he had a personal relationship and sought to obstruct government investigation patients of his conduct. i'm going to go to cnn congressional report or annie grayer, who has been covering this any first, i just want to say that we don't hear from the ethics committee very much while they are doing appropriate usually announce it and they close it and nothing in between. that's why this is so rare explain to our viewers what prompts did this statement well, the committee, dana kind of lays out what prompted this and there's been a lot of reporting around this investigation is a very high profile case. >> there are a lot of eyeballs on it and people are eager to see what's going on behind the scenes as the committee's been investigating the congressman for over a couple of years it is now, but yesterday, congressman gates put out a statement himself making claims about the investigation and calling it frivolous. so this could be down to the committees attempt to set the record straight here and it really lays out and investigative roadmap of where the committee has been. what kate what allegations around the congressman they're no longer longer looking into two and what allegations they're going to be focused on. as you mentioned, from their statement and includes allegations of sexual misconduct against the congressman. now, congressman gaetz denies any wrong doing here. he has he claims that this is all because he tried to he ousted kevin mccarthy last year and that this whole investigation is hey, you back for that chemically has denied that and there's no evidence of this, but the investigations, dana into congressman gates have been sprawling for many years now, the department of justice investigated gates for a number of years and close their criminal investigation last year without bringing any charges. but ethics committees statement today shows that they still have a lot of work to do investigating the congressman and for the first time we're really getting into a window, getting a window into where this work has been and where it's going. yeah. he's certainly seemed to invite this unusual statement with his gaits, his own statement yesterday also, i think that it's been going on for three years the investigation proceeded, the ousting of kevin mccarthy math isn't my strong suit andy. thank you so much. appreciate it and coming up, the doctors are in dr. sanjay gupta is talking to dr. >> anthony fauci. that is five decades in public health and all the hate and political drama. that came with it next we are unpredictable sleeping giants every volcano has its own personality. >> and if we don't understand them, they our windows into part of our planet lives will be lost. >> violent earth, would we observe driver sunday at nine on cnn to look it over quick? >> this vision works, see the difference. >> hi, i'm eileen. i live in vancouver, washington, and i write mystery novels as i was writing, i found that i just wasn't sharp and that doesn't work when you're reading a mystery. and i knew i needed 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been dr. anthony fauci's mantra throughout his more than five decades in public health. sometimes it led people to call him an american hero. others. >> it made him, they demonized him and threatened him for doing his job cnn's sanjay gupta spoke to dr. fauci about his new book, a memoir of his time and government. >> sanjay, thank you so much. it's always great to see you set min president's. he advised seven presidents usually behind the scenes. then donald trump came along than the covid, pandemic came along. >> what did he tell you about that time well, it was very different than the previous 50 years or so that he'd been doing this and, even though he's been behind the scenes a lot, you remember anthrax and zika and ebola and h1n1. >> you heard about dr. fauci. he was out there talking about these things. but these press briefings during the covid pandemic, even going back to the spring of 2020 20 all of a sudden things felt very different. there was a collision between politics and science which had existed before. to be fair. but much stronger collision this time, he talked about a specific episode in march of 2020 talking about this interesting press briefing that you did this as in march of 2020 and you had to correct the record even if the president was talking and first of all, how challenging is i said to myself, i have a responsibility to preserve my own personal integrity and responsibility to the american public, regardless of what administration i've been responsible to the american public when i first came here half a century ago. and i'm responsible to the american public now so when i walked up to the podium, i said here it goes. dr. fauci, the president joe said that hydroxychloroquine is the end-all and i'll say no, i'm really sorry, but that's anecdotal and there's no information that it actually works. that was painful to me to have to do that. but there was no doubt that i had to do it i mean, it wasn't like well, maybe you shouldn't maybe you there was no doubt that i had to do it so they remember dana that image of him standing at 11. >> president trump is sort of over his right shoulder looking down on him. what was interesting and this comes up in the book, was that after that, they leave the briefing room. he thinks president trump's really angry with him. >> they walk out and then present. trump says, come over here. they walk into another room where there's all these tv screens and president trump says to him, take a look at these ratings. they're amazing. >> so he wasn't dr. fauci did. not get, the impression that president was angry with them, but was more fascinated by how fast they had the american people were with what was happening with these press briefings gave you a behind the scenes look at two things sort of simultaneously. >> a really interesting, you mentioned some of the public health emergencies, anthrax, ebola that did put him in public the first time he was out in public and really ran into some of the political challenges that he had to endure for his career here in washington was when he was trying to get his arms around the hiv aids situation you talked about that, but also through the prism of raw politics yeah, i mean, the people, this was back in the 80s and people don't many people don't know this about his life, but even back during the 80s with hiv aids, there was this, this furious push. >> can we find new therapeutics that's worked on a vaccine but also the activists, people were burning effigies of him, dana, as you might remember. but he reflects on that very differently. then what happened and what is happening during covid, take a listen it is as different as peanuts and watermelons. >> me. it just is very different because the activists we're trying to get the attention of the authorities, the scientific authorities, and the regulatory authorities that the time proven way of approaching the development of interventions for a new disease doesn't work well for a disease that's rapidly killing themselves. and their friends and their loved ones. my interaction and my response to them as they often get asked, is dramatically different. then someone on the basis of no evidence accuses you of killing people or that scene of marjorie taylor greene at the hearing. i mean, come on. that is nothing like what the activists were doing hey, call that good trouble right? like like john lewis, that's what he called it back in the hiv aids days versus what he's seeing now i just tell yet then i've interviewed them so many times over the last couple of decades. he is at 3-years-old he a-sharp. we're talking a lot about age recently it's kind of amazing. he wrote this memoir. he's a distinguished professor at georgetown he doesn't plan on retiring anytime soon. dana yeah. you can tell how incredibly sharp it is and you were right. you told me before the segment began that this is a very different anthony fauci than we've seen in before, just in terms of his ability to speak freely. and we saw it. thanks for bringing it to us on de appreciate it. >> you got it. thank you and to hear even more of sunday's interview with dr. fauci, please listen to a new episode of chasing life wherever you get your podcasts and are fantastic reporters are back here. >> i mean, just why not? let's play a little sound bite of that moment that dr. fouchier was talking about, who can forget it? but roll the tape she the disinfectant with nazi it out in a minute. >> one minute. >> and is there a way we can do something like that? >> by injection i mean, it's like seared into all of our minds, right? end of the de press conference every day of those early days of covid, right? and this moment stands out because of dr. fauci's standing up and discrediting the president fact check picking him in real time at this press conference, i was just sitting in the room last week when fauci came before the republicans and their oversight over the covid, pandemic. and it struck me even then that he seemed his responses have always been sharpen and quick but he did seem even more unencumbered and his ability to talk about these issues to remind people that yes, maybe there were differences, maybe looking back some things could have been done differently better, but then you have to remember the number of people who are dying every single day. we were making snap judgments to try to save lives even if the science we just didn't have it all and we have to remember that the political campaign obviously came smack in the middle of that. and how much of the wasn't all of the intention intentionality of the voters, but it was there. i mean, people were had been in the middle of a lockdown for several months and just to look at the difference between then and now now, just the question by gallup do you believe that covid-19 pandemic is over? democrats 41%, republicans, 79% independence, 63%. it's definitely i mean, people are still getting covid. i know someone who does my cousin just got it yesterday, but it's definitely not the same all encompassing all consume consuming. thank goodness. thank goodness for that. but when it comes to the political conversation i don't think 2024 will be at read litigation of covid in 2020 you saw a little bit that happened in 2022, and that partly explains, i think the santos's impressive results. what's having a lot of that was voters, at least in florida, appreciated his approach to covid. we can argue and epidemiologists can argue on where that those the right, the right brooch what the question i would have for dr. fouchier there and sanjay gupta interview was like, what were the close calls, right? he said it was a tough it was really easy to correct the president there and we've all probably had that in our own lives, right? like it's painful. yeah but but he said there's no doubt in his mind. >> like if i obviously misspeak right now, i suspect all three of you will correct me and correct me delicately and graciously. but what are the close ones? and that's the one that those are the questions i want. >> and just real quick before we go to break, i just i said it's not a part of the discussion. rfk jr. is certainly his candidacy is in part hangover from the steps that donald trump took in 2020, agreeing to shut things down that's right. and he's also a vaccine denier anti-vaccine person, despite the fact that you know, how many stories did we here in the middle of the pandemic or as we were going into the election of people on their deathbed saying, i wish i had taken the vaccine but they didn't because of the lies that were spewed by republicans and people like rfk jr. that these vaccines were not effective at all in helping people have a more manageable illness if they contracted the disease all right, everybody. >> thank you. coming up, she has more than $13 billion. and knows how she wants to use it. melinda french gates is forging her own path. she has a new plan to 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plans to vote for joe biden and increase her political giving. here's what she told cbs news i believe so strongly in women's rights in this country. >> and we have absolutely seen a rollback in the last two years. and we are not seeing good progress on maternal mortality in this country. we're not seeing good progress on women's well-being. so i'm stepping up my political giving alongside my charitable because i think we can move things like paid family medical leave further if i'm doing both she has a net worth of $13.3 billion according to bloomberg. >> and melinda french gates has a lot more giving to do. let's talk about this with all of you this when you hear about big donors, obviously we know about the gates foundation and we know about the fact that she wants to give her very big bank account away. but we think about it as a way to influence whatever company you have, whatever industry you have, what she's doing is to try to ishi says disrupt society and to influence society, particularly for women to make it easier for women to live in america and in the global society. and she certainly, she said she's going to vote for joe biden because of a reproductive rights, but she has given two and i'm i'm told she will continue to give to republicans and democrats depending on how they act on these issues, like paid family, medical, family leave. yeah. i think we know where the two parties aren't paid family medical leave. i think when we tabulate all her known donations because she can give to super packs and give to five and one c4s. and we'll never know how much she gives. but i suspect me look at just listening to her when she tabulates when we tabulate, how much your total giving is for the 2024 campaign, it's suspect most of it will be for democrats. i also suspect their inbox is full with democratic solicitation for emails because she has so much money and she can influence real races with real contributions. >> but i think about issues like gun's, right. there has been very little progress on gun control over the course of the last decade. >> but the dynamic has shifted, right? >> the money and influence the groups that are trying to rein in gun rights. what they have been able to do over the course of elastic, it's impressive. and i think that where the money is does eventually shift public policy even if it's not overnight, even if it's not this election or the next one. >> yeah. >> grow quick. i just think very quickly, she's clearly focused on reproductive rights. abortion is going to be a major factor in this election cycle, despite the poll that we saw earlier that showed that others were ahead of it she is absolutely fascinating. i'm excited to see where this path takes her. thank you so much. thank you for joining inside politics and andrew central starts after the break the most anticipated moment of this election and mistakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president's one stage moderated by jake tapper 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