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free. start watching tv for free with tableau switching to tableau has really this is cnn breaking news this sunday on fredricka whitfield and we begin with breaking news in the middle east, just moments ago, a possible disruption and israel strategy in gaza, leading minister in israel's war cabinet, benny gantz announces that he is leaving his position we live the government the emergency government which heavy are complete you not we stand together for the campaign for israel, for generations. so in order to get real victory or chubby so far, we are going to go elections scale. and at the end of it, we'll have government that will have the confidence of people gantz's the chief opposition leader to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. >> he joined israel's emergency war cabinet and the days after the october 7 attacks. but gantz had been a frequent critic of the prime minister repeatedly calling on netanyahu to agree to cease fire terms to bring hostages home. gantz's departure comes days after netanyahu netanyahu, rather failed to meet gantz's ultimatum, which was calling for a post-war plan in gaza by june 8 yesterday, we're also learning new details about saturday's rescue operation can four israeli hostages from hamas? there were significant casualties. the gaza ministry of health says the raid led to the deadliest day in gaza in the last six months, killing over 270 people and leaving hundreds more injured. israel disputes that number, saying the casualties were under 100 read cnn has a team of correspondence around the world covering all of these developments let's first go to cnn's paula hancocks live for us in tel aviv. paula so benny gantz, he had vowed to withdraw from the war cabinet, but has been facing pressure in recent days to remain in place. what more are you hearing about his decision making? >> well fed, he said that it was with a heavy hearts that he was deciding to leave the emergency government that saying that it was necessary calling on israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to cool new elections. saying that netanyahu could not lead israel to victory, saying that israel needed a leader that puts hostages above politics. now he has been very critical of netanyahu in recent months. see you gave this ultimatum last month? and said that he wanted certain conditions to be met, that they needed to be met for the state of israel saying that there needed to be a deal to release the hostages. he is a strong supporter of the proposal on the table at the moment. to bring hostages back. to bring a ceasefire in. gaza. we're still waiting the us officials and israeli officials say waiting for an official response from hamas. when it comes to that deal. but he said that also needs to be this strategy for the day after the war ends in gaza. and this is something that netanyahu has been particularly vague on. over recent months. and he said he wants to see tens of thousands of residents being able to move back to their homes in the north of israel and so there needs to be a calm with hezbollah along that border. now, none of these conditions have been met and gantz saying that it is necessary for him to step away with his party. now, what this means immediately, it doesn't mean that netanyahu's coalition government collapses. he does still have a majority, even without ganim, but it is a very slim majority at this point. what it means is that he is more isolated now the israeli prime minister, when it comes both to domestic and international considerations, gantz was really seen as a counterweight to the more far-right elements of his emergency government, of his his coalition government. and he was also a key figure because he was a member of the emergency year war cabinet. they would just three of them really the main members. and now a third of that cabinet has, has, has walked away. of course it does raise questions about the decisions when it comes to to the war on gaza. who will be influencing those decisions now, will the far-right elements of this coalition government have eight stronger voice? ganim says decided he cannot be part of this emergency governments anymore. he has pulled back and he is calling on netanyahu to go ahead with new elections, something netanyahu has resisted saying this is not the time for it. >> alright. >> paula, thank you so much. let's go to priscilla alvarez in wilmington, delaware, where the president will soon be arriving after his overseas trip in france. so priscilla is the white house saying anything this juncture about gantz's departure? >> we have not yet received a formal response from the white house about this, but we do know that the concern among us officials about ganz leaving the government was that he could jeopardize the efforts that are underway to secure a hostage deal. of course, if you have part of those discussions and you officials privately had urged him not to depart the government making the case behind the scenes that it could impact those talks while again, being careful not to tell him what to do. and of course of course, benny gantz had visited washington in march. he met with vice president kamala harris and national security adviser jake sullivan to talk about the day after planning and the ongoing talks of revolving around the release of the hostages, as well as a ceasefire in gaza. now come and going up to today, one of the questions that was top of mind was whether president biden outlining that hostage release proposal would reverse his decision if you recall, a couple of weeks ago, the president publicly stating what the deal was, the three phases that included the release of all hostages in exchange. again, for that temporary ceasefire, potentially a permanent ceasefire and then the reconstruction of gaza. but now we know that that did not get benny gantz deciding to to depart the government. now, as you mentioned, president biden is on his way back from france right now. he's expected to return to wilmington later this evening, but up to now, the white house is not yet commented on this departure all right. >> priscilla alvarez. thank you so much. and paula hancocks at the top. thank you. all right. let's discuss all of this further now with a former editor in chief of the jerusalem post, avi mayor, i'll be great to see you. so what kind of impact do you think? benny gantz's departure might make on the israeli defense forces strategy well for you, i'm not sure. >> it'll change much in a material way in terms of the idf strategy, i do have to think that it will have significant impact on the prime minister's legitimacy, both domestically and internationally. as your correspondence said the presence of benny guns in the war cabinet had granted the cabinet that legitimacy is given the sense of representing a national consensus. his departure mix that go away. and thinking certainly likely as your correspondence said, that the influence of the far-right ministers in as and his government will be much more pronounced at this point, which of course will impact it's messy. both domestically and around the world. >> and you heard are paula hancocks report there that there was concern that with benny gantz's departure that might impact hostage negotiations. and if you agree with that, to what extent i think that's right. >> benny gantz was one of the main proponents of the proposal that's currently on the table. >> we understand it is the israeli proposal as put forward by prime minister netanyahu, endorsed by the americans promoted around the world were apparently waiting bidding for hamas to endorse it but there are members of the prime minister's government who are staunchly opposed to it. tomorrow, ben gvir, that's all smokers to right-wing minister's have declared their public opposition to it and have threatened to bolt the government. essentially bring it down if it is advanced. and so it is likely at this point that the play mr. will struggle to get it through his cabinet, which makes its eventual implementation mess. it likes it and before gantz's announcement on moments ago, prime minister netanyahu pleaded out loud for him to stay on this yesterday when gantz had a scheduled press conference, it was delayed, of course, until today likely as a result of the rescue of the four hostages even though netanyahu publicly pleaded for him to stay on, what do you believe netanyahu's biggest concerns might be as a result of a gantz's departure look, the prime minister has been pulled in both directions throughout this war. >> on the one hand, he has the right-wing members of his coalition who have been pushing him to continue the war at any cost. and the suggested that in fact there are, there are prices that are too high to pay for the release of those hostages. on the other hand, he's had been egan pulling him the other action saying it's time to develop an end game to figure out what the day after supposed to look like and bring this war to a close he now has that counterbalance disappearing and so he finds himself in a bit of a bind, i think will be drawn in a natural political sense to perhaps accommodate the right-wing members of his coalition. but we know that there'll be deeply unpopular both within israel and amongst israel's closest allies. chief among them, the united states, netanyahu and gantz publicly disagreed on quite a few things. and then most recently, gantz offered this ultimatum, have some sort of post-war gaza plan reveal hill at by the date was yesterday, 8 june. that didn't come. and with this resignation, does this illicit sort of a conveyance of a weakness that netanyahu has or a lack of the long-term plan will look, it's been a primary criticism of the prime minister for quite some time that there isn't a clear sense of strategy here and we don't really understand what the endgame is or what the day after it is supposed to look like that well, i think now be in stark relief in light of benny gantz's resignation i think benny gantz is right in saying that the primary priority right now for the vast majority of israelis is the return of those hostages. >> now i wouldn't say there would be at any cost. you have to figure out what that cost ought to be. but it seems as though that is the general thrust of the public sentiment at this time. and i think it would behoove the prime minister is he that and act accordingly the us national security adviser, jake sullivan, said, yesterday's rescue of the four hostages. >> what's great news but that securing a hostage negotiation plan would still be optimal. do you see yesterday's rescue, which came with more than 270 civilian deaths according to the palestinian health and hospital officials as impacting any ongoing efforts for it, even a ceasefire well, first of all, we have to take those casualty figures with a grain of salt. >> we know that hamas has consistently lied about the number of casualties and the makeup of combatants and non-combatants amongst the numbers it does give out but i do think that eventually the national mr. adviser is right. i don't know if this has a material impact on whether or not we need to reach a long-term deal, an arrangement that would see the release of the remaining hostages and some period of calm in gaza. i think the majority of israelis have come around to believing that that is indeed the case that we need to reach some kind of a deal. the question is whether hamas will play ball all right. >> we'll leave it there for now. i'll be mayor. thank you so much. recovered a lot of ground there. appreciate it thank you. >> all right. still they come more on the israeli hostage rescue operation and how the biden administration is walking a fine line on supporting israel and showing empathy and concern over the growing palestinian death toll that much more coming up the crown will pursue victory it's any cost i did not think they would be so eager to die house of the dragon. >> 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hundred were injured in the operation. cnn has no way of verifying casualty numbers reported by palestinian officials in gaza. the idf has disputed the gaza report, saying it estimates the number of casualties was under 100. and today, president biden's national security adviser declined to say if the us was comfortable with the way the operation was conducted, but called for diplomatic solution to end the war the exact number we don't know, but innocent people were killed and that is heartbreaking. >> that is tragic the president himself has said in recent days that the palestinian people are going through sheer hell in this conflict because hamas is operating in a way that puts them in the cross-fire. the, but there is only one answer to stop that from happening going forward and that is a ceasefire and hostage deal that ends the military operations, brings the hostages home and puts us in a position to give the palestinians and opportunity for a better future for their people vice president harris also reacted to the hostage rescue at a democratic dinner in detroit harris said last night, and she said in part, thankfully four of those hostages were reunited with their families tonight, but added, we mourn all the innocent lives that have been lost in gaza, including those tragically killed today i'm joined now by mark mckinnon. he has a former adviser to george w bush and john mccain he is also the co-creator of show times, the circus mark great to see you greek. how're you? >> i'm doing great. so the biden harris administration especially in recent weeks, has really been trying to kind of walk that fine line on supporting israel and also empathize with the civilian casualties in. among the palestinian population how would you assess this messaging from the administration on this very difficult issue? >> well, very difficult was exactly right. incredibly complicated incredibly sensitive. >> i do i can't imagine a more nuanced and appropriate response than what the biden administration has been doing. i think that this is the sort of thing that the administration actually does really well given the vice given the president's long history of international relations. >> and i think his foreign policy team with jake sullivan, tony blinken, and others is first rate. >> and as somebody who has worked with republican administrations it's hard for me to imagine george w bush or ronald reagan, george hw bush responding really much differently than an how biden has responded. >> not i can imagine down trump responding in a way that's less humanitarian, but, but not in traditional republican orthodoxy. >> i think that they they've done, i simply can't imagine a response that would be much different than what they've done and it's unclear how this hostage rescue will impact the ceasefire-hostage talks, but the biden administration is pushing hard for a deal with the growing friction between biden and netanyahu do you see you see a deal happening or has it been made that much more difficult, especially with the departure now of the cabinet minister benny gantz today yeah. i mean, internal politics of israel very complicated, but clearly that's not a good development in terms of a resolution for the plan because it gives more power and leverage to the more right-wing members of of the cabinet. so i think that's problematic. on the other hand, i think the deal is on the table endorsed by the united states it seems to me from almost any perspective as that perfectly logical and reasonable and only deal that can produce a positive outcome of this. so i think the biden administration is in just the right place on the deal and where it is and again, i'm not sure what they could do any differently than what they've done and end today. >> mark biden wrapped up his five-day overseas trip to france with a visit to an american world war i cemetery in paris there he wants again, warned against isolationism and stress the importance of alliances such as nato take a listen idea that we were able to avoid eight engaged in major battles in europe not realistic. >> that's why it's so important that we continue to have alliances. we continue to be fulfilled continue to keep nato strong continue to do what we've been able to do for the last since the end of world war ii so biden didn't mention trump's name, but he is clearly drawing and distinctions between himself and his republican challenger, who has been very critical of nato and threatening about actually departing from the nato alliance. >> so do you think the u.s. nato alliance will be a big issue for voters in this year's presidential race with just five months to go and listening to this theme from the sitting president on his position of nato and align the importance of alliances well, it should be because this is a place where there was a market difference between biden and trump. i mean, biden is you hope is supporting a traditional alliance approach, which, which the enormity visit reminded us of looking at the past as a prison toward looking to the future. and it's particularly relevant right now given the situation for ukraine about how our nominees are the two parties would handle this differently as pretty clearly, how differently they would handle it donald trump has made very clear he doesn't care much for nato, very much for alliances and again, so contrary to its historical knowledge of republican orthodoxy on these things but trump's notion is america first basically translates into good luck yeah, you're on your own because we're not going to be there when you need us all right. >> mark mckinnon, we'll leave it there for now. great to see you this sunday thank you at any minute now, former president donald trump is set to take the stage in las vegas for his first campaign rally since his felony conviction. and we're just now learning that trump will also have his pre-sentencing interview for that hush money a case tomorrow with a probation officer. the sentencing for his 34 felony counts is scheduled to take place next month in new york cnn's alayna treene is covering this rally in las vegas for us, but alaina, you know, what more can you tell us about trump's pre-sentencing interview tomorrow scheduled with a probation an officer that's i will the interview is going to be virtual were told and as you mentioned, it's a pre-sentencing probation interview. >> there will be a probation officer excuse me resin during that interview, it's going to take place at merrill levo and love. this is pretty standard for his sentencing and bad expected that. now donald trump's defense attorney, todd blanche, is expected to sit with donald trump as well for this interview and this all comes ahead of the trump team. which is expected to submit its pre-sentencing report and recommendations for his own sentencing on june 13. and you mentioned read that donald trump's sentencing he is currently scheduled to take place next month on july 11. that's just days before the republican national convention in milwaukee in july and so i know that there's been some discussions still behind the scene from donald trump's team about whether or not they want to try to shift that day. but luck as we look ahead to his rally today here for in las vegas, i know for my conversations with trump campaign that they really want to look beyond his trial. they want to leave his weekslong trial and the passive start focusing again on his general for all election campaign. and that means talking about the issues they think will matter to voters, including immigration crime, the economy, all issues his team tells me that will be a very heavily focused on here and nevada. but at the same time, i will say we just heard from congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, of course, a fierce defender of donald trump's. she used her time on the stage before donald trump arrives to rail against his country conviction. she called it bs you use the full term. i'm not going to curse here for you, but that received chance of bs from the crowd and she talked about how they will try to do something about it. and that really comes after days of hearing from donald trump and his allies of these this rhetoric around retribution and wanting to seek revenge on their political opponents it's donald trump himself has insinuated that he may try to prosecute his political opponents if he's elected. so i think that will be a key theme of his speech today. as well, even as his team is trying to get him to really focus back on the general election campaign and the issues they think that voters will turn out in november for read all right. >> alayna treene how hot is it yesterday we talked about the heat and all kinds of precautions being made there in las vegas for people for this rally how is that turning out right now? >> it is pretty hot here. friday, it's it's, it's it shows the forecasts at temperatures are going to be above 100 degrees. i've already seen at least one one-person need medical attention and so it's very warm here. i in donald trump's team has been taking precautions for that. dave added a ton of fans to be missing people. they've have 38,000 water bottles were told for guests. and really all of this comes after on thursday, donald trump spoke in phoenix, arizona, 11 people were translated to the hospital for heat-related illness. and i'll tell you, fred, that event was indoors. those were just people who were waiting outside to get it. and as you can see behind me, this event is going to be outdoors the entire time. now we are a little lucky. there are some cloud coverage here today, but it's going to be very hot and i know we're all paying very close attention to the potentially dangerous conditions that could come with this all right and reducer. okay. thank you, elaine and my producer whispered to me, it's 94 degrees fahrenheit, but sometimes it's not always the actual temperature, but it's the fields like temperature that sometimes this can be pretty threatening. all right, during to stay cool. who alayna treene. thank you so much. >> all right. up next southern baptist church leader is poised to ban churches with any women pastors hundreds of congregations could be expelled by some are urging them to reconsider what job keith bagasse you up it's going to be doggy dog out there the king crab. there's your man. that's what everyone wants to be. >> his precious first, we did the impossible, you age so many of the impossible that we completely ran out. and now there the foot long cookies back-end subway first time. no biggie. >> we recommend to exfoliate tonight before when you come in for lab don't be nervous. >> come for wax teams before smoother skin lesson grown hair, less irritation in. now, in under 15 minutes, then our products are amazing. i wanted to deodorant right now. >> and not only is your skin gonna think, you're gonna think what are you waiting for? >> get your first wax 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>> now, it seems for they have way more than enough to be able to pass it. but we'll see you in the next few days and good given that out, preliminary measure to ban churches with any women pastors received overwhelming approval last year. it seems likely churches that fall in that category have their days number than the southern baptist convention the sbc is holding its annual meeting tuesday and wednesday in indianapolis during the meeting, representatives are expected to vote on whether to amend the denomination's constitution to essentially ban churches with any female pastors. and fred, they're not only talking about head pastors, but any woman pastor in ministry based on our previous reporting, if the amendment is approved approved, an enforced it would affect hundreds of congregations. it would also have a disproportionate impact on predominantly black churches. one of the proponents of the amendment is mike law, head pastor at arlington baptist church in virginia, right outside the capitol, part of the reason why he says the denomination's should not allow women to serve asbestos is because in his opinion, this could become a slippery slope southern baptists are facing a decisive moment concerning gender roles and the pastoral office. >> here's the trajectory of doing nothing soon, southern baptist churches will start openly supporting homosexual clergy. same-sex marriage, and eventually transgenderism we have also heard from first baptist church of alexandria, one of the churches that may be affected since kim eskridge, its pastor for women and children, is a woman in a statement, the church said the following. >> this action was in stark contrast to the longstanding ideal that sbc churches were autonomous, would remain resolute in recognizing god's calling to ministry for both men and women for nearly 100 years, women have had a prominent role in ministry and positions of authority at fbc a and even even without a formal amendment, its executive committee has begun telling churches with women pastors that they're out that included one of its largest saddleback church of california, other churches with women pastors like elevation church a north carolina mega church in first baptist of richmond, virginia, decided to quit on their own. these last two had close sbc ties from the convention's founding and listen to this red, even marin alpha baptist church for president jimmy carter's church may be kicked out of the sbc. the church in rural georgia last month named its first woman to pass her. she delivered her first sermon, fred, first sunday of the month, which is exactly a week ago. so that church maybe out as well. >> and so when might these a decision be rendered here before they discover whether this exclusionary because it isn't exclusionary approach would be successful or popular. >> yeah, it's happening between tuesday and wednesday and again, based on what we saw last year apparently it has way more than enough votes to pass. so it's going to be interesting to see how they enforce it and how quickly they act all right, thanks so much. rafael romo. appreciate it all right. >> when we come back tackling retail theft, some retailers are equipping employees with police-like body cameras. but will they stop shop lifters stay with us? 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>> so i think there are two risks. the first one is if they get too close into an altercation with someone, someone could be upset that they're being filmed. a second risk is, what are the legal ramifications of this? where in the store they able to take people what about a addressing root? we're not near a bathroom. all of those kinds of things are legal issues that need it and she i think some of the rewards are possible in the sense that the cameras might be able to see more eyes throughout different parts of the store is then fixed. cameras could, but you have to weigh those risks and rewards and we've got to be very careful how this gets rolled out, okay, so we mentioned tj maxx is one of those retailers that might be considering it at or soon employing at. what is it going to take? what does a store half to assess before it makes the decision about making the investment a of bodycam video and then finding out or exploring the legalities of whether it can ask all of its or any of its employees to actually do this, carry this out with a it really isn't problems. and that's the first thing you know, there's a perception out there that retail debt does out-of-control. however, we don't have really good national data on retail deck to understand if it is actually a true trend. that said stores operating under the assumption that this might give them more deterrence and might make people feel safer and another question is, is it worth the cost? and that's a bottle like someone's got to pay for that. does that get transmitted to the consumer? you and i would both worry about that. >> right? and then there's the issue of what is the objective because wearing a bodycam video, i mean, is that going to be a deterrent for people who come in? we've seen in certain smashing grabs. i mean, they're wearing masks. you can't really identify who they are. okay. you've now got added documentation of it happening. but how is it going to be an instrument and actually prosecuting? well, your local police departments be able to use that or district attorney's office in trying to prosecute i mean, how do you get answers to all those things? >> yeah. so several questions there, but it will start with the first with respect to would-be offenders. look, they already know their cameras in the store. so people who are not to terrible, they're going to go in and do what they want. the question is, can you get the people who are on the fence? or think twice, maybe they are thinking on getting something and they go what i see something with the camera on it back off so that's that somewhat determinable population. now, with respect to who owns the camera footage, that's really interesting at that time, tj maxx in this particular example for the rega would own the footage. but however, your ring cameras are my ray camera in that foods. >> so the key is they have to work in partnership with law enforcement and again, this is where the technology is just flying so much faster than the law. >> so they got to really be careful about this. >> okay, so then quickly are you a fan of this tool? are you an advocate of stores? using this so my sense is it's, it's not going to deter the problem the way some people will think that it's going to deter the problem. >> i mean, we've seen the videos fredricka, you and i have people going to do what they do. now, the question is, can you get some people who are on the fence maybe yes. but to me, i wonder about the cost means are millions and millions of dollars. you're talking about the equipment you're talking about training, you're talking about archiving in the cloud, cloud space all of those things that's not $1, $2, that's thousands and thousands of dollars. >> i'm not sure. i'm okay. >> all right. dr. alice bucchero, a great to talk to you. i mean, it's always fascinating, isn't not to just look at that video, no matter how many times you see it, it's just jaw dropping and remarks cobol that, that is playing out in real life. all right, thank you so much all right. >> here's a very valuable, important question to be asking. could your kids swim suits potentially save their life? lives this summer? what experts are saying, the color that you choose could make a that's next right here in the . santa newsroom the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming unmatched life, diabetes. >> there's no slowing down each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glissando to help manage blood sugar response uniquely designed with carb steady glue, sirna, bring on the day i've got fathers de covered. >> we don't have a pool, so even oh, yeah, that's dogs with over 47 flavors delivered straight to your doorstep. pretzels have never tasted so good or made such a perfect father's day gift why is it so hard to find a good pro to work on your house? >> when i look forward to someone who is relying fireball is true to their word and skillful. that's where angie comes in with angie find top rated certified prose in your area plus compare quotes and pricing to help you get all your jobs done well price was right, everything was done the same day with top rated certified pros and over 500 categories. angie can connect you with the right pro for any home project. find top rated certified crows in your area at my name is braden. >> i wish 5-years-old when i came to change you how trains short-run gowns, story shell, and then having the headaches that when i go away, my mom, she would dish crying what they said their son had brain cancer it was your worst fear coming to life watching your child grew up is the dream. every parent you can join the battle to save the lives of kids like braden by supporting st. jude children's research hospital families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food. so they can focus on helping their child live what they've done for me, my son, my family sorry life is a gift. especially for a child battling cancer call or go online and helps save the lives of children lag braden now, i know 11 usual. >> we were actually doing the checkup for my brain and they they saw something in my throat which thyroid cancer? 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>> so of course, enroll your child in swim lessons definitely make sure that we're going to lifejacket when it's appropriate. make sure your pool is enclosed. so someone doesn't accidentally fall in the pool. learn cpr in case there is an emergency where you have to step in. and we know that sadly drowning is the leading cause of death for children ages one so forth. so this is an important public health issue. and even with all this education, the number is still very high as it pertains to drowning deaths exactly, yes. >> according to the cdc, in the most recent years between 202020224500, people died a year due to drowning and that number is higher than what we've seen in previous this year try to get your kids to learn how to swim or at least the values of water safety entire family, as soon as you can. all right. jacqueline howard. great to see you. thanks so much are you coming up in a blow to prime minister netanyahu, key israeli minister benny gantz resigns from the country's war cabinet. and what it could mean for how israel handled the war in gaza the increase in wildfires is exponential uncontrollable with overwhelming consequences. the need to do something is urgent slightly earth would we have schreiber tonight? 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, Reducer , Fields , Degrees Fahrenheit , Elaine , 94 , Women Pastors , Churches , Up Next Southern Baptist Church , Who , Some , Keith Bagasse , Dog , Congregations , King , Everyone , First , Crab , Oman , Subway First Time , Cookies , Biggie , Lab Don T , Products , Less Irritation In , Wax Teams , Skin Lesson , Deodorant , 15 , Skin , Think , Twos , Wax , Puppy , Magic , Dogs Food , Nutrients Dogs , Farmers Dog , Vegetables , Fresh Meat , Kibble , Dried Pellets , Dogs , Hip , Wedding , Problem , Doctor , Surgery , Spain , Lead , Hip Replacement , Ct Scan , 3d , Outcomes , Mapo Robotic , 3 , Times , Risks , Death , Infection , Results , Lifetime , Hip Implant , Stroke , Heart Attack , Revision , Edge , Maria , Pills , Safety Information , Maker , Game , Abigail Chewable , Battle Of Wits , Infections , Tasty Chewable , Cancers , Skin Infestations , Peach , Number One , Treatment , Apple , Call Chewable , Neoplasia , Screens , Vet , 12 , Office , Company , Meg , Craig , Money , Pet Shop , Fleet , Verizon Wireless , T Mobile , Real Estate , Bird Squawks , Equipment , Bill , Smarter Savings , Comcast Business Mobile , At T , 70 , Possibilities , The World S News , Windsor , Subscription , Money Saver , Tableau Tb Com The Southern Baptist Convention , Pastors , Measure , Approval , Convention , Vote , Policy Shift Members , Ban , Hometown Church , Pastor , Jimmy Carter , Support , Plains , Georgia , Sbc , Representatives , Meeting , Category , Denomination , Constitution , Southern Baptist Convention , Indianapolis , Woman , Amendment , Head Pastors , Reporting , Approved , Mike Law , Capitol , Reason , At Arlington Baptist Church In Virginia , Women , Asbestos , Gender Roles , Opinion , Slippery Slope , First Baptist Church Of Alexandria , Nothing , Trajectory , Homosexual Clergy , Same Sex Marriage , Transgenderism , Children , Statement , Contrast , Sbc Churches Were Autonomous , Ideal , Following , Kim Eskridge , God , Ministry , Calling , Executive Committee , Role , Authority , Men , Positions , Fbc , Elevation Church , Saddleback Church , Mega Church In First Baptist , North Carolina , California , Marin Alpha Baptist Church , Ties , Red , Richmond , Virginia , Convention S Founding , First Sunday , Church May , Church In Rural Georgia Last , Popular , Isn T Exclusionary Approach , Votes , Rafael Romo , Retailers , Employees , Body Cameras , Retail Theft , Secret , Secrets , Equipping , Stay , Shop Lifters , Country , Dad , Haider , Treat , Data Licorice , Job , Gore May Flavors , De Gifs , Ten , 50 , Chewy , Safe , Auto Ship Order , 35 , Nest Products , System , Manager System , Smarter , Google , Intelligence , Home Security , Package , Anywhere , Hi , Worries , Alerts , Adt , Auto Insurance , Auto , Hands , Save Time , Allstate , Risk , Pneumococcal Pneumonia , Pneumonia Vaccine , Pneumococcal Pneumonia Vaccine , Weiser , Diabetes , Adults , Prevnar , Protection , Heart Disease , Asthma , Krever , Copd , 19 , 20 , 60 , Side Effects , Reaction , Vaccine , Swelling , Yes , Strains , Immune Systems , Ingredients , Bacteria , Muscle Pain , Headache , Pharmacist , Fatigue , Injection Site , Pfizer , Life , Phone , Dealer , Coverage , Consumers , Scoops , Ice Cream , Energy , Flight Circle , Circle , Hold , Level , Life Tosses , Circle Surplus Appeal , Psoriasis , Pill , Feeling , Smile , Bindings , Plaques , Circle Com , The One And Only , Walmart , Close Up , Background , Better , Changes , Kidney Problems , Muscle Problems , Reactions , Liver , Lab , Lymphoma , Tb , Ability , Triglycerides , Stick , Plaque Psoriasis , Jak Inhibitors , Hiding , Jackpot , Data Points , Identity Theft , Millions , Info , Eforms , Kid , Monitors , Dmv , Reporters , Season , Facts , Stores , Increase , Videos , Thieves , Swarm , Smash And Grab , Tj Maxx , Theft , Handbags , Cases , Shelves , Dr , Alex Bucchero , Store , Council , Criminal Justice , Think Tank , Bodycam , Rewards , Root , Altercation , Upset , Bathroom , Ramifications , Cameras , Parts , Eyes , Video , Investment A , Store Half , Isn T Problems , Perception , Legalities , Trend , Data , Retail Debt , Retail Deck , Assumption , Deterrence , Bottle , Consumer , Objective , It Worth , Masks , Grabs , Documentation , Instrument , Deterrent , Respect , Police Departments , District Attorney , Camera , Fence , Offenders , Ring Cameras , Footage , Example , Camera Footage , Rega , Partnership , Foods , Key , Technology , Ray Camera , Law Enforcement , Tool , Fan , Fredricka , Advocate , Dollars , Training , Cloud Space , Archiving , The Cloud , 1 , 2 , , Isn T , Thousands , Remarks , Matter , Jaw Dropping , Alice Bucchero , Kids , Suits , Color , Saying , Experts , Santa Newsroom , Stakes Couldn T Be Higher , Blend , Nine Live On , Dana Bash , June 27th , Jake Tapper , 27 , Thursday June 27th , Pool , Help , Sirna , Blood Sugar Response , Glissando , Carb , Fathers De Covered , Gift , Doorstep , Flavors , Pretzels , Father S Day , 47 , Everything , Angie Find , Well Price , Fireball , Pricing , Quotes , Word , My Name Is Braden , Crows , Home Project , Mom , Brain Cancer , Headaches , Son , Story Shell , Short Run Gowns , 5 , Child , Dream , Battle , Fear , Parent , Family , Housing , Bill From St , Travel , Supporting St , Jude For Treatment , Jude Children S Research Hospital , My Son , Cancer Call , Thyroid Cancer , Brain , Checkup , Throat , Braden , Cancer , Debit Card , Difference , 9 , Childhood Cancer , Cure , Donors , Nothing Wrong , Jude T Shirt Without St , Jude , Guarantee , In Paris , Melissa Bell , Loved One , Call , Book , Book Com , Meso , Mesothelial Mac , Fashion Choice , Beach , Swimsuit De , 808 , 14000 , Water , Colors , Health Reporter , This , Jacqueline Howard , Water Safety Experts , Choices , Safety , Beginning , Neon , Water Experts , Swimsuits , Lins , Color Scheme , Blues , Swimsuit Colors , Bottom , Solutions , Findings , Chart , Looks , Spokesperson , Lifeguards , Gosh , Wyatt Werneth , Lifeguard Association , Colored , Apartment , Ocean , Underwater , Listen Shubi , Step , Line , Written , Water Safety Tips , Parents , Swim Lessons , Emergency , Cause , Cpr , Public Health Issue , Education , Cdc , Thanks , Water Safety , Values , Due , 202020224500 , Blow , Consequences , Wildfires , Earth , Cnn Id , Flea , Medication , Pharmacy , Weight , Door , Janan , Trouble , B , Gobi , Fda , Weight Management Medicine , Recording , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Events , Work Disease , Fewer , Medicines Don T Take , Glp 1 , Semaglutide , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Gallbladder Problems , Medicines , Stomach Pain , Fillers , Lump , Blood Sugar , Neck , Pancreatitis , Provider , Vision Problems , Thoughts , Vomiting , Dehydration , Suicide , Heart Racing , Nausea , Diarrhea , Cv Risks , Healthcare , Whether Tech , Leinz , Liners , Cargo , Vehicle , Perfect Father S De Good , Dads , Wt Com , Sea Protector , Gift Card , American , Uv Rays , Driving , Extra Interior Protection , Cuff Bone , Sunshade , Wt Def Con , Remadenst , Keepsake , Story , Performances , Celebrating Pride Month , Episode , Mj Lee , States , Laws , History Of Drag Performance In America Female Impersonator Clubs , Club , Rage , Celebrities , Avik Do Club , 1950 , 82 , Roots , Surrealists , Loved Drag , Judy Garland , Elizabeth Taylor , Richard Burton , Milton , Errol Flynn , Berle , Salvador Dali , Headline , Groups , Drag Balls , Afte , Harlem , Hamilton Lodge , Harlem Renaissance , The Roaring 20s , Rockland Palace , A Black Fraternal Organization ,

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