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boss daughter, you got this data strong enough to united house of the dragon streaming exclusively on macs good morning, everyone. you're live in the cnn newsroom. i'm alison chemla radha in for jim acosta today. >> at any moment, the scientist who guided did the government's response to the covid, pandemic faces a grilling on capitol hill. >> dr. anthony fauci will be questioned, again by lawmakers on that response and on the origin of the virus that has now killed nearly 1.2 million americans fauci will also face questions about email exchanges involving one of his senior advisers. a subpoena from the republican committee turned up those emails in which dr. david moran's appeared to be trying to avoid public record laws. let's talk about this. we have cnn's lauren fox for us on capitol hill cnn medical analysts, dr. jonathan reiner also joins us. and so to cnn medical correspondent meg tirrell. okay, great to see all of you. lauren hasn't dr. fauci already faced lots of congressional questions. how is today different yeah. >> i mean, he has faced questions from lawmakers during a series of hearings back during the coronavirus pandemic. but this is the first time that lawmakers are going to hear from him since he retired back in 2022. now, they met with him behind closed doors back in january, but this is public testimony in opportunity for them to air some of their grievances with him before an audience and before of course, the american public now democrats are arguing that this is just a rehashing of conspiracy theories. they say that republicans had been trying to put out there for years now, they argue that dr. fauci has done nothing wrong, that he did not lie about the origins of covid, that he was not responsible for the origin genes have covid. in fact, they released a new staff report this morning on capitol hill, laying out a rebuttal of those republican talking points. here was representative jamie raskin earlier this morning this investigation of dr. fauci shows that he is an honorable public servant, committed to the public health, and he is not a comic book supervillain. >> he did not fund research to create the covid-19 pandemic. he did not lie to congress about gain of function research which in wu han, and he did not organize a lab leak suppression campaign to cover his tracks now you can expect that republicans are also going to be zeroing in on whether or not dr. fauci ever used a personal email address as you alluded to in your intro, there has been questioned it's about whether or not some of his subordinates were trying to skirt public records laws. >> you can expect a republicans are going to be pushing him on those questions, but democrats are arguing that 15 months of investigations about the origins of the coronavirus pandemic could have been better used with yeah we're we're obviously having some audio problems. >> there with lauren, but as you can see, this is live on your 3a1. this is dr. fouchier sitting in front of this subcommittee about to take questions from republicans and democrats, and we just saw the media scrum around him as he entered the subcommittee room, doctor reiner, as you know, sometimes it's hard to separate the political grandstanding from the public health value of hearings like this. but republicans have long tried to make dr. fouchier the villain of anything that went wrong with the covid pandemic. >> but i guess my question is dr. fouchier didn't set the policy he was an advisor. >> why aren't lawmakers asking these questions of president trump or the cdc? i know they're upset about the six-foot social distancing policy, but he was just an advisor. he can't implement policies. so why is he the the fall guy here? >> all right. that's an excellent question. >> well, i think it's long overdue for a whole of government comprehensive 911 commission style review of the us's really catastrophic response to the coronavirus pandemic. the year before the pandemic came to the united states the us was ranked demos prepared country in the world for a pandemic. but despite that, we as you've mentioned at the outset, 1.2 million americans die, wir 5% of the world's population. we are 15% of the covid, mortality. but the problem is covid came to the united states in an election year and now it's an election year. and the most unpopular items for the conservative base, the lockdowns, the school closures the masking, the vaccine development itself vaccine requirements were all promulgated during republican administration. so what they've done essentially is used dr. fauci as a bogey man and try and pin all of the unpopular pieces of at least our first and second year of the covid pandemic on him not on the ruling. republican administration at the time. all right i mean, the trump administration did push back on some things. >> they didn't like. for instance, the first proposal i believe from the cdc was ten feet of social distancing that trump administration rejected that and pushed back. and so we ended up with six, but they could have rejected six if they had wanted to. i mean, all of this you know, it's mega look, it's it's hindsight is 2020. and in the middle of a pandemic, it's hard to know exactly what to do, but these are some of the things that they're going to be asking dr. fauci. now to look in the rearview mirror about, we know that there will be some here's what we expect in terms of the questions origins of covid. the covid era policies like the six feet of distancing as we're saying, and vaccine mandates, travel restrictions. but in terms of what doctor reiner was just talking about, what medical questions where we have answered today. >> well, i think when you say hindsight is 2020, i'm not even sure it's going to be in this instance because everybody i've talked to you in the public health world from both sides of the political spectrum served in both democratic and republican administrations don't expect any significant scientific revelations to come out of today. there is a lot of cynicism about whether either the point of this hearing it's purportedly this subcommittee exists to examine the origins of the pandemic i can to better prepare for potential future threads. but there is potential threat out there right now in terms of h5n1 bird flu, we're not hearing about that at all now, most people say that that threat right now is very low, but you think you have dr. fauci, there would be here any questions about that? and i'm not hearing from anyone that that is expected to be the topic today. we did see a republican staff memo based on the transcripts of the interviews with dr. fouchier behind closed doors back in january 2 straight days of questioning of him, and they did say they're going to focus on covid origins, covid era policies, and things like that. i think specifically we're going to hear a lot of focus on the origins of the pandemic in. grants given to a specific group, ecohealth alliance and any oversight dr. fauci had of that and that as we were hearing from lauren, is really the political football right now all right. >> everyone standby because we are going to monitor this morning's hearing and we will bring you back as soon as warranted. all right up next, the son of a sitting president facing a criminal trial for the first time ever. jury selection is underway for hunter biden's federal gun case you're in the cnn newsroom the increase in wildfires is exponential uncontrollable with overwhelming the need to do something is urgent with earth. would we have schreiber and at night on cnn greeting seven yeah, that's not good. happened huge things happen happened with three learn more at, i brought in a juror max protein with 30 grams of protein. >> those who tried me felt more energy. it just two weeks. here, i'll take that ensure not to protein 30 grams, protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic in official message from medicare 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anticipate that this is gonna go fairly quickly talking to the lawyers of the last couple of days. they thought they could get a jury there today or tomorrow morning and this trial could go on for about a week. so we'll see how quickly that that happens. but right now though first lady, jill biden is inside the courtroom. she's there to support a hunter biden. of course, this is a case that has loomed large for the family from all political standpoint and of course, from a personal standpoint, we know that as part of this case, we're going to have a lot of 100 biden's personal life really put on display, including his struggles with drug addiction or their to be text messages from his infamous laptop that show him talking about using drugs around the time that he bought this firearm in 29 2018? he possessed this gun for 11 days. that's what this case is about, according to prosecutors, hunter biden lied when he when he filled out the form required by the atf in order the passed a background check and by that firearm that the prosecution, of course, is saying that there's proof from some of his x's. we're going to be brought called as witnesses. that he was using drugs during that period. so the odds are very long, 400 biden we expect his defense to center on the idea that jury during the time that he was buying this firearm, he was not exactly on drugs during that day. and so tried to poke some holes in the prosecution's case okay. >> and caitlin, can you explain the dynamic between hunter biden's legal team and the prosecution because we understand there's still tension from that plea deal falling apart last year yeah, there was a lot of tension and this legal team is contesting not just this case, but a second case against hunter biden, that the special counsel's office has also brought in california's federal court on tax charges. >> that isn't going to trial until at least september but this is a case that on the gun issue, it's been hotly contested. >> hunter biden has a very experienced set of trial lawyers representing him that they tried to cut a lot out of the prosecutors case here. there is not going to be any politics. it's going to be brought into the courtroom outside of jury selection and just asking the jurors if they know the box biden's things like that, but as this case progresses forward in court, there are going to be a lot of active lawyers we should expect that just because of what we know about this legal team, abbe lowell is the chief defense lawyer for hunter biden here and this case could turn quite personal quite quickly as evan was discussing. >> oh, yeah, it sounds like it well, we saw the first lady they're entering. do we know how president biden is going to deal with the trial yeah. >> president biden has actually given a comment this morning publicly about this. he hasn't commented on the case itself or his own justice department charging his son in these two federal cases. but what he has said so far is as the president, i don't and won't comment on pending federal cases. but as a dad, i have boundless love for my son, confidence him in him and respect for his strength. our family has been through a lot together and jill and i are going to continue to be there for hunter and our family with our love and support, seeing their jill biden going to court and apparently hugging hunter biden in the courtroom as she entered with her security detail. this morning before the proceedings began, there may be jurors that recognize the first lady in the courtroom, the president is not there, however, allison evan, what do we know about the judge in this case this judge judge maryellen noreika, she's been on the bench since 2018. >> she was nominated in 2017 i appointed by nominated by president trump. but with the support of the two democratic senators from delaware so obviously the politics of this case looms very, very large there's 100 biden's defense, partly is that this is a political case that the case is being brought for political reasons. he's pointing obviously to the the us attorney, david weiss, who was also a trump appointee and kept on by president biden who oversee this very case. and the one that is now obviously set to go to trial later this year in california. allison. >> okay. evan, caitlin, thank you both very much for the preview. >> all right. now, the ongoing headache in atlanta, thousands of people are still forced to boil their water after several water main breaks over the past few days as of now, crews are still working on repairing those breaks. atlanta mayor andre dickens has declared a state of emergency and he gave cnn an update this morning so right now, atlanta's most most atlanta's have water is just we want to make sure that they boil it out of a precautionary measure. >> and this has been in place over the last de and a half to two days that we've been under a boil water advisory, but we're trying to resolve the situation nobody is happy when you can see water gushing out of the street the mayor says the pipes that burst, we're about a century old all right. >> now, while the white house waits for hamas to respond to a ceasefire proposal to far-right israeli ministers are threatening to topple netanyahu's government. if he accepts biden's peace plan, that's next the leaf with jake tapper today it for on cnn you know, when i take the bike out like this, all my stress is just melt away i hear that is bad. boy can fix anything. >> yeah. tough day at work nice cruiser sorts. you write out when i'm writing, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity he shouldn't, ignore it and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills and it's hopped on the bike, man, come on. >> you got to pay your bills. >> you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected by america's number one motorcycle insurer? >> well, you definitely do those things unrelated. so that is a vibrating pain attention former marines and family 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on its gaza ceasefire plan. >> president biden announced the proposal on friday, insisting that it's time for this war to end the plan has been widely welcomed internationally with the un and many world leaders urging all parties to accept. but to a benjamin netanyahu's far-right ministers reject the plan and are threatening to topple the government if the israeli prime minister agrees to the proposal there were reports that netanyahu had agreed to the plan, but his office is now saying that is not true calls for the release of all hostages, echoed across new york's annual israel day parade on sunday. there were chance of bring them home. now, as some marchers held up signs of support for biden's new peace proposal only to bring your family's i'm asking, lucky forget. i'm asking understand that those are human being that are suffering those are human beings he didn't do anything wrong. my brother was kidnapped from its own safe place about 250 hostages were captured or killed by hamas. >> on october 7, israel says roughly 100 hostages are still being held in gaza along with the bodies of three 30 more. >> let's bring in cnn's jeremy diamond live in jerusalem for us, we also have cnn white house correspondent arlette saenz and retired us army major mike lyons. >> so jeremy, the response from israel is contradictory. what is netanyahu's latest position this morning? >> well we're watching the israeli prime minister try every which way to reframe this latest israeli proposal for a ceasefire and hostage deal. after president biden framed it on friday, very much as a way to end this war. and that's problematic for these really prime minister with his right-wing governing coalition. it's why we've seen itamar ben gvir, and bezalel smotrich to far-right ministers and netanyahu's governing coalition threatened to leave the government and force its collapse if netanyahu follows through with this proposal laid out by the netanyahu government's the main reason is because they believe that it will lead to an end to the war without this quote, absolute victory over hamas, which the israeli prime minister himself laid out as one of the main objectives of this war at the beginning. and so what we've been witnessing over the last few days is the israeli prime minister insisting that he has not agreed to a permanent ceasefire. as part of this proposal and it is true that as part of this proposal in the first phase of the agreement, a six-week ceasefire, which could be extended for weeks and weeks and weeks, as long as these two parties are negotiating, they will be negotiating that permanent ceasefire. and so the israeli prime minister is really trying to emphasize that he hasn't yet agreed to a permanent ceasefire. and the reason he's trying to do that is because he's looking for a way to avoid confronting a choice that he may soon have to make. and that is choosing between the survival of his government's or choosing this hostage deal, which is owned government has come up with and now presented to hamas and that is not a choice that the israeli prime minister, of course, wants to make, particularly at this stage. so ultimately the question though, is, we'll hamas force him to make that choice because so far we've heard hamas say that they have quote positively responded to president biden speech, laying out the terms of this proposal on friday, but we don't yet have an official response from hamas and their response, if they choose to agree to this, the ball will then be back in the israeli prime minister's cord and we will see what he chooses to do. >> so our lead jeremy was just talking there about the permanent ceasefire. there are three phases to this peace proposal. can you explain them to us? >> yeah, i'll assume you, president biden outlined these elements of this proposal that administration officials have stressed was one that was presented by the israelis to hamas just last week. now, there are three phases to this proposal. that first phase is expected to last around six weeks where there would be a temporary ceasefire during that ceasefire during that time, the idf forces would withdraw from populated areas in gaza and there would be the release of some hostages, women, elderly and the wounded in exchange for the return of palestinian prisoners a to gaza. then there is the second phase. they anticipate that there would be negotiations during that six-week period with the hopes it would get to the second phase, which would lead to the release of all remaining hostages that are held by hamas. and what the president said is the israelis described as a quote, cessation of hostilities permanently, then the third phase would focus on the reconstruction of gaza, something that will expectedly take quite a bit of time. so these are all elements that president biden outlined on friday. >> but the as he made his speech saying that it is time for this war to end, saying that israel has degraded hamas is ability to carry out a major attack like they did on october 7, or the president also acknowledged that there still a number of hurdles they still need to get this through the negotiation, negotiation phase. >> and he said that there could be elements within israel who does not want to see this proposal come to fruition, even pointing to the fact that there could be disagreements within the governing coalition, something that we played out saw play out over the weekend. so the white house has said that they are waiting for this hamas fonts and we will see whether they have any further response today from the white house to netanyahu's claim so far this morning, that he has not agreed to all elements of this proposal measure leinz, let say that this peace proposal is accepted by all sides and hamas agrees to release the hostages. >> do we know the condition of those hundred or so hostages and what will it take logistically to get them out? the first and foremost, to remove the idf from gaza, it's a significant logistical challenge. number one, it'll stop momentum for the military's mission right now as its changed, his tactics is not doing the same. it did in the past and going and heavy end rafah, for example, as they didn't gaza city and other places. and that's why the biden administration continues to support them, but it would be a challenge in order to figure out that second phase. and once the idf is out of that took six weeks, what if that second phase doesn't come to fruition? what if hamas refuses to release those hostages? and now you have the momentum of the military operation being thwarted. and it would be difficult to restart. so when you face this operation like this, it puts israel as at a disadvantage. and i think that's why they're concerned. that also doesn't accomplish the primary objective of having hamas out of power are not being control of gaza in the future. and that's the biggest concern of those is really lawmakers, which it should be concerned. total victory is what they're speaking to right now. and from a military the perspective, they're not stopping until somebody from hamas says we surrender. they want to hear those magic words jeremy, the families of the hostages want this ceasefire plan. >> so do their wishes influenced netanyahu? >> well there's, no question that it plays a part in particular, it plays a part of being influencing, influencing the israeli public's perception of all of this. a new poll actually just came out today from channel 11 and israel saying that 40% of israelis support the current teal that's on the table, 27% opposed it, 33% are unsure and so it shows you that there is quite a split within the israeli public over, over this deal, while a plurality of the public seems to support it, those aren't necessarily the israeli prime minister's supporters and he has, of course that's now has a reputation for focusing on his political survival. often and at the expense of other things. and most of the israeli public tends to believe that netanyahu himself is prioritizing his political survival over what is necessarily best for the country that being said, the israeli prime minister has actually seen his popularity rise over the course of the last month or so. and the popularity of benny gantz, his chief political rival, actually go down. and so that is certainly playing into all of this. netanyahu is reading these polls. he's seeing which way the israeli public is leaning and he's also trying to figure out what the best way is for him to secure his long-term status as prime minister and to try and win another term should elections return jeremy diamond, arlette saenz measure marked mike lyons. >> thank you very much for all of the information this morning coming up, former president donald trump says, he's okay with going to jail. but of course he is planning to appeal his conviction. that could go beyond the election. how this process plays out this is a secret war. >> secrets and spies 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assistant to president biden, megan hayes. great to have all of you here. okay. two are lawyers, jennifer and can show of hands. do either a you believe that this conviction could be overturned on appeal neither of you are raising your hands now shan, let me start with you because some of our legal guru family have suggested that this case was predicated on such a novel concept of turning please misdemeanors falsifying business records into a felony, that it could be it could come apart at appeal. so what are your thoughts on that can this was not a novel legal theory. this was a novel defendant. >> that's the important distinction that particular combination the misdemeanor of falsification of business records to further another crime that combination has been used thousands of times by the manhattan district attorney's office. >> there's nothing novel about that. >> yes, this defendant circumstance was novel and so there could be something about the jury instructions, how they're using that particular combination, particularly with him being a presidential candidate at that time. >> but overall, this spinning of the case as being a novel untested theory is really wrong. >> so i'm not too worried about that issue. >> jan, your thoughts yeah. >> i mean, i probably should caveat if you said it could be overturned. of course, it could be overturned. i don't think it will be overturned. there is some novelty here to be fair, the use of a federal election law statute, and it's not the predicate offense. but when you get down to what the unlawful means are and you say the unlawful means are a federal election law offense that has not been given the stamp of approval on appeal in new york courts. and that's related. >> yeah. so i hear you and i've heard that before. so why wouldn't that make it ripe for appeal? >> right. >> okay. right. right. for overturning the conviction. >> yeah. he will appeal on that ground. >> the issue is that because it's so there's the fraudulent records, then that's in connection with another crime which is a new york state election crime to influence the election. and that has to be done by unlawful means. but you don't have to prove that crime. that is the unlawful means and that's where they used this federal election crime. so to me, because that's not actually a crime whose elements you need to charge. i don't think it's a problem that it's a federal crime, but sure. anytime you have something that has an actually been litigated specifically, and the court of appeals had said, yes this is okay. there's a small opening there, but i don't see legally when you think through the analysis why it actually would be overturned on that basis. >> all right. share another legal question. >> do you think that it is highly unlikely that a judge would sentenced a former president to jail. >> and if so, what are the other possible punished? >> i don't think it's highly unlikely. i do think it's unlikely in this case for two reasons. one, he doesn't have a criminal history, but two machine has already telegraphs. he doesn't like the idea of sending a potential president to jail. so i think it's unlikely it's certainly not highly unlikely or out of the question, alternatives his wooden clues sentencing into a term and then suspending at all. basically keeping him on probation for number of years. >> there could if you wanted him to be confined in some way, of course, there's home confinement with the ankle bracelet rather than actually putting him at rikers island or some facility? >> like that. but i think probation is possible long-term of that it's important to add, though it wouldn't be unprecedented to have someone with no criminal history be sentenced to some term of jail. i mean, martha stewart comes to mind from a while back and the judge has to weigh the gravity of this particular scheme he was doing in terms of its general harm to the voting public as well. of course, his very bad behavior with violating the gag orders sure. >> my called the conviction so far has worked out very well for donald trump in terms of dollars he's fund raised millions off of it. do we have any polling or data points yet on how voters feel about this? >> yeah, we look at it, has reinvigorated trump's supporters in a way that i'm not certain any other things could have allison, you saw some reported indicated within 24, 48 hours it campaign graze around $50,354 million. the highest amount of think of any presidential candidate and such a short time span. and so that's certainly going to add a boost to their campaigns coffers. i think strategically speaking, however, the next question for the campaign becomes, as you see, these dollars increase, as you see some indication that the former president may have some level of appeals with groups that republicans have traditionally struggled with. are you now building out the campaign operations who then target those individuals to make sure that they're registered to vote to discuss with them the possibility of early voting mail-in ballots, et cetera. that's but he talks about the sort of campaign operations that you would like to see the campaign began to do so as one thing, they raise a lot of dollars, but are they building the necessary infrastructure to activate some of those new individuals that may now be given the former president. a second look. >> megan, as we're all painfully aware, donald trump's supporters are not above turning to violence when they're angry, or to get what they want. and donald trump often sounds like he's encouraging it. he's also been quite clear about how he would use the justice system to attack his political enemies. i mean, even before this connection, here's what he said. just this weekend it's a very interesting question and i say it my revenge will be success. and i mean that, but it's awfully hard when you see what they've done. these people are so evil. i'm not sure the public would stand for it. >> with a house arrest for i think i think it'd be tough for the public to take you know, at a certain point, there's a breaking point meghan, what do you think happens next? yeah. i mean, i think that he has made his character very clear that he's been convicted now with 34 counts, felony counts, and he's his character is clear here. i don't think it's appropriate to so i did speak like that. i don't think he's a person who is going to have revenge. he has said that he's been very clear about what his intentions are and how he's going to use his justice system. but to share michael's point, i think that's great, that they've raised all this money. where's this money going? is that going to his legal fees or is that going to build an operation? and i think that the biden campaign, it's been really diligent and building out their operation to get those voters who actually don't agree with this and actually won't give him a second look now and this is going to be won on the margins. and i think that the biden campaign is doing what they need to be doing to reach those voters in these five or six battleground states. so he can be out there and he can have divisive rhetoric. but i just at the end of the de, don't think that that's a winning strategy. >> okay, everyone stay with me if you would, because when we come back, we have much more on donald trump's latest efforts to appeal has conviction the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the ceiling then presidential debates thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max. >> i was scared when i was told age-related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. it was hard, but taking preservation was easy. >> preserve vision as the exact clinically proven, a rich stew formula recommended by the hi, i'm taking control like millions of others every day, more people are deciding 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diagnosed with fertility issues are more significant compensation may be available called legal injury advocates. now, to discuss your case, got 1805 013636. that'mall businesss violet birth with we have schreiber and good night on cnn this just in to cnn, the new york stock exchange is now investigating a technical issue that's caused stocks like berkshire hathaway and dozens of others to be put on. >> pause. >> the new york stock exchange it says the problem is connected to a system designed to prevent volatile changes in stock prices. we will keep an eye on this, keep you updated with all the latest developments as soon as we get them okay. i'm back with my panel about what's next following donald trump's criminal convictions. so jennifer, if donald trump wins in november can he make all of this go away if they, if they slow roll the app's process nine and slow roll the appeals process takes a long time and if he wins, is it all over anyway? >> it's not all over. he can't pardon himself. they can't dismiss it in any way because it's state, not federal, but there's no way that a president of the united states is going to be made to serve any sort of sentence. so if he wins whenever the appeals or done any actually has to serve whatever sentence is imposed even if it's probation he would certainly do in federal court and they would say that it has to be stayed until after his term because the president is so busy. i mean, for all the same reasons, we see that the office of legal counsel has said you can't try a president while their president, he would not be required to serve any sentence while he's actually serving sure. michael some republicans, while many are seem to be echoing donald trump's rhetoric. i mean, this weekend, republican senator marco rubio, who as you well know for a long time, was considered sort of the next generation of rational republicans he tweeted fight fire with fire what what is all this min i read, i don't know exactly what the senator meant by that, but i do think it's a good opportunity to get republicans allison to vote in november to make phone calls to put up yard signs. so again, previous segment, i was talking about building at campaign operations. you're going to need volunteers to knock on those doors. got any volunteers to assist? people would registering to vote, particularly some of those new individuals who may have never voted before, where trump's sort of has somewhat of an advantage compared president biden. so i was sort of tamper down the rhetoric. i understand people may are frustrated but this to me presents a unique opportunity to say, let's use f frustration to build the campaign operations that is necessary to yield a victory come this november. >> and meghan, potential trump running mate and dakota governor doug burgum dismissed the impact of the verdict. he said this voters don't care about the trial. they will focus on things that affect them like inflation, and that's, that's probably true. i mean, of course, voters care about their kitchen table issues more than they care about what's happening. i mean, we've seen that historically, but do we think that the people on the margins will, that this will have an impact i do think it will have an impact. i think that early polling and starting to show that there was a pull out, that it's hang that 67% of the people don't think that trump should continue running. but i also, i disagree. sure. michael a little bit that yes, we need to tamp down the rhetoric, but these people are at a race to be the vp candidate in the race. so they showed prove their loyalty to donald trump is just as thinkable that they are all colored the last thing behind something with this very divisive and very harmful rhetoric to our democracy. it's just, it's really upsetting and its gross. and i think that this is showing the worst and politicians and in the leadership that we have right now on the republican side shan it's really distressing to here. so many public people, politicians rejecting the verdict and really trying to undermine the integrity of the justice system. >> they say that it was they use some of trump's lingo, that it was rigged, that the issue with the justice system is, you win some you lose them. that's how it works. sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, and with the indictments and the charges that are against donald trump, he's on balance winning. i mean, this is just one of the cases. there are three others that were widely considered to be stronger and what's the status of those? then if those will happen before the election well, i wouldn't say he is winning the other ones. >> they just haven't gone to trial yet. so i think you could view it as he's lost one and there are three that are still to be played. >> if i mean, in terms of the time, the reason i said winning was because it seems like some of the judges are predisposed to slow some of this down until after the election yeah, i don't think there's a very good chance at all that any of the others are gonna get tried. now, before the election, certainly the documents case in florida, the mishandling of classified information that's completely derailed by the judges slowness down there, holding aside her motive and the georgia one is also pretty tied up. i'm not even sure there's a trial date set yet, so i think this is probably the only one that's actually going to have gone to a resolution before the election. and the dc1 is still on hold as well, which is the actual january 6 insurrection election interference case. and of course, we're still waiting for the united states supreme court inexplicably is still has not ruled on trump's immunity issues. so you're absolutely right that those other three don't look like they're going anyplace fast. >> jennifer, do you agree that inexplicable that the supreme court hasn't made a ruling yet i mean, listen, i don't think they're necessarily slow rolling it. >> i think there's a division in the chord on what they're gonna do here. and there are a lot of other really important outstanding cases it's too, they've been slow on everything for years now and this year is no exception will get it by the end of the month and it's too bad that that's going to be too late for this case to go to trial. >> all right, everyone thank you very much, really appreciate all of your input. thanks, alison. >> and thanks everyone for joining me this morning. i'm alison camera radha. our next our of newsroom starts after a very quick break your assignment, with audie cornish listen wherever you get your podcasts. >> i see you have pro massaging bone, easier to grip the massage and the power of two max strength pain relievers i just works he makes it less new. >> i see how pro massaging bomb if you're shopping for a home only shows you homes for sale source directly from professionals, meaning you can trust every home listing is a realistic don't all apsu that i really 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