results in what will be and ears and historic election in mexico, they are now then we, will have those in just a moment. voters are set to elect their first female president. former mexico city mayor claudia sheinbaum, a predicate protege of the outgoing president is projected to win her rivals. so chill galvez, supported by a coalition of opposition parties earlier, she had said she thought she had one, but at this stage, we understand that shinbone is the winner. i understand that we are actually going to bring up our reporter who's standing by gustavo valdez have we got gustavo standing by? gustavo and talk to us about the outcome here? of course, we've learned that claudia sheinbaum has one. but what was the holdup here well, it was something that the institute of elections called off the first conference about an hour ago, they said there was a glitch the system they assured everybody that it wasn't hacking. >> but within men as they just announced, their results and they're really shocking because even though it was expected, the cloud is sheinbaum was going to win the polls earlier during the campaign, showed that she had broad support, but she might get up to 60% of the vote. this is even hired that what andres manuel lopez obrador we've got six years ago. so the support for the morena party that they represent, it's much higher than it was six years ago considering that modena is only in around for ten years, that gives you an idea of the political power that lopez obrador has a mass over the past six years. and the continuous to it is that it might represent having cloudy, sheinbaum be the next president because she has pledged to continue with the policies of mexican pressing obrador. so it is surprising the margin of victory of claudia sheinbaum. she's getting ready to give a speech that has been delayed because they were waiting for this announcement, even though they're in hey, there is a national institute of elections has said that this is a preliminary report based on the early count is very likely that is going to speaking as you said, mexico will have its first female president in history. she's also the first president of jewish descent. in mexico history, even though she doesn't talk a lot about her background, we can tell you that she's 61-year-old, academic. she started in academia mia, she has a phd on i forgot, i'm sorry. i'm being awake is in environmental engineering. she was first the minister of the environment for lopez obrador. and when he was the mayor of mexico city, and then she was elected mayor of the city lopez obrador became presence six years ago. so her incursion in politics is relatively short-lived and within the past few years but she is now the woman who is going to lead mexicans for the next six years yes. >> so talk to us more about what claudia shimbun would bring to the table as the new president of mexico. and of course, and historic moment because being a woman and the first woman to take this level of leadership role in the country so we talked to voters during these past few days, not only in the capital, but across the country and given that the two top candidates were feel a female they had already come to the conclusion that they would have a female presence. >> so that was noted driving force to go and vote for her, but they said that this helps with mexico's image of being matchup country where women don't have a place, mexico has actually changed its laws to encourage and actually force the parties to have more female candidates. so there's a very equal division of power between men and women. i'm in congress and the governorships. so it's not surprised for mexican, so obviously, she's going to have that pressure on her or she's going to have to live up to what it means to be the first female in really only the second female head of state in north america. they only other female was the prime minister in canada a few years back. so it's really gilead relevant for the region. and she's going to be the representative representative of mexico in this very important by national relationship with the union now it's state the issue of immigration trade, drug trafficking so in the white house is going to be looking very closely to see if she continues with the policies of lopez obrador. if she's going to change and this is what many of the borders told they said they recognize the influence of lopez obrador, but they would like to see him fade away and let cloudier same be her own person. bring her own ideas and lead the country in the way she feels with that the pressure of somebody behind the scenes all right. >> gustavo valdez valdes, joining us to live from mexico city. these results are just coming in. of course, we just heard claudia sheinbaum has one mexico's elections are first female president of their country, joining us now from mexico city is a lila abed. she is the acting director of the wilson center's mexico institute. appreciate you being with us. so mexico has elected its first female prison, claudia shinbone, a protege of the outgoing president, and she has one apparently by a large margin power like perhaps even by as much as 60%. what's your reaction to her big win and just how significant is this oh i'm full silla. >> i'm getting word that we have lost a lila abed. we will attempt to reconnect with her. let's move on because we will come back to this very historic news the us agree state spoke with two israeli ministers on sunday, antony blinken, assured you have gallant and benny gantz, that the israeli peace proposal announced by us president joe biden would quote, advance israel's long-term security interests. he is more now from the us national security the spokesperson where we are right now, is that proposal and israeli proposal has been given to hamas. it was done on thursday night, our time we're waiting for an official response from hamas. we would note that publicly hamas officials came out and welcomed this proposal. we have every expectation that if hamas agrees to the proposal, as was transmitted to them and israeli proposal that israel would say yes meantime families of hostages being held in gaza gathered outside benjamin netanyahu's offers, putting pressure on the israeli prime minister to accept the new proposal and bring their loved ones hiram, cnn's paula hancocks has joined us now from abu dhabi. >> so paul, or what is the latest on this proposal to end the war in gaza? and what israel and hamas saying about it well, raise me at this point, we are waiting for a response from hamas. as you heard from the us secretary of state bear, there was a suggestion that it was an initial positive reaction that's certainly the statement that we saw at the end of last week from hamas saying that they were viewing it positively, that the response would be constructive and we also know from the israeli side, we've heard from the israeli prime minister's office over the weekend saying that they want to make sure that their condition missions are met. so really reiterating the importance as far as israel is concerned, that hamas is unable to militarily govern or even politically govern gaza. on the day after and to make sure that all the hostages are back and to make sure that gaza no longer poses a threat to israel. so those are the three conditions that we have heard consistently from the israeli sayyed. now, when we heard from the us president, joe biden on friday, he did try to address those concerns knowing israel's position saying that he believes that hamas has been so downgraded that it wouldn't be able to carry out another attack. the likes of which it did on october 7 he also addressed his recognition that there will be resistance from within benjamin netanyahu's own coalition there are far right elements of the coalition who have already said that if there is a ceasefire agreed before these conditions are met, then they would leave the coalition and that could effectively collapse the government and cause new elections. it's to be called so it is a bit of a tight rope that we're seeing certainly on the israeli side at this point, you have the public pressure on the israeli prime minister. you have the opposition leader, you have lapid's saying this is an important so deal on the table that needs to be taken. and yet you have on the far right of the coalition resistance to this kind of deal being accepted there was a war cabinet meeting on the israeli side on sunday night. we don't have exact details about what was discussed, but i think it's fair to guess that this would have been one of the top things on the agenda. and we also heard from the defense minister saying and it was important that a day after the war that hamas was in no way in control. so it appears that israel is now looking towards the end of the war and what gaza would look like after that. so at this point the us appears hopeful. we know that over the weekend that had been many phone calls made by the secretary of state, two different countries trying to encourage them to put pressure on either side on israel and on hamas to say yes to this deal as the us president, joe biden said, it is now time for for this war to end. rosemary. alright, paula hancocks joining us live in abu dhabi, many things for that report ukraine's president is continuing his asia-pacific trip with a visit to the philippines and a meeting with the country's president volodymyr zelenskyy is making personal appeal those two leaders in the region, to attend the upcoming ukraine peace conference in switzerland on sunday, zelenskyy wrapped up his meeting at the shangri-la dialogue log security conference in singapore, where he met with the country's president and prime minister zelenskyy also met with us defense secretary lloyd austin. he thanked the us for giving limited permission come to fire us weapons into russian territory. but says, washington needs to live more restraints. so ukraine can properly defend itself all right, back now to our breaking news this our claudia sheinbaum is projected to win mexico's presidential election and become the country's first ever female president, joining us. now from mexico city is lila abed. she is the acting director of the wilson center's mexico institute. appreciate you being with us thank you so much for having me, rosemary so mexico has elected its first female president, claudia sheinbaum, a protege of the outgoing president trend and she has one, apparently by a large margin, perhaps even as much as 60% what's your reaction to her big when and how significant? there's all this according to the preliminary results released from the national electoral institute. >> in fact, cloudy, ashamed bomb and there's manuel lopez obrador's protege and former mayor of machac let's it go city has a really healthy lead ahead of opposition leader saw cio galvez. this was very much an election, four and about cloudy ashamed bomb, but it was also a referendum of current mexican president andres manuel lopez obrador, who for the last six years have sas, has sustain really high levels of approval rates anywhere between he 60 to 70%, which reflect the current percentage that claudia sheinbaum have one in mexico. now these are historic elections, not only because more than 20,000 positions were up for elections, the largest in the country's history. but as you well mentioned, it is the first time that mexico has like that. its first female president now going forward, the big questions surrounding a kardashian bomb administration is what role, if any, undress, manuel lopez obrador will continue to play during her six-year term. and what that means for her internally with the governing party, the grip of power that andres manuel lopez obrador currently has over the governing party may look very different under a claudia sheinbaum administration, we have to remember that and there's manuel lopez obrador founded morena in an essence, he is more anna. and so the way that the governing party reacts to cloudy are coming into power is going to be increasingly an interesting to monitor. and we have to wait and see the competition of congress. i think whether the majority party is ever able to attain a super majority will really dictate how much cloud is shaped, mumble, be able to achieve in the next six years, run cool, so projected to win claudia sheinbaum faces many challenges, including tackling public security and safety concerns, perhaps, uh, perhaps the top concern here, organized crime, energy and immigration how will she deal? with those challenges when we look at her 100 government plan, her political platform, there are several areas where she differentiates herself from, and there's manuel lopez obrador. >> and i think that's the other great missing three about the shape bomb administration is how much will she continue building on undress? manuel lopez obrador's political platform, which essentially brought her not only to the candidacy, but to power and in which areas you might break away from her predecessor in looking at her political platform, there are three areas specifically that she outlines where we could the potential change. the first one is in the energy sector where her scientific background and environmental engineering degree has pushed her to state that she looks to foreign direct investment and clean and renewable energies in mexico, something that's very different from the fossil fuels and dirty energy that am low has push forward during his administration on the security front, there seems to be a potential change in terms of amylose hugs, not bullets strategy. and what claudia wants to do in terms of strengthening intelligence and information gathering to combat transnational criminal organizations that have taken control of a vast area of mexican territory and then on the last point, there is a potential shift in foreign policy in regards to the relationships specifically with the united states, given that the issues of migration, security, and commercial ties between both nations will be determined not only by cloud ashamed bob, success today, but also who will win the way white house in november all right, lila abed in mexico city. >> many thanks for joining us and sharing your perspective and analysis. appreciate it thank you. donald trump says he wouldn't mind going to prison, coming up. why he says that, putting him behind bars could be a breaking point because supporters let's play engineered to minimize noise and built for adventure which can also be your own quiet kanban in the ones the fully electric qa intron in an electric vehicle that recharges you how we get there? >> matters did you know sling has your favorite news programs for just $40 a month? my favorite news for just $40 a month. >> my favorite news for just $40 a month. >> $40 a month like favorite news for just $40 a month $40 get your 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that the public would stand it i don't i'm not sure that the public would stand four with a house arrest for i think i think it it'd be tough for the public to take at a certain point. there's a breaking point new polling reveals most americans agree with the hush money verdict a cbs news yougov poll released sunday finds 57% of americans think the jury reached the right decision. >> but the verdict hasn't made much of an impact on americans views of the candidate in a new abc ipsos poll, 31% viewed trump favorable play with 32% saying the same about biden. that's nearly the same as the pre-verdict survey the two man will face off for the first time of this it's campaign in a cnn debate on june 27th two weeks before trump's sentencing, and just days before the republican national convention. but will donald trump's continuing legal trouble? impact his candidacy? i spoke about that with larry sabato director of the center for politics at the university of virginia the immediate reaction and the first three or so, a measuring of public opinion have somewhat surprisingly shown that contrary to what people thought that it wouldn't have any impact, it has had an impact. >> and it's not favorable to donald trump now those will come as a surprise to many republicans who have rallied to his support and done what they usually do, back them, especially the public officials but you see the independence in particular, have been repulsed by the convictions and by what they learned about donald trump during the trial. and they seem much less likely to support him, or if they back him to do so enthusiastically many wanting to drop out of the race now won't surprise anybody that democrats feel that way. but independence clear majority of them pretty much chime in with the democratic point of view republicans were changed for the most part though about 15% of republicans, which is very near the percentage that nikki haley has been getting, even though she's dropped out of the race that's about she's been getting and it would suggest that some of those people voting for nikki haley perhaps are less inclined to vote for donald trump. now larry water, all the relevant polls for swing-state specifically signaling to you at this juncture well, we haven't seen the swing-state polls post-trial be interesting to see if they follow the national pattern. i suspect they will at least michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, they seem to be closer to the national average so this year so we'll have to watch them carefully, but there's no reason to think they're not having the same reaction and donald trump really isn't helping himself. he's strengthening himself at the base because of all the language he's using, portraying himself as a martyr as we would expect. but for people outside the trump base and outside the republican party, this is not an attractive picture of donald trump thanks to larry sabato and you can hear the rest of my interview with larry next doubt and we'll be 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live from johannesburg. >> good to see you, david. so how difficult will it be for the anc to pull together? there's governing coalition? >> rosemarie, it's gonna be very challenging because depending on the coalition their form that could be very different visions for the country and no one's going to be completely happy. it is certainly as a cliche goes, and unchartered territory and it's all because they anc. so what drubbing and the polls sometimes change comes slowly. >> our people have spoken whether we like it or not they have spoken. >> sometimes it comes fast. it just one election cycle, the anc, the party of nelson mandela, with a staggering drop-in support after three decades of dominance, that voters have spoken the party that has defined south african politics, losing it's outright majority i think it means that society is passed. the ncbi. we've always been waiting for the moment. we just didn't know the appropriate vehicle many south africans were fed up with rampant corruption, huge unemployment, and deep inequality. >> but the anc collapse came in large part thanks to this man disgraced former anc president jacob zuma in just a few months, his new umkhonto wesizwe party, or mk, bled votes from the anc tapping into zoomers, loyal support in kwazulu-natal province. zuma and his party have without evidence, claimed they were irregularities at the polls threatening trouble if results were announced jacob zuma is different. it's always dangerous to let ethnic and tribal tensions rise too much. i don't foresee it being any issue in the foreseeable future, but it is something i think that one always needs to watch what to watch for next coalition politics the anc likely must choose to combine with pro-business democratic alliance or the leftist radical economic freedom fighters. perhaps even adding zoomers, mk, no one knows for sure we can also africans to resist the efforts of those who want to weaken our democracy want to undermine electoral processes and who round to disregards the whelan of the pivot coalition can work. >> they work all over the world. it requires maturity and yes, they can be choppy waters ahead for south africa, but we'll navigate them you want to be part of a governing coalition. >> of course so many points being in politics as to get into government the results are deeply embarrassing for president cyril ramaphosa. >> he staked his reputation on reviving the anc is cyril ramaphosa under pressure now he's beyond under pressure. >> i think might need to start looking for a new job he always styles himself as the next incumbent to prison. nelson mandela. but last recollection, president nelson mandela never lost an election but ramaphosa is well-known as a skilled negotiator. a skill that will now become very handy indeed well, rosebury now will become the very difficult process of trying to figure out what route the answer will take, obviously, with only 47% of the vote, they faced a difficult scenario, persuading other parties, to do exactly what they want because they don't have the leverage at this moment there is going to be an anc senior leaders meeting on tuesday where they might hash out some options for some kind of coalition or agreement for parliament's. but it really is a difficult process because on the one hand, you have groups like the eff that won't change, radical change, a leftist party on other hand, you have the da, which is much more centrist there is also a sense of factionalism in the anc that could cause. so ramaphosa problems that must be said that some of the people who are calling for radical change are those who could face corruption charges in the month ten years ahead. so they also have a self-interest in the coalitions going one way or the other. but it will be a fascinating couple of weeks with very high stakes for this country. rosemary all right. david mackenzie joining us live from johannesburg. many thanks for your report a japanese company is doubling down on its investment in the controversial whaling industry with a brand new vessel, we will stay inside the mothership after the break the increase in wildfires this is exponential unpredictable, uncontrollable with overwhelming kotb. the need to do something is urgent flightless bird with schreiber nixon. >> good night on cnn welcome to the roots of our legacy where excellence comfort and electricity are forever in blue welcome to beyond. the mercedes, my buck eq all new subway routes are packed with delicious ingredients in a pillar, we lavage, wrap valley or refreshing lunch that taste them. >> murphy for pro athletes like me, right? get off, finish all new rafah and subway today have heart failure with unresolved symptoms it may be time to see the bigger picture heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome shortness of breath and irregular heartbeat could mean something more serious called attr cm are rare under-diagnosed disease that 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controversy? cause it's declining popularity yarrow is very like you mentioned well, meet is not very popular in japan and consumption is actually at a record low, but japan is pushing ahead and trying to revitalize the shrinking industry for really three key reasons. >> the first, because it argues that it's actually sustainable according to its own research, since japan left the international whaling commission in 2019, it's only allowed to hunt and it's exclusive economic zone. and it says that according to its findings, to its research, that whale numbers are abundant now the second argument they make is that whaling has a long culture and history in japan, and it certainly does in certain pockets and certain regions of the country. now the third and final reason which i thought was quite interesting was even though japan knows that whaling is not very popular, right now, it thinks that it can boost consumption once again, if it changes public perception, this is what industry insiders told me marvels of the deep-blue are two others. >> a meal, whaling in japan is poised for amazing you're come back with the launch of this vessel. this vast new whaling mothership, the kangei maru, cost nearly 50 million us dollars to make, and it just goes to show how japan is not only continuing to hunt whales, but also is trying to revitalize this shrinking industry in a very very big way. >> we get a tour of the ship led by hideaki pick one all the precedent of kildall simple. >> the whaling company that made it. what it got he doesn't hide his fondness for well, meet and rejects the idea of changing his business model word or we will not switch to whale watching unless it is eating whale, wild whale watching, which sounds very chic this ship hunt whales and japan's territorial waters though the pc, before getting served in the country supermarkets school lunches, food carts and vending machines but public appetite for whale meat. just 1% of its former peak according to government data it's still far from satisfactory for toccata. >> and with the launch of this expensive new boat, took what he says bills are piling up but even if the new boat sinks him into bankruptcy topo to insists there's no plan b internationally, whaling is criticized as a brutal and unsustainable practice that once pushed many of these mammals to the brink of extinction due to centuries of overhunting and may still carry environmental consequences today, the things so we're learning about whales is that they're not just consumers in this ecosystem, but by the fact of them consuming so much food, they recycle a ton of nutrients into the environment that actually helps to stimulate plant life growth but japan's fisheries agency says there's nothing wrong with wailing they claim japan you should continue whaling because their research shows it's sustainable. >> and well populations in japanese waters are increasing, allowing them to hunt to even endangered species. even if well meets declining popularity is a regrettable trend for the agency. >> on three, the shortcut with, since we are promoting seeing increased consumption of marine products, i think it is unfortunate that consumption is decreasing. i'm not sure you did up there japan's whaling industry attempting to revive its shrinking business, betting on a future that may never materialize so even though well meet is increasingly on the menu, the question is, are people really hungry for it? >> rosemary. >> all right. hanako montgomery joining us live from tokyo. many thanks for that report. >> and thank you for joining us. i'm rosemary church, right. international viewers, world's board is up next. and for our viewers here in the united states and in canada, i'll be back with more cnn use from ingested monday, tuesday we're trying to save the planet with nuggets because we need the planet and we also need nuggets impossible receiving the meat problem with more meet. >> somebody would ask for something 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dermatologist about doing zelig today first we did the impossible, then you age so many of them possible that we completely ran out. >> and now there by the law, cookies back-end subway closed captioning brought to you by in fed help call 1807, 1807100 to dealing invention idea, but don't know what to do next. >> cohen van help today, they can help you get started with your idea called now 807, 100020 welcome back to our viewers here in north america. >> i'm rosemary church, the son of us president joe biden, faces a trial on felony gun charges in the coming hours. under biden is accused of illegally buying and possessing a gun while abusing or being addicted to drugs. he has pleaded not guilty, but it's the first time the child of a sitting us president will go on trial. cnn's marshall cohen has detailed hunter biden is set to make history monday when he walks into the federal courthouse in wilmington, delaware, he will become the first ever son of the sitting us president to go on trial special counsel, david weiss indicted hunter biden last year on three federal gun felonies. >> hunter biden is accused of unlawfully purchasing and possessing a gun while abusing drugs. it's against federal law for a drug user or a drug addict to buy a gun and to possess a gun and according to prosecutors, that is exactly what hunter biden did he has been very honest and very public about his lifelong struggle with alcoholism and also with crack cocaine addiction. and prosecutors going to try to connect the dots between that addiction and that drug use and the purchase of this gun if he is convicted, he could face up to 25 years in prison. although there's a few things that might get in the way of that ever actually happening. first of all, he does not have an extensive criminal record and first-time offenders don't get the maximum. they never get the maximum. and also a hunter biden's father, president joe biden, does have the power to pardon him for these offenses. if he's convicted, which would wipe away the conviction and wipe away any potential prison sentence. but listen before we get to the finish line here, this trial has to take place and the prosecutors have lined up some key witnesses that can testify about hunter biden's drug use and tell the jury that, yes. did happen around the time that he bought that gun. they have three of hunter biden's former romantic partners. they have his ex-wife. they also have halle biden, who is the widow of his brother, bo biden, who can testify. they're expected to take the stand probably in the coming days and also the prosecutors have just a large trove of text messages and materials from his infamous laptop describing his drug use. and they also have excerpts of his memoir that they plan on using against him. that memoir came out in 2021 and he was very honest, very forthcoming about his struggle with addiction prosecutors going to try to use that against him to win a conviction in court. it all kicks off monday morning, 8:30 a.m. in wilmington, delaware. and of course, hunter biden has pleaded not guilty to all charges marshall cohen cnn, washington of grass fire in northern california has burned through 14,000 acres or more than 5,600 hectares. the corral fire started saturday city near san francisco, and the california department of forestry and fire protection says, it's now 50% contained. officials say weather conditions have improved and made it easier for firefighters to get a handle on the flames with wins lightening up, and temperature is dropping still residents closest to the fire have been ordered to evacuate the area the mayor here in atlanta has declared a state of emergency following a number of significant water main breaks a major disruption for georgia's capital, which has impacted businesses, hospitals entertainment venues, and residents throughout the city. the mayor also apologized for the city's response are avail romo is on the scene with the latest there's water crisis, paralyze, vast portions of one of america's largest cities over the weekend disrupting the lives of thousands this is upon thousands of residents and forcing some of the top tourist attractions in the south to shut down yet another water main break. >> it was confirmed sunday afternoon near the cartilage we're center, but it was fixed by the water. the parliament in a matter of hours, city officials said saturday night that one of two major water main breaks located just west of downtown salmon area was fixed, but they kept working sunday on the second one gushing water throughout the weekend, also, sunday, workers delivered a very large part of the dislocation, possibly the one that water commissioner had previously said they needed to fix the break we're waiting for a particular part to arrive. >> we expect for their partner arrived here soon wants to have part arise. we think that this will be a routine repair and wants to repair is completed. we'll be able to restore water services immediately. >> hours after apologizing to the city mayor, andre dickens declared a state of emergency to be able to access resources to deal with this water crisis. he also explained what the city has done to help those impacted by the water outage. >> we have touched more than 30 senior communities, homeless shelters hospitals, and other centers across the city with vulnerable populations. two deliver fresh drinking water and flushing water impacting about 10,500 people. >> we have also heard from emory university hospital, midtown, which announced has moved back to normal operations because water pressure returned to the hospital after several water main breaks in the area where repaired the hospital also said ambulances have resumed normal service as well, although they will continue to provide bottled water to patients, visitors, and staff, because there's still a boil advisory in the city rafael romo cnn, a phantom inflation has dealt a heavy blow to the cuban peso. >> some residents can't afford the cost of milk or eggs and others can't get the cash sitting in their own bank accounts cnn's patrick oppmann has more on cuba's deepening economic crisis in a country of seemingly endless leinz these are perhaps the most frustrating people waiting to get money their money a government run banks the leinz are long and there's no guarantee that by the time they get to the front, there'll be any cash left because you know we've been here for our she says and haven't been able to get inside yet. >> sometimes and do the line and they don't have enough money despite government attempts to move transactions online, cash is still king in cuba. and there isn't enough of it. >> many banks limit how much cash people can take out. >> and the largest build of the government princes. this one, 11000 pesos at the official rate that it's about $40, but in the black market, it's only worth about three runaway inflation has inflicted further pain on the already ailing cuban economy lately government run banks no longer allow foreign companies to withdraw dollars or euros either saying they simply don't have any on hand the cuban government blames the crisis on the us government's economic sanctions and murky plots. they allege to make record inflation in shortages even worse. but cuban journalists tracking inflation from abroad say much of the country has lost faith in the banking system and currency noi wrong. >> there's no production in cuba. he says production in the country has collapsed. the country is bankrupt. in cubans like retiree, nancy, complaining that even when the pace over gains some value against the dollar the prices stay the same we're still go up. >> no. >> i don't earn enough each month. she says, i received 7,000 pesos, but a packet of milk is almost 3,000 okay. so a carton of eggs. the same price. >> i'm not getting by at all some economists think cubans to devalue its currency officially or adopt the us dollar. but as the island confronts the worst economic crisis in decades both money and time, maybe running out forgotten. cnn havana this thursday marks the 80th anniversary of the d-day invasion of world war ii, when 160 the thousand allied troops stormed the beaches of normandy in the largest seaborne invasion in history. >> this year, france is going all out hosting a grand commemoration, featuring world leaders and more importantly, vet friends who survived that bloody day here is how michael holmes you rose. welcome. more than 60 world war ii veterans arrive in france ahead of the 80th anniversary of d-day this week, many over the age of 100 good, having lived a lifetime since serving their country. but the gratitude for those who fought and died on those fateful normandy beaches is timeless. on 6 june 1944, more than hundred and 50,000 allied troops landed on beaches of france and the heavy fire from nazi germany's forces. the fighting intense more than nine thousand allied soldiers killed or wounded but it was a turning point in the war eight decades later, these men and women, some who fought in europe but others in the pacific know firsthand the sacrifices made on that day and the days to follow all right now, mar but for one veteran and his companion who arrived in france ahead of the others, it was a bitter, sweet trip and a chance for a new beginning. isn't a experience for us and we're very happy and very much by the wave or getting married friends leave there's a france, the united states, the uk, canada, and germany will attend the anniversary ceremonies on thursday. >> in the past 80 years, the world holt has changed presidents, prime ministers, and chancellors have changed, but some of the surviving members of the greatest generation are still here keeping watch for grateful nation. >> michael holmes, cnn and thank you so much for your company this hour i'm was maturity. >> i will be back with more cnn newsroom in general just a moment, district russia. >> we're trying to spy on us we were spying on them. >> this is a secret, war. >> secrets and spies. next sunday at ten on cnn, flowing my cancer from growing and living longer are two things i want from my metastatic breast cancer treatment and with his scaly, i can have both because scaly is a pill that when taken with an aromatase inhibitor, helps delay cancer from growing and has been proven to help people live significantly longer across three separate clinical trials so i have the confidence to live my life because scaly can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections, avoid grapefruit during treatment. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness loss of appetite abdomen pain bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash are or planned to become pregnant or breastfeeding long live life and loss i'm live you ask your doctor about because scaly today first repaired be impossible you age so many of the impossible that we completely ran out now they're the cookie back at subway engineered to minimize noise. >> and built for adventure which can also be your own quiet cabinet the fully electric qa and charles an electric vehicle that region charging. >> you how we get there matters millions of people have lost weight with personalized plans from noon likes afternoon, who lost 38 pounds. >> the fact that it truly is just a few minutes a day is life changing? you're building this foundation to set you up fo

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,Public Opinion ,Republicans ,Independence ,Particular ,Convictions ,Trial ,Race ,Anybody ,Majority ,Part ,Chime ,Point Of View ,Democrats ,Some ,Nikki Haley ,Water ,We Haven T ,Swing State ,Swing State Polls ,Juncture Well ,Reason ,Average ,Pattern ,Michigan ,Pennsylvania ,Wisconsin ,Isn T ,Wall ,Base ,Trump Base ,Language ,Martyr ,Picture ,Interview ,Rest ,Doubt ,Secrets ,Air Conditioning ,Temper Pedigrees ,Sweating ,Sleep ,Temper Breeze ,Temper Pd Adjustable Mattress Sets ,00 ,500 ,Law ,Cookies ,Symptoms ,Air Supra ,Inflammation ,Rescue ,Asthma Attacks ,Asthma Rescue Inhaler ,Asthma Experts ,Albuterol ,Dinosaur ,Both ,Asthma ,Action Rescue Inhaler ,Rescue Inhaler ,Maintenance Treatment ,Prevent Attacks Air Supra ,Fda ,Help ,Infections ,Breathing ,Reactions ,Heart Problems ,Thrush ,Doctor ,Age ,Asthma Rescue ,Action ,South Africa ,Honeymoon ,Question ,Planning ,Everything ,Scenarios ,Look ,Montana ,Elephants ,Payment ,Branch ,Horses ,Hot Air Balloon Ride Swim ,Safari ,Chase Branches ,Wealth Management ,Wealth ,Tools ,Advisors ,Jpmorgan ,Speed ,Comcast Business ,Business ,Cost ,Speed Plans ,Customers ,Speeds ,Miss ,T Mobile ,At T ,Verizon ,49 99 ,12 ,9 99 ,Prepaid Card ,800 ,Los Angeles ,Elizabeth Wagmeister ,242424 ,White Minority Rule ,Apartheid ,Nelson Mandela ,Parliament ,Coalition Government ,David Mackenzie ,Calls ,Rosemarie ,Gonna ,Johannesburg ,David Mckenzie ,Form ,Visions ,Drubbing ,Unchartered ,Cliche Goes ,Cycle ,Dominance ,Society ,Ncbi ,Jacob Zuma ,Corruption ,Collapse ,Unemployment ,Deep Inequality ,Tapping ,Zoomers ,Umkhonto Wesizwe Party ,Mk ,Kwazulu Natal Province ,Bled ,Tensions ,Irregularities ,Evidence ,Future ,Coalition Politics ,Democratic Alliance ,No One ,Africans ,Efforts ,Democracy ,Economic Freedom Fighters ,Waters ,World ,Maturity ,Pivot Coalition ,Processes ,Whelan ,Cyril Ramaphosa ,Governing Coalition ,Points ,Under Pressure ,Reputation ,Recollection ,Incumbent ,Styles ,Job ,Skill ,Ramaphosa ,Negotiator ,Rosebury ,Process ,Answer ,Scenario ,47 ,Leaders Meeting On Tuesday ,Leverage ,Senior ,Agreement ,Hand ,Centrist ,Jeff ,Radical Change ,Won T Change ,Groups ,Problems ,Corruption Charges ,Factionalism ,Sense ,Coalitions ,Mother ,Rosemary ,Self Interest ,Stakes ,Couple ,Japanese ,Whaling ,Vessel ,Industry ,Company ,Mothership ,Wildfires ,Need ,Bird ,Kotb ,Schreiber Nixon ,Excellence ,Legacy ,Electricity ,Blue ,Roots ,Mercedes ,Buck Eq ,Routes ,Beyond ,Heart Failure ,New Rafah ,Lunch ,Pillar ,Wrap Valley ,Ingredients ,Athletes ,We Lavage ,Murphy ,Heartbeat ,Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Shortness Of Breath ,Attr Cm ,Sound ,Disease ,Bad News ,Xfinity Mobile ,Norman ,Med School ,Line ,Savings ,Wifi ,Gig ,The Go ,Doc ,Calling ,Visit Xfinitymobile Com ,Hunting Whales ,95 ,24 ,Japan ,Practice ,Whale Meat ,Millions ,One Japanese ,Decline ,Demand ,Subject ,Activists ,Fishing Grounds ,Warnings ,Hanako Montgomery ,Turkey ,Hannah Co ,Record ,Consumption ,Controversy ,Popularity Yarrow ,Low ,First ,International Whaling Commission ,Research ,Shrinking Industry ,Reasons ,2019 ,Whale Numbers ,Argument ,Zone ,Pockets ,Findings ,Culture ,Regions ,Perception ,Whaling Mothership ,Launch ,Others ,Industry Insiders ,Meal ,Whales ,Make ,Kangei Maru ,50 Million Us Dollars ,50 Million ,Whaling Company ,Meet ,Tour ,Precedent ,Well ,Ship Led ,Fondness ,Hideaki ,Kildall Simple ,Wild Whale Watching ,Eating Whale ,Ship Hunt Whales ,Whale Watching ,Business Model ,Appetite ,School Lunches ,Vending Machines ,Data ,Pc ,Peak ,Food Carts ,Country Supermarkets ,1 ,Boat ,Bankruptcy ,Toccata ,Topo ,Bills ,Plan B ,Overhunting ,Extinction Due ,Mammals ,Brink ,Consumers ,Ton ,Learning ,Food ,Ecosystem ,Nutrients ,Populations ,Fisheries Agency ,Plant Life Growth ,Meets ,Popularity ,Shortcut ,Endangered Species ,Agency ,Products ,Whaling Industry ,Shrinking Business ,Menu ,Tokyo ,Viewers ,Planet ,Nuggets ,Canada ,Use ,Meat Problem ,Hearing Aids ,Brand Leader ,Nobody ,Hair ,75 ,Hearing ,Evaluation ,Everything Call Miracle Ear ,347090 ,1802 ,Breath ,Cardiologist ,Foot ,Trail ,Obstructive Hcm ,At Making Excuses ,Adults ,Ios ,Obstructive ,Cancels ,Medication ,Kim ,Ios Works ,Ability ,Death ,Irregular Heartbeat ,Medicines ,Silas ,Ios May ,Dose ,Camps ,Health Care Provider ,Program ,You ,Echocardiogram ,Cams ,Ohio ,My Name Is Mike ,More ,Sin ,Xylose ,Pregnancy ,Chem ,Kim Xylose ,Seven ,Confidence ,Wings ,Camp Xylose ,Psoriasis ,Skin ,Plaques ,Targets ,Benzoic ,Il 7 ,Piece ,Any ,Psoriasis Control ,Moderate ,Shorts Data ,Head ,Zoox ,Freedom ,Liver Problems ,Thoughts ,Inflammatory Bowel Disease ,Behavior ,Saw ,Dermatologist ,Vaccine ,Doing Zelig ,Captioning ,Fed ,1807 ,1807100 ,Dealing Invention Idea ,Cohen Van ,807 ,100020 ,Gun ,Drugs ,Felony Gun Charges ,Hunter Biden ,Cnn S Marshall Cohen ,Child ,David Weiss ,Courthouse ,To Go On Trial Special Counsel ,Gun Felonies ,Son ,Delaware ,Wilmington ,Drug Addict ,Drug User ,Prosecutors ,Addiction ,Alcoholism ,Dots ,Crack Cocaine Addiction ,Drug Use ,Purchase ,25 ,Maximum ,Conviction ,Prison Sentence ,Offenders ,Offenses ,Father ,Key ,Yes ,Finish Line ,Halle Biden ,Bo Biden ,Partners ,Widow ,Ex Wife ,Memoir ,Excerpts ,Materials ,Text Messages ,Laptop ,Trove ,Court ,Addiction Prosecutors ,Monday Morning ,2021 ,Marshall Cohen Cnn ,Northern California ,14000 ,30 ,8 ,San Francisco ,Corral Fire ,California Department Of Forestry And Fire Protection ,50 ,5600 ,Residents ,Fire ,Handle ,Firefighters ,Weather Conditions ,Temperature ,Wins ,Flames ,State Of Emergency ,Businesses ,Disruption ,Number ,Hospitals Entertainment Venues ,Georgia ,Atlanta ,Water Crisis ,Romo ,Scene ,Portions ,Cities ,Paralyze ,Break ,Thousands ,Center ,South ,Cartilage ,Tourist Attractions ,Sunday Afternoon ,Workers ,Water Main ,Matter ,Downtown Salmon Area ,Saturday Night ,Working Sunday On The Second One Gushing ,Partner ,Water Commissioner ,Dislocation ,Andre Dickens ,Repair ,Apologizing ,Resources ,Water Services ,Communities ,Water Outage ,Homeless Shelters Hospitals ,Drinking Water ,Centers ,Water Impacting ,Emory University Hospital ,Midtown ,10500 ,Hospital ,Ambulances ,Water Pressure ,Breaks ,Operations ,Service ,Phantom Inflation ,Visitors ,Boil Advisory ,Cuban Peso ,In The City ,Rafael Romo Cnn ,Staff ,Blow ,Patients ,Cash ,Crisis ,Eggs ,Milk ,Leinz ,Cuba ,Bank Accounts ,Patrick Oppmann ,Banks ,Money ,Guarantee ,Front ,King ,Transactions ,Attempts ,Pesos ,Build ,Rate ,Princes ,Black Market ,11000 Pesos ,11000 ,Runaway Inflation ,Companies ,Spain ,Economy ,Lately ,Shortages ,Record Inflation ,Sanctions ,Plots ,Journalists ,Production ,Cubans ,Currency ,Banking System ,Noi ,Faith ,Inflation ,Dollar ,Nancy ,Retiree ,Packet ,Prices ,Value ,Space ,7000 Pesos ,7000 ,Carton ,Economists ,Price ,Island ,3000 ,Troops ,World War Ii ,80th Anniversary ,D Day Invasion ,160 ,80 ,Beaches ,Vet Friends ,World Leaders ,Grand Commemoration ,France ,Invasion ,Normandy ,Veterans ,You Rose ,Michael Holmes ,Lifetime ,Gratitude ,Fateful Normandy Beaches ,6 ,1944 ,6 June 1944 ,Forces ,Nazi Germany ,Allied ,50000 ,Fighting ,Who ,Soldiers ,Men And Women ,Pacific ,Nine Thousand ,Eight ,Companion ,Chance ,Experience ,Beginning ,Veteran ,Sweet Trip ,Isn T A ,Wave ,Uk ,Prime Ministers ,Nation ,Chancellors ,Generation ,Watch ,Members ,World Holt ,Newsroom ,Cancer ,Secret ,Breast Cancer Treatment ,Spies ,Scaly ,Trials ,Pill ,Aromatase Inhibitor ,Lung Problems ,Skin Reactions ,Grapefruit ,Blood Cell ,Breathing Problems ,Chest Pain ,Chills ,Tiredness Loss ,Yellowing ,Heartbeat Dizziness ,Cough ,Pain Bleeding ,Bruising ,Urine ,Fever ,Loss ,Rash ,Cookie ,Qa ,Cabinet ,Charles ,Region Charging ,Electric Vehicle ,38 ,Foundation ,Fo ,

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