because at least i'll tell you my own opinion. i was affecting attorney out for some sort of a pushback yeah. it didn't happen and it's very, very interesting. barak reveal. appreciate it. thank you. the news continues to source some kaitlan collins starts now saving the source tonight. hell half no fury like a former president turned convicted felon, donald trump is lashing out i'll calling the judge who will sentence him, quote, the devil, any rambling rampage. >> and a question that is on many americans minds tonight is will trump actually go to prison? >> it's certainly on his as he is mine for sympathy and falsely claiming that he is facing 187 years behind bars and a former apprentice produced so who had an nda for 20 years has just now expired, is now breaking his silence, claiming that he personally heard donald trump use the n word that produce there is here tonight and will join me. i'm kaitlin collins, and this is the source little bit of a pro tip to start you off with tonight, it may not be the best idea to refer to the judge who is going to sentence you soon on felony charges. you were just convicted on as the devil. but donald trump did just that in the wake of his conviction we have a judge is highly conflicted, looks like an angel, but he's really a devil. i wanted to testify, but the judge allowed them to go into everything that i was ever involved in. was he a bad boy? here? was he a bad boy there? this is a scam there's a rig trial it shouldn't have been in that venue. we shouldn't have had that, judge. >> we're living in a fascist state a lot to absorb and frilly that was just a small snippet of it. it's just the tip of the iceberg of what we heard de and if those surroundings that you saw there in the background looks familiar. they should it was right there that the same golden escalator at trump tower where all of this started nine years ago when trump kicked off his first run for the white house. he was speaking from there this morning as a former president. and now a convicted felon it's safe to say a lot has happened in the last nine years and what sounded like a mini version of a maga rally. trump also took a shot at his own attorneys during his 33 minutes set falsification of business records in the first-degree. it sounds so bad i said, wow, i'll even my own lawyers, i get very upset with them because they don't say what it is trump has made clear how he is going to say it capitalizing on his conviction and folding it into his political strategy. the trump campaign says that since yesterday's verdict came down in the 5:00 hour, they have raised nearly $53 million i should note, cnn hasn't confirmed that number. we can't until the fec reports come out. but in the meantime, the person that trump is personally, i should note baselessly blaming for his prosecution president biden also weighed in today donald trump has given every opportunity to defend himself his reckless it's dangerous. it's irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict. justice and should be respected and we should never allow anyone to tear it down i should note that one of the many people trump referred to today during his diatribe at trump tower was michael cohen but he didn't do so by name, given trump is still under a gag order tonight instead, trump's simply referred to him as a sleaze bag cohen responded on cnn just a short time ago. the days of me being in the cult of that dumpster cult of donald trump is over right now. he wants to call me a convict. one's called me a felon. guess what, pow. so you and would that my light source tonight was in the courtroom every day with donald trump throughout his trial, cnn political analyst, and new york times senior political correspondent, maggie haberman is your maggie. >> i was just thinking, i mean, obviously you wrote an entire book on trump and his biography what is it like now to see that this moment has happened, that he is a convicted felon because we didn't know how the verdict was going to go over the last several weeks. >> now, although i will say being in the courtroom yesterday, once the judge came back and said the jurors had said they had reached a verdict. it was pretty clear in the room where this was likely going, particularly watching the defense table well, i think they all knew because it was so it was because it lives under two days and it was very unlikely that this was going to be an acquittal just based on the volume of the evidence and based on all sorts of testimony look, this is something that i'll trump has spent decades trying to avoid. he has lived in this legal gray area for a very long time and he has played they gamesmanship with prosecutors and regulators and people who have overseen his businesses and aspects of his of his public-facing life. and he befriended prosecutors. he was very proud of his relationship with bob morgenthau, who was one of alvin bragg's predecessors. so this is a momentous event. now, what it means long-term, we don't know. he could win an election. he's going to appeal this, this appeal is likely if it succeeds, i have no idea if it will or it won't you know, they they they are going to throw a lot at it. they're going to try to get it before the supreme court. it will drag on for a while. it is highly unlikely that anything gets resolved before the election so it is likely that trump is going to head into the election with this, with this conviction on his record, and that just puts us into unchartered territory. >> you've reported on him deeply you've been there weiss house briefings on the campaign trail, obviously in the courtroom. what was it like to actually be sitting in their and to see him as he as he turned around what i'm walked out, knowing what the verdict was. >> so we had an obstructed view of him while the verdict was being read. >> one of the sketch artist jane rosenburg relayed to us that he shook his head and he closed his eyes, shook his head when he got up, we could see his whole face. he looked as if he had been punched in the gut. i have no other way of describing it his his his frown was read do we really pronounced he reached for his son, eric's hand. they clasped hands and shook very hard and then eric padded his father on the back and he walked out. but the error was just entirely still and i should note that there was a massive technical difficulty in the room as well, which added to some of the drama in there where the internet kicked out for many of us reporters. >> but it was it was it was an incredibly intense moment when we heard from people saying he was in high spirits and ready to fight. >> i mean it doesn't seem like that's what you saw. well, that certainly wasn't we saw in that moment. i know that he did present that to a bunch of people. i've heard for this from a bunch of people he talked to. he's doing what he often does and times of high stress, which is work, the phones pretty aggressive land he's talking to a lot of people i don't think that he's exuberant and excited about this, and i understand that they're raising a ton of money off of it, and that's significant to their campaign. but donald trump doesn't want to be a convicted felon and there's no world in which he's actually happy about it. >> yeah. and it's interesting because melania trump is your barron trump is here. i believe ivanka trump in jared kushner are also here based on our reporting trump went dined with these megadonor is last night. i mean, he just went about his business in the evening. is two hours after two or three hours after he was convicted for the first time, he went straight to a donor dinner with his friend steve witkoff, who was with him in the courtroom when the verdict came down and a bunch of other folks and he this is what we have seen him do after a number of upheavals impeachments, and election losses and he just powers forward. and so we will see him doing that in this campaign. >> what did you make of today? i mean, it kind of builds it as this news conference, which is always the trick if you're a trump broke cover, a reporter covering trump is you never know there's actually going to be two hours of questions or if a zero to be today, which was not he just turned it loved yeah. >> look, i think actually i talked to a number of people around him who are very happy. he didn't take questions because that probably would've led to more problematic areas for him he in their ideal world, he would have just kept it focused on the problem process. and this is unfair in the mark the parts of his speech where he talked about this is about the constitution and they're trying to make this a much bigger fight. but he can't help himself. and so he attacks the judge. any attacks michael cohen, any attacks this one and that one and he says all kinds of other things and they starts talking about the january 6 house investigation, which is never a topic as advisers want him talking about, it turned into a mini rally and it was filled with grievances and i think you will see more of that. i think we will see him publicly in some way in the next two days. he's in new jersey right now at bedminster. i expect we will see him out there in some fashion. gen. but he's also someone who is response to things based on not how he actually experiences them, but the coverage and the perception of them. and you, he was critical of his attorneys today. he said that they never say it. it is what it is, and he also talked about why he didn't ultimately take the stand. we talked todd blanche is lead attorney here about what was behind that decision last night. this is what he told us of course, he wanted to testify and i don't say that because that's what he has said. >> he wanted to get a story out. i think the judge had made some decisions before the trial or the de the trial started about what would be allowed to be asked of him by the prosecutors if he took the stand and some of those questions were really complicated to answer because they're still appeals going on and so there's a lot there's a lot of decision points that go into whether somebody testifies ultimately, it's his decision. and he listened to us and he relied on our counsel and he reached the decision that he that he thought was right, which i very much agreed with. >> yeah. that was true. as far as i know from what was taking place in real time, he did want to testify his lawyers were concerned about it for all of the reasons that every other lawyer who has ever represented him has been darned about him testifying. he ultimately didn't. i think there are things that todd blanche decidedly didn't do well during this trial, but there were a couple of things he did do well and one was that he got trump by some miracle not to essentially self cut during the proceedings. he there were a couple of instances of cursing or shaking his head or doing something. the judge didn't like in front of the jurors, but generally speaking, they got him not to do things like that and those moments defined the two civil trials that he had in the past year. so i'm not surprised, trump didn't testify at the end of the day. trump absolutely could have testified if he had wanted to only trump turn this into a big thing by insistently repeatedly climbing. he wanted to test well, he also complained about he said that there are witnesses that were exculpatory to him, essentially and they weren't called. but the defense has the right to they don't have the burden that they have the right to call witnesses. >> they absolutely could have called keith schiller. >> they absolutely. there are a number of people who they could have called and one person who they did goal, which was a source, of controversy within trump's world was bob costello. and bob costello i don't know a single person around trump who actually thought that that went well. him being on the stand. now, the reasons why you hear various different explanations for the castello wasn't prepped well, and that was other people's fault and so forth. but that that was a call that ended up confirming a lot of what michael cohen was saying about some of the pressure, even even it's castello was denying it. he was doing it in a way that the jurors were paying very close attention during that testimony. and it seemed like a very strange choice. i will say one other thing that todd blanche made very clear to us night and that interview was how much of the defendant was running the strategy on a lot of fronts in this case, and not every single one, but a lot of them. and when that happens, you run into things like todd, blanche telling the jurors that donald trump didn't reimburse michael cohen because this was legitimate legal work. it wasn't a reimbursement. trump himself called it a reimbursement over and over in 2018, which the prosecutor, joshua steinglass, in his own closing argument, was able to point to tweets about so i don't know how well this case ever necessarily could have gone for them for a variety of factors, but i don't think they made it easier on themselves either. what have you heard about trump's concern about the sentencing? >> because who knows, it's going to be jail time. we don't know what judge marsha is going to do. >> but even if he's on probation is to check in with a probation officer, he could get community service. >> we'll talk about that. coming up as you worried about the sentencing. >> yeah. he doesn't wanna go to jail i mean, no matter no matter how much political upside he sees from it, he doesn't want to go to jail. >> there's no question. >> maggie haberman. great reporting over the last several weeks and always thank you for joining us here tonight. trump is a core is going to learn what that punishment is soon. just want six weeks from now. it's safe to say though it will not be this this is the crime then i committed that. >> i'm supposed to go to jail for 187 years for our legal minds will be here next to talk about what the actual options are like we got ourselves a bad man right here we talked enough in these territories and then we'll come try you will take from you until you are wiped clean from this leg he used that much this year everyone had much needed but yeah in american saga so far yanks the leaky refrigerator coil card of an ac fan motor? oh, no. >> but your future is bright with an american home shield warranty to protect your cupboard appliance as an home system or their fees behind me, my bs escape sale. we talked about that. >> i can homes yield sign up today at home a mcglone just cleaned my entire house for $19 seriously, $19. they showed up right on time, and did my dishes my laundry. >> they even cleaned my windows. >> you just pick a date, pick a cleaner, and enjoy a spotless house for $19. >> i love using glow and i think you will too the windsor don't know. i've got to go 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to 400 hours of it potentially here tonight to break down all the options. cnn legal analyst, and criminal defense attorney joey jackson, attorney and jury consultant. we're not as tibial and also retired new york state supreme court justice, who is known judge merchan for more than 15 years. judge jill kohn visor, and joey, i mean, this is probably one are the number one questions i got today after this after this? verdict from friends was is this actually something we could see happen in terms of a sentence and go to prison. yeah. look, i think he could be sentenced to prison and i think i'd hasten to add for people all does nothing to see here. he's not going to go. i'd say slow down a bit. now remember there'll be a psr pre-sentence report and that pre-sentence report, we'll do a deep dive into his life. we know about his life by financial conditions, status, nature of the offense, et cetera i don't know that he'll participate in that particular report, but we'll get that the judge will be guided by that gold, but they do it with like a secret service officer. while secret service is always around them because he's a former president, he's entitled to that. and so certainly whatever he does because that'll be the case, but i don't think he'll be a participant in that report as others may be certainly he will not address the offense. one of the things we know that comes up is the issue of whether people accept responsibility. obviously, he doesn't. you calling the judge a devil? you are talking about this being a prosecution by biden. you're talking about how it's rig the jury does this cetera and i think that factors in so you also have to know this kaitlan. there are people in jail for misdemeanor offenses. let's be clear about that. new york state, right? we have rikers island, so it's a jail. and the reality is, people have been sentenced for far less. and so i don't think we can presume that it will not happen last point i know they'll also be bail pending appeal. what does that mean in english and the event the judge does sentence him, there'll be a number of legal maneuverings to perhaps prevent any type of sentence until any appealable issues are resolved. if he gets elected president, it'll be delayed until after he gets out of his presidency. and we'll see what's happened then separate issue bits queen, a sentence and whether it'll actually be imposed and ho survey. >> well, and based on what he said today, judge, i mean, he said that judge merchan looks like an angel, but is actually the devil. i mean, it was even for someone who every single day, almost his railed against this judge outside the courtroom. it was a really striking common in, you know judge merchan do something like that factor into it? the judges thinking on this, the way they've acted outside the courtroom, the way they backed it inside the courtroom absolutely. >> in fact, this is the one time where there aren't a lot of rules set down by the legislature or anyone for that matter in terms of what a judge can do, sentencing as a moment for judges to look at the entirety of the conduct the crime, the person, the conduct that they've had inside and outside the courtroom, and to use that in making a determination what is an appropriate sentence here? so when the judge will look at a pre-sentence report or probation report, we use those terms interchangeably. if a defendant doesn't cooperate, that is something i would consider i told you to go to probation. that's a requirement you didn't you didn't follow that rule. i'm going to hold that against you the other thing that i've heard mentioned by todd blanche's lead attorney is his age. >> he is 77-years-old. >> trump talked about that today, and we're saying, well, no, one ever pitied him for his a geneva saying, maybe that's a good thing. >> but but that is a factor typically that goes into sentencing and just todd blanche, we talked about this last night. i want you to listen to what he had to say about it somebody like. >> president trump should never, never face a jail sentence based on this conduct and it would just confirm what we've been saying all along. and a lot of people say that were wrong and that we're we're missing we're missing key pieces, but if, if if other 77-year-old first-time offenders would never be sent a prison for this conduct. >> is that true? >> well, if you just want to look at a 77-year-old first-time offender convicted of an e felony, maybe we can have that conversation, but he has also made comments about the judge will show no remorse at sentencing, will not ask for forgiveness, will not show any contrition has said that the system is rigged. so there are a lot of factors that todd blanche left out in that description? yes. normally, you would say to the court, well, my client is 77-years-old. there's a low likelihood of recidivism. all of those things a court would take into consideration, but there are so many other factors i've been saying i didn't think he was gonna go i do think he is going to see jail time where really based on if he keeps i just think the lack of contrition i think the lack of remorse and i think this is a fairly serious crime. this is not falsifying business records to save $1,000 on your taxes. this is falsifying business record in furtherance of manipulating an election that affected millions of people. >> if he doesn't will the judge asked him if he is remorseful at the sentencing hearing? how does that work? >> every defendant has a right to be heard. so the way it will go down is that there will be submissions. both sides will be submitting papers, letters, documents for the judge to review it. at a time, and the judge will read everything that is sent to him and then at that moment, in the courtroom for the sentencing hearing the judge will make sure everyone has seen the probation report and then say, do want to say anything about the probation report? you want to say anything. but prior to sentence to the people, the people will be heard. the defense lawyer, todd blanche will be heard, and then there'll be the personal invitation by the judge to ask whether or not the defendant, donald trump, wants to be heard and moments affect the sentencing. sure. sure. absolutely. if he were to get up and say, you know what? i shouldn't have done this. this is something that i've been thinking about. i'm sorry, i said all those terrible things. i'm sorry. i demeaned in pretty much every branch of government in the united states of america. well, maybe, maybe he would look at any of those things this was rigged, say, prediction, he will not be what are you do the grigory that it's a real possibility he could see jail time. i mean, i really think that that's a factor now, just in thinking about this, caitlin, i know we've been talking about 20 years and he said today on tv ivanka, 187 years. this is what we call concurrent time, not to get in the weeds, but it's involving the same transaction, the same offense, it's e felony. there's a four-year and so i don't think there'll be any stacking of time. i think four years in my view, would be the total exposure. i don't think we'll face anywhere near that, but i think it would only be appropriate if we're of the view that everyone should be treated equally under the law. what makes this not equal? and so to the extent that he has an accepted responses ability, to the extent that he will never get up there and say, forgive me, father for i have sinned. i just think that there's a sentence that maybe weighted so you're the only judge her tonight. >> if it was you, what would you do? >> would you sentenced him to jail? >> i would never give an opinion about a sentence before the sentencing hearing. i would wait to read and see everything. sometimes prosecutors have victims if there are any in this case that are interested in coming forward, they they would here i would hear them would here the parties and right here from the defendant and is then and only then what i make my decision in terms of stacking time, like you said, because there are so many different dates were these alleged incidents. they're not alleged with these crimes occurred i think that he probably could be exposed to consecutive time. i don't think he will get it and it would it would merge and max out at attend to 20 i don't think we're talking about that, but he is facing i would say in real-time ten to 20, but i agree with you. that's not something that he would get. it would be a one to 12311 and a third to four years in state prison is the maximum for all its progress. >> you know, judge, that you note that you would wait until after everyone has given their submissions because as we know, before sentencing of course, there'll be submission via the prosecutor. they'll ask caitlin what their viewers of this case and what they believe is appropriate sentence the defense will do likewise and have a number of people weigh in, and hopefully those people say something through than its rigueur, then it's false and it shouldn't have occurred. but it's nice to know that a judge will listen to all the remarks before sentences imposed. >> but if i had any client not named donald trump acting the way he has acted throughout this trial and the lack of remorse. i'd be saying to that client, get ready for jail really? not probation, not community service. >> just given given the contempt being shown for the system and saying that the trial was rigueur. all this. but you know, what might be actually worse than jail would be community service because you know what community services in new york, it's picking up garbage in the park. it's cleaning graffiti. i mean, could you imagine if he was sentenced? five days of community service, you have to do the community service in new york well, you can try and work something out if the court approves it. not necessarily. he could do private community service. he could try and rent, but typically for anybody else for anybody sitting here, if you've got sentenced to community service, you're picking up garbage in the park i would never transfer community service. in this case. i'm want to keep the reins on that particular he could get probation two and probation means you've got to report to a probation officer telling where you are, what are you doing? >> that wouldn't vision officer would be here in new york? yes. and that also can be transferred. but again, i'm not transferring mr. trump. >> judge. great to have you we're not as to build joey jackson as well. thank you all for being here. meanwhile, trump's vice presidential contenders are rushing to his defense after that guilty verdict yesterday, joining us next is one those potential running mate's one of the most active 22 seasons can't control a tornado what kinds of interventions can we design go inside the store. premiere of wine and earth with liev schreiber, sunday at nine on cnn water would 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advanced security sensors and cameras for your whole home, powered by 24/7 professional monitoring and fast protect technology exclusively from simply safe for faster p l0 bee to three-to-one, three-to-one. today i'm sara marie in washington and this is cnn after, the verdict came down yesterday, the leading contenders and donald trump's viv stakes rush to defend him in a show of loyalty this was a political sham prosecution. >> the verdict in the outcome is a hoax of a trial. >> i think trump benefits from this. i think they elect the president last night. >> trump spent that first night as a convicted felon in the company of mega donors at a private residence here in new york. according to the billionaire and the trump ally, john cats and mathias, the names on trump's vp shortlist that came up at that dinner last night includes south carolina senator tim scott that you saw there former un ambassador nikki haley, former secretary of state mike pompeo, a name we haven't really heard much in this race. and also north dakota governor doug burgum, governor burgum is here with us now. governor, we've talked about you being under consideration for this before and donald trump becoming president again, does yesterday's conviction would that change your mind about accepting the offer as vice president at all? >> well, no, it doesn't, but i think the whole the whole discussion about the vip stakes, i think it's kind of a giant distraction because it doesn't really matter present trump is so strong across all demographics. gil, he can win this election on his own i think that the people of this country, it really focused on the issues, not on who's gonna be the vp. because whether he's gaining and votes with hispanic americans, african americans, people under 30. he's gaining and all carrot categories laid a big swing and independence coming his way all the things he needs to sweep the country tree. next fall. so i think it's important again, just to focus on the issues because right now everybody is focused on the trial. you know, that blocks and blocks of reporters down there and there's a part of me when i'm there, i'm sad because i'm like, wow, everybody is covering this. but meanwhile out there in america yesterday, people got up, didn't have enough money to pay for the food on their table, the gas in their car, pay their rent, and then today they get up and they have the same issues. >> yeah. i take you on that because obviously inflation is a major concern. we look at the numbers every day, the new numbers that just came out today, but also got a lot of attention because it was a former president they've never been on trial before, once, ever been convicted before it was it was historic. >> but when you mentioned the democrat demographics and certain voters that trump is going forward and trying to shore up his support with obviously what happened yesterday, fires up the republican base. >> we saw the fundraising numbers that they campaign put out. >> but i wonder if if it helps with moderate voters, with independent voters, but because the margins will matter come 2024. yes and they will. and i think one thing that was really telling when they've just released the record over 50 million over raised the today that some 30% of those for from donors that had never donated before, small-dollar donors. and i think again, when there's a part of our country that feels that this whole trial was very politicized. and that when in because it was political, they want to rally behind. there is a real sentiment like, wow, if he could do this to donald trump what could they do to me? and so they want, they want to express their support for someone who's fighting for the issues that matter to them, like the boy order the border is a big issue. it's not about immigrations, about national security, it's about public safety, it's about the spending that's going on for people that have come into our country legally and all those things are on the minds. these voters can have multiple concerns. >> obviously, we always see that, but if you're a moderate suburban woman, always the demographic that is sought after in presidential elections, especially when we can see how much the margins will matter, potentially this fall, you'll what would you say to that person if voter if they're concerned about voting for someone who is a convicted felon. >> well, i think i liked to listen before i talk sometimes and i think one of the things that has to be understood is is what would their concerns be because if they're concerned about someone who had an alleged business filing error from seven years ago that somehow 34 slips of paper related to one decision became 34 felonies. i mean, through some kind of magic alchemy that it turned into felonies because i think most americans have no idea what this case was about. i mean, the the legal experts that were standing on the curb outside for five or six weeks can't really explain what happened. i think in the minds of most americans who had issues yesterday and they have issues today. they're moving on by the time we get to november, they're going to make a decision about am i better off now than i was four years ago and a lot of people are going to say, no, i'm not, i'm very often or president trump. >> well, we saw i mean, these 12 jurors saw all that evidence laid out about the checks, including the ones that trump signed in addition to the voices, they clearly were convinced by it but trump held this kind of free grainge news conference, not news conference statement earlier today at trump tower. >> i want you to listen to part of what he said this man was told you're gonna get 15 years in jail have you don't, give up. >> trump and he was told that you're gonna get 15 years in jail and he made a plea deal because he didn't want to spend the rest of his life and he was told that viciously we're living in a fascist state what do you make that comment that we're living in a fascist state? well, i would just say, i think a lot of americans understand the frustration that president trump house with this whole, this whole process. and i think as a as someone, i spent my life in taka's people know, but part of that chunk at that time was in accounting software, which i was we had hundreds of thousands of customers around the world. and that's all about creating business documents like invoices and vouchers and checks. i mean, that's what we did i have is a business guy forget the pollen as a business guy, i've never seen a ceo of any company dragged before a court and charged with 34 felonies on a alleged business filing error that happened seven years ago with even in the state of new york, that's it. it's a two-year statute, limitations, but it's an alleged because he was convicted. so they are crimes that's what the jury found. it was a jury of his peers, but but on calling america a fascist state, i mean, do you agree with that? >> well, i think that i think the american people that are out there feel a little bit like this was a situation like, again, i don't want to say soviet, but it's a you show me the you show me the person and i'll show you the crime because this was a little bit of we're going to start this trial and we're not even identify what the crime is. and then 55 pages of jury instructions that were super broad and they didn't have to agree on what the crime was so i think that there are trump's team had to say in those jury instructions i mean, the crime was falsifying business records. it wasn't right. undefined, but it'd be again, i have not heard anyone explain how a fall if there was a false flight, they will appeal, of course, but a falsified business record from seven years ago that had a two-year statute limitations somehow becomes a felony i'm not sure how that happens unless they're trying to connect it to federal election law in federal election law doesn't fall in the jurisdiction of the county of new york, which is just manhattan. it's this the single county of manhattan. i just keep going i remember when you are running in the republican race, it for the primary race and you know, you were talking about only in america can this happen and extolling the virtues of the united states and if you don't like the outcome of this case, i think there's certainly a lot of republicans who don't. that's not surprising, but trump was able to put on a defense. his attorneys had to say, i was there in the room is 12 jurors who made the decision here. so that's just how the us justice system works. and to call it a fascist state because of that it was also 12 years in the county of manhattan is ten to one registered democrats to republicans. that's the jury pool and i think that people just say, wow, how does a person get a fair trial when you, when you, when this is really about politics and not really about business filing because it was really about business filing the courts in new york would be filled with ceos for six-week long cases on 7-year-old business filing cases, because somebody in the accounting department called a legal expensive legal expense. so i think just the common sense american people are like this was about politics this isn't some horrific thing that happened there's going to be an appeal. it likely is going to get overturned. okay. let's go back inflation, the borders wars oversee china during this trial around launched 320 missiles at israel and it barely got covered. that was a okay, that got a lot of coverage, of course. and donald trump's not president, president biden president. and i remember it wouldn't covered that extensively, so i don't think you could say it didn't get covered. >> well, it came and gone in 24, 48 hour news cycle and now this new cycle last for six weeks. so i mean relatively which is more important to the future of the world us moving towards world war three, or, or a business filing case, records, case. it's under appeal from seven years ago. i would argue that it's the global thing that a state that's funding terrorism like iran is a bigger issue for are constantly both important historic issues. governor burgum, thank you for coming on tonight, right. thank you. >> up next my guess says for 20 years he could not say what he saw donald trump do on the set of the apprentice, but now he can, because he says is india has expired, his claim these are explosive. he says there are tapes to prove it. he'll join me right after this stanley cup playoffs you want energy give me a through. >> let's live by carriers topic play on these wash. let's smoke, coy a hockey. >> camp. >> victims of mesothelioma and their families may be entitled to receive a casual board from the estimated $30 billion in its best dose trust funds now available over $50 billion has been awarded already. if you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma or lung cancer causing bias best dose, call the number on your screen now, we 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that cover up that ultimately led to the conviction on felony torches yesterday. >> i might excess. next source says that there are more tapes the day that that access hollywood story broke the former apprentice producer build pruitt tweeted, quote, i assure you when it comes to the trump tapes, there are far worse. who picks the former white house aide even testified during this hearing, during this trial that the fear of more tapes actually sent the trump campaign into full panic mode after that access hollywood tape came out but at the time, pruitt says he was prevented from saying more because of a nondisclosure agreement that he had signed, it's a practice that trump talked about just today as a defense for the actions that led to those 34 guilty counts it's world that non-disclosure agreement and most of the people in this room have a non-disclosure agreement with that company it's a disgrace. so it's not hush money, it's a non-disclosure agreement totally legal totally common everyone has it it is totally legal. >> but but it's safe to say that most people do not have one. they'll prewitt did. he says that that 20 india has now expired in a piece for slate. he describes the former president's behavior while filming seasons one and two of the apprentice he also described the challenge of trying to make trump look like a new york tycoon, a competent one, writing without a doubt, the hardest decisions we faced in post-production or how to edit together sequences involving trump. we needed him to sell sharp dignified, and clear on what he was looking for and not as if he was yelling at people to millions of future voters that end up looking like this name is donald trump, and i'm the largest developer in new york. i even have a television show i drive on energy. >> this isn't a game. i'm not playing games who will succeed who will and who will be the apprentice? >> but when it came to a discussion of who would be declared the winner of season one pruitt says that donald trump was recorded using the n word award that trump himself once insisted is not even in his vocabulary see it in his not verified the tapes existence. and i should note that trump's campaign flatly denied these claims made by pruitt, telling cnn, quote, this is a completely fabricated and bs story that was already peddled in 2016. nobody took it seriously then and they won't now because it's fake news. bill bruit joins me now for his first television interview since making these accusations and that slight peace and bill, it's great to have you here. i want to talk about the nda and the limits of it in a moment. but, first on that explosive allegation, in this, can you just describe for viewers what you say you saw happened and what you heard from donald trump sure. >> first of all, the apprentice, which is 20-years-old now, when it debuted, is a fcc regulated game show that means that the federal communications commission regulated whether or not we could tell trump who to firing who to hire okay. >> in that we had to strategically find a way to consult with this guy is very busy at the time is quote unquote billionaire on how we would go about telling the story in the boardroom so our show runner wisely decided that we would record all of our conversations with trump about what happened in the field, whether it was with the two finalists, are all the other contestants appearing before him in the boardroom? >> we went about telling him the pluses and minuses of each character in very balanced sort of way. we recorded all of these things kwame jackson was known to do this. bill ransac would do that and we share that with him, an equitable terms because we want it to feel like a horse race. we want these two people to seem like they're going to match one and another all the way through to the finish line. and it will be basically any meeny miny, moe and then trump will make his decision on who he hires. >> and so then you say it was in that discussion between those two contestants that you heard trump's say the n word so basically we're there, the producers. and carolyn capture enjoyed ross, who are the two advisors who worked for trump at the trump organization and they're allowed a little bit more leeway because they worked for trump so they can just say things that we can't say necessarily directly and one point, carolyn capture who is the head of his hospitality unit and ran one of his golf clubs sort of came outside herself and said kwame jackson oversaw omar rosa, who is brought back onto the task and created all kinds of problems for herself and other people all along the season. >> but was great tv and was kept around for a reason for that. carolyn capture with thought well, kwame deserves to be considered for how graceful he was in handling this. and we all sort of agreed but it was tilting things in a direction that we didn't necessarily need it to go because we wanted to share an equitable story and trump seemed to have an issue with this idea, all a lie you could see him reacting and shaking his head wobbling his head, grimacing, wincing before he said, yeah, but wouldn't america by the end, he said the n word winning i remember i was looking reddit carolyn, when this was spoken and she is very pretty blonde woman whose skin when bright scarlet and then i looked at trump to see the reaction that he was giving, like it was some sort of joke and he was still wincing. and bobbing his head and he was serious and wow it was then in there that i and you write that you couldn't talk about this because of the nda that you were under it and it was a 20 year nda let's talk about the nda for a second. >> in my business, it can be 20 minutes and it's still religious because you're held to disagreement for very strict principles. in reality tv were like magicians. we don't reveal our secrets to anyone. so for me to come out and say what i'm saying to you is tantamount to career suicide. okay. >> i'm gonna get blacklisted because of this, but i don't care i tried when in 2016, i tweeted two people to go and look for these tapes. >> i know that they existed because we recorded those meeting. we recorded that moment there. it's somewhere on a tape on a file i'm i'm. here to tell you that. doesn't matter. i have five emmy awards for producers guild nominations. none of that matters. i will lose my career if i break an nda or come forward with how this stuff gets done, right? i've done so in this article just so i can share it people, how we managed to con then what an article is. everyone should read it. it's incredibly interesting, but, but on the tape itself, i mean, do you know if this tape still exist i don't know. >> so here's what happens is we in production record at that time we were recording on videotape, taking the cassettes, putting them into a big digitizing center, digitizing the material onto hard drives and sending it back to los angeles. once la received the material and said it all looks good. we can edit get this together. we erased all of the original videotapes and that's for the production content. but these recordings, i'll call them not really actually, technically tapes were recorded onto disks, are onto hard drives themselves specifically for the fcc regulation and put aside i don't know what happened to them. i don't wouldn't be surprised if in the event of all this hearing that they were quickly dispatched elsewhere i mean, bill pruitt, it's a remarkable story and thank you for writing it in, for joining us to talk about it. i appreciate you my pleasure. and then in the next hour, that former apprentice contestant that bill just mentioned there, kwame jackson, he's going to join abby phillip here on cnn, will be back in a moment russia is we're trying to spy on us. >> we were spying on them. >> i'm sorry, frank the secret was secrets and spies. a nuclear game. premier sunday at ten on cnn my daughter is mla she is 19 months old she is a little 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announced that her mother, marion robinson, has died this morning at the age of 86 the former first lady described her mom is the family's rock, talked about her time, and the white house, living with them while he was president. >> and tonight the obama say that they are comforted by the understanding that she has returned to the embrace of her loving husband, fraser our thoughts are with all of them tonight thank you so much for joining us to cap off this busy week.

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,Unsung Hero ,Rolaids ,Products ,Heartburn ,Life Spills ,Relief ,Network ,Speed ,Comcast Business ,Plans ,Acid ,Formula ,Speeds ,Prepaid Card ,Speed Plans ,Cost ,Miss ,49 99 ,9 99 ,800 ,News Night With Abby ,Guilt Visit Com ,Designers ,Heart Racing ,Brands ,Prices ,Flash ,Remembrance ,Sop Guilt Com ,Designer Sales ,Michelle Obama ,First Lady ,Marion Robinson ,Rock ,Mom ,Matriarch ,86 ,Thoughts ,Them ,Husband ,Embrace ,Understanding ,Cap ,

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