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>> no more insight on this week's billboard hot 100 chart isn't from the senior, actually, from this decade, or the decade from where that. it's actually twice my age and then some. in fact, if it were person it would be old enough to collect social security. as the holidays near though, it's it's probably when you've been hearing a lot. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ >> brenda leaves, rocking around the christmas tree is making history, 65 years after it was released. now, breaking the record for the longest time to debut between, debuting and reaching number one. this achievement, fueled by a music video and tiktok campaign from lee, who recorded the song when she was just 13 years old. she is now 78, and celebrating this milestone, as she turns 79 next week. a nice early happy birthday to her. the song is set to break the record, that also is a christmas-- classic, -- -- of course, a lot of christmas music around here for the next several weeks. i want to thank you so much are joining us tonight, cnn news night with abby philip starts right now. -- that's tonight on news night. good evening, i'm abby philip in new york. tonight, what you might call the law of political physics. every action has it's equal, opposite reaction. president joe biden has now essentially confirmed that he is running for one reason or, rather, because of one man, and one man only. donald trump. those remarks came undone off camera fund-raiser in boston, and they are jaw-dropping, if only for the clarity in their simplicity. if trump wasn't running, he says, i'm not sure i would be running, but we can't let him win. the biden campaign was caught off guard, according to sources. yikes was how one top campaign advisor reacted when he learned what biden had said. now the remarks are short to create some headaches in the days ahead. and to renew some conversations that are ongoing about president biden's age. moments ago, trump himself tried to turn biden's admission to his own advantage. >> when i ran for president four years ago, i said we're in a battle for the soul of america, and we still are. >> now the comments today to echo 2020. you can see the parallels with his 2024 campaign announcement. >> i when i ran for president four years ago, i said we were in a battle for the soul of america, and we still are, >> but the context here is far different. biden is now 81 years old, not 77, and he has long since discarded this promise. >> look, i view myself as a bridge, not as anything else. there is an entire generation of leaders who stand behind me. they are the future of this country. >> a bridge. but, to what? to himself? well, it's something democrats say they do not want. and it's a big reason why the presidents age and his health, and his mental competency are questions that come with all of this. also tonight, the standard bearer of a famous political family says she might run for the exact same reason as joe biden. liz cheney, the former republican congresswoman who worries that donald trump might never leave if he wins again, sat down for an interview with our very own anderson cooper. and she would not rule out joining the 2024 field, if she thinks that it accomplishes one mission, and that is stopping trump >> if you were to determine that your candidacy would take more votes away from trump that it would for biden, will that be a catalyst to get into the race? >> i am going to look at this over the next couple of months, through the lens of how do we stand on some level, it's not about me, it's not about i'm going to do or not do. i look at it very much from the perspective of right now, absolutely we have to keep our eye on the goal of stopping him. right now and in this election cycle, i'll do whatever i have to do to make sure donald trump is not elected. >> interesting cooper joins me now. anderson, it was really striking how liz cheney really went after her former republican colleagues. let's take a listen to what she had to say. up >> this group of elected republicans can't be counted on to defend the constitution. and, that's a very sad thing for me to say, it's a very dangerous place for the country to be. but that's what we've seen, based on the actions of the last several years >> and she of course knows this from personal experience, because she was there. and they basically abandoned her. and, she watched him participate basically in parts of the things that led up to january 6th. what did you make of how she thinks about not just the trump -- but the republican party? >> yeah, that's one of the things that i found so extraordinary but what she has written. the idea that the republicans in the house, the body that she served until very recently cannot be trusted. she is top particularly if an election is so close that it ends up being determined in the house. i just find it stunning that liz cheney, who spent her career in the house, who's been a die hard republican for so long, and comes my very conservative family, is saying something so strong. i mean, it's kind of remarkable. >> and there is also, now there is the speaker of the house, who is an election denier, mike johnson. >> someone who she writes extensively about in the book, which is fascinating. and she obviously wrote the book before mike johnson was named speaker. but she had a lot of interaction with him, and she was telling me that people who were involved in the book were sort of like, why are you spending so much time talking about michael johnson. and now, it's very prescient that she did include him in the book. but she really does view him as somebody who betrayed himself as a constitutional scholar, who is making spacious constitutional arguments, and sort of putting out a gun -- amicus brief that president trump -- >> do you get the sense that she thinks it's a lost cause, that the republican party is a wholly owned subsidiary of donald trump's now. >> it does. certainly this iteration of the republican party, it does seem she thinks it is beyond salvaging. she has talked about thinking about a third party run, or the creation of a another party. i'm not sure, obviously i think there's a lot for her to figure out on that, and obviously it is a lot of obstacles for that. >> so she talked about what would happen if donald trump were reelected to a second term. listen to what she said. >> what it means if the president of the united states won't enforce the release of our courts. and that is absolutely what he has said he will do, he has gone to war with the rule of law. and a president who won't enforce the law, creates a situation where things just unravel. and, he will have people around him who will help him do it. >> i just a couple of days ago, i was talking to john bolton, who is to be clear, no fan of donald trump's. and he thought that that language was pretty alarmist. and i've actually heard that from several pretty anti trump republicans. they think that she has gone a little too far and how she talks about this. she is not moved by that at all. and she is doubling down, it seems. >> oh there's no doubt about it. i mean she seems to very much believe that the guard rails of democracy, that not only are they not as secure as many of us like to believe they were, or before trump administration, but also that the former president has learned from mistakes he made, and thinks he wasn't able to do before, and would not make those same mistakes. that essentially, the people around him have learned from the mistakes of the first administration. >> you mentioned the third party run. did you get the sense that she is keeping that option open, but more likely or less likely to go that route? >> i mean, i don't have really any insight on that. i mean look, i don't think she wants to do anything that would help donald trump become the next president. i is she saying that no or to kind of get attention, which many people do in order when you are out with a book, and she's making another headline? >> i'm not sure. but look, a third party run for her, i think that would be a difficult calculation. >> yeah, it certainly would be. anderson, thank you so much for joining us on that. >> and you can check out anderson's podcast about grief, for an interesting interview with president biden. and you can listen to all there is first-ing tomorrow morning, on apple podcasts, spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. >> i at a fox town hall tonight, the former president refused to say something very important. sean hannity tried to give donald trump an out, to put to bed these stories about a second term, and what it would look like, and whether there is a specter of authoritarianism or fascism. trump refused to say no. >> i is there any way, do you have any plans whatsoever, if reelected president, to abuse power, to break the law, to use the government to go after people? >> you mean like they're using right now. so in the history of our country. [applause] what's happened to us, again has never happened before. over nonsense, over nothing, made up charges. >> i want to go back to this one issue though, because the media has been focused on this, and are attacking you, under no circumstances, you are promising america tonight, you would never abuse power, as retribution against anybody? >> except that they won. >> joining me now -- it's tim alberta. he is a staff writer for the atlantic, and he is also the author of the new book, the kingdom, the power, and the glory, american evangelicals in an age of extremism. tim, thanks for staying up for us. the perfect person for this particular moment. as always, but that, from the trump town hall, it is pretty extraordinary. i mean once again, hannah tea handsy is almost like leaving a horse to water, and ask him to drink. and he won't do it. why won't he simply say, the answer is no? >> you know, i've called this before like the fifth avenue theory, abby. we remember when from 2016 said that he could shoot someone on fifth avenue get away with it. and he has over the past eight years, almost seemed to play this game where he wants to see how much he can get away with. he just keeps pushing and pushing and pushing. >> and frankly in that setting, answering the question the way that he did, or i guess more accurately not answering the question the way that he did, he knows he can get away with it. he realizes that there's no consequence for it, there's never been any consequence, at least not from his base. and so he is going to keep playing these games until it's almost like the hot stove thing, right. like until he really gets burned by it, i don't think we should expect anything else. but it is just extraordinary to pause, and reflect on that. like, hannity is begging him like, come on, really you're not going to turn into a tyrant are? you >> i might,. >> and you know it reminds me of. the last time we saw trump pull something like this was just before the 2020 election. he was repeatedly asked, will you accept the results of the election if you lose? and he refused to say. and then afterwards, he refused to accept the results of the election. so it's not just a rhetorical game. i mean, the audience was laughing. this would be a signal of what is to come. >> it's almost like we should start taking him seriously, right. i mean, even a couple of, i think it was 36 hours or so, a couple of days after the election, i believe it was november 5th when trump gave a speech from the white house, where he basically said we are living in a banana republic, you can't trust our elections anymore, it's been stolen from me. you, the people need to do something about this. and i remember being horrified, and fearful at that point of what was going to happen. and everybody was shrugging it off saying oh, this is just what he says, this is his stick. and it's like well hold on, there are tens of millions of people who voted for this man, and who believe him when he says these things. so it seems as though just as with your example, where he was almost priming people for how he might behave in the aftermath of that election, is he now priming people that yet again to say yeah, i might just pursue an authoritarian style of governing, and maybe people won't really have a problem with that. >> you kind of touched on this in your book. you talk about kyle thomas, who plays a pretty important role in the rise of modern evangelicalism. he said this to you about evangelical christians. he says, you can't have a gitimate conversations with these people, who are all in on trump, because if you find any flaws in him, even flaws that are demonstrable, they either excuse it or attack you. and, what he's describing there, does that make you, or him, worry that that's a recipe for authoritarianism? >> well, especially abby, yes. i mean it makes me worried. and i think especially when you take the elements of authoritarianism, but then you inject the religious zealotry, and the religious justification. nothing from himself, but from this base of conservative right wing white evangelicals, whom he has cultivated over the past eight years. and these are folks who, if you look at january 6th, some of the religious imagery around the siege of the capital. if you look at the language he deploys when he is in front of explicitly evangelical audiences, talking about giving back power to christiane christiane 80, want to take on christiane at his enemies in the culture. i mean, this is loaded language. and you don't have to look far to see just overseas in ukraine, russia's invasion was loaded with this sort of religious identity therrien rhetoric. and trump in some ways is borrowing from that same playbook. so it is very worrisome. >> so i want to play for you something that trump said over the weekend. listen >> i'm but i think i'll be if you had a reelection, and jesus came down, and god came down and said, i'm going to be the scorekeeper here. i think we win there, i think we win in illinois, and i think we're gonna win in new york. >> our evangelicals comfortable with that? that you invoke god and jesus in his quest to sort of claim that he deserves to win everywhere? >> you know, if you had asked me that question just a few years ago, abby, i would've said no, of course not. but i think we have to recognize how dramatically the paradigm has shifted here, and how donald trump has sort of re-written the rules, inside the modern evangelical movement. i mean look, in many ways, what trump has effectively done is he has conditioned evangelical christians in this country, at least the millions of them who are loyal to him, and to the maga movement, to expect that sort of rhetoric, to expect this sort of antagonism, this pugilism. and anything short of that, almost doesn't pass muster. like if you watch mike pence as he campaigned for president, he would go in front of evangelical audiences and talk about civility, talk about decency, talk about turning the other cheek. and he would get booed, and geared. >> he got booed off the stage. >> yeah, and so just, we've lived through, in a very condensed period of time, we are just almost a wholesale remaking of that alliance between the evangelical movement and the republican party, and trump is obviously at the -- >> yeah, i mean it makes you wonder if there has been a break between evangelicalism and its religious origins. now that trump has sort of made it not necessarily about the values of christiane italy, but about other things, about his personality, in about who he is. >> well you know, there was some fascinating research done during trump's presidency that showed that there was an uptick in white conservatives who were self identifying as evangelical, even as simultaneously the number of white conservatives who are attending church was going down. so there is an identification phenomenon here, where for many of these folks, evangelical is now a cultural, apolitical, a tribal label that is basically hollowed out of its spiritual meaning, which i think is just, it's just an incredible disservice to the gospel of jesus christ. and for those of us who believe in that gospel, and who feel that we have a responsibility to evangelize, to take that gospel to the nation, to try and share the news of jesus christ, it's hard to do that when everyone now attaches this political label to the term itself. >> all right, tim alberta thank you so much for joining us, and everyone pick up his book, the kingdom, the power, and the glory. available right now. thanks so much. >> thanks abby. >> and next, chris wallace joins me on biden's surprising remarks tonight about running against donald trump. and, the new speaker says that he is blurring the faces of the january 6th footage, so that the rioters won't be prosecuted. and, is vladimir putin winning his deadly war in ukraine? why shouting match tonight in a classified set a briefings may have the answer to that question. >> just a few moments ago, reporters asked the president about his admission that donald trump is his sole reason for running. >> would you be running for president if trump wasn't running? >> i expect so. but look, he is running, and he does not have to run. >> -- what about >> no, not now. >> i have to run, he says. and as we pointed out at the top of the show, donald trump responded to joe biden's comments just in the last hour. >> if trump wasn't running, i'm not sure i'd be running, he said at a campaign event today. how do you react to that? >> well i think somebody gave me talking point, they thought -- >> the person they don't want to run against its us, it's us, it's not, meets us. because it's a movement, the likes of which this country, sean, has never seen before [applause] . >> joining me now is cnn anchor chris wallace. chris, i want to start with this new comment from president biden. he told democratic donors today that he wasn't confident that he would be seeking a another term in the white house, if former president trump was not in the race. here's what he said. he said quote, if trump wasn't running, i'm not sure i'd be running. and added that democrats cannot let trump win. it's really astonishing. but perhaps in line with what he said in the past. i mean, how do you think this comment plays, now that he is on the ballot, and just before this election really gets into gear? >> well, i think it would play a lot better if you are actually leading donald trump in the polls. in fact there are a number of polls that show him dead even or even trailing trump. i know that was the argument in 2020, he was the one democrat who could defeat donald trump. and, he did. so, you have given that credit. but there's an awful lot of people who think he might be the one democrat who could lose to donald trump. and, with a lot of other people out there, none of whom are going to take on joe biden in the democratic primary, because he is the incumbent president. but you think of gavin newsom, the governor of california, governor whitmer of michigan, pritzker of illinois. you know, i do think it's a harder case to make when there is so much doubt about him. and you know, the idea, he's basically saying i am the only thing that protects the country from a donald trump second term. i think there are a lot of people who would question. that >> i mean, isn't that kind of an acknowledgment himself, that age is a factor here? that he would be doing something else, maybe retired himself, if it weren't for trump. >> well, i haven't thought of it that way. but i suppose that's true. because you know generally speaking, a first term president is-bent on seeking a second term, and the fact that he is saying that if it weren't for trump, i'd be out in -- . it certainly does rage the age question, i'm sure not sure in that way -- >> as all of this is happening, we have former congresswoman liz cheney, out there saying that she hasn't close the door to running as a third party candidate. obviously, she is very clear, she wants to stop trump from being president again. but do you think a cheney run would actually help trump, or hurt him? >> well, i think it's very much up in the air whether or not it would hurt trump, which is obviously would she would want to do. now look, liz cheney's got a book out, she is trying to get promotion for the book, so comments like this are good for moving the merchandise. but, my initial reaction when i heard that she was -- there's not a chance in the world that she could win. i mean, she doesn't have support of the democratic party, she doesn't have adequate support in the republican party. so the only reason for her to run is to think that she would be able to hurt, and perhaps prevent donald trump from winning. and i don't think that's at all certain. >> look, meanwhile over on capitol hill, the new house speaker mike johnson, he's trying to rewrite essentially what happened on january six by releasing these tapes, and also saying that when he releases the tapes of the january 6th footage, he is going to blur the faces of the january 6th rioters, to protect them. is this just him playing to an important audience of one, four republicans. but, i am so astonished by this idea of explicitly protecting rioters from accountability. what do you make of that? >> well, the january 6th tapes have been an interesting political litmus test. first you had then speaker kevin mccarthy give them exclusively to tucker carlson. and he then proceeded to rewrite history and say that the tapes show that this was, i think in his words, a tourist event. perhaps, but not necessarily the strangest thing that tucker has ever said. but now, in a sense i think this is even more astonishing, the idea that the speaker of the house, the second in line to the presidency, is saying i'm going to put these tapes out, and let everybody have them, but i want to blur the faces of people. why would he blur the faces? because they're guilty, because they've done something wrong. and he specifically said, because i don't want the fbi or the justice department going after them. we'll look, if they did nothing wrong, they have nothing to fear. if they did something wrong, then the fbi or the justice department should be going after them. >> yeah i mean, i think that that's the basic premise of the rule of law here. last thing, before you go chris. the republicans in the house are still making this effort to impeach president biden. and speaker mike johnson says that he does have the votes. meanwhile newt gingrich, the former house speaker issued this warning to republicans. >> republicans, do you really want to guarantee a primary opponent by voting against it. you're looking at, this doesn't impeach him, this simply gives congress additional power to force the white house to reveal documents, and to force people to come and testify. >> and now, that statement probably isn't surprising if you know new gingrich. but at the same time, we still have a basic question of where is the evidence. and the latest from james comer about payments from hunter biden to his father turned up to be car payments from hunter biden who joe biden. so, it seems like they are just simply having a hard time coming up with this evidence. can they still move forward, in spite of that? >> well look, it's a question of votes. if they've got 218 votes, they can approve impeachment inquiries. and as gingrich is saying, this is simply to investigate. but you know, and i know that the impeachments, particularly the first one of president trump's controversial, over the issue of his phone call, his perfect phone call with zelenskyy, and whether or not he was going to condition u.s. aid, and whether or not zelenskyy was going to investigate joe biden. but at least there was a at their their. at this point, a lot of people have problems with hunter biden trading on his father's name. there was a recent poll, a third of americans, including a third of democrats, think what joe biden did in allowing hunter to use his name, his brand was unethical. but in terms of something that will qualify as a high crime and misdemeanor, you know, as i say, there is no there there. we haven't seen it yet. i'm looking forward anxiously to seeing if they are able to come up with anything. but so far, and it's been several years of investigating, they haven't come on with anything that would rise to that level. >> yeah. and look, no one is asking everyone to endorse hunter biden's behavior. the question is, what was joe biden's conduct, that would warrant an impeachment? and i think that's where they've come up short. chris wallace, always good to have you on, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you abby. >> and next, a shouting match erupting tonight in a classified senate briefings, as republicans hold ukraine aid hostage. is this music to vladimir putin's ears? first time i connected with kim, she told me that her husband had passed. and that he took care of all of the internet connected devices in the home. i told her, “i'm here to take care of you.” connecting with kim... made me reconnect with my mom. it's very important to keep loved ones close. we know that creating memories with loved ones brings so much joy to your life. a family trip to the team usa training facility. i don't know how to thank you. i'm here to thank you. >> a provocative question tonight. is vladimir putin winning his deadly war? i want to start with this conversation with a claim from the senate majority leader. >> ronald reagan will be rolling in his grave, rolling in his grave, if he saw his own party let vladimir putin blow through europe. >> that observation comes at an inflection point for america's place in the world. and up for the debate, is the notion that the past century of the united states jumping into global conflicts, for better or for worse, is over. the new house speaker says, no more money for ukraine, unless the border crisis is also addressed. now this is critical, when you take a step back and you realize ukraine could be on the slow road to collapse. the white house warns that funds for the war on the verge of running out completely. the chief of nato warns to brace for bad news, as ukraine 's counteroffensive stutters. sputters. moscow is now adding more troops to its million man army. and, members of inner circle -- now in fact,, privately doubting that this war is winnable. now in fact, many people believe that ukrainian president is growing more delusional. and tonight in washington, a shouting match erupted during the classified senate hearing over ukraine. apparently, some senate republicans began to shout at pentagon officials for refusing to address the border. so is vladimir putin's goal to let this warm war continue, and until the west just loses interest? it appears to be working. -- our guest is a journalist, and a former russian tv host. -- or, i was asking you earlier, is putin winning? >> well, putin's original plan was to either win the war in five days, or to drag the west, ukraine, and america into a quagmire that he and his population are able to withstand, while his opponents in the west would have get tired, and exhausted more quick quickly. and yes, that's exactly what's happening at the moment. i mean, i can't say he's winning the war, right. because again, his regional original plan was to win in five days. but, his second plan is definitely working. now >> yeah. meanwhile in russia. i mean look, it's not as if russia is not taking significant casualties as this drags on. so inside of russia, what's your sense of how this is playing for putin? can he politically withstand a drawn out quagmire, as you call it, in ukraine? >> while politically, he definitely can withstand absolutely anything, and everything in his country. as long as he is president. well, solely because he is a dictator right now. and you know, his elites are totally, completely dependent on him. so i mean, any ideas of a coup d'état, a military coup, it's all out of the question. especially now that mr. park prigozhin is somewhere in a parallel world, right. and, as far as the population of russia is concerned. again, unfortunately, too many people are under the influence of propaganda, that's number one. and number two, too many russians strongly believe, even those who initially were against this criminal war. many of them now believe that okay, the whole world is against us, the west is against us, so we've got to suffer anyway, so the only way for us is to somehow win. and then, we come to what it means to win the war. because, neither putin nor -- -- sergei shoigu, -- minister neither of them has ever to find victory, what victory means. i mean, some say it's a flag, a russian flag in kyiv. others, i mean i've heard people say that we gotta be in poland somewhere. or, even in washington d. c.. >> so they can define it, however they want, at the end of the day. >> well you see, one more thing. i in poker, it's a poker analogy, right. putin initially had a very small stack, but he was threatening everyone to flip the table over, and somehow those other players at the table believed he might do so. and so he was wearing them down, and now it seems like he has, while he may in fact have the biggest stack. of course, this analogy is a very imperfect one. because in poker, you have to play by the rules. whereas putin definitely does not. >> he definitely does not. >> -- thank you so much for joining us tonight. and next, jake tapper joins me on the democratic congresswoman, now backtracking on her comments about sexual violence committed by hamas. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. >> president biden tonight, denouncing reported sexual assault by hamas. saying quote, hamas terrorists inflicted as much pain and suffering on women and girls as possible. the world can't just look away at what's going on. it's on all of us to forcibly condemn the sexual violence of hamas terrorists, without equivocation. for more on this, i want to bring in cnn's jake tapper, who aired a really powerful report on the sexual violence perpetrated by hamas on october 7th. and in some ways, really put this issue on the map for the world. jake, thanks for being here. what do you make of biden making these comments today, the timing of it all? >> well, i was told last week by some of his top aides, that the president would be saying something publicly about it, because it was something that hamas had done that they, the white house, had not yet commented on, that the president had not yet commented on. and then, i think the reason he did it today was because yesterday, there had been that event, that session at the united nations, that the israeli mission to the u. n. had hosted with hillary clinton and cheryl sandberg, senator gillibrand and others, in which there was featured public testimony, witness testimony he, the head of the police in israel talking about witness testimony. and so, the president felt compelled to say something about what hamas did, the crimes that they committed on israeli women and girls, on october 7th. >> so these remarks are also coming just after democratic congresswoman pramila jayapal, she faced a significant amount of backlash for her response to the sexual assault by hamas. listen to what she told dana bash. >> what rape is horrific, sexual assault is horrific. it happens in war situations. terrorist organizations like hamas, obviously are using these as tools. however, i think we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against palestinians. 15,000 palestinians have been killed in israeli airstrikes, three quarters of whom are women and children. >> now that was sunday. today is tuesday tonight. jayapal issued a statement about the backlash to those comments, saying that she unequivocally condemns hamas's use of rape as an act of war. what did you make of the fact that that statement had to be put out, and that it came when it did, two days later? >> well, it's, i think first of all, a lot of progressives have a difficult time expressing any sympathy for anything that israel or israelis went through because it then puts them in a position where they feel that they are then somehow complicit in whatever benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister is doing, in retaliation for the terrorist attack. obviously, that's not the case, obviously there are israelis who were victims of what happened on october 7th, who might be in disagreement with what netanyahu and the idf are doing. that doesn't make them any less victims of october 7th. and, there, when madeleine albright, the secretary of state really put rape as a weapon of war on the map, during the wars in yugoslavia and rwanda, in the democratic republic of congo, there really wasn't a lot of pushback about well, does that mean that you are there for taking the side of this faction in the war that faction of the war. but because there is unfortunately a lot of animus towards israel, this does come up unfortunately. i would also like to point out, and there is a lot of criticism coming from the u.s. obviously, about how israel is waging this war. one of the main reasons that there are so many civilian deaths, i mean there is a lot to criticize about the idf, as i said. but one of the main reasons is hamas hides within the civilian population of gaza. it's not like hamas has a military base and israel could hit that, but instead they're hitting the civilian population. hamas hides under and within the population of gaza. >> but jake, you know, one of the things that i've heard and seen people on the left, the same people who were advocates of the me too movement, the same people who say believe women, who say there's no proof that these rapes happened, that there's no evidence, that this is propaganda. that's the part that i am not understanding, how these same people won't believe what seems to be pretty widespread evidence that these things happened. >> yeah, the same people that were pretty willing to believe some shoddy reporting about brett kavanaugh, are now like not willing to listen to eyewitness testimony, police testimony, some pretty grisly videos that hamas themselves put out there, that speak some fairly disgusting truths about what they perpetrated on women. look, i think that there have been some issues in the, i don't know where these people are misinformed, whether it's in the educational system or where, but when you see people tearing down posters of children, because they think it's propaganda that justifies what's going on in gaza, they can't just look at the face of a baby and say that's a kidnapped baby and that's tragic. somewhere along the line, these people have been convinced there is no humanity in that face of that child. and, i can't explain why that is what. certainly, we have seen throughout history with all sorts of minority groups, african americans, latinos, muslims, immigrants, now jews, we have seen this dehumanization. and it is very very sad to see it playing out. what it's very uncomfortable to see it playing out, and it's frankly uncomfortable to see one minority group do it to another minority group. because obviously, we are all humans, and when we're talking about civilians, it's always, it's always sad. we are talking about children, it's always tragic. i cannot explain it, except to say someone taught these people that these people on the posters that these women who were raped, that these children who were kidnapped, someone taught them that they are not human, that they are not deserving of sympathy or empathy. and i cannot explain it, but it does make me very sad. >> yeah, it is all very sad, frankly. jake, thanks so much for joining us tonight. and you can catch the lead tomorrow afternoon, at four pm eastern time. next, a year-long blockade endns totonight, almlmost. i >> tonight, tommy tuberville's blockade has broken. 400 plus service members will now get their stars. now, the alabama senator calls his failed protest a draw. but, a dozen would be four star generals are still on hold tonight. the white house says that tuberville's gamut was all -- military readiness and loathing, lots of loading from his colleagues. >> up is there an objection? >> senator from alabama? >> i have the right to object. it's about the right to life, these are some of the most important things in the world to me. and so mister president, i object. >> there is not one senator in here that could not find a reason to object to administration policy. in the military, none of us. we could all find something. >> i object, objection is heard. the >> senator from alabama? >> i object. >> my colleague from alabama is 100 percent wrong. >> with that madam president, i object, i object. >> the senator from alabama. >> i object. >> i object. i object. >> number 132, michael asked -- to be lieutenant general in commanding general, one marine expeditionary force. >> i object, i object. >> this is the best of america. this is the best of america. and the men and women have been serving and sacrificing honorably, for literally decades. >> i object. i object. object. -- >> nine deployments, 13 real world operations, he is a. warrior. >> i object. >> we see another one by the. >> i object, i object. >> senator from alabama. >> i object, i object. >> we're going to look back at this episode and just be stunned at what a national security suicide mission this became. >> i object, i have checked, i object, i object, i have respect, i object, i object, i object. object, i object. >> now they're, lightweight why am i stuck, why are they going after my career. it's something i nothing to do with. it's wrong, we all know it's wrong. >> with that objection, that's it for us your news, night thanks for watching. laura coates live starts right after this break.

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