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welcome to "the whole story." i'm anderson cooper. artificial intelligence, or a.i., is an incredibly powerful technology which may change many aspects of our lives. the ceo of google's parent company, alphabet, which has invested heavily in it, recently said ai's impact could be more profound than electricity or even fire. but many worry about what that impact might turn out to be. >> could ai one day replace humans? and if so how might that happen? we've already seen some service-based and manufacturing jobs turn to ai in a big way. but what about other industries? can ai replace journalists or news anchors? perhaps it already has. >> because what you just saw and heard a moment ago was not actually me. this is me, anderson cooper. >> and i am an ai-generated anderson cooper. >> that wasn't my real voice, and i never spoke the words you just heard. we asked a young student in california to create a fully end to end ai version of me. looks like me, sounds like me, and it didn't take him very long to do it. >> this ai version of me was created in just a few weeks, actually, with open source tools. >> and remember, this technology is still in its infancy. it's only going to get better, faster and more accurate, which raises all sorts of questions. like how will we know what's real? >> and what is not. >> not just when it comes to believe what you see on tv but everything from creating art, fighting wars, even waging political campaigns. over the next hour cnn's nick watt brings us inside the race to develop ai and the attempts to contain it. > lookingng for a g good spo pull ovever. >> you thihink this is o our c ? > yeah.h. > i g guess the first tesest whether r it runs meme ovever. >> statart ride. >> s so that's the vieiew i'm getting frfrom the bacack seat. that wheelel m moving g with n . look, mum, no handnds. this i is s freaky. >> reporter:r: this s robot tax alreready y roaming the streete san frfrancisco gigives us a v good i idea of whehere we e are. >> p pretty cool. if you canan get past the weird emptpty driverer's seaeat. >> repororter: and w where we m bebe goioing. many ai algogorithms alrlready behaveve, well, , kind o of hum. >> in californiaia obvioiously cacan turn rigight on red. and itit's tryrying to turn n r. itit's going t to do it.t. gogo on, m mate. go on. nice. >> reporter: the flesh and blood driver that used to sit here is already obstaolete. >> this is our future. humans sitting in the back seat doing nothing. >> reporter: some humans are scared, some trying hard to stop it. for now humansns are stitill in control ofof ai and ththis cab. there's a a human supervisor in call center.r. >> c can you tell that h he's n wearing hihis seatat b belt pro? >> yes, correct. >> reporter: but for how long? that's where much of ai is at the moment, imperfect and speeding ahead without a seaeat bebelt. likeke it or not, this is our future. >> a higher being is driving the car. >> reporter: for hundreds of thousands of yearsrs humans hah been the mosost intelllligent bs onon this eartrth. nonot for muchch lononger. we're e creating tech h that wi takeke us well beyond self-drivg cars. tech that will oututsmart us al. will ai save us or will ai kill us? >> wororld wide onone e of the g exexperts in a artificial l intelligigence.. pleaease welcome t to the stage >> todayay this quieiet canadia headadlining an n ai summit in montreal.. without t him thisis revolutioi woululd not be where it is. so today he wears a slightly nervous smile. >> govovernments n need to pror all of us with tecechnology y w cocould be a amazingly useful a alsoso risky. >> reporter: yoshua bengio is a deep learning pioneer. thatat's basicalally t teaching computerers to behavave like hu brainsns. >> thehe stuff that you find in chatgpt, many of its major ingredients came from mila. >> reporter: mila, the montreal institute for learning algorithms f founded by bengngi the e '90s in the buildingng th wawas once a a clothe e ing fac. now w they produduce ideasas. algoririthms alreaeady changini humanityty. >> thehere are goioing to be machines t that are e way smart thanan youou. >> if we c choose soso andnd w destroy civilization before ththat, we couould get there, y. >> what t is the biggest fear? it's humumans ususing g this tetechnology o or humans losini control ofof thihis s technonol. >> they'y're both valid fefears. for the e foreseeablble fututur going to b be humansns doingng thinings with powerful t techno like they have done in the past. but now more powerful tetechnology.. it's alslso concnceivable e tha sosome point w we cocould d los contntrol. and d that's potentiallyly even worse. >> if you'u're scared,d, whyhy you u just shut t up shop and d becocome a farmer? your r research cocould be contriributing to o the end ofo of us. >> i'm asking that question myself every morningng. >> ricich enough statate space essentiaially. >> y yes. >> i i wonder if t there's a wa like maybe chahange the perspectivive -- >> why i'm continunuing g right is i in part because i t think itit is possible to builild ai syststems that w would be e tot safe a and increredibly useful. >> repororter: but i if ai does rogue e terminator style, we lo control or more likely we just program it badly, there could be unintended b but indndelible consequeuences. >> let's make sure that we fix climate change. if that's the objective that the machine has, fix climate change, okay, well, i guess who's causing the climate change? humansns. easiest waway, end the humanan . right? >> stewartrt russell i is anoto godfather of artificial intelligence. he literally wrote the textbook on ai. >> my first ai program i wrote in high school, which was about 48 yeaears a ago. >> repeporter: 48 years later mt ai systems can do single things better thahan us. recognize a face, play chess. >> what we're aiming towards in ai is general purpose aiai, meanining ai sysystems that t c anything that human bebeings ca do. >> reporter: one system that can learn, even teach itself to do anything, everything better than us. >> ai i would say probably definitely is going to just completely upend our entire sort of economic structure and how we've seen things for centuries if not millennia.. >> y yep. >> repeporter: at beberkeley rul leads a a small armymy of researchchers. at the center for human compatible artificial intelligence. >> given that it's going to be more powerful than human beings, how do you ensure that humans have power over r it forevever? >> that's s the questionon that we're working on. >> reporter: russell and many other tech leaders called in march for a global pause on deployoying advancnced a ai sys while we figure out the guardrails. there has been no such pause. >> the problem is right now it's people like you who are soft-spoken intellllectuals makg this point and signing these letters. >> yeah, it doesn't seem like a fair fight. bubut i would d say the tenonor discusussion has c changed radically.y. people a are l listening. even sam altman, the c ceo of f openai which produces chatgpt and all these systems, has called for regulation. >> do the right thing for humanity. >> my worst fears are that we cause e significanant -- we tht field, t the technolology, the industryry cause sigignificant to the world. we wanant to worork with t the gogovernment t to prevent that happening. >> reporter: in the summer altman and other big ai players agreed to voluntary regulations like running security tests before releasing ai systems. president biden, among other things, just made such tests mandatory. >> let me be clear. this e executive o order repepr bold act, but we still n need congreress to act.t. >> you're optimisticic. >> i'm optimisistic. > reporter:r: just acroross y from bererkeley in downtown san francisco o i met 26-y-year-oldx wang, , one ofof the tech leada fueleling the ai armrms rarace. > i starteded the comompany was 1919. > t that takekes someme ball. >> what went t through m my hea the tetechnology i is going to so fasast that i'm'm goingng toy reregret it ifif i don't get involved. >> reporter: he is co-founder and ceo of scale ai. his big idea? to provide ai developers with the one thing they need, massive amounts of data organized. in 2022 "forbes" dubbed him the youngest self-made billionaire in the world. he's now working with the department of defefense. arouound washington he's known an ai whisperer. >> we want to be sure to not overregulate the technology because if we accidentally overregulate we could, you know -- we could damage or hurt decades s and decades of econom progress and decades and decades of innovation. >> i don't know you. you seem like a nice person. but it's people like you who are young, who are wealthyhy, who a set to make a lot more money from this tech. why should we believe that you really are in this for all of us at this crucial moment for our species? >> well, ultimately, i think this is one of the reasons why working with the u.s. government is actually so critical. because you know, our government has a number of mechanisms and checks and balances and procedures and it was designed to ensure that the government ultimately reflects the will and the desires of the people. one of the things that i'm most concerned about are bad actors utilizing artificial intelligence to ultimately exert their will globally. authoritarianism versus democracy. we have a number of countries, china and russia, investing aggressively into using artificial intelligence to further their aims. >> fivive or ten y years from n hohow differenent is ourur w wog to look because of ai in terms of our everyday lives and in terms of the geoeopolitical structure of our planet? >> i think the quote goes we always overestimimate what will happen in one year but underestimate what will happen in ten y years. when it gets really embedded into evevery way -- evevery funn of humanitity, e everything tht happens, i thinknk it'll be qui shockingng and amazizing what t worlrld wiwill look like. >> reporter: you might be asking, so what will my world lolook like? well, stayay tuned. and we'll show youou. >> thahat's someththing that w popossible befefore. >> do you ever wondeder r that you're i in dangerer of sort of losing touch with what's real and what's not? >> well, i did that a couple months ago.. we're entering this time where anything you see, read or hear online can bebe fake. and whatat does thatat mean? nothing isis real anymymore. thisis interviewew isn't reaeal. i'm nonot real. you're notot real. >> reporter: hani farid really is a berkeley professor. his main focus, misinformation. >> a politician getting caught saying something inappropriate on hot mike, it's fake. you don't have to cop to it. >> where does that leave us as -- >> as a society, as a democracy. >> as a human being. >> yeah. i don't know. how do you have a democracy? if we can't trust the basic facts of what's happening in the world. >> today is today and yesterday was today yesterday. >> you revert back to tribalism. this is my people. i trust them. i listen to what do my triribe say.y. and that is dangerous. >> w we're on the precipice of e election. >> oh, [ bleep ] me. >> you're already seeing deep fakes entering into the election. >> i've realized i i need to dr out of this race immediately. >> closed the city of san francisco this morning -- >> there are people, by the way, who say well, we don't really think that can change an election. and i will remind people that in the last two elections, national elections the difference between one candidate and the other can be measured in tens of thousands of votes. i know exactly what town to go into in what state and what persona to go after and i can carpet bomb them with misinformamation all day long. i move 80,000 votes that's the ball game. >> so what do we do? you're the man -- >> there are some things we can do but they're hard. okay. we build what are called behavioral models. and then when a video is released of president biden, try the e head, the e upper bodydy e vovoice and wewe just compmpare. is this behaviorally the same as what we have seen? >> reporter: it takes time, and the damage might already have been done. >> a fake image of a pentagon bombing was uploaded to twitter on a verified account that looked like bloomberg news, and in two minutes the stock market dropped a half a trillion dollars. from a single fake image. so we're in the detection business, understand. right? we're in the business of trying to defend against this harmful content. but to do that you have to understand what is possible. >> this looks much better. >> doesn't it? ? yeah, it looks much better than yesterday. >> reporter: enter f farid's prototege, matti bohacek. 18 years old, fresh from his native czech republic. his fascscination n with ai bro him to california. he convinced professor farid to take him on. >> oh, yeah. that's so sweet. >> he's a tech guy. he's supposed to look kind of rumpled. >> reporter: matti with his mentor's guidance made that anderson cooper deep fake you watched a few minutes ago. >> we used one of the online tools that's out there. we basically trained a m model synthesize voice and in particular anderson cooper's style. and we just gave it a text and in a couple of seconds we had the peperfect audio. >> we've already seen some service-based -- >> reporter: you just graduated high school. >> yeah, that's right. three weeks ago. >> reporter: you're too young but you might remember, when the news anchor was the voice of god and you believed in everything that anchor said. and now any high school kid, no offense, can put words into that anchor's mouth. >> let alone a president or a ceo or you or me. >> i think in china they're using -- i just read the article. completely virtual newscasters now. >> an english artificial intelligence anchor. >> reporter: if an 18-year-old can dodo this, imamagine what a bibig-time holollywood p player do with h ai? >> what t you're l looking at hi think is the studio of the future. it's how we make movies, how we go about doing it is changining. > what's itit going to meanae sisitting on m my la-z-boyoy? >> yeah. yoyou'll get better ---- youou' betterer movies. >> repeporter: scocott mann dird "f"four," a bibig hit wiwith th teteenage crowowd. prerelelease to avoioid an r ra he had t to get t rid of thehe cursing.g. >> stealaling my [ [ bleep ] ca. > no,o, you mother [ bleep p! >> repeporter: reshoototing tht momovie withthout t the swearind hahave cost lolots of time a an money. ththey didn't t have to.o. thanks to o ai this. >> now w we're stuck on n this ststupid [ bleep ] ] tower i in mimiddle of [ bleeeep ] ] nonow. >> reporteter: became e this. > now we're s stuck on n thi stupid frickining towewer in th middlele of frickiking nowherer. >> repororter: the t tech devel by flawlesess ai foundeded by y and tech b biz insiderer nick l inin 2018. >> we can n take new dialogue spoken by this actress, by jenny, and because the system understands how she speaks, we're able to create new mouth articulations for that line. >> reporter: remember, hollywood went on strike in part over fears ai algorithms would steal actorsrs' images a and perfofor. mann is not dodoing thatat.. >> o once this i is created --- >> repororter: the actors are e involvlved. theyey voice thehe new lines. they j just don't alall haveve out and reshoot to get rid of a cuss word or fix a flaw. >> i mean, you are not a tech guy. you are not a business guy. >> i'm sorryry, maybe i i just a strokeke on my wayay over her. >> repororter: i did a film m cd "heist," and i saw a foreign dub of that movie. [ speaking in a non-english language ] and that's when i realized films are being ruined every time they are dubbed. and it kinind of set me ofoff o bit of an adventurure to try t fifigure out a a way t to fix i. so over r here t the guyuys are workrking on a movieie called " sweetnesess," an incncredible m that's's in swedish.h. >> repororter: thanknks to this tetech mann wiwill releasese th origininal " "ufo swedenen" but englisish. >> youou're one blblack mark a fromom youth cusustody and you toto hang out t with thosese id again? > i want toto get to o what in a s second but t while e we' ththis big picturere, ththere's thing wantnt to ask you. [ speakiking in a nonon-english languagege ] >> uh, yes. >> but we are at the stage or we will soon be at the stage where actually the entire creative process is taken over by ai? >> i would say no. the really good movies typically tap into some kind of human exploration. it's born from feeling, and you're delivering feeling. and the one thing ai can't do is feel. it's not human at the end of the day. >> i it can be traineded to fee like us, no? >> no, it can bebe trained to emulate us. you know, the base human instinct you could say is survival. the less ai has feelings that relate into that notion, i don't think that it's ever going to be like us. >> it clclearly has tatapped in primal fear in us as humans. it's basically t tapped into ou survival instinct. >> yeah. rightly so. therere's enormous g good that come out o of ththis, done r ri. > reporter:r: next -- > i always said to my family that i would walk again. first time i connected with kim, she told me that her husband had passed. and that he took care of all of the internet connected devices in the home. i told her, “i'm here to take care of you.” connecting with kim... made me reconnect with my mom. it's very important to keep loved ones close. we know that creating memories with loved ones brings so much joy to your life. a family trip to the team usa training facility. i don't know how to thank you. i'm here to thank you. ♪ we came to lauausanne, switzerland on thehe very bonni banks ofof lake geneva t to div into some e ai optptimism. to m meet two memedical l piono. bubut -- >> youou should d go and savave someone'e's life. >> okakay. yes, i'm goingng.. >> reporter: she was sidetracked by emergency brain surgery. we'll get back to them both inia miminute. wewe were alsoso sidetrackcked lausanne, also by sosomething g potetentially lifefe-saving. far from t the old town in a a bubuilding thahat looks like a schoolol gymymnasium, we found . >> it's a talk-a-mac. >> talk-a-mac. >> reporter: been around since the soviets had an idea in the 195050s. but t no h human on earth has managed to make a talk-a-mac really work. but these physicists are partnerered with g google deep , one of thehe most advavanced ais in the world. and now ththink that they cacan finalllly crcrack it. >> thehe idea is to rereproduce sound d on eararth, to proroduc enenergy. > with ai there is s a chanc do it withthin 10, 2 20 years. >> r reporter: t to heat plasma 150 million degrees celsius to initiaiate nuclearar f fusion, create neaear endlesess clcleanp and sasafe power. there's ththe plasmama. magnets s must stotop p it touc the sisides of thehe conontaine. ththe magnets s need constant tweakingng. >> humanans cannotot d do it in timeme. everytything is hahappening g s. > but the ai can? >> the ai definitely can. >> repororter: ai mighght now b able to save our world frorom a fofossil fueled fatete. >> whahat are the e areas thata see riright nonow w of the moso benenefit? >> i i would sayay health anand envivironment. it couould be e that in 2020 ye we've curered prettyty much h a diseseases. i'm not saying it's s hahappeni it is s going to h happen. but there's ththat kind of potential.l. >> repororter: so baback t to t suave medical pioneeeers and thr seeminingly impossible dreamam. >> to haveve someone coming tot this hospital paralyzed and walking out of thihis hospspita normally. > so explplain to m me e who whwhat here.e. you'rere the surgeonon. >> i'm thehe sururgeon. >> a and i'm thehe neuroscienti. >> reporter: and hurtjan oxen is a determined dutchman. paralylyze nad bicicycle accccin china a a decade agogo. >> in n me my thououghts transf downwn my spinine e and that ma walk. but with you that connectionon s broken. >> exaxactly, yes.s. >> do yoyou rememberer what hahappened? >> no, nothing. no. >> you werere on youour bicycyc then t the next ththing g -- >> they found d me on n the str. the police picked me up, brought meme in a hohospital. anand when i wokoke up, , i did fefeel my y legs anynymore. so. a a doctor tolold me like i i c touch mymy face with my y left riright hand, anand he said d l happy withth this, it t won't g better. >> and howow do you u deal witit as a a persoson? >> i i always saidid to my fama that i would walalk agaiain. i told them one yearar, bubut i apparently n needed ten years. >> reporter: ten years for ai to catch up with the dream. tech that began many years ago as a sci-fi sketch drawn on a a napkpkin in a nenew york stetea. >> when n i draw a a b brain an spinalal cord and therere was a digigital l bridge to restorore walking g after paralylysis. >> but at this time it was a dream.m. >> were e you u imagining this reading ththe ththoughts? >> yes.. i ththought it w was crazy. >> reporteter: nowow r reality. a a paralyzed d man isis up and. >> so we are doing two surgeries. the classical one is on the spinal cord. so where we would put electrodes ababove the spspinal c cord, t region of the e spinal cord tha is controlling leg movements. and this other surgery that is quite novel is the one above the brain. so in that case we put electrodes above the m motor cortex. mototor r cortex is the part of brain n that is contntrolling g movements.s. this implantnt i is goining to wirelesslyly and activate the e spininal cord stimulatation. >> ai i for us hasas become e ad for the papast ten yearsrs. this is a researarch p partner is nowow part of the laboratoro activitities and witithout w wh could not t opererate. >> you c could not operate. >> when yoyou are facing sometis a huge amount of data which us human n being are not t able to understand what's s happening, machine leararning can tell us. >> t the ai can detetect how mu the e person wanants t to makek movement, not just the movement that it -- >> that t is correctct. he hasas to ththink about it. so we turn the t thought i into action. > yeah, thahat's something t wasn't posossible before. >> so now w we turn on t the sy and you can see that he can actually step. and we're going to turn it off. anand now it's's off. and you sesee it's f frozen. it's's very difficicult for him. he's tryining. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> bacack on andnd he e can per someme step agagain. >> butut that's s what -- i'm k of surprprised that you can hava coconversationon witith me and s stilill picking g up when you w to move yoyour l legs. >> y yes. it can r really discscriminate n signals. >> yeah.h. >> when wawas the e moment that realized thahat it worked? >> it t was sad for meme becaua this o one day i was not presen. >> h he was not presesent becaue did d not realalize that it woue so fast. >> what she doesn't tell you that everybody was crying in the room. >> reporter: he doesn'n't walk e way hehe d did before his acacc. not yet.t. maybe nevever. but with e every ai-aideded sts he's getting stronger. his body is actually repairing itself. >> when using this system for a long period of time through training, nerve fibers start growing again. so we repair the nervous system with this technology. >> reporter: in the spine. >> correct. that was like the dream. regenerative medicine. it's very frusustrating for us. we receive so many e-mailsls, requeststs to be implalanted an it's's not y yet avavailable commmmercially.. so people haveve t to wawait. >> repororter: cue t this guy.y. >> we'e've hired people ththrout the e united statates to helelp coconduct our clinicalal t tria. >> reporteter: dave mamarver, a veteran n american m medical de executivive, moved t to switzer for this. >> we'e're lininking t the spind stimimulation wiwith thoughtht. >> crazyzy town.n. >> r reporter: h he's now ththef ononward, whicich makes s and w eveventually market if approved the device that's helping hertjan walk. >> hertjan is the first human nn all ofof history t to have an n implanteted brain n computer interfrface that spopoke to an implanteted spinal cord stimular to r restore t the ability to w. first persrson in history. where doeses it t go nexext? we're gogoing to a also o implp again, thehe first humuman in history y to s see i if a brain compututer interfacece cououple our r spinal corord d stimulato restore e hand and arm functcti. >> repeporter: since we spspoke they've done it. onwaward says ththese devices a currenently in clinical feasibilility trialsls but stil years s away from cocoming t to market. >> your dedevice, fofor exexamp huhuge benefitit t to o humaman. overall, i i mean,n, there arers ththat this tetech will l be detrimenental to h humankind.. is thahat sosomething you -- > on balance, n nick, i'm'm givingng you my gut reaction. i'm m actually m more concernenn hopepeful. becacause i feelel like it's's galloping forward d without a l of o oversight o or r even understatanding of w what it cad will do.o. you know, we're weararing the white e hats here e and we'r're workrking on harnenessing the p of ai to d do good. but i'm concerned about the rest of thehe world. >> are we still going to have the capability t to think k fre in thehe age of ai? >> reporter: the dark side of ai in our brains. next.. >> how d do you justify a machi potentially making a decision to take a human life? >> i think necessity. soso can you e explain whahe procesess is that't's happenini right nonow? >> um, yes. >> advances s in a.i. have beeeo vastst just overer the past t y with g generative e a.i. that t realally are mucuch closer t tol mind-readiding. >> we justst watched a a paraly man walklking thanksks to an a.i.i.-powered i implant essssey reading hihis mind. >> there are literally millions of peoplple who are e sufferingm disabibilities as s a result o motor cocortex impaiairment. we have an ethical m mandate to cocontinue to susupport that research. >> reporter: there is of course a potentially dark side to tech that can decode our thoughts. >> there are reports of governments worldwide using it to intnterrogate c criminal dedefendants b based on hohow t brbrains reactct to informrmatit was flflashed befofore them. >> repeporter: nitita farahanyn professor and legal ethicist, is fighting to save whatever brain privacy we have left. >> a.i. is being used at scale to tryry to undersrstand what te thinkiking and you're feeleling. but there e is a tiny y part of that you s still hold d back, t a.i. stitill doesn't't have acc to.. so herere's how yoyou might tht abouout it, righght? there e has never r been any pe that hasas walked papast you th you u thought, h hmm, prettyty attracactive that t your wife et knowow about, riright? presume e for a momement that sosomeone walklked by. yoyou thought,t, wow, thatat pe attracactive, and d she got a ae real-time e alert on h her phon that said,d, like, thehe brain data s shows that t he just tht that person was attractive. i mean that's the difference between the world we're in right now and a world of complete brain transparency. there is still the part of you that you're able to keep inside. there's still the inner monologue. there's still the dreams that you have when you're sleeping at night that somebody else doesn't have accccess to. >> reporter: but soon, farahany says, it's possible that won't be the case. corporations, governments, and others could be able to gain access inside our brains using a.i. and -- - >> milititaries worlrldwide are in when itit comes to o what's inincreasinglyly being refeferr as cognitiveve warfare. so the ability to not just do things like create super soldiers but also to precisely be ablble to take e out or disit or disisable peoplple. >> is a.i. g going to kekeep us huhumankind, s safer or puput u more dangeger militaririly? >> dependsds on who dedevelops >> repeporter: lieieutenant col martai hadadike is a carareer soldldier, a comombat veteraran. hehe knows what armies n need, he's nowow figuring g out how a can n help. >> andnd this is a a strange ququestion, bubut why are e you talklking to us?s? whwhy are you u talking toto an ababout this? >> yeaeah. i thinink there's s a need foro explanation and a benefit if we are a bit more transparent. >> reporter: he leads the dutch military's robotics and auautonomous s systems uninit. >> w with the prprimary aim m o keepining your flelesh and blol humaman soldiersrs safer. >> a at first, y yes. secondnd is to incncrease our rt power.r. fofor example,e, with recoconnae robotsts, be the f first into o minefield. if the robot explodes, i lose onone robot. >> reporter: this is a new arms race, and this time china is the mamain rival. >> thehey believe e that the u states and other countries won't invest sufficiently into this disruptive new technology. so it's an opportunity for them to leapfrog ahead of the united states. >> right. >> reporter: alex wang, , the a. dadata guru, i is now workrking the u.s.s. military.y. > how will l that spacece ch over the n next five, ten years because e of a.i.? >> so inin the sea, , on land, air r it will bebe some sortrt autotonomous robobotics systste versrsus anotherer robotic autononomous systetem, and thatl be the sort of nature by which these wars are foughght. >> is ththis a pivototal moment human fighting? >> absbsolutely. it's changing every weapon and every way of war fighting. >> reporter: jessica dorsey studies algorithmic warfare. >> the integration of a.i. on the battlefield will make it easier for countries to go to war. there needs to be meaningful transpararency and a accountabi for actionons on the b battlefi. and d only humanans can accocou killing other humans. >> reporter: the terminator scenarario, autonomomous robots killing people, is that even possible? >> drone s swarms, 50,0, 100, 1 drones working in concert to emulate swarms in nature. the technology is there to fully rerecognize anand select t targ a battlelefield. >> and kill those targets without a human involved? >> yes. >> we are ininvestigatining the concept of whether and under which conditions decision authority can be delegated to a machine. >> reporter: for example, if communication between a human soldier and a machine is compromisesed, the macachine go fully auautonomous.. >> t then an unmanned systemem makeke the decisision to firire >> so o you've gotot an unmannn autotonomous vehehicle on a a m. it comomes under a attack fromo enenemy. and in o order to sasave an unmd robot, h human life e of the en willll be taken.n. > yeah. nonot in orderer to save t the f the rorobot. inin order to o achieve ththe m objectctive. >> repeporter: youou heard thah right.t. a.i. p potentially making the cl to kill l a human. how dodo you justify, you knkno mamachine potentntially makikin decisionon to take a a human li? > yeah. i thinink necessitity. if it t was not nenecessary, w would d not develolop this capabilityty. and to be clear, we're still in the concept development phase. >> reporter: the u.n. secretary-y-general wawants a fl treaty t to ban lethalal autono weapons, but t the u.s. anand o big powersrs have yet t to agre. >> do you think this is going to destroy us? >> it doesn't want to. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. thisis little cicity, amste, remamains a monunument to a a t when tulipips were thehe hot ne thing. it's always been filled with forward thinkers, pushing the boboundaries o of progressss. so, it's n no surprisese that t the dudutch are ththinking deee about the next revolution and what it means to be human in the age of a.i. >> hi. i've b been lookining into a.i. quitite some timime now and d sg to a lot o of people. and you'u're still w weirding m out, youou know? >> i see that as a compliment. >> it is. it is. it is. > amsterdamam is also h home consnstant brinknkman. >> t this work h here, it's s oy asian artitist. >> none of us can n now escapep a.i. it's's everywherere. so, brbrinkman is s leaning ini. his dead end gallery is the first a.i.-only art gagallery i the worlrld. >> t this is maximimilian hoeks. >> w who also dodoesn't actutua phphysically e exist. > no. >> let's just establish that. >> he's from the netherlands, and his matter is from the u.s. # we have created 11 artists, and we create e those as f follows,a large langnguage modelel, we as please come up with h the name an artrtist. and then thehere comes a name o an artist. >> hi. i i am elisa nova.a. >> howow old are y you? >> i i'm 29 yearars old. can you tell me somemething abo your f family, abobout your lol life? this wholele characterer comes alive. artificial artists whose work sells for thousands of euros. elisa nova is apapparently very popopular and agreed t that the gallery cacan keep allll the ca. you talk about her as if she is kind of real. >> yes. >> does she seem real to you? >> yes, , absolutelyly. >> do o you ever w wonder thata yoyou're in dadanger of lolosinh with what's rereal and whahat's? >> i did t that a coupuple of ms ago. we w were so in n the storieiese suddenly t thought, wewe reallye new frfriends. i ststopped talklking with t th, i think, two weeksks because i was all too muchch in my heaead. because e at some popoint, i wi lose m my mind. and i needed to reset t myself. and now w i see themem as a.i. entities and as also friends.. >> w we humans c can become e t comforortable withth a.i. all l and ininside our l lives. >> this isis a new tooool. anand the toolol will nevever g. the genie is out of the bottle. so, ththis will nonot go away.y. >> do you think this is going to destroy us? >> a.i. is very mumuch capable doing really weird -- so it can dodo crazy thihings. but t it doesn't't want to. so, if w we keep it t a little safe a and we contntrol it a l bibit, we willll benefit f from. >> can we keep it a little bit safe? the u.s. senate held a series of closed door hearings. elon musk attended the first. >> i think this meeting may go down in history as being very important for the future of civilization. >> do you think legislation is going to come out of this? >> probably. i'm not sure what the time frame is. >> they're going to do what they're supposed to do, which is maximize shareholder profit. they're obligated by law to do this. let's ststop pretendnding this buncnch of cool l kids tryining sasave the wororld. they're nonot. they're e trying to o make a bu of m money. that's f fine. i have no o problem wiwith that. now it's the governmnment's jobo regugulate the industry. > we rereally, realally need haveve a verery agile procesess is goingng to adopopt t the legislslation withthout havingn wawait anotherer three yeaears w lelegislation.n. thatat's not goioing to workrk. >> whahat you're s saying herer ouour current t systems, o our t society,y, is not yeyet ready t dedeal with whwhat is about to usus. >> unfortutunately. >> let u us press ononward in q for man's s essential l desire peace.e. >> remember we did all come together to regulate nuclear weapons, although only after they'd killed hundreds of thousands of people. >> i i think mosost people a ar worried d about the e existenti risksk to humaninity. i think inin the near r term, t need t to be far m more worriei about t do we have mental prpri? > there's certainly t the narrrrative thatat we'll be e subjugatated to the e a.i. syst. bubut i don't t believe ththat . i ththink what w we'll see i in yearars is what t any one mamany team o of people c can accomplp will s seem utterlrly staggerir. >> beyond d the wholole life or deatath questionon i'm now mull therere is anothther biggie.e. ifif a.i. doesesn't kill u us a >> my concncern is, sosort of, it doeoes to us asas human beie. anand not to b be too calilifor but,t, you know,w, our sensese f and our r position i in the gra schememe. that's chahanging. >> it isis. it will l change. anand what it t means to b be h when we'rere not the a apex of intelligence anymore in sosome future. >> if wewe reach artrtificial generaral intelligigence, or a s it's gonone, when a.a.i. can do everythingng, anythingng, bette than us.s. >> will l we reach agigi? >> i see n no reason t to belie thatat we won't.t. i have not seen a single crededible argumument that s su that t there's anyny barrier t getting ththere or thahat there some reaeason why itit's imposs. > after wororking for m mont this s story, therere's a scenem "w"wall-e" thahat haunts m me. inin a fully a automated w worl humans a are just ususeless, bloated, s soda swilliling lump. the e dystopia t that has alals hahaunted profofessor russssell. >> thahat's one fufuture. and i trtried to run a series s woworkshops, a actually, w whert econonomists andnd a.i. peopopl science e fiction wrwriters and futuriststs togetherer and said let't's come up p with a picict that isn't't the "wallll-e" pics whwhere humansns are basicicallh potatatoes but w we failed. >> reporteter: there i is one t i i now know f for certainin. if anyone e tells you they know exexactly whatat our socieiety, world, w will look l like in anr 10, 20, , 100 years,s, where wel go from m here, theyey don't. no one doeoes. we jusust don't knknow where a willll take us.

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,Nonow ,Bleeeep ,Mimiddle Of ,The T Tech Devel ,Flawlesess ,Th Middlele ,Stupid Frickining Towewer ,Stuck On N Thi ,Frickiking Nowherer ,Ai Foundeded ,Jenny ,Mouth Articulations ,Line ,Tech B ,Dialogue ,Nick L Inin ,Biz Insiderer ,2018 ,Theyey Don T ,Images A And Perfofor ,Algorithms ,Lines ,Strike ,Alall Haveve Out ,Hollywood ,Actorsrs ,Theyey ,E Involvlved ,Sorryry ,Cuss Word ,Flaw ,Film ,Wayay ,Cd ,Business Guy ,Films ,Movie ,Language ,Dub ,Heist ,T Fifigure Out Aa Way ,Guyuys Are Workrking On A Movieie ,Me Ofoff O Bit ,Adventurure ,It Kinind ,Incncredible M That S ,Thanknks ,Ufo Swedenen ,Th Origininal ,Sweetnesess ,Tetech Mann Wiwill Releasese ,Hang Out T ,Ththere ,You ,Toto ,Speakiking In A Nonon ,E We ,Englisish ,Thing Wantnt ,Languagege ,Thosese Id ,Blblack ,Mark A Fromom Youth Cusustody ,Ththis Big Picturere ,Process ,Human Exploration ,Uh ,Feeling ,Base Human Instinct ,Feel ,Fee ,It Clclearly ,Feelings ,Survival ,Notion ,Tatapped ,Primal Fear ,Enormous G Good ,Tapped Into Ou Survival Instinct ,O Of Ththis ,Rightly ,Therere ,Ri ,Family ,Home ,Care ,Kim ,Internet ,Devices ,Husband ,Life ,Memories ,Mom ,Joy ,Loved Ones ,Team Usa Training Facility ,Lauausanne ,To M ,Switzerland On Thehe ,Savave Someone E S Life ,Banks Ofof ,Youou Should D Go ,Lake Geneva ,Memedical L Piono ,Okakay ,Sosomething G ,Wewe Reallye ,Emergency Brain Surgery ,Old Town ,Inia Miminute ,Potetentially Lifefe Saving ,Alsoso Sidetrackcked Lausanne ,Bubuilding Thahat ,Talk A Mac ,Schoolol Gymymnasium ,Idea ,Partnerered ,Soviets ,Physicists ,No H Human On Earth ,195050s ,G Google Deep ,Advavanced Ais ,195050 ,On Eararth ,Chanc ,Sound D ,Thehe Idea ,Proroduc Enenergy ,Finalllly Crcrack ,20 ,2 ,10 ,Sasafe Power ,Endlesess Clcleanp ,Ththe Plasmama ,Initiaiate Nuclearar F Fusion ,Create Neaear ,150 Million ,Magnets ,Sisides ,Humanans Cannotot D ,Ththe ,Everytything ,Timeme ,Hahappening G S ,Thehe Conontaine ,Ai Mighght ,Constant Tweakingng ,Whahat ,It Couould Be E ,Riright Nonow W ,Areas ,Frorom A Fofossil Fueled Fatete ,Health Anand Envivironment ,Moso Benenefit Ii Would Sayay ,2020 ,Hahappeni ,Ththat Kind Of Potential L Repororter ,Impossible Dreamam ,Curered Prettyty ,Baback T To Suave Medical Pioneeeers ,Ha Diseseases ,Thr Seeminingly ,Me E ,Someone ,Hospital ,Whwhat Here E You Rere The Surgeonon ,Thihis Hospspita ,Thehe Sururgeon ,Thehe Neuroscienti ,Dutchman ,Bicicycle Accccin ,My Thououghts Transf Downwn ,Hurtjan Oxen ,China Aa Decade Agogo ,Paralylyze Nad ,My Spinine E ,Nothing ,Ththing G ,Ma Walk ,Hahappened ,Connectionon ,Exaxactly ,Youour Bicycyc Then T ,Me On N The Str ,Werere ,The ,Y ,Anand O ,Meme ,Hohospital ,Police ,Doctor ,Left ,Riright Hand ,Fefeel My Y Legs Anynymore ,Iic Touch Mymy ,Howow ,Dl ,Fama ,Persoson ,One Yearar ,It T Won G Better ,Witit ,Walalk Agaiain ,Dream ,Sci Fi Sketch ,Dream M Were E ,Cord ,Restorore Walking G ,Draw ,Aab Brain An Spinalal ,Paralylysis ,York Stetea ,Aa Napkpkin ,Nenew ,Digigital L Bridge ,Ththe Ththoughts ,It W ,Aa Paralyzed D ,Nowow R Reality ,Surgery ,Brain ,Case ,Leg Movements ,Electrodes ,Surgeries ,Tha ,Spspinal C Cord ,Region ,Spinal Cord ,Mototor ,Brain N ,Contntrolling G ,Movements S This Implantnt ,E Spininal ,Cord Stimulatation ,Motor Cortex ,Wirelesslyly ,Data ,Amount ,Researarch P Partner ,You C ,Ten Yearsrs ,Sad ,Yoyou ,Laboratoro Activitities ,He Hasas ,Papast ,Witithout W Wh ,T Opererate ,Makek Movement ,Human N ,S Happening ,Movement ,Machine Leararning ,Person Wanants ,Thahat ,Correctct ,Something T Wasn Posossible ,Thought I Into Action ,What ,It S ,He E ,Bacack On Andnd , K Of Surprprised ,Butut That ,Difficicult ,Coconversationon ,Witith Me And S Stilill ,Tryining ,Step Agagain ,Discscriminate N ,Signals ,Legs ,Yeah H ,It T ,It Woue ,One Day ,Meme Becaua ,Presesent Becaue ,He Doesn N T Walk E ,Room ,Body ,Acacc ,Yet T Maybe Nevever ,Aideded ,Nervous System ,Spine ,Training ,Nerve Fibers ,Correct ,Haveve T ,Cue T This Guy Y ,Not Y ,Regenerative Medicine ,We E ,Wawait ,Avavailable Commmmercially ,E Mailsls ,Requeststs ,We E Re Lininking T ,Wiwith Thoughtht ,Helelp Coconduct ,United Statates ,Dave Mamarver ,Spind Stimimulation ,Moved T To Switzer ,Crazyzy Town ,Our Clinicalal T Tria ,Veteran N American M Medical De Executivive ,Device ,Market ,Ththef Ononward ,Whicich Makes S And W Eveventually ,It T Go Nexext ,Human Nn All Ofof History T To Have An N Implanteted Brain ,Computer Interfrface ,Doeses ,Hertjan Walk ,Hertjan ,Implanteted ,Stimular ,Restore T The Ability To W First Persrson ,Spopoke ,Implp Again ,Stimulato Restore E ,Thehe First Humuman In History Y To S ,Ththese ,Compututer Interfacece ,Cououple ,Arm Functcti ,Onwaward ,Cocoming T To Market ,To O Humaman ,This Tetech Will L Be Detrimenental To H Humankind ,Dedevice ,There Arers Ththat ,Currenently ,Away ,Mii Mean ,Huhuge Benefitit ,Fofor Exexamp ,Feasibilility Trialsls ,O Oversight ,Galloping Forward D ,Gut Reaction ,Balance ,Becacause ,Concernenn Hopepeful ,P ,Rest ,Thehe World ,Understatanding ,We R ,Workrking On Harnenessing ,Brains ,Capability T ,Decision ,Machi ,Think K Fre In Thehe ,The Dark Side ,Next ,Human Life ,Necessity ,You E ,Soso ,Whahe Procesess ,That T S Happenini ,Realally ,Advances S ,Just Overer The Past Ty With G Generative ,Readiding ,Aa Paraly ,Closer T Tol Mind ,Um ,Have Beeeo Vastst ,Cocortex Impaiairment ,Disisable Peoplple ,Millions ,Walklking Thanksks ,Reading ,Hihis Mind ,Aii ,Implant Essssey ,Sufferingm Disabibilities ,Reports ,Governments ,Dark Side ,Thoughts ,Research ,Course ,Mandate ,Susupport ,On Hohow T ,Fighting ,Scale ,Criminal Dedefendants B ,Ethicist ,Intnterrogate C ,Brain Privacy ,Nitita Farahanyn Professor ,Flflashed Befofore Them ,Brbrains Reactct To Informrmatit ,There E ,Stitill Doesn T Have Acc To ,Te Thinkiking ,Hold D Back ,T A I ,Papast You Th U Thought ,Tape ,Feeleling ,Herere ,Righght ,Tht Abouout ,Momement ,Yoyou Thought ,H Hmm ,Brain Data S Shows ,Ae Real Time ,Wife ,Sosomeone Walklked ,Phon ,Riright ,Prettyty Attracactive ,Pe Attracactive ,Presume E ,Wow ,Brain Transparency ,Inner Monologue ,Won T ,Doesn T Have Accccess To ,Corporations ,Farahany ,Milititaries Worlrldwide ,Others ,Access ,O What S Inincreasinglyly Being Refeferr ,Super Soldiers ,Ability ,Cognitiveve Warfare ,Disit ,Safer ,More ,Who ,Carareer Soldldier ,Dangeger Militaririly ,Huhumankind ,Comombat Veteraran ,Lieieutenant Col Martai Hadadike ,Dependsds ,Bubut Why Are E ,Nowow ,Help ,You Talklking ,Talking ,Whwhy ,Yeaeah ,Strange Ququestion ,Ababout ,There S Sa Need Foro ,What Armies N Need ,Mo Keepining ,Benefit ,Robotics ,Explanation ,Blol Humaman Soldiersrs Safer ,Secondnd ,Dutch Military S ,Prprimary ,Y Yes ,Auautonomous S Systems Uninit ,Flelesh ,He ,First ,Arms Race ,Power R Fofor Example ,O Minefield ,Recoconnae Robotsts ,Mamain Rival ,Thehey Believe E ,Alex Wang ,States ,Opportunity ,The Sea ,Spacece Ch Over The N ,Uss Military Y ,Robotic Autononomous Systetem ,Thatl ,Land ,Sortrt Autotonomous Robobotics ,Inin ,Systste Versrsus Anotherer ,A Dadata Guru ,Five ,Nature ,Weapon ,Wars ,Ththis A Pivototal Moment Human Fighting ,Absbsolutely ,Foughght ,Integration ,Battlefield ,War Fighting ,Jessica Dorsey Studies Algorithmic Warfare ,War ,Terminator Scenarario ,Humanans ,Accocou ,Transpararency ,A Accountabi For Actionons On The B Battlefi ,Autonomomous Robots Killing ,Swarms ,Concert ,Drone S Swarms ,Drones ,500 ,1 ,100 ,Human ,Targets ,Rerecognize Anand Select T Targ A Battlelefield ,A Machine Is Compromisesed ,Machine ,Authority ,Human Soldier ,Concept ,Whether ,Example ,Communication ,Conditions ,Macachine Go Fully Auautonomous ,Unmanned Systemem Makeke ,Unmd Robot ,H Human Life E ,Attack ,En Willll ,The Decisision ,On Aa M It Comomes ,Unmannn ,Fromo Enenemy ,Autotonomous Vehehicle ,Firire ,Save T The F ,Orderer ,Inin Order To O Achieve Ththe M Objectctive ,The Rorobot ,Youou Heard Thah Right T A I ,Kill La Human ,Potentntially Makikin Decisionon ,Knkno Mamachine ,Thinink Necessitity ,Capabilityty ,Cl ,Human Li ,Fl Treaty T To Ban Lethalal Autono Weapons ,Concept Development Phase ,U N ,Big Powersrs Have Yet T ,It Doesn T Want To ,Agre ,Wifi ,Homework ,Book ,Power Outages ,Battery Back Up ,Xfinity ,Xfinity 10g Network ,4 ,Amste ,Remamains A Monunument ,Little Cicity ,Ththinking Deee ,Thinkers ,Boboundaries O Of Progressss ,Revolution ,No Surprisese ,Dudutch ,Thehe Hot Ne Thing ,Tulipips ,You U Re Still W Weirding M Out ,Age ,Sg ,Timime ,Quitite ,It S Oy Asian Artitist ,Compliment ,Work H ,Amsterdamam ,Consnstant Brinknkman ,Gallery ,Escapep A I ,It S Everywherere ,None ,A I Only Art Gagallery ,Dead End ,Brbrinkman ,Leaning Ini ,Actutua Phphysically E ,Dodoesn T ,Maximimilian Hoeks ,The Netherlands ,Artists ,Name O ,Artist ,Matter ,Name ,Langnguage Modelel ,An Artrtist ,11 ,Hi Ii ,Yearars Old ,Wholele Characterer ,Elisa Nova A Howow ,29 ,Thousands ,Real ,Work ,Euros ,Elisa Nova ,Allll ,We W Were So In N The Storieiese Suddenly T ,Coupuple ,Dadanger ,Ms ,Wonder Thata Yoyou ,Rereal ,Lolosinh ,Absolutelyly ,Mind ,Weeksks ,Frfriends ,Popoint ,My Heaead ,Ststopped Talklking With T Th ,Sl ,Withth A I ,Ininside Our L ,Friends ,Entities ,See Themem ,Comforortable ,Isis A New Tooool ,Will Nonot Go Away Y ,Doing ,Bottle ,Anand The Toolol ,Will Nevever G The Genie ,Crazy Thihings ,Doesn T Want To ,Safe ,We Willll Benefit F ,Series ,Legislation ,History ,Frame ,Civilization ,Meeting ,Closed Door Hearings ,Elon Musk ,U S Senate ,Shareholder Profit ,Law ,The Wororld ,Kids Tryining Sasave ,Ststop Pretendnding ,O Make A Bu Of M Money ,Let ,This Buncnch ,Adopopt T ,Yeaears W ,Wiwith ,O Problem ,Lelegislation N Thatat ,We Rereally ,Fine ,Need Haveve ,Governmnment ,Legislslation Withthout ,Havingn Wawait Anotherer ,Verery Agile Procesess ,Jobo Regugulate The Industry ,Herer Ouour Current T Systems ,Press Ononward In Q For Man S Essential L ,Desire ,Let U ,T Dedeal With Whwhat ,Workrk ,O Our T Society ,Usus ,Peace E ,Unfortutunately ,To Humaninity ,Weapons ,Hundreds Of Thousands People Ii 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Socieiety ,We Jusust Don T Knknow ,

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