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♪ hello, you're watching "cnn news central." i'm boris sanchez alongside jessica dean in washington. we're following the latest developments in the middle east. today a split-screen moment, on one side a show of strength among allies as secretary of state antony blinken was back in israel, again, forcefully backing israel's campaign to eliminate hamas, even as he bluntly addressed the need to do more to alleviate the civilian suffering that campaign has unleashed inside gaza. >> we need to do more to protect palestinian civilians. there will be no partners for peace if they are consumed by humanitarian catastrophe and alienated by any perceived indifference to their plight. we've gone from zero to now over 100 trucks going into gaza through the rafah crossing every day but this is still not enough. >> while blinken was speaking the leader of the lebanon-based militant group hezbollah was also speaking. his first public comments since this war began. hassan nasrallah praising the october 7th terror attacks carried out by hamas. he warned escalation is still on the table for hezbollah, but said their primary goal is a ceasefire, but israel says no pause in the fighting until hamas releases all 241 hostages. >> let's take you now to the region with cnn's jim sciutto, he is in israel near the border with lebanon. jim, how do you interpret what we heard from hassan nasrallah? >> reporter: you know, boris, there is so much anticipation to this speech, first time he's commented in public since the october 7th attacks, as skbres can a was noting there, there were fear that he might announce a more forceful participation in this war by hezbollah, in effect, opening up another front in this war from the north, but as we listened to him speak, he didn't say that. he said that option is on the table, but he did not -- did he not put his forces to bear here and announce that they're coming in, and notably we were watching the skies very closely as he was speaking, were his words joined with action, more missiles, more rockets. we didn't see that, either t could change but today his words were limited to praise for hamas and the october 7th attacks. have a listen. >> translator: it was an action that was heroic, brave, innovative and it was very well-executed. it was great. it was a huge earthquake in the region. >> reporter: now, of course, those words are shocking enough, here he is praising brutal terrorist attacks. he did, though, as well put some distance between hezbollah and those attacks by saying that they did not have advanced warning, they were not involved. he said in effect that this was a palestinian operation and even took note to say it was a surprise to them and said he wasn't bothered by it, that it was up to them to choose when and how they were going to act to attack israel. >> and, jim, nasrallah also saying, to your point there, it was a fully palestinian operation, basically signaling this was not ork natoriginated iran. how much stock do you think the u.s. intel community is putting into that claim? >> reporter: listen, they are not going to believe what he says, not going to treat his words as credible. i do think they took note of that daylight that he seemed to be deliberately putting between hezbollah and hamas to call this in his terms, again, 100% palestinian operation to say we are not responsible for that. and, listen, you speak to israeli officials, they think that part of hezbollah's hesitation to get involved in this war involves those two u.s. carrier groups stationed now in the eastern mediterranean. there was also one in the med, another one sent there since, as a deliberate message from the u.s. not to get involved, not just to hezbollah but to iran's other proxies in the region. not to get involved in numbers this this conflict. when you speak to israeli officials they believe that that show of force has had an effect. at least to date. u.s. intelligence, israeli intelligence and others always keeping their eyes open because that may change at any time. by the way, last night we saw a heck of a lot of rockets coming across the border from hezbollah fighters in lebanon, but at least today we did not hear the hezbollah leader announce his forces jumping into this war. you might call that a moment -- a moment at least of relief. >> it is absolutely key. jim sciutto for us in northern israel, thanks so much for that reporting. i want to bring in cnn's natasha bertrand now. the secretary of state tony blinken bringing us up the prospects of a humanitarian pause. we know israel is ruling that out for now, they say they want all hostages returned in the event of any sort of pause. has blinken gotten any concrete assurances on that humanitarian front while he's been there? >> reporter: jessica, the only real commitment that he says that he has received from the israelis is that they would address the extremist violence taking place by israeli settlers against palestinians in the west bank. he said that he got a commitment from his israeli counterparts that they would do what they could to address that violence, condemn it and try to stop it but of course that doesn't answer the larger question of what is going to happen to the palestinians in the gaza strip. the ones that are being killed, the civilians, i should say, that are being killed on a very regular basis as part of this israeli military operation and a large reason why the administration has started to shift its tone less towards kind of all-out support for israel in terms of, you know, unconditional support and more towards cautioning them behind the scenes we're told that them continuing to kind of launch these indiscriminate air strikes that target hamas commanders in densely-populated areas, that result in a large amount of civilian casualties, that could lead to an erosion of international support and it could make them, you know, have more difficulty achieving their military objectives in the long run. so the reason that blinken is asking the israelis to consider this humanitarian pause at this moment is because he wants to see a situation where civilians can get out, aid can come in and of course hostages can be released. as you said, israel already putting their foot down saying that they need a commitment from hamas that they are going to release the hostages before they will entertain any kind of ceasefire. >> natasha bertrand, thanks for the update. let's dig deeper on the situation on the ground with cnn military analyst colonel cedric leighton. good to see you. i want to start with news that the idf has encircled gaza city. what does that mean for the broader effort to eradicate hamas? >> boris, the key thing is notice where the israelis have come in, they've come in from the north, the northeast and the east. so just to give you a quick idea of what it looks like, they come in this way using bulldozers, tanks, armored personnel carriers and troops on the ground who are moving forward in each of these directions. every single one of them has a particular mission. in this particular case they captured this town hall and raised the israeli flag there. these are the things that they are doing and the idea is to take over this area as much of it as they need to and then go in and encircle gaza city right in through here and that is basically what they've been doing. they're moving this way in order to basically force hamas fighters into this area so that they can't escape. >> described by the idf as the heart of hamas's operation in gaza. i want to ask you about hezbollah. obviously we heard from the leader of hezbollah, hassan nasrallah, today. a lot of threats against israel, not many specifics. it didn't sound like war was imminent, but if hezbollah decides to get involved, what does that look like? >> so basically what we're doing is nasrallah has left open his options. a quick note of comparison, the hamas the group in gaza, a sunni political group, up to 25,000 fighters, 7,000 rockets. hezbollah, sheia, aligned with iran directly, and they have 50,000 estimated active personnel and as many as 150,000 rockets. so when you look at all the different areas that they could possibly be involved in, the key thing is right here, the israel-lebanon border. on the side of the border you've got hezbollah and this would then -- if hezbollah got involved it would mean a second front in the war and that then means that israel would have to divide its forces even more between the south and the north. >> the u.s. as an ally to israel has tried to bolster its presence in the region, notably cnn has new reporting about drones in southern lebanon that are listening in, trying to detect any sign that an escalation by hezbollah might be imminent and also u.s. carrier groups in the mediterranean. >> yes, absolutely. you have both the gerald r. ford and eisenhower, both are conducting maneuvers right here in the eastern mediterranean so they are right off the coast of israel, lebanon and gaza. so they're doing that from the carrier perspective. now, the other thing to look at here, the drones that you mentioned earlier, this is flight 24 surveillance tracking of the drones, they are about -- these are the mq-9 reapers, there are six that we believe have flown over the gaza area. this is the principal drone that the u.s. military uses, air force drone, has a ceiling of about 50,000 feet, that's the altitude that it flies at. it's an intelligence collection machine. it's able to really look at what's going on on the ground using imagery and in some cases signals intelligence to figure out exactly what is happening on the ground and then relays that to the operational commanders for further decisions. >> and no question awareness in such a delicate situation like this when there's so much at stake and at any moment anything can go awry is key. thank you. we appreciate the perspective as always. still to come on "news central," employers slowing their hiring, the unemployment rate edging higher last month. why the fed and markets are actually happy to see these new numbers, and more importantly of course what it all means for your walallet. we w will be rigight back. still pretty hot, but clearly cooling the october jobs report coming in a bit softer than expected. the labor department reports the economy added 150,000 jobs last month. now, that's below the expectations of 180,000 and sharply lower than the roughly 300,000 jobs added in september, but this is important, october is also the first jobs report to include the fallout from the massive auto strike. that dispute between the uaw and the big three auto makers now largely resolved. but the labor department reports strike activity was the main culprit for the loss of about 35,000 manufacturing jobs last month and on wall street the markets welcoming the softer numbers because experts believe the fed will be under less pressure to raise interest rates. let's dig in deep wr cnn economics and political commentator catherine rampell. always great to see you. is this slowdown a sweet spot or how should we interpret all of this because it is lower than expected but i just was talking about wall street liking this because they're hoping now the fed won't raise interest rates. >> there is certainly a lot of people who view this as somewhat of a goldilocks report as in the economy is not so hot that it will force the fed to continue raising rates. it's not so cold that it suggests we are facing an imminent recession. that would be the ideal scenario. that said, i do think there are some signs of weakness in the report, even beyond the ones that you just flagged, things like, for example, the length of the average workweek has been going down, so people aren't losing their jobs but they are working fewer hours in any given job, as well as the fact that almost every month so far this year the initial numbers that have come out have subsequently been revised downward. and that was the case, for example, for september as well. so those kinds of things suggest that there are some vulnerabilities in the economy, even if they are not obviously outright signs of recession. >> and i want to with all of that in mind going back to that question of interest rates because i know a lot of americans and people watching that's what they're concerned about, can i buy a house, will those rates keep going up? what do you think any sort of pause could mean for the average american if they do decide to continue to pause those interest rates? >> markets definitely think that the fed is going to continue pausing. if you look at where markets are pricing various kinds of treasury instruments, they don't think that the fed is going to raise rates, in fact, there are a number of market participants out there who think that the next move from the fed would involve cutting rates, potentially sometime early next year. if that were to happen and, again, it's anybody's guess, that could potentially translate to lower borrowing costs for regular consumers, for things like auto loans, credit card loans, et cetera. the one wrinkle in all of this is that longer-term treasury yields, so these are things like the 10-year treasury yield, which the fed is not directly targeting with those rate hikes, those have still been very, very high, that's part of the reason why you're seeing, for example, very high mortgage rates lately. even if the fed doesn't choose to raise rates or even cuts rates in the near term some of these other factors may keep mortgage rates for people trying to buy a home very elevated. >> and let's talk about the strike's impact. i noted at the beginning of this 35,000 manufacturing jobs they said were lost as a result of those ongoing strikes which have largely been resolved. do you expect that that levels out as we move forward now? have we seen the extent of that damage or will we continue to see that play out? >> as you noted, most of the decline in manufacturing is directly traced to the strike activity and so most of it i think will revert backward as the strikes obviously get resolved, but not all of it. and some other indicators within the u.s. economy do suggest other signs of stress and trouble within the manufacturing industry writ large. there is another survey, another metric called the ism manufacturing index that has shown that the manufacturing sector has been in recession for every month of the past year. so the strikes alone are not the only culprit here that are straining the manufacturing sector and so i don't know that it's a safe bet necessarily to think that now that the strikes are getting resolved that suddenly things will be hupgy dory. i think that industry is very much under strain in part because as we've been discussing of those high interest rates. >> i want to ask you one more thing before you go. you've noted that prime working age women's employment hit a record high a few months ago. it has since plateaued. and you say that's a really crucial metric to watch, especially because there's a major federal subsidy for child care that is set to expire. >> yes, it has been this remarkable story in the past few years n fact. what had been so-called shecession, women disproportionately hurt by the pandemic recession has reverted into a shecovery that working age system have achieved record highs in their ability to participate in the labor force and hold jobs. it's been a puzzle about why that's been happening but i think one key has to do with the fact that child care has been subsidized, there has been this major federal program keeping the struggling care system afloat. that program just la money has end of september and there is a real question about what happens to child care providers going forward and what the knock on effects are for families that rely on child care providers if they decide to pull back or close entirely. when workers can't have care arrangements for their kids they will struggle to continue showing up to work and that hurts working women, ie mothers in particular. so the fallout from that i think we haven't yet seen. we've seen biden request additional funding to keep the child care sector afloat, but so far house republicans have basically rebuffed that. i think i will be watching that going forward to see what happens to women's labor force participation and employment rates. >> it will be interesting to watch all of that. you look at capitol hill right now and the idea of passing any bipartisan legislation that could get through both chambers is a tall order. catherine rampell, thank you as always for your analysis. hezbollah's leaders say all scenarios are possible on the lebanon-israel border and is warning israel against further eggs clags. we will have much more on the fears of a wider conflict in the middle east. that's ahead on "cnn news central." c'mon, we're right there. c'mon baby. it's the only we need. go, go, go, go! ah! touchdown baby! -touchdown! are your neighbors watching the same game? yeah, my 5g home internet delays the game a bit. but you get used to it. try these. they're noise cancelling earmuffs. i stole them from an airport. it's always something with you, man. great! solid! -greek salad? exactly! don't delay the game with verizon or t-mobile 5g home internet. catch it on the xfinity 10g network. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says there will be no temporary ceasefire unless all hostages held by hamas are freed. that's despite secretary of state antony blinken calling for a pause today as he met with israeli leaders in tel aviv. meantime, in his first public remarks since the conflict began, hezbollah's leader praised hamas's attacks on israel, while adding that hezbollah's primary goal is a ceasefire. hassan nasrallah said the possibility of a larger regional conflict with israel is an option. joining us now is josh rogin. great to be with you. the leader of hezbollah making a lot of threats but not really specific into right. there were basically three parts to his speech, there were the denials, we didn't do t we didn't know about t talking about the october 7th hamas attacks, said this was palestinian run, they didn't tell anybody. then the let's, which are, you know, if israel didn't do a, b and c we could widen the war. that stopped short of an actual promise for hezbollah to join in the fighting which is what i'm sure a lot of hamas terrorists were hoping for. so in that sense it could come as a disappointment to hamas. but he promised to keep up the minimal attacks on israel, to keep them busy, keep them occupied and make sure they can't fully devote their resources to gaza. then there was conventional analysis in the speech. he said basically israel has bitten off more than they can chew, they set joefrl ambitious and lofty goals and should have learned the lesson from the past including the 2006 war with hezbollah in lebanon. that's pretty standard analysis. in a sense he's mixing lies with the truth. >> not a surprise for him to ask for a ceasefire. he joins a chorus of people that have suggest that had there should be a pause in the action, whether you want to call it a pause or ceasefire. israel has been reluctant to stop its retaliatory attacks on gaza. the u.s. has tried to pressure israel to do so, but it doesn't seem to be actually carrying weight with the israelis into well, that's right. that's what secretary of state antony blinken is in the region to do. he's not there to stop the war, he's there to help manage the war. he's there to set some sort of processes where they can keep fighting for what could be weeks, months or even longer. this idea of having humanitarian pauses is not new. the idea of getting fighters out, even getting civilians out, getting some people who are trapped out, getting some aid in. they do this in ukraine, they do it in -- they've been doing it in syria for 12 years. it's a complicated thing where every side has to get something and right now the negotiating positions are too far apart for it to work. that's what he's there to do, to narrow the positions and set a precedent so they can keep fighting. so far he wasn't been successful. >> the israeli argument is that if they stop then hamas can regroup and that they won't release hostages but rather that they will strengthen for more terrorist attacks. is that a fair assessment? >> i mean, i don't think there's any scenario where you can bomb 24 hours a day, seven days a week forever. at some point this humanitarian option will have to come in play. we're seeing it play out a little bit in rafah, all the sides decided that they can let aid in and some people out. it's logical from their perspective but untenable. in the end they will have to come to some sort of way to get the aid in and get people out who need to get out. if the united states can play a role in brokering that, great, but we are not there yet. >> i want to ask about your most recent column in the "post" talking about capitol hill and the bill that was pushed forward by new house speaker mike johnson essentially offering $14 billion in aid to israel but comes with a caveat that a lot of folks on capitol hill would not support, cuts to irs funding that would grow the u.s. deficit. you say that this is politically dangerous. >> i think it's actually materially dangerous. >> sure. >> we have people fighting in israel and also in ukraine, by the way, who are running out of ammunition, the ukrainians are running out of money, the fund something not assured, and it's bad enough that for three and a half weeks we didn't have a speaker of the house and the war is going on in israel and the congress has done exactly nothing. now what the new speaker has done is passed a bill that as a policy writer would partially defund the irs which is a nonstarter. it's not going to become law. politically it makes sense for him to placate his right wing but practically it's very dangerous for the israelis and for the ukrainians who are waiting in line behind the israelis for another bill we haven't even seen yet. this is going to take weeks to go back and forth between the house and senate before they come up with some scheme that makes everybody equally unhappy and it's israelis and ukrainians who are paying that deadly price. this is when our dysfunction results in our enemies benefitting and our allies twisting in the wind and in many cases it can be either party but in this case it's the house republicans. >> josh rogin, always a pressure. have to leave the conversation there. stay with cnn. we will be right back. we're learning more about thursday's fbi raid at the home of a top fundraiser for new york city mayor eric adams. officials telling cnn investigators searched the brooklyn home of adams' campaign adviser brianna suggs looking for evidence that foreign nationals may have made improper donations to the adams campaign. cnn's gloria pazmino is here with more. this alleged scheme may have involved turkish citizens who are by law barred from making political contributions here in the united states. what more can you tell us? >> reporter: that's right, jessica. so far what we are learning is that federal officials are looking for possible evidence, a way to connect the dots here, because they believe the adams 2021 campaign might have conspired with members of the turkish american community here in new york to make donations to the mayor's campaign. now, as you mention, foreign nationals are not allowed to donate to political campaigns in the united states, so by using u.s. citizens that are members of the turkish american community here in new york the campaign would have been able to funnel that money into the campaign coffers. now, we should make it clear the mayor has not been directly implicated in any of these investigations, nor has he been targeted, but the woman whose home was raided yesterday by the fbi is the mayor's chief fundraiser. and that is really significant, that's brianna suggs. this is a person who was in charge of raising money for the mayor, not just for his first mayoral campaign in 2021, but also his reelection campaign which is coming up in 2025. she is responsible for having raised millions of dollars. this is someone who is very close to the mayor's inter circle, so it is certainly raising red flags. the mayor had scheduled a very important meeting with white house officials yesterday. he rushed back to new york city after learning about this raid, canceled his meeting with white house officials, and here is a little bit about what he had to say regarding that investigation. >> i hold my campaign to the highest ethical standards. any inquiry that is done we're going to fully participate and make sure that it's done correctly. i have not been contacted by anyone from any law enforcement agency and that's why i came back from d.c. to be here to be on the ground and look at this inquiry as it was made. >> reporter: now, jessica, one of the outstanding questions here as you mention, not only was the fundraiser's home raided, but there were also several business owners and other individuals whose homes were also raided. the question there is who are they and how are they connected to the campaign? how much money did they donate? and did they get anything in return? that is all part going to -- certainly going to be part of an investigation and part of what we are all looking into, but even though the mayor has not been directly named or connected in any of these investigations so far, we are talking about people who are very close to him, responsible for raising money for his reelection campaign. so this is certainly getting a lot of attention and raising a lot of questions from those people who are close to the mayor. jessica? >> i was going to say there are still a lot of questions here and we will get more information i'm sure. gloria pazmino, thank you for the reporting. house republicans passed an israel only aid bill that is certainly to go nowhere in the senate. why? what happens now? we discuss with a democratic lawmaker next. my sport propels. contra costa college saw potential in me that i didn't know i had. focus. determination. drive. contra costa college helped me blaze the trail. now i'm a comet, and there's no stopping me. come on, this is your shot. take it. join the team at contra costa college. start today at nice footwork. man, you're lucky, watching live sports never used to be this easy. now you can stream all your games like it's nothing. yes! [ cheers ] yeah! woho! running up and down that field looks tough. it's a pitch. get way more into what you're into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. a group of senior house democrats are now pushing for a humanitarian pause in the israel-hamas war but say they are vehemently opposed to a total ceasefire t come calling for a short-term cessation of hostilities to allow for more aid to get into gaza and to protect civilian life. let's discuss now with democratic congressman josh gottheimer from new jersey. thank you so much for being with us. on the question of a pause in the war, the white house also supports the idea to get hostages out of gaza, but you said you do not believe that hamas would abide by a ceasefire. i'm wondering if you've spoken to the administration about this or some of your fellow democrats calling for one. >> well, you can't have a full ceasefire when gaza and hamas is still firing rockets into israel and of course we've got american hostages there and other hostages. we've got to get the hostages out, we've got to crush hamas and the terrorists who continue to do harm. so we must do that. i agree with what the white house said yesterday and i support the fact that we have to make sure we do everything we can to get humanitarian aid in. that's critically important, especially as we see all of -- we see hamas using palestinians, innocent palestinians, as shields. so we've got to make sure we get the humanitarian aid in, but we have to get those hostages out. we have to crush the terrorists and stop hamas from bombing israel. >> so, congressman, i heard you say that you would not obviously support a full ceasefire, but what about the idea of a temporary pause to, as you say, get aid in and potentially get hostages out? that's something that israel has said is not tolerable. >> well, what the president said yesterday, which i think you could support is doing what we can to get the humanitarian aid in and get americans out. we've got hundreds of americans who are still there. i think we need to do what we can, but what you can't do since hamas is continuing to fire rockets every single day at israel, right, and continuing to -- and israel of course has incoming from around the region as you know from iraq, from the houthis, from syria, right, constant incoming, including attacks on americans and american troops. we've got -- american forces i should say. we need to do everything we can to get the hostages out and make sure that whatever the approach is, as you white house has said, we cover our goals. our goals are very clear here, getting hostages out, crushing the terrorists and making sure we get humanitarian aid in. those are the goals, we have to do what we can to achieve them. >> to be clear, you are not in favor of any kind of pause by the idf when it comes to attacking hamas forces? >> i've been pretty clear, i'm saying i support what the white house and the president believes which he said yesterday which is we need to make sure we can get the humanitarian aid in and americans out, but not -- but as you white house has said you can't have a ceasefire, which is what i believe. >> it's just that it sounds like there is a distinction between what you're saying and what secretary of state antony blinken said earlier today when he talked about a more extensive pause. not a full ceasefire, but a pause, a cessation in the action. i do want to move on, congressman, because you were one of a dozen house democrats who voted in support of the bill put forward by the new house speaker, mike johnson. it's about $14 billion in aid for israel, but it comes with what many in your party have described as a poison pill of sorts, these cuts to irs funding that would deepen the u.s. deficit according to the congressional budget office. why did you support that bill? >> well, for the simple reason that, you know, like my colleagues i disagreed with the speaker's approach, i didn't think doing it in that way was the right way to do it and i ultimately believe the senate's approach will be what becomes law and prevailing to the president's desk which includes ukraine aid and makes sure that we do everything we humanly can to end -- to get israel what it needs, but also get humanitarian aid in. i believe that's ultimately what happened, but i think sending a signal to the world which was saying that we do not support israel in achieving her goals and getting the hostages out and of course crushing the terrorists would have been a mistake, which is ultimately why i voted the way i did. >> understood. so what is the next step, then? how do you think the house should proceed in bridging that gap with the senate? >> i think what's going to happen is the senate will move forward in my belief and pass a piece of legislation and both sides will have to sit at the table, many are ready having conversations with what that ultimate agreement can look like. >> congressman, i can hear someone yelling behind you. >> sorry, someone is screaming behind you, it's hard to hear you. >> not the best circumstances to have a conversation. congressman, i do want to ask you about the leader of hezbollah today speaking out, threatening israel. if it appears that the idf is on the verge of eliminating hamas, do you anticipate hezbollah would launch a full-scale invasion on israel? >> well, we've seen our skirmishes already at the northern border with hezbollah, lebanese-backed hezbollah and we've seen all the iranian backed proxies as i mentioned continuing to fire at americans and of course into israel. so i'm very concerned with the region, as you saw nasrallah the head of hezbollah today say -- blaming the u.s. saying the u.s. is fully responsible for the bloodshed, saying that all options are on the table. so the rhetoric coming out of hezbollah is very hot. clearly blaming america. remember we've still got american hostages, dozens of americans who were killed on october 7th. they said that october 7th was acceptable, legitimate saying it was fully legitimate, and so the idea that you've got terrorist organizations like hezbollah working closely with china, russia, iran, all working together, of course, with hamas attacking not only israel but shooting at and firing at american forces, tells you how, you know, how it's a powder keg in the region right now. we need to do everything possible to get those hostages out, to crush the terrorists and to make sure that we can bring peace to the region. >> congressman josh gottheimer. i'm not sure who that is. >> i apologize for the noise. they're very loud. i hope i answered your questions. it's hard to hear all of them. sorry about all that. >> you did. looking forward to having you back sometime. thank you. >> thank you. take care. >> jess? it began with the hamas attacks on october 6 7th, and that's the deadliest assault on jews since the holocaust. it's caused a rise in anti-semitism. cornell university, the ivy league school's closed today and a student is under arrest for posting a threat to kill members of the jewish community. fred flpleitgen is in indiana. >> reporter: we're inside the ceremonial hall that was attacked and set on fire. it's on the central cemetery in ve yen vienna, the jewish portion of it ands there were religious artifacts here in vienna. this is only the latest in the string of anti-semitic incidents and attacks here on the european continent that has a lot of jews very worried. prayer books reduced to ashes. after an arson attack on this ceremonial hall on cemetery, the last time this hall was set on fire was almost to the day 85 years ago by the na nazis. how big is the damage? not just in terms of the room itself, but spiritually for you and the jewish community here? >> i think it takes us back to times where the books were burned, and it is an attack on the spiritual values of the religion and of humanity, which happened here. >> reporter: a swastika on the outer wall leaves few questions about the anti-semitic nature of the attack. >> it should worry us all of the people in the free world about what's going on in the streets right now and anti-semitic attacks are just the top of the -- what's going on. >> reporter: since hamas' october 7th attack on southern israel, murdering more than 1,400 people and kidnapping hundreds, and israel's military response in gaza which has also caused many casualties, anti-semitic incidents have skyrocketed by about 300% in austria, the head of vienna's jewish community, he tells me. >> we're anxious. people are thinking about their life possible in austria? the second thinking is, is jewish life possible in europe or in the world? >> reporter: with pro-palestinian, anti-israeli demos sweeping across the continent, anti-semitism is not only getting more prevalent, but uglier. from plastering stars of david on jewish homes in paris to a molotov cocktail attack on one of the main synagogues in berlin, and near daily assaults and insults in various european countries. >> we've seen evidence of -- >> reporter: today, just hours after the cemetery attack, vienna's jewish community hosted israelis whose relatives were killed or kidnapped by hamas on october 7th. this family, four murdered, seven kidnapped. tal lives in europe, but while he's publicly advocating for the hostages in everyday life, he feels he has to hide his jewish identity. >> not to be associated with anything written in hebrew, not to speak hebrew, not to go to places that are considered jewish like a synagogue or things like that. >> reporter: while many european leaders have come out strongly against the rising tide of anti-semitism, the head of the european jewish association says it's not enough. >> we know exactly when we are in danger, and we are now in danger. europe, we need you right now. never again is now. not tomorrow, not next week. it's now. >> reporter: but as much as there is fear, there's also a sense of defiance. this rabbi himself painting over the nazi slurs on the cemetery wall eager to show his jewish community will not be intimidated by anti-semitic attacks. >> so the jewish community here in vienna is still standing strong and they've certainly got a boost last night when there was a big event that took place in the center of the austrian capital with thousands of people showing up for what they called a sea of light memorial inside israel and of course, in support of the hostages being held by hamas. >> fred plieieitgen, thanank yo that r report. > we'll takeke youou to isr right afafter this b break.

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