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anti-semitism on our campus period, end of story. you cannot thread a needle. you have to be as full throated defense of jewish students as you are in defense of every other student on campus. but if i can just explain why this makes so much sense, why when campuses have people protesting, chanting from the river to the sea, which is a chant that envisions israel without jews in it, which is hamas' goal, or inta fa da, this century the second inta fa da killed a thousand civilians with bombings on bus stops, at caves, atopy sa places. the rhetoric being used is dangerous and must be called out everywhere by university presidents, by elected officials, by everyone who understands that we have an obligation not just to protect the jewish community but to stand squarely against terrorism, the kind that we experienced in our own country not that long ago. and that we need to stand against wherever it occurs. especially when there are americans who were killed and americans who are still being held hostage. we have to come together on this issue. >> former congressman ted deutsche, i wish we had more time. we'll have you back soon. thank you for that. >> thank you. we do have breaking news. israeli forces say an air strike has killed a hamas commander. the commander that helped direct the massacre on two areas right near the gaza border on october 7th. this comes as israeli troops push deeper into gaza and prime minister netanyahu rejects calls for a cease fire. >> calls for a cease fire are calls for israel to surrender to hamas.render to terrorism, to surrender to barbarism. the bible says there's a time for peace and a time for war. this is a time for war. >> israel's military announcing the first rescue of a hostage held in gaza, the idf telling cnn a special forces operation was able to free an israeli soldier who was abducted during the october 7th terror attack. this is a video from the emotional reunion with her grandmother. meanwhile, on the ground in gaza, the idf says troops have been battling terrorist cells armed with machine guns and anti-tank missiles. also, israeli forces as they advance, hamas has released a new hostage video, this is of three israeli women, one of them was held captive is begging netanyahu to secure their release this morning. we spoke with her cousin. so we are also this morning seeing israeli forces on the move in the occupied west bank today. i want to show you some of that. that's in the west bank, video obtained by cnn of the idf demolishing the house of a hamas leader in the west bank. let's start our coverage this morning with jeremy diamond. he joins us. jeremy, what can you tell us? we just showed you some of the new advances that israel is making both from the air and on the ground. >> reporter: yeah, well, we have been hearing the study thud of artillery continuing this morning as this expanded ground operation now enters its fifth day. what is clear is that there is still on going and intense fighting inside the northern part of the gaza strip between israeli forces and hamas militants. we have been hearing machine gunfire all throughout the morning as well as yesterday as israeli forces make advances on gaza city through several different axis. what is clear is israeli troops have been spotted south of gaza city at a main junction entering the city. they have also been spotted behind me in the northeastern most part of gaza as well as two miles into gaza on the coastline, the western part of the gaza strip. so clearly advancing on several different axis. and what's clear is they're deliberately, quite slowly as they try and take out some of those re-enforced positions of hamas fighters. and what's also interesting is that israeli forces on the ground appear to be making pretty significant use of close air support. more so than in previous operations as israeli troops on the ground spot re-enforced hamas positions and then call in air strikes. we have also seen several helicopters, apatchy gun ships used to fire missiles at various targets inside the gaza strip. all of this as israel's prime minister vows this is not the time for a cease fire, saying this is a time for war. israelless military and political leadership all appear to be united in taking out hamas, removing it from control of the gaza strip. and also making very clear to the israeli public that this will come at a cost. it will be a long battle in order to achieve those objectives. >> jeremy what do we know about the hamas commander the idf says they killed. this is one of the commanders who led the attack on kibbutz on the 7th of october? >> reporter: yeah, poppy. even has israel's military operations have been heavily focussed here in the gaza strip, they have also been trying to essentially tamp down on any potential outbursts of fighting inside the west bank. they have arrested over 1,500 palestinians in recent weeks. and now we're learning that the idf has also demolished the house of effectively the de facto commander of hamas in the west bank. although he is believed to be living in lebanon. but in new video that you can see here, the israeli military demolishing that home, that is a tactic that the israeli military has used in the past, typically with terrorists who carry out at att attacks. they go ahead and demolish their homes. that's been done in the west bank over recent years. you can see them doing that as they try to avoid a broader confully grags happening in the west bank. we know as they focussed their efforts here in the gaza strip, they're very weary of this turning into a broader conflict, whether that's in the west bank, in east jer rusalem and also in the north with hezbollah and carrying out weapons depot and supply lines in syria which iran used to supply its proxies in the region. so we are actively monitoring all these different fronts. as of now, the hottest front is right here in gaza. of course there is a risk of it turns into a broader conflict. >> there certainly is. jeremy diamond, thanks for all the reporting. phil? >> joining us now is senior adviser to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. we appreciate your time. i want to start with the breaking news that we just learned from the idf that senior hamas commander who allegedly was directed and was behind the massacre had been killed. what more can you tell us about that? >> i can't go beyond the official statement. but i can tell you what our policy. all the people involved in the massacre of our people, all the people involved in the terrible atrocities of september 7th, when they stormed the border, they slaughtered our people, they raped, they beheaded, they burnt people alive so badly we still can't identify some of the bodies, anyone involved in those tray trosties we will find them and punish them and anyone, we will take them out. >> as part of the on going the air strikes or separate effort, program under way? >> i can't go into specific details precisely because the operation is still on going. and i don't want to give any information to our enemy. hamas is a fanatical and brutal enemy. we have seen that in their behavior and the way they conduct themselves. we see that in the way they're holding what is it 238 hostages. we will bring justice to hamas and that means taking out their leadership, their command, the people responsible for the tarnl terrible hostages on october 7th. >> there was a hostage recovered in a special operation by israeli forces. i believe the first of its kind, at least that we are aware of. does this indicate that your forces are getting better visibility into where the hostages may be right now? >> so, obviously we're making a maximum effort to free hostages. there are two parallel tracks going on. on the one hand, of course, where we can locate a hostage, we will act to free them. that's our commitment to each and every one of the hostages. and of course, at the same time, we're beefing up the overall military pressure on hamas, making them feel the pain. we believe pressure is the way to get our hostages out. they're not going to become boy scouts, humanitarian organization, they cynically have taken people hostages after abducting them. we believe the only way we're going to get out is to ratchet up that pressure together with diplomatic pressure on their allies in the gulf. we think that's the key to getting people out. >> how would you assess qatar's efforts as a mediator or as a partner in trying to negotiate the release of hostages the last several weeks? >> well, so far we got four out. i mean, we released -- we r rescued one of our own. so far through that sort of framework we got four out of 238. >> so they should be doing more. >> that could be higher. we don't know. let's just say this, if they want to say they're doing a good job, i think the proof of the pudding remains to be -- we have to see what happens. >> i want to ask there's been a lot of discussion agent humanitarian aid, the availability of humanitarian aid from u.s. officials especially. the united nations office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs yesterday at the u.n. called for the opening of a different border crossing which has been closed. saying that that would significantly affect the ability to send trucks through. that has been closed. is that something that israel was consider? >> the truth is the rafah crossing we're expediting the massive increase from that crossing. i think yesterday we had double the number of trucks we had. we're expecting that number to go up again and again. so we got a network that is working and we now have to just put in more trucks through that network. israel is willing for that to happen. it works well from that particular crossing point. the safe zone we're suggesting civilians go to is precisely by there in the southern end of the gaza strip right near the rafah crossing, close to the coast. that's the goal. we're working with the international community to make that happen. >> last one on the ground operation, estimates there are 10,000 troops perhaps in gaza. some estimates have been as much as double that. can you give us a rough estimate of how many troops are actually on the ground in gaza and if this is kind of the full scale of the ground operation in terms of size and personnel? >> i'm sorry but i'm not at libber toy go into that sort of detail. i can tell you who else is in gaza. i understand there are some 600 american passport holders who america has asked for them to leave and we're willing for that to happen and i understand the egyptians are, too. but hamas is holding them. >> how so? can you explain that, sir? i'm sorry to interrupt, what is hamas doing? this is something we have heard constantly from u.s. officials. hamas is the one that's holding -- what are they doing? because u.s. -- those passport holders on the ground say they don't hear from hamas. what is happening? >> it's clear that hamas is preventing them leaving. hamas controls the gaza side of the arafah crossing. no one can leave gaza without hamas' permission. they're denying permission to those american passport holders and denying permission to other dual nationals we okayed. we don't have any problem with them leaving. egypt has no problem receiving them. but hamas wants to keep them as also as hostages. it's a dangerous game. they're not being held in dungeons like the israelis are held under ground. they're free to walk around. they can't leave gaza because hamas made a decision they can't. >> senior adviser to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. thank you, sir, for your time. >> phil, thank you. >> my pleasure. >> thank you for that, phil. trying to get really important clarity on why they cannot get out. this morning also politics in the u.s., there's a long-shot trial that resumes in colorado that could get president trump off the ballot. >> mike pence dropping out of the white house race, are other gop candidates feeling better about their chances with less cocompe competition? chris christie joins us lilive seset to discucuss. stayay with us.. our constitution prevents people who betrayed their solemn oath as trump did here from serving in office again. trump engaged in insurrection and therefore cannot appear on the ballot. no person, not even the former president is above the law. >> that was attorney eric olson speaking in a colorado courtroom on monday. olson is representing a group of colorado voters challenging whether former president trump is eligible to be president again. the long-shot trial resumes this morning. it centers on a section of the 14th amendment that disqualifies anyone who engaged in a quote, insurrection or rebellion from holding federal office. >> challengers used trumps own words against him on the first day of this trial playing clips from his speech on election night 2020 when he falsely claimed victory and from january 6th where he urged his supporters to, quote, fight like hell at the capitol. with us this morning in the studio, republican presidential candidate chris christie. governor, good to have you. >> good to be back. >> you said it was that night, election night 2020, you're sitting on the set at abc news, your contributor, that's the moment you decided no longer can i back this guy . >> yep. >> do you think -- you're a lawyer. do you think that that precludes trump from serving as president? >> i don't. i don't. i think you have to be convicted of insurrection or reboellion o accused of it. i don't think it doesn't. >> can we play this out. if convicted, because this has been used against two convicted people from the insurrection, both in i think it's new mexico and west virginia. and they have been removed from lower offices, though, because of this. would that hold for a convicted trump? >> sure. sure it would. if he were convicted of it. but the problem is even in the january 6th federal case, he hasn't been charged with insurrection or rebellion. >> that's right. >> so there's not going to be a verdict against him on that. and i think in a bigger way, i think it would be bad for the country for him to be removed from the ballot on what would be seen by a lot of people as a legal technicality. i think the much better way to go about it is to beat him. i don't think he has any business being president of the united states again. and i think we have to defeat him at the ballot box because you see the way he was when he was defeated at the ballot box. he wouldn't accept it. can you imagine if a judge or group of judges kicked him off the ballot? it would cause such tumult in this country i would much have him defeated in an election this way. >> we want to talk about policy in particularly former policy given what we have been covering the last several weeks. there have been two dozen attacks on u.s. bases or u.s. troops deployed in the region by iranian proxies the last several weeks. the u.s. has struck back in at least one case in syria. is that enough? do you belief that president biden's response to those proxy attacks meets where it should be right now? >> look, i think that we have to make really clear to iran any more of these games and things are going to get a lot heavier for them. i think the president needs to use that language. i think he has to let them know that these type of attacks while maybe not directly connected to what's going on in gaza, we know the game they're playing. they're trying to incite regional war. so, it's a very fine line to walk when you're president. but you can't allow any other country, even through surrogates, to indiscriminately attack american men and women in uniform. so they continue to do that kind of stuff. and it causes death or injury, then you got to strike back harder. >> but what more, sent two carrier groups and rapid response force and marines moved into the region precisely to stop regional actors from acting. there have been air strikes hitting syrian, iranian proxies. what more? >> more of it. it's not a response to attacks on american fighting men and women. so, what you need to do if this continues you have to increase the level of air strikes and increase drone strikes and do that to continue to let them know that if they do this, there will be a price to pay with their personnel. we don't want to do that. but we will have to do it if they go and they hurt american men and women who are fighting for our country. >> where, though? john bolton who served while you were in the trump administration, you know, has for a long time been saying to stop iran, bomb iran. he wrote a piece on such. you talking about more strikes like the syria strikes on iran proxies or talking about in iran? if you were president, it would be your call. >> sure, no. i'm talking about iran proxies. if the attacks are from iran proxies, then you attack those iran proxies. and debilitate them from being able to do that again. i don't think you escalate it given what's happened so far. now, if there were to be significant loss of life, then it becomes -- you can directly connect that to iran. then it becomes a different story. based on what we're doing right now, you still go back at the iran proxies. but what you do, you increase the lethality of that. you make it more lethal for them in terps of destroying their capability to attack us. and hurting our injuring their folks if that's what they're doing to ours. >> house republicans have proposed $14 billion for israel. the number that president biden asked for, but they're not including ukraine funding and proposing to pay for it by recisions to the irs cost more money to some degree. do you agree with their approach right now? >> what i think is it's a typical negotiating tactic when you have a divided congress. they know that the democrats in the senate are not going to agree to exactly that proposal. >> do they? >> yeah, they do. they do. >> all of them? >> well, it doesn't matter if all of them. majority of them know. and i think the speaker certainly knows that's not going to happen. so, you sent out a marker in negotiation. this is what we would like on our best day. the democrats in the senate are going to do that. then you've got to negotiate what's going to happen in between. the president needs to get involved in that because of the importance of the israel aid package. now in ukraine, i would support it being done together. but i'm encouraged by the fact that the new speaker said, he supports aid to ukraine. and so i assume what he wants to do to try to keep peace inside his own caucus that he just barely got elected to lead is to have separate votes on that. i think what you'll see is a majority of republicans voting yes within the caucus and overwhelming majority of democrats voting yes on that and i think it will ultimately pass. >> before you go, if you were president and on the phone with bibi netanyahu, would you tell him we need humanitarian pauses? john kirby at the white house told us yesterday we may need multiple humanitarian pauses. do you think -- i know you don't want a cease fire. but does there need to be a pause to get some of these folks out, get americans out, help the children? >> look, i would think if we could get americans out that would be a goal for us to reach. but i don't think that would happen. i think what hamas would want is not a pause. they would want a guarantee that israel would not invade gaza at all. and we can't give them that guarantee because of the attack they perpetrated on october 7th. they killed 1,400 civilians. it's not right. it's not fair. and israel needs to degrade their capability to do it again. so -- secondly, i wouldn't be telling the prime minister of israel how to respond to the worst attack and murder of jews since the holocaust. i would say to him three things. one, you have the absolute obligation to protect the territorial integrity and safety of your citizens. two, you have to degrade hamas's ability to do this again. three, keep your eyee d of the ball. we want to isolate iran by making more agreements with other arab countries. keep that goal in mind. without me micro managing how he will do a pause, no pause, to keep those principles in mind and those would be my conversations with netanyahu. >> notable on your last one that the saudi defense minister was at the white house this week having those discussions. thank you very much. >> thank you, guys, for having me. good to be in studio. >> come back. new details surrounding the shocking red flags the maine shooter, what police and the military knew before the attack. also, what we were just talking about, house republicans revealing those details of the 14.3 billion aid package for israel. why their plan still does face that uphill battle in their own conference next. -- >> from gaza, the air strikes, ground incursion continues. shows no sign of ending soon. stay with us. ♪ we are continuing to monitor what's happening over gaza city. you see smoke rising there as air strikes, artillery strikes and a ground incursion continues. we will keep you posted as we learn the latest from what's happening. also, to the mass shooting in maine. very disturbing new details about so many glaring warning signs before it that left 18 people dead and they just weren't followed up on, according to newly-released documents from the sheriff's office, the shooter's ex-wife and son went to the police in may to report their concerns about his paranoia. police visited the gunman's residence twice in september after his army unit reported that card was, quote, having psychotic episodes where he is hearing voices that are insulting him, calling him a pedophile and card is making threats to shoot up the national guard facility. we are joined live this morning. what are the facts? >> reporter: the facts are, as you said the warning signs were there. they were there in may. they were there in july. they were there in september. instead of someone saying, hold up, wait a second, we have to do something about this, we have to get this man help, we have to get his guns away from him, we have to potentially take him off the street, everyone just sort of acted like social workers here. certainly the law enforcement officials, the military all saying they were going to go and try to get him help. they were using the family to try to get him help. but clearly based on these documents, none of that was working. and here we are today with 18 people dead and something that certainly people across this country from law enforcement officials, people in this state to the families believed this could have been prevented, had someone just taken the action. when we look through these documents, you see that back in july, when the shooter was in training in new york, he had an episode. there was a mental breakdown. a fellow soldier complained that he was sort of talking about potentially doing some kind of a mass shooting. talking about violence, talking about hurting people. and they were concerned. and they went to military officials. so much so that we found out yesterday that the army in a statement said that they basically instituted a policy. they said that he can no longer handle weapons or ammunition. but yet somehow he continued to be able to possess his personal weapons. then we see, as we know now in september, the family, the military all went to the police saying they needed to get him help. while he just remained on the street and here we are today. >> shimone, these documents i think kind of bring into sharp focus the back and forth you had with the governor on some of these missed warning signs last night. what did she tell you at the time? >> reporter: well, look, my questioning of the governor comes after we repeatedly -- the days after this went to her officials, the head of the department of public safety here, the commissioner of the department of public safety, we knew this information. and we asked him many times, what were the contacts between law enforcement? he didn't want to answer that. he was evasive about it for days. and they have refused to answer these questions. yesterday when the governor decided to have a press conference, we went ahead and tried to ask her and get her reaction to our reporting that there was this law enforcement contact. and while she also didn't want to answer. take a listen to what she said. >> we know that there's an alarming concern from the law enforcement community that activity and information here was ignored. and the simple answer is, why was that done? and are you concerned about that? >> i think those kinds of facts are yet to be determined. you're making assumptions. i'm not willing to make assumptions. >> reporter: and there you go. you know, the thing for her to say is that we're making assumptions. we're not making assumptions. we have the documents. we have the proof. we're also talking to sources and officials on the ground, senior law enforcement officials all raising concerns how the sheriff's office handled this. >> shimon, keep digging. great work. thank you. >> thank you. just an hour, secretary of state antony blinken and u.s. defense minister lloyd austin will sit for a key hearing. >> that hear willing happen as we continue to see smoke rising over gaza. military operations still very much under way. stay with us. ♪ these are live pictures to the left on your screen where smoke is rising over gaza. on the right a picture of capitol hill this morning where in just under an hour antony blinken and lloyd austin will both make their case to senate lawmakers for the biden administration's $105 billion emergency aid request for israel and ukraine. >> that funding has relatively wide bipartisan support but a growing number of republicans have become resistant to additional money for kyiv. manu raju is life on capitol hill. manu, is this hearing going to change any minds? >> it's unclear. there's significant divergence between the house republicans and senate republicans about how to proceed on this matter. particularly among the leadership. the senate republican mitch mcconnell pushing hard to include ukraine aid, along with israel aid as the white house pushes for $105 billion in emergency funding along with dealing with south pacific, dealing with issues along the southern border with mexico. they want all of that. but the house republicans are going at a different approach. the new speaker, mike johnson, announced planned to move on a stand alone plan just for israel. $14.3 billion. to punt on the issue of ukraine. and also part of that $14.3 billion package, including spending cuts, cuts to the irs enforcement. something that democrats say they will absolutely not accept. so there is -- there are major questions now on capitol hill about whether israel funding can get approved, whether ukraine funding can get approved. and talking to democrats and senate republicans yesterday, it was clear there was significant difference of opinion about how to proceed and uncertainty about what will ultimately be accomplished. >> i mean, do you see any way that a bill like that can get out of the senate? >> i would think that would be very hard in the senate. so i think what we're going to do, all right, i think the burden is on our shoulders to pass a very bipartisan bill that has ukraine, israel, gaza, disaster relief, border in it and then send that over to the house. >> i think that's a mistake. debate about ukraine. my views are well known. let's not slow down the israel aid package. >> how do you feel about senator mcconnell's push to include ukraine as part of the israel supplemental? >> well, it's something he is passionate about. >> do you support it? >> as are a lot of our members. >> i think we need to continue to support ukraine's effort to stop russia. russia is an adversary. they represent national security threat to the united states. so, i support that. how that gets done is another question. >> reporter: and that is the big point there from the number two senate republican how that gets done is another question. it's a big question. later this week, house will try to pass that stand alone israel bill with cuts to irs funding. get that through the house this week. that is uncertain whether it can get past the house and dead on arrival according to top senate democrats in the senate. just a lot of questions at this time of international crises about whether congress can respond or whether it once again things could get stalled and lead to uncertainty about helping the united states partners overseas. >> manu, thank you for the reporting. get back to you soon. joining us now, republican congresswoman from indiana victoria sparks. first u.s. congresswoman born in ukraine. we appreciate your time. to start, you have been unequivocal supporter of israel and they need particularly to defend themselves in the wake of october 7th. do you believe this proposal, which senate democrats say is dead on arrival, senate minority leader mitch mcconnell disagrees with, is the right course of action? >> thank you for having me. and i'm very disappointed to hear that, you know, that we're not wanting to deal with our fiscal issue. we do need urgently need to help ukraine. we need urgency to help israel. it's important to deal with our spending. this package is very reasonable what our new speaker is proposing. we need to understand that we already give 12 billion per year to irs. 80 billion additional appropriations. what it does is just give less increase to irs which is really not doing a good job any way. and harassing a lot of americans. so, i think we need to move israel aid quickly. this is very urgent. you know, people of israel are fighting very serious battle that they need to win. and to stabilize in the whole region and can really get us involved in very, very significant crisis. i think that needs to move quicker. then we have to deal with ukraine. >> but if this funding for israel, congresswoman, is contingent on those cuts to the irs, you run into the issue that the nonpartisan committee for the federal budget did the math, you cut the funding to the irs, that delutes their ability to get revenue and adds 30 billion to the deficit. >> well, this is how gimmicks -- but in reality it doesn't. what were just talking, we're still significantly increasing funding for irs. we have regular appropriation 12 billion per year. so this is 80 billion that were given initial. it will be over 60 billion, still giving more to irs. this is plenty of money. we need to see what they use it for. that is a very reasonable approach considering the amount of debt we have right now and where we are fiscally. >> look, you have been so clear where you stand on the debt and calling for a debt commission. i understand that. those are the projections from the nonpartisan committee. is it worth stopping funding to israel over that? >> no, we're not -- we need just to have a conversation. no one is stopping that. this is very reasonable proposal. and we are going to say -- we need to understand it was given funding for irs was given over ten years. we need to see first what they're spending on. so we have to have not this blank checks to these agencies. so we're still giving more money, inflation reduction act give 80 billion on top of it. so it's still -- even if we reduce 14 billion, it still go to over 60 million extra. this is a lot of money given to the agency that we haven't seen working efficiently. are they really doing their job or harassing small businesses and not really helping them. so i think it's something we have questions to ask. i think it's reasonable. >> i think the money is in part to enhance efficiency to some degree. i do want to ask you the lack of ukraine funding, speaker johnson has been clear he wanted to separate the two issues. but he's not mentioned what the pathway for ukraine funding is. he's not put anything on the table. pay fors or no pay fors, what is the path right now? >> i think wo make sure that president biden is accountable to congress and american people. you know, even if we look at all of these packages, a lot of associated causes with ukraine. congress never really got an answer, what are these causes? where is the money spent? we spent over 100 billion already. we wanted to know which countries are sending money to, what are these causes and why not sending enough. every package only 10 to 20% goes to weapons. the rest of it goes to a lot of causes. so we need to understand because president biden has grandiose statements about ukraine. but he's sending aid not to lose. and that is not a strategy that we need to have dealing with very aggressive country like russia. >> the secretaries of state and defense i'm sure will be asked about that today in the senate. we appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you for having me. lawyers for donald trump looking to block a witness from testifying for the prosecution at his civil fraud trial on going in new york. we'll tell you why. the actors union in hollywood studios appear to be making prorogress in t their negotitiations. we'll updadate you on n where ts stand. that's n next. actors in hollywood seem to be getting closer to a deal. sag-aftra says actors in the major studios have made significant progress in their negotiating sessions in the last couple of days. that is the word from people familiar with the talks. the deal cannot come soon enough. the studios need to imminently presume production if there is any hope that the winter half of the television season can be salvaged, and thousands of actors are in increasingly dire need of their paychecks. if production does not resume soon, the shortened television seasons could be scrapped altogether. there's hope. we'll see. lawyers for former president trump looking to block a witness from testifying for the prosecution here in new york. they're claiming the attorney general plans to use an expert witness to substitute for evidence they did not present to the judge. bryn gingras is with us. why don't they want them to testify? >> reporter: this is an expert witness according to the new york state attorney general testifying to the fact that insurers and lenders wouldn't have given deals they gave trump had they known that these, you know, properties were evaluated and basically inflated. so essentially saying that there's wrongdoing here, and the money would not have been given to the trump org. they're also supposed to testify how much money should have been paid back with what they call disgorgement. the new york attorney general was asking for $250 million. the defense saying here, listen. you can't just fill in the gaps with this expert witness to testimony we should have been hearing for the last four months. this is all speculative. we're going to have to see how the judge rules on this once court begins at 10:00 this morning, but we'll see. >> former president trump's children have to take the stand. >> yeah. >> when? >> coming up tomorrow. don jr. is first on the list. the schedule could change based on the testimony, how long it takes for both sides. eric trump also expected in thefectiothe next couple of weeks, and ivanka maybe next week. there are intervals of this. we've heard their names either through emails or witness testimony. their names were spoken in court. eric and don jr. are defendants in this trial. their testimony is going to be integral to this. we'll see. the former president won't be in the courtroom when his children take the stand. that's an interesting part of this. like you said, it'll be a little bit crazy the next couple of weeks. >> the most new york city trial ever. >> the most new york trial. thank you for covering all of it. it is halloween. happy halloween. the holiday brings tricks and treats. t it also brings in a serious amount of money. of course, you're wearing a bills uniform. >> i could see harry out of the corner of my eye and i was completely terrified. >> we have the numbers behind the canada. >> hi, harry. hi, harry. thanks, harry. >> i want the candy corn. here s and all of our stuff where we want to go. but, our cars can't take us e with unpaid tolls. vehicles with overdue, unpaid tolls may not be able to renew their registration until outstanding balances are paid. payment assistance is available. visit so go pay your unpaid tolls y and keep your wheels on the ! it's halloween. if you have not bought your costume yet or candy, you still have time and you all should have seen phil's costume when he came to work this morning. tell them. >> scooby doo. >> it was epic. >> i like fun and halloween. >> costumes, and harry as the bills, good morning. >> i am the bills. i'm jim kelly right here. great bills quarterback from the late '80s and through the mid-'90s. look. let's take a look. halloween is big business. how much is expected to be spent this year? $12.2 billion. that's a record high. 73% of americans celebrated in one way or another. perhaps you're going to go out and trick or treat. perhaps you're going to appear on television and dress as your childhood idol. one of the two perhaps different for different folks. now of course, we're talking about costumes. so what are the top googled tiktok costumes? barbie perhaps not too much of a surprise given the success of the film earlier this year. how about if you are a couple, swift and kelce. spiderman always a classic, and witch or wednesday addams. i did enjoy that show growing up. perhaps you did as well. you were scooby doo, where are you? >> you might not expect. i'm weird barbie with the makeup and wig and the whole thing. >> i have not seen the movie. sara sidner went with my mother to see that movie and didn't invite me. >> candy, what does america love on the candy front? >> you know, number one, reese's peanut butter cups. >> i like that. >> 36%. snickers, and the big divisive one here, candy corn at 6%. i have to ask you, candy corn? >> you just gave me candy corn going to commercial. i tried to give it to grace, our anchor producer who didn't want it because apparently it's not the best halloween candy. >> i think it's a perfectly fine candy, but you'll also notice a lot of these on here are chocol. i will note i didn't go out and buy the candy. someone was giving them downstairs in our lobby and i was, like, this would be great for television. that's what you call utilizing everything that's going on. >> is this the fun one? >> i think this is a fun one. americans who believe in ghosts. in 1979, it was just 11%. look where we are today. 39% of americans believe in ghosts. do you believe in ghosts? >> i have to wrap you up here. i want to leave you all with this. this is what i walked into in the office this morning. scooby mattingly. >> i like fun. >> you l

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Region , Phil , Reporting , Thanks , Front , Fronts , Risk , Adviser , News , Policy , Statement , I Can T Go Beyond , Atrocities , September 7th , Anyone , Border , Tray Trosties , Information , Details , Operation , Effort , Enemy , Program , Hostages , Holding , Behavior , Justice , 238 , Command , Terrible Hostages On October 7th , First , Tarnl , Visibility , Tracks , Hand , Military Pressure , Commitment , Spain , Pressure , Organization , Boy Scouts , Key , Gulf , Allies , Mediator , Qatar , Sort , Partner , Four , Job , Proof , Framework , Pudding , Lot , Officials , Aid , Opening , Border Crossing , Discussion , Agent , United Nations Office For The Coordination Of Humanitarian Affairs , Availability , U N , Something , Trucks , Ability , Truth , Rafah , Number , Increase , Network , Crossing , Crossing Point , Coast , End , Safe Zone , Rafah Crossing , Community , Estimates , Estimate , 10000 , Personnel , Detail , Size , Terms , Scale , Libber Toy Go , Passport Holders , Sir 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United States , Technicality , Business Being , Judges , Tumult , Policy Given , Bases , Things , Response , Belief , Biden , Case , Games , What S Going On In Gaza , Language , Type , Men And Women In Uniform , Fine Line , Surrogates , Regional War , Stuff , Actors , Carrier Groups , Response Force , Death , Injury , Marines , More , Acting , Fighting Men And Women , Drone Strikes , Level , Price , John Bolton , Administration , Strikes , Call , Piece , Iran Proxies , Life , Debilitate , Loss , Capability , Lethality , Terps , Funding , Money , Ukraine , Irs , Folks , House Republicans , Degree , Recisions , 4 Billion , 14 Billion , Proposal , Senate , Approach , Democrats , Congress , Negotiating , Matter , Majority , Speaker , Marker , Negotiation , Fact , Israel Aid Package , Importance , Republicans , Lead , Caucus , Votes , Pauses , Phone , John Kirby , Pause , Get Americans Out , Guarantee , Reach , Wouldn T , Holocaust , Murder , Countries , Ball , Safety , Agreements , Citizens , Integrity , Eyee D , Arab , Mind , Defense Minister , Discussions , Conversations , Principles , Me Micro Managing , Saudi , Police , Shooter , Flags , Red , Maine , Guys , Plan , Aid Package , Conference , 14 3 Billion , Ground Incursion , Stay , Sign , Smoke , Warning Signs , Mass Shooting , Latest , Documents , Gunman , Concerns , Sheriff , May , Ex Wife , Paranoia , Son , Weren T , 18 , Card , Army , Episodes , Making , Residence , Pedophile , Unit , Facts , National Guard Facility , Someone , Guns , Man Help , Second , Hold Up , Saying , Family , Law Enforcement Officials , Street , Social Workers , Estate , Families , None , Action , Back , New York , Mental Breakdown , Episode , Training , Shooting , Violence , Handle Weapons , Ammunition , Weapons , Questioning , Warning , Focus , Shimone , Commissioner , Head , Department Of Public Safety , Questions , Times , Law Enforcement , Contacts , Press Conference , Reaction , Law Enforcement Community , Concern , Law Enforcement Contact , Answer , Assumptions , Activity , Kinds , Making Assumptions , Thing , Sources , Hearing , Secretary Of State , Work , Keep Digging , Antony Blinken , Lloyd Austin , Shimon , Picture , Pictures , Screen , Left , Capitol Hill , Support , Emergency Aid Request , Lawmakers , 105 Billion , 05 Billion , Manu Raju , Minds , Divergence , Kyiv , Issues , Mitch Mcconnell , Emergency Funding , Dealing , South Pacific , Stand , Mike Johnson , Mexico , 4 3 Billion , Package , Cuts , Enforcement , Spending Cuts , Uncertainty , Opinion , Difference , Bill , Burden , Shoulders , Disaster Relief , Dover , Mistake , Debate , Views , Senator Mcconnell S Push , Russia , Adversary , Threat , Members , Security , Question , Point , Big Question , Arrival , Crises , Congresswoman , Partners , Indiana Victoria Sparks , Supporter , Wake , Is Proposing , Spending , Urgency , Appropriations , 80 Billion , 12 Billion , Quickly , Contingent , Crisis , Revenue , Nonpartisan Committee For The Federal Budget , Deficit , Math , Delutes , 30 Billion , Gimmicks , Debt , Amount , 60 Billion , Debt Commission , Committee , Calling , Projections , It Worth Stopping , Conversation , Ten , Inflation Reduction Act , Agencies , Checks , Businesses , Agency , Haven T , Working Efficiently , 60 Million , Speaker Johnson , Ukraine Funding , Pathway , Efficiency , Black , Path , Pay Fors , Pay , Fors , Anything , Table , Causes , Packages , 100 Billion , Rest , Statements , 10 , 20 , Lawyers , Donald Trump , Strategy , Secretaries , Witness , Prosecution , Actors Union In Hollywood Studios , Making Prorogress In T , On N Where Ts Stand , Negotitiations , Civil Fraud Trial , That S N , Deal , Hollywood , Sag Aftra , Studios , Production , Word , Hope , Progress , Television Season , Negotiating Sessions , Talks , Winter Half , Thousands , There S Hope , Television Seasons , Need , Paychecks , Expert Witness , Attorney General , Plans , Evidence , Don Jr , Insurers , Bryn Gingras , Lenders , New York State Attorney General , Wrongdoing , Properties , Trump Org , Disgorgement , Gaps , 250 Million , 50 Million , Testimony , Court , Speculative , Former , 00 , Schedule , List , Sides , Ivanka , Thefectiothe , Defendants , Names , Witness Testimony , Intervals , Emails , Eric And Don Jr , Won T , Uniform , Corner , Numbers , Treats , Holiday , Eye , Tricks , Candy Corn , Harry , Hi , Canada , Tolls , Vehicles , Cars , Registration , Payment Assistance , Balances , Y , Wheels , Visit Bayareafastrak Org Ase , Candy , Costumes , Scooby Doo , Costume , Halloween , Epic , Bills , Take A Look , Quarterback , Big Business , Jim Kelly , Mid 90s , 90 , 80 , Record , One Way Or Another , Trick Or Treat , 2 Billion , 12 2 Billion , 73 , Television , Barbie , Childhood Idol , Surprise , Success , Tiktok , Couple , Film , Classic , Witch , Show , Swift , Kelce , Wednesday Addams , Movie , Didn T , Twig , Makeup , Mother , Sara Sidner , Candy Front , Number One , Snickers , Reese S Peanut Butter Cups , 36 , Anchor Producer , Lobby , Didn T Go Out , Chocol , Fun One , Ghosts , Everything , 1979 , 11 , Fun , Scooby Mattingly , You L , 39 ,

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