Hit hundreds of targets in gaza and launched new raids on the ground. In all the idf says 320 sites were targeted. Now, the hamascontrolled Ministry Of Health in gaza says more than 400 people were killed. Here we are showing you pictures of some of the aftermath of those strikes. We also have an important update from the idf saying that they now believe 222 people were kidnapped by Hamas Terrorists in the october 7th attack. That new total is up, you will remember frrom 203 as more information came in and more detail was coming out. This morning the family of the first two hostages released, two americans, spoke out for the first time. We dont have the privilege to be happy or to celebrate. We dont have the privilege to mourn. We cannot put it aside. We cannot rest. This is getting judith and natalie back was not the end, its the beginning. All right. Again, some 222 hostages, as many as 222, this would be their 17th day in captivity. To give you a sense of what kate was talking about right there, some of these crossborder altercations are taking place right down here, this is in israeli kibbutz just across the border from there is where some of that activity, that Ground Activity has taken place. While that is happening there has been aid getting into gaza from egypt. This is egypt going across the border right here, The Rafah Crossing, you can see where some explosions took place before this aid started getting through and we have some video of the aid trucks. You can see right here, some 34 through the end of yesterday. The intention is to keep them trickling through over however long they can. Of course, there are Relief Officials who say the numbers that is getting in, as good as it is to have the border open, it is merely a trickle, a drop in the bucket of what is needed there. All right. We are everywhere on the ground that we need to be. Our sara sidner right here in jerusalem, Nic Robertson in sderot outside of gaza. Lets go first to sara sidner in jerusalem. Reporter yeah, look, here in jerusalem its been very quiet, eerily so. People are prepared for war and they know that a Ground Offensive is likely coming and they know that that is going to mean more deaths, more deaths to israelis, the soldiers, and more deaths to those who are in gaza. So it is a somber time but there are people going about their business as best they can here in jerusalem. We also heard overnight from several different people who are familiar with what is going on in gaza, and they talk about that aid that you mentioned, that there are mostly medical supplies, food and water that has been brought in, but if you look at the numbers, normally there are 7,200 trucks loads that go into gaza during normal times. There have only been 34 over the past couple of days and so it shows you just how much is coming in. It is just not enough for the population of 1. 3 or 1. 4 Million People who are in the part of gaza they were supposed to evacuate. Not all of them have evacuated because the hospitals, many of the people in the hospitals simply cant evacuate and the doctors are saying they will not evacuate unless their patients can. I want to go now to my colleague Nic Robertson where overnight and over the weekend we spoke quite a bit. Nic, you had said something that i hadnt heard you say before that overnight there was a bombing like you had never heard before, a bombardment in gaza. Can you give us some sense of what you are seeing today and what you saw overnight . Reporter weve heard some Artillery Shells being fired by the idf going into gaza, the odd missile explosion, but nothing on the scale of what we witnessed last night which was repetitive, sometimes ten missiles in ten minutes, multiple explosions, detonation so heavy perhaps because they were close to us that we could feel this building and hear the windows and doors shake here and i was listening to them on the buildings near us here shake as well with the percussions from those impacts. Today it is somewhat quieter. That said, just as we were coming on air we took cover because there was an incoming missile alert. Rockets were launched from gaza towards this town. The iron dome intercepted them as best we could hear. It was quite a short salvo, but it does seem to, again, indicate a cycle that weve seen in recent days that when the idf strikes drop off, then you can expect a salvo of rockets or more to come out of gaza on the days and the times when that bombing is very heavy, the strikes into gaza are very heavy, then you dont get any missiles being fired out by gaza by hamas, rather, or Palestinian Islamic jihad. And thats where we seem to be right now. Its a day where theres not as much idf fire going into gaza as last night. All right. I think it is remarkable just to let people know how huge and sustained that bombardment was where you can see and hear the rattling of some of the buildings on the other side of the border. I do want to ask you about timing here and what youre hearing about the Ground Offensive. We heard from the former israeli Prime Minister and former Defense Minister who talked to our Fareed Zakaria over the weekend and he said that he believed that that Ground Offensive was going to happen in the next few days, and said that he believed it could take weeks when the idf actually goes into gaza to do the job that they had planned to do, trying to rid gaza of hamas. Have you gotten any sense just from the troops on the ground that youre seeing or from any of your contacts as to when they think this Ground Offensive may happen . Reporter i think the decision on it is very fluid and thats because of the International Pressure. Theres, you know, a big and broad conversation thats going on about humanitarian aid in for the release of hostages. That seems to be the equation. But from an Israeli Government perspective when aid goes into gaza that goes and some of it ends up with hamas and strengthens their position at a time when israel is trying to effect a siege on gaza to weaken hamas. So theres that part of the equation. What we see in terms of troops along the border area, it seems very much that they are poised and could move to an Incursion Force Posture very, very quickly, talking to some of the soldiers, though, they describe a situation where theyve been told to be ready and then theyre told not now and then be ready again and not now. Again, people who have been through this before, veterans of the idf, say, look, weve experienced this sort of Hurry Up And Wait before and to a degree that is a soldiers life, follow orders, Hurry Up And Wait, but they say realistically they can wait a long time and while theyre waiting theyre doing drills, doing training, theyre prior pairing. But it is that International Pressure on israel that is growing to allow a humanitarian pause that is really going to be very, very difficult for Prime Minister netanyahu to come to that final conclusion about when to go for an incursion. To a degree were told its a Military Decision and thats why i say its fluid. The forces are there, it seems to me at the moment this is very, very likely, precisely when we dont know, and events on the ground play out. But theres always this perception that because hamas took so many hostages, they were always going to use the hostages as a leverage, however, they could, to prevent attacks on them and potentially thats also what were seeing play out here. Yeah, Nic Robertson, thank you so much for that view on the ground. You are very, very close to gaza in sderot, i think the closest point is only 2,700 feet from gaza. I appreciate all your reporting that youve been doing from there. I will toss it back to kate. All right. Share ration thank you so much. Sources tell cnn the white house Behind The Scenes is pushing for israel to delay that imminent Ground Incursion in gaza, hoping to get more hostages released ahead of time. Cnns Natasha Bertrand is at the pentagon with more reports on this. Lay out what youre hearing. An israeli official denied that the United States is seeking any delay but what are you hearing . Reporter what nic was laying out there, that International Pressure it is growing on israel. The r. We are told the u. S. Is urging israel to delay a Ground Incursion in gaza in order to give qatar and hamas the opportunity to potentially negotiate the release of even more hostages that are being held in gaza as well as allow more humanitarian aid including medical supplies and other equipment to flow into gaza before boots are actually put on the ground in gaza by the israelis. As you mentioned, the israelis are denying that the white house has been putting any kind of pressure on them. They told us in a statement that they have direct communications with the United States, including important consultations, but that the idea that the u. S. Is pressuring them in any way is not true. However, the u. S. Has said multiple times that they do want to see humanitarian aid flow into gaza, they want to see more Prisoners Released because of course there are several americans who are being held in gaza by hamas. So the u. S. Wants to see this process play out and what were told is that the qataris they have been a key intermediary with hamas to try to get the talks flowing. The hope is that of those, you know, 200 plus hostages that are now believed to be being held by hamas inside gaza, there could be some additional Forward Momentum in getting many of them released, if not all of them. That is the hope right now. A Ground Incursion could make that exceedingly difficult, kate. Natasha, thanks for the reporting. John . All right. With us now is retired u. S. Army major mike lyons. Major, another reason the u. S. May be pushing israel to delay you can see israel on the map right here is so the u. S. Can have more time to protect u. S. Interests, u. S. Troops in the region. Where are those u. S. Troops . U. S. Troops currently in the read sea on the destroyer and also we have Ground Troops inside of syria protecting some of our oil and also in the northern part of iraq. Weve seen them come under attack. Weve had to protect them, the drones the iranians are sending drones out to those so theyre fighting back. Thats why youre seeing the Carrier Strike groups and making sure the u. S. Troops are safe. We have a u. S. Carrier strike group, two headed right there and right there in the mediterranean. Another development overnight we learned there has been israeli raids, direct confrontation between israelis and hamas inside gaza right around here, this is a kibbutz and here in khan yunis. Somewhere between here there is that skirmish. Whats israel doing here . The mainline of effort remains the strikes but they are trying to catch any hamas fighters there, kill them, for example, and also go after the Tunnel System thats there. Gain intelligence on whats going on on the ground. Right now this is an area that israel hasnt focused on, it doesnt have knowledge about whats going on across the border. Strategically its going to cut gaza in half and going to shape the battlefield for this Ground Incursion and whats to come. I think theyre going to isolate the southern area, leave that for civilians, make that say a no fire zone and mainline of effort will be in this northern part of gaza. I want to talk about what theyre doing from the air right now. This is a map that shows some of the areas hit in gaza up until the 17th, actually, only as recently as one week ago, there have been more air strikes since then. What is israel doing from the air now and how does it coordinate with the Ground Operation . Israeli Defense Forces its reporting theyre going after tunnels, observation posts, antitank capabilities. They didnt have that prior. Hamas fighters have that Capability Rye now. Any known kpand and control centers. These are the spots if they can cut the Hamas Communications off i think there is no rush to start this Ground Incursion. I think they will continue to bomb from the sky. It wont solve the problem, wont cause the war to end but it will put them at such a disadvantage that they will be forced once the Ground Incursion comes in they will be in much better shape. Of course all of these areas where you can see have been intense targets you cant imagine they are connected to each other through this extensive Tunnel System. This was what the idf said the Tunnel System looked like in 2021, they periodically tried to destroy t it gets rebuilt, you can see how extensive it is. Thats the primary mission of that Ground Attack militarywise is to destroy that system. That will takes months overtime. They know hostages are potentially in there. Theyre not just fighting hamas, theres other palestinian militia forces using the Tunnel Systems as well. Part of that air platform, to break up all those command and control structures in the Tunnel Systems. One piece of information we got this morning, this is a new Weapons System israel is using, the steel sting or iron sting depending on the translation. And the idea is that its more lethal but more localized in what it can destroy. Why would that be important . It looks like its going to go deep targets. We know that the Tunnel System is underground. This is the kind of system that will allow them to focus on specifically just as Tunnel Systems when they see them. Part of those raids theyre figuring out where the entrants are. Major mike lyons, great to have you here. Thank you as always for your expertise. Coming up for us the idf has now updated the number of people it is believed that hamas kidnapped and took hostage on october 7th. Now believing the number is 222 people. Were going to speak to the father of one of those hostages next. Plus, aid is moving into gaza once again. Over the weekend more than 30 trucks were able to cross the rafah entrance, the rafah gate. The u. N. Relief agency, though, saying now the need for fuel is almost as urgent as the need for food and water in gaza. The latest on that humanitarian crisis is coming up. Back in the United States, congress has now reached a day 20 without a speaker of the house. After jim jordans attempt imploded, there are now nine republicans who want the job. The big moment for republicans going Behind Closed Doors once again today. We will have an update for you. This morning the idf release add new number for people who have been kidnapped inside israel. There could be as many as 222 hostages now inside gaza. This would be their 17th day in captivity. This number keeps on going up. Inside gaza itself the Palestinian Health ministry there which is run by hamas claims that 12 hospitals and 32 medical centers are out of service after israeli air strikes and because of fuel depletion. Now, some aid has been getting through through The Rafah Crossing, this is the road in, this is The Rafah Crossing right here, and there have been as many as 34 aid trucks. Here is some video of them. That have been getting through over the weekend and that aid is expected to continue. We dont have an update from today if any trucks have been through today but the expectation is there will be still even with these few trucks getting in it does not meet the need International Aid workers say. Cnns Salma Abdulaziz joins us with what is needed inside gaza. Reporter even if those trucks do come into gaza the strip is operating at a deficit. Dozens of trucks a day were going in before the conflict because a large portion of the gaza strip depends on humanitarian aid, that was the reality before this latest escalation. So all of that aid is going to be used up extremely quickly and its not even going to fill that huge gap, that huge ocean of need on the ground. You have to remember these trucks are supposed to distribute aid under extremely difficult circumstances, as you mentioned, 12 hospitals already out of service because there is no fuel. So how are they going to distribute that aid . How far into the gaza strip can they go without gas and as air strikes continue to rain down . The Israeli Military says it is intensifying air strikes on the gaza strip it says to target hamas but the reality, the horror that that spells out for the 2 Million People trapped in that war zone, you will remember of course it is sealed off, all borders closed, is absolutely unfathomable, john. I want to bring you one image that explains how horrifying this is and i do warn our viewers it is extremely graphic, but it shows young children, little kids, who have been killed in this fighting and you can see that theres writing on their legs. Their parents, their Family Members are scribbling their names, the names of their children on their legs just so that they can find the bodies of their children so that they could if you ary them. Thats how horrific the situation s there is no guarantee you can bury or find your dead child right now in the gaza strip. Rights groups are appealing, theyre calling for a ceasefire. They say that a pause is needed to allow aid in to get civilians into a safe place, to create a humanitarian zone of some kind, but israels military has been clear that there will be no quiet for now, they seem to be pushing forward into that next phase potentially of Ground Incursion. Salma abdulaziz, thank you for your reporting on this. Kate . An update on the Hostage Crisis now, an israeli official said that there will be no ceasefire in gaza has u. S. As qatari officials continue to work to try to free hostages taken by hamas. The update from the idf on the scope of the Hostage Crisis is this, they now believe 222 people were kidnapped, taken hostage, in the october 7th attack by hamas. That is a higher number of people than what has last publicly been stated. On friday hamas released two hostages, you see an image here, two americans, judith and natalie raanan. Ten american civilians who were in israel remain unaccounted for. The State Department believes some of them may be hostages. This weekend Secretary Of State tony blinken said that the United States is working to get every hostage freed and home. Listen. Were hopeful that more release but the bottom line is they need to be released, each and every one of them, now, unconditionally. We dont know why hamas chose to release natalie and judith first, i use the word first advisedly because we are hopeful more follow. This is something were engaged in virtually around the clock. And families are also working on this virtually around the clock. Joining us right now is jonathan chen, his son was kidnapped and taken during the terrorist attack. Jonathan, thank you for taking the time. On natalie and judith, first and foremost, how did it feel for you or how did it hit you or impact you when you first heard that they were released and saw those images . Well, i was thrilled for their families honestly and it must feel wonderful for them and allowing them to return to their lives and i hope not too scarred by the experience. As far as, you know, the other the other hostages, im not sure that it means very much at all. Theres no question that hamas has and will continue to employ a kind of psychological warfare not just on the families of the hostages, but all israelis and perhaps beyond. You know, anyone with a heart, anyone with any kind of humanity in them. So its not necessarily a signal of anything, but, again, i dont think any human being could be anything other than thrilled for the Raanan Family. And theres so many, im sure, feelings fighting inside of you at all times because as soon as of course, you go hour thinking about is siggy as well as being thrilled for the Raanan Family. Hearing from tony blinken that they dont know why Natalie And Judith Were released first, hearing from even the Raanan Family that they dont know why they were released first. I mean, what does this have you thinking about siggy . Well, you know, its it has me thinking that, you know, theres always hope. We know, you know, the things that we know about siggy is that hes an incredibly strong person and im sure whats holding him keeping his spirits up is that he has two beautiful little daughters and a wife in her seventh month of pregnancy, a family, a community, a Kibbutz Community thats waiting for him to come home and and im sure he knows that we will do anything and then some to get him and the rest of the hostages back. You mentioned his wife, your daughterinlaw, and their two children. The two daughters 6 and 3 is i think what i heard you say before and as you mentioned your daughterinlaw is pregnant, but they also lived through the terror of what they were put through as well, even beyond losing having siggy kidnapped and taken. How is your daughterinlaw doing right now . How are your granddaughters . I think theyre doing as best as they can as expected. I have another daughter with her husband and young boys around the same age as those granddaughters who also lived through it. I mean, imagine, just imagine, 200 blood Thirsty Savage terrorists rampaging through your neighborhood, through your home and killing everything in their path, taking Captive Everything in their path. Right outside your door. The only thing between you and death at the hands of these Hamas Terrorists is an armored door that youre praying will hold while they shoot at it, try to pry it open, try to burn your house down around you in order to either asphyxiate you or get you out when they can then execute you. So under those circumstances i think theyre doing okay, but this is going to be a very long road for all of them. Were working towards that road to recovery with their dad and all of the other hostages by their side. I have been impressed, youve spoken so eloquently about how complicated this whole horrible thing is. I mean, youve spoken so eloquently about what you are going through along with so many other families. When you hear that the u. S. Government has Behind The Scenes kind of pressed israel to delay or slow the start of a Ground Incursion in hopes of getting more hostages out, what do you think of that . Are you torn by this . Yeah, its kind of excruciating honestly because on the one hand, you know, i was a soldier for long enough to know that every bomb that falls, every, you know, bomb that falls from the sky or is shot from an Artillery Gun in israel endangers all of the hostages, including my son, when it detonates somewhere in the gaza strip. So that in and of itself is terrifying. On the other hand, we would like to reconstitute our lives at some point in these shattered and burnt out communities and the only way that can ever happen and the only way, quite honestly, that the people of gaza that we see as well suffering terribly, the only way they have a future is to eradicate hamas, certainly as a Governing Body over a dictatorial Governing Body. So i and im sure all of the other families of the hostages, america and otherwise, are living this dilemma every hour because there are two truths and this is especially true for the people like myself who live in the border communities, you know, thats our home, its not just a hostage taking situation. Our homes were invaded, destroyed in the most barbaric ways. Those are our people there. So the rage is there and i know we need to be cautious about our r rage. President biden said and he was right. But all that being said, you know, these two things remain true, we desperately want our sons, daughters, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, safe in return to live their dreams and it would be our dreams as well, but october 7th was absolute proof, anyone with a brain in their head, that hamas is not the answer for the Palestinian People and certainly as long as hamas exists, and organizations like it, there really is no hope for peace for me and my neighbors a mile and a half away. Jonathan deckel chen, thank you, jonathan. John . Kate, an update we just learned cnn did from u. S. Officials that they still believe there are ten americans unaccounted for. Its unclear whether they are part of the 222 hostages the idf says could be in gaza now in their 17th day and one other thing, the u. S. Does not know the condition of whatever american hostages might be being held in gaza. Other news, a 27yearold Israeli American is living her life here leaving her life here in the United States to volunteer as a medic in israel. And new reporting this morning on where the eternal race for House Speaker is going at this moment. Three weeks into the chaos how close is it to a resolution . Hes and all of our stuff where we want to go. But, our cars cant take us e with unpaid tolls. Vehicles with overdue, unpaid tolls may not be able to renew their registration until outstanding balances are paid. Payment assistance is available. Visit bayareafastrak. Org ase so go pay your unpaid tolls y and keep your wheels on the so the latest move, if you will, at the House Of Representatives remains paralyzed is republicans are headed Behind Closed Doors once again. Now nine candidates are vying for the job of speaker, but the reality remains the exact same for all of them as it did for jim jordan before them, it is not clear if any of them or anyone can get the 217 votes needed to actually win the gavel. Cnns Lauren Fox On Capitol Hill for us. Lauren, what are you hearing and where do things stand now with these nine people who would like to be speaker . Reporter yeah, as you can see, kate, from the fact that there are nine candidates vying for this job, the race is really wide open. I think the expectation is that representative tom emmer who is the Majority Whip probably has the lead in some significant ways, one of which is that he has the infrastructure, the other piece of that is the fact that he got the endorsement from former House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy who said he was the guy for the job because he has the experience and that this is not a moment to have a rookie trying to figure out how to run the House Republican conference, given the defections and divisions you have seen up until this point. Now, tonight theres going to be a Candidate Forum for these nine members to make their pitch to their republican colleagues Behind Closed Doors, then tomorrow morning at 9 00 a. M. The vote begins. Now, that is going to happen in a closed door session, they are going to try to get a speaker designee, but, again, its not clear whoever Ee Mention Of Merges from that meeting will be able to go to the floor and get the 217 votes required to become the speaker of the house. Good to see you, lauren. Talk to you soon. With us now cnn senior political analyst ron brownstein. I want to talk with tom emmer, the House Majority whip who may be the front runner. One peculiar factoid about emmer he actually voted to certify the 2020 election which is something none other of those leading candidates for speaker have done, certainly jim jordan didnt, ron. So how will that play out . Well, look, i mean, we saw john, good morning, first of all we saw that in the case of jordan 90 of House Republicans were willing to elevate to the speakership the member of congress who not only perhaps most vociferously supported but most extensively participated in trumps effort to overturn the 2020 election. Now we will see whether voting to certify joe bidens victory in effect is disqualifying in a republican conference. This is worth noting that even though emmer voted to certify the result, john, he joined the lawsuit, you will remember the Long Shot Lawsuit from the state of texas seeking to overturn the Election Results in four states. 105 House Republicans signed on to a brief supporting that, he was one of them, as was austin scott, the other member who voted to certify and is speak seeking the speakership. So there really is no one in this race who did not in some way deny the validity of joe bidens victory in 2020, but even so voting to certify is generating opposition to emmer from the maga wing of supporters of trump, we saw steve ban nons show last week. Is it now a Scarlett Letter in the republican conference to have certified joe bidens victory in 2020 . So three weeks into this, ron, the democrats have been on the sidelines watching and waiting. There are those cynics among us who have said theres never going to be a compromised solution where democrats and republicans join together to put someone in the speakers chair, but how much closer is it to the possibility that there might be something done that involves democratic votes . Yeah, i mean, look, the longer this goes on the you know, the more unprecedented scenarios come into play. I mean, first of all, you know, we are in an unprecedented scenario in that we have never had a successful motion to in effect fire the speaker by vacating the chair. Then weve seen the breakdown of the Traditional Party order. You know, you can vote people can vote against their party on individual issues, but in the house you are supposed to vote with your party on the organization of the chamber and the notion that the person who received the most votes in the closed session could not have nare opponents or their critics fall into line on the floor is truly remarkable. As long as that goes on, obviously, this could extend a very long time and those republicans, more institutionalists or more competitive districts, they do have that option. I mean, they have the option of aligning with the democrats to pick sort of a bipartisan speaker. I think its going to have to go further into chaos before they are willing to countenance that. Three weeks so far of unprecedented actions there could be more in that category soon. Ron brownstein, thank you. Coming up for us, police in detroit, michigan, are searching for a suspect and a motive after a local Synagogue Leader was found stabbed to Death Outside her home. Investigators are looking for a suspect and also looking for a motive still in the death of a synagogue president. Samantha woll was found stabbed to Death Outside of her detroit home saturday morning and police say that they found a trail of blood leading to her home where they believe that this crime, this attack, occurred. So far Officials Say there is no evidence that her death was motivated by antisemitism. A lot more needing to be investigated and in this and from this lets bring in Cnns Omar Jimenez with more on this. What are you learning about the latest on this investigation . Reporter yeah, kate. I mean, for starters when people see that headline detroit Synagogue Leader found stabbed to death it makes people want to jump to conclusions but they are conclusions police say they just dont have at least right now. Specifically the police chief, james white, emphasized in a statement that they put out that the investigation into the death of ms. Samantha woll is ongoing but at this time, however, no evidence has surfaced suggesting that this crime was motivated by antisemitism, but also they didnt include in that statement that it had been ruled out. Sort of highlighting where we are here, but also some of the lingering questions we are. 40yearold Samantha Woll was found stabbed outside of her home saturday morning. Police say they followed a trail of blood from her body to her home which is where they believe this killing happened. This he dont have a suspect, at least that they have announced and we dont know what led up to this killing, but they are continuing to investigate. Now a community is trying to come to grips with this new real. People from Community Members to state elected officials over the course of a memorial reflected on who woll was, including the attorney general dana nessel who worked with woll during her reelection campaign. Take a listen to some of what she said. Samantha woll may have been the nicest person that i have ever met or will ever meet in my lifetime. Sam did more for our community, our state, our world, our lives, in her short time here on earth than most will ever accomplish in 1,000 lifetimes over. And her killer will not rob us of the memory of her joy and warmth and kindness that she leaves behind. Reporter and another state is that irrelevant who spoke at that memorial said she was just with woll at a wedding the night before her body was found, but of course, this Investigation Continues as a community tries to come to grips with what happened and investigators try to figure out why. Kate . Omar, thank you so much. Omar for us this morning. A 27yearold Israeli American is leaving the United States behind to volunteer as a medic in israel. Much more ahead. As the war in gaza intensifies, some Israeli Americans are making decision to go back to israel to help in any way they can. Kenra levine is a nurse in the United States to go back to volunteer her time as a medic. We follow her journey. Reporter this is the beginning of an uncertain and potentially dangerous journey, and a way of coping. It reminded me of how i felt on 9 11 as a child and hopelessness and not understanding what was going on. And i was like, never again. This really never again. Reporter 27yearold woman is leaving everything behind and her calling is volunteering her time as a medic in israel. I have made my peace with whatever happens. I have already made it, because as an american, this is my sense of justice against terrorism, against the value, my american values, as jewish person, my heart is bleeding, and as an israeli, i am ready to give my all. Reporter los angeles was her last stop before her flight to israel. Are you ready to see that . I dont think that anyone is truly prepared, but a conscious decision that i have made, and i will stick through it. Reporter the organization bulletproof israel helped to place levine at a hospital in israel and they are working to help americans who want to travel to israel while sending large quantities of supplies. None of us are taking a salary, but we are doing everything that we can to help our friends in israel and help our friends who have been victimized. Reporter and they are told that the hospitals are in need. We are seeing a lot of medical supplies that are necessary. Reporter levine is hoping that her time will make a difference. This is doing my part, and my values, and who i am as a person, as a nurse, as a medical professional. Reporter she says as long as she is alive, she is going to be helping. Regret is not the feeling, but there is fear. Reporter she says she is going to be using the fear as a motivation. She told me that she is safe in israel, and she is looking forward to coming back home as well. I talked to other organizations who are supporting palestinian in gaza, and they say they dont have the luxury to travel or to send aid, so it is really difficult for them, but overall, it is just americans who want to help. All right. Keneely bernal, thank you for that story. And now, as many as 40 hospitals and medical centers are out of service, and what physicians are facing. Nothing can prepare you for facing that brutality. They took babies after their parents. You cannot imagine. And there bombardment inside of gaza. The humanitarian conditions there are growing more dire. I am hopeful that hezbollah will stay out of the war. Im sara sizener with breaking News Coverage of israel at war

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