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Next, stage, israel air strikes ahead of the likely invasion as fears grow the region could be drawn into the c conflict. What is israels plan. Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee mike turner joins many he. And lifeline. More humanitarian trucks poised to enter gaza carrying desperately needed food and water and medical supplies. These trucks are not just trucks. They are a lifel line. But are conditions about to get much worse . Plus at odds. With future aid to israel on the line, the republicans are back to square one in the speakership as they plan for more votes could anyone unite the conference . Liz cheney is here for her first interview in more than a year. Hello, im jake tapper in washington where the tate of the union is grieving, so many pain and loss of life. This morning the Israeli Military is stepping up air strikes against hamas in gauze and the idf hit a mosque to prevent a imminent Terror Attack as we learn details about the brutality of the hamas Terrorist Attack on israeli civilians on october 7th. Now with anticipation of a ground war building, the Human Devastation is coming into clearer focus. Disturbing video shows a hospital in the Gaza District overwhelmed with bodies following overnight air strikes. Just now more aid trucks are being allowed to enter through the rafah crossing although it is not clear how many or what they were carrying, the first aid trucks were led through yesterday as they warn civilians lives are being pushed to the edge of catastrophe. And as anger as isreal grows through nout the middle east, there is new signs of this growing into a regional war. The u. S. Military is deploying in response to escalation across the region. Antony blinken held a call with his qatari counter part to try to get hostages released after two american hostages were making their way home. What hamas got in exchange for those two hostages has not been disclosed. Joining me now from northern israel, is matthew chance. When it comes to fears of this war spreading to become a larger regional conflict, israel is vaccing more communities near where you are . Reporter that is right. Im in the northern town of shimmona, which has already been evacuated. The authorities sending buses to get those out who couldnt get out by their own vehicles. And towns and villages all across this very volatile region in the north of israel, close to lebanese and close to the syrian border, theyve been cleared out. Were talking about hundreds of thousands of people here and have evacuated because of the ak thats last week in gaza who have been displaced because of this ongoing violence in the country. The situation here in the north is particularly of concern. Because the Israeli Military say there has been an upsurge in attacks by hooezbollah. And drones and rocket strikes and antitank weapons being fired at border fence and infiltration of militant fighters that have been repulsed as well. All of this, the Israeli Military have responded to and carrying out attacks in southern lebanon. But they have warned lebanon as well and hezbollah as well, that it will press further, that it will launch enormous strikes on hezbollah and indeed on lebanon if that escalation continues. One Idf Spokesperson saying that hezbollah is playing a dangerous game and dragging lebanon into a war that it will lose. And so, yeah, look there is a lot of concern about what lebanon is doing, about what hezbollah is doing. But in a commitm to strike back hard if that escalation continues. Weve seen israeli troops an tanks building up on the border with gaza. Do we know anything about any sort of timeline for an Israeli Ground incursion into gaza . Reporter no. I wish we did. But obviously were very very nervous and tense watching when that move will be made across that font erontier into gaza. Theyve been stepping up air strikes an put more pressure on hamas. The objective remains the same. They say which is to in their words destroy hamas and dismantle its military infrastructure. But in terms of when the actual green light for a Land Invasion is going to be put on, or not, we dont know yet. There is a possibility, although this isnt an official position, there is a possibility that israel may be waiting to see what further results the talks between the United States and qatar and hamas may yield in terms of more hostage negotiations. And more hostage releases. Already two u. S. Citizens held by hamas in the past 24 hours have been released with a hope that more could be freed and could be brokered as well. That is not the official israeli position. They will choose the exact time and moment when it is best suited for a Military Incursion for them to green light it, jake. Maja chance, thank you. Joining me now, liz cheney. She was the number three republican in the house and before that was a highranking State Department official. Thank you so much for being here. An it is good to have you. Gaza city is very densely populated and hamas em beds itself within the population. Do you think it is wise to stage a Ground Incursion and do you think israel has been doing enough to prevent the loss of innocent life. We know hamas em beds within the civilians, that is what they do, theyre a Terrorist Organization. But is this smart for israel. People need to recognize that what is happening in terms of the conditions in gaza is the responsibility of ham yas. Hamas has been in charge in gaza since 2006. At least. So, israel, we have moved so quickly beyond the focus on the devastation of the Terrorist Attack that absolutely Barbaric Slaughter of men, women and children. And the stories that we continue to see come out of babies tied up with wire, and murdered brutally, of people tortured in front of their children. I mean, the fact that people have moved on from that is really wrong. And israel. Just fyi, we have not and we continue to tell the stories on cnn. It is very important. What weve seen around the world. Yeah. Is even frankly israel began any kind of response in gaza, we saw this massive expansion and explosion of demonstrations around the world, antisemitic, antiisrael. Here in the United States, on our university campuses, it is outrageous and dangerous and israel may take whatever action they need to defend themselves and the u. S. Should not be in the business of telling them to stop, to slow down. They have to defend themselves and that means they have to defeat hamas. But let me ask you, in terms of advising a country that is an ally, a lot of people are drawing parallels to 9 11, but this was worse proportionally. This would be the same as killing 40,000 people in israel as opposed to 3,000 that happened here in 9 11. On 9 11, your father was vice president. You came to work at the State Department after 9 11. Take a listen to what President Biden said in israel this week. I caution this while you feel that rage, dont be consumed by it. After 9 11, we were enraged in the United States. While we sought justice and got justice, we also made mistakes. Given the goal of not just defeating hamas, but a longterm goal of israel living in peace, of a twostate solution, if that is even a serious proposition any more. What lessons do you think we have learned as a country that we could tell israel . That we could share with israel . Well, look, i think probably the biggest mistake that we made post 9 11 was President Bidens decision to withdraw from afghanistan the way that he did. I think the biggest lesson that weve learned and frankly after 9 11, the fact that the steps that we took for over 20 years now have prevented another Mass Casualty Terrorist Attack at the hands of islamic terrorists is something that we all ought to be very clear about and we have to remember. The lesson that weve learned an the lesson that we need to apply here is first of all, these con flicks are connected. Iran absolutely is behind what is happening with respect to hamas with respect to hezbollah, some of the hamas terrorists, they found iranian munitions and north korea munitions in their kit and theyre talked about their ties to russia. We have an ally, an adversary against us who only understands strength, who only understands that they dont weakness to them frankly is provocative. And if they think that were weak, and that were going to lose our resolve, they will, in fak, be strengthened. So the less than that we need to learn is iran needs to recognize if they do come in, then they will face very severe consequences from israel, from us. But, the forces of freedom are at war with the forces of tyranny and terrorism around the world. And america has got to lead. I thought that part of President Bidens speech from the oval office was good. I think the themes of the indispensable nature of america in the battle for freedom globally, that is what we need to be saying. The Administration Needs to make changes if respect to their iran policy. We saw last week for example, the sanctions preventing iran from exporting Missile Technology lapsed. Those are gone plow. That expired. And the administration didnt take any steps to stop that. We need to do a better job and enforce the sanctions with respect to the oil exports and put the houthis back on the terrorist list. So there are a range of things that we need to do and in my view the lesson from the post 9 11 era is that american strength is what matters will keep us safe and israeli strength is something that we ought to be supporting and advocating for. At tack was on october 7th, a saturday. I this i it was wednesday that donald trump gave a speech in which he insults benjamin netanyahu, the Prime Minister, said the attacks wouldnt have happened if he had been president , and said that netanyahu let him down. He said it was something to do with strike against soleimani, but a lot of people interpreted it because he congratulated biden after he won the presidency. He insulted the Defense Minister Of Israel called him a jerk and praised hezbollah and did it surprise you that trump could say all of that about the Prime Minister while they were still burying dead after the october 7th terrorist and attack and it didnt have any impact on republican sote voters or what republicans on capitol hill said about donald trump. They were appalling comments. And you know, youre absolutely right, that there should about vn a response. I think that every republican member of congress ought to be asked about think comments. Every republican candidate for the presidency ought to be asked about this comments. Remember about donald trump, that he reportedly shared Israeli Intelligence with the russians very early in his term. He also, as we know now from the indictments that weve seen from jack smith, shared high lit classified military documents relating to a Military Action potentially against iran. He shared that with mark meadows Ghost Writers and Political Consultants according to the indictments. So if you think about not only is he out there advocating for complementing americas adversaries and Terrorist Organizations that slaughter innocents, he also seems to have shared very highly Classified Intelligence information both ours and the israelis, in fact, with adversaries. So i think it is simply the latest example of why donald trump is not fit to be president of the United States. Who do you think is providing better leadership on the International Stage right now . Biden or trump . Oh, certainly biden. President biden also pushed for more aid to ukraine. I want you to take a listen to what a sitting republican senator had to say about the package that biden is pushing. Whatever your view is on ukraine, it is a separate country and a separate problem. I think what the president did is completely disgraceful. If he wants to sell the American People on 60 billion more to ukraine, he shouldnt use Deadize Raely children to do it. It was disgusting. Your response . Look, i mean, what j. D. Vance is saying is completely wrong. Ignorant and uninformed. As i said before, america is facing four add Vversaries Righ now and in china and russia and north korea and iran. And what happens with respect to our willingness to defend ukraine has a direct impact on all of those other challenges and conflicts that we face. And the idea that were now in a situation where youve got this growing movement on the part of republicans, not to support american aid to ukraine, is dangerous, it is wrong, and anybody who is today saying they dont support aid to ukraine needs to be asked and frankly i hope they will be asked in the Candidate Forum tomorrow night for speaker, why in the world would you be engaged in surrendering to americas adv adversies. Because that is what that is. If you do not support ukraine, you are in fact happening americas adversaries when we need to show strength. So it is dangerous andil informed. We have some questions about the candidates for speaker coming up. Well be right back after this quick break. So close. I only need, what, 100 votes . Knock, knock, knock. Yoo hoo, this is the losers office. President. Im so glad youre here. And you endorsed me and then just kind of disappeared. Yeah, well, that is because i prefer the jordans who win, okay. Welcome back to state of the union. Im jake tapper. The House Of Representatives or more specifically the republicans in the House Of Representatives are no closer to finding a speaker than they were two weeks ago. So with billions of aid for ukraine and israel on the table, waiting for their consideration, with americans literally dying, House Republicans did what your boss would no doubt let you do if you were way behind on crucial projects. They took the weekend off. With Seven Members saying they will put their names forward. The conference will convene with a possible vote back on tuesday. Back with me now is liz cheney, who was once the third ranking republican in the house. I have to ask, what has it been like to watch this fiasco play out over the last few weeks . It is hard to describe. I wish that it were surprising. You know, what weve seen is a result of really the Leadership Decisions that Kevin Mccarthy made back after the 2020 election and certainly after january 6. And, you know, looking the other way in the face of the kind of assault on our democracy that weve seen from donald trump and his allies in the house, including jim jordan, elevating those members frankly some of whom are white supremacists, some of whom are antisemitic, and a number of whom were involved directly in the attempt to seize power and over turn the election. So it is its not a surprise when you see that those people have been empowered. But it is also mccarthy empowered them, right . Exactly. In order to be able to obtain the votes he needed to become speaker. But i also have been watching the extent to which Political Violence and the threats of violence have now reared their head once again. Those have become part of our politics in a way that certainly they never should. I talked to one of my former colleagues who was in the meeting with jordan and the holdouts a few days ago and when some of the members received threats of violence and raised it and asked jordan about it, representative davidson, also from ohio, said, essentially, it is not jim jordans fault, it is your fault because youre voting against jim jordan. Now that kind of acceptance of violence is completely inappropriate and dangerous in our politics. So we need people who are serious and who recognize and understand the dangers that we are facing globally as well as from donald trump and those who support him. It used to be that that kind of what is called sarcastic terrorism, people demonizing enemies an not specifically not specifically calling for violence against their enemies, but demonizing them in such a way, who will rid me of this meddle some priest and then people will come and threaten them. That was founded upon and discouraged in politics. Do you trace it back to donald trump . When did this become a acceptable part of republican politicals . It is in the modern version related to donald trump. And we know frankly because of the lie, we know that the lie about the election, we know that telling people that they have to, you know, use violence in order to take back their country, we know that lie was very effective in sparking violence and it hasnt stopped. I mean, one of the issues that i again will hope come up at the speakers Forum Tomorrow night is the question that ken buck keeps asking, do you understand and accept that donald trump last the election in 2020 . And do you understand and recognize that connection between continuing that lie and the Political Violence that weve seen unleashed across the country. And a bunch of candidates for speaker, kevin hearne, byron donalds, mike johnson, jack burgman, all of them voted to object to the Electoral College results in arizona, pennsylvania and to disenfranchise millions of americans based on those lies. Is that disqualifying . Certainly. I think there is nt tells you, 140 members of House Republican conference voted to object and voted to object after the violence. After people were dead. After bodies were lying dead in the capitol . And after the mob that donald trump provoked had invaded. So, it is certainly should be a disqualification. And i think if it isnt a disqualification, it will send a clear message, one more clear message to voters, they think about who they are going to vote for in 2024, to what extent can you trust this group of republicans to defend the constitution if theyre unwilling to even acknowledge that rulings of the courts, as well as the constitutional process that unfolded and the complete lack of evidence as well as all of the testimony that we put on in our hearings, in the january 6 committee, from the leadership of Donald Trumps own campaign, from the leaders of his White House Counsel Office and the Department Of Justice making it clear he did not win the election and he knew he didnt win the election. I guess congressman tom emmer, the majority whip. He did not vote that way. But i feel like it is disqualifying abelong House Republicans to be reality based. That is my personal experience. So, i dont want to hesitate to endorse anybody. Because i think that wont be helpful for them. But i do listen to what youre saying. Thats crazy. Youre super conservative. More than any of the House Republican leadership. Your more conservative than the woman who replaced you, elise stefanik. Your just not nuts and antidemocracy. And i think that is a testament about where we are as a country today. And we have to have a party that gets back to advocating those conservative policies and embracing the constitution. That is no the what the Republican Party is doing today. Do you ever just like stop and think about the world that were in right now, where a majority of Republican Voters and majority of House Republicans just think the moon is made of green cheese . I dont even oh, i did. Certainly. And i spent the last almost year now working on a book. It is going to be out at the beginning of december that really looks athe te at these issues and tells the story in the republican conference, for example, as we were walking through this whole period of how do people accept behavior they never would have accepted before. And it is a cautionary tale. Because it happened very hes ill why i easily said that. And what do you think it said about House Republicans that in his last public ballot, 25 House Republicans voted against him. But then in the Secret Ballot, a few minutes later, more than 100 republicans voted against him. Majority. Right. Right. Well, look, first of all, im very glad that they it took a Secret Ballot to end is a very clear message that jim jordan cant be the speaker of house, im glad they did that. But i do think that if were going to be able to get back to a place in this country where we actually have people who are advocating for the constitution in both parties, then were going to need people to, you know, have some more courage than my former colleagues are showing right now and be willing to say no, i wont accept this or stand for it when you have to stand up and say so and put your name next to that vote. Because this notion of the Secret Ballot being the only time that you could go against donald trump, helps to strengthen donald trump. So former trump lawyer Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro struck plea deals and both have agreed to testify in future trials. Based on your investigations as vice chair of the select committee investigation, do you think they have information that could have bigger consequences for people up the food chain, including donald trump . Certainly. I think there is no question. And i think that in both cases, i mean, we know for example that Sidney Powell was in key meetings at the white house including one where donald trump may have well signed invoking the Insurrection Act with mike flynn in the room and Ken Eng Chesebro was involved in the electors extreme. It was his scheme. Well he certainly helped to put it in place. But at the end of the day, donald trump oversaw everything. Right. And that scheme of presenting false electors to try to convince pike pence to take unlawful action and unconstitutional action directly touched donald trump. And a New York State judge fined trump 5,000 for violating the gag order and raising the pros peck of possibly imprisoning here. To be clear. This is 5,000 is and this is accusing the clerk of having in an affair with chuck schumer. And you know what it is like to be on the end of a smear, other republicans and kinzinger know what it is like to get death threats. Do there need to be more serious consequences for donald trump when it comes to this sort of thing . Know, what we have seen over the course of the last almost three years now, since january 6, has been almost without exception, almost without exception, the judiciary has just been stalwart in terms of recognizing and understanding the threat to the republic that is posed by Donald Trumps past behavior. But what he did leading up to january 6. And frankly what hes continued to do. And so, i think that it is really important that people recognize the efforts hes putting in to try to tear down every institution of our democracy. And think we have we all need to be very clear about the extent to which the judges and the justices in this country and, again, as i said, almost without exception, whether appointed by a democratic or republican president s, have a very clear understanding of the danger here and a very clear understanding and dedication to the rule of law. And as a nation, we all ought to be very grateful for that. And we ought to reject the kind of attacks that were seeing obviously launched by donald trump. But also kind of lies coming out of jim jordan and some other House Republicans. The fonotion that the entire judiciary or the fbi is weaponized against us and i would urge that people think about as we look at the threats globally, the notion that weve got republicans saying were going to defund the fbi and defund the Department Of Justice, jim jordan wants to stop a Numbe Programs that have kept us safe since 9 11. That is very dangerous. And people like that dont understand the threat we face. And as you know, it is not just House Republicans or donald trump. It is fox, it is an entire rightwing ecosystem that is amplifying these lies an donald trump is likely to be the next republican president ial nominee. And he has a decent shot being elected the next president. It could happen. What would a second donald trump term look like . Well, he cannot be the next president. Because if he is, all of the things that he attempted to do but was stopped from doing by responsible people around him, at the Department Of Justice and the White House Counsel Office, he will do. There will be no guardrails and everyone has been warned. After january 6, after our investigation, after all of the evidence that we laid out about all of the steps and his multipart plan to overturn the election, there could be no question that he will unravel the institutions of our democracy. So were facing a moment in American Politics where we have to set aside partisanship and we have to make sure that people who believe in the constitution are willing to come together to prevent him from ever again setting foot anywhere near the oval office. But if it came down to it. Even though you disagree with joe biden on almost every issue under the sun, other than maybe ukraine and israel, would you vote for him over donald trump . Were going to see what happens. Were going to see how things unfold. I think donald trump is the single most dangerous threat we face. I would imagine that there will be a number of other candidates in the race. Would you be one of them . Ill tell you what im what im definitely going to do. Im going to spend the next year, between now and the election, certainly helping to elect serious people, helping to elect sane people. Of both parties . Yes. Because i think that we could well find ourselves in a situation begin what we know the trump folks are doing in terms of attempting to question the results of election, we dont want a situation where the election is thrown into the House Of Representatives and donald trump has any possibility at all of prevailing under those circumstances. So weve got to elect people who believe in the constitution and who take their responsibles seriously to congress. So im going to be spending a lot of time doing that in addition to other things. But youre not ruling out a president ial run . No, im not. And well see when your book comes out. Thank you. I look forward to it. Liz cainy, thank you so much. Appreciate your time. We have Breaking News about the white houses message to israel. The house representative of intelligence will join me live. Youre probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. But what if we told you its possible that comcast Business Mobile can save you up to 75 a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers . Have we piqued your interest . You can get two unlimited lines for just 30 each a month. There are no Term Contracts or line activation fees. And you can bring your own device. Oh, and all on the most reliable 5g Mobile Network nationwide. Wireless that works for you. Its not just possible. Welcome back to state of the union. Im jake tapper. We have some Breaking News for you now. The Biden Administration is asking israel to delay its Ground Incursion into gaza. That is according to two sources briefed on discussions who say that the delay would potentially allow for both more negotiations over the hostages that hamas took on october 7th. And also would allow for more aid to be allowed to be delivered to innocent civilians in gaza. The sources say that fridays release of two american hostages, judith and natalie raanan, from outside of chicago, signal that negotiators believe they could be making progress on some of the more than 200 hostages to be held by hamas. Joining me now to discuss is the chairman of the House Select Committee on intelligence, congressman mike turner of ohio. Thank you so much for joining us. So two american hostages were released by hamas. This is obviously a brutal terrorist group. They didnt release the hostages out of goodness of their hearts or for humanitarian reasons. So why they did release the hostages and what did they get in exchange . Well certainly they continue to have negotiations and discussions, but what were aware of which you just noted, is hamas is a franchise of iran. The brutal Terrorist Attacks that occurred in israel are going to result in israel entering into gaza and into taking this conflict to hamas itself. In order to diminish their ability to continue to threaten israel. As we see that unfold, certainly getting humanitarian aid is important. Getting the hostages back are important and as there are opportunities that those break, certainly they need to be pursued. But if the United States should not be dictating to israel the prosecution of this conflict. They certainly are on the ground, they know the risks, they know the consequences and certainly the United States supports their efforts to diminish this terrorist threat. How involved were american officials in securing the release of these two american hostages and are you optimistic more hostages might be released . Do you know how many more americans are currently being held hostage in gaza by hamas . Yeah, no, i would certainly say that hamas needs to release all hostages and all american hostages. There are some reports that have been public that perhaps all of the hamas leadership was not aware of the brutal Terrorist Attack that was going to occur into israel, that maybe some surprise in leadership of hamas that they now find themselves with tanks on their borders and a a conflict going to ensue. And they may see that these hostages are a important opportunity to return them back to israel and the United States so that they could get out of the way and hopefully address this issue of how will they move from a Terrorist Organization and state franchise of iran to an area where there could be peace. So as chairman of House Intelligence Committee, youre the member of the top of eight and you get to see the top Classified Intelligence. Who is responsible for the explosion at the Baptist Hospital in gaza tuesday . Which the Palestinian Health ministry, which is obviously controlled by hamas, blamed on the israelis, but u. S. Intelligence seems to have concluded it more was likely to caused by Palestinian Islamic jihad. Who is responsible and how conclusive is that intelligence . Well, my counterpart Ranking Member jim himes from connecticut, we received a briefing that included the conclusions by the administration and the process undertaken to determine that this was not the fault of israel. And both of us concluded, in fact, we released a statement that we ken occur with the administrations conclusion that was not a result of israeli action. There is a democratic member of congress who is out there still blaming it on israel and ive heard some members say that she should be briefed and im wondering, is there an intelligence briefing being offered to members of congress so that everyone could be informed as to what the latest information is . Sure. Well the administration has done a very good job of pulling together both the leadership in the house, weve been to the meeting with Jake Sullivan in the National Security council and getting their information and getting a briefing from him and plus all of the House Of Representatives were called in to a briefing where we both had the office of director of National Intelligence and the department of defense. So there has been a tremendous amount of effort to get information to members and i think this is very important as it has been in the ukraine con flick, as the administration moves forward to look for an aid package, to get through congress for both the conflicts in ukraine and in israel. Based on what you know, do you think the israelis are doing enough to protect the innocent civilians in gaza . Im sure youve heard israeli leadership say that palestinians are victims of hamas as well. And they are. There is no question. There was an election in which hamas, you know, came to power in gaza. And then suspended all elections and certainly the people in gaza are captive to them and they are a Brutal Terrorist Organization that is ruling that area and i do think that people in the palestinians in gaza are victims of them as well. Israel has done a greet deal of efforts to get people to move out the way as they go in to try to remove hamas. And it is ability to execute terrorist acts. This certainly is going to be very, very difficult. I do know that the United States is working both on the intelligence side and the treat side with israel to try to determine ways to increase the the security of palestinians in the area who are not involved in hamas. But this is obviously going to be very, very difficult. And it goes both to the security and safety of the palestinians and israelis. President biden Just Announced 105 billion aid package for israel, ukraine, taiwan and the souther border. Obviously, the legislative branch of the United States government cant do anything until how republicans pick a speaker. A. , do you support the package . B. , at what point does the dysfunction of House Republicans jeopardize National Security . Right. I do support the package. I think it is important that we move forward to make certain that we stand up against the authoritarian regimes that are trying to undermine democrats that are our allies and more focused on russia as a threat to the United States than we have been. Because this is not just an issue of ukraine or not ukraine, this is an issue of russia is our adversary and they intend to do us and our allies harm. And with israel, this is great clarity and weve seen and have just you know, been saddened by the atrocities that weve seen and the need for addressing the issue of hamas. With respect to the National Security, clearly having a house that is not functioning is a Security Threat for our country. This aid package, though, is not being delayed as a result of house. At this point the senate has taken up this aid package. It looks like it will be two weeks before that package comes out of the senate itself. And certainly we all hope well have a speaker by then. There are seven candidates so far for speaker. Is there one that you particularly are leaning towards and do you think that that person could get 217 votes . Getting 217 is going to be very difficult and is the rubix cube of the answer to all of this. I supported Kevin Mccarthy and jim jordan and i supported scalise. I supported jim on the floor also. I think we need to find someone who hopefully could get to 217 before were all poised and very Drama Fashion in the house floor trying to determine how this will unfold. I really hope in the next several days as we come together as a republican caucus, that were able to resolve that. So that we go unified to the house floor and deliver a speaker. Hope you dont take this personally, but do you guys have any idea how clownish you look . Well, you know, jake, im very fond of saying that congress is a lot Like High School but even more so. So hopefully well get past this and i certainly has been part of the governing majority and im going to stay part of that and look forward to those who are on the front just hopefully coming together so that we could get a speaker. I said that to Congressman Womack last year and he said that is an insult to high school students, it is more like junior high. Chairman turner, good to see you. Hope you pick a speaker sometime soon. Thanks, jake. What happens when the fog of war is used to push propaganda . The impact it could have on every one of us. Get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. Contact your volvo retailer to learn more. As isreal prepares for a ground war. The Biden Administration has been trying to caution the netanyahu government to think strategically and not out of the understandably ferocious anger that israelis are feeling. I caution this while you feel that rage, dont be consumed by it. After 9 11, we were enraged in the United States. While we sought justice and got justice, we also made mistakes. What were some of the mistakes . Well, just to name one, during the war on terror, u. S. Service members killing iraqi and afghan civilians for whatever reason. Accidents, negligence, the luxury of superior munitions, that makes creating a sustainable peace far more difficult because civilian deaths often creates even more enemies. In 2021, i gathered most of the commanders of the War In Afghanistan and asked each one what they might do differently if they could. Right after the 9 11 attacks, i would have made a decision inside of the u. S. Government to do nothing substantive for a year. What i mean by nothing, no bombing, no strikes, et cetera. I would have gone around the world as the aggrieved party and built up a firm coalition for what we would do about al qaeda. I would have done a mass effort to train americans in arabic, p poshtu and to get ready to do something that we knew would be very, very difficult. Now, it is difficult to tell another country to take their time before making any Major Military moves after such an atrocity has taken place. But wise counsel is to think very strategically about what comes next. Because it is so difficult to know. Remember that scene in the movie Charlie Wilsons war . The u. S. Has helped mow haddine defeat and the americans are celebrating but cia agent warns congressman wilson, to be humble, because one never knows what comes next. There was a little boy on his shth birthday gets a horse and everybody in the village said how wonderful, he got a horse. And he said well see. Two years later the boy falls off the horse and breaks his leg and they say how terrible and they said well see. And then a war breaks out and all of the boy have to go off and fight and he cant because his leg is plessed up, and they said well see. And of course we know now some of those abandoned by the u. S. Became al qaeda. After the u. S. Left iraq, isis emerged. After the u. S. Left afghanistan, the taliban picked up where it left off. Surely thei israelis governmen to destroy hamas is understandable. But are they doing it the right way . Is there a strategy for what comes next, for what will fill the vacuum and bring peace to israel and the long game. Is what is happening now under the same leadership of israel, that was in charge on october 7th, is that going to ultimately produce a safer israel . Not just in a month. But in a year. In a decade. Well see. But at least unlike its neighboring countries, israel has a thriving free press. With journalists can ask those questions. Before we go, so many of you have been watching our coverage, have expressed a desire to help with humanitarian relief efforts for the innocent people of israel and in gaza. Cnn has been compiling resources and you could head to cnn. Com impact to find a list of vetted organizations on the ground who are responding. That is cnn. Com impact. Thank you for spending your Sunday Morning with us. The news continues next

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