Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703

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And we certainly want to hear from manu and our colleagues who walk these halls every day. My understanding is its not going to happen right away. In fact, manu, let me go to you. I want to tell you this text that im getting is that youre probably hearing it from members who are coming off the floor right now. That manu, youre probably hearing from members saying that the jordan folks are very much lobbying many in the republican conference to hold off and not vote right now to empower Patrick Mchenry. So what is likely going to happen, and you telegraphed this earlier, is that once this vote is gavelled closed, theyre going to go back and talk again like they have done after every one of these, and that david joyce of ohio is going to try to make the case for why its time to move on for move on from jim jordan, and talk about giving Patrick Mchenry the functions of the United States government done at least in the short term. What are you hearing . Reporter yeah, i think we can expect republicans to meet Behind Closed Doors. In fact, here is congressman mike lawler. I think we can get a chance to speak to him. Yeah. Were on right now. Were actually live now, mr. Lawler. Tell us what you think the next steps are going to be here. If jordan goes to a third ballot, youre still going to vote against him, is that right . If he continues to go the wrong direction, whats next . Its clear he doesnt have the votes. Obviously its up to him if he wants to put it to a third ballot. I think youll see more folks dropping off on a third ballot. Here there was a net loss of two for people who previously voted for him and flipped, and two that didnt flipped back. I dont see the outcome changing here. And so the question for jim and for the conference is how do we get back to work because thats the reality that we have to deal with. The American People sent us here to govern. They sent us here to focus on the issues that matter to them from spending to the border to the International Crises that were dealing with in israel and ukraine. And we have to get back to work. So if the votes are not there at the moment for someone to be speaker, i think its imperative that we empower Patrick Mchenry to serve. At least for the time being, in that speaker role, so that he can get the house moving again on Critical Issues including obviously needed additional Financial Support for israel. Reporter there are two options here. One is that there could be a new speaker candidate. Two, you can vote on a resolution to empower Patrick Mchenry. What do you think needs to happen of those two options . We need to get to work. I think it is imperative that we pass the resolution empowering Patrick Mchenry to serve as the temporary speaker. And you know, hopefully we will find consensus in short order on a speaker. I continue to believe that Kevin Mccarthy is the right person to lead this house. He never should have been removed as speaker. And frankly, you know, i reiterate, its disingenuous of some of my democratic colleagues to stand up and say for democracy and for the institution and were putting people over politics. 208 democrats teamed up with eight republicans to create this chaos. They can act like they played no role here, but they did. And so it is its unfortunate where we are, but we have to get back to work. And so i think in the immediate we need to empower Patrick Mchenry to serve as temporary speaker so that we can do the work of the American People. So you would need democrats to actually pass that resolution. How many republicans do you think would support empowering Patrick Mchenry and how Many Democrats would you need ultimately to make that happen . Im not going to put a number on it. The reality is everybody has a responsibility here to get the house back up and running so that we can focus on the work of the American People starting with additional aid to israel, to support them in this terrible time of need. And i think, you know, democrats need to look in the mirror here, they helped create this mess, so theyre going to have to help get out of it. And if if a resolution is put on the floor to give patrick the ability to serve as a temporary speaker, it would be the height of hypocrisy for them to vote against it. Reporter when you look at the last two weeks, i mean, how concerned are you about, one, how this makes republican look, two, from a Swing District like yours that this ultimately could hurt you come next november and cost republicans a key seat in a Bellwether District . Look, ive been very clear where i stand on this, where i stood on the potential of a shutdown, where i stood on the potential of a default. Ive been willing to work in a bipartisan way to get things done on behalf of the American People and to advance the ball forward. We have a lot of challenges in this country, and its incumbent upon everybody to act like an adult. For me, my focus is on getting back to work. I believe like i said that Kevin Mccarthy is the right person to lead the house. And hopefully my colleagues will come to that conclusion sooner than later. But as it stands right now, there are not enough votes for jim jordan to be speaker. And we need to get about the peoples business. Reporter before i let you go, obviously theres so much happening there on israel, theres a big supplemental package, aid package, about 100 million, 100 billion or so for ukraine, for israel, and the like. There are some republicans who want to keep that separate, who say that ukraine should be not included as part of this package. How do you feel . Is it important right now to pass what the administration is asking for given the dire situation in israel and also in ukraine . Look, much like the cr that was passed, we cannot afford to hold things hostage here, okay. Theres broad consensus and support for israel, and so were going to need to move that as quickly as possible. Whoever the speaker is, whether it be patrick or someone else, is going to have to negotiate with the white house. And thats just the reality of the situation. We need to get to obviously 218 on the floor. So that will happen in due time. Obviously we would like to move as expeditiously as possible. Reporter thank you for your time. Appreciate it. Dana, as you hear there from congressman mike lawler, someone who has come from a Swing District, a Bellwether District in new york, a freshman republican whos been outspoken at the republicans who kicked out Kevin Mccarthy, making clear there jim jordan does not have the votes to become speaker of the house even if he goes to a third ballot. Suggesting that this ultimately could cost him even more votes if he decides to a third ballot. And calling for the empowerment, a resolution to empower Patrick Mchenry as speaker. That is really what is going to be debated Behind Closed Doors this afternoon by republicans. As you hear from republicans like mike lawler, its time to move on to that issue because there is simply no other options he believes to electing a speaker of the house and certainly not jim jordan given the direction hes going here. Reporter our viewers should understand that Mike Lawler Is along with a couple other republicans from the state of new york, is the reason republicans have the majority right now, the slim majority that they have in the house. Manu, thank you so much. I want to go melanie zinona. You heard mike lawler talking about this resolution to give Patrick Mchenry more power. My understanding and the Text Messages that im getting is that we should not expect that to happen right away because they have to meet, and there has to be a real discussion about why this should happen from the perspective of people like mike la lawler. Yeah, thats exactly right. It is an idea that is gaining steam in the gop. Its something democrats are discussing with republicans. I talked to steny hoyer. He has had conversations with republicans about this idea of empowering Patrick Mchenry. But ive also been told, dana, and it sounds like you heard the same thing, that jordans team is actively working behind the skis trying to encourage their supporters to vote against the resolution, and the idea is they want to show that there is no backup plan, that there is no last resort, and that the only option is to elect a permanent speaker. And they want that person to be jim jordan. Its unclear at this point whether jim jordan is going to continue going through these rounds of votes on the house floor. I had been told that he does want to continue to fight it out. Thats part of the reason also why his team is trying to kill this resolution. But the anticipation at least right now is theyre going to get together, go Behind Closed Doors once again, something weve seen a lot here on capitol hill these past few weeks, air their grievances, and try to figure out a path forward. But The Big Picture right now is they still have no speaker. Theres still no consensus, and the house is paralyzed until they do. Dana . Reporter melanie, thank you so much. Its a little loud out here. I apologize for the delay. Thank you for that great reporting. I am hearing exactly what you are, that a big reason why theyre not moving to that resolution right now is because there is a lot of lobbying happening right now on the house floor among jordan supporters, maybe jordan himself, to not let that happen, at least in the short term. Jake, back to you. Thanks, dana. And obviously just to remind our viewers here in the United States and around the world, without a speaker of the house which has never happened in the history of the United States, the House Of Representatives Cannot Function in its normal way which means that the legislative part of the u. S. Government Cannot Function which means that the u. S. Government to a degree is kind of unable to function, which means that things that should be going on right now when it comes to the wars in the middle east and in ukraine, as well as the basic functions of the u. S. Government, were about the u. S. Government about to run out of money, are not able to proceed. The House Republicans are not able to pick a speaker. This has now been going on for roughly two weeks. Let me bring in Anderson Cooper who is in a part of the world that is paying a lot of attention to the fact that House Republicans are not able to get their act together and get 217 votes to pick a leader. Anderson, you are just a few minutes away from President Biden having left israel where he was able to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and talk to officials there. But arab leaders called off their meetings with President Biden directly because of the explosion at the hospital in gaza, an explosion that there seems to be mounting evidence was not caused by israel. Again, we do not have a definitive answer as to who caused it, but there does seem to be mounting evidence that it was actually caused by a rocket misfired by Islamic Jihad. Reporter yeah. Certainly the president s visits did not go as they had initially intended. He left about two hours ago now from the from here in israel. That planned meeting with al sisi from egypt, King Abdullah, as well as mahmoud abbas, the head of the Palestinian Authority in the west bank in jordan, that did not take place, as you were just saying. The president expressed unwavering support for israel. He also cautioned israel not to act out of revenge, paraphrasing his words, though he certainly supported israels right to defend itself in the wake of this horrific Terror Attack that occurred on october 7th. In terms of the explosion at the hospital, the u. S. Has concluded, the National Security council, put a out a statement saying that israel has concluded that the explosion at the hospital hours ago, last evening, middle of the night here in actually early in the evening in israel was, in fact, caused by a rocket by islamic Islamic Jihad. I will have more in a second. I want to bring in Nic Robertson who is near the gaza border. What are you seeing right now . Reporter yeah, were hearing some very loud explosions from here, anderson. They seem to be outgoing artillery toward gaza. I would say in the last maybe hour or so the pace was picked up a little. Certainly more than weve had for had for a while. Weve also seen a couple of outgoing rockets from here fired from gaza that we know went to Central Israel because the sirens went off and sounded the alerts there. So it is relatively quiet, but the tempo of the artillery is picking up a little bit this evening. Reporter lets talk about what has occurred here over the last many hours just in terms of what the u. S. Is now saying. I want to read the statement from the National Security council, from adrian watson, a short time ago saying while we continue to collect information, our Current Assessment based on analysis of imagery, interception, open Source Information is that israel is not responsible for the explosions at the hospital in gaza yesterday. Officials also told cnn separately that the initial evidence gathered by the u. S. Intelligence suggests that it was, in fact, a Rocket Launched by the Palestinian Group Islamic Jihad. Israel has put forward what they say is proof showing a number of rockets being fired, they say, by Islamic Jihad from i believe it was a cemetery location. The arc of most of those rockets going by and in some cases over this hospital. They say one of those rockets malfunctioned, fell from the sky. They say theyre not craters which would indicate an israeli air strike with the power of the israeli munitions. They said that rocket that misfired would have had a lot of rocket fuel in it which would have explained the flames and the burning damage that we see in cars in the parking area. They say that errant missile when it landed it landed in a parking garage, not on the hospital itself. There was shrapnel on the hospital which is consistent with shrapnel from a rocket itself. Israels also put forward what they say are intercepts or an intercept between what they say are two hamas members of hamas discussing what they say was a rocket from Islamic Jihad and talk about the shrapnel from the rocket, according to them, was consistent with their rockets and not israeli rockets. Cnn cannot independently verify that. Its important to point out. Certainly the u. S. Intelligence committee seeps to be backing up what israel is saying. Were obviously trying to as best as possible rare guy it in whatever verify it in whatever way we can over time. That is the situation on the ground right now. Obviously hamas and Islamic Jihad continue to claim that this was an attack by the idf. But lets talk, nic, about what this means because what did come out of the president s visit besides unwavering support to israel was a pledge of 100 million for humanitarian assistance and, according to President Biden, an agreement by israel to allow humanitarian supplies to go into the south of gaza, food, water, medicine, as long as it does not fall into the hands of hamas, and if it is taken by hamas, they say there will be repercussions for that in terms of future aid, humanitarian assistance. Dana bash, lets go back to you. Reporter thank you, anderson. And i just want to note here on capitol hill that you just saw Patrick Mchenry, the temporary speaker, gavel the House Of Representatives into recess. That is what is happening right now as they try to figure out what to do next with still no speaker 15 days in. I want to talk, though, to democratic senator mark kelly from arizona. Senator, you were among the senators who went on a trip just a couple of days ago to israel. Before we get there or maybe as pa part of that discussion, the fact that there is no speaker, the fact that there is was a candidate who actually got fewer votes just now than he did yesterday, and the house cant pass even just a basic resolution or nonbinding resolution in support of israel, what message does that send to the world . The dysfunction in the house sun precedented. And weve got so many demands on us right now, whether its ukraine, israel, border security. I represent the state of arizona. Weve got a crisis at the border. We need a functioning House Of Representatives. They need get their stuff together and get a speaker. Reporter lets talk about what happened or what didnt happen at that hospital in gaza yesterday. The biden National Security council is making the assessment that it was not an israeli air strike. I know youre a new member of the Senate Intelligence committee. Youre awaiting all senators briefing. Right. Reporter what can you tell us about what american intelligence is at this point . What i can tell you is what the nsc just said which was all indications are that this was not israel. So theyve got overhead imagery, theyve got intercepts of Voice Communications that this came from within gaza. Thats what it what is indicated right now. Im going to get a briefing in about an hour and a half. So i dont have all the details. Let me just say, though, i think its important to point out that hamas committed a heinous, brutal, barbaric operation against the israelis, women, children, over 1,000 people just murdered in a way that i have never seen before. When myself and my colleagues went over there on sunday, we spent about 13 hours in tel aviv meeting with the entire israeli leadership and the ambassador or the charge affairs. We dont have an ambassador because of the United States senate now. But just the stories were just so heartbreaking. A horrific attack. And you know, just to see these folks in this hospital just, you know, injured and killed is is just another point to be made about hamas and how horrible of an organization it is. And that israel israel has to eliminate this threat. Reporter when we were talking before we came on, youve seen some pretty horrible things in your life. I have. Reporter unfortunately personally i spent 25 years in the United States navy. Reporter in the navy what happened to gabby sunday, for miae personally, fl like few other days ooflt like few other days in my lifetime. Account after account. The meeting with the american families, the parents of children that are hostages and just the uncertainty that they have, were going to do everything we can to get them back to their families. And were doing that now through diplomacy, and weve got, you know, other assets on the ground here. I met with the Special Envoy for Hostage Negotiations who i worked with to get Brittney Griner out of russia. Hes there on the ground now, and thats going to be helpful. Reporter one last question. I have to ask about the fact that the egyptian and the jordanian leaders canceled their facetoface meeting with President Biden. You and the Congress Approved 1 billion in aid to jordan. Excuse me, theyve gotten International Aid including from the u. S. Egypt is getting 170 million. What does that say to you . First of all, let me say the president going and going this quickly sends a message that this is important to us, that were going to stand with our allies. Jordan has been an ally of ours. Weve worked with egypt. I think its disrespectful, and its not productive. They need to join with us to to do what is necessary, to not only defeat hamas but support the humanitarian crisis thats starting and thats currently exists within gaza and southern gaza. They need to be partners with us, and ignoring and not attending a meeting with the president is just wrong. Reporter senator mark kelly, thank you so much. Thank you. Reporter appreciate it. Anderson, back to you. Reporter dana, thanks. I want to bring in Nic Robertson who is in sderot. We talked to him a short time ago. First of all, talk about what you have been seeing, i want to talk about the south of gaza. Reporter yeah. Youre probably hearing it, anderson, that pickup in artillery. Were in the outgoing artillery going into gaza at the moment. Were hearing some very loud detonations of artillery impacts inside gaza. You can literally hear, from where we stand, hear the shells whistling before that huge impact. That suggests to me that the impacts are not too deep from where we stand into gaza. Were a mile from the border. So these are perhaps hitting in that in that border area. Very hard to tell specifically, but definitely an uptick in the last 30 or 40 artillery strokes going into gaza. Reporter let me ask you, over the last week that you have been there, how common is Artillery Fire as opposed to other forms of bombing in gaza . Reporter it is relatively common. It cycles up and cycles down. We were with an Artillery Battery a few miles to the south wherever we are here. There were perhaps as many as a dozen to 20 mobile, big, Heavy Howitzers there. We think from what we hear and from what weve seen in the past conflicts with hamas and gaza theres another Artillery Position not far to our north here, as well. We can hear shells going from both of these, as well as the occasional missile fire. Its not uncommon, but it is indicative of perhaps smaller targeting, and perhaps what you might bring to bear on the battlefield if you are trying to shape the battlefield before an incursion. Thats not i think i dont think were at that moment precisely now. But that would also be to be expected if it were coming. Reporter lets talk about the south of gaza. As we know hundreds of thousands of residents of gaza have moved down to the south. There are also american citizens waiting by the rafah border desperate to get out of gaza. Just heard those explosions by you, nic, as well. The u. S. Now is pledging 100 million in humanitarian assistance. There are trucks with humanitarian assistance on the egyptian side of the border. Israel has said they will allow aid into the south which is in response to pressure from President Biden. Do we know when that may take place . And how important that may be in determining what happens next on the ground in terms of any kind of an invasion . Reporter yeah. I think its still to be determined. We know israel has said clearly that they wont let any aid in, they wont let food, fuel, water, electricity go into gaza across any of their Border Crossings as long as the hostages are being held. But they are willing to allow this was something they told President Biden today they are willing to allow that humanitarian aid to cross from egypt through the rafah crossing. A couple of takeaways from what weve heard publicly said is were not hearing anything more about palestinians in gaza being allowed into egypt. Theres been very strong pushback from the egyptian president , president sisi, on that. And i think one of president one of the things President Biden perhaps has not been able to do as well as he would have hoped to have done if hed been able to meet with president sisi, can King Abdullah in jordan, with the Palestinian Authority, mahmoud abbas, because that meal was can cancanceled that meeting was canceled, he would have been more persuasive face to face to allow those countries to allow and push hamas to get that humanitarian aid into hamas. Obviously israel is saying, look, that aid cant cross the border if its going to full under the control of hamas. But also for the arab countries around here in this region, they also view that the passing through of humanitarian aid, not just something that can help palestinians, but also in a way a Potential Sop for israel to because israel says let the aid come through. A Potential Sop that would allow israel some cover, if you want to use that language, to prosecute potentially a ground offe offensive. And i dont think from where were at with the discussions and the tensions at the moments that these nations like jordan, like egypt, really want to be seen, to be in any way giving support or cover for a continued offensive. We heard that today coming from the Saudi Foreign minister who had a meeting of the organization of islamic countries, a very big organization. And theyre calling for, you know, a humanitarian pause. We know at the United Nations today there was also a Security Council motion for a humanitarian pause in the conflict. And it was the United States that voted that down. So theres a real sense here of whose pressure is going to be applied more. If you let humanitarian aid in, that gives israel the opportunity to say that the humanitarian needs or the Palestinian People are being met and therefore press ahead with a ground offensive. And thats perhaps one of the only points of leverage that these countries that surround israel, egypt, jordan, here have to apply pressure another detonation there in gaza to apply pressure on israel about the situation. They dont have many ways to pressure israel. But on the humanitarian aid, potentially that is one of the only Leverage Points at the moment, anderson. Reporter Nic Robertson. Well take a short break and we continue in a moment. Im jake tapper in washington. Lets go to Anderson Cooper in tel aviv where there are air raid sirens. Anderson . Reporter yeah, jake, the sirens started sounding about 30 seconds ago or so. So we anticipate theres a little bit of cloud cover, so its a little hard to see the sky behind me. We know if rockets come, they come from that direction, the direction of gaza. We have yet to actually see any interceptors from the iron dome going up into the sky. So it remains to be seen exactly what this alert is. There have been i think theres only been like one or so today. And now it seems like there was a the sirens are going off. So not sure what that was. I didnt see anything in the sky or hear any okay. There was some interception there. Just didnt see anything going up. As i said, theres cloud cover, a little hard to see in the sky. But pretty soon there will be an all clear, i would imagine, and then people come out from the shelters if they did seek shelter. Its you know, as you know, its a pretty regular occurrence here over the last several days or so, jake. Anderson, i know that neither of us are munitions experts, was that likely a hamas rocket being detonated by iron dome that we just heard . Reporter im sorry, im having trouble with my ip, as you could tell when you came to me. You were saying is that a was that reporter iron dome . Is that what you were wondering . Yeah. What we just heard. Reporter yeah. Im sorry, im having trouble hearing you. Okay. All right. Were having trouble connecting lets go to neta basher. Can she hear me . Shes in oman, jordan. Tell us whats going on where you are. Reporter another night weve seen hundreds of people taking to the streets here in oman in a show of protest, show of solidarity with the Palestinian People. In protest against israels air strikes on the besieged gaza strip. Of course its important to remember that on this very day we had anticipated to see a summit chaired by King Abdullah of jordan. Of course with president joe biden, as well as the president s of egypt and the Palestinian Authority. That summit was canceled following the attack on the hospital inside gaza. As you can see here, this is really ignited an outpouring of anger,r, of outrage, condemnati amongst the population here in jordan. It is importance to know that this important to know this isnt the first time weve seen protests. This has been a daily occurrence in jordan since the beginning of this war. Remember that around half of the population in this country are either palestinian or of [ inaudible ] a little further away from the protest, we can speak to you now and get a good signal. I have to say behind where we are the streets are packed. There are hundreds here chanting solidarity with the Palestinian People. Where they are just behind me is just a few meters away from the israeli embassy. We saw yesterday hundreds of people gathering, some protests even attempting to storm the israeli embassy. So we have seen a bit of an increase in the Security Presence here, although it has been mostly peaceful. Look, this isnt just happening in jordan. Its not happening only in amman. Its happening across the middle east. We have seen people taking to the streets in lebanon, in tunisia, in iraq, in the west bank in protest against israels continued [ inaudible ] okay. So were having coms issues in amman, jordan, obviously. And we will continue to follow that major story in the middle east. Were also following the story here in washington, d. C. , where for the second day in a row congressman jim jordan has been trying to get his House Republican conference to vote for him for speaker, and for the second day in a row he has failed to get the requisite number of votes for that to happen. Lets check in with manu raju on capitol hill. He just secured an interview with former speaker Kevin Mccarthy who as you may recall was ousted several weeks ago by his conference. Manu, what did he have to say about what is next, you know, we do not have a functioning legislative branch because of House Republicans inabilities to get 217 votes behind one republican. Reporter yeah. He says that the house can continue to function under the interim speaker, Patrick Mchenry. Overnight though there is a dispute legally about whether he has the power to preside over legislation, allow the agenda to move forward, he believes that essentially that mchenry does without any vote of the house. Theres a discussion right now within the house gop about moving forward with the resolution to make that very clear, that Patrick Mchenry has that power. That has badly divided the House Republicans. They would need democratic support to do that. Mccarthy says theres no need for such a vote. He also believes that jim jordan should continue. He said that jim jordan should go to another ballot. He says jordan should have more time to convince those holdouts to flip just like he did back in january. Listen for jordan to drop out of this race . Not at all. He picked up a couple, lost a couple. Somebody had voted for him before, they could always votes for him again. He picked up a couple more votes. Reporter you think hi he should go to a third ballot now . I would take time to talk and listen to members. You said this exact same thing to me, and we were able to put it together. Reporter that was january. This is the middle of a session. Theres so many Major International issues happening, and this needs to be resolved quickly. How could he possibly turn the tide on this . I think he can. I think that same pressure people realize you cant keep playing games. I mean, you know, you sit back and look, you got crazy eight led by gaetz with every democrat voting to shut down any branch of government. Who would think that was the right thing to do any time of year no, i get to answer questions, thank you. What i see is theres no chance in the world that democrats could ever say again that they put people before politics. They made a political decision to try to bring chaos, to shut down a branch of government, and thats wrong. Reporter do you think theres any chance of flipping any of those if you look at the map, arent eight people easier to flip than 22 . Well, technically you only needed four to be no. Jims the nominee were going to focus on. What about the members who switched their vote reporter now the question is what exactly is next. Jim jordans spokesman said, quote, were going to keep on going, and jordan just talked to reporters walking off the house floor. He didnt say exactly when that third ballot might occur. He said that we he said we dont know when were going to have the next votes, but we want to continue our conversations with our colleagues. He said we picked up some today, a couple dropped off. They voted for me before. I think they come back. Well keep talking to members and working on it. Unclear what any of that means. The republicans ive talked about having a closed door conference this afternoon, well see if that comes to pass as it is badly divided republican conference tries to to figure out what to do. There are so many opinions. You heard Kevin Mccarthy saying he jim jordan should keep going, should serve as speaker, shot let Patrick Mchenry be the interim speaker. Others say there should be a vote to empower him. Some republicans say its time for a new candidate, get jim jordan out, have a new candidate come forward. Others say if a new candidate comes forward, that person also wont get 217 votes, just showing the chaos within the house gop after more than two weeks since Kevin Mccarthy was ousted from the speakership. No clear sense of how to proceed. No clear consensus on who the candidate might be, and a division about whether the Current Interim speaker can do anything legislatively at all, all leading to just more questions about whether they can make this paralyzed chamber work again. At the moment, no clear sign about how they can make that happen. Jake . Manu, former Speaker Mccarthy keeps blaming this on democrats as if republicans would behave any differently were the shoe on the other foot. Okay, thats fine, whatever he wants to do that. Right now, republicans are the majority, they can all gather around and pick a candidate, all right. Democrats are in the minoriti. They dont have the power. Republicans need to rally around a candidate. Why cant they do it . Why are they so dysfunctional . Speaker mccarthy can blame it on democrats, but hes the majority party, its time to rally around a candidate, jim jordan isnt that candidate. Whats the problem . Reporter one, you have hardliners who initially ousted Kevin Mccarthy who want their candidate in the speakership. They dont trust the people in leadership like congressman steve scalise, the House Majority leader who initially was nominated to replace Kevin Mccarthy but faced opposition from many of those same skeptics. Then you have folks who are aligned with Kevin Mccarthy, aligned with skeef scalise, who do not want to reward what they consider bad behavior, to elevate jim jordan saying that is counter to what they are as republicans by playing by the recalls. They say that doesnt play by the rules to vote out a speaker and put in someone you want. This boils down to the distrust, the tension caused by Speaker Mccarthys ouster just more than two weeks ago. Mccarthy had to live week by week as Speaker Given that he had given power to any one individual to oft him. He had to oust him. He had to cut that on the 15th ballot. Ultimately he made a decision that the republicans didnt like. They pushed him out. It stems back for that, jake. So much ill will, bad blood within the House Republican conference, and they and as a result, the people can see the effect of it. No legislation can move. This chamber is divided. This chamber is stuck. And a big reason why is the two two wings of the party are just at war with each other. Yeah. Its not normal. And frankly, its not particularly interesting. Much more on the breaking news from washington and the middle east just ahead. The power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. And thats a good thing . Great in my book who are you . No power . No problem. Introducing stormready wifi. Now you can stay reliably connected through Power Outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery backup to keep you online. Only from xfinity. Home of the xfinity 10g network. Welcome back to our Special Coverage. Im Brianna Keilar alongside Anderson Cooper live for us in tel aviv. President biden just wrapping up an unprecedented wartime visit to israel as protests continue across the middle east in response to a deadly explosion at a hospital in gaza. The u. S. Currently assesses israel is not responsible for yesterdays blast. Biden today echoing that assessment. Hamas did immediately blame israel for the explosion. Israel says they have several key pieces of evidence pointing to the Islamic Jihad, saying it was a failed Rocket Launch by the militant group. Cnn cannot confirm exactly what caused the blast, but the bloodshed reignited fears of escalation and this could become a wider conflict. President biden had a clear message on that front. My message to any state or any other hostile Actor Thinking about attacking israel remains the same as it was a week ago dont. Dont, dont. We have more from israel, a few miles from the gaza border. Some of the most urgent issues now are have been certainly the last 12, 18 hours, this hospital blast, the Hostage Crisis certainly and getting aid into gaza. President biden offered some specifics about all three. So lets talk about it. First lets talk about the aid going into gaza, 100 million the u. S. Is pledging, but also commitments from israel to allow aid in through the rafah border crossing. Reporter thats right. President biden said he had come up with an agreement with the israelis where aid would be allowed to flow in through rafa. The israelis confirmed that with some strict caveats they put in place, but none of that aid could be touched by hamas. The Sticking Point seems to be the situation around the rafa border crossing. Cnns own journalists are in the area and they have been hearing a series of explosions and blasts throughout the day near there. The egyptians had been saying that is why they do not feel comfortable opening up that border crossing. Remains to be seen now, there are dozens of trucks of aides poised ready to go in. It is possible we may see movement on that potentially as early as tomorrow morning, also to allow foreign nationals and heavily wounded people to leave. This is going to be a tricky thing to pull off. There are a lot of different elements at play. Remains to be seen whether it can be pulled off, anderson. President biden also cautioned israelis not to act out of vengeance, but offered unwavering support for israels right to defend itself. Clearly the u. S. , as of now, is standing by israel in terms of what their investigation of what they say happened at the explosion at the hospital. Israel early this morning, around 9 00 tel aviv time, put out information that they have intercepts, Satellite Imagery as well as analysis of structures and damage on the ground, the lack of craters in the parking area of the hospital where the explosion took place, the type of explosion they say it was. The National Security council put out a statement saying they too as of now came to the conclusion this was an errant rocket set off by the Islamic Jihad. That will not settle the emotions running high here, particularly in the west bank and elsewhere where weve seen large demonstrations. Its significant that the u. S. Intelligence community and President Biden is standing by israel on this. I think you really hit on the main point there, anderson, which is a lot of people are approving this with emotion rather than information. A lot of people made up their minds the minute that blast occurred, the minute they saw women and children being maimed and killed, they decided who was to blame. Its important to underscore that for millions and millions of people across the muslim and arab world they have a fundamentally different understanding and perception of this entire conflict and also of the events of the last ten days. I think its clear you have to go online or engage on some level with this Information War thats raging, that people are wedded to their narratives. No amount of information at this moment, even if its impartial, even if its vetted by impartial groups, its not going to punch through. The narratives that people have chosen, theyre digging in. These lines are drawn in the sand. Theres an outpouring of emotion. This didnt start 24 hours ago or 10 days ago. Its decades in the making, anderson. Clarissa ward, thank you very much. Joining me now to discuss is the former u. S. Ambassador to nato. Appreciate you being with us. After meeting with the Prime Minister, President Biden said the u. S. Will stand by israel. Cautioned against Akcting Out O Revenge and emotion. Hes going to be asking congress for an unprecedented Support Package for israel. What did you make from what you heard from President Biden today . I think it was a very important visit by the president to demonstrate that israel was not alone when it comes to facing the kind of Terrorist Brutality we saw ten days ago. I also think it was important for him and i think he did use the visit to engage Prime Minister netanyahu and the war cabinet in some very serious conversations about the strategy that israel has embarked upon. He said publicly afterwards, we were also attacked on 9 11. We at that point made decisions that turned out to be a mistake. He warned the israelis about the importance to a very clear objective, to know whether you asked the right kind of questions and done your analysis to make sure the path youre on is the right one to achieve those objectives. I think the president was sharing some doubt that, in fact, the current effort by israel is moving in the right direction and asking them to make sure that, before you start, for example, this Ground Invasion and continue the heavy bombardment, that youre achieving what you set out to achieve. I talked to general David Petraeus last night. One of the things he was stressing was what is israels plan after . Lets say israel has a Ground Invasion and succeed in degrading hamas, destroying hamas leadership. Is there a plan for what happens in gaza after that . At this stage do you see any kind of a plan . Is that important before operations begin . Yeah, i think its absolutely critical. I agree with general petraeus that there is no clear sense of a plan. I would ask i imagine President Biden asked that. Number one, how do you crush hamas without at the same time creating an incredible damage to gaza itself, the infrastructure that makes it a viable place for the people who live there . Secondly, what happens afterwards . Who is going to rule gaza once you have removed those who have ruled gaza since 2007 . There is no good viable answer to that question. Israel clearly doesnt want to occupy gaza again and the president made clear that that would be a mistake, and it would be a mistake. No Palestinian Authority, whether the p. A. Or some other authority, has the capacity, let alone the willingness, to rule gaza on the back of israeli tanks. I dont see the international community, whether the Arab Community or the u. N. , to come in and take over full responsibility for governing pl. Before you start an action like this, as we learned in afghanistan and learned in iraq, we better know what the answer is. Who is going to rule . Who is going to take charge . Are we sure that the situation afterwards will be better than it is today . Ambassador daalder, thank you so much. Our Special Coverage continues after a short break

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