Perfect sense. But then there are days like today when i cant take how stupidly bullish this market can be the dow gaining 164 points nasdaq climbing 0. 35 . You often hear people saying that the whole things been manipulated. Its a desperate Federal Reserve and its a scared powell and its President Trump winning the election no, the feds just doing its job. And if the white house wanted to juice the stock market, dont you think they already wouldve cut a deal with the democrats on the next round of stimulus see, there is a much simpler explanation. I call it clueless buying. I always say you should never underestimate the wall street promotion machine. But never underestimate the power of enthusiastic buyers who do not know what theyre doing they know nothing some people accuse me of taking the thing too far. They say im not willing to call people out for being morons that are more likely to put retire clorox ceo than i am to put a departing Ceo Jim Hackett on the wall of shame. They think ive become some sort of dalai lama disciple, maybe a wall street Conscientious Objector yesterday i screamed that the fed knew nothing as we were heading into the great recession. What happened to that . I dont know what to tell you. In 2020 the fed has been ahead of the curve every step of the way. Powell may not be an epidemiologist, though he often plays one at the meeting at least he knows, he knew ahead of time. As opposed to the other guys, the last time 2007 how about our elected leaders . Its absolutely insane that congress hasnt passed the extended stimulus package that there seems to be no plan. But thats politics in merg. And at certain point you bash your head against the wall and buyers seem to have taken a knownothing vacation. Maybe, just maybe, i can berate some ignorant traders into managing their money more responsibly. And thats tonights object lesson so i want to start Sorrento Therapeutics you mightve seen them they are a company ive championed repeatedly since june when the stock was trading at 4 they told us how they were working on both a treatment for covid and a prophylactic i recommended it again weeks ago when the stock was eight bucks i told you sorrento had many shots on goal. You mightve thought i was talking about where rico caruso used to hang out it was exactly the kind of covid drug stock that you should be speculating on i had been skeptical myself though i called our terrific bio tech expert to be sure i wasnt off track. Sure enough, last wednesday, now, not tomorrow, buecause tha wouldnt be last, thatd be tomorrow they said theyre announcing a rapid onsite Covid Detection test using saliva from Columbia University that gives you a result in 30 minutes or less their test doesnt need to be shipped it a Reference Lab sorrentos marketing it under the name covid trace and you can potentially take the test at home one day the whole thing is in a single tube and no swab up your nose. When they jam it up your nose, first they tell you its going to be 10 seconds but its really 12 anyway, when i saw it in the news i told my wife about it lisa is her name and were finally going to get out of this mess because sorrento figured it out. Then she told me she always wanted to go to sorrento but that was absolutely nothing. No, i said im talking about Sorrento Therapeutics. And then of course what she said, we couldnt go to sorrento anyway were not allowed to go to italy. But she didnt get it. Sorrento was 8 and change it did nothing on the release. No reaction. So either the market was being very stupid or something, well, lets say someone knew something. Maybe sorrento was being too promotional like turns out the market was just stupid nothing has happened today sorrento rallied 31 to just under 13 the stock markets supposed to be efficient but somehow it took wall street six days to process this news. If anyone ever says too you that the markets pricely instantly, you are now free to call those people naves, especially if theyre professors at colleges on july 23rd, we learned that intel was having problems manufacturing their new seven nanometer transistor which is supposed to be the holy grail. Everyone who followed the industry was shocked that this once great chip maker was struggling the perennial underdog is ready to go thanks to its partnership with taiwan semiconductor. They could take a massive i thought this story was huged and i pushed it aggressively on you just as hard as i could. Arguing that the quarter would also be good in. A matter of days the stock fall. But today jeffreys, a Research Firm puts out a note its titled advance market viruses expect gain sales toing about asell rate. 9. 5 today on that darn news wall street said, boy, were we wrong about this 100 billion business where are my sleeves but you could have easily gotten into this one in the mid60s on the same news a week and a half ago. Frankly, ive been recommending the stock since it was trading at 5 when ceo lisa schooled me about her company had a road map that would allow them to beat intel. It sure did. Finally maybe the dumbest action of the year is this run in bp today. The old british petroleum. Back in february, bp raised its dividend by 2. 4 raised making the case that the world of oil was Getting Better and better and wanted to return money to shareholders because things were so rosy. So what happened when they boosted dividend the stock immediately flew up and was 5 prepandemic today the Company Announces a record loss, pronounces its prospects are incredibly grim and to lower carbon and cuts the dividend in half not only are they telling you business is terrible bp is trying to distance itself from crude while performing cash that stock was down what a parade of horrors. Are you kidding me bp stock rallied 7. 5 . Thats a bigger gain than they got in february when they told you business was great and they raised the dividend. Stupid is as stupid does it turns out the big buyer today was someone by the name of navin johnson. Sometimes the stock market roars and makes perfect sense. But theres also plenty of stupidity, especially during earning season when theres so much news that its hard to keep track of whats going on so the next time you see something totally crazy, it might not, well, its not going to be the fed. It might not be the president. It may just be standard garden variety idiocy ron in alabama, ron . Hey, jim. How are youdoing this is ron from alabama well, ron, how are you today . Im awesome im a secondtime caller so youre going to get a double roll well, i was going to give you sweet home alabama whats going on . Okay. So i turned 59 1 2 this year and i rolled my 401 k to schwab so i get more choices so right now im all in cash but previously i had 40 yeah, they made me liquidate previously i had 40 in a fund called trlgx, which is essentially the faang stocks well put those together and get a fee for it its a terrific business for them, not so much for you. So go ahead. So im thinking in terms about cherrypicking the best out of that. But my question is given the runup, should i put my 40 in the faang all at once . No. You got to stage that because we are eventually going to get a down date. My buddy has said that stocks only go up and hes right. But there may be a day when they do go down when that happens, thats when you have to buy it you cant just come in and do this it is rather amazing that he got involved in may and weve had almost no down day since then. But you have to wait for a down day faang or else i think youre going to get picked off. Lets go to alex in georgia. Alex jim from atlanta, georgia hey, i hope the outbreak there is getting under control there. You know yeah. Its doing all right underarmour and nike have both reported losses. Who do you like and what should i do nike, nike, and then nike nike is charmed. It isnt that bad but they crushed it nike holds up. And when things start Getting Better, holy cow i need to go to rick in New Hampshire. Rick hello, professor cramer longtime, first time thank you for the tenure too. My stock reported earnings did better than expected two quarters in a row. And thats ebay. Im surprised she bthat ebayo doing better though. This is really the one we should be focused on. Because im so busy saying that i like etsy and i like shopify and i like square and i like paypal and i just keep saying those over and over again because theyre right. But let me add sorrento and now novavax. Sometimes the market makes sense. Other times its idiocy meets lunacy tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury can business triumph over these challenging times . Then time to brace for an electric slide tesla might be soaring but i will tell you what could pump the brakes on a company which is actually green giant to see how the pandemic is impacting profits. So stay with cramer. Dont miss a second of mad money. Follow jimcramer on twitter have a question . Tweet cramer madtweets send jim an email to madmoney cnbc. Com. Or give us a call at 1800743cnbc miss something head to mad. Com. Cnbc. Com on squawk box, eyeing the nations economy challenges caused by covid plus, reaction to disneys results. Tomorrow 6 00 a. M. Eastern watch or listen live on the cnbc app. S vehicle at the golden opportunity sales event, lease the 2020 es 350 for 359 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Simon pagenaud takes the lead at the indy 500 coming to the green flag, racing at daytona. Theyre off. In the kentucky derby. Rory mcllroy is a two time champion at east lake. He scores stanley cup champions touchdown only mahomes. The big events are back and xfinity is your home for the return of live sports. As bad as this pandemics been for the country and the world, its given some new light. B g food, vermont made, or most importantly green giant frozen vegetables 2016 through this past march, this stock was untouchable for the past five months though, this stock has been unstoppable. Stocks rallied a quick five bucks since we last checked in with them in early june climbing to 29 and change as of today i was worried when they reported last thursday because the stock was coming in hot. But they gave you their second blowout in a row with 38 sales growth translating into a 10 cent earning. It is pretty hard to forecast out there. But they do continue to see sales and earnings materially exceeding their prepandemic forecast from february the stock sales a bountiful 6. 4 yield. Could it have even more upside or do we have to worry about what we get when we get covid contained . The president and ceo of b g foods, welcome back to mad money. Hello, jim. Thanks so much for having me back great to be here got to tell you the thing that i found was most encouraging is while people are worried about when covid goes away, the number of new households that are trying your food, i think thats a staggering metric that we should all be focused on, correct yes well, new households and also their indication in terms of coming back for more in terms of repeat purchase is terrific. But in fact, you know, new households are the lifeblood of any business but our existing households and were in over 80 of u. S. Households with at least one b g brand. They are making the majority of our sales growth and then the new households are kind of icing on the top of the cake so, it just translated to an outstanding quarter. Now, one of the things that i am really very excited about your company is that while its acquired and traded and gotten rid of and added, what youre doing right now to expand the aisle for green giant, i want you to tell people because its all the exciting stuff that i know not just millennials but people my generation like. Well, yes green giant is really a great story. When b g purchased green giant in 2016, it had been in decline for many years and literally the company reawakened the giant through innovation, really bringing innovation the first in a long time to the category, things like riced vegetables, spiralized vegetables, products made from vegetables that go after other carbohydratetype products like potatoes now were going into pasta, pizza, and pizza crust and the dry rice aisle we are driving a lot of great carbohydratereplacement alternatives with products that are made from vegetables so now instead of just launching new products in the frozen vegetable set, we are now expanding throughout the frozen and now the dry grocery aisle. Vegetables, weve always been told as a kid to eat your fruits and vegetables while green giant has its kind of mainstream vegetables, the innovation that the company has developed and launched since the fall of 2016 is staggering youve got the products cumulatively sold over a half a billion dollars of retail since the first new products were launched and they continue to drive terrific growth for us i was also thrilled that you did something that ive always hoped this company would do, which is that you have dashes which i use dashes because i was told when i was a little boy that salt kills you. And you put it on green giant, which makes all the sense in the world. Yes this fall, its probably one of our firstever combining two products were going to be selling green giant with mrs. Dash already used as a seasoning in the product. Convenience is very important. Healthy eating is very important. So thats a great combination of two really great goodforyou brands i go into my pantry and im thinking, i dont know, what is this stuff you bought. And theres clabbergirl is a fantastic share we made in 2019. Our retail customers want a onestopshop solution, it was a terrific acquisition the company was very well run. And folding it into our Company Really at full stride allowed us to get synergies and things like distribution and things of that nature but its been a terrific acquisition. We brought some wonderful people along with a terrific manufacturing facility in terre haute, indiana virtually ring the closing bell at the New York Stock Exchange last month a great way to honor our heroes and employees working through this pandemic. And it just so happens now that it was a Great Company before. But now people are back into baking so, you have to have baking poweder to bake, and we have over a 90 share of the bake powder market. I think our consumption in the Second Quarter was up 60 or 70 versus the prior year and still growing nicely there is an undercurrent always about, okay, so what happens when things end. You were talking about people are learning about how to cook, which is kind of a lost art because we all went out so often. Thats got to be something that passed the pandemic. Well, its funny. I was hoping youd put us as part of your covid19 portfolio. [ laughter ] however, forget covid19 for a second i havent talked to any company. A lot of my consumer Package Goods peers, been talking to a lot of our Banking Companies and there isnt one company that has said when covids over, were going back with everybody coming to the office five days a week every Single Company ive talked to has said not sure im bringing everybody back because remote work is working really well and of the people that are coming back, probably not bringing them back five days a week in order to allow people to take advantage of better work life balance. So there could be a vaccine tomorrow but i dont know of any company so far that ive talked to that said theyre going back full board the way they did so i think post covid, people will be working more at home which means people will be eating more breakfast at home, which means you can run down at lunchtime and throw a banana bread in the oven, banking and our categories are just perfectly positioned between vegetables, meals including snacks, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, condiments, spices and seasonings, baking, and just perfect. And were across the pantry, were in every aisle, dried food aisle in the store plus the frozen aisle we even have some brands that merchandise in the deli aisle. Were ready to continue to meet consumers needs as they cook and eat more at home you paid down 170 million in debt youve got your Balance Sheet better maybe we can stop worrying about that dividend. People worried when the stock we want to 18 that was a mistake we never talk in the board room about how much were going to increase the dividend. So we dont really have any plans to cut the dividend. Were committed to the dividend. As you know, jim, you followed the Company Early on thats why this company was created. And were very happy to have Just Announced our 64th consecutive dividend and were very happy about paying down debt we know it got a little bit high for folks. And now were right in the middle of the range that we like to be in we will always look to further reduce debt. But then we want to get back on the acquisition trail. We would like to add to the continued valued creation of this company the dollars dont know what to do now. But the buyers know youve got a fantastic brand and a much better Balance Sheet mad moneys back after the break. Right now, switch to tmobile and get four lines of unlimited for just 25 bucks a line. With access to americas largest 5g included. Thats right. Unlimited and nationwide 5g for the whole family for just 25 bucks a line. Only at tmobile. [presenter] stand up if you are. audience applauding dramatic music i will tell you this. Southern New Hampshire university can change the whole trajectory of your life. Based on the action in the market over the last few months, youd think the electric Vehicle Business was booming right now even though the stocks have cooled down over the past couple days, its not right you see, theres a boom in tesla. There is a bull market in tesla. There is a lot of money being made in tesla. This has been a fabulous time to own elon musk electric car company. With a stock thats run from the mid300s in march. Thats a monster 324 gain hows your index fund doing . I am very glad i started recommending this one aggressively last november i can get rid of the im with stupid shirt that i used to wear before i realized tesla was going much higher. But beyond tesla, i think the rest of the electric vehicle space looks like a boom and then more like a bubble we keep seeing more and more of them come public often reversed mergers, special purpose acquisition vehicles their stocks have started to implode. And many of you want to try to catch these falling knives dont people are hoping to find the next tesla, the next tesla of trucks, the next chinese tesla, the next tesla of salami i dont know whatever theyre doing. In fact, some of these electric vehicle plays are a little more than a business plan, not even a full blown business, let alone a good business. The bull market in tesla, its real, and its spectacular the bull market in pt rest of the electric vehicle place feels way less substantial and im warning you to stay away no matter how awesome it seems so tonight i want to go over the ev plays, the other ones, the ones that everyones so crazy about because we seem to get a new one every day. They are awfully hard to keep track of first theres nicolai fuel cell play they come on tv a lot and the guys a nice guy i warned you away from this one. Every few years speculators crowd into the Hydrogen Fuel cell names then the stocks implode and the Technology Never seems to go anywhere nikolai warned you that the stock would spike right out of the gate and then plummet. When we heard that he was nicking with vecto iq. As we got closer to the merger in early june, the took took off it went from 13 at the end of april to nearly 29 at the end of may. At the beginning of june i warned you that this thing would spike if the deal closed at the time it was trading just under 34. And you had to sell it into the spike because theres no way it would last within a few days nikolais stock nearly tripled to an intra day high of 4 closing at just under 80. That is one of those horrible pure wets that all the charts would tell you means its the end. This one has been indeed freefall down hill from here it was currently trading at just under 39 how did i see this coming . I figured the hype would give you one big move higher. But beyond the hype there wasnt much there other than people were going to heckle me endlessly. Nikolais got no products. Thats always a sub optimal way to run a business. The real plan is a Hydrogen Fuelcelled powered truck for 2023 most of it is in the idea, the concept. Nikolai was at 25 billion or even a 14 billion valuation ideas per share is still not a spectacular method its still not buying ideas per share. In some ways the stock was a victim of its own success. The big rally meant that a whole lot of warrants were becoming more valuable. 24 million warrants that let their owners buy the stock at 11. 50 and they also registered 53 million shares owned by their private investors meaning the stock market got flooded with new supply now the company just reported tonight and the stock got hammered in afterhours trading. I dont know what people expected they dont have any products to sell you so how could they have any concrete orders . Think about that for a second. Orders that i thought, they have orders but theyre not building big factories like in china and berlin and stuff like that next up, theres nio, the chinese tesla. This thing came public in september of 2018 and the stocks spiked early last year after it was on 60 minutes before coming back to earth when we got reports of battery fires across china that led to a massive shortfall. They were trading at 2 bucks but as tesla exploded higher over the last few weeks, nio caught fire too, metaphorically only the highs were last month. Its pulled back to 13 and change today i think gold man sacks tells the sale perfectly they downgraded to neutral at six. Then slapped a sell on the stock after it broke out into the teens. I think theyre going to be dead right. Im very spectacle of nio. First theyve got negative gross margins. In other words, theyre a long way from profitability unlike tesla which has reported four straight profitable quarters the chinese tesla is tesla, which has a major factory in shanghai and they were already selling a lot more cars than nio and we have another chinese vehicle they make a Premium Smart electric suv and they say theyre the first to successfully commercialize but the company only started producing its first model in any meaningful volume last november. They have sold a total of 10,400 units total. Stock became public at 11. 50. Here in america spiked about 16, which is where it stayed something i bet chiefs top trade adviser Peter Navarro would dispute. By the end of the year were going to have another chinese, which is the direct competitor these bull markets tend to run out of juice when theres too much surprise because their stocks lose their scarcity value. I was a sceptic even before the chinese trade war. But now just google lock in coffee, please and its not just ipos youve also got the nikolai imitators. Theyre merging with specialpurpose acquisition companies. Theres tortus company thats developed helium Spartan Energy acquisition merged with electrical vehicle play thats working on electric suv. Maybe itll be a hit but this is the stuff that dreams are made of yesterday we heard that Diamond Peak Holdings is merging with lordstown motor which took over chevys old cruise plan in ohio. Theyre working on an electric pickup truck founder previously ran an electric vehicle play workhouse. I wish them all the best of luck with other peoples money. And speaking af this ones been public for a while. It pulled back to 17 today. Theyre working on a couple delivery vans potentially for the post office. Again, maybe it works. But if the hope is a contract with the invalid u. S. Postal service, id say thats a thin read there are many more of these there are too many to mention. And a lot of them are too small to mention but i felt like this is what everybody wants to talk about. So i said, okay, let me just sum them up and give them to you let me give you the bottom line. This is the most important point. Why would you speculate in a chinese electric vehicle play where a Hydrogen Fuel play or any other play, a super speculative one with no sales when you can just own tesla . Especially now that teslas pulling back from its highs. I think its time to stop overthinking the story why go with seven birds in the bush when youve got one in the hand lets go to mike in new jersey jim, mike from jersey shore lets put some mash on for heavens sake. My question is on ford i purchased this stock a month or two ago prior to the company releasing news on the broncos rerelease following the share price i thought if the share price offered some value ive listened to you as you speak of companies with bad Balance Sheets and understand that ford falls with n that category at the present. This morning they announced the change at the top. And i was looking to get your opinion on ford going forward. All right i have to tell you that the previous ceo, i found him mystifying but this guy, this guy farley, he may be the real deal. I like the fact that he bought a million bucks worth of stock, him and his wife we bought the f350 which theyre never called the f350 but this bronco, my wife wants to get rid of the 94 defender, which, by the way is the range rover and get a bronco so i think fords okay for trading but so many younger people own the ford in robin hood youve got some just okay investors. Dont expect an overnight success. Dave in california, dave oh, dane whats going on . Hey, man. Quick question how come you dont throw the chair anymore in the lightning round . Because i hurt my back. I got a l3l4 problem. Two epidurals. Thank heaven for dr. Feely i hurt my back it was really stupid to do that because my back was killing me i couldnt figure out what was killing it i stopped throwing the chair but i still needed the epidurals so whats up hey, quick question so, i am calling today about a stock. Amazon and walmart invested in believing yesterday they struck a deal with a uk super market chain. Is plug a former penny stock recent guest on mad money now a legitimate force ready to turn the power on in the race for green energy i after having plug on and those last two acquisitions that i liked, started seeing the bull case i can understand the bull case because of the deal that you just referred to but, that said, as between plug and tesla, tesla stop overthinking about your vehicle place, please. You got this guy elon musk, hes really smart hes created a tech company. The tech companys name is tesla. Theres much more mad money ahead including my take on the state on business. Then im talking clorox and the packaged food stocks and tonights edition of the lightning round. So stay with cramer. And cant wait until you are too. Universal orlando resort. Buy now and get two days free at the parks. Restrictions apply. Can business triumph over the pandemic maybe the abstract but certainly not all businesses the former ceo of starbucks was on this morning with a plea for the government to help businesses he is dead right without some sort of bailout from washington, hard cash, Eviction Moratorium until the end of the year, expanded unemployment benefits, i feel we can say goodbye to the preponderance of Small Businesses simply dont have the cash to get through to the other side of the pandemic social distancing is the kiss of death for independent brick and mortar retailers there is just not enough room for customers to spend in the places the cost of serving hasnt come down if im going to have to get in line to go to a store or get my temperature ten, i dont know, amazon we need a government thats willing to deal with the inevitable consequences of these policies we need the government to offer Business Interruption insurance because the government closed your business down the thing is as i said over and over again, we dont trade the stocks of Small Businesses they have no representation in this market, not even in the small cap russell 2000 index at most we have companies that have Small Businesses at clients. Etsy, facebook, shopify, paypal. All of those have been on fire because they represent a digital life line for struggling business owners. They help you take your brick and mortar outfit online and that may be the only way to survive here because its probably broken without it at the end of the day though, Small Business loss is big business gain. And thats what we see every day. What propels the stocks of big businesses it starts with the macro today the macro gave us the prism that we used to examine earnings when the price of food stalls or goes lower, we tend to revert to the cramer covid19100 hot list. We are going to get more of these days then we get some positive new orders from manufacturing goods. They didnt look like recession numbers. Your orders up 6. 2 in june, better than expected aircraft increased by 3. 4 , not recession numbers. Maybe weve hit bottom only 12 of the economy but its nice of course in terms of the pandemic, we were in much better shape for most of june than we are now. Still the numbers are great. That unleashed the bull hounds not so much to the industrial as to the consumption stocks when the economy has a pulse, it makes a lot of things come alive. It gives you a chance to accentuate the positive too, which is exactly what happened after the close when one of the key bellwethers of this market, the Walt Disney Company reported what looked to be a just horrendous number. When i saw it, i was, like then i also said youve got to listen to the conference call. Because hes got it wrong. Initially the stock dropped 3 bucks on the release the results were grim even as the earnings came in better than expected the disney plus numbers industry did look terrible. But the help, people took heart that they will be offering mulan into tens of millions of streaming subscribers. They are charging people 29 999 cents to watch that we will see another streaming focused investor day boy that gotpeople going that more than blotted out the 85 drop in theme park revenue to be fair, who really thought it would be better than that after the covid surge in california, youre going to get some strange numbers going forward. Disneys espn has never had basketball numbers in the summer months and that will help with that lets just say its not as bad as we thought. Believe me, if the macro were weak, this stock wouldve sunk like a stone but when you see Better Airline numbers, traffic up 43 month over month in july, you get the possibility of a saliva test that sore entheo talked about. You begin to have visions of the post social distancing economy and thats how the stock of disney ended up so strong. Home entertainment is still the star of the show we didnt get to take take 2 interactive. We had a big storm here in the east but the nba 2k were on fire. That gave you an almost tenpoint game the bank stocks are beginning to report that bad loans have increased. Its very subtle its in smaller print. But its something that shouldve made you worry about the viability of their dividends. But people ignored it today. The banks are the biggest intersection between struggling Small Business and thriving stock market even as many reported okay numbers, i think the loan lost visions they put aside simply arent big enough for the fed or the treasury to make peace with, particularly without some sort of compromise from washington. I envision numbers loss so big that youll want to sell perhaps a good employment number on friday. And who can resist from buying carnival, norwegian, they all filled out some of the largest percentage gainers when you combine the macro with the prospect of a stimulus deal, you are going to see a big deal in the struggling stocks so they got less competition more of them fall by the wayside each day home depot and costco which reports monthly numbers tomorrow night. And of course amazon up nicely today. Not to mention dollar tree, dollar general, Burlington Stores and even l brands, although the latters more of a selfhelp store. Sure there were some covid19 index winners. The market surged for something with a pulse the fact that disney had a pulse and a stock that could fly after the hours tells you the bulls are still in charge, especially if congress is still making progress on the stimulus but the other part of the market, the noncovid part ended up playing catchup today that move may not be over. Stick with cramer. Lightning round is sponsored by Td Ameritrade it is time for the lightning round. And then the lightning round is over. Are you ready . Lets go to sammy in louisiana booya, jim youve done real good with your show. Im sorry oh, my staff is fantastic weve got dylan there. Hes amazing whats up . And youre great too. Oh, thank you and also i just want to let you know today when a robo call called me, i insulted it when i said you can throw the margin out the window to see the butterfly for all i care okay. I couldnt wait to tell you that [ laughter ] sam, are you from lake charles or lafayette anyway, whats your thought about kellogg . I like kellogg. I think its okay. Not my favorite food stock but its not bad its not as bad as it used to be lets go to ryan in oregon ryan booya, dr. Cramer. Thank you very much hey, im calling about a company focused on the development of cloudbased platforms for Work Management what are your thoughts on smart sheet . No. If youre going to do cloudbased work, my fav which is indeed salesforce. Com bill in pennsylvania, bill im nervous over rival teslas ridehailing service whats your take on uber uber has to get rid of anything that isnt making money. And i think they have the capability of doing it but if they dont, its not going to work. Although i do like their tieup with clorox. Daniel hello, jim. How are you doing today . I am doing fine thank you for asking how about you . Its good thanks for taking my call. I appreciate that. I called you about a month ago and i asked your advice about pinterest and it worked out very well well, there you go. I like this guy. I like ben how about dropbox thats a tougher one because doesnt really like them im a seller, not a buyer. And that, ladies and gentlemen is the conclusion of the lightning round. The lightning round is sponsored by Td Ameritrade take control of your financial future with the new madmoney. Cnbc. Com. Full interviews, analysis, even your own sound board plus, special access to mad money 101 with rules and techniques to break down the market for all investors the red flag that makes me drop a stock immediately is its everything you need right when you need it the new madmoney. Cnbc. Com. We gotta take off. You downloaded the Td Ameritrade mobile app so you can quickly check the markets . Yeah, actually im taking one last look at my dashboard before we board. Excellent. And you have thinkorswim mobile so i can finish analyzing the risk on this position. You two are all set. Have a great flight. Thanks. Well see ya. Ah, theyre getting so smart. Choose the app that fits your investing style. The covid19 pandemic is creating Food Insecurity on a scale not seen in decades. An estimated 54 million americans will struggle with hunger. With 200 food banks and 60,000 meal programs, feeding america is the largest hungerrelief organization in the country. Join Morgan Stanley in supporting feeding america and your local Community Food bank. Booya you can see more of me on peacock, the new streaming service for nbc news universal stream money tips for free learn more at peacocktv. Com. The upstart founder first on cnbc earnings impact, squawk on the street 9 00 a. M. Eastern listen live on the cnbc app. How long can the Consumer Packaged Goods Companies keep putting up such spectacular numbers . [ cheers and applause the problem is no one knows. Not the analysts, certainly not the investors. Yesterday clorox posted 24 organic growth the stock falls 5 yesterday and then rallies 5 today. More of that bathroom behavior that i referenced at the top of the show it gets more confusing unlike the rest of the developed world, we dont have the virus contained. No other rich country has this kind of outbreak, not in europe, not in asia. Right now were more comparable to mexico or brazil. You got to make sure that something kills covid. On the other hand, we got a recession. The cheaper knockoff brands that hasnt happened so far. In part because we had those generous jobless benefits until last week, partly because people are shopping online. Online youre more likely to go with brands you trust. Thats three levels of confusion. I think as were taking a closer look at each of them through the lens of clorox, given that we just spoke to the fantastic ceo of clorox last night the bad news, we have the most conservative outlook imaginable with a forecast that left a lot of room for a downed year. Clorox is very well run but at the end of the day they sell cleaning products and trash bags they cant afford to recommend a stock with management flag and decelerating numbers they didnt bother to go underneath and ask which categories, probiotics, trash bags mightve gone from pandemic to actually secular hygiene and stay at home necessities so they were all kind of halfhearted today like i told you last night i think clorox was extremely conservative because the ceo wants to make life easier for success if we happen to get a vaccine sooner than expected but if youre like me and you think the pandemics far from over, clorox can be the best nontech stock out there. Benno couldve easily let the analysts run wild with their imagination. But with those conservative numbers they are forced to take down the rest. We are heading into the cold and flu season where wiping down a snot surface will be important people are stuck at home heres what really matters, if you think were get a vaccine or a treatment sooner than expected, then sell the stock on clorox if you think itll take longer, you buy the stock on clorox. My gut tells me it is more upside will the you might want to wait for the next pullback before you pull the trigger stick with cramer. Our market share looks good, but. Drone voice where are the bagels . Well, cdw can help you modernize your company the right way, with a scalable infrastructure from hpe, making you more efficient and secure. Great. Oh. [ drones buzz angrily ] lets find a different room. For transformation that works, you need Hewlett Packard enterprise and it orchestration by cdw. People who get it. Look, i see a lot of stuff thats going up. Retails starting to head up and i know that covid index headed up. And the thing im most worried about is the banks and i know that its tough to sell something thats low and something that has high dividends. But they just kind of feel like the Real Estate Investment trusts not that long ago before everything gave up there is always a bull market somewhere and i promise i will find it just for you right here on mad money. Im jim cramer and i will see you tomorrow ignited americas entrepreneurial spirit, and we are still blazing a trail. For those who take their fate into their own hands by working hard. We took a huge chance. I quit a fulltime job. By working smart. Who here would like to help us refine the gentleman . By thinking big. Boomboom is intended for intense refreshment and rejuvenation. And chasing their dreams. My dream is want to come america to be a fashion designer. Narrator and tonight, legendary nba star and investor Charles Barkley joins the tank. Barkley anytime it comes to investing, youre really investing in people. You seem to be on the right track, and im willing to take the chance. Your margins suck. I think your valuation is gonna need a haircut

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