Clubhouse, a tiny audio chat app, breaks through
17 Feb, 2021 05:00 AM
8 minutes to read
New York Times
By: Erin Griffith and Taylor Lorenz
The 11-month-old app has exploded in popularity, even as it grapples with harassment, misinformation and privacy issues.
Robert Van Winkle, who is better known as the rapper Vanilla Ice, held court online last week with
more than 1,000 fans.
In a rambling conversation, Van Winkle praised the poses of the 1990s band Bell Biv DeVoe and demurred when asked about his relationship with Madonna. He dispensed advice on real estate and life, saying, "You got to protect your happiness to protect your life." At one point, an attendee serenaded the gathering with an a cappella version of his hit "Ice Ice Baby."