KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — The Clemson track and field program sent select student-athletes to the Tennessee Challenge on Saturday to compete one final time before ACC Championships begin on May 12. Several Tigers set personal bests and both the men’s and women’s teams are well-positioned to excel at the conference championship meet. HIGHLIGHTS Courtney Williams set a PR and won the 200 meter dash, completing the race in 23.57 seconds. Sofia De Coteau cleared a personal-best 1.71 meter mark in the high jump, highest of any competitor in the event. Max Livesey also set a personal-best in the high jump, leaping over a 1.95 meter bar. The Tigers next action will be the ACC Championship in Durham, N.C. from Thursday May 12 through Saturday, May 14. For all the most up-to-date information regarding Clemson track and field, visit and follow @ClemsonTrackXC on Twitter and Instagram.