Can Skipping Dinner Help You Lose Weight? Here's The Answer From Nutritionist
Can Skipping Dinner Help You Lose Weight? Here's The Answer From Nutritionist
Weight loss: Do you skip dinners to reduce your calorie intake? If yes, you must know that it might not helps in weight loss. instead make you consume unnecessary calories later. Read here to know how.
Weight loss: Eat a healthy and light dinner to avoid gastric issues
Eat some thing light like dal chawal for dinner
Eat dinner a few hours before bed time
Many tend to skip dinners to cut calorie intake before bed. But dinner is an important meal just like lunch and breakfast. The rule is to eat dinner at the right time and choose the right ingredients to curb hunger. It is always advised to eat a light dinner. Not just a healthy weight, light dinners can also keep digestive issues at bay. A heavy meal for dinner often makes you feel uneasy and disturb your sleep. It can also lead to gastric issues. Now, you might be wondering about the best time to eat dinner and what you should eat and avoid. Here are all the answers you are looking for.