Cam Rewind Highlights: Tropical Storm Elsa
Video recap of fun waves up and down the East Coast
Dashel Pierson
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As mentioned in our Swell Story, recent Tropical Storm Elsa gave East Coasters a welcomed change in surf scenery from the typical summer doldrums – ranging all the way from Florida (Twin Piers, Navarre Pier) to New York (90th Street Rockaways, Lincoln Blvd.), to Maine (Long Sands), and many places in between. And our cams captured the highlights.
Surfline’s Mike Watson broke it down like this:
“Elsa crossed Cuba last week, briefly restrengthening into a hurricane for six hours Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. The Gulf was in the line of fire, but West Florida surfers had to wait a good chunk of the day on Tuesday the 6th before the swell showed itself. It finally filled in late afternoon into early evening, resulting in some really fun surf for the last few hours of the day. The Panhandle was next up, getting some short to mid-period swell on Wednesday, but Elsa’s track set up pretty decent winds and conditions.