By 151 Votes in Favour to 2 Against, with 1 Abstention, Fifth Committee Approves $3.21 Billion Budget for 2021, Concluding Main Part of Seventy-Fifth Session
30 DECEMBER 2020
United States Speaker Says Funds Would Support Event Perpetuating Anti-Semitism, Delegates also Argue Over Outlays for Mechanism Investigating Serious Crimes in Syria
The Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) wrapped up the main part of its seventy-fifth session on Wednesday by approving resources of $3.21 billion for the 2021 regular budget, the Organization's second annual budget in nearly 50 years. After the United States' representative's request for a recorded vote, the budget was approved with 151 delegates voting in favour, the United States and Israel voting against, and one abstention by Sudan.