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He is this morning with a slightly dialback version of that speech, but still some very tough messages, saying the u. S. Will stand up against authoritarian governments and repressive governments, talking about hong kong as an example of what happens when china embraces liberty and slamming both nike kowtowinga for their to china, saying some people in the nba are acting like it is a whollyowned subsidiary of an authoritarian government. , they tough messages question is how they are going to be read in beijing and that mood is very important as we go toward that meeting and the possible finding of a trade deal of which relate would put a pause in this trade war. Not just going after china, but going after u. S. Companies that go along with chinas. Ishes, that is pretty harsh at the same time, he does mention hong kong, because we are not trying to decouple from china, but how is beijing going to regard the issue of human rights they put together in the same speech as what is going on with trade . It is really hard to figure out how they are going to react to this. There is a lot of different forces at work in beijing, certainly people who want to try to get to a pause in the trade wars but china has its own and they are not going to react well to the Vice President of the United States giving them a lecture on human rights. This is all looking forward to that meeting next month. Trumppence said he thinks he is going to get xi to sign phase one of the deal. We had a report today that theres 20 billion in agriculture. How does that deal look right now . Maybe it is going forward. Looks like we are making some , the u. S. N that side trade representative, treasury secretary steve, the u. S. Trade representative, treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin and the Vice President of china argued to get on the phone tomorrow and talk more about how they can get this on paper. The interesting news is coming out of china and its more details on how they see agricultural purchases progressing. In slightly disappointing news if you are an american armor, the chinese are saying in year one they are really only going to go back to 20 billion or so in agricultural purchases that you were seeing every year before these trade wars started. And that any future increase in purchases to the 40 or 50 million side of the President Trump is talking about would really depend on progress in the talks and in some ways, that is code from china for the u. S. Is going to have to take off some more tariffs if they want to get these purchases done. Those patient farmers are not very happy, thats not going to be good news for them. Reporting now from washington, lets go to the white house now and check in with kevin. I couldnt believe yesterday, this looked like 30 congressmen bursting into a closed session. What is going on up there . Was absolutely political chaos designed for cable news yesterday as a group of her pelican house members entered into a secure facility during an impeachment inquiry hearing that was supposed to be held in confidentiality and is supposed to be held in a secure facility with no cell phones and no other mechanisms for lawmakers to report what was going on. Democrats have pushed back forcefully against those groups of republicans who entered into the facility. Meanwhile, im told by sources connected to the white house that the president is forcefully standing by. He said it was designed to create the appearance of a lack of transparency on speaker policy and other Committee Impeachment inquiry. Demanding that these hearings be held in the public, they feel that the public has a right to full transparency for these hearings. Democrats are saying that these hearings ought to be done behind closed doors because they deal of National Security information. The bottom line, this is just largely designed to be a distraction as the impeachment inquiry continues onward. The next hearing again behind closed doors is scheduled for saturday. A lot going on on capitol going overome things in Great Britain because we have a future Prime Minister, he has called for a general election he wants to happen on december 12, he said hes going to table a motion in parliament on monday. Now, he says he was an election on december 12. We will see but that means for that extension on brexit. In the meantime, we go to matt miller. You were there for a historic event today, tell us about it. It really was a nice event. There wasnt a lot to do with Monetary Policy here today, the rates were left unchanged, the Purchase Program was left unchanged, and the new one that announced last month isnt really going to even go into effect until november 1, the day that christine takes over. He did reflect a little bit on his tenure as president of the ecb saying that he tried at all times to fulfill his mandate as best possible, he would have preferred to return policy to normal from negative rates, but since the economy changed, he wasnt able to do that. In the felt justified reopening of the Purchase Program and a cut of rates in even deeper negative territory than last month because of the that we had out, data points that we had over the past couple of weeks. He talks a little bit about christine lagarde, everyone is that weasking, do you have advr the new president . And he said i dont have any advice, she knows better than anyone else what she needs to do. So, a real vote of confidence in christine lagarde. Thes like she will take up same accommodative policy stance that this ecb has followed. Thealked a little bit about bond purchases, said theres still going to be enough bonds for them out there to buy, and he didnt want to give advice to any specific countries because everyone is asking in regards to their own fiscal policy. That is still the main open question, and humanlike government to step in with some fiscal health. She may need all the help she can get them into that job. Covering the ecb from frankfurt today and also was going on in the markets, how they are reacting to all the things we are talking about. It looks like it is more of an earnings day. It is more of an earnings kind of day, you would think that mike pence, his comments might move the market. That didnt really happen. There was such a bearish reaction to him in the past but we are seeing a little bit of a reaction right now around the u. K. News, but the real story on the earnings as youre talking about, we are seeing that between the divergence between the dow and the nasdaq. Cap, clearly the winning story. I want to go to exactly what you talked about, the dow in the nasdaq. What is below the surface of that story . A mixed quarter, but they also are talking about the macro uncertainty, questioning whether or not we are seeing that. Some companies are talking about the trade war and other uncertainties. The nasdaq being held up by the likes of tesla, i know its pretty incredible. Huge volatility, you never know what they are going to put off and in this case, a put up a surprise profit. They also did record delivery, elon musk saying this is the promised shorts. You save somers, cost and you make some money, that is sort of reassuring. It is. We turn now to mark crumpton. Happy toent trump was see House Republicans protesting the impeachment investigation. Told foxnewssham the president was very supportive of the move. About two dozen House Republicans crashed a secure room at the capital yesterday. They wanted a closeddoor hearing open to all members of congress, not just those on specific committees. Another deliver a blackout in california leaves more than a halfMillion People across the state in the dark. Pg e had cut power to try to keep electrical lines from starting wildfires. Meanwhile, a major fire north of san francisco. British police have confirmed that all 39 people found dead in a refrigerated container truck near an english port for chinese citizens. A magistrate gave detectives another 24 hours to question the truck driver, a 25yearold man from Northern Ireland who was arrested on suspicion of attended murder. He has not been charged and police have not released his name. Lebanons president pleaded with tens of thousands of protesters who paralyzed the nation for days. He addressed a willingness to meet with the demonstrators. He is urging them to back Economic Reforms proposed by the countrys Prime Minister as a step toward saving the country from economic collapse. Global news 24 hours a day on air and tictoc on twitter. Powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in more than 120 countries. This is bloomberg. Pence makes, mike it clear that trade is not the only issue that washington has as we see him continue to speak down in washington. We will discuss all of this with Stephanie Kelly next on balance of power. This is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. That broke news earlier, british Prime Minister Boris Johnson is seeking a general election on december 12. The pound is down significantly, while the European Union has still not signed off on a brexit extension period to go over this, we have Stephanie Kelly. Welcome, great to have you here. Lets talk about this news for a nonyou cases in. What does it mean, youve asked for an election for, can you get it . Weve been calling for this election in terms of how we look at the scenario, what going to happen, was most likely. For us, the politics is so unsustainable in the U K Parliament and the inability to move forward or move backward. In the past, johnson is try to put this election and the Opposition Labor Party has said no way, not until we know we are going to get the extension. We dont want to accidentally have no deal. Where we accidentally leave without any deal here in where we are now is slightly different, because it is clear that the European Union is going to grant that extension period they might want to start that before they actually sign, seal, deliver. Realistically, thats where we are going with this. Come outs likely to and say we are going to support an extension, they already said they will. It is a staging issue. The timing becomes a little relevant here. Untils, lets just go november 15. As opposed to the january 31 date. It sort of matters which one they give. It absolutely does matter to the fact that this general election has been called for will condition responses. Has always said we will provide an extension so long as we know that something is going to change, and you dont get much more change than a general election. Either johnson wins the election and has a mandate for that agreement or to get a different government with different circumstances. What they are hoping is something changes so that a deal can be passed and they can move on. But does that mean that with this general election if it gets called, it makes it more likely the extension with the january 31 . Because they dont want to get in the middle of a parliamentary election. If e. U. Have not made that i woulder the weekend, be extremely surprised if they decided they were still not going to extend to january. I think they will do end of january if its clear the election is going to take place. It just becomes a question of which gets announced first. Thats taken a turn to china and the United States. As weve seen, hence has been speaking down in washington. What i would describe as top love. You dont want to disengage, decoupled with china. At the same time, you are getting away with that for a long time. We want to put an end to that. How does this fit in with the phase one agreement in november . How the tone is received by china but i think today was very much about treading the line so that they so harsh thatoss its going to discourage them working towards a deal. On the chinese side, its very clear that they want to get some kind of deal and at the very least, stop the escalation. For them, the incentives are very much to try and keep going, however, i think pence is going to be careful to toe the line between saying something but not saying too much. That deal,lk about if there is a deal. It looks right now like china is saying we will give you some stuff, but not very much. Just getting us back to where we were, no improvement in u. S. Position. Is china basically saying, we are not really moving forward until you start to take tariffs off . Is a crucialis challenge with this deal which is when it came out, everyone was right to be relatively skeptical because the reason they are calling it a phase one is because there is an acceptance of what this is. You have this neverending wage between what the u. S. Want and what china will give and that has not gone away. Given that it has not gone away, we should continue to because just and cautiously optimistic that some kind of deal gets done. Whatever is done with the u. S. , trump will counted as a win either way. Down to if he is willing to do a limited deal or does he want to continue to push back . The point that everyone makes is that is a decision made by the president and nobody else and we dont know until we know. We have, as you know, a fairly robust set of democratic candidates, but it sort of comes down in symbolism the joe biden as a moderate, and Elizabeth Boren as a progressive. Elizabeth warren as a progressive. A lot of investors say Elizabeth Warren would be a different kind of government. Are they right . Yes, in terms of the tone. If she was to be successful there would be a significant reaction to market as they start to understand her policies. Deconstructing the way that we think about corporate for the markets and the way they interact with the economy, and very much shifting focus on the labor. For markets, you can imagine that would take a risk off. The crucial question everyone is going to be asking is, can she do this . We all know that having the white house is not enough. To do things like medicare for all, you did congress and the democrats have a top pass at the senate. 2020 could be quite volatile as investors are trying to see if shes going to be able to win. Guide,istory is any there is a lot of volatility, and a lot of apprehension about donald trump becoming president and they are going to do away with carried interest, all these things. It didnt quite play out that way. Its hard to know how it might actually develop. Thets hard to know in precise policies that come through, but the tone i think is very clear. Welldeveloped policymaker in terms of detail. What she ends up being able to the message, we are not happy with big businesses, global trade that is not benefiting the u. S. And where that gets articulated, the overall tone is probably more hostile to business. Great to have you here. Can watch the full speech by mike pence on china on bloomberg, that speech is ongoing even as we speak. In the meantime still ahead, 3m shares are falling the most in sixmonth hit in part by china. Balance ofomberg power on television and on radio. This is balance of Power Television and on radio. Time for the stock of the hour. Worst daying for its since april after the company cut its outlook once again as the industrial slowdown takes its toll. Again is the key phrase. They have cut their outlook five times in the past seven quarters, this is just the latest. Is significantly lower than even their previous lowend which is 9. 25, also a far cry from what they were expecting. Keep in mind that this time last year, they thought 2019 earnings were going to be over 11. We are almost two dollars short of that in part of this is because acquisition but the larger thing is this broader industrial slowdown. They are becoming the poster child for this trade war having a lot of impact on investment in manufacturing and thats especially true in china which is a key market for them. 5 , so china,bout a big issue. Even when you put that aside, the ceo in the statement said the environment is very tough, part of that is what you think about auto. There is a slowdown in auto sales, there is a lot of headwind here. In terms of posted notes, they are much more than that. Lot of the components, a lot of manufacturing around the world, a lot of the sciencebased stuff comes from them. Is this a 3m issue or a broader issue . I think its both. Yes, the fact that the Company Points significantly to this macro environment being so difficult does not bode well for the industrial sector as a whole and is not the worst Industrial Company thats earnings are going to talk out. We have caterpillar doing the same thing yesterday for the first time in almost three years. Yes, that holds true, however i think there are some idiosyncratic factors that come to play when it really underperforms. Again, when you look at all these guidance cuts, you have to , did they set unrealistic expectations, are they a little bit too optimistic that this picture was going to be better than it really is . When will they get there sea legs . You take the hit earlier on and when the earnings come back, you are not surprised. They seem surprised fairly often now. Last quarter, the Company Stock by its guidance. Cut is ahis quarters little bit more significant. Stock obviously getting hit. En days to go until the brexit deadline. And from the managing director, michael ward. That is next on balance of power and we are on Bloomberg Television and we are on bloomberg radio. From the couldnt be prouders to the wait did we just winners. Everyone uses their phone differently. Thats why Xfinity Mobile lets you design your own data. Now you can share it between lines. Mix with unlimited, and switch it up at anytime so you only pay for what you need. Its a different kind of Wireless Network designed to save you money. Save up to 400 a year on your wireless bill. Plus get 250 back when you buy an eligible phone. Call, click, or visit a store today. David from new york, this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. Im david westin. For bloomberg first word news, we go to mark crumpton. Mark Boris Johnson will seek a general election on december 12. The Prime Minister briefed his captain and announced a motion will be put to parliament for a vote on monday. It will need a two thirds majority for an election to be called. If it succeeds, johnson said he would give mps more time to delegate his brexit deal. The European Union is expected to grant a threemonth brexit extension on friday. David westin will have more in a few moments. The Associated Press reports to month before the phone call that launched the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, the newly elected ukrainian leader was worried about pressure from the u. S. President to investigate his democratic rival joe biden. He countered a small group of advisers in may to discuss his Nations Energy needs. Instead, the group spoke for hours about how to navigate white house insistence for a probe on how to become avoid becoming in tangled in the american elections. Democratic candidate for president Pete Buttigieg wants to level the Playing Field for women in pay, health care, and safety by spending 10 billion on a socalled womens agenda. The money would be used to combat Sexual Harassment in the workplace, address gender discrimination and wage, and provide credit toward Social Security for unpaid caregiving. New projections by a u. S. Census Bureau Research shows the u. S. Will add 79 Million People in the next 40 years. That will put about 400 Million People a year by the year 2058. But the countrys growth rate will slow as the population gets older. By 2034, the number of people over 65 will outnumber children for the first time in u. S. History. Global news 24 hours a day, onair, and tictoc on twitter, powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in over 120 countries. Im mark crumpton. This is bloomberg. You, mark. K every day brings a brexit twist or turn. Today is no exception with Prime Minister johnson calling for a general election in the u. K. On december 12. For the british point of view from the government and private sector on whats happening and what it means, we welcome Antony Phillipson in new york, and michael ward, managing director of parents. Harrods. I have a tough time following what is going on in the parliamentary process in the u. K. How does this election that was just called for, if it happens, fit with the request for an extension to the eu . Antony always a pleasure to talk about this topic. It is a very live, dynamic issue. To your question, we will see what the house of commons votes on. They are literally voting as we sit here now, on the queens speech. The Prime Minister has said that he wants to have a vote on monday about the general election in order to address the consequences of the recent vote where the house of commons gave, endorsed the general direction of the bill but said they wanted more time to scrutinize it. That is what the Prime Minister is doing, calling for a general election. I served the government today and im waiting to see what happens next, just as you are. David you interject a third issue. We have the possible extension of brexit from the eu, the call for general election, as well as the queens speech, sort of the agenda for the government. They are voting on that now. What happens in that is rejected . Antony we will have to wait and see. It is uncharted territory. It is relevant to the broader context, shows the Prime Minister thinks there needs to be another return to the people in the general election. We will have to wait to see what happens. David michael, we all know harrods. What does this do to you, how does this affect you . There is a certain amount of uncertainty happening in london. It does not affect us because we sit at the top of society. People thaty, the most impacts are the people who can least afford it. That is the real problem of this process of brexit. The u. K. Luxury industry exports 18 of its products. It will cause the luxury industry 6. 8 billion pounds in exports. We will get over it, but it will be a painful temporary transition. David that depends critically on what the arrangements are postbrexit. I understand that will take a while to sort out what the trade terms are. Michael correct. Avid antony, you are involved how long could this take . Antony there are two aspects to the issue that michael is talking about. What is the future relationship between the eu and the u. K. . That will be negotiated as part of the future agreement. At the same time, we are focused on deepening and strengthening an extraordinary relationship tween the u. S. Between the u. S. And the u. K. We want to make sure we have a great dialogue with industry, which is why it is great to have michael here this week, to tell us what they want to see from the governments, from a forward trade agenda, and avoiding some of the headwinds. David which of the largest export markets for the u. K. Producers United States versus europe, asia . Michael United States is hugely important for us. New york in particular is 35 of the luxury market. New york is in the top three at 75 of members as the primary area. David this is an organization of luxury brands. Michael the u. K. Association of luxury brands, representing 267 brands. Every aspect of luxury. Part of our mission here is to bring all those brands to new york, to effectively sell product to america. How important new york is to the group. Michael new york is 35 of the luxury market in america. David i live in new york, i did not know that. That is news to me. I understand there are a lot of things you cannot predict, know what is happening. What is going on within the British Government as this continues . Antony we are focused on delivering brexit, that is what they are working through in the u. K. Now. What we are focused on is saying what is the opportunity to work with michael and his companies, sectors across the uks economy, to deepen and strengthen relationships between the u. K. And the u. S. Going forward. We also would like to get to a world where we are not applying tariffs to each other. Speaking with Antony Phillipson, the u. K. Counsel general, as well as michael ward, the managing director of harrods. Issues in london, michael. Do you have people that say i dont know if we can live here anymore . A lot of europeans living in the u. K. Are there issues about where people will live, kids go to school . Are issues,re particularly amongst our workforce. We have a large number of european to our employees who are europeans. We have been working with them for some time about how we can make sure that they can apply for citizenship, continue to be in the u. K. Have heard from President Trump and others about the possibility of an upside in u. S. U. K. Trade relations as a result of brexit. You see that from your point of view . I think it is twofold. It is a great opportunity for walpole brands. America will open up more. S perspective, the majority of our growth is eastward. China is our biggest market, close to the u. K. Market for harrods. David so china growth is important to you. Michael we represent about 25 of the retail spend of the chinese in the united kingdom. David great to have you both year, very informative. That is Antony Phillipson, and michael ward. Breaking news. 2020 news. The historically large democratic field continues to shrink. Ryan has officially ended his president ial campaign, will be seeking reelection for his congressional seat in the 13th district of ohio. This is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. I have therefore instructed the secretary of the treasury to lift all sanctions imposed on in response to turkeys original offense, moves against theku kurds. ,o the sanctions will be lifted unless something happens that we are not happy with. Created by outcome us, the United States, and nobody else. David that was president from yesterday declaring victory, making the ceasefire permit and turkey. Kurds joining us is Robert Kaplan now. We have talked a lot about what has happened in northeast syria from the u. S. Point of view, kurds point of view, but what about turkey, did president erdogan do this for domestic purposes. The things that he has been doing for the past years are for domestic purposes. He initially wanted to get the islamists behind him in turkey. Now that there is less investment, the economy is in a downward spiral, he did something that played to the nationalists in turkey, which is out of thekurds border area in order to move all of the Syrian Refugees inside turkey, who are unpopular in turkey, over to a border into an empty space. It is all domestically focused from turkeys point of view. President trump played along with him essentially. David this may give president erdogan Political Support back home. But what does it do for his economy . He has some issues. Occupying 20 miles of northeast syria will not help his economy, i dont think. Robert it will not. The kurdish problem is also chronic to turkey. All over the country and in major cities. This problem is not going away. It is a shortterm benefit for turkey. Truth is, International Investors dont have confidence in president erdogan who is quickly losing support, has personalized economic decisionmaking, making decisions for political rather than purely economic reasons. There is no light at the end of the tunnel at the moment. Erdogan is at his weakest point, even with the events over the last two weeks or so, is more or less at his weakest point since when he came into office, which is going on 17 years now. David president erdogan may or may not come out of this stronger. What about president putin in russia who brokered the deal and erdogan. We hear a lot about russia asserting itself not only in syria but also africa. Robert two ways to look at it. Russia has gained syria. Going back to the middle of the cold war and soviet union, they had a naval base on the mediterranean coast of northwest syria. It feared losing syria, and that is why it intervene. Now it has syria. Is the holden to him. Syria is like an appendage of russia in terms of power influence. That is the positive way to look at it for putin. The negative weight is now he has the mess of syria. Now he has to mr. Peace, turkey, and iran, all of whom have interests that are different. A neoisolationist they argue, good riddance with syria. David whether we call at that or not, President Trump declared victory, saying we got out of there. We went into the middle east to make peace, but we are better off out of there. He has made no secret he does not want to be in these wars anymore. Are we creating a vacuum for president putin to step in . Robert it is not a matter of leaving but how you leave. There are a lot of situation throughout Foreign Policy history where it is a good thing to leave a place. But the way you negotiate that departure says everything about you as a great power. Youyou dependable, will still have the back of your friends, is your word good . Remember, it took nixon and kissinger several years to remove Ground Troops from vietnam from 1969 thiem 1972. The slow moving way they did it allow them to open up china, regimeff the elder assad in syria, get a Nuclear Arms Limitation talks in the soviet union. All of this was because they did not pull out all those troops from the nonimmediately and suddenly vietnam immediately and suddenly. David there was a time where turkey thought it was becoming more closely allied with the European Union. Their opinion is not having as good a time of it right now. Germany had their pmi numbers came out. They are still below 50, shrinking in their manufacturing base. Is this a long term chronic situation, or a blip . Robert i dont know. All i know is that the european economy has not been doing well for years. Since the great recession, what we have called growth is anemic growth. Very anemic growth at that, and look at all the problems, the political problems that has kicked off in spain, italy, greece, which is just out into recover now. Now europe is going to slip into recession, just as china and russia are increasing pressure on influence in europe. China moving into italy with the maritime aspects of belt and road, managing the port in greece. China putting pressure on european governments to accept emerging fiveare g network, as opposed to that of the United States. It is only going to make europe more vulnerable. David we are talking with Robert Kaplan of the eurasia group. Is china a challenge or opportunity for western europe . Specifically, germany. It is basically an export economy. If china is growing, they will buy more things. Germany exports a fair amount to china. Is that a challenge or opportunity . Robert both. Especially germany, dont want to move that close to china as the regime goes from soft and light authoritarianism to a harder edge, suffocating form of authoritarianism. But they have no option. This is where the money is. This is where the growth is. Even as we are in a period where the u. S. Appears less and less dependable. David as you talk about suffocation, mike pence was giving a speech in washington. One of the things he said was it looks like the nba was a wholly owned subsidiary with beijing. Did they overplay their hand because of that one general managers tweet . It sent a message to companies that you have to go along with what china wants, including we dont want you tweeting things. Robert i believe it overplayed its hand. On the other hand, xi jinping, his policy is basically to set a tone, dont fool around with us. We are more dependable in terms of policy than the United States at this moment in history. All of itsad, for problems, is a grand idea, and organizing principle. The americans have had none since they pulled out of the transpacific partnership. His hand,e overplayed but did so from a strong position. David many thanks to Robert Kaplan, managing director of the eurasia group. We will have more with him on bloomberg radio, talking more about china and other things. Coming up, they stormed the doors yesterday. A group of republican congressman made an entrance into the closed door impeachment investigation. What was that all about . Balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. David this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. Im david westin. Mark zuckerbergs testimony yesterday was not the only big show up on capitol hill. While it was going on, about 30 republican members of the house barged into to secure hearing room where a pentagon official was testifying in a closed session. Here to its plain what is going on is anna edgerton. Clearly, it was a stunt, but wasnt more than that, do the republicans have a point, that this should not be secret . Anna it was a stunt to illustrate that they have a problem with the process. A process, at this point, is happening behind closed doors. The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee has promised eventually these hearings will take place in a public setting. For now, theyre interviewing witnesses behind closed doors to gather information before they get to that step. It has to be pointed out, some of the republicans protesting yesterday can be included in these hearings. The houseembers of Foreign Affairs oversight and intelligence committees. They can be in the room, they didnt need to storm into do this. But they wanted to make the broader point that the process is not open. Not every member of the house has access to the documents at this point. Good point. Republicans are not excluded altogether, you have to be a member of the committee. Hearings behind closed doors because of classified information. Is that what is going on here . Is it just that the democrats want to hold their cards close to the vest . Necessarilynot classified information although classified information could come up in the setting. The state department and the Defense Department has prohibited their employees from testifying. These testimonies have been happening under subpoena. These are socalled from the subpoena is that the committees issue as an agreement with the witness attorneys, but it can legalem gives them cover to appear before the committees, saying i had no choice, even though you told me not to participate. I had to participate under subpoena. That also gives stricter guidelines on what can be released to the public. This testimony happening so far has happened with more rigorous restrictions on what can be shared in a public setting. David you have said adam schiff said eventually they will be public. When is that . Anna we had reported yesterday that this could happen in the next two weeks. He spoke with two lawmakers on these committees that said they are coming to the end of their closed hearing process and should move toward public hearings by the end of the month. They have public hearings, as has been predicted, who gets to be there . The Trump Administration be able to crossexamine witnesses . Good point and a question that has not been ironed out by the committees. That is one reason why they have not moved to public hearings yet. This is a delicate operation in , what isprocess happening in a house, and politically. Democrats are under pressure to sell this as a legitimate process. They dont want the fundamental argument to be undermined by the way in which those facts were obtained, so there will be a close look at house rules, legal requirements, and what republicans have been saying our political counterpoints. David thank you so much. We are waiting for a speech from Prime Minister Boris Johnson in parliament. General election on december 12. The labor party says they will not support such an election. This is bloomberg. This is bloomberg. The country. Rep in workers go on strike and the copper prices is higher. In defense of shale. City says shale is under attack and the naysayers will be wrong. Famed investor gives his best commodity pick. Sugar, a relative value play, and natural gas. Alix welcome to commodities edge, 30 minutes focused on the physical assets and the companies

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