Hello, Im lewIs vaughanjones. Welcome to'>Bbc News. MemorIal events are takIng place In Israel and'>Around The World to remember the vIctIms of the'>Hamas Attacks on Israel exactly one year ago In whIch nearly'>Twelve Hundred people were kIlled and 250 taken hostage. In Israel, shortly after daybreak, presIdent'>Isaac Herzog joIned a'>MemorIal ServIce at the scene of the'>Nova MusIc FestIval markIng the moment It came under attack. More than'>Three Hundred and fIfty people there were murdered. FamIlIes explaIned why theyjoIned todays vIgIl. ThIs Is the ceremony, thIs Is where she was, thIs Is where she was happy In her last moment. It was here. We lost our son here. Moment. It was here. We lost our son here. He moment. It was here. We lost our son here. He was moment. It was here. We lost | our son here. He was murdered at nIne our son here. He was murdered at nIne oclock. 0ne our son here. He was murdered at nIne oclock. One year past,'>It Is at nIne oclock. One year past,'>It Is amazIng. We dont know,'>It Is amazIng. We dont know, It seems'>It Is amazIng. We dont know, It seems to'>It Is amazIng. We dont know, It seems to be lIke yesterday was It seems to be lIke yesterday was the It seems to be lIke yesterday was the last day we saw hIm. For us, was the last day we saw hIm. For us, yesterday was the last day of for us, yesterday was the last day of the for us, yesterday was the last day of the old lIfe before we start day of the old lIfe before we start one year In the new lIfe. And start one year In the new lIfe. And we start one year In the new lIfe. And we are start one year In the new lIfe. And we are here. He start one year In the new lIfe. And we are here. Start one year In the new lIfe. And we are here. He was 22. He came to the and we are here. He was 22. He came to the nova and we are here. He was 22. He came to the nova to and we are here. He was 22. He came to the nova to dance, and we are here. He was 22. He came to the nova to dance, to l came to the nova to dance, to enjoy hIs lIfe, but the hamas murder hIm. FamIlIes lIstened to the fInal track played before the attack. And at 6 29 local tIme the musIc was stopped thIs tIme, to remember and mourn the vIctIms. Injerusalem, crowds held pIctures of the hostages, and demanded prIme'>MInIster Netanyahu ensure theIr safe return. There have been powerful explosIons In'>Southern BeIrut overnIght as Israel carrIed out fresh strIkes. Israel has also launched fresh strIkes on targets'>In Gaza. ThIs Is the scene lIve In beIrut as lebanon now reckons wIth the aftermath of those strIkes. 0ur mIddle'>East Correspondent'>Yolande Knell looks now at a year of devastatIng conflIct and faIled dIplomacy. ThIs was Israels deadlIest ever day. Exactly one year ago, waves of hamas fIghters from gaza led a bloody attack on'>IsraelI Army bases, vIllages, a musIc festIval. SnatchIng hostages. And It trIggered the deadlIest ever war agaInst palestInIans. WIth relentless IsraelI bombardment, most of'>Gazas PopulatIon forced from theIr homes. A humanItarIan catastrophe. Theres stIll no end In sIght. They destroyed our house and our lIfe. Hadas calderon from'>NIr 0z goIng back to the home where her'>Mother And NIece were kIlled. Her'>Son And Daughter were kIdnapped by hamas and held for 52 days before they were released In a truce deal. But hadas says theyre stIll lIvIng the nIghtmare of the'>7th Of October. Her ex husband, 0fer, Is one of dozens of hostages stuck'>In Gaza, last seen alIve In a tunnel by hIs daughter. We know that every moment hIs lIfe Is. Can be gone. My daughter, she saId, because she met hIm and he told her, please fIght for me, I dont want to be dead, to dIe here In the caves. Whole lIfe Is on hold, hold. We cant thInk about future, we cant thInk about nothIng else. Repeated attempts by us, egyptIan and qatarI dIplomats to negotIate a'>Gaza CeasefIre and'>Hostage Deal have faIled. And every day'>In Gaza brIngs new casualtIes. Last month, an IsraelI'>AIr StrIke hIt the'>YounIs FamIly home In nusseIrat, kIllIng hassan, aged sIx, and hIs grandmother. TranslatIon I want to know why. We are cIvIlIans, we pose no threat. Now In hospItal,'>Ahmed YounIs trIes to cheer hIs survIvIng chIldren wIth memorIes of happIer days. Theyve lost all they owned and are In constant paIn. TranslatIon I want my chIldren and my wIfe to be treated. If I could, I would take them abroad. There Is no safety. I hope from god that the war stops today before tomorrow. But Instead, the fIghtIng Is now spreadIng In the mIddle east. And that leaves many palestInIans and IsraelIs desperately worrIed that'>World AttentIon Is shIftIng away from theIr sufferIng. LIft Israel now. A number of events are takIng place to mark the one year annIversary. You joIn us youjoIn us In you joIn us In'>KIbbutz BeerI, not farfrom the you joIn us In'>KIbbutz BeerI, not far from the gaza border. Before the horrIfIc attacks of'>October The 7th, It was a thrIvIng communIty of more than 1000 people, many of them left'>WIng Peace actIvIsts, and on the eve of the'>7th Of October, they had theIr 77th'>BIrthday Party here. It was a tIme of celebratIon whIch, In the early hours of saturday mornIng,'>ThejewIsh Sabbath and ajewIsh holIday, the celebratIon, IncludIng at the sIte where the'>Nova MusIc FestIval was takIng place, celebratIons turned Into a slaughter. There have been vIgIls rIght across thIs belt of'>Southern Israel, IncludIng at the'>Nova MusIc FestIval, the fIrst area to come under attack, and there has been a commemoratIon here as well In'>KIbbutz BeerI. Im joIned by two members of thIs communIty who are at the memorIal today. Danny, let me begIn wIth you. What was the mood at the memorIal not far from where we are standIng . I memorIal not far from where we are standIng . Are standIng . I wIll start wIth'>Sa In are standIng . I wIll start wIth sayIng that are standIng . I wIll start wIth sayIng that when are standIng . I wIll start wIth sayIng that when I are standIng . I wIll start wIth sayIng that when I was sayIng that when I was IntervIewed lately I saId that every day I lIve the day, and 366 days already, and I dId not thInk I would wake up today to a dIfferent day, but somethIng was dIfferent. I was really hurt and semI paralysed and It took me awhIle to start IgnItIng myself, but It was a tough ceremony, really tough. And we understand that In all about 130 resIdents were kIlled, fIrst responders, soldIers, on that day, and 44 taken hostage. If} soldIers, on that day, and 44 taken hostage. Taken hostage. 30 were kIdnapped. Taken hostage. 30 were kIdnapped, 102 taken hostage. 30 were kIdnapped, 102 cIvIlIans taken hostage. 30 were kIdnapped, 102 cIvIlIans were murdered, three cIvIlIans are stIll there supposedly stIll alIve, and seven are bodIes that we know are dead, and we Inspect them and need them back to contInue wIth our lIves. find to contInue wIth our lIves. And I know you to contInue wIth our lIves. And I know you have to contInue wIth our lIves. And I know you have lost to contInue wIth our lIves. And I know you have lost'>Loved Ones, one of them Is on your shot. Tell us about your famIly . Shot. Tell us about your famIl . Y. , famIly . My famIly lIved In the kIbbutz our famIly . My famIly lIved In the kIbbutz our entIre famIly . My famIly lIved In the kIbbutz our entIre lIfe. FamIly . My famIly lIved In the kIbbutz our entIre lIfe. On famIly . My famIly lIved In the kIbbutz our entIre lIfe. On the 7th of kIbbutz our entIre lIfe. On the'>7th Of October, three of my'>FamIly 7th of october, three of my'>FamIly Members were murdered. My'>Father FamIly members were murdered. My father and my'>Aunt And Uncle my father and my'>Aunt And Uncle. And seven members were taken uncle. And seven members were taken hostage. My mother, my older taken hostage. My mother, my older sIster and her husband. My aunt older sIster and her husband. My aunt and her 12 year old daughteh my aunt and her 12 year old daughter. And we were blessed enough daughter. And we were blessed enough when the fIrst deal happened that sIx of my'>FamIly Members came back, all the women members came back, all the women and chIldren. ChIldren came women and chIldren. ChIldren came back more than 300 days agu came back more than 300 days agu but came back more than 300 days ago. But theIr father Is stIll beIng ago. But theIr father Is stIll beIng held hostage. It has been so long beIng held hostage. It has been so long. Tal was taken wIth hIs famIly. So long. Tal was taken wIth hIs famIly, taken In a dIfferent car, famIly, taken In a dIfferent can and famIly, taken In a dIfferent car, and fora famIly, taken In a dIfferent car, and for a year we dont know car, and for a year we dont know anythIng about hIm. We know know anythIng about hIm. We know he know anythIng about hIm. We know he was taken alIve and Injured. Know he was taken alIve and Injured, because someone who was In Injured, because someone who was In the Injured, because someone who was In the car managed to escape was In the car managed to escape and tell us. But for an entIre escape and tell us. But for an entIre year, we dont know anythIng entIre year, we dont know anythIng about hIm. We hope and pray he anythIng about hIm. We hope and pray he Is anythIng about hIm. We hope and pray he Is alIve. We need hIm back pray he Is alIve. We need hIm back but pray he Is alIve. We need hIm back. But they dont have any more back. But they dont have any more tIme. Its been a year. So man of more tIme. Its been a year. Sr many of famIlIes'>Loved Ones were taken'>Hostage HavejoIned a'>Protest CallIng for a ceasefIre now to do more to brIng the hostages home. Do you joIn the protest, share theIr sentIments . SentIments . You know, my sentIment sentIments . You know, my sentIment Is, sentIments . You know, my sentIment Is, release sentIments . You know, my| sentIment Is, release them. They sentIment Is, release them. They were'>Human BeIngs who were taken they were'>Human BeIngs who were taken from they were'>Human BeIngs who were taken from theIr homes In theIr pyjamas taken from theIr homes In theIr pyjamas as a weapon of war. I am a pyjamas as a weapon of war. I am a sImple man, I dont know what am a sImple man, I dont know what Is am a sImple man, I dont know what Is the am a sImple man, I dont know what Is the way to brIng them back what Is the way to brIng them back It what Is the way to brIng them back. It should have been a gIven back. It should have been a gIven that they would have just been gIven that they would have just been released. Now I thInk we need been released. Now I thInk we need a been released. Now I thInk we need a deal to happen. If'>It Is a ceasefIre, whatever the way Is, people a ceasefIre, whatever the way Is, people who know more than we need Is, people who know more than we need to Is, people who know more than we need to fInd a way. But I thInk we need to fInd a way. But I thInk that we need to fInd a way. But I thInk that the worst thIng Is that thInk that the worst thIng Is that people, gettIng the hostages Is part of the'>IsraelI PalestInIan ConflIct and'>IsraelI PalestInIan ConflIct and'>It IsraelI palestInIan conflIct and'>It Is'>IsraelI PalestInIan ConflIct and'>It Is polItIcal, and everythIng Is so messed up together. It Is'>Human BeIngs. There together. It Is'>Human BeIngs. There Is together. It Is'>Human BeIngs. There Is stIll a baby and a small there Is stIll a baby and a small chIld beIng held'>In Gaza. They small chIld beIng held'>In Gaza. They are small chIld beIng held'>In Gaza. They are not part of thIs conflIct they are not part of thIs conflIct or the polItIcal sItuatIon. They are'>Human BeIngs sItuatIon. They are'>Human BeIngs. They are brothers and sIsters beIngs. They are brothers and sIsters and we need them back. We feel sIsters and we need them back. We feel your paIn. Many'>Around The World feel your paIn. Do you thInk we see the'>Charred Sheu you thInk we see the charred shell of a house behInd us, do you see a day where'>KIbbutz BeerI wIll come alIve agaIn . FIrst of all, there are houses that need to be demolIshed. That Is part of the resurrectIon, when we wIll demolIsh everythIng and start rebuIldIng. LIvIng back here, I am due to have my fIrst granddaughter In four weeks tIme. We were a temporary place, where we wIll start a communIty from the begInnIng, and they wIll be there. At the moment, the sItuatIon between us and'>Gaza StrIp, obvIously you cant brIng famIlIes to lIve here. I do hope that wIthIn the next three or four years, thIngs wIll change and, on a personal note, If I may, I dont see coexIstence at the moment after'>7th Of October between us and the palestInIans'>In Gaza. DefInItely whIle hamas Is stIll In control. If'>In Gaza. DefInItely whIle hamas Is stIll In control. It I'>In Gaza. DefInItely whIle hamas Is stIll In control. Is stIll In control. If I hamas Is stIll In control. If I hamas Is not In Is stIll In control. If I hamas Is not In control . Is stIll In control. If I hamas Is not In control . Lets Is stIll In control. If I hamasj Is not In control . Lets hope so. We Is not In control . Lets'>Hope S0 we had Is not In control . Lets hope so. We had good Is not In control . Lets hope so. We had good days Is not In control . Lets hope so. We had good days at Is not In control . Lets hope| so. We had good days at one tIme. Used to go to the beach, to the market, peacefully, untIl vIolence takes over, and vIolIn kIlls everythIng good. Do you a future for'>KIbbutz BeerI . ,. , beerI . For me, I am stIll lIvIn beerI . For me, I am stIll lIvIng on beerI . For me, I am stIll lIvIng on the beerI . For me, I am stIll lIvIng on the seventh beerI . For me, I am stIll lIvIng on the seventh of. | beerI . For me, I am stIlll lIvIng on the seventh of. It has lIvIng on the seventh of. It has been lIvIng on the seventh of. It has been a year but It mIght as wett has been a year but It mIght as well have has been a year but It mIght as well have been a second because for us, well have been a second because for us, untIltaland well have been a second because for us, untIl tal and the well have been a second because for us, untIltaland the rest of our for us, untIltaland the rest of our'>CommunIty Members come back, of our'>CommunIty Members come back, I of our'>CommunIty Members come back, I dont know what my future back, I dont know what my future Is back, I dont know what my future Is. At the moment, everythIng Is day to day. We are lIvIng everythIng Is day to day. We are lIvIng In dIfferent places, movIng are lIvIng In dIfferent places, movIng around. Once tal comes back, movIng around. Once tal comes back, we movIng around. Once tal comes back, we wIll stop thInkIng forward back, we wIll stop thInkIng forward. ~ back, we wIll stop thInkIng forward. ,. , back, we wIll stop thInkIng forward. ~ ,. , back, we wIll stop thInkIng forward. ,. Forward. Thank you very much forward. Thank you very much forjoInIng forward. Thank you very much forjoInIng us. Forward. Thank you very much forjoInIng us. Forward. Thank you very much forjoInIng us. We forward. Thank you very much forjoInIng us. We wIll forjoInIng us. We wIll start thInkIng forward. Thank you for takIng tIme to share yoursense you for takIng tIme to share your sense of thIs communIty. Thank you. Just two of the resIdents of thIs'>KIbbutz BeerI. As you can see, the paIn of'>October The 7th Is stIll profound and palpable. DurIng the IntervIew, Im sure you heard the sounds of heavy artIllery goIng Into gaza as we have reported throughout the day. It Is notjust a day of the job but one of rockets and'>ArtIllery FIre goIng back and forth across the border. Our mIddle'>East Correspondents'>Hugo Bachega and'>Yolande Knell updated me on the sItuatIons from beIrut and jerusalem. It remaIns a very tense tIme for people. A short tIme ago we just had rocket warnIng sIrens goIng off In'>Tel AvIv and In the centre of Israel, thIs after hamas saId It fIve two of Its longer range rockets In that dIrectIon earlIer In the day. We had reports of somethIng lIke four projectIles beIng fIred from the'>Gaza StrIp towards the communItIes around the edge of the perImeter, and the IsraelI mIlItary saId that those were Intercepted or landed In open areas. But Its stIll a remInder that hamas has thIs capabIlIty after one year. In the north of the country, hezbollah has been fIrIng, and weve been hearIng about contInuIng alarms also In the occupIed golan heIghts, most notably for IsraelI cItIzens. You know, for the fIrst tIme thIs mornIng, haIfa was hIt dIrectly by rockets. Also there were rockets that hIt In tIberIas, and also, on top of that, two drones that were Intercepted In the centre of Israel comIng In from the east. The country have been told really to stay In a hIgh state of alert one year on from thIs massIve natIonal securIty faIlure, and you can see how people remaIn sort of waItIng to see what happens next. There are restrIctIons on gatherIngs stIll, whIch wIll lImIt the sIze of some of the events planned for later, and In fact the offIcIal'>Government Event Is takIng place wIthout a lIve audIence, In part because there was an expectatIon of dIsruptIon, possIbly hecklIng from the crowd, but also because of the securIty threat. Hugo bachega In beIrut, I thInk there Is the sound'>NIght And Day of the buzz of the drones where you are. What Is the latest thIs mornIng after another nIght of heavy bombardment . I thInk you can probably hear the sound of drones flyIng overhead. ThIs has become the new realIty here In beIrut. You know, a cIty that Is very much at the centre of thIs war, of thIs IsraelI campaIgn agaInst hezbollah. OvernIght, more IsraelI'>AIr StrIkes, around a dozen'>AIr StrIkes, hIttIng dahIeh, where hezbollah has a very strong presence here In beIrut. Weve seen footage from one of those locatIons hIt wIth secondary explosIons, suggestIng that weapons and ammunItIon were beIng stored there In thIs place that was hIt. And these'>AIr StrIkes have contInued. We havent seen any IndIcatIon from the IsraelI mIlItary, from the IsraelI authorItIes, that these attacks are goIng to stop. The IsraelIs feel that they have been extremely successful In degradIng hezbollah, In hIttIng many of the group Is 5 posItIons, Infrastructure, and also by decImatIng Its entIre leadershIp. I thInk here the concern In lebanon Is that thIs could be the begInnIng of a wIder offensIve by the IsraelI mIlItary, a long offensIve by Israel agaInst hezbollah. We have seen that thIs mornIng, the'>IsraelI Army announced that more troops have been deployed to southern lebanon. Thousands more troops potentIallyjoInIng thIs campaIgn by the'>IsraelI Army agaInst hezbollah. But hezbollah remaIns defIant. ThIs mornIng they released a statement sayIng they are confIdent In the abIlIty of our resIstance to repel IsraelI aggressIon. You are watchIng'>Bbc News across the unIted kIngdom and'>Around The World. You are watchIng'>Bbc News. WhIle we have been on aIr, we are gettIng more reports of the escalatIon In hostIlItIes along the southern border between Israel and the'>Gaza StrIp. The sIlence that sounded a short whIle ago In communItIes near that border, gaza Is about a mIle away from where we are broadcastIng from today, the Idea of tryIng to Intercept some of the mIssIles beIng fIred, we belIeve by hamas, Into'>Southern Israel today. EarlIer, we spoke to our'>Gaza Correspondent RushdI abualouf. EarlIer today, hejoIned us from london to gIve us hIs reflectIons on what has happened Is trIggered by these events of the'>7th Of October. We were expectIng some sort of a very bIg IsraelI retalIatIon followIng the'>Hamas Attack on'>October The 7th, but not on thIs scale. We are talkIng about numbers, we are sayIng more than 42,000 41,000 people kIlled, 10,000 people are stIll mIssIng, almost half, maybe more than half of gazans buIldIngs, Infrastructure, schools, unIversItIes, hospItals are completely destroyed. Over 120,000 people who have left. I am one of them. My famIly Is one of them. Whenever we travel to meet people In egypt, In qatar, everywhere they go they have one answer, that we have survIved, we are stIll alIve but we are not ok. That Is for those who are outsIde. What about the over 2 mIllIon people InsIde who have experIenced the horror of dIsplacement, kIllIng and paIn for over a year . ThIs mornIng, very mIxed feelIngs. People were postIng on socIal medIa, those very few people who have Internet'>In Gaza, most of them were sayIng that they dream that a tIme machIne or some sort of mIracle would brIng back theIr old lIfe, normal lIfe, that they used to lIve, because you know gaza was for a very long tIme under sIege and under tIght blockade for ten years, blockade for 17 years, but nothIng to compare to what happened last year. And people really dream of goIng back to theIr old lIfe. What Is your understandIng of'>Hamass PosItIon regardIng a ceasefIre, that many accuse Israel of not doIng enough to end the war . Israel blames hamas, sayIng'>It Is hamas that wants the war to go on and to expand across the regIon. What Is your understandIng . Well, for hamas, we asked them back In qatar last week when we went to see them, they saId what Israel wants from us Is to surrender we are not goIng to do thIs, we wIll fIght to The End and thIs Is the message that we are gettIng from them all the tIme, that we are ready to do a ceasefIre, we are ready to make concessIons. And they saId they already made bIg concessIons by not havIng that lIne to guarantee The End of the war'>Back Injuly the 2nd, when hamas saId they accepted mrjoe bIdens InItIatIve. But In all the tIme accused Israel and'>BenjamIn Netanyahu personally that he Is the one who Is not wIllIng to do the deal. TalkIng about Hamas One year on, just a few mInutes ago hamas Is stIll capable of fIrIng rockets from gaza that reach central Israel In'>Tel AvIv. That doesnt mean that hamas mIlItarIly has not receIved a sIgnIfIcant amount of damage, but they are stIll. After one year of thIs'>7th Of October attack, they are stIll able to have some sort of abIlIty to fIre rockets and we know that they stIll have some groups and some formulatIon'>In Gaza that are capable of'>FIghtIng IsraelIs for months, I thInk. A grIevous war'>In Gaza, and also In lebanon, causIng two deepenIng humanItarIan crIses. I spoke earlIer to the'>World Food programmes matthew hollIngworth. The country Is In absolute chaos at the moment In terms of almost 1. 2 mIllIon people affected, vast numbers fleeIng from the vIolence In the south. The southern suburbs of beIrut beIng decImated and consIstently targeted wIth heavy mIssIle fIre, as you heard, and people fleeIng to wherever they can get to. So you see people sleepIng outsIde In the streets, people takIng shelter In schools, academIes, other government InstItutIons. There Is more than 900 of those kInds of shelters, more than 700 of whIch are completely packed wIth people. We have publIc health concerns, waterborne dIseases, communIcable dIseases, and we are all desperately tryIng to provIde some kInd of respIte to a populatIon that Is so IncredIbly scared of whats comIng next and the escalatIon becomIng an all out war. The aId sItuatIon, growIng concern, the wIder war, grabbIng concern, and all In a day that Is a day for IsraelIs to grIeve and remember. Thank you for watchIng. Hello. A mIxed'>Day Today In what wIll be a faIrly mIxed week of weather. Showers wIll be the common element throughout. In the fIrst half of the week, when the sunshInes out between the showers,'>Itll Feel quIte mIld, but the second half of the week the wInds pIck up and Its goIng to be a cold wInd at that, all due to the presence of an'>Ex HurrIcane. Now at the moment Its just thIs area of low pressure responsIble for the showers well see. Weather front Is beIng tangled across the north of scotland so far today. Further Cloud Outbreaks of raIn here. But elsewhere that mIxture of sunshIne and showers. Showers contInue to develop more wIdely through england and wales durIng the afternoon, some of whIch wIll be heavy and thundery. But therell be places that stay dry. CertaInly a brIghter afternoon for northern Ireland, northern'>England And North wales. In the sunshIne, warm for thIs stage In october, really. Temperatures mId to hIgh teens. FInIsh the day, though, wIth some heavy raIn In the southwest that wIll spread northwards across england and wales for a tIme, Into northern Ireland. Some clear skIes eIther sIde of It, so there could be one or two'>MIst Orfog patches, but the general flow� s from the south so It wont be a cold nIght. Temperatures 8 12 degrees. As we go Into tomorrow, though, It could be a damp start, though, over northern england, northern Ireland. That raIn spreads Its way Into central southern scotland, and It could become faIrly slow movIng. Large raInfall totals through parts of central eastern scotland. To the north of It a cold breeze developIng, but a drIer day compared wIth today. To the south of It, for much of england and wales, sunshIne and showers agaIn. If anythIng, those showers more wIdespread than today. But In the sunshIne between It wIll feel warm. Now at The End of the week wIll be governed by thIs area of cloud. ThIs Is hurrIcane kIrk. Its decayIng now as It pushes over colder waters, but the area of low pressure that Is left wIll then run It looks lIke IncreasIngly to the south of us, across parts of contInental europe, but It wIll stIll have an Impact on our weather as It pulls away In drawIng down colder, strong wInds. Now thIs Is lInked to hurrIcane kIrk,'>Ex HurrIcane kIrk, whIch Is to the south of us on wednesday. Its stIll far away, but could be enough to gIve some persIstent raIn to the channel Islands and the far southeast of england. One to watch. But away from It, a faIr bIt of cloud, occasIonal showers and turnIng colder from the north. Now the centre of that'>Storm System pushes contInuIng towards denmark as we go through Into thursday. And that opens the door to colder aIr for more of us on thursday, and some partIcularly strong wInds down eastern coasts rough seas and dangerous around some of the coasts, I suspect. But a story of sunshIne and showers for many on thursday. But by the afternoon, a much chIllIerfeel and a frosty nIght wIll follow. A day that shook the world. One year on from the'>Hamas Attack on Israel, we look at the global economIc Impact. And amId escalatIng conflIct, oIl prIces remaIn volatIle. Last week, crude saw the bIggest gaIns sInce russIa Invaded ukraIne. Welcome to busIness today, Im sally bundock. Its the 7th October exactly one year sInce the attack by hamas on Israel that kIlled more than 1200 IsraelIs and sparked a mIlItary response thats left more than 40,000 dead'>In Gaza and beyond. As weve been coverIng for you here on'>Bbc News Israel Is markIng the day wIth a serIes of commemoratIons. It begun wIth a ceremony at the sIte of the'>Nova MusIc FestIval close to the gaza border, where the fIrst attacks by hamas gunmen took place

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