Hello, Im nIcky schIller. Welcome to the programme. Israel has carrIed out further'>BombIng RaIds on beIrut, as fIghtIng wIth hezbollah contInues on the ground In southern lebanon. Israel claIms Its kIlled 440 hezbollah fIghters sInce the start of Its'>Ground InvasIon. WhIlst the un says lebanon faces a terrIble refugee crIsIs. These are todays maIn developments In the'>MIddle East conflIct. Israel agaIn struck the Southern Suburbs of beIrut. Clashes were also reported around lebanons southern border. Hezbollah has fIred rockets Into'>Northern Israel, wIth reports that resIdentIal buIldIngs were hIt. Israel says 90 rockets have so far been fIred. IsraelI prIme'>MInIster BenjamIn Netanyahu has tonIght vowed to respond to'>Irans MIssIle Attack on hIs country earlIer thIs week he saId, Israel has the duty and the rIght to defend Itself and respond to these attacks and we wIll do so. Israel meanwhIle has called on palestInIans to evacuate parts of central gaza, as the mIlItary saId It was preparIng to use � great force� agaInst hamas fIghters In the area. Pro palestInIan protests are beIng held around the the globe today, callIng for a ceasefIre In gaza and an end to the conflIct. They come two days before the annIversary of the kIllIng of about 1200 IsraelIs In the'>Hamas Attack that sparked the current conflIct. Let me take you to the lIve pIctures from beIrut where It Is 11 oclock In the evenIng, and the IsraelI army has just made a fresh call for cIvIlIans near three buIldIngs In a southern suburb to evacuate ImmedIately ahead of'>AIr StrIkes. They have done thIs before strIkes on hezbollah targets In the cIty. The message was put out by the Idfs the message was put out by the Idf� s arabIc'>Language Spokesman who saId they should evacuate ImmedIately ahead of'>AIr StrIkes and called on cIvIlIans to dIstance themselves at least 500 metres from the sIte In the hezbollah stronghold. In recent days, the Idf has Issued several'>EvacuatIon Orders for that area ahead of'>AIr StrIkes. So It Is urgIng resIdents to ImmedIately evacuate and move at least 500 metres from the sItes. We wIll keep an eye on those pIctures from beIrut because often after those warnIngs have been made, there Is then a strIke on the cIty by IsraelI forces. As I say, we wIll keep an eye on those pIctures In beIrut. ThIs of course all comes amId InternatIonal pressure on Israel, and the french presIdent'>Emmanuel Macron has saId france stands by the countrys rIght to'>Self Defence but renewed hIs call for a ceasefIre. He saId a dIplomatIc solutIon should be the prIorIty and there should be a halt to sendIng weapons for the war. He also added france Is currently not sendIng any. Lets lIsten to more hIs remarks. TranslatIon when callIng for a ceasefIre as we dId for gaza and for lebanon last week, we make sure we dont call for a ceasefIre whIle contInuIng to send weapons for the war, and I thInk Its sImply about beIng consIstent. PresIdent macron� s remarks dId not Go unnotIced. In a statement, IsraelI prIme'>MInIster BenjamIn Netanyahu saId, as Israel fIghts the forces of'>BarbarIsm Led by Iran, all cIvIlIsed countrIes should be standIng fIrmly by Israels sIde. Yet,'>PresIdent Macron and other western leaders are now callIng for'>Arms EmbarGoes agaInst Israel. Shame on them. Well, heres more on the sItuatIon from our'>Correspondent NIck Beake In lebanon. Israel Is steppIng up Its strIkes In'>Lebanon BeIrut rocked by more blasts overnIght and thIs mornIng, as the IsraelI army says It contInues to hIt hezbollah targets, IncludIng near the cItys aIrport. But the expandIng assault has forced more thanI mIllIon lebanese from theIr homes In the past two weeks. Many takIng refuge In the capItal. There may be glImpses of normalIty, but thIs Is not the'>Safe Haven they hoped It would be. TranslatIon the lebanese people are used to thIs, thIs Is not the problem. The problem Is wIth how we are lIvIng, wIth the people who are lIvIng In the streets. You need countrIes to start takIng actIon. The sItuatIon Is a dIsaster and we are lIvIng through It. What should we do . We can no Go anywhere. We cannot travel. All the country Is at rIsk. And because of that, we have to lIve what should we do . We have to lIve wIth It. Israel also hIt the northern lebanese cIty of trIpolI In the early hours. ThIs the damage after a commander not from hezbollah, but from hamas was kIlled, reportedly along wIth hIs wIfe and two chIldren. The commander was kIlled by an IsraelI drone, thIs man says, explaInIng that others lIvIng here would follow the path to martyrdom. In the south of lebanon, IsraelI soldIers are tryIng to consolIdate theIr recent'>Ground InvasIon. But hezbollah say there have been fIerce clashes and claIm to have wounded advancIng IsraelI troops. Over the border, IsraelI aIrcraft have been In constant actIon, as hezbollah fIres more rockets Into Israel and fIghts back. NIck beake,'>Bbc News, In'>Northern Israel. My'>Colleague Anna Foster Is In beIrut. She has more on what It Is lIke In the lebanese capItal. I crossed the cIty earlIer today and those contInuIng'>AIr StrIkes were really clear to see. As you Go up Into the mountaIns and look down over the rooftops of beIrut, you can see those rIsIng columns of smoke. At one poInt, there were several IsraelI'>AIr StrIkes that hIt In a sImIlar area over the course of an hour. And one of them, as well, was very close to the aIrport agaIn that rIsIng column of smoke. And there are always concerns. The Southern Suburbs are In pretty close proxImIty to the aIrport, but there are stIll fears here that anythIng that gets too close, or Indeed a delIberate'>IsraelI StrIke on the aIrport runway, would really stop people from beIng able to leave thIs country. Its somethIng thats already pretty dIffIcult to do. ThIs Is the area of the masnaa crossIng. Its'>The BIg One of the bIg cIvIlIan crossIngs between lebanon and syrIa. ObvIously not everybody able to use that one. Not everybody has the the papers or the vIsas to actually be able to get across. But what we have seen here In the last sort of two weeks or so sInce people have been fleeIng theIr homes after the IsraelI'>AIr StrIkes started and the'>EvacuatIon Orders began, a lot of syrIan refugees who fled'>The CIvIl War In SyrIa and came across Into lebanon are now actually tryIng to Go back agaIn to escape the escalatIng fIghtIng here. So these are some new Images of people on both sIdes of that crossIng. It was closed yesterday after an IsraelI'>AIr StrIke hIt the road near the crossIng. But these pIctures appear to show people, they appear to show people crossIng over. So It looks possIble that that crossIng has been re establIshed. Today you can see people walkIng on that road around that key crossIng at masnaa as well. But It really, I thInk, shows you two thIngs. It speaks to the scale and the sIze of the'>DIsplacement CrIsIs here In lebanon at the moment. And It also really says a lot about the fears and concerns of people here. When you look at those syrIans who left the'>CIvIl War In theIr own country, who are now makIng that decIsIon to Go back agaIn, feelIng that they wIll be safer than they are stayIng here In lebanon at the moment. And as we were sayIng, nIcky, you know, through the day today, through the afternoon, weve seen more of these IsraelI'>AIr StrIkes on dIfferent parts of the capItal. You know, Its dark here now. When we get Into the sort of the overnIght and the early hours of the mornIng, thats when you tend to get these new Idf warnIngs for buIldIngs and areas In the Southern Suburbs and, you know, people who lIve here. And, you know, I can speak to that as well. At the moment, you really see and hear overnIght, often very Intense strIkes rIght In the heart of the capItal here. ThIs Is the scene lIve In beIrut. We have had one of those new warnIngs from the Idf callIng on cIvIlIans near three buIldIngs In the southern suburb of beIrut, an area known as dahIeh, to evacuate ImmedIately ahead of'>AIr StrIkes. They called on cIvIlIans to dIstance themselves at least 500 metres from the sIdes, and as an I was sayIng, thIs follows a pattern over the last week or so that theyIssue over the last week or so that they Issue these warnIng us and then we see'>AIr StrIkes on a partIcular area. Then we see'>AIr StrIkes on a partIculararea. So then we see'>AIr StrIkes on a partIcular area. So we have had that warnIng In the last hour and these are the lIve pIctures In beIrut. The head of the uns'>Refugee Agency has saId lebanon faces a terrIble crIsIs. FIlIppo grandI warned that hundreds of thousands of people had been left destItute or'>DIsplaced by IsraelI'>AIr StrIkes. Lets speak to ramI shamma, who Is the'>OperatIons DIrector for'>World VIsIon lebanon. The organIsatIon provIdes support for lebanese famIlIes and refugee communItIes. Thank you forjoInIng a on'>Bbc News. I wondered thank you forjoInIng a on'>Bbc News. Iwondered If thank you forjoInIng a on'>Bbc News. I wondered If you could outlIne for our audIence Around The World what the sItuatIon Is on the ground at the moment In lebanon and In beIrut . Lebanon and In beIrut . Good'>EvenIn Lebanon and In beIrut . Good evenIng fIrst, lebanon and In beIrut . Good evenIng fIrst, and lebanon and In beIrut . Good evenIng fIrst, and let lebanon and In beIrut . Good evenIng fIrst, and let'>Me Lebanon and In beIrut . Goodl evenIng fIrst, and let me start by sayIng that when the escalatIon started two weeks aGo, we dIdnt expect that we would reach thIs stage now on day 13. Instead of thIngs stabIlIsIng In terms of the humanItarIan efforts that are beIng done, we are lookIng at IncreasIng needs, IncreasIng gaps, we are lookIng at more people beIng'>DIsplaced and more'>Schools OpenIng to welcome the'>DIsplaced. And as the humanItarIan needs are IncreasIng, our work on the ground Is also affected and we are expandIng as much as possIble to be able to meet these basIc needs. Bre possIble to be able to meet these basIc needs. Are people who have these basIc needs. Are people who have been these basIc needs. Are people who have been'>DIsplaced these basIc needs. Are people who have been'>DIsplaced able | these basIc needs. Are'>People L who have been'>DIsplaced able to get'>Food And Water at the moment . Get'>Food And Water at the moment . ,. ,. ,. , moment . StIll food, water, mattresses, moment . StIll food, water, mattresses, blankets, moment . StIll food, water, mattresses, blankets, we'>L Moment . StIll food, water, l mattresses, blankets, we are talkIng about even psychologIcal support. FIrst aIder psychologIcal support for chIldren. ThIs Is somethIng thatIs chIldren. ThIs Is somethIng that Is consIdered to be top prIorIty for us as humanItarIan organIsatIons and It Is stIll a bIg gap on all of these levels. When the schools are openIng, there are new'>Schools OpenIng, they dont have any of those and we are welcomIng the'>DIsplaced people and then we are tryIng to see what theIr needs are. Every sIngle day, we are seeIng new requests from new people who are beIng'>DIsplaced. New people who are beIng'>DIsplaced new people who are beIng dIslaced. ,'>DIsplaced. Have you any Idea how many'>DIsplaced. Have you any Idea how many people'>DIsplaced. Have you any Idea how many people are'>DIsplaced. Have you any Idea how many people are havIng |'>DIsplaced. Have you any Idea I how many people are havIng to sleep out In the open . They cant get Into the schools or other places that have opened. I saw even a nIghtclub In beIrut had opened and put mattresses down for people to Go In. Mattresses down for people to I o In,. ,. , mattresses down for people to IoIn,. ,. , mattresses down for people to oIn. ,. , Go In. Thousands of people I would say Go In. Thousands of people I would say because Go In. Thousands of people I would say because we Go In. Thousands of people I would say because we dont| Go In. Thousands of people I would say because we dont have exact numbers but at least one of the waves of dIsplacement we had around 2000 people sIttIng on the streets of beIrut where we had to support them wIth at least the food for the nIght to be able to spend the nIght untIl they had new shelter to'>Go To. UntIl they had new shelter to no to. � ,. , untIl they had new shelter to aoto. � I. ,. , untIl they had new shelter to aoto. �. ,. ,. ,'>Go To. Are you managIng to get su lIes'>Go To. Are you managIng to get supplIes In . Go to. Are you managIng to get supplIes In . I'>Go To. Are you managIng to get supplIes In . I dont'>Go To. Are you managIng to get supplIes In . I dont know supplIes In . I dont know whether you heard that questIon. I dont know, are you managIng to get supplIes In 0k . At least now the'>Supply ChaIn Is manageable, there are certaIn areas In the country In whIch the aId Is not accessIble due to mobIlIty and due to'>AIr StrIkes happenIng on the roads so humanItarIans are takIng on a daIly basIs. We had several areas where'>AIr StrIkes were happenIng just metres away from our trucks that were delIverIng the aId and assIstance. Today we were able to delIver to the south, even to the ordered vIllage, two or three bIg trucks of support for the famIlIes who have decIded to stay In thIs vIllage. But thIs Is a constant rIsk that we are takIng and we need to contInue to be able to provIde the basIc needs. ~. , to be able to provIde the basIc needs. ~. , ,. , to be able to provIde the basIc needs. ~. , I. , needs. What Is your bIggest concern now needs. What Is your bIggest concern now If needs. What Is your bIggest concern now If the needs. What Is your bIggest concern now If the'>ConflIct L Concern now If the conflIct contInues . Concern now If the conflIct contInues . G ,. ContInues . My bIggest concern Is that the contInues . My bIggest concern Is that the conflIct contInues . My bIggest concern Is that the conflIct contInues, l Is that the conflIct contInues, to be honest. We really call for an ImmedIate ceasefIre, protectIon of cIvIlIans and women and chIldren specIfIcally. The chIldren are In a very hIgh Impact at thIs stage due to theIr mental wellbeIng. They are lIvIng In constant dIsplacement. There Is a very bIg and clear vIsIon for how thIs wIll be takIng place so there Is destructIon. We are lookIng at 173,000 approxImately lIvIng In 940 shelters. I mean, even a as organIsatIons, as much as we are able to support, there Is a very bIg gap. If the conflIct contInues, we are lookIng at more and more gaps, especIally In the water and sanItatIon. We are lookIng at a'>WInter Season wIth no Infrastructure that Is able to support those famIlIes who are'>DIsplaced. Who are'>DIsplaced. Thank you forjoInIng who are'>DIsplaced. Thank you forjoInIng a who are'>DIsplaced. Thank you forjoInIng a here who are'>DIsplaced. Thank you forjoInIng a here on who are'>DIsplaced. Thank you forjoInIng a here on bbc who are'>DIsplaced. Thank you l forjoInIng a here on'>Bbc News. Nearly a year after the start of the Israel gaza war, demonstratIons have taken place worldwIde callIng for an end to the escalatIng conflIct In the'>MIddle East, whIch has already cost Tens Of Thousands of cIvIlIan lIves. I want to show you some of the pIctures that have come In from Around The World. FIrst to'>Cape Town In south afrIca, where protesters marched wIth palestInIan flags and banners, endIng at parlIament. Around 5,000 people have attended an antI'>War DemonstratIon In the ItalIan capItal, rome. In scotland protesters gathered In the capItal edInburgh, wIth smaller demonstratIons In aberdeen and Inverness. These were the scenes In dublIn, where the march was organIsed by the Ireland palestIne solIdarIty campaIgn. In london, Tens Of Thousands walked to whItehall, where speeches took place outsIde downIng street. The event was organIsed by groups IncludIng the palestIne solIdarIty campaIgn, wIth people travellIng from around the country to take part. The metropolItan polIce saId 17 people were arrested. I want to take you now to the lIve pIctures. ThIs Is In new york, thIs event started In tImes square. Its on the move now as you can see. There are people carryIng banners callIng for an end to the war In lebanon. They are also carryIng the palestInIan flag. We are also hearIng there are other protests takIng place In other us cItIes IncludIng washIngton and several other places, but you can see a large number of people on the streets of new york. We should also say that we are hearIng there are march Is expected agaInst antI semItIsm tomorrow. A lot ofjewIsh people have been celebratIng the jewIsh ofjewIsh people have been celebratIng thejewIsh new ofjewIsh people have been celebratIng the jewIsh new year whIch Is why we expect a lot of those events to take place on sunday and we wIll have coverage of those on'>Bbc News. Nearly a year after the start of the Israel gaza war, demonstratIons have taken place. You can get more on the'>Bbc News websIte and app. French offIcIals say four mIgrants have dIed tryIng to cross the channel to brItaIn IncludIng a two year old chIld who was trampled to death In a boat. AccordIng to french authorItIes, one of the boats Involved was carryIng almost 90 people. Heres how an offIcIal for the pas de'>CalaIs RegIon reacted. TranslatIon despIte these terrIble events, there are stIll many mIgrants who try to travel by sea as soon as the weather Is favourable, as It has been sInce thursday nIght, on our coast. So you should know that the pressure Is very hIgh. Lets'>Ta Ke lets take a break from the news to get a check on the sport. LIzzIe Is at the sports centre. Were startIng wIth football and the'>PremIer League where lIverpool stay top but manchester cIty are hot on theIr heels after a narrow wIn over fulham. Jeremy doku scored the decIsIve thIrd Goal for the defendIng champIons, whod been a Goal down after andreas pereIras'>StrIke MIdway through the fIrst half. And after cIty had equalIsed and Gone ahead agaIn wIth two Goals from mateo kovacIc, fulham were gIven another glImmer of hope when'>SubstItute RodrIGo MunIz scored just before full tIme. But cIty held on to wIn 3 2 and are now unbeaten In 50 home games In all competItIons. We played some decent moments. In others they were better than a and makIng Good saves. Fulham Is an IncredIble team. They have some talented players, we knew It and yes, we won. MeanwhIle arsenal kept themselves In touch wIth a wIn at home to southampton who actually scored fIrst, substutute'>Cameron Archer puttIng them brIefly ahead agaInst the run of play. But arsenal equalIsed mInutes later and ended up comfortably wInnIng 3 1 wIth Goals from havertz,'>MartInellI And Sa ka. We conceded a Goal and then It Is game on. EverythIng In the fIrst half thrown away and then Its a dIfferent game but I thInk the team reacted wIth a level of authorIty, very composed and Im really happy that we can react lIke thIs but not that happy wIth the fIrst half that we had to Go through that agaIn. Elsewhere, leIcester won theIr fIrst game of the season beatIng bournemouth, brentford put fIve past wInless wolves who remaIn bottom, West Ham regIstered theIr fIrst'>Home WIn of the season, 4 1 agaInst IpswIch, whIle'>Anthony Gordon mIssed a penalty as'>Everton And Newcastle drew 0 0. In the days earlIer kIck off,'>LIverpool Beat Crystal palace 1 0 to stay top but lost'>Goalkeeper AlIsson to Injury In the second half. Heres'>Head Coach Arne slot. What we do know Is that If a player walks off lIke he does, that normally means that he Is not In the'>BrazIl Squad and I dont expect hIm to be In the team In the fIrst game we play afterwards. But yes, we have to waIt and see but Its GoIng to take a few weeks I assume for hIm to be back. Around europe, bundaslIga champIons Bayern Leverkusen were held at home by holsteIn kIel. In serIe a, torIno could Go second wIth a wIn agaInst Inter but theyre a Goal down and have had a player sent off In the fIrst half. WhIle monaco are leadIng at rennes.'>0nto CrIcket and they were made to work for It but england began theIr'>T20 CrIcket World'>Cup CampaIgn wIth vIctory over bangladesh. After wInnIng the toss and electIng to bat, england mostly found runs hard to come by wIth'>DannI Wyatt hodge a notable'>ExceptIon ScorIng 41 whIle the InnIngs was gIven some late Impetus by'>SophIe Ecclestone as england posted 118. In reply,'>LInsey SmIth was the pIck of the england bowlers, takIng two'>WIckets Forjust 11 runs as heather'>KnIghts SIde began wIth a 21'>Run WIn In sharjah. EarlIer, australIa began theIr'>TItle Defence wIth a comfortable wIn over srI lanka. SrI lanka opted to bat but were restrIcted to 93 runs from theIr 20 overs wIth Megan Schutt takIng three wIckets. In reply, beth'>Mooney Top scored wIth 43 as australIa won wIth more than fIve overs to spare. And englands Tyrell Hatton wIll take a one'>Shot Lead Into the fInal round of the alfred dunhIll'>LInks ChampIonshIp after shootIng a record equallIng 11 under par 61. IncredIbly, that score was matched by'>Denmarks Rasmus Neergaard petersen but Its hatton who leads the tournament on 22 under, a shot clear of belgIums nIcolas colsaerts. And thats all the sport for now. Thank you very much. Now Ijust want to take you to some lIve pIctures from butler In pennsylvanIa. In the next hour, we are expectIng'>Donald Trump to arrIve. Thousands of hIs supporters are already there my grow. He wIll address the rally of course at the sIte where he narrowly avoIded that attempted assassInatIon In july. Narrowly avoIded that attempted assassInatIon Injuly. So we wIll be back alIve when'>Mr Trump appears on that stage, whIch we are expectIng In the next hour or so. It began two decades aGo and now mIllIons of people In more than 20 countrIes regularly take part In parkrun.'>0ur Reporter'>Charlotte Gallagher has been lookIng at the'>Weekend ActIvIty that became an InternatIonal exercIse sensatIon. Its a'>Weekend RItual for thousands of people across the uk and beyond. And thIs Is where It all started Bushy Park In london. Back In 2004, there were just 13 runners takIng part. Just look at the crowd now. Everybody who was at the very fIrst parkrun, 20 years aGo, was gIven one of these'>Gold Bar codes on the tenth annIversary, so were called the parkrun pIoneers. Itsjust a socIal thIng, and I thInk thats mIssIng In the world so much these days. So, yeah, walk, run, volunteer, just come and have a coffee, thats the best thIng. Yeah. It gets the'>Heart Rate GoIng. Its just Good to get out, and Its a Good start to the weekend as well. Im GoIng to count you down from 20. 20, Go and runners In Great Yarmouth get the pIcturesque sea vIews. There have been mIllIons of mIles covered, lIfelong frIendshIps made, and even some parkrun romances, lIke lucy and terry. Brought us together. Yeah. Got her down here on a'>WInters Day and'>Summers Day and all the rest of It, and, yeah. BrIllIant, Its been fantastIc, changed our lIves, hasnt It . It has, It has. And we started talkIng over covId, dIdnt we, to start wIth . Yeah. And then sort of, I thInk because I had covId, so I had a costa delIvered, and thats how It started, really and thIs Is the man behInd It all paul sInton hewItt. Its a wonderful story. Its, everybody Is In thIs together. We are all InvIted. InclusIve for everybody. And yes, youre rIght, there are many, many people whose lIves have been changed because of parkrun. The average tIme people take to fInIsh the course Is slowIng down, but for paul, thats Good news. That shows that more and more average, regular people are Involved In parkrun. Its not about athletIcs, Its not about competItIon. We InvIte you to be the best you possIbly can be. Well done, everyone. Parkrun Is now In 23 countrIes and even held In some prIsons. The event, whIch started wIth just a handful of people, Is set to run and run. Charlotte gallagher,'>Bbc News, Bushy Park. Now Ijust now I just want to take you back to the lIve pIctures from the lebanese capItal, beIrut. It comes after the IsraelI army made a fresh call for resIdents In'>Southern BeIrut to evacuate around three specIfIc buIldIngs. We wIll keep an eye on those pIctures. Stay wIth a on those pIctures. Stay wIth a on'>Bbc News. Hello. 0ctober so far has brought relIef from the relentless reIgn of september. I hope you have managed to get out and enjoy It. Just take a look at thIs beautIful scene In barnsley, hardly a cloud In the sky. But as we move through the week ahead, the'>Weather Story on the change agaIn. SunshIne and blustery showers, then the potentIal for some wet and wIndy weather, partIcularly In the south. RaInfall accumulatIons showIng we wIll all see some raIn but the brIghter greens across South Wales and South West england, here we could see up to 80 mIllImetres over the next few days. Low pressure wIll start to domInate the story once agaIn. We are already seeIng sIgns of that wIth'>Cloud And RaIn movIng In, and that wIll contInue to drIft steadIly north and east durIng the early hours of sunday mornIng. So that Is actIng lIke a blanket. It wIll prevent the temperatures from fallIng too far, so It wIll not be as chIlly as the mornIngs just passed but It wIll be a rather grey one for some of us. Central and eastern england seeIng the best of the dry weather. A few scattered showers but hopefully hIt and mIss. Out of the west, thIcker cloud, outbreaks of raIn movIng through northern Ireland, wales and South West england, In brIghter colours denotIng the IntensIty of the raInfall. In the drIer, brIghter Interludes, the temperatures are pleasant enough. As we Go through the evenIng hours, some of the showers could turn heavy as they move out of wales, once agaIn up Into the mIdlands and Into the north of england. So they wIll take theIr tIme to clear away but there wIll be some clearance down to the South West. ThIs low wIll move steadIly eastwards, then through the mIddle part of the week we have another sIgnIfIcant low pressure whIch has the remnants of what was'>HurrIcane KIrk In there. At the moment It looks lIkely to stay to the south of the uk. We wIll need to keep fIrmIng up on those detaIls as we get closer to wednesday. One thIng Is for certaIn, once that moves through, the'>WInd DIrectIon wIll swIng round to more of an northerly and It wIll feel notIceably cooler so watch out for longer spells of raIn over the next few days. ThIs Is'>Bbc News. The headlInes. The'>IsraelI MIlItary Issues new'>EvacuatIon Orders for a southern suburb of beIrut sayIng that'>Hezbollah FacIlItIes and Interests are located there. ThIs Is the scene lIve In'>Southern BeIrut as Israels mIlItary says buIldIngs In the dIstrIct wIll be targeted In the near future and tells'>People LIvIng wIthIn 500 metres of them to move urgently'>Donald Trump Is about to speak at the sIte ofjulys attempted assassInatIon thIs Is the scene lIve from butler, pennsylvanIa wIth exactly one month to Go untIl the presIdent Ial electIon. You can see hIs runnIng'>Matejd Vance Is addressIng the thousands of supporters there. It Is one month to Go untIl the presIdent Ial electIon. Were just a month away now from the presIdent Ial electIon, whIch of course has already been unlIke any that have come before wIth'>PresIdent BIden droppIng out of the race and two'>AssassInatIon Attempts on'>Donald Trump. Early votIng In the race between'>Mr Trump and'>Kamala HarrIs Is already under way, and the polls remaIn extremely tIght wIth both'>CandIdates ZonIng In on the undecIded voters especIally In key swIng states whIch eIther candIdate could wIn, and wIll decIde the electIon. In the next hour,'>Donald Trump Is due to speak at a rally In the exact locatIon where he survIved that'>AssassInatIon Attempt Injuly. Lets take you to some lIve pIctures In butler, pennsylvanIa where crowds are already gatherIng.'>0ur Correspondent wIll grant Is there and says securIty Is tIght. Iv e Ive already seen'>Jd Vance Ive already'>Jd Vance has been gettIng them to chant fIght, fIght, fIght, whIch you can see on a lot of the banners and posters behInd hIm, addressIng the crowds. WIll grant Is there, and he says that securIty Is very tIght. The supporters who are already begInnIng to gather for thIs event, well ahead of'>Mr Trumps arrIval, they wIll notIce a number of dIfferences to two months aGo, when the'>AssassInatIon Attempt took place. Those who are comIng back for a second tIme, specIfIcally one of the key dIfferences Is that he wIll appear behInd'>Bullet Proof Glass thIs tIme. Also, us secret servIce agents have been placed In and around the securIty perImeter, whIch has been wIdened. 0f securIty perImeter, whIch has been wIdened. Of course, after so many InstItutIonal faIlIngs, whIch took place that day, as you can ImagIne, securIty Is much tIghter and more notIceably tIghter thIs tIme around. ~. ,. ,. , around. Who are we expectIng to be there, around. Who are we expectIng to be there. To around. Who are we expectIng to be there, to watch around. Who are we expectIng to be there, to watch what around. Who are we expectIng to be there, to watch what'>Donald L be there, to watch what'>Donald Trump has to say . It be there, to watch what'>Donald Trump has to say . Trump has to say . It has been InterestIng trump has to say . It has been InterestIng. As trump has to say . It has been InterestIng. As I trump has to say . It has been InterestIng. As I mentIoned, l InterestIng. As I mentIoned, some of those who were there two months aGo our year, thousands, Indeed, have come back to underlIne theIr support. Two months aGo are here. A lot of people have come because of what they saw that day, they lIved In pennsylvanIa, and they saw what happened and wanted to come. Elon musk wIll be wIth former presIdent trump, as wIll the wIfe of the man who was kIlled, the former'>FIre ChIef that was In the crowd that day. ThIs all comes wIth In the crowd that day. ThIs all comes wIth just In the crowd that day. ThIs all comes wIth just a In the crowd that day. ThIs all comes wIth just a month In the crowd that day. ThIs all comes wIth just a month to I In the crowd that day. ThIs all| comes wIth just a month to Go untIl the electIons, so I assume'>Donald Trump wIll use thIs to attack'>Kamala HarrIs . Yes, absolutely. 0ne thIs to attack'>Kamala HarrIs . Yes, absolutely. One of the effects In the ImmedIate aftermath of the'>AssassInatIon Attempt was that'>Mr Trumps numbers strengthened quIte notIceably, In some polls. I thInk he Is hopIng a show of strength, of comIng back to the very same spot where he spoke that day, wIll help bolster hIs poll numbers. As you say, there really are just weeks left to 90, really are just weeks left to Go, days. Its a very tIght race. Not here, In'>Butler County Itself. ThIs Is strong trump county. He Is very, very popular here. At the state Is crucIal. And, of course, natIonally, the race Is on a knIfe edge, It really could Go eIther way. KnIfe edge, It really could Go eIther way knIfe edge, It really could Go eIther wa. ,. ,. , eIther way. That was wIll grant In butler eIther way. That was wIll grant In'>Butler Jd eIther way. That was wIll grant In butler. Jd vance eIther way. That was wIll grant In butler. Jd vance Is eIther way. That was wIll grant In butler. Jd vance Is talkIng I In butler. Jd vance Is talkIng to the crowd. We are expectIng'>Donald Trump to address them In the next hour and we wIll be there lIve for the openIng remarks. In the Run Up to the presIdent Ial electIon, a month away,'>Bbc News Is talkIng to a varIety of voters across the unIted states. We can speak to an undecIded voter now, jayson, whojoIns us from an undecIded voter now, jayson, who joIns us from atalanta. Thank you forjoInIng us at'>Bbc News. ExplaIn, why are you undecIded . I news. ExplaIn, why are you undecIded . UndecIded . I ust lIke rIght now wIth undecIded . I ust lIke rIght now wIth the undecIded . Ijust lIke rIght now wIth the state undecIded . Ijust lIke rIght now wIth the state of now wIth the state of everythIng GoIng on, there are such a varIety of Issues that are all of the same magnItude. The candIdates we have, trump Is a respected leader on the world stage. You have harrIs, comIng Into the spotlIght, and she Is fIghtIng an uphIll battle, one because she Is a woman, and we know how thIngs are wIth women and how theIr rIghts, and she wasnt supposed to be runnIng, by droppIng out of the race was a shock to everybody. Butjust the Issues we are dealIng wIth, the country rIght now, beIng a resIdent of the unIted states and an amerIcan, I feel all the tIme that tensIons are at an all tIme hIgh. You could feel It, lIterally, you dont even have to pay attentIon to the news, you can feel It. Its Got to the poInt where people are talkIng about the'>November ElectIon month not beIng safe. That Is somethIng to worry about. Then you lock on what Is GoIng on In the'>MIddle East. You have obvIously Israel and hezbollah, and chIna, whIch a lot of people dont pay attentIon to, but It Is GoIng on. I thInk these Issues are serIous, and I dont have much confIdence In eIther candIdate. ElectIon day Is comIng up rapIdly and I have to make my decIsIon. Butjust how serIous thIngs are, and the actIons dIsplayed by both candIdates over thIs short perIod of tIme In the last few years, that led to my lack of confIdence In eIther one of them. DId you vote last eIther one of them. DId you vote last tIme eIther one of them. DId you vote last tIme round . EIther one of them. DId you vote last tIme round . I eIther one of them. DId you vote last tIme round . I dId, eIther one of them. DId you'>L Vote last tIme round . I dId, It was 18, It vote last tIme round . I dId, It was 18, It was vote last tIme round . I dId, It was 18, It was the vote last tIme round . I dId, It was 18, It was the fIrst was 18, It was the fIrst electIon I voted In. We often see a'>Lot ElectIon I voted In. We often see a lot of electIon I voted In. We often see a lot of campaIgn see a lot of'>CampaIgn AdvertIsIng from each of the sIdes, does that affect you, or do you try and make up your mInd on yourown do you try and make up your mInd on your own on the Issues, doIng your own research . Hat mInd on your own on the Issues, doIng your own research . DoIng your own research . Not at all, doIng your own research . Not at all. CampaIgn doIng your own research . Not at all, campaIgn ads doIng your own research . Not at all, campaIgn ads are doIng your own research . Not at all, campaIgn ads are campaIgnl all, campaIgn ads are campaIgn ads, rIght . 0bvIously they wIll have some truth to them, but a lot of them are pure strategy and tryIng to convInce the publIc through'>RhetorIc And Propaganda to'>Go To them. Even at the last electIon, It dId not factor In my decIsIon makIng process. I not factor In my decIsIon makIng process. Not factor In my decIsIon makIng process. I need to Interrupt makIng process. I need to Interrupt you, makIng process. I need to Interrupt you, you makIng process. I need to Interrupt you, you talked l makIng process. I need to Interrupt you, you talked about the events In the'>MIddle East, I want to take our vIewers to the lIve pIctures from beIrut. ThIs'>Camera Shot Is movIng around, thIs Is because you wIll remember In the last hour the Idf called on cIvIlIans near three buIldIngs In the southern suburb of beIrut to evacuate. We have seen In the last few mInutes smoke rIsIng. You saw a plane, thIs area that the Idf has targeted In the last lIttle whIle Is not that far from the InternatIonal aIrport In beIrut. That Is where we have seen that smoke rIsIng. These are the lIve pIctures In beIrut at the moment. Its comIng up to 11. 50 local tIme. About an hour or so, the'>IsraelI MIlItary Issued thIs warnIng to cIvIlIans to evacuate from three buIldIngs In thIs area. ThIs area Is known as a stronghold for hezbollah, and thIs sorta follows a pattern that we have seen, where the Idf Issues a warnIng and tells cIvIlIans to dIstance themselves have at least 500 metres from the area they are GoIng to target, and then we see mIssIles. In the last couple of mInutes we have seen smoke rIsIng. We are keepIng an Ion these pIctures and there has been a few tImes when you can see It. Let me take you to another shop where you can just see some smoke rIsIng. It Is quIte dIffIcult, of course, because It Is nIght tIme. But we have seen some smoke In thIs area. As I say, It follows thIs pattern that has been over the last couple of weeks, whereby the mIlItary warns, and then they target these areas. EarlIer today, the IsraelI prIme mInIster,'>BenjamIn Netanyahu, appeared and saId that the Idf had kIlled over 440 hezbollah fIghters sInce the start of Its'>Ground InvasIon Into lebanon. Hezbollah at the moment has not commented on that claIm from the IsraelI forces. DurIng the day, we have seen more'>AIr StrIkes hIttIng beIrut. In other areas, strIkes hIttIng beIrut. In otherareas, Israel strIkes hIttIng beIrut. In other areas, Israel has fIred dozens of rockets Into'>Northern Israel. The group sayIng an aIrbase near haIfa was one of the targets. Hamas confIrmIng that two senIor hamas fIgures were kIlled In northern lebanon. We are keepIng an eye on these pIctures, and you can see the two dIfferent shots that we have of beIrut, where we saw some smoke In the last couple of mInutes rIsIng. ThIs Is all comIng after the warnIng from the'>IsraelI MIlItary that there were three specIfIc buIldIngs In'>Southern BeIrut that they were GoIng to target. They saId It was because of the facIlItIes and Interests of hezbollah that were located there. They saId they would be targeted In the nearfuture, and'>People LIvIng wIthIn 500 metres of them needed to move urgently. As I saId, thIs area Is close to the aIrport, that has already been hIt by IsraelI mIssIles today, the Idf IssuIng evacuatIons. We can see an explosIon there on the screen. ThIs obvIously as the'>IsraelIs Target the area of beIrut where they say'>Hezbollah FacIlItIes and Interests are. Hezbollah has a strong presence In beIrut� s Southern Suburbs, and most strIkes In recent days have targeted that area. So, we are watchIng the lIve pIctures from beIrut, where there have been explosIons and smoke beIng seen. ThIs Is all comIng after the warnIng from the'>IsraelI MIlItary that they were GoIng to target It In the near future. They saId It was about an hour or so future. They saId It was about an'>Hour Orso aGo future. They saId It was about an hour or so aGo that there were has flowered mark facIlItIes and Interests located there. Hezbollah facIlItIes. They have hosted locatIons wIth maps and saId that'>People LIvIng wIthIn 500 metres of these buIldIngs could move urgently calls stop the Idf has been maIntaInIng Its attacks through the day, hIttIng those suburbs agaIn. ThIs all comes as the head of the'>Refugee Agency has arrIved In lebanon, and warned It faces a terrIble crIsIs. He saId'>IsraelI StrIkes have left hundreds of thousands of people destItute or'>DIsplaced, and we were talkIng a lIttle earlIer to'>World VIsIon and they were talkIng about how so many people are now sleepIng on the streets, and they are also tryIng to fInd shelter around the area of beIrut. You can probably see what we thInk Is the runway lIghts, I thInk that probably Is, thIs area that the'>IsraelI MIlItary has been targetIng Is quIte close to the InternatIonal aIrport stop there have been a number of evacuatIon flIghts out of that InternatIonal aIrport for a number of countrIes who, over the last month or so, have been urgIng cItIzens to get out of lebanon. 0ne urgIng cItIzens to get out of lebanon. One of the evacuatIon flIghts comIng to the uk, they have had a number of those over the last couple of days where brItIsh resIdents In lebanon, brItIsh resIdents In lebanon, brItIsh cItIzens, have been evacuated out. The australIans have also brought some of theIr cItIzens out. They flew to cyprus, whIch Is one of the nearest eu countrIes to lebanon. So, a lot of the'>European NatIons are flyIng cItIzens to cyprus, to move them on agaIn. That Is what happened wIth australIa. We also know that japan has sent a mIlItary aIrcraft to greece, so It Is on standby to get It cItIzens out. The germans, over the last couple of days they have been flyIng mIlItary aIrcraft Into beIrut, to take german cItIzens out. On monday, they brought a lot of theIr consular staff and famIlIes In the lebanese capItal out by mIlItary aIrcraft. A lot of the aIrlInes have stopped flyIng In and out of beIrut sInce thIs crIsIs has IntensIfIed over the last couple of weeks. It has been an appeal from a lot of natIons to theIr cItIzens to get out. And we have seen that there have been a number of flIghts back to the uk, although the'>Uk Government says there wIll be another flIght tomorrow, and then If any more are needed. 0f tomorrow, and then If any more are needed. Of course, thIs all depends on the'>SecurIty SItuatIon In lebanon. So, It Is a dIffIcult sItuatIon for resIdents who are In the country because, as we have seen, Israel Is launchIng new strIkes on'>Southern BeIrut, thIs after the mIlItary Issued an'>EvacuatIon Order because It saId'>Hezbollah FacIlItIes are located there. ThIs Is the area that the IsraelIs has been targetIng, thIs partIcular area of the capItal. They have done thIs quIte regularly, at around thIs quIte regularly, at around thIs tIme, most of the evenIngs where the strIkes have happened, they have happened around thIs 11'>Oclock MIdnIght tIme In beIrut. So, we are seeIng the Idf carryIng out what they call the'>Use Targeted Attacks on these three buIldIngs, In thIs southern suburb of beIrut, where It says the'>Hezbollah FacIlItIes and Interests are located. We wIll keep an eye on those pIctures, and If we see any more we wIll Go back to them. ThIs all comes amId InternatIonal'>Pressure Israel and the french presIdent ,'>Emmanuel Macron, has saId that france stands by the countrys rIght to'>Self Defence, but renewed hIs call for a ceasefIre. He says a dIplomatIc should be the prIorIty, and there should be a halt to sendIng weapons for the war. He also added france Is currently not sendIng any. Lets lIsten to more'>PresIdent Macron� s remarks. TranslatIon when callIng for a ceasefIre, as we dId for gaza and as we dId for lebanon last week, we make sure we dont call for a ceasefIre whIle contInuIng to send weapons to the war. And I thInk It Is sImply about beIng consIstent. ConsIstent. So, presIdent other western leaders are now callIng for I other western leaders are now callIng for consIstent. So,'>PresIdent Macrons consIstent. So,'>PresIdent Macrons remarks consIstent. So,'>PresIdent Macrons remarks dId macrons consIstent. So,'>PresIdent Macrons remarks consIstent. So,'>PresIdent Macrons remarks dId consIstent. So,'>PresIdent Macrons remarks dId not consIstent. So, presIdent. Macrons remarks dId not Go consIstent. So,'>PresIdent Macrons remarks dId not consIstent. So, presIdent. Macrons remarks dId not Go unnotIced. In a statement, unnotIced. In a statement,'>BenjamIn Netanyahu saId, as'>BenjamIn Netanyahu saId, as Israel fIghts the forces of Israel fIghts the forces of'>BarbarIsm Led by Iran, all'>BarbarIsm Led by Iran, all cIvIlIsed countrIes should be cIvIlIsed countrIes should be standIng fIrmly by Israels standIng fIrmly by Israels sIde. Your'>PresIdent Macron and sIde. Your'>PresIdent Macron and other western leaders are now other western leaders are now callIng for arms callIng for'>Arms EmbarGoes agaInst Israel. Shame on them. Ijust want to agaInst Israel. Shame on them. I just want to take you back to those lIve pIctures from beIrut. As I saId, we wIll keep an eye across those as the Idf targets those what they say are three buIldIngs In the southern suburb of beIrut whIch they say contaIn has flowered muck facIlItIes and Interests. Hezbollah facIlItIes and Interests. We were talkIng about the us electIon and how'>Bbc News Is talkIng to a varIety of voters In the Run Up, and we talkIng to jayson, an undecIded voter who IsjoInIng us from jayson, an undecIded voter who Is joInIng us from atlanta. Thank you for stayIng wIth us. You were mentIonIng the'>MIddle East. How does what Is GoIng on In the mIddle'>East Matter to you as you thInk about who you are GoIng to vote for, whether that be'>Donald Trump or'>Kamala HarrIs . It that be'>Donald Trump or'>Kamala HarrIs . ,. ,. , harrIs . It matters a lot. I come from harrIs . It matters a lot. I come from a harrIs . It matters a lot. I come from a mIlItary harrIs . It matters a lot. I I come from a mIlItary famIly. Global war Is somethIng I paId attentIon to growIng up, undercut It Impact. Its a sItuatIon I have been payIng close attentIon to, It Is crazy to see agaIn. It defInItely takes the forefront are somethIng that Is a concern, somethIng that Is a concern, somethIng I pay attentIon to. Just how many ImplIcatIons It carrIes If thIngs Go south, certaIn thIngs happen, certaIn people get Involved. Its defInItely somethIng very Important to me as a voter. You mentIoned Important to me as a voter. You mentIoned the Important to me as a voter. You mentIoned the'>MIddle East and InternatIonal events, just gIve us an Idea of domestIc Issues you are weIghIng up between that eu candIdates. ThIs you are weIghIng up between that eu candIdates. You are weIghIng up between that eu candIdates. ThIs Is an easy one that eu candIdates. ThIs Is an easy one to that eu candIdates. ThIs Is an easy one to a that eu candIdates. ThIs Is an easy one to a lot that eu candIdates. ThIs Is an easy one to a lot of that eu candIdates. ThIs Is an easy one to a lot of people, l easy one to a lot of people, Im GoIng to Go ahead and hop on and say the border. I thInk Its evIdent that It Is wIde open, there are thousands of documents of people comIng through each day. That Is an Issue, know what no matter whIch sIde you are on. The economy as well, graduatIng'>Couege Economy as well, graduatIng college and gettIng Into the job market, It Is somethIng that affects you. I thInk those are thIngs that amerIcan people especIally pay attentIon to. And the other thIng as tensIon. Notjust racIal tensIon, a varIety of socIal Issues, I thInk It has reached a boIlIng thIs country that we happen In thIs country that we may not want to say. Pm . Happen In thIs country that we may not want to say. Happen In thIs country that we may not want to say. Why do you thInk people may not want to say. Why do you thInk people are may not want to say. Why do you thInk people are so may not want to say. Why do you thInk people are so dIvIded . ThInk people are so dIvIded . That a great questIon. I thInk It has a lot to do wIth what went on four years, we talk about seIsmIc changes, a global pandemIc, racIaltensIons reachIng the hIghest wIth black lIves matter, the rIots, the process that took place. And now you are dealIng wIth people who are just gettIng out of all thIs, the economy Is not In a Good place. There Is a lot of vIolence GoIng on. Whether It be school shootIngs, or somethIng here that happen to mcgraw three weeks aGo, In my'>Home CIty of georgIa. These thIngs all boIl over. We need to get back to a state of peace. I to get back to a state of eace. ,. ,. , peace. I ust want to Interrupt ou, peace. I just want to Interrupt you. Because peace. I just want to Interrupt you, because vIewers peace. I just want to Interrupt you, because vIewers wIll peace. I just want to Interrupt you, because vIewers wIll be l you, because vIewers wIll be able to say on theIr screens that there has been a massIve blast In beIrut. You can see the flames there that are comIng out Into the nIght sky, just before mIdnIght, beIrut tIme. A massIve fIrebomb. You can see a real fIreball comIng out. If you are justjoInIng us, let me remInd you that a lIttle earlIer, about an hour and a half aGo, the IsraelI defense forces warned that they were GoIng to target an area. A huge explosIon, you can see the two Images, one closer and one further away, showIng a massIve fIreball, followIng thIs attack by the IsraelI defense forces. They had warned thIs would happen, they had urged resIdents to move from three partIcular buIldIngs In beIrut. Its a southern suburb that has been hIt a number of tImes sInce thIs conflIct has escalated. The IsraelI forces so that they are targetIng thIs area because It has'>Hezbollah FacIlItIes and Interests that are located there. They warned they would target It In the very near future, that Is what we are seeIng out now. You can see the massIve amount of fIre that came after that strIke. We have seen some smaller strIkes In the last'>Half Hour. You can see there are a number of strIkes takIng place on thIs area of beIrut. The area Itself Is close to the aIrport, and It had already been hIt by IsraelI mIssIles today. The Idf had Issued evacuatIons for prevIous strIkes. ThIs Is somethIng that has happened over a number of days, where the IsraelI forces Issue a warnIng sayIng they wIll target specIfIc buIldIngs, and they do post a map showIng where the targets are GoIng to be, then they say they strIke a partIcular buIldIngs and they warn people to move away from the area If they are lIvIng wIthIn 500 metres. So, thIs has been happenIng on a regular basIs sInce the conflIct has escalated. As I say, the IsraelI forces say that they are makIng precIsIon strIkes on'>Hezbollah FacIlItIes and Interests that are located there. EarlIer, the'>IsraelI MIlItary saId It had kIlled 450 hezbollah fIghters sInce the start of the'>Ground InvasIon Into lebanon. Hezbollah has not commented on that. The IsraelI prIme'>MInIster BenjamIn Netanyahu spoke earlIer today. Neta nyahu spoke earlIer today. He netanyahu spoke earlIer today. He saId days of strIkes by the'>IsraelI MIlItary on lebanon have destroyed a large part of'>Hezbollahs Arsenal and, he saId, change the course of the war agaInst the IranIans backed group. ThIs, agaIn, Is more targetIng of a specIfIc suburb of beIrut that we are seeIng. You can see the'>FIre And Smoke thatIs you can see the'>FIre And Smoke that Is rIsIng from the capItal In beIrut, just fIve mInutes before mIdnIght. If you are justjoInIng us, the Idf has been maIntaInIng Its attacks, hIttIng thIs area agaIn and agaIn, because thIs Is where It says there are'>House Blah Word mark'>Hezbollah FacIlItIes. It does advIse them to evacuate ImmedIately. You can see the smoke arIsIng there from the area around the InternatIonal aIrport, after the Idf carrIed out the strIkes. It comes as the head of the un'>Refugee Agency has warned that lebanon faces a terrIble crIsIs as the battle IntensIfIes. He has arrIved In beIrut, sayIng that the'>IsraelI StrIkes had left hundreds of thousands of people destItute and'>DIsplaced. We were hearIng from'>World VIsIon and other agencIes, sayIng that people are desperate there. Some of them are havIng to sleep on the streets of beIrut, and buIldIngs are beIng used to house people who have had to flee other parts of lebanon. I was seeIng earlIer that a nIghtclub In beIrut have been transformed, they have been takIng mattresses In so that people could sleep InsIde thIs nIghtclub. That has been happenIng In buIldIngs where people fled the InItIal'>AIr StrIkes. We are stayIng on lIve pIctures from beIrut, the'>IsraelI MIlItary had warned they were carryIng out strIkes In the southern suburb of the capItal. ThIs Is what we had seen, huge explosIons there wIth smoke rIsIng above. You can stIll see some of the flames In the centre of your screen. You can see the glow. It Is comIng up to mIdnIght, so It Is very dark there. But we have seen what we assume has to be another fresh'>IsraelI Attack on the cIty. As I say, lIttle known at the moment because It has just happened, we known at the moment because It hasjust happened, we have not had any comment from the'>IsraelI MIlItary. But they dId say earlIer tonIght that they were GoIng to target three specIfIc buIldIngs that they say were hezbollah and had'>Hezbollah FacIlItIes there. DurIng the day, the'>AIr StrIkes have contInued to pound the Southern Suburbs. We should say that the lebanese'>Health MInIstry saId 25 people have been kIlled and more than 120 people wounded In'>IsraelI StrIkes on frIday. Separately, hezbollah has fIred a lot of rockets Into'>Northern Israel. The IsraelIs say at least 90 rockets were fIred Into'>Northern Israel earlIer. These are the lIve pIctures that we are the lIve pIctures that we are gettIng from beIrut after these explosIons heard In the Southern Suburbs of the cIty, after those warnIngs from the'>IsraelI MIlItary that they were GoIng to target three partIcular buIldIngs. That, It appears, Is what they have done thIs evenIng. The prIme mInIster Is sayIng that days of strIkes on the mIlItary had destroyed a large part of'>Hezbollahs Arsenal and change the course of the war, agaInst the course of the war, agaInst the IranIans backed group. He was also talkIng earlIer, the IsraelI prIme mInIster,'>BenjamIn Netanyahu, about how he would respond to arounds'>MIssIle Attack on hIs country earlIer thIs week, sayIng that Israel has a duty and a rIght to defend Itself and respond to those attacks, and we wIll do so. If you are just If you arejustjoInIng a, we are showIng you the lIve pIctures out of beIrut where It Is mIdnIght, and we have In the last'>Half Hour or so seen bIg explosIons, and there we see another explosIon as we talk about these pIctures. ThIs area that we are seeIng these attacks on Is In the south of the lebanese capItal, beIrut, and It Is an area that the'>IsraelI MIlItary has targeted a number of tImes sInce thIs conflIct has escalated. EarlIer, the Idf had

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