AgaInst hezbollah In lebanon, and predIctIng theIr health we dIsplaced. It happens so fast, as we are tryIng to track the'>People to know where they are goIng, you have dIfferent scenarIos dependIng on your socIal networks, whether your parents and those central areas may be somewhere else In lebanon, a summer house, about 200,000 of them had found refuge In schools. 900 schools have been open, 700 of them are already totally through. 0n schools have been open, 700 of them are already totally through. On that'>Monday Tuesday EvenIng last week It rocked up In schools, push the tables on one sIde and kIds chaIrs and slept on the floor. In elderly famIlIes put together In classrooms, basIcally that they were tryIng to use as bedrooms. StIll have famIlIes,'>People lIvIng, sleepIng In theIr cars and'>People sleepIng on theIr cars and'>People sleepIng on the sIdewalks. Its extremely sad. Do we have a better Idea of who Is fleeIng . We spoke to some humanItarIan agencIes who saId that these are lebanese famIlIes. They are also syrIan famIlIes who sought refuge In lebanon from the war. Sure, so fleeIng from the south and those regIons, you have a mIx of'>People there, lebanese'>People, palestInIans, mIgrant workers, all of these'>People have found themselves under bombardment, so all these'>People fled for safety or further west from the'>People who have been fleeIng the last couple of weeks, some of them have movIng back to syrIa as he saId got pushed away by the vIolence yet agaIn. The latest fIgures, 300,000'>People have fled to syrIa and thats two thIrds of syrIan'>People and one thIrd of lebanese'>People. For of syrIan'>People and one thIrd of lebanese'>People. Lebanese'>People. For those shelterIng lebanese'>People. For those shelterIng In lebanese'>People. For those shelterIng In schools, lebanese'>People. For those shelterIng In schools, what| lebanese'>People. For those l shelterIng In schools, what Is lebanese'>People. For those shelterIng In schools, what Is most needed . We shelterIng In schools, what Is most needed . ~. ,. , needed . We are all strugglIng to be at scale, needed . We are all strugglIng to be at scale. So needed . We are all strugglIng to be at scale. So we needed . We are all strugglIng to be at scale, so we are needed . We are all strugglIng to be at scale, so we are stIll needed . We are all strugglIng to be at scale, so we are stIll runnIng at scale, so we are stIll runnIng around dIstrIbutIng mattresses, bed sheets, pIllows, water, theres usually no showers In schools, provIdIng hot meals every day, cold meals on a regular basIs. So Its really a race agaInst tIme that all the agencIes are tryIng to serve as many'>People as we can. The vulnerable'>People, the elderly'>People who are sIck, the kIds, but also refugees and mIgrants who fInd It even more dIffIcult to seek safety. It even more dIffIcult to seek safe. A It even more dIffIcult to seek safe. N,. , It even more dIffIcult to seek safe. ,. , safety. Maureen, what does your messaue safety. Maureen, what does your message to safety. Maureen, what does your message to the safety. Maureen, what does your message to the InternatIonal message to the InternatIonal communIty on what you have been wItnessIng and why there needs to be attentIon paId to the plIght of those who are fleeIng In lebanon. In the past two weeks, theres been more death than In the II the past two weeks, theres been more death than In the 11 months of conflIct. Ten tImes more defacement than the II conflIct. Ten tImes more defacement than the 11 months of conflIct. That cannot contInue. We need to de escalate, stakeholders need to brIng back the regIon on the trajectory for negotIatIon for justIce and for peace. About 16,000 us'>Port Workers have contInued'>StrIke-actIon'>StrIke ActIon affectIng 36 docks from texas to maIne. Us presIdent'>Joe BIden Today saId he belIeved progress was beIng made to end the dIspute, the bIggest'>StrIke of Its kInd sInce 1977. The'>Walk Out caMe After talks over new contracts broke down. The InternatIonal longshoreman� s assocIatIon whIch represents'>Dock Workers Is demandIng a large'>Pay Increase, and commItments to halt'>AutomatIon Projects whIch It says could result In job losses. However they have so far rejected a'>Pay Increase offer of 50 sayIng employers faIled to address concerns. At least 45 contaIner shIps carryIng goods from car parts to bananas are now anchored offshore and experts say the'>Walk Out could cost the us economy as much as'>FIve BIllIon Dollars a day. One of the affected ports Is that of savannah In georgIa. I spoke wIth the'>CItys Mayor a lIttle earlIer. Can you tell us how they'>StrIke Is goIng to'>Impact Savannah . Well, fIrst of all. GoIng to'>Impact Savannah . Well, fIrst of all, thank goIng to'>Impact Savannah . Well, fIrst of all, thank you goIng to'>Impact Savannah . Well, fIrst of all, thank you for goIng to'>Impact Savannah . Well, fIrst of all, thank you for the fIrst of all, thank you for the opportunIty. ThIs Is a sIgnIfIcant'>StrIke. 16,000'>Port Workers and 36 ports IncludIng the'>Port Of Savannah, whIch Is the second busIest on the east coast. ThIs Is an Issue because obvIously'>Supply ChaIn Issues that we have successfully gotten over from cove ed, each day essentIally means It wIll take about a week to recover. What wIll the knock on effect to be for the country . Because as you saId, the'>Port In Savannah Is one of the most Important on the east coast, Is to . The most Important on the east coast. Is to . The most Important on the east coast, Is to . Its one of the most Important coast, Is to . Its one of the most Important In coast, Is to . Its one of the most Important In the coast, Is to . Its one of the most Important In the country. Coast, Is to . Its one of the most Important In the country. And coast, Is to . Its one of the most Important In the country. And'>We J Important In the country. And we know that the longer It takes for thIngs to come up the'>Savannah RIver to the'>Port Of Savannah to go out to over half of the country wIthIn a couple of days wIth the holIday Is comIng up, that certaInly causes Issues for us, but on the other end of It, obvIously there are some'>CollectIve BargaInIng Issues that they have to resolve. Im a person that belIeves In'>CollectIve BargaInIng. They have to work It out. It tare bargaInIng. They have to work It out. I. , bargaInIng. They have to work It out. In ,. , bargaInIng. They have to work It out. In. ,. , out. It we spoke to'>People to udge esterda out. It we spoke to'>People to Udge Yesterday and I out. It we spoke to'>People to Udge Yesterday and he I out. It we spoke to'>People to Udge Yesterday and he told out. It we spoke to'>People to Udge Yesterday and he told us he h out. It we spoke to'>People to jUdge Yesterday and he told us he thInks| yesterday and he told us he thInks Its Important they come to an agreement and added, Its understandable that they want to partIcIpate In the astronomIcal profIts that have been occurrIng to'>ShIppIng CompanIes In recent years. Do you agree wIth that sentIment . I do. I remember here In savannah, partIcularly durIng covId, when Industry dId not slow down at all, It was our shIppIng Industry. And so for our longshoremen here In savannah, they worked day and nIght, partIcularly durIng some very hard condItIons durIng covId to make sure that the'>Supply ChaIn contInue to move on. And so Ijust thInk that Its ultImately faIr to be able to share some of those profIts. We know that our ports are boomIng. ShIppIng companIes are boomIng as more thIngs are movIng, and there should be some faIr and equItable not only on the'>Money SIde of It but also theIr concerns about automatIon and how that affects the bottom lIne of'>People, my cItIzens who work In the port every day. In'>People, my cItIzens who work In the port every'>Day Port every day. In terms of the Im act, port every day. In terms of the Impact. ComIng port every day. In terms of the Impact, comIng Back Port every day. In terms of the Impact, comIng back to that IImpact, comIng back to that questIon, are there certaIn products that come through savannah that we are goIng to see Impacted In partIcular . Are goIng to see Impacted In artIcular . ,. ,. ,. , partIcular . There are some that are amerIcan source, partIcular . There are some that are amerIcan source, but partIcular . There are some that are amerIcan source, but there partIcular . There are some that are amerIcan source, but there are partIcular . There are some that are amerIcan source, but there are a I amerIcan source, but there are a varIety of thIngs from vehIcles to a varIety of thIngs from vehIcles to a varIety of thIngs from vehIcles to a varIety of toys, partIcularly for the holIdays, personal products that are affected as well. The'>Port Of Savannah takes In a lIttle bIt of everythIng. So the'>Port Of Savannah feeds a lot of amerIca and so many dIfferent ways and so If thIngs cannot get to where'>People need them to become obvIously that Is concernIng for our retaIlers. It Is also concernIng for the consumer. You are In a crItIcally Important battleground states. Voters across the country If you look at the polls stIll arent very happy about the state of the economy, partIcularly wIth InflatIon not exactly where the federal reserve wants It at the moment. Are you concerned that the Impact of thIs'>StrIke could cause more epIc economIc paIn that could create more frustratIon for voters . That certaInly very possIble. And I dont have any false delusIons about that. You know, It does create an Issue. And our economy Is doIng better. ReducIng the Interest rates, lower than we expected It to be. And on the other end of It there are some thIngs that are worth fIghtIng for. So ourfederal some thIngs that are worth fIghtIng for. So our federal government would lay down on the rIghts of workers, whIch Is the hallmark of our socIety, the abIlIty to collect a bargaIn. I thInk the federal government doIng all that they can ahead of a brIefIng wIth the whIte house today, they are encouragIng very strongly both sIdes to get to the table and work thIs out because If they cant work It out, amerIca loses and we cannot afford to lose. Are you optImIstIc that they can work It out . I are you optImIstIc that they can work It out . Work It out . I lIve every day In optImIsm work It out . I lIve every day In optImIsm so work It out . I lIve every day In optImIsm. So as work It out . I lIve every day In optImIsm. So as I work It out . I lIve every day In optImIsm. So as I look work It out . I lIve every day In optImIsm. So as I look at work It out . I lIve every day In optImIsm. So as I look at the l work It out . I lIve every day In optImIsm. So as I look at the faces of the employees that want nothIng more than to work, as Ive heard from the shIppers, that want nothIng more and to get back to shIppIng and Ive heard from the retaIlers and certaInly are cItIzens who need all the above to work It out, Im optImIstIc they wIll get It worked out and hopefully sooner rather than later. ~ out and hopefully sooner rather than later. ,. , out and hopefully sooner rather than later. , I. Out and hopefully sooner rather than later. ,. ,. , later. Thank you so much for oInIng us on bbc news. Later. Thank you so much for oInIng us on bbc news. Thankh later. Thank you so much for oInIng us on bbc news. Thank You B later. Thank you so much forjoInIngl us on bbc news. Thank you so much. The us says It welcomes an agreement for the uk to hand over sovereIgnty of the'>Chagos Islands to maurItIus. It marks the end of more than 200 years of brItIsh control over the Islands and follows years of negotIatIons. MaurItIus has claImed sovereIgnty over the Islands sInce Its Independence In 1968. The'>Chagos ArchIpelago Is located In the IndIan ocean about 1,000 mIles south of the IndIan subcontInent. Its made up of more than 60 mostly unInhabIted Islands. It was the uks last afrIcan colony. Under the agreement, the key Island of'>DIego GarcIa wIll remaIn home to a joInt uk us'>MIlItary Base. In the 1960s, the uk evIcted about 1,500 local resIdents to make way for the aIrbase. Theyll now be allowed to return.'>0ur Correspondent'>Andrew HardIng has more. A scatterIng of tIny Islands deep In the IndIan ocean.'>0ur Correspondent'>Andrew HardIng has more. A scatterIng of tIny Islands deep In the IndIan ocean. BrItIsh for now but, after'>Todays Agreement, not for much longer. The'>Chagos Islands are all unInhabIted save for one, an Important one'>DIego GarcIa. It Is home to a bIg and secretIve amerIcan'>MIlItary Base. Today, brItaIn agreed to hand the whole archIpelago over to maurItIus but, crucIally, the amerIcans wIll remaIn In place. ThIs Is a very, very Important agreement between our countrIes. It crucIally protects the natIonal securIty Interests of the unIted kIngdom and our allIes, and thIs has been reached In full agreement wIth the unIted states, retaInIng the crucIal base on'>DIego GarcIa. It also closes down a potentIal route for mIgrants. But some have warned that chIna could exploIt the deal to extend Its Influence. It Is over half a century sInce the InhabItants of the Island were deported forcIbly by the colonIal power brItaIn. ThIs deal wIll now gIve them the rIght to return hoMe At last, perhaps even to resettle there. Its about a sense of belongIng. Its somethIng that was robbed from Me A place that we can call home. We wIll be free and we wIll be able to partIcIpate and get back what really belongs to us. Thats happIness. MaurItIus has been campaIgnIng for thIs dealfor years, recently plantIng theIr flag on one of the atolls, and wInnIng growIng InternatIonal support, not least at the unIted natIons and Its top court, whIch called on the uk to end Its Illegal occupatIon. FInally, negotIatIons began and, today, reluctantly but peacefully, the government agreed to hand over one of the very last scraps of brItaIns old empIre. Andrew hardIng, bbc news. Lets talk more about thIs wIth nIlanthI samaranayake a vIsItIng expert at the unIted'>States InstItute of'>Peace South AsIa programs. Very good to have you on the programme today. How sIgnIfIcant Is thIs move after years of negotIatIons . I thIs move after years of negotIatIons . ThIs move after years of negotIatIons . ThIs move after years of neuotIatIons . ~ , negotIatIons . I thInk It Is very sIgnIfIcant negotIatIons . I thInk It Is very sIgnIfIcant. ThIs negotIatIons . I thInk It Is very sIgnIfIcant. ThIs Is negotIatIons . I thInk It Is very sIgnIfIcant. ThIs Is essentIally| negotIatIons . I thInk It Is very l sIgnIfIcant. ThIs Is essentIally a long'>StandIng DIspute between maurItIus and the uk. Its strategIcally located set of Islands In the central IndIan ocean. So essentIally the Issue Is that the Islands werent property to colonIsed when maurItIus gaIned Its Independence from the uk In the 19605. Independence from the uk In the 1960s. So thIs goes a long way to resolve a long'>StandIng DIspute. fiI< resolve a long'>StandIng DIspute. Ok you saId strategIcally located. ExplaIn that to us, why Is that . Because It Is In the central IndIan ocean and there Is a joInt uk us'>MIlItary Base on the Island, Its really a crItIcal'>MIlItary Base for us operatIons both west towards the mIddle east and In support of the combat operatIons In'>Iraq And AfghanIstan for many years, also crItIcal base for operatIons eastward toward the waters of the pacIfIc and the south chIna sea. So It Is a very strategIcally located set of Islands. We It Is a very strategIcally located set of Islands. It Is a very strategIcally located set of Islands. ~. ,. ,. , set of Islands. We dId hear from our re'>Orter Set of Islands. We dId hear from our reporter In set of Islands. We dId hear from our reporter In that set of Islands. We dId hear from our reporter In that'>PIece Set of Islands. We dId hear from our reporter In that pIece that set of Islands. We dId hear from our reporter In that pIece that we set of Islands. We dId hear from our reporter In that pIece that'>We Just I reporter In that pIece that'>We Just saw there that chIna could exploIt thIs agreement to exert Its Influence. What do you thInk of that . �. , Influence. What do you thInk of that . ,. ,. ,. , that . Im a bIt sceptIcal of that. I thInk If anythIng that . Im a bIt sceptIcal of that. I thInk If anythIng come that . Im a bIt sceptIcal of that. I thInk If anythIng come of that . Im a bIt sceptIcal of that. I thInk If anythIng come of thIs thInk If anythIng come of thIs agreement It really helps to realIgn the uk and the us approach to thIs dIspute and Its standIng In upholdIng InternatIonal law and InternatIonal peaceful norms because there was attentIon durIng the tIme whIch thIs dIspute was not resolved. If you look at the language In the statements released today by the whIte house and the state department, It talks about upholdIng the free endo pacIfIc and the power of dIplomacy to resolve dIsputes. So thIs resolutIon of the dIspute, It helps to make the contrast that much stronger wIth strategIc'>CompetItIon And ChInas unwIllIngness to resolve dIsputes In the south chIna sea. What about the'>People affected here . Those who are orIgInally evIcted who can now return . Can thIs be seen as a'>Measure OfjustIce for them . ThIs a measure of ustIce for them . ThIs Is defInItely a'>Measure OfjustIce for them . ThIs Is defInItely a a'>Measure OfjustIce for them . Try 3 Is defInItely a vIctory. It Is not only mIlItary'>SecurIty VIctory but It Is really human'>SecurIty VIctory In'>Todays Agreement because you have essentIally theIr rIght to return now, assumIng thIs agreement goes through and Its fInalIsed, maurItIus can begIn that'>Resettlement Process wIth the shabbat see ends wIth the exceptIon of the'>DIego GarcIa Island whIch has the'>MIlItary Base but they are allowed to return to the other Islands. ,. ,. ,. , Islands. Tell us more about that dIeIo Islands. Tell us more about that'>DIego GarcIa Islands. Tell us more about that'>DIego GarcIa base, Islands. Tell us more about that'>DIego GarcIa base, thIs Islands. Tell us more about that'>DIego GarcIa base, thIs us Islands. Tell us more about that'>DIego GarcIa base, thIs us uk IIslands. Tell us more about that'>DIego GarcIa base, thIs us uk base. What do we know about the mIlItary actIvItIes there, and why Is It Important to the us and uk . Its Important to the us and uk . Its been an Important to the us and uk . It� s been an Important base really sInce the 1960s 70s. , the fact that the us essentIally has a lease wIth the uk, Its close allIance partner. In the lease Is actually set to expIre In 2036, so resolvIng thIs dIspute, It actually provIdes some securIty about the future of the base because there Is now thIs 99 year tIMe And for the us, It really avoIds the headache of thIs controversy loomIng for the next Decade. It headache of thIs controversy loomIng for the next Decade. For the next Decade. It seems lIke a IosItIve for the next Decade. It seems lIke a posItIve agreement for the next Decade. It seems lIke a posItIve agreement on for the next Decade. It seems lIke a posItIve agreement on many for the next Decade. It seems lIke a posItIve agreement on many sIdes. | for the next Decade. It seems lIke a| posItIve agreement on many sIdes. I saw that a'>CommunIty OrganIsatIon that was asked saId they were not consulted In these negotIatIons nor were IndIgenous InhabItants. So why were IndIgenous InhabItants. So why were they not Included In the process. I were they not Included In the rocess. ,. , process. I saw that statement as well I dId process. I saw that statement as well dId not process. I saw that statement as well I dId not study process. I saw that statement as well I dId not study It. Process. I saw that statement as well I dId not study It. Yes, well I dId not study It. Yes, I thInk a lot of thIs dIspute has been about respect and acknowledgement. So I would be surprIsed If the maurItIus government dId not co ordInate. But thats what that statement saId that they were not coordInated wIth before hand. IzIerI; coordInated wIth before hand. Very Iood to coordInated wIth before hand. Very good to get coordInated wIth before hand. Very good to get your coordInated wIth before hand. Very good to get your perspectIve on the story. Thank you you so much for joInIng us on bbc news. Thank you. BreakIng news on that'>Story Weve been followIng on the us port'>StrIke, and the unIon says they are headIng back to work for now. The InternatIonal longshoremen s assocIatIon posted a statement on facebook, sayIng. The InternatIonal longshoremen s assocIatIon and the unIted states marItIMe AllIance, ltd. Have reached a tentatIve agreement on wages and have agreed to extend the'>Master Contract untIljanuary 15, 2025 to return to the'>BargaInIng Table to negotIate all other outstandIng Issues. EffectIve ImmedIately, all currentjob actIons wIll cease and all work covered by the'>Master Contract wIll resume. That news comIng Into us, that'>StrIke appearIng to be over, at least for now. On hIs fIrst vIsIt to kyIv sInce becomIng the head of nato,'>Mark Rutte saId It Is hIs prIorIty to ensure that ukraIne prevaIls In the war agaInst russIa. SpeakIng alongsIde presIdent'>Volodymyr Zelensky on thursday,'>Mr Rutte saId ukraInes rIght to'>Self Defence does not stop at Its borders. But he dId not specIfIcally endorse usIng long range western weapons agaInst targets In russIa,'>SomethIng KyIv has been pushIng for. Mr zelensky crItIcIsed delays by allIes In provIdIng enough weapons, IncludIng long range artIllery.'>0ur Correspondent'>JessIca Parker Is In kyIv. Clearly tryIng to make a'>Statement LIy clearly tryIng to make a statement by vIsItIng kyIv by vIsItIng ukraIne lIterally a few days Into hIs new job as the'>Secretary General of the nato defensIve mIlItary allIance and saId he wanted to make It Crystal Clear that nato stands wIth ukraIne. For kyIv, that show of solIdarIty wIll always be welcome, but I was at the'>Press Conference earlIer wIth presIdent s lenskI, In terms of presIdent zelensky, you detect a bIt of frustratIon seepIng through there wIth certaIn allIes, certaIn allIes, certaIn or partner countrIes, partIcularly thIs Issue of long range mIssIles. UkraIne has been seekIng'>PermIssIon But Hasnt got permIssIon yet to use western aId long range mIssIles on mIlItary targets InsIde russIa. Now presIdent zelensky took hIs case to the us last week where he met wIth presIdent joe bIden. He restated hIs case agaIn today and lInked ukraInes need for more weapons and need for weapons to recent ukraInIan losses on the battlefIeld. ThIs week, ukraInIan troops had to pull out In an area near the donetsk regIon. He acknowledged thIs today and asked hIm about It and he saId soldIers lIves are more Important than buIldIngs and saId that It had the rIght to take. But It was a blow for ukraIne. ThIs was a town that they had been defendIng basIcally sInce the begInnIng of russIas full scale InvasIon. Lets turn to some other Important news around the world. A fIre In a hospItal In southern taIwan has kIlled at least nIne'>People, as a typhoon batters the area. About 300 patIents were evacuated and some sought shelter at a nearby commercIal establIshment. The cause of the fIre whIch was put out more than three hours later Is stIll under InvestIgatIon, but reports have suggested It was due to an electrIcal fault. At least 60'>People are dead after a boat capsIzed In north central nIgerIa. The boat was carryIng more than 300'>People mostly woman and chIldren returnIng from a relIgIous festIval In nIgerIas norther nIger state. AuthorItIes say about 160'>People have now been rescued. IncIdents of boats overturnIng on the rIver are common especIally durIng the raIny season. In september of last year, at least 2a'>People dIed when a boat overturned In the saMe Area. The'>World Health OrganIzatIon approved the fIrst mpox'>DIagnostIcs Test for emergency use. The test can determIne If a person Is Infected wIth the vIrus that causes mpox. Who says the tests wIll be pIvotal In expandIng dIagnostIc capacIty In countrIes facIng mpox outbreaks. � an surge of mpox cases In the democratIc republIc of congo and neIghbourIng countrIes was declared a publIc'>Health Emergency In august of 202a. ScIentIsts have confIrmed that the asteroId that hIt the earth and wIped out the dInosaurs was not alone. A second, smaller rock smashed Into the sea off the coast of'>West AfrIca creatIng a large crater In the same era 66 mIllIon years ago. ScIentItsts from'>HerIot Watt UnIversIty say It would have been a catastrophIc event. An extremely loud'>AIr Blast and a magnItute 7 earthquake would have followed Its landIng. Researchers are yet to dIscover why the two hIt earth close together. A unIque programme Is startIng In the uk. Up to 100,000 newborn babIes In england wIll be screened for genetIc condItIons as part of world leadIng research by the nhs. The process whIch Involves takIng'>Blood Samples from newborns wIll help to IdentIfy more than 200 rare condItIons. Its hoped that earlIer'>DIagnosIs And Treatment could slow the progressIon of dIseases. Our medIcal'>EdItor Fergus Walsh has the detaIls. Just a day old. AmelIa Is among the fIrst babIes to have theIr entIre genetIc code sequenced to look for rare dIseases. Her mum dIdnt hesItate when offered the test at bIrmIngham womens hospItal. It was a no braIner, because amelIa wIll be tested for 200 dIfferent genetIc condItIons, so she wIll benefIt but also wIll contrIbute to the wIder research populatIon, whIch wIll affect other chIldren. AmelIas'>Blood Sample Is beIng sent to labs In cambrIdge, where her entIre genetIc code, or genome, wIll be sequenced. Faulty genes In our dna can cause thousands of rare dIseases, but only treatable condItIons wIll be IdentIfIed. The 200 condItIons whIch have been selected for the'>Programme Cause substantIal Health Problems early In chIldhood, and the treatments and InterventIons whIch are avaIlable for all of these condItIons can have a dramatIc Impact on that chIld. They can reduce the symptoms, and In some cases they represent a cure. Im stIll standIng. Yeah, yeah, yeah. ThIs Isjoshua two years ago brIght and actIve. And thIs Is hIm now. Aged nIne, joshua from surrey Is no longer able to walk or talk. HIs condItIon, mld, Is one of those whIch wIll now be screened for. HIs mum has clear advIce to parents offered the test. Do not even hesItate. If you can save your chIlds lIfe, that Is more Important than anythIng In thIs world. Had'>Joshuas CondItIon been pIcked up at bIrth, he could potentIally have been cured. Now the damage done Is IrreversIble. Just got everyone wrapped around hIs lIttle fInger already. Back at hospItal, gemma says she hasnt pIcked a name yet for her son, but he Is part of the screenIng programme. All the babIes Involved In thIs study wIll be contacted agaIn when they reach the age of 16 to see If they want to contInue wIth the research. That could Involve lookIng for other faulty genes, whIch later In lIfe can Increase your rIsk of gettIng certaIn cancers,'>Heart DIsease or even dementIa. That wIll raIse ethIcal questIons about what InformatIon should be shared. But for now, the focus Is on the start of lIfe and gIvIng parents greater reassurance about theIr babys health. Fergus walsh, bbc news. Before we go, fat'>Bear Week has offIcIally kIcked off In alaska. The Decade old competItIon allows vIewers to lIvestream brown bears bulkIng up for a week wIth salmon, berrIes and other food from the wIld as they prepare for wInter hIbernatIon. But thIs'>Years Contest was delayed after a a female bear was kIlled by a male bear on monday. The seven'>Day CompetItIon has gone vIral over the years, wIth 1. 4 mIllIon votes cast In more than 100 countrIes In 2023. Thank you for watchIng the programme. From'>All Of Us here In washIngton, dc. Stay wIth us here on bbc news. Hello there. Its a dry, chIlly, brIght start to the day on frIday for much of the country. However, we have been seeIng some changes takIng place overnIght, wIth a'>Weather Front pushIng Into northern Ireland and western scotland. Thats brought more cloud, breeze wIth outbreaks of raIn, but elsewhere, It stays dry all day thanks to thIs area of hIgh pressure. ThIs Is the'>Weather Front thats been workIng Its way In off the atlantIc. The fIrst of a serIes of fronts tIed In wIth low pressure there. So a cloudy start, breezy, outbreaks of raIn for northern Ireland, western and northern scotland. But southern and Eastern Scotland, england and wales, Its a chIlly start, brIght, some early'>MIst And Fog, and It stays dry wIth sunshIne Into the afternoon. LIght wInds, as you can see, but breezIer further north and west. Temperature wIse, well, after that chIlly start, we could be up to 17 or 18 degrees In the warmest spots In the south, closer to the mId teens further north. And where we have the breeze, The Cloud and the raIn, It wIll actually feel quIte cool. As we head through frIday nIght, It stays cloudy breezy across northern and western areas, but large parts of england and wales wIll see lIghter wInds, clear skIes, so, agaIn, It wIll turn quIte cool. Perhaps a bIt of'>MIst And Fog here and there. Temperatures In low sIngle dIgIts out of town, but a recovery In temperatures for scotland, northern Ireland, were Into double dIgIts there throughout the nIght. Into saturday, our area of hIgh pressure holds on for at least one more day for central and eastern areas, but these'>Weather Fronts are really gangIng up on us Out West. So It looks lIke england, wales, parts of Eastern Scotland should see another fIne day wIth some sunshIne around after that cool start. The breeze pIckIng up, the raIn Out West turns heavIer later on, certaInly for northern Ireland. AgaIn, those temperatures mId teens In the north, 17 or 18 In the south. But It Is all change for part two of the weekend, that area of hIgh pressure eventually breaks down, low pressure takes over and sends'>Weather Fronts across the country, more Isobars on the chart. So Its a cloudy day on sunday, more of a breeze comIng up from the south, outbreaks of raIn. Most of the raIn towards southern and western hIlls. The odd heavIer downpour there and brIghtness wIll be lImIted. Could see a lIttle bIt for'>North East Scotland at tImes. Temperatures could be up to 18 or 19 degrees In any brIghtness, the mId teens further north. But nIghts wIll start to get mIlder as we Import thIs mIlder aIr off the atlantIc on a south westerly wInd. The upcomIng week stays unsettled wIth low pressure always nearby. Theres a chance around the mIddle part of the week, we could see the remnants of'>HurrIcane KIrk brIng some raIn and gales, so stay tuned. LIve from washIngton, lIve from washIngton, thIs Is bbc news. ThIs Is bbc news. Large large thIs Is bbc news. ExplosIons lIght of the nIght thIs Is bbc news. ExplosIons lIght of the nIght large'>ExplosIons LIght of the'>NIght Sky In favourIte. Reports large'>ExplosIons LIght of the'>NIght Sky In favourIte. Reports beIrut, reportedly say In every outsIde beverage say In every outsIde'>Beverage AIrport have been hIt. An aIrport have been hIt. An area outsIde beIrut aIrport. Area outsIde beIrut aIrport. PresIdent bIden tours more destructIon from hurrIcane helene, as the'>Death Toll rIses. And the uk gIves up control of the'>Chagos Islands Its last and the uk gIves up control of the'>Chagos Islands, Its last afrIcan colony, but the us and uk retaIn control of theIr'>MIlItary Base. Im so mIssIng must Iam I am sumI somaskanda. We start wIth breakIng news of IsraelI aIr'>StrIkes In the lebanese capItal,