SpIrIt, a polItIcal correspondent for the tImes and'>Andrew FIsher who wrItes for the I. Thank you both for beIng wIth us. Tell me lara what do you thInk'>KeIr Starmer has do today . When you speak to people In labour about what they want to achIeve, they want'>KeIr Starmer to put a stamp on thIs conference and say what he belIeves In and what the government Is for, we have had ale dIffIcult couple of weeks for the government, we have had storIes about donor gate, freebIes and dIffIcult storIes about the salary of chIef of staff. Some are sayIng that Is because there a voId that starmer has left and Into that voId he needs to state what It Is he needs. So we need to see from hIm today there Is a real sense he needs to stamp hIs authorIty on thIs conference. Another thIn andrew was the sense we got from the government about tough decIsIon, the'>WInter Fuel Payment whIch was a contentIous decIsIon about that for mIllIons and we have heard from some sayIng you need to Inject more optImIsm whIch the chancellor trIed to do yesterday and do you thInk'>KeIr Starmer wIll try to do today . I thInk he wIll try and say we are havIng to take tough decIsIons so we can have a better decIsIons so we can have a better tomorrow, that Is message he wIll try to get across, message he wIll try to get across, It am not sure It cuts It. Across, It am not sure It cuts It people across, It am not sure It cuts It. People are hearIng the we are goIng It. People are hearIng the we are goIng to cut the'>WInter Fuel. Are goIng to cut the'>WInter Fuel, plus there are lots of peorfle fuel, plus there are lots of people on sorry who dont claIm'>Pen Shen people on sorry who dont claIm'>Pen Shen'>CId CredIt who dont claIm'>Pen Shen'>CId CredIt who dont claIm who'>Pen Shen'>CId CredIt who dont claIm who wIll lose It. A lot of labour claIm who wIll lose It. A lot of labour people thInk thIs Is a mIstake you look at the poll, hIs own a mIstake you look at the poll, hIs own person allan,s have tanked hIs own person allan,s have tanked. LaIns ratIngs have gone tanked. LaIns ratIngs have gone down, It Is a mIstake to leave gone down, It Is a mIstake to leave that gone down, It Is a mIstake to leave that polIcy It Is 1. 3 bIllIoh leave that polIcy It Is 1. 3 bIllIon. If you get more pensIoners goIng Into hospItal It eats pensIoners goIng Into hospItal It eats away at It. It Is not goIng It eats away at It. It Is not goIng to It eats away at It. It Is not goIng to solve the 22 bIllIon black goIng to solve the 22 bIllIon Black Hole any way so It an odd thIng Black Hole any way so It an odd thIng to Black Hole any way so It an odd thIng to have done, as you say all the thIng to have done, as you say all the other thIngs It mounts up, all the other thIngs It mounts up. There all the other thIngs It mounts up, there has been a lot of poor up, there has been a lot of poorjudgment and people want to see poorjudgment and people want to see hIm get a grIp, kInd of just to see hIm get a grIp, kInd of just state to see hIm get a grIp, kInd of just state what a'>Labour Government Is for and probably reverse government Is for and probably reverse the'>WInter Fuel Payments cut. Reverse the'>WInter Fuel Payments cut. There doesnt seem to be payments cut. There doesnt seem to be any payments cut. There doesnt seem to be any sIgn payments cut. There doesnt seem to be any sIgn of payments cut. There doesnt seem to be any sIgn of that, | seem to be any sIgn of that, any movement. The chancellor sayIng It was the rIght decIsIon gIven the economIc cIrcumstances the government claIms that I have InherIted. Do you thInk we wIll get any thIng on'>PolIcy Today . ThInk we wIll aet a thIng on'>PolIcy Today . ThInk we wIll get a'>Welfare ThIng on'>PolIcy Today . ThInk we wIll get a welfare offerIng, thIng on'>PolIcy Today . ThInk we wIll get a welfare offerIng, a. WIll get a welfare offerIng, a crackdown on benefIt, they are hopIng that wIll save £1. 6 bIllIon, thIs Is partIcularly InterestIng because It Is not somethIng we have heard a great deal from somethIng we have heard a great'>Dealfrom Labour about somethIng we have heard a great deal from labour about yet, somethIng we have heard a great'>Dealfrom Labour about yet, by way of polIcy It Is somethIng when you have lIstened to'>LIz Kendal you wouldnt necessarIly thInk she would be happy wIth the announcement of. She has talked about movIng beyond the language of strIvers versus scroungers, but It Is a dIffIcult Issue because of course, that'>BenefIts BIll Is rIsIng, they havent saId what they are goIng to do about that and starmer wIll use today In part to make that offer on welfare but wIth It comes the questIon of what else he wIll do to tackle that bIll. Because the government do to tackle that bIll. Because the government Is do to tackle that bIll. Because the government Is gettIng the government Is gettIng economIc growth at the heart of everythIng they do, If we get the economy growIng, the country wIll feel better off and so wIll everyone so andrew on thIssIsh about welfare, benefIts about gettIng people backIn benefIts about gettIng people back In to work, Is that a valId poInt for hIm to be focussIng on gIven the economIc. FocussIng on gIven the economIc. FocussIng on gIven the economIc. , economIc. Look part of the reason we economIc. Look part of the reason we have economIc. Look part of the reason we have more economIc. Look part of the'>J Reason we have more people economIc. Look part of the'>I Reason we have more people on'>SIckness Reason we have more people on sIckness benefIts Is because of the'>Nhs SIckness benefIts Is because of the nhs waItIng lIsts, there Is a lot the nhs waItIng lIsts, there Is a lot of the nhs waItIng lIsts, there Is a lot of people waItIng for cognItIve care or physIcal operatIons to get back to work, people operatIons to get back to work, people who are workIng age on those people who are workIng age on those lIsts who'>Cant Work at the moment because of that, you have the moment because of that, you have also the moment because of that, you have also got I thInk It Is a skIlls have also got I thInk It Is a skIlls traInIng gap. The prevIous government cut the traInIng prevIous government cut the traInIng'>SkIlls Budget sIgnIfIcantly, If you want people sIgnIfIcantly, If you want people to reskIll you need to gIve people to reskIll you need to gIve them that support, It Is not about gIve them that support, It Is not about stIck, I worry when unIversal not about stIck, I worry when unIversal credIt are. You get under unIversal credIt are. You get under 400 pound unIversal credIt are. You get under400 pound an unIversal credIt are. You get under 400 pound an month as a sIngle under 400 pound an month as a sIngle person. If you lIsten to most sIngle person. If you lIsten to most charItIes they wIll tell you people who overclaIm do so In error you people who overclaIm do so In error or you people who overclaIm do so In error or because they are strugglIng to make ends meet and need more money. It Is not out of and need more money. It Is not out of greed, there Is a small crIrnInal out of greed, there Is a small crImInal element, there probably Is doIng It for that, but probably Is doIng It for that, hutIust probably Is doIng It for that, butjust on that, agaIn, It Is not butjust on that, agaIn, It Is not a butjust on that, agaIn, It Is not a sIgnIfIcant polIcy that wIll get not a sIgnIfIcant polIcy that wIll get people kInd of goIng thIs Is wIll get people kInd of goIng thIs Is a wIll get people kInd of goIng thIs Is a really good thIng a labour thIs Is a really good thIng a'>Labour Government Is doIng. A brIef'>Labour Government Is doIng. BrIef thought on the mood at the conference here, you would have been here the past few day, thIs Is the fIrst conference as a party In power, you would have thought there would have been wall to'>Wall Sense of celebratIon. I would have been'>Wall Sense of celebratIon. Sense of celebratIon. I am IckIn sense of celebratIon. I am pIckIng'>Pp Sense of celebratIon. I am pIckIng up nervousness I sense of celebratIon. I am I pIckIng up nervousness from people some In government, It Is very early on, In'>KeIr Starmer� s premIershIp to be facIng a dIffIcult test of hIs authorIty, partIcularly on these dIffIcult brIefIngs he has had and a real worry they have come to conference wIth people wantIng to celebrate and they are worrIed they havent quIte got control of the narratIve yet. QuIte got control of the narratIve et. ,. , narratIve yet. There Is'>AnxIety I A. Ree narratIve yet. There Is anxIety I agree wIth narratIve yet. There Is anxIety I agree wIth that, narratIve yet. There Is anxIety I agree wIth that, I narratIve yet. There Is anxIety I agree wIth that, I have narratIve yet. There Is anxIety I agree wIth that, I have been | I agree wIth that, I have been comIng I agree wIth that, I have been comIng to I agree wIth that, I have been comIng to conferences forjust over comIng to conferences forjust over 25 comIng to conferences forjust over 25 years and I have never known over 25 years and I have never known a over 25 years and I have never known a conference where there Is not known a conference where there Is not a known a conference where there Is not a sIgnIfIcant'>PolIcy Announcement and It allowed the other announcement and It allowed the other storIes to domInate because there a voId there and that Is because there a voId there and that Is a because there a voId there and that Is a real problem. That Is a real problem. Thank ou that Is a real problem. Thank you both that Is a real problem. Thank you both very that Is a real problem. Thank you both very much. That Is a real problem. Thank you both very much. That that Is a real problem. Thank| you both very much. That was'>Andrew FIsher and lara spIrIt. LookIng ahead to'>KeIr Starmer� s speech but yesterday, we had the'>Chancellor Rachel Reevess speech, when she was agaIn tryIng to Inject a sense of hope although she dId maIntaIn the kInd of tough economIc envIronment she says she has InherIted. We can talk about thIs wIth Ian anderson, a'>BusIness Leader who used to advIce the conservatIve government but supports the'>Labour Government. What was your maIn take away from the chancellors speech, do you thInk she got It rIght . Look, thIs conference thInk she got It rIght . Look, thIs conference Is thInk she got It rIght . Look, thIs conference Is takIng thInk she got It rIght . Look, l thIs conference Is takIng place probably In advance of a'>Budget ThatIs probably In advance of a budget that Is goIng to be the most Important key'>Note Feature of thIs government on the 30th of october. What dId she say, she 0ctober. What dId she say, she saId that you'>Cant Tax and spend your way to growth. Now, a lot of'>BusIness Leaders, people lIke myself, anybody who Is runnIng a busIness, that was an absolutely pItch perfect message. We need economIc stabIlIty, we dont need'>PolIcy Nasse are choppIng and changIng every fIve mInute, that Is what we got from the prevIous admInIstratIon, but the proof wIll be In the puddIng In sIx weeks tIme. Weeks tIme. The pursuIt of thIs government weeks tIme. The pursuIt of thIs government Is weeks tIme. The pursuIt of. ThIs government Is economIc growth. Way want Investment, they want to get the economy movIng agaIn, we know there wIll dIffIcult decIsIons In the budget because the chancellor has told us that Is the case, In the'>BusIness CommunIty do you thInk thIs government Is lendIng enough confIdence to get the Investment they want to achIeve . ,. ,. ,. , ~ , get the Investment they want to achIeve . ,. ,. ,. ,. , achIeve . So, look, they have sent achIeve . So, look, they have spent the achIeve . So, look, they have spent the summer, achIeve . So, look, they have spent the summer, outlInIng | achIeve . So, look, they have spent the summer, outlInIng the problem, may be they spent too long outlInIng the problem, I thInk the electorate busInesses, need a judgment on the prevIous admInIstratIon, on'>ElectIon Day Itself, that Is why the conservatIves werent re elected. But there Is a really bIg attempt here, In lIverpool, to kInd of reset that message to Inject that conference, and when you look at the'>Stock Market and the performance of the'>Stock Market, you look at the performance of sterlIng, people are lookIng at the uk, suggestIng that. Co paIred to lots of other terrItorIes, thIs could be the stable place to Invest. I am optImIstIc. You stIll have Invest. I am optImIstIc. You stIll have your Invest. I am optImIstIc. You stIll have your eyes Invest. I am optImIstIc. You stIll have your eyes on Invest. I am optImIstIc. You stIll have your eyes on that| stIll have your eyes on that budget. StIll have your eyes on that bud. Et. ,. ,. , budget. Everyone has the theIr e es on budget. Everyone has the theIr eyes on that budget. Everyone has the theIr eyes on that budget. Budget. Everyone has the theIr eyes on that budget. Thank budget. Everyone has the theIr| eyes on that budget. Thank you very much eyes on that budget. Thank you very much and eyes on that budget. Thank you very much and the eyes on that budget. Thank you very much and the budget eyes on that budget. Thank you very much and the budget Is. Very much and the budget Is comIng on'>October 30th but before that we have another two days of a'>Labour Party Conference and we wIll hear from the'>Home Secretary thIs mornIng, focussIng on tacklIng antI socIal behavIour, wIll she mentIon the small boat crossIngs . Before'>KeIr Starmer takes to the'>Conference Platform at round 2pm. The'>Message StIck wIth me, we wIll get through thIs, there Is lIght at the end of the tunnel, tryIng to take the country wIth hIm but recognIses some maybe tough. How wIll that go down . We wIll have reactIon the that speech throughout today on bbc news. I was Interested In your guests, when you asked about the mood of conference there, and they mentIon the word anxIety, there Is lot of anxIety, there Is lot of anxIety, Is that what you are pIckIng up as well . We are seeIng busy scenes behInd you, people arrIvIng to lIsten to the varIous secretarIes of state who wIll speak In a moment. Moment. What are you pIckIng up . It moment. Moment. What are you pIckIng up . PIckIng up . It Is a packed conference, pIckIng up . It Is a packed conference, It pIckIng up . It Is a packed conference, It Is pIckIng up . It Is a packed conference, It Is laboursj conference, It Is labours fIrst'>CondItIon O Presence as a party In power to or so long, It has been really busy here, but I thInk the backdrop to It and a couple of thIngs partIcularly you heard the guests talk about, so we had the storIes about free by, brIefIngs about the Op Ranges In downIng street, the pay of senIor staff round'>KeIr Starmer and potentIal'>Power Struggles whIch have caused angst and we have had that'>WInter Fuel'>PolIcy O so the backdrop to thIs conference has made It more wobbly than they mIght have expected for a party who has only been In government for a couple of months and won a huge majorIty at the electIon, so what'>KeIr Starmer Is goIng to hope to do today, Is brIng the conference wIth hIm, but of course what he does need to do Is brIng the country wIth hIm. We are lookIng at that pIcture that has opInIon In the papers of hIm sIttIng on the steps at conference and lookIng thought there at hIs notes It Is a bIg moment for hIm. It there at hIs notes It Is a bIg moment for hIm. There at hIs notes It Is a bIg moment for hIm. It Is a huge moment. Moment for hIm. It Is a huge moment, and moment for hIm. It Is a huge moment, and It moment for hIm. It Is a huge moment, and It Is moment for hIm. It Is a huge | moment, and It Is InterestIng tojust any that moment, and It Is InterestIng to just any that In some ways people expected the general electIon to come after thIs conference, thIs mIght have been the last'>Labour Conference before the general electIon campaIgn, had'>RIshI Sunak not pulled the gun earlIer In the summer, so, you know, thIs Is now a conference as'>KeIr Starmer labour'>PrIme MInIster, the fIrst In 14 years, they have been very clear about the challenges they thInk the country faces when It comes to the straIn on publIc servIce, on hospItal, traIn, educatIon, on hospItal, traIn, educatIon, on schools so they have been honest, they say, about the challenges they face, I thInk where you are goIng to have to hear from where you are goIng to have to hearfrom'>KeIr Starmer Is where you are goIng to have to hear from'>KeIr Starmer Is what the solutIons they are offerIng are and of course the key thIng and the slogan, when you look round the conference centre, Is everywhere, Is labour of'>Course And Change begIn, change was what they campaIgned on durIng the electIon, now they have got to start to delIver. find the electIon, now they have got to start to delIver. To start to delIver. And alex fInally before to start to delIver. And alex fInally before we to start to delIver. And alex fInally before we go, to start to delIver. And alex fInally before we go, we to start to delIver. And alex. FInally before we go, we should throw ahead to Yvette Keeper who Is talkIng In less than 20 mInutes, and talkIng about dIffIcult starts to the job. She had only been'>Home Secretary for three weeks before the rIots across the country, so wonderIng how Is she lIkely to address that and what Is she lIkely to headlIne In her speech . I what Is she lIkely to headlIne In her speech . What Is she lIkely to headlIne In her speech . I thInk she wIll talk about In her speech . I thInk she wIll talk about them In her speech . I thInk she wIll talk about them head In her speech . I thInk she wIll talk about them head on, In her speech . I thInk she wIll talk about them head on, the | talk about them head on, the government was wanted to be seen to take a tough stance when they happened, we saw a lot of people fast tracked through the'>JustIce System and ImprIsoned quIckly, thInk she wIll mentIon that, In the brIefIng overnIght, we are told what to expect In the speeches, the focus has been on tacklIng antI socIal behavIour so crackIng down In town centres the on crIme, on shoplIftIng, those thIngs but the other bIt that falls under the brIef'>Offette Cooper of coursers are the small boat crossIngs, more than 23,000 people have made the crossIngs thIs year and sadly of course we have seen more deaths and there has been a marked dIfference In thIs approach to the proved a mInute strange because they have scrapped the'>Rwanda Scheme and say they are focussIng on crackIng down on the crImInal gangs, I suspect that wIll come up gangs, I suspect that wIll come up In the'>Home Secretarys speech as well. Is up In the'>Home Secretarys speech as well. Is thank you for the moment. Speech as well. Is thank you for the moment. We speech as well. Is thank you for the moment. We wIll. Speech as well. Is thank you for the moment. We wIll be | speech as well. Is thank you for the moment. We wIll be back to alex because the'>Home Secretary Is due to take to the podIum In about 17 mInutes, so, 10. 00, we wIll be back there, you can keep across all that Is happenIng at the'>Labour Conference you can see the'>Qr Code on the screen so you can keep across It all If that Is what you prefer to do. A clean up operatIon Is under way after heavy'>RaIn And Flash'>FloodIng Battered Parts of central and Southern England yesterday, causIng wIdespread'>Travel DIsruptIon and damage to propertIes. Some areas saw more than a'>Months Worth of raIn In a matter of hours as'>AlIce Key reports. And the toIlet was completely flooded. The lIno was floatIng around, you know, on top. Frances ward has lIved In her'>0xfordshIre Home for nearly 50 years, but thIs Is the fIrst tIme Its flooded. Im feelIng really upset, actually. Ijust Its just the aftermath of It. The thought of havIng to the Insurance and takIng everythIng out, because were not physIcally capable of takIng carpets up and then buyIng new stuff, new carpets. So I dont know whats goIng to happen yet. Im feelIng really upset, actually. In dunstable, busIness owners were also left wonderIng what damage has been done. Weve been here for the last three hours, cleanIng everythIng up, tryIng to get rId of all the mud, all of the water. 13 mIles away, thIs was the scene that met'>Dean Elcome as he trIed to get to hIs garage. He says hes never seen It thIs bad. Its Inches away from gettIng Into the house. In dunstable, busIness owners were also left wonderIng accordIng to the envIronment agency, at least 45 propertIes were flooded across hertfordshIre, bedfordshIre, kent and the home countIes. Afc wImbledons stadIum Is also closed untIl further notIce after a sInkhole appeared on the pItch and walkways were flooded. But Its notjust buIldIngs Impacted. Heavy raInfall In hartfIeld caused wIdespread dIsruptIon on the roads. FloodIng near london had a Knock On Effect for traIn travel, and a sectIon of the maIn road between'>Bedford And MIlton keynes wIll remaIn closed today after beIng submerged. Forecasters say the heavIest raIn Is now over, but there are stIll flood warnIngs In place. And for people lIke frances, a lot of damage stIll to contend wIth. AlIce key, bbc news. Now, many people belIeve that the popular us'>Tv Show SuccessIon Is loosely based on the lIves of'>Ruppert Murdoch and hIs chIldren. Now, the'>MedIa Mogul� s real'>LIfe SuccessIon has taken place InsIde a nevada court house. The case pItted the 93 year old agaInst three of hIs eldest chIldren over who wIll gaIn control of'>News Corp when he dIes. Butjust as It was held behInd closed doors, the decIsIon, when It comes, wIll also be secret. Emma vardy reports from reno. Vegas Is where you go to get marrIed, they say, and reno to get dIvorced. Now thIs has become the somewhat unlIkely locatIon for settlIng a'>FamIly Power Struggle between the'>MedIa Mogul'>Rupert Murdoch and hIs chIldren. Are you confIdent of vIctory . Normally, we would be InsIde a courtroom lIke thIs reportIng whats goIng on. But for thIs one, we are locked out. I want a broadcast network. I want to see what other news operatIons we can sweep up. Local tv . Dad, nobody watches tv. The case has been nIcknamed successIon because of Its resemblance to the'>Tv Show InspIred by the murdoch famIly. Rupert murdoch owns many newspapers and televIsIon networks, Include the rIght'>WIng Outlet Fox news. HIs eldest chIldren were set to get equal power over hIs corporatIons but now, he reportedly wants to gIve full control to hIs eldest son lachlan, who Is belIeved to share hIs fathers more conservatIve vIews. Mr murdoch, are you confIdent of vIctory . | and the laws In nevada allow the case to be held In prIvate. There Is a huge amount on the lIne here and here what you have Is an Irrevocable trust that'>Rupert Murdoch Is attemptIng to change. So In most states, thats very dIffIcult. In nevada, Its a lIttle easIer. Locally, there Is surprIse thIs battle has been happenIng on the doorstep. I mIght even drIve past the courthouse on my way home. The fact It Is beIng kept. So secret Is kInd of shady. It could have so much Impact. On our future and the future of the InformatIon that the publIc receIves In thIs country. Us audIences are already deeply dIvIded over the way polItIcs Is portrayed on dIfferent networks. You hear one thIng on thIs statIon and you hear the absolute opposIte, and Its lIke, you are lyIng to people and theIr gullIble and theyre belIevIng It. The outcome of thIs case matters because'>Rupert Murdochs powerful'>MedIa EmpIre has helped shape polItIcs and the careers of polItIcal leaders around the world. And It has a bIg Influence on the type of news many people consume day to day. We may never know the full detaIls of how thIs'>Power Struggle wIthIn the'>Murdoch News EmpIre gets resolved. On thIs occasIon,'>Rupert Murdoch appears unwIllIng to become the news hImself. Emma vardy, bbc news, reno. In sIngapores bIggest polItIcal'>CorruptIon TrIal In almost 50 years, a former mInIster has been convIcted after pleadIng guIlty to brIbery charges. SubramanIan Iswaran had faced 35 charges and now a possIble jaIl sentence. 0ur reporter, suranjana tewar, was at the sIngapores Supreme Court. SubramanIam Iswaran just left the Supreme Court behInd me. HIs trIal Is takIng place In the hIgh court, whIch Is In the same buIldIng. He walked Into the court to face trIal wIth 35 charges agaInst hIs name, IncludIng takIng gIfts, as he was a publIc servant, also corruptIon and obstructIng justIce. But after enterIng the trIal hIs prosecutors actually reduced those charges. He now only faces fIve charges and they dropped the'>CorruptIon Charge so It Is just takIng gIfts as a publIc'>Servant And ObstructIon to justIce. He pleaded guIlty and thejudge convIcted hIm of all fIve. But after many delIberatIons the judge saId they needed more tIme to decIde what hIs sentence would be and the'>Court Case has been adjourned untIl october the 3rd. SubramanIam Iswaran held many portfolIos In the government, most recently the transport mInIster, and he was famed for brIngIng the grand'>PrIx Race to sIngapore, and many of the allegatIons relate to that event. He Is accused of takIng gIfts whIle In publIc servIce of more than 300,000 us dollars IncludIng flIghts, hotel stays and musIcal tIckets and grand prIx tIckets. It has become a very hIgh profIle case, then . Absolutely. One of the most hIgh profIle, In fact the last polItIcal'>CorruptIon TrIal was In 1975, so there Is very lIttle precedent regardIng these types of allegatIons. SubramanIam Iswaran InItIally denIed all wrongdoIng but he pleaded guIlty In the trIal today. ThIs has really rattled sIngapore, because publIc servants are paId an awful lot of money, some of them earn more than 700,000 per year, and lawmakersjustIfy the handsome salarIes, sayIng they deter corruptIon. There has been a lot of attentIon on thIs case, especIally gIven that sIngapore lawmakers put themselves at a much hIgher standard when It comes to thIngs lIke corruptIon and brIbes whIle In publIc servIce. Suranjana tewarI, thank you. There are plenty of amazIng swImmIng teachers out there, butjust ImagIne gettIng a lesson from an'>OlympIc And Commonwealth champIon just back from wInnIng gold In parIs. Well, thats exactly what happened for some lucky chIldren, as'>Duncan Scott showed the next generatIon of swImmers In glasgow how to be safe In the water. Scotland has three tImes the number of accIdental drownIngs as the rest of the uk, as'>CatrIona Renton reports. Legs up agaInst the wall lIke that, head down, blowIng bubbles. These nIne year olds have been gettIng some specIal tIps durIng theIr swImmIng lesson from an olympIc gold medallIst. Duncan scott was helpIng promote the Importance of'>Competence And ConfIdence In the water. He teached us how to go under the water and push off. How Important Is It to learn to swIm . Very Important. If you are out and about and you are goIng to the beach, and youre strugglIng to swIm, then If you know how to swIm, then you wont drown. He was gIven us challenges. And dId you do them . Yeah. DId you do them well . Yeah. DId he say you were good . Yes. You are a brIllIant swImmer, jamal. FantastIc. Should everybody learn to swIm . Yeah. There were 47 accIdental drownIngs In Scotland Last year thats more than three tImes the rate In the rest of the uk. The aIm of the new natIonal swImmIng programme Is to prIorItIse key'>Water Safety skIlls for all prImary chIldren. Its so Important. That'>Water Safety thIng, drownIng preventIon, Is what It Is all about. That Is the key thIng. Not everybody wIll grow up to be an olympIc swImmer. But the actual aspect of learnIng a'>LIfe SkIll Is just crucIal. Its a necessIty for everyone. And then outwIth that as well you have kIds progressIng and learnIng how to swIm, enjoyIng It that socIal aspect as well, learnIng a new skIll. I thInk the balance of that Is great to see. Commentator the gold goes to scotland. Duncan scott wIns'>Gold Ducan has won 68 medals In natIonal and InternatIonal competItIons, IncludIng two olympIc gold. He has competed In every Commonwealth Games sInce glasgow 2014, wIth another one comIng back to the cIty In 2026. I am really lookIng forward to the prospect of another'>Home Commonwealth games. I have been spoIled wIth that. But, look, I thInk It wIll be a real posItIve not only for people who do sport In scotland, but also the natIon as a whole to get behInd the athletes. But thIs generatIon fInd themselves swImmIng agaInst the tIde. In the last year alone, sIx councIl swImmIng pools have closed In scotland. ParalympIan'>TonI Shaw has been campaIgnIng to keep those open. It Is so sad when a pool closes. It could mean a whole area, a whole generatIon of chIldren mIssIng out and not beIng safe around water. So I thInk tryIng to save as many pools as possIble Is so Important. There you go. Perhaps some of these chIldren wIll go on to achIeve great success In swImmIng, but, In thIs clImate, masterIng the safety basIcs has to be the prIorIty. CatrIona renton, bbc news. Some IncredIble pIctures of our feathered frIends now wIth the announcement of the'>BIrd Photographer of the year. CanadIan'>PatrIcIa Homonylo scooped the top prIze. Her photograph, tItled � when worlds collIde, shows more than 4,000 bIrds that dIed bumpIng Into the cIty wIndows. The young'>BIrd Photographer of the year Is 14 year old andres luIs'>Dom Nguez blanco from spaIn, for hIs creatIve angle of a nuthatch scramblIng down an oak tree. Here are some more wInners. Photographers competed In a eIght categorIes In the adult competItIon, wInnIng a conservatIon award, portfolIo award, and vIdeo award. There Is even a comedy bIrd photo. Just look at these helmetshrIkes preparIng to sleep, In south afrIca, by gary collyer, who grabbed bronze. Now Its tIme for a look at the weather wIth carol kIrkwood. Hello agaIn. Where It was so wet yesterday across parts of england In partIcular, It Is a lot drIer today. MInd you, It Is faIrly cloudy. What we have as we go through the rest of the week Is of further raIn as we go through the mIddle part, and It Is goIng to turn colder, especIally so by frIday, when we wIll be addIng In some'>WInd ChIll to the lower temperatures. So today we have yesterdays low pressure pushIng away, another'>Weather Front movIng south across scotland, IntroducIng some raIn that wIll turn showerIer as we go through the day, but who gets the Odd Heavy Burst across fIfe and lothIan. Eventually that wIll get Into northern england, and for northern Ireland, the rest of england and wales It Is a mIxture of brIght spells, sunny Intervals and some scattered showers. It Is also goIng to feel fresher than yesterday, especIally In the north, because we are startIng to pull In a northerly wInd behInd our'>Weather Front. That'>Weather Front Is goIng to contInue to sInk southwards tonIght, wIth It showers. There wIll be clear skIes around, showers across south'>West England, drIftIng Into central Southern England, and It wIll be cold enough In sheltered glens and rural parts of northern Ireland for a touch of frost, as temperatures slIp just below freezIng. But agaIn, a'>Cooler NIght across the board than recent nIghts. As we head from wednesday Into thursday, you can see how we have got the next low pressure pushIng steadIly northwards and eastwards,'>Cooler AIr comes In rIght behInd It, across the country, so you wIll feel the draught lIterally durIng the course of frIday. But back to wednesday, we have raIn comIng In from the south west. Some of thIs wIll be heavy as It pushes Into south'>West England and wales, gettIng Into central, Southern England by the end of the day. MovIng north, It Is brIght spells and showers, wIth temperatures 10 to about 17, so temperatures dIppIng once agaIn. Into thursday, the raIn contInues to push northwards, Into northern england, scotland and northern Ireland. There wIll be heavIly showers followIng on behInd. To the west, some brIghter skIes, but also, quIte blustery wInds, especIally along the east coast, and these temperatures 11 to about 17 degrees. MovIng on, then, Into the latter part of the week, It Is frIday that you wIll notIce the'>WInd ChIll. It wIll feel cold, and It Is goIng to turn colder as we go through the weekend, wIth the chance of wet and wIndy weather comIng our way, sunday Into monday. LIve from london, thIs Is bbc news. SIr'>KeIr Starmer wIll delIver hIs fIrst'>Labour Conference speech as'>PrIme MInIster to say there Is lIght at the end of there Is lIght at the end of the tunnel. We wIll take you lIve to the conference were the'>Home Secretary'>Yvette Cooper Is due to speak shortly. IsraelI aIr strIkes on hezbollah contInue overnIght after the deadlIest day of conflIct across the border In decades. The'>Home Secretary'>Yvette Cooper Is about to address the'>Labour Party Conference. 0ur polItIcal correspondent'>Alex Forsyth Is there for us. Not long now, about 40 seconds, but these thIngs rarely happen on tIme so we probably had tIme to go through a lIttle of what we expect from the'>Home Secretary . Yes, we are always present presented wIth a schedule and It runs slIghtly over. Yvette cooper wIll be speakIng on the conference stage, all of the bIg speeches have been takIng place there. I am watchIng pIctures of It comIng through on my lIttle screen on front of me and she Is already on stage but not In front of the mIcrophone just yet. As but not In front of the mIcrophonejust yet. As Is but not In front of the mIcrophone just yet. As Is the case wIth every major speech at a conference lIke thIs we are told what to expect In advance. So there wIll be a real focus on what she calls street crIme. The antI socIal behavIour could have a real Impact on towns and communItIes and she wants a crackdown on that. She Is talkIng about ImprovIng the vIsIbIlIty of polIcIng, more'>CommunIty PolIcIng and somethIng she Is callIng a'>Respect Order where prolIfIc or persIstent people engage In antI socIal behavIour would be prevented from goIng Into certaIn areas. That Is the thrust of what we have been told to expect from the'>Home Secretarys speech overnIght, the other huge Issue under her brIef Is the challenge of small boats the crossIng. More than 23,000 people have made that crossIng and more people have dIed as they attempt to reach brItaIn from france. The conservatIve government had the'>Rwanda Scheme and they claImed It would be a deterrent. ThIs government has scrapped a plan and Is focusIng on tacklIng crImInal gangs

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