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Had no choIce settle but to leave harrods. No choIce at all. The threat of InvolvIng the polIce would also be made by the'>SecurIty Team and on occasIon from our InvestIgatIons we know that thIs would be followed through. One woman that we represent was Sexually Assaulted and she had the'>Bravery And Courage to raIse thIs In a formal'>WrItten ComplaInt to harrods. On the same day of makIng thIs'>WrItten ComplaInt, the head of securIty, john mcnamara, contacted her and saId, you are a gIrl alone contacted her and saId, you are a gIrlalone In contacted her and saId, you are a gIrl alone In london, someone could jump out of the bushes at you, or you could have a sudden accIdent. You need to deny what you have saId In the fIrst letter wIth a second letter whIch you must drop off before noon the followIng day. She, of course, dId what she was told because she was absolutely petrIfIed. Another woman who we represent wIshed to resIgn because of the sexual assaults and degradIng behavIour, she trIed to resIgn to get away from It. She was called Into the offIce by the head of securIty who told her that she had been dIsloyal to the chaIrman and that she had to leave ImmedIately. If she ever dared'>Talk To The Press or revealed any InformatIon about the chaIrman, she was told In explIcIt terms that there would be serIous consequences. Once thIs woman dId leave, she was subjected to threats over the phone from the head of securIty and became very Ill and suIcIdal. She was admItted Into a psychIatrIc unIt. Months of her lIfe for sIx months of her lIfe for sIx months of her lIfe. She was unable after that experIence to form any proper relatIonshIps wIth any other man and lost out on the opportunIty to have her own famIly as a result of all of thIs. I cannot emphasIse enough that how many of the women we represent have told me personally thIngs that they have not been able to share wIth another soul. Some women have hung onto confIdentIal documents that they could use It. Do so as a'>SecurIty Blanket In case'>Mohamed Al fayed or any of hIs assocIates ever try to come after them. One woman saId to me, that was the fear he drove In you, marIa. I would also lIke to say thIs, I know that some women that we represent were too afraId to come to thIs'>Press Conference today. I would lIke them to know that we are all thInkIng about them. Thank you for lettIng me share thIs wIth you. I am now goIng to hand over to attorney'>GlorIa Allred who as we know has represented vIctIms In hIgh profIle cases all over the world and It Is a prIvIlege to share the stage wIth her today. Thank you. My to share the stage wIth her today. Thank you. My name Is'>GlorIa Allred. Today. Thank you. My name Is'>GlorIa Allred. I today. Thank you. My name Is'>GlorIa Allred. I am today. Thank you. My name Is'>GlorIa Allred. I am an today. Thank you. My name Is|'>GlorIa Allred. I am an attorney from'>GlorIa Allred. I am an attorney from the'>GlorIa Allred. I am an attorney from the unIted states. If I may from the unIted states. If'>I May Take A Moment for personal prIvIlege. May take a moment for personal prIvIlege. I may take a moment for personal prIvIlege, I would lIke to have stand prIvIlege, I would lIke to have stand up prIvIlege, I would lIke to have stand up and recognIse my partner stand up and recognIse my partner of 48 years who Is here wIth partner of 48 years who Is'>Here WIth Me partner of 48 years who Is'>Here WIth Me today, my law partner, nathan wIth me today, my law partner, nathan goldberg, and my assocIate In my law fIrm, 0IIvIa~ assocIate In my law fIrm, olIvIa. Thank you. I have been representIng vIctIms for the past representIng vIctIms for the past 48 representIng vIctIms for the past 48 years, IncludIng vIctIms past 48 years, IncludIng vIctIms'>Jeffrey EpsteIn, vIctIms of'>Jeffrey EpsteIn, harvey vIctIms'>Jeffrey EpsteIn, harvey weInsteIn, r kelly, and now vIctIms of sean colmes, to name now vIctIms of sean colmes, to name just now vIctIms of sean colmes, to name just a few. I have represented vIctIms of bIll cosby, represented vIctIms of bIll cosby, IncludIng one vIctIm who he represented In a'>CIvIl TrIal AgaInst he represented In a'>CIvIl TrIal AgaInst hIm who we were presented agaInst hIm who we were presented In a'>CIvIl TrIal AgaInst presented In a'>CIvIl TrIal AgaInst hIm whIch we won. In addItIon agaInst hIm whIch we won. In addItIon In agaInst hIm whIch we won. In addItIon In one lawsuIt agaInst the owner of a company we represented a female employee and won represented a female employee and won at trIal a judgment In excess and won at trIal a judgment In excess of and won at trIal a judgment In excess of'>52 MIllIon agaInst that owner who sexually harassed our clIent. I am very famIlIar harassed our clIent. I am very famIlIar wIth how powerful men use theIr famIlIar wIth how powerful men use theIr wealth, posItIons of power use theIr wealth, posItIons of'>Power And Fame to subject women and gIrls'>Power And Fame to subject women and gIrls to'>Sexual Abuse. The allegatIons agaInst'>Mohamed Al fayed allegatIons agaInst'>Mohamed Al fayed Include serIal rape, attempted rape,'>Sexual Battery and'>Sexual Abuse of mInors. They and'>Sexual Abuse of mInors. They Involve doctors admInIsterIng InvasIve gynaecologIcal exams as a condItIon of employment. Of the employees who were targeted by'>Mohamed Al fayed for some of the employees who were targeted by'>Mohamed Al fayed for'>Sexual Abuse by'>Mohamed Al fayed for'>Sexual Abuse by by'>Mohamed Al fayed for'>Sexual Abuse by hIm. The allegatIons also abuse by hIm. The allegatIons also Include the unauthorIsed dIsclosure to'>Mohamed Al fayed of the dIsclosure to'>Mohamed Al fayed of the'>ExamInatIon Results of employees he targeted for sexual employees he targeted for'>Sexual Abuse. The allegatIons Involve'>Sexual Abuse. The allegatIons Involve cover ups, threats and a quarter Involve cover ups, threats and a'>Quarter Century of'>Sexual Abuse a'>Quarter Century of'>Sexual Abuse by a'>Quarter Century of'>Sexual Abuse by'>Mohamed Al fayed after he purchased harrods and became Its chaIrman. Harrods Is often referred Its chaIrman. Harrods Is often referred to as the most beautIful store In the world. It beautIful store In the world. It has beautIful store In the world. It has a beautIful store In the world. It has a glamorous hIstory. Many It has a glamorous hIstory. Many women dreams of workIng there many women dreams of workIng there to many women dreams of workIng there. To be assocIated wIth thIs there. To be assocIated wIth thIs prestIgIous corporatIon and thIs prestIgIous corporatIon and to thIs prestIgIous corporatIon and to furthertheIr thIs prestIgIous corporatIon and to further theIr careers. However. And to further theIr careers. However, underneath'>Harrods GlItz however, underneath'>Harrods GlItz and however, underneath'>Harrods GlItz and glamour, a toxIc, unsafe glItz and glamour, a toxIc, unsafe and abusIve envIronment. Shakespeares hamlet saId, guote,'>Shakespeares Hamlet saId, quote, somethIng Is rotten In the state quote, somethIng Is rotten In the state of denmark. We say, somethIng was rotten at the'>Core SomethIng was rotten at the core of somethIng was rotten at the core of harrods. The store was known core of harrods. The store was known for core of harrods. The store was known for caterIng to every need known for caterIng to every need of known for caterIng to every need of Its customers and It was need of Its customers and It was presented as the epItome of beautv was presented as the epItome of beauty. The ugly truth, however, was that a number of female however, was that a number of female employees were beIng sexually abused by Its chaIrman,'>Mohamed Al fayed. The current chaIrman,'>Mohamed Al fayed. The current owners purchased harrods current owners purchased harrods In 2010. The statement In the harrods In 2010. The statement In the'>Bbc Documentary appears to suggest that they were unaware of thIs hIstory of sexual unaware of thIs hIstory of'>Sexual Abuse. Unaware of thIs hIstory of sexualabuse. However, In the documentary, It Is alleged that'>Al Fayeds abuse was not a secret'>Al Fayeds abuse was not a secret and was wIdely known by Its employees. Perhaps the new owners Its employees. Perhaps the new owners were blInded by the bIllIons owners were blInded by the bIllIons of dollars they stood to gaIn bIllIons of dollars they stood to gaIn or by theIr opportunIty to gaIn or by theIr opportunIty to buy to gaIn or by theIr opportunIty to buy a to gaIn or by theIr opportunIty to buy a pIece of great brItaIns hIstory. When'>Mohamed Al fayed brItaIns hIstory. When'>Mohamed Al fayed sold harrods, a spokesperson for'>Al Fayed saId, guote, spokesperson for'>Al Fayed saId, guote,'>He Spokesperson for'>Al Fayed saId, quote, he specIfIcally chose, and quote, the buyers to ensure the legacy and quote, the buyers to ensure the legacy and tradItIons that he has the legacy and tradItIons that he has buIlt up In parents would he has buIlt up In parents would be contInued, end quote. Mohamed would be contInued, end quote. Mohamed'>Al Fayeds legacy was to prev'>Mohamed Al fayeds legacy was to prey upon, denIgrate, humIlIate and abuse female employees for hIs own sexual gratIfIcatIon. That Is the legacy gratIfIcatIon. That Is the legacy that no one should contInue. There are certaIn themes contInue. There are certaIn themes that emerge from the'>Bbc Documentary. Most of the vIctIms documentary. Most of the vIctIms were terrIfIed and felt that they had no place to turn. They that they had no place to turn. They felt that they had no place to turn. They felt powerless and they feared they felt powerless and they feared retalIatIon. The terror was feared retalIatIon. The terror was reInforced by threats,'>SurveIllance And Phone tappIng. It Is'>SurveIllance And Phone tappIng. It Is also'>SurveIllance And Phone tappIng. It Is also apparent from the documentary that many of the'>Women Documentary that many of the women were vulnerable and that'>Al Fayed women were vulnerable and that'>Al Fayed took advantage of theIr'>Al Fayed took advantage of theIr vulnerabIlIty. Al fayed took advantage of theIrvulnerabIlIty. He'>Al Fayed took advantage of theIr vulnerabIlIty. He used hIs wealth and hIs power to manIpulate and control female vIctIms manIpulate and control female vIctIms for hIs sexual pleasure. Another common theme was that pleasure. Another common theme was that'>Al Fayeds'>Sexual MIsconduct was constant and repetItIve and went on for 25 years repetItIve and went on for 25 years that he owned harrods. He was the years that he owned harrods. He was the epItome of a serIal sexual was the epItome of a serIal'>Sexual Abuser. Yet another theme'>Sexual Abuser. Yet another theme was that'>Al Fayeds'>Sexual Theme was that'>Al Fayeds'>Sexual Abuse was not confIned to the'>Sexual Abuse was not confIned to the harrods store. For example,'>Sexual Abuse occurred at the example,'>Sexual Abuse occurred at the rItz example,'>Sexual Abuse occurred at the'>RItz ParIs and In hIs resIdence'>In ParIs whIch was formerly resIdence'>In ParIs whIch was formerly the resIdence of the duke formerly the resIdence of the duke of formerly the resIdence of the duke of wIndsor. He requIred some duke of wIndsor. He requIred some female employees to accompany hIm on overnIght trIps accompany hIm on overnIght trIps to accompany hIm on overnIght trIps to varIous locatIons, ostensIbly for work, but actually to facIlItate hIs sexual actually to facIlItate hIs sexual exploItatIon of. Mohamed'>Al Fayed sexual exploItatIon of. Mohamed'>Al Fayed dIed last year at 94 years'>Al Fayed dIed last year at 94 years old. He dIed wIthout ever takIng years old. He dIed wIthout ever takIng responsIbIlIty for what he dId takIng responsIbIlIty for what he dId too many of hIs vIctIms. These he dId too many of hIs vIctIms. These vIctIms have suffered for years. These vIctIms have suffered for years, even decades. They have lIved years, even decades. They have lIved wIth years, even decades. They have lIved wIth the shame, humIlIatIon and the anguIsh that humIlIatIon and the anguIsh that'>Mohamed Al fayed and harrods that'>Mohamed Al fayed and harrods caused. Al fayed was determIned to sIlence these women determIned to sIlence these women. They wIll be sIlenced no more women. They wIll be sIlenced no more we women. They wIll be sIlenced no more. We are proud of all of the women who are comIng forward the women who are comIng forward to seek accountabIlIty. The good forward to seek accountabIlIty. The good news Is cIvIljustIce Is stIll the good news Is cIvIljustIce Is stIll avaIlable for them and they Is stIll avaIlable for them and they wIll Is stIll avaIlable for them and they wIll not rest untIl they obtaIn they wIll not rest untIl they obtaIn It. It'>Is Not enough for harrods obtaIn It. It'>Is Not enough for harrods to obtaIn It. It'>Is Not enough for harrods to now say that they are sorrv harrods to now say that they are sorry. It'>Is Not enough to acknowledge that harrods faIled these acknowledge that harrods faIled these women. JustIce demands that the these women. JustIce demands that the vIctIms receIve meanIngful accountabIlIty for what meanIngful accountabIlIty for what they have suffered. We are lad what they have suffered. We are glad that what they have suffered. We are glad that the new owners of harrods glad that the new owners of'>Harrods Have acknowledged that harrods'>Harrods Have acknowledged that harrods faIled those who were vIctImIsed there and that they are, vIctImIsed there and that they are, quote, determIned to do the rIght are, quote, determIned to do the rIght thIng as an organIsatIon, end quote. We belIeve organIsatIon, end quote. We belIeve In organIsatIon, end quote. We belIeve In deeds not words. It Is never belIeve In deeds not words. It Is never too late to do the rIght Is never too late to do the rIght thIng. ThIs Is an opportunIty for harrods to prove opportunIty for harrods to prove theIr assertIon that, quote, prove theIr assertIon that, quote, the harrods of today Is a very quote, the harrods of today Is a very dIfferent organIsatIon, end quote. And that theIr words match end quote. And that theIr words match theIr conduct. The'>TwIn ForjustIce match theIr conduct. The'>TwIn ForjustIce'>Is No at the tIme forjustIce'>Is No at the tIme for forjustIce'>Is No at the tIme forjustIce'>Is Now and we look tIme forjustIce'>Is Now and we look forward to vIctIms obtaInIng meanIngfuljustIce. Thank obtaInIng meanIngfuljustIce. Thank you. ObtaInIng meanIngful ustIce. Gamut obtaInIng meanIngful ustIce. Thank ou. ,. , thank you. Thank you. We are now goIng thank you. Thank you. We are now goIng to thank you. Thank you. We are now goIng to ask thank you. Thank you. We are now goIng to ask natasha thank you. Thank you. We are now goIng to ask natasha to l now goIng to ask natasha to tell us some very personal matters to share wIth you today. Matters to share wIth you toda. ,. , matters to share wIth you toda. ,. ,. , today. Today I fInally have the opportunIty today. Today I fInally have the opportunIty and today. Today I fInally have the'>OpportunIty And Freedom today. Today I fInally have the'>OpportunIty And Freedom to I'>OpportunIty And Freedom to speak up. I no longerfeel afraId, so I speakfor my daughters, my nIeces, for my good frIend, catherIne, and all the survIvors of'>Sexual Abuse In thIs'>Room Today that was sIlenced for so many years who suffered at the hand of the predator'>Mohamed Al fayed. Those who abuse need to know It'>Is Not ok, one day, lIke today, they wIll be found out and exposed. I'>Wasjust I9 they wIll be found out and exposed. I was just 19 years old young, naIve, totally Innocent. I had moved to london to start my workIng career. I got an IntervIew for a job that harrods workIng for'>Mohamed Al fayed, or the chaIrman, as he was well known. It was a supportIng role to hIs then prIvate pa. I was IntervIewed by mr'>Al Fayed In hIs offIce at harrods. I got thejob straIghtaway. I belIeved I had been gIven the chance of a lIfetIme. An excItIng job In an IncredIbly dynamIc envIronment wIth endless opportunItIes to look forward to. I could not belIeve how lucky I was. ImagIne the possIbIlItIes. ThIs was my passport to a shInIng hIgh powered career. Mohamed'>Al Fayed was clever and hIghly manIpulatIve. He behaved lIke a fatherfIgure, often manIpulatIve. He behaved lIke a father fIgure, often sayIng, call me papa. Often talkIng about hIs famIly and chIldren as If to make me feel safe around hIm. He would ask kInd and seemIngly carIng questIons. He offered extra money for guests to take In to my parents or to buy new workloads. It all seemed entIrely Innocent and no more than work clothes. A perk of workIng for such a powerful man. Unbeknownst to me, I had walked Into a lIons den, cover ups, deceIt, lIes, manIpulatIon, humIlIatIon and gross'>Sexual MIsconduct. The chaIrman prayed on the most vulnerable, those of us who needed to pay the rent and some of us who dId not have parents to protect them. As tIme went by, I notIced more and more how strange the'>OffIce Atmosphere was, no camaraderIe. It felt lIke a very secretIve atmosphere. The other gIrls used to whIsper to each other but I was actIvely dIscouraged from makIng frIends. I dId, however, make a frIend. We kept a very secret, catherIne, who sIts In front of me today. From my'>Dream Job sIts In front of me today. From'>My Dreamjob and sIts In front of me today. From my'>Dream Job and hIgh hopes, It became my realIty. Mohamed'>Al Fayed, a sex predator, he lowered me In usIng the same'>Modus OperandI he used tIme and tIme agaIn. I was subjected to unnecessary and IntrusIve medIcal examInatIon, I was never gIven the results. I was subjected to'>Std TestIng wIthout consent and I belIeve In'>HInd SIght I was checked for my purIty. We would be sent to see'>Al Fayed because he had a job for us to do. It was always more of a frIendly chat than actual work but then the prIvate meetIngs turned Into more. A forced case. HIs hands grIppIng yourface to hIs lIps are pullIng you down on hIs lap where hIs hands were free to explore any part of your body that he wIshed a forced kIss. These IncIdents lasted seconds but the feelIng stIll left me paralysed. Al fayed brushed off these moments lIke they had never happened. But I was and was remInded not to mentIon them to anyone. He would know If I dId. I had never experIenced anythIng lIke It before. I was so young, I dIdnt know what to do, how to deal wIth It. Ifelt such dIdnt know what to do, how to deal wIth It. I felt such fear and some sIck loyalty as hIs employee. It was an era when women were stIll the underclass In the workIng world. One nIght I was asked to stay late. ThIs was to be my fInal nIght. Mohamed'>Al Fayeds'>PlannIng And ManIpulatIon were to come to fruItIon. He summoned me to hIs prIvate apartment on the pretext of a job revIew. I was escorted by one of hIs'>SecurIty Guards who ushered me Into hIs prIvate sIttIng room. The door was locked behInd me. Al fayed handed me a glass of champagne and told me to set. LookIng around I saw hIs'>Bedroom Door partIally open. There were'>Sex Toys on vIew, I felt petrIfIed. I perched myself at the very end of the sofa and then It came. Mohamed'>Al Fayed, my boss, the person I worked for, he pushed hImself unto me. I fell to the floor wIth hIm stIll on top of me but I managed to kIck free and free myself. I ran towards the door, I told hIm I was meetIng my fatherfor I told hIm I was meetIng my father for dInner and I told hIm I was meetIng my'>Fatherfor DInner and he I told hIm I was meetIng my father for dInner and he would be worrIed I was late. He just laughed at me. He then composed hImself and he told me In no uncertaIn terms that I was never to breathe a word of thIs to anyone. If I dId, I would never work In london agaIn and he knew where my famIly lIved. I felt scared and sIck. Eventually leavIng park lane, I never set foot In hIs prIvate offIce agaIn. These events Impacted me for many years to come. I struggled wIth confIdence around men and In partIcular male bosses. And also In my personal relatIonshIps. SeeIng hIs obItuary over a year ago trIggered such a huge emotIon I could not belIeve thIs monster had got away wIth hIs crImes. Thankfully today, thIs Is a dIfferent story and I am truly grateful for that. Grateful for that. Natasha, thank you grateful for that. Natasha, thank you so grateful for that. Natasha, thank you so much grateful for that. Natasha, thank you so much for grateful for that. Natasha, thank you so much for sharIng your story wIth us all. All In thIs'>Room Salute you. In fact, we salute all of the survIvors In thIs case. To say that It takes bravery to come and tell a story such as that Is an understatement. AgaIn, for those of you watchIng today who experIenced these at harrods, hopefully thIs shows you are not alone experIenced abuse. Do reach out to our team If you would lIke to learn more about legal optIons. There Is support and there Is a place to dIscuss. As of now, we have the huge honour of beIng retaIned by 37 survIvors In thIs matter. And as a result of the documentary, and events such as thIs, we are In the process of beIng retaIned by many more. We are very proud to be so. It Is Important we stress thIs. We are representIng each person as an IndIvIdual. Every'>Persons ExperIence and the effect on every person, every survIvor, Is dIfferent. And we promIse that we wIll treat them all wIth the IndIvIdualIsed'>AttentIon And DIgnIty that they deserve. We are now goIng to move on to some questIons from the medIa. We wIll do our best. I wIll be In the'>Sense ActIng as the person who dIrects the questIons and If we may, It would obvIously help that we have as many people askIng questIons as possIble, as opposed to someone askIng lots and lots. Brute opposed to someone askIng lots and lots. ~ , and lots. We wIll brIng the mIcrophone and lots. We wIll brIng the mIcrophone to and lots. We wIll brIng the mIcrophone to you. And lots. We wIll brIng the | mIcrophone to you. Please and lots. We wIll brIng the mIcrophone to you. Please state name. � ,. , ~ mIcrophone to you. Please state name. � ,. ~ name. Nbc news. Thank you, natasha name. Nbc news. Thank you,'>Natasha My name. Nbc news. Thank you, natasha. My fIrst name. Nbc news. Thank you, natasha. My fIrst questIon,. Name. Nbc news. Thank you, I natasha. My fIrst questIon, the women natasha. My fIrst questIon, the women who have sIgned an nba Is,'>What Women who have sIgned an nba Is, what Is women who have sIgned an nba Is, what Is your message to them . Is, what Is your message to them . Has the documentary laId out the them . Has the documentary laId out the most serIous allegatIons or based on your conversatIons wIth the vIctIms have conversatIons wIth the vIctIms have yet conversatIons wIth the vIctIms have yet to hear the worst of It . As have yet to hear the worst of It . As you have yet to hear the worst of It . As you mentIoned In the case It . As you mentIoned In the case of It . As you mentIoned In the case'>Jeffrey EpsteIn, harvey weInsteIn, there were facIlItators, as Is the case here facIlItators, as Is the case here are facIlItators, as Is the case here. Are they lIable for prosecutIon . Do you know what If any prosecutIon . Do you know what If any of prosecutIon . Do you know what If any of those potentIal IndIvIduals are stIll workIng at'>Harrods Today . We IndIvIduals are stIll workIng at'>Harrods Today . IndIvIduals are stIll workIng at'>Harrods Today . We wIll break down the three at'>Harrods Today . We wIll break down the three questIons. At'>Harrods Today . We wIll break down the three questIons. I down the three questIons. I wIll deal wIth the fIrst one. The ndas. MarIa, the second one . GlorIa, would you lIke to deal wIth the last one . The'>Jeffrey EpsteIn one . RIght. In terms of the ndas, I was quoted last nIght on the documentary as sayIng that It should never be the case, and I am not of the vIew that It Is the law, that the law should protect those who engage and Indulge In crImInal actIvItIes. Those who engage and Indulge In crImInalactIvItIes. It those who engage and Indulge In crImInal actIvItIes. It Is very, very Important to remember the cIrcumstances In whIch those ndas and some settlements were gIven. There was no level playIng fIeld. We heard last nIght In the documentary that materIal had to be shredded. It was effectIvely forced as part of that to be shredded. And so the answer to the questIon about the effect of the ndas, we wIll fIght theIr veracIty and applIcabIlIty. We are very confIdent that those ndas wIll not preclude us from gettIng justIce for these women. In justIce for these women. In'>Terms JustIce for these women. In terms of your second justIce for these women. II� u terms of your second questIon, whether or not there are more serIous damnIng allegatIons to come forward beyond what we have seen already In the documentary, yes, unfortunately so. From the numerous women that we represent, we have a number of more serIous allegatIons that have been made. Also, they'>Canjust Concern'>Mohamed Al fayed. But we are not able to go further Into that now. But, yes, thIs was certaInly a system that was In place at the very heart of the company. In place at the very heart of the company In place at the very heart of the company. In place at the very heart of the coman. ,. N. The company. Can I ask what the allegatIons the company. Can I ask what the allegatIons are . The company. Can I ask what the allegatIons are . The the company. Can I ask what the allegatIons are . The worst allegatIons are . The worst sexual assaults allegatIons are . The worst sexual assaults that allegatIons are . The worst sexual assaults that you I allegatIons are . The worst l sexual assaults that you can ImagIne. Sexual assaults that you can ImauIne. , �. , ImagIne. Sorry, I dIdnt answer the thIrd one, ImagIne. Sorry, I dIdnt answer the thIrd one, whIch ImagIne. Sorry, I dIdnt answer the thIrd one, whIch I ImagIne. Sorry, I dIdnt answer the thIrd one, whIch I wIll. The thIrd one, whIch I wIll. The questIon was about crImInal prosecutIons as followed In'>Jeffrey EpsteIn. FIrst of all, not In our gIft as to whether people ask prosecuted the sole concern Is justIce for these women. Whether people are prosecuted. Women. Whether people are prosecuted women. Whether people are prosecuted. SImon, from 5 news. QuestIon for prosecuted. SImon, from 5 news. QuestIon for dean prosecuted. SImon, from 5 news. QuestIon for'>Dean Armstrong prosecuted. SImon, from 5 news. QuestIon for'>Dean Armstrong and | questIon for'>Dean Armstrong and one for questIon for'>Dean Armstrong and one for'>GlorIa Allred. Mr armstrong, you say you are pursuIng armstrong, you say you are pursuIng harrods, can you explaIn pursuIng harrods, can you explaIn why you are not also pursuIng explaIn why you are not also pursuIng the estate, the'>Al Fayed pursuIng the estate, the'>Al Fayed estate . GlorIa allred, we have'>Fayed Estate . GlorIa allred, we have heard comparIsons wIth epsteIn, have heard comparIsons wIth epsteIn, jImmy savIle, how do you thInk epsteIn, jImmy savIle, how do you thInk thIs case compares . Would you thInk thIs case compares . Would you lIke to take the fIrst one . FIrst one . The questIon about. . FIrst one . The questIon about. . How fIrst one . The questIon about. . How does I fIrst one . The questIon about. . How does It| fIrst one . The questIon about. . How does It compare In terms about. . How does It compare In terms of about. . How does It compare In terms of severIty . About. . How does It compare In terms of severIty . I about. . How does It compare In terms of severIty . I dont In terms of severIty . I dont lIke to compare In terms of severIty . I dont lIke to compare sexual lIke to compare sexual predators lIke to compare sexual'>Predators One lIke to compare sexual'>Predators One to lIke to compare sexual. Predators one to another, lIke to compare sexual'>Predators One to another, and he was'>Predators One to another, and he was a'>Predators One to another, and he was a sexual'>Predators One to another, and he was a sexual predator, he was a sexual predator, mohamed he was a sexual predator,'>Mohamed Al he was a sexual predator,'>Mohamed Al fayed. He was a sexual predator,'>Mohamed Al fayed. Many he was a sexual predator,. Mohamed'>Al Fayed. Many of he was a sexual predator,'>Mohamed Al fayed. Many of them that I'>Mohamed Al fayed. Many of them that I have'>Mohamed Al fayed. Many of them that I have dealt'>Mohamed Al fayed. Many of them that I have dealt wIth'>Mohamed Al fayed. Many of them that I have dealt wIth were'>Mohamed Al fayed. Many of them that I have dealt wIth were the that I have dealt wIth were the worst that I have dealt wIth were the worst and that I have dealt wIth were the worst. And thIs that I have dealt wIth were the worst. And thIs Is that I have dealt wIth were the worst. And thIs Is also that I have dealt wIth were the worst. And thIs Is also the worst. And thIs Is also the worst worst. And thIs Is also the worst so. Worst. And thIs Is also the worst. So, for worst. And thIs Is also the worst. So, for example,. Worst. And thIs Is also the worst. So, for example,'>Jeffrey EpsteIn, worst. So, for example,'>Jeffrey EpsteIn, he worst. So, for example,'>Jeffrey EpsteIn, he had worst. So, for example,'>Jeffrey EpsteIn, he had a worst. So, for example,'>Jeffrey EpsteIn, he had a method, worst. So, for example,'>Jeffrey EpsteIn, he had a method, he. EpsteIn, he had a method, he had a epsteIn, he had a method, he had a plan, epsteIn, he had a method, he had a plan, executed epsteIn, he had a method, he had a plan, executed the epsteIn, he had a method, he had a plan, executed the planj had a plan, executed the plan and chose had a plan, executed the plan and chose vulnerable had a plan, executed the plan and chose vulnerable vIctIms, underage and chose vulnerable vIctIms, underage gIrls. And chose vulnerable vIctIms, underage gIrls, and and chose vulnerable vIctIms, underage gIrls, and adults and chose vulnerable vIctIms, underage gIrls, and adults as| underage gIrls, and adults as well underage gIrls, and adults as well he underage gIrls, and adults as well he sex underage gIrls, and adults as well. He sex traffIcked underage gIrls, and adults as well. He sex traffIcked theml well. He sex traffIcked them and was well. He sex traffIcked them and was prosecuted well. He sex traffIcked them and was prosecuted for well. He sex traffIcked them and was prosecuted for sexl and was prosecuted for'>Sex TraffIckIng and was prosecuted for'>Sex TraffIckIng underage and was prosecuted for'>Sex TraffIckIng underage gIrls. I traffIckIng underage gIrls. Among traffIckIng underage gIrls. Among other traffIckIng underage gIrls. Among other charges traffIckIng underage gIrls. I among other charges agaInst hIm among other charges agaInst hIm 0f among other charges agaInst hIm. Of course, among other charges agaInst hIm. Of course, he among other charges agaInstl hIm. Of course, he commItted suIcIde hIm. Of course, he commItted suIcIde whIle hIm. Of course, he commItted suIcIde whIle In hIm. Of course, he commItted suIcIde whIle In custody hIm. Of course, he commItted suIcIde whIle In custody or hIm. Of course, he commIttedj suIcIde whIle In custody or was the vIctIm suIcIde whIle In custody or was the vIctIm of suIcIde whIle In custody or was the vIctIm of a suIcIde whIle In custody or was the vIctIm of a homIcIde. SuIcIde whIle In custody or was the vIctIm of a homIcIde. The I the vIctIm of a homIcIde. The coroner the vIctIm of a homIcIde. The coroner says the vIctIm of a homIcIde. The coroner says suIcIde. The vIctIm of a homIcIde. The coroner says suIcIde. But the vIctIm of a homIcIde. The coroner says suIcIde. But In I coroner says suIcIde. But In any coroner says suIcIde. But In any event, coroner says suIcIde. But In any event, there coroner says suIcIde. But In any event, there was coroner says suIcIde. But In any event, there was A Coroner says suIcIde. But In any event, there was a crImInal prosecutIon any event, there was a crImInal prosecutIon agaInst any event, there was a crImInal prosecutIon agaInst hIm any event, there was a crImInal prosecutIon agaInst hIm whIch. ProsecutIon agaInst hIm whIch started~~~ prosecutIon agaInst hIm whIch started~~~'>I ProsecutIon agaInst hIm whIch started. I actually prosecutIon agaInst hIm whIch started. I actually was prosecutIon agaInst hIm whIch started. I actually was there| started. I actually was there at the started. I actually was there at the last started. I actually was there at the last hearIng started. I actually was there at the last hearIng was started. I actually was there at the last hearIng was takIng| at the last hearIng was takIng place at the last hearIng was takIng place the at the last hearIng was takIng place. The trIal at the last hearIng was takIng place. The trIal had at the last hearIng was takIng place. The trIal had not at the last hearIng was takIng place. The trIal had not yet. Place. The trIal had not yet taken place. The trIal had not yet taken place place. The trIal had not yet taken place. So, place. The trIal had not yet taken place. So, he place. The trIal had not yet taken place. So, he dIed I place. The trIal had not yet taken place. So, he dIed before there taken place. So, he dIed before there was taken place. So, he dIed before there was any taken place. So, he dIed before there was anyjustIce, taken place. So, he dIed before there was anyjustIce, real there was anyjustIce, real justIce there was anyjustIce, real justIce for there was anyjustIce, real justIce for the there was anyjustIce, real justIce for the vIctIms. There was anyjustIce, real justIce for the vIctIms. I I there was anyjustIce,'>RealI JustIce for the vIctIms. I wIll say, justIce for the vIctIms. I wIll say, after justIce for the vIctIms. I wIll say, after hIs justIce for the vIctIms. I wIll say, after hIs death, justIce for the vIctIms. I wIll say, after hIs death, we justIce for the vIctIms. I wIll say, after hIs death, we dId| say, after hIs death, we dId represent say, after hIs death, we dId represent a say, after hIs death, we dId represent a number say, after hIs death, we dId represent a number of say, after hIs death, we dId. Represent a number of vIctIms. Actually, represent a number of vIctIms. Actually, 20 represent a number of vIctIms. Actually, 20 vIctIms. Represent a number of vIctIms. Actually, 20 vIctIms. We represent a number of vIctIms. Actually, 20 vIctIms. We werel actually, 20 vIctIms. We were able actually, 20 vIctIms. We were able to actually, 20 vIctIms. We were able to get actually, 20 vIctIms. We were able to get meanIngful able to get meanIngful accountabIlIty able to get meanIngful accountabIlIty for able to get meanIngfulj accountabIlIty for them able to get meanIngful. AccountabIlIty for them In able to get meanIngful accountabIlIty for them In the cIvIl process, accountabIlIty for them In the cIvIl process, wIthout accountabIlIty for them In the cIvIl process, wIthout a cIvIl process, wIthout'>A LawsuIt cIvIl process, wIthout'>A LawsuIt. And cIvIl process, wIthout'>A LawsuIt. And agaIn cIvIl process, wIthout'>A LawsuIt. And agaIn our| cIvIl process, wIthout'>A LawsuIt. And agaIn our vIctIms In that lawsuIt. And agaIn our vIctIms In that case lawsuIt. And agaIn our vIctIms In that case were lawsuIt. And agaIn our vIctIms In that case were very, lawsuIt. And agaIn our vIctIms In that case were very, very. In that case were very, very courageous In that case were very, very courageous. Many In that case were very, very courageous. Many would I In that case were very, very. Courageous. Many would have been courageous. Many would have been wIllIng courageous. Many would have been wIllIng to courageous. Many would have been wIllIng to testIfy courageous. Many would have been wIllIng to testIfy at been wIllIng to testIfy at trIal been wIllIng to testIfy at trIal In been wIllIng to testIfy at trIal. In the been wIllIng to testIfy at trIal. In the case been wIllIng to testIfy at trIal. In the case of been wIllIng to testIfy at trIal. In the case of'>Mohamed Al fayed, trIal. In the case of'>Mohamed Al fayed, he trIal. In the case of'>Mohamed Al fayed, he Is trIal. In the case of'>Mohamed Al fayed, he Is also trIal. In the case of'>Mohamed Al fayed, he Is also no trIal. In the case of mohamedj'>Al Fayed, he Is also no longer alIve'>Al Fayed, he Is also no longer alIve to'>Al Fayed, he Is also no longer alIve to be'>Al Fayed, he Is also no longer alIve to be prosecuted'>Al Fayed, he Is also no longer alIve to be prosecuted for'>Al Fayed, he Is also no longer alIve to be prosecuted for hIsl alIve to be prosecuted for hIs crImes ImIght add I mIght add that these vIctIms were I mIght add that these vIctIms were also I mIght add that these vIctIms were also placed I mIght add that these vIctIms were also placed by I mIght add that these vIctImsj were also placed by mohamed I mIght add that these vIctIms I were also placed by'>Mohamed Al fayed were also placed by'>Mohamed Al fayed In were also placed by'>Mohamed Al fayed In a were also placed by'>Mohamed Al fayed In a no wIn were also placed by'>Mohamed Al fayed In a no wIn sItuatIon. Fayed In a no wIn sItuatIon. Fxcuse fayed In a no wIn sItuatIon. Excuse me fayed In a no wIn sItuatIon. Excuse me. These fayed In a no wIn sItuatIon. Excuse me. These Were Fayed In a no wIn sItuatIon. Excuse me. These were not| fayed In a no wIn sItuatIon. Excuse me. These were notjust strangers dIms In an'>Employment SItuatIon dIms In an'>Employment SItuatIon. He dIms In an'>Employment SItuatIon. He had dIms In an'>Employment SItuatIon. He had all. DIms In an'>Employment SItuatIon. He had all ofl dIms In an employment. SItuatIon. He had all of the power sItuatIon. He had all of the power. They sItuatIon. He had all of the power. They had sItuatIon. He had all of the power. They had none. SItuatIon. He had all of the I power. They had none. They sItuatIon. He had all of the power. They had none. They were In a nowIn power. They had none. They were In a no wIn sItuatIon, power. They had none. They were In a no wIn sItuatIon, do power. They had none. They were In a no wIn sItuatIon, do they. In a no wIn sItuatIon, do they say In a no wIn sItuatIon, do they say no In a no wIn sItuatIon, do they say no and In a no wIn sItuatIon, do they say no and lose In a no wIn sItuatIon, do they say no and lose theIr In a no wIn sItuatIon, do they say no and lose theIrjob In a no wIn sItuatIon, do they say no and lose theIrjob or. Say no and lose theIrjob or say say no and lose theIrjob or say yes, say no and lose theIrjob or say yes, and say no and lose theIrjob or say yes, and suffer say no and lose theIrjob or say yes, and suffer the say yes, and suffer the consequences say yes, and suffer the consequences of say yes, and suffer the consequences of beIng| say yes, and suffer the consequences of beIng raped or sexually consequences of beIng raped or Sexually Assaulted, consequences of beIng raped or Sexually Assaulted, sexually Sexually Assaulted, sexually abused, Sexually Assaulted, sexually abused, vIctImIsed . Sexually assaulted, sexually abused, vIctImIsed . ThIs. Sexually assaulted, sexually abused, vIctImIsed . ThIs Is| Sexually Assaulted, sexually abused, vIctImIsed . ThIs Is why an employment

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