SImultaneously exploded across lebanon In what appeared to be a sophIstIcated remote attack. Hezbollah, whIch has'>Been desIgnated a'>TerrorIst OrganIsatIon by the uk, Israel and other western countrIes, has called It the bIggest securIty breach. At least nIne people dIed and nearly 3000 were Injured. Blasts were reported In supermarkets, homes and on the streets of the country, whIch shares borders wIth Israel and syrIa. Lebanons'>Health MInIstry says 200 people are In a crItIcal condItIon and that hospItals are beIng Inundated wIth the wounded.'>0ur Correspondent Graham satchell reports. It was an audacIous, unprecedented attack. All across lebanon, thousands of pagers explodIng at the same tIme. Many were on the street. Some, lIke here, In peoples homes. Some In supermarkets. Emergency servIces struggled to cope wIth the scale of the attack. Thousands of hezbollah members sufferIng InjurIes In the same Instant. Israel hasnt commented, but few have any doubts about Its role. So how was Israel able to target hezbollah In thIs way . Hezbollah started usIng pagers and old technology after It realIsed Its'>MobIle Phones were beIng monItored. The theory Is Israel knew hezbollah had ordered thousands of new pagers and Intercepted the shIpment. AssumIng that thIs was more thanjust makIng lIthIum batterIes, you know, overrIde and overheat, that they had planted small amounts of explosIves In each one of these pagers, then thIs was unquestIonably a calculated attack. 0n the border between'>Israel And Lebanon there have'>Been constant exchanges of fIre sInce the war In gaza began. Yesterdays attack wIll pIle more pressure Into a regIon that Is already volatIle and precarIous. One of the scenarIos, that thIs Is just the begInnIng to dIsrupt hezbollah� s communIcatIon network, a begInnIng of a much larger'>MIlItary OperatIon In lebanon where when hezbollah cannot communIcate wIth'>Each Other, the IsraelIs wIll have a better chance at wInnIng or expandIng theIr operatIons In lebanon. Funerals are already takIng place In lebanon, and wIth them warnIngs. We hold the IsraelI enemy responsIble for all of the vIctIms, for all of the martyrs, for all of the wounded. And we belIeve that the reprIsal Is comIng. Hezbollah Is now an organIsatIon wIth thousands of Injured fIghters Ina In a statement, the'>ForeIgn OffIce saId. There Is now consIderable InternatIonal concern at what may come next. Graham satchell, bbc news. We wIll get the latest from the release thIs mornIng and ask what It means for the entIre regIon. At fIrst ball of the'>News Today wIth nIna. New rules are comIng Into'>Force Today desIgned to ensure that communItIes wIll have access to cash and basIc bankIng, after thousands of branches were closed In recent years. The change has prompted the announcement of 15 new, shared'>BankIng Hubs.'>0ur Reporter'>WIll Vernon has more. And although some people say that money grows on trees, the safest place for It Is In the bank. BrItaIns banks once stood at the very heart of the economy and socIety. But now bankIng Is changIng. More customers are goIng onlIne, more busInesses are goIng cashless and banks are closIng branches. AccordIng to the'>Consumer Group, whIch, over 6000 have'>Been closed In the last nIne years. Thats 60 of the entIre bank branch network. CampaIgners say closures partIcularly affect vulnerable groups such as the elderly. But the new government has promIsed to Improve access. New rules come Into'>Force Today, meanIng that local communItIes must be provIded wIth basIc servIces such as atms. It means that If a bank and a'>BuIldIng SocIety wants to make changes to Its locatIons of Its branches or locatIons of Its cash machInes, before It makes any of those changes, It needs to have assessed whether It can contInue to meet those local communItIes� needs. And Its hoped thIs could be the solutIon. BankIng hubs. Theyre shared spaces run by the post offIce, but operated by the major banks, where people can pay In cash and cheques and make wIthdrawals and also speak to theIr bank staff. And brItaIns banks have now agreed to open 350 more of these In the next fIve years. All the vulnerable people wIll have access to cash, and theyll be able to go to a local'>BankIng Hub and have access. I thInk were lookIng at the vulnerable people, whIch Is elderly, who do not have access to the Internet or the apps to get access and know what theyre doIng. So they come Into the'>BankIng Hub and they can have access to cash. But theres'>Been crItIcIsm of the'>Range of servIces offered across dIfferent banks, and the lack of prInters to prInt out documents. The government has reportedly ordered'>BankIng Bosses to make Improvements, but customers In thIs branch say Its a vItal part of the communIty. A lot of people, they need to use It because there Is even not cash poInts. ThIs Is the only one. And there Is one next to my shop, but Its not workIng most of the tIme. My bankIng Is very, very basIc and If I have any problem, Im here. WIth these ladIes here, thats all what I need. Across brItaIns towns and cItIes, closures of thIngs lIke pubs and chemIsts are also on the rIse. Its hoped that schemes such as'>BankIng Hubs could help reenergIse the'>HIgh Street. WIll vernon, bbc news. The'>HIp Hop Star'>Sean DIddy combs wIll be back In court later today. HIs lawyers wIll apply for baIl whIle he awaIts trIal on'>RacketeerIng And Sex traffIckIng charges.'>0ur North AmerIca'>Correspondent Peter bowes reports. Sean dIddy combs, one of'>The Worlds best known and most InfluentIal'>HIp Hop producers. A global superstar whos now facIng a possIble'>LIfe Sentence If found guIlty on'>RacketeerIng And Sex traffIckIng charges. In court, wearIng a black'>T ShIrt and grey tracksuIt bottoms, he denIed all the charges, but thejudge refused hIm baIl after prosecutors arguEd He was a danger to socIety and a flIght rIsk. 0utsIde court, the rappers sons turned up to support theIr father. HIs lawyer saId they offered'>50 MIllIon In baIl to get hIm out ofjaIl before the trIal starts, but the judge saId no. Hes goIng to fIght thIs to'>The End. Hes Innocent. He came to'>New York to establIsh hIs Innocence. Hes not afraId, hes not afraId of the charges. Sean combs Is accused of usIng hIs'>Power And Fame to attract women under the pretence of romantIc relatIonshIps, but to later force them Into sexual actIvIty. The charges follow a raId by heavIly armed agents on the musIcIans propertIes In mIamI and'>Los Angeles'>In March. Theyre sImIlar In nature to claIms made last year by hIs former partner, the'>R B SInger cassIe ventura, who accused hIm of rape and physIcal abuse. He denIed It, but a day later the paIr settled the case wIthout dIsclosIng any detaIls. Then there was thIs. Cctv footage emerged'>In March showIng'>Sean Combs chasIng and assaultIng cassIe In a'>Los Angeles hotel In 2016. Prosecutors saId'>Charges Couldnt be fIled because of the amount of tIme that had passed. My behavIour on that vIdeo Is Inexcusable. I take full responsIbIlIty for my actIons In that vIdeo. He cultIvated a'>Bad Boy Image, but'>Real LIfe Is a far cry from the red carpet. And'>Sean Combs� lawyers say theyre preparIng for a long battle ahead. Peter bowes, bbc news,'>Los Angeles. Emergency workers In hungary and slovakIa are racIng to create'>Flood Defences In low lyIng settlements, as'>Water Levels contInue to rIse due to'>Heavy RaIn across central and eastern europe. Tens of thousands of homes In'>Poland And CzechIa are stIll wIthout electrIcIty and'>Fresh Water followIng the extreme'>Weather And FloodIng brought by storm borIs. At least 21 people have'>Been kIlled. At least seven people, IncludIng three fIrefIghters, have dIed as wIldfIres contInue to rage across portugal. Parts of the country have'>Been ablaze sInce the weekend, wIth temperatures In some areas toppIng 30 celsIus. The eu has saId It would send eIght'>FIrefIghtIng Planes to help portugal tackle the fIres. FamIlIes harmed by faIlIngs In'>MaternIty Care at'>NottIngham UnIversIty hospItals say they are stIll waItIng for proper accountabIlIty, two years after the senIor'>MIdwIfe Donna 0ckenden began a revIew of almost 2,000 cases. ThIs mornIng the trust wIll launch a new servIce to support those affected. NIcola sturgeon has predIcted that scotland wIll become Independent as part of a wIder'>Shake Up of uk governance. SpeakIng on the ten'>Year AnnIversary of the Independence referendum, the former'>Snp Leader saId she belIeved a'>Yes VIctory was wIthIn grasp on the eve of the vote. 0ur'>Scotland Correspondent'>Lorna Gordon has more. CheerIng. It was a questIon that dIvIded a natIon. The stakes were hIgh. EmotIons were too. Just shut up when the vote came back, the result was thIs. The majorIty of valId votes cast yesterday In response to the referendum questIon, should scotland be an Independent country, were In favour of no. There was elatIon for some, devastatIon for others. The'>Yes CampaIgn called It a once In a generatIon opportunIty. But brexIt, whIch scots rejected, meant there were soon calls for another vote. The'>Uk Government repeatedly saId no. Perhaps one of the thIngs that gIves me greatest heart Is the lengths the'>WestmInster EstablIshment Is goIng to, to prevent scotland ever gettIng the chance to make that decIsIon agaIn, because I suspect they know that when that decIsIon does fall to be made agaIn, scotland wIll vote yes. One of those who argued for the unIon belIeves'>NIcola Sturgeon mIght have got a second referendum on Independence after brexIt, but that she got her tactIcs wrong. If shed played a slIghtly longer game, and If shed saId, brexIt Is so bIg and Its such a bIg challenge that Im goIng to put'>Party PolItIcs to one sIde for a moment, Im goIng to try and work wIth the'>Uk Government, we need to salvage what we can from thIs. And then maybe sIx months down the lIne saId, you know what . I'>Cant Work wIth these people. Scotland has another opportunIty, It has a dIfferent choIce, I thInk thIngs could have'>Been materIally dIfferent. A decade on, there appears no clear path to another referendum. But scots remaIn dIvIded on the constItutIon. Scotlands future Is far from settled. Lorna gordon, bbc news. The prIncess of wales has carrIed out her fIrst'>Work MeetIng sInce'>The End of her'>Cancer Treatment. The meetIng was related to the'>PrIncesss Work on famIlIes and early chIldhood and, as our senIor'>Royal Correspondent'>DanIela Relph reports, Is another step In her recovery. ThIs tIme has, above all, remInded wIllIam and me to reflect and be grateful for the sImple yet Important thIngs In lIfe. The'>PrIncesss Return to publIc lIfe Is beIng carefully managed. Last'>Weeks Release of the IntImate'>FamIly VIdeo narrated by the prIncess, a sIgn that thIngs were begInnIng to feel more posItIve. I am, however, lookIng forward to beIng back at work and undertakIng a few more publIc engagements In the comIng months when I can. The prIncesss fIrst'>Work MeetIng was held at'>WIndsor Castle yesterday afternoon. Few detaIls have'>Been released, but It was related to her famIlIes and early chIldhood project. Early years has'>Been a focus of much of the prIncesss publIc work In recent years, but'>KensIngton Palace say she wont be returnIng to full tIme'>Royal DutIes for now, and Instead plan a'>LIght Schedule for her. 0n the balcony for troopIng the colour Injune,'>One Ofjust two offIcIal engagements for the prIncess In the past nIne months. She has descrIbed thIs year as IncredIbly tough for her and her famIly. Its hoped she mayjoIn the'>Royal FamIly agaIn for engagements around remembrance'>Sunday and In the'>Run Up To chrIstmas. DanIela ralph, bbc news. ImagIne thIs. Youre headIng out for a run after work, tryIng to decIde whether to lIsten to musIc or a podcast, and Instead, end up gettIng serenaded by one of the bIggest'>Pop Stars In'>The World. I cant Icant ImagIne I cant ImagIne that, to be honest me neIther hello. Any requests . Can you do'>TenerIfe Sea . Yeah. You look so wonderful In that dress. I love your haIr lIke that. The way It falls on the sIde of your neck. NIkkI atkIns, whos a teacher, was on a run'>Last NIght In London when she spots'>Ed Sheeran. He asks If she has any requests and she pIcks'>TenerIfe Sea from hIs 2014'>Album X. Well be talkIng to nIkkI just before seven oclock. We wIll ask what that felt lIke. Can ou we wIll ask what that felt lIke. Can you ImagIne . We wIll ask what that felt lIke. Can you ImagIne . She we wIll ask what that felt lIke. Can you ImagIne . She dIdnt we wIll ask what that felt lIke. Can you ImagIne . She dIdnt run we wIll ask what that felt lIke. Can you ImagIne . She dIdnt run off. You ImagIne . She dIdnt run off. StraIuht you ImagIne . She dIdnt run off. StraIght on you ImagIne . She dIdnt run off. StraIght on her you ImagIne . She dIdnt run off. StraIght on her phone, you ImagIne . She dIdnt run off. StraIght on her phone, and you ImagIne . She dIdnt run off. StraIght on her phone, and they| you ImagIne . She dIdnt run off. I straIght on her phone, and they are followIng one another sIde straIght on her phone, and they are followIng one another followIng one another sIde of the tImes they followIng one another sIde of the tImes they are followIng one another sIde of the tImes they are fIlmIng followIng one another sIde of the tImes they are fIlmIng one tImes they are fIlmIng one another tImes they are fIlmIng one another sIde tImes they are fIlmIng one another sIde of tImes they are fIlmIng one another sIde of the tImes they are fIlmIng one another sIde of the tImes . TImes they are fIlmIng'>One L another sIde of the tImes lets check In wIth another sIde of the tImes lets check In wIth the another sIde of the tImes lets check In wIth the weather another sIde of the tImes lets check In wIth the weather wIth l another sIde of the tImes lets check In wIth the weather wIth matt, I dont know If the moon watches were up'>Last NIght, but someone was . There were a faIr few lots of whether watches shots of the'>Harvest Moon. Lunar eclIpse, It took about 4 of the moon away as It passed In'>The Shadow of the'>Earth Cast of the moon. A glorIous and clear nIght. Its a case of'>SunshIne whIch mIght take awhIle thIs mornIng but It wIll develop for most parts across the'>Uk Today and once agaIn It wIll feel warm, for some of you, the warmest day of the week. ThIs mornIng It Is a good deal warmer across southern areas compared wIth yesterday, up to around 13 degrees In some spots because the cloud has rolled In, coolest In'>Northern Ireland and'>Northern England, wIth'>Fog Patches across scotland at the north of england as well. They wIll clear, lots of'>SunshIne In the north. Cloud In east wales In central and eastern'>England WIll breaks up In the afternoon, one or two patches remaInIng around the coast but most wIll have a'>Sunny afternoon. BIt more of a breeze for england and wales through today, that has fed the cloud In so cooler along the'>North Sea coasts but up to 2a'>In London, warmest across'>Northern Scotland, 2 25. No'>Cloud Develop the'>Luke Clout develops agaIn tonIght, rollIng In from the north coast, but stayIng clear In some areas. A'>Cooler Start Tomorrow but we then do It all over agaIn,'>MornIng Cloud breakIng up, probably more stubborn across'>Eastern Coastal CountIes and the north of scotland. Temperatures tomorrow hIghest In the'>South East, maybe 26 degrees, 23 to the west of scotland. Thank you, we wIll be talkIng about the'>Lunar EclIpse later on. The'>RetaIler Amazon Is demandIng that all Its corporate'>Staff Return to the offIce full tIme from january In a move to reverse the'>Post PandemIc Culture of'>WorkIng From Home at least for some of the week. Ben Is lookIng at thIs for us. Ben, thIs move comes as rules are tIghtened In thIs country to gIve people the optIon of'>FlexIble WorkIng. Some people thought thIngs would never go back to how It was before the pandemIc. Some companIes are requIrIng people to work at least some of the week back In the offIce. Its quIte a bIg step for a company to requIre people to be In the offIce every day. Let me explaIn the detaIls of what we know. Amazon Is one of'>The Worlds largest companIes and'>WorkIng From Home has'>Been a source of tensIon. The'>ChIef ExecutIve of the retaIl gIant'>Andy Jassy has told staff that from'>January Everyone would have to be In the offIce every workIng day lIke they were before the pandemIc. They wIll only be able to work from home In exceptIonal cIrcumstances such as a sIck'>ChIld Or Home emergency. He says Its to allow staff to collaborate and connect better. But the move away from hybrId workIng completely, . Goes agaInst the graIn. In the uk'>FlexIble WorkIng Is now very common, wIth nearly half of all workers spendIng at least some days each week'>WorkIng From Home. SInce aprIl the law allows someone to request'>FlexIble WorkIng from the very fIrst day In a newjob although an employer does not have to grant It. And the new'>Labour Governments flagshIp employment'>RIghts BIll wIll go further proposIng to make'>FlexIble WorkIng the default for workers when they start a job. The'>BusIness Secretary'>Jonathan Reynolds saId thIs week that beIng able to work from home makes staff more productIve and loyal. But the Issue of'>WorkIng From Home Is the cause of a long'>RunnIng DIspute at the offIce for natIonal statIstIcs, a publIc body. 1,000'>UnIon Members have'>Been refusIng to return to the offIce for two days a week as Instructed sInce may. So not everyone agrees on the benefIts of workIng on the benefIts of'>WorkIng From Home. So where It wIll go, I thInk the resIstance and the dIvIsIveness wIll be maIntaIned. And I thInk there wIll be a lot of legIslatIon that arIses from It, quIte honestly, and lItIgatIon, because I thInk Its so dIvIsIve and Its'>Been so dIfferently approached by dIfferent busInesses over the course of the last three years that there Is a real hot'>Pot And MIxture of peelIng out there. And, you know, IthInk It would be a lItIgatIon pIece, and a caselaw drIven'>Subject Matter for some tIme. Wed lIke to hearfrom you on thIs. Does beIng able to work from'>Home Help you . Are you more productIve there . Or do you prefer beIng In the offIce wIth colleagues . Does the flexIbIlIty of'>WorkIng From Home play a part In whIch jobs youd apply for . Let us know In the usual ways. As ever, gIve us your name and where you are gettIng In touch from so we can gIve you a mentIon. Important to remember that thIs does not apply to everyone, somejobs you remember that thIs does not apply to everyone, some jobs you just cannot do from home lIke work In a shop or people who have got to do'>Face To face work. For some people Itjust'>Face To face work. For some people It just doesnt'>Face To face work. For some people Itjust doesnt present Itself as an optIon. We Itjust doesnt present Itself as an 0 tIon. ~. Itjust doesnt present Itself as an otIon. ~. ,. ,~ Itjust doesnt present Itself as an otIon. ~. ,. ,. ,. , optIon. We have asked the manager If we can do thIs optIon. We have asked the manager If we can do thIs from optIon. We have asked the manager If we can do thIs from home optIon. We have asked the manager If we can do thIs from home and optIon. We have asked the manager If we can do thIs from home and for we can do thIs from home and for some reason he says no. How we can do thIs from home and for some reason he says no. How tIdy and clean out your some reason he says no. How tIdy and clean out your sofas some reason he says no. How tIdy and clean out your sofas at some reason he says no. How tIdy and clean out your sofas at home . Clean out your sofas at home . Probably not up to scratch, good poInt lets'>Take A Look at todays papers. The daIly telegraph reports that Israel Is suspected of beIng behInd what It calls an audacIous attack. At least nIne people are dead and 3000 have'>Been Injured after electronIc pagers, used by the desIgnated terrorIst'>Group Hezbollah, sImultaneously exploded across lebanon. A number of papers are also leadIng on the explodIng pager story, IncludIng the mIrror, who have called It a bIzarre attack. The metro leads on the'>Court Case InvolvIng kyle clIfford, who Is charged wIth murder of carol, hannah and louIse hunt, the wIfe and two daughters of'>Bbc RacIng Commentatorjohn hunt. And the tImes says labour are quIetly IgnorIng rules requIrIng cIvIl servants to be In the offIce three days a week. SomethIng that then was just talkIng about. We somethIng that then was ust talkIng about. ~. ,. , ~. ,. , about. We often talk about changIng weather had about. We often talk about changIng weather had how about. We often talk about changIng weather had how It about. We often talk about changIng weather had how It Impacts about. We often talk about changIng weather had how It Impacts clImate, a lovely story here about someone In dorset who got an allotment, quIte a small allotment, 15 years ago, and thought, Im not goIng to do turnIps or carrot, Im goIng to grow grapes. And Its happenIng. He Is now producIng 120 bottles of red wIne, whIte wIne and rose every year. He has even scooped prIzes In the dorset county show. He says It helps hIs wIfe Is french and knows what shes doIng. He doesnt want to sell It because he doesnt want to do the paperwork. Isnt that amazIng, 120 bottles. ~ , paperwork. Isnt that amazIng, 120 bottles. , , bottles. WIll people be buyIng It . No, dont thInks bottles. WIll people be buyIng It . No, dont thInks he bottles. WIll people be buyIng It . No, dont thInks he Is bottles. WIll people be buyIng It . No, dont thInks he Is allowed bottles. WIll people be buyIng It . No, dont thInks he Is allowed to | bottles. WIll people be buyIng It . L no, dont thInks he Is allowed to do because of the lIcensIng paperwork. The french vIneyards are havIng to change areas because the soIl has changed so much because of'>ClImate Change. But changed so much because of clImate chance. �. , changed so much because of clImate chance. �. ,. , change. But at the pumpkIn, that, Isnt It . Depends change. But at the pumpkIn, that, Isnt It . Depends on change. But at the pumpkIn, that, Isnt It . Depends on the change. But at the pumpkIn, that, Isnt It . Depends on the taste | Isnt It . Depends on the taste better than Isnt It . Depends on the taste better than a Isnt It . Depends on the taste better than a pumpkIn, Isnt It . Depends on the taste better than a pumpkIn,'>Isnt Isnt It . Depends on the taste better than a pumpkIn, Isnt It . I what would you do If you won'>A MIllIon pounds on the lottery . Well, for'>DavId Lawrence'>The Answer was sImple. Buy a house In surrey, wIth a garden bIg enough to buIld a mInI'>Golf Course. So, thats exactly what hes done and now davId Is InvItIng hIs neIghbours to come and play. Heres our reporter chrIs slegg. A year ago yesterday,'>Dave Lawrence celebratIng hIs lotteryjackpot. HavIng spent hIs lIfe workIng wIth dIsabled people, hIs prIorIty was to buy a house wIth a garden bIg enough to put to communIty use. Today, dave opened hIs garden crazy'>Golf Course. Im just thrIlled. ThIs, thIs place, thIs house, what Im able to do. Not everyones got a garden, you know. Theres a lot of people wIthout a garden at all. And to share It Is wonderful. Theres three holes, each dedIcated to a'>Cause Close to daves heart. The nature hole. The'>BoccIa Hole celebratIng the paralympIc sport. And the'>Pudsey Hole, whIch sarah was a'>Dab Hand at. I lIke crazy golf cos I lIke playIng. Its a good game and Its fun and Its healthy because Its more exercIse for me. Its gettIng me out from the house. It was quIte fun. I got all the. In the hole and I loved the day, Thank You. So were all goIng to have a go. Daves told local charItIes those In need wIll always be able to use the'>Golf Course. Whats really nIce Is thIs Is we can come back agaIn and well be able to have more events here and well be able to get more Involved. And so the more that we come, the more the guys wIll get more skIlls. So theyll be more Independent and theyll feel more confIdent. Youve got to move It out from the fence. Thats It, take It from there. So how dId dave feel to see hIs dream become a realIty . SImply fantastIc. I try not to get too emotIonal. Absolutely, much better than Id even ImagIned. Its'>Been a couple of weeks of busy tImes, but Its superb, chrIs, Its absolutely fantastIc. In thIs leatherhead garden, theres a whole lot to feel good about. Yes chrIs slegg, bbc news. BrIllIant. That Is a wInwIn, on the lotte. BrIllIant. That Is a wInwIn, on the'>Lottery Isnt brIllIant. That Is a wInwIn, on the'>Lottery Isnt It brIllIant. That Is a wInwIn, on the lottery. Isnt Itjust, brIllIant. That Is a wInwIn, on the lottery. Isnt Itjust, what brIllIant. That Is a wInwIn, on the lottery. Isnt Itjust, what a lottery. Isnt It ust, what a lovely man. TIme now to get the news,'>Travel And Weather where you are. Hello, good mornIng from bbc london, ImjIm wheble. The mIstaken arrest of an actor In'>West London Is beIng InvestIgated by the metropolItan polIce. Reece rIchards was returnIng home to'>Fulham On 11th September after performIng In the musIcal haIrspray, when he says he wItnessed a'>Car Crash and two men fleeIng on foot. DespIte poIntIng out the dIrectIon In whIch the two men had fled, he says he was pepper sprayed, kIcked and thrown to the ground by offIcers. The'>London Assembly has warned of a dramatIc drop off In new affordable housIng In the capItal. 1,800 homes have'>Been started under the latest affordable homes programme, whIch aIms to buIld a mInImum of 211,000 by 2026. In Its report, the'>London Assembly saId challengIng'>Market CondItIons and a delay In fundIng from the prevIous government have contrIbuted to the problems. Jobs'>In London, but there are warnIngs that some of those jobs could be at rIsk wIthout government suport. Ahead of next months budget, the brItIsh'>Beer And Pub assocIatIon Is callIng for a 5 cut In beer duty, claImIng pubs make just 12p on every pInt sold after taxes and costs. A'>Treasury Spokesperson saId the chancellor has'>Been clear that dIffIcult decIsIons lIe ahead. The'>Acton Market reduce and recycle hub and Its dedIcated volunteers have'>Been nomInated for a bbc make a dIfference award. Held every month In acton, Its volunteers promote and encourage resIdents to extend the'>LIfe Span of exIstIng Items, and recycle clothes, book, and small electrIcal Items. Me and the volunteers are so proud and amazed that weve'>Been nomInated for the bbc make a dIfference award. We all do thIs for passIon and tryIng to make a dIfference, and so Its really nIce that our efforts have'>Been recognIsed. Lets'>Take A Look at the tubes now. Now onto the weather wIth katerIna. Hello, there, good mornIng to you. Well, Its'>Been lovely so far thIs week theres'>Been a lot of dry weather around, wIth good spells of'>SunshIne. HIgh pressure contInues to domInate. A bIt of early cloud to deal wIth, but once that clears therell be plenty of'>SunshIne on the way over the comIng days. So thIs mornIng Its a mIld start to the day. Heres that early cloud thats eventually goIng to clear to allow for plenty of'>SunshIne through the rest of the day. Those wInds wIll pIck up, so It Is goIng to be feelIng breezIer, and were lookIng at top temperatures In that'>SunshIne up to around 2a degrees. So thIs evenIng and overnIght It stays dry the best of the clear spells at fIrst, but by'>The End of the nIght, well start to get quIte a bIt of cloud pullIng In agaIn, and temperatures wIll fall away to around 13 to 1a degrees, whIch sets us up for another mIld start on thursday mornIng. Thursday, quIte a dull start to the day, therell be quIte a bIt of cloud fIrst thIng, but once that clears therell be plenty of'>SunshIne through the rest of the day, wIth hIghs of around 25 degrees. Thats It lots more on our websIte, though, IncludIng plans to'>CourIer Blood samples between hospItals usIng drones. Ill be back In half an hour but for now back to nIna and jon. Hello, thIs Is breakfast wIth'>NIna Warhurst and jon kay. Thank wIth'>NIna Warhurst and jon kay. You forjoInIng us. A'>WIldlIfe CharIty Is declarIng a natIonal'>Butterfly Emergency after Its annual count recorded the lowest numbers In Its 1a year hIstory. Butterfly conservatIon says thIs summers wet weather Is partly to blame, but long'>Term Trends are also causIng concern.'>0ur EnvIronment Correspondent'>Jonah FIsher Is at a'>Butterfly Farm In'>Stratford Upon Avon thIs mornIng. PeekIng through the undergrowth. Where Is he . Laughter good mornIng. Welcome to the tropIcal good mornIng. Welcome to the tropIcal raInforest of'>Stratford Upon Avon. ThIs Is the'>Butterfly Stratford upon avon. ThIs Is the'>Butterfly Farm In the centre of town'>Butterfly Farm In the centre of town. Where are the butterflIes . Well, town. Where are the butterflIes . Well, It town. Where are the butterflIes . Well, It Is town. Where are the butterflIes . Well, It Is stIll early In the mornIng well, It Is stIll early In the mornIng and they dont really start flyIng mornIng and they dont really start flyIng around enthusIastIcally untIl a lIttle flyIng around enthusIastIcally untIl a lIttle bIt later In the day when the temperatures start rIsIng, so If you want the temperatures start rIsIng, so If you want to the temperatures start rIsIng, so If you want to see the butterflIes at the moment, you have to look for them the moment, you have to look for them on the moment, you have to look for them on the tree. There Isjust one here them on the tree. There Isjust one here that them on the tree. There Isjust one here that Is them on the tree. There Isjust one here. That Is a'>Crow Butterfly from dmaIasIa here. That Is a'>Crow Butterfly from dmalasIa. All the butterflIes that lIve here dmalasIa. All the butterflIes that lIve here In thIs'>Butterfly Farm are tropIcal lIve here In thIs'>Butterfly Farm are tropIcal butterflIes. We have come'>Here Today, as you mentIon, to talk about'>Here Today, as you mentIon, to talk about brItIsh butterflIes because'>A BIl about brItIsh butterflIes because a bIg survey carrIed out over the summer bIg survey carrIed out over the'>Summer Hasjust revealed Its results and,'>Summer Hasjust revealed Its results and. Sadly. Summer hasjust revealed Its results and, sadly, It Is not good news for the brItIsh and, sadly, It Is not good news for the brItIsh butterfly. Over the summer, thousands of people went out to record the'>Number And Type of butterflIes they saw durIng a 15 mInute perIod, confIrmIng what many have suspected there seemed to be fewer Insects thIs year. A thIrd of'>Butterfly SpecIes had theIr worst year on record, IncludIng the common blue whIch was not seen In some places at all. And whIle the wet weathers partly to blame, scIentIsts say the long'>Term Trend towards fewer butterflIes Is a sIgn that natures In trouble. DeclInes In butterflIes means declInes In pretty much everythIng. And, ok, thIs year mIght be partIcularly bad because of the weather, but over the long term, even when the weather Is good, these specIes arent able to do as well as they mIght be able to because weve not got the habItat avaIlable for them. ButterflIes have'>Been hIt by a host of pressures, IncludIng'>ClImate Change, habItat loss, and the use of pestIcIdes. Butterfly conservatIon Is callIng for a total ban of pestIcIdes known to harm butterflIes and bees. NeonIcotInoIds were banned In the uk several years ago, but exceptIons have'>Been made for'>Emergency Use on crops. And whIle the government says It Intends to change thIs polIcy, It has not yet gIven a tImescale. And that Is arrestIng scarlet swallowtaIl. I am joIned to talk about butterflIes by rIchard, who runs thIs place, but you also love butterflIes and took part In the survey. ThIs survey suggests, they have In doIng It for 1h years, that thIngs are pretty much as bad as they have ever'>Been. It thIngs are pretty much as bad as they have ever'>Been. ThIngs are pretty much as bad as they have ever'>Been. It has'>Been an absolutely terrIble they have ever'>Been. It has'>Been an absolutely terrIble year. They have ever'>Been. It has'>Been an absolutely terrIble year. Average I absolutely terrIble year. Average about 50 down. I have spoken to people who saId 60 , thIs Is a'>A0 , but I reckon my fIgures are about 50 down on what I saw last year. Why do you thInk thIs Is happenIng . The bIg effect Is the weather, an awful cold, wet sprIng, the summer dIdnt get goIng and the season fIzzled out. That Is the major effect. That wIll get better If we get good weather In the next couple of years but the levels wIll not get back to where they were before. Lets talk about the overall trend. 0bvIously lets talk about the overall trend. ObvIously the weather fluctuates from year to year but the trend sadly Is stIll downwards. From year to year but the trend sadly Is stIll downwards. Dead are lIt one or two sadly Is stIll downwards. Dead are lIt one or two specIes sadly Is stIll downwards. Dead are lIt one or two specIes IncreasIng l lIt one or two specIes IncreasIng wIth a bIt of clImate warmIng. What wIth a bIt of clImate warmIng. What do'>Ou Ut wIth a bIt of clImate warmIng. What do you put that wIth a bIt of clImate warmIng. What do you put that down wIth a bIt of clImate warmIng. What do you put that down to . WIth a bIt of clImate warmIng. What do you put that down to . MaInly. WIth a bIt of clImate warmIng. What | do you put that down to . MaInly our IndustrIal use do you put that down to . MaInly our IndustrIal use of do you put that down to . MaInly our IndustrIal use of the do you put that down to . MaInly our IndustrIal use of the landscape. IndustrIal use of the landscape. Crops soaked In InsectIcIdes, to the skeletal edges, and there Is no Is for the butterflIes to fInd theIr food or any nectar In the wIder countrysIde. You have to go to patches where they are neglected to fInd butterflIes. I5 patches where they are neglected to fInd butterflIes. FInd butterflIes. Is there somethIng we can do . FInd butterflIes. Is there somethIng we can do . ObvIously fInd butterflIes. Is there somethIng we can do . ObvIously we fInd butterflIes. Is there somethIng we can do . ObvIously we cannot I we can do . ObvIously we cannot necessarIly reverse IndustrIalIsatIon that has taken place everywhere, but for us In our homes, what can we do . I suppose the one glImmer of hope here Is that there Is a way to help them bounce back. ,. ,. , there Is a way to help them bounce back. ,. ,. ,. , back. There Is. GuIdance cover a vast acreage back. There Is. GuIdance cover a vast acreage In back. There Is. GuIdance cover a vast acreage In the back. There Is. GuIdance cover a vast acreage In the'>CountrysIde L back. There Is. GuIdance cover a I vast acreage In the countrysIde and If we make them butterfly frIendly. If we make them butterfly frIendly. If we make them'>Butterfly L frIendly. He If we make them butterfly frIendly. He Is frIendly. What Is thIs . He Is comInu frIendly. What Is thIs . He Is comIng In frIendly. What Is thIs . He Is comIng In for frIendly. What Is thIs . He Is comIng In for hIs frIendly. What Is thIs . He Is comIng In for hIs breakfast I frIendly. What Is thIs . He Is comIng In for hIs breakfast what can we do . ComIng In for hIs breakfast what can we do . BasIcally comIng In for hIs breakfast what can we do . BasIcally make comIng In for hIs breakfast what can we do . BasIcally make our'>Gardens WIlder . Can we do . BasIcally make our'>Aardens WIlder . ,. ,. ,'>Gardens WIlder . Yes, flowers,'>Nectar To BrIna'>Gardens WIlder . Yes, flowers, nectar to brIng the'>Gardens WIlder . Yes, flowers, nectar to brIng the adults'>Gardens WIlder . Yes, flowers, nectar to brIng the adults and,'>Gardens WIlder . Yes, flowers, nectar to brIng the adults and, some'>Gardens WIlder . Yes, flowers, nectar to brIng the adults and, some food. To brIng the adults and, some'>Food Plants whIch are very easy to plant, that fIt In your garden from bIg trees to small lIttle weeds, basIcally, that butterflIes lIke and a bIt of a rough patch they can survIve the wInter In. Dont use pestIcIdes. Try to go peat free. 0ver wInter shelter, nectar, should have a great deal of butterflIes. RIchard, Thank You and Thank You for havIng us here. The messages, If you want to help the'>Butterfly Bounce back, make your garden go a bIt wIld. ,. , back, make your garden go a bIt wIld. ,. ,. , back, make your garden go a bIt wIld. ,. , back, make your garden go a bIt wIld. ,. ,. ,. , back, make your garden go a bIt wIld. ,. , back, make your garden go a bIt wIld. ,. ,. ,. , g. , back, make your garden go a bIt wIld. ,. , back, make your garden go a bIt wIld. ,. ,. ,. , wIld. Happy to do that, jonah, very ha to wIld. Happy to do that, jonah, very happy to do wIld. Happy to do that, jonah, very happy to do that wIld. Happy to do that, jonah, very happy to do that. We wIld. Happy to do that, jonah, very happy to do that. We wIll wIld. Happy to do that, jonah, very happy to do that. We wIll be wIld. Happy to do that, jonah, very happy to do that. We wIll be back | happy to do that. We wIll be back wIth you later. Happy to do that. We wIll be back wIth you later happy to do that. We wIll be back wIth you later. StunnIng pIctures, havent seen wIth you later. StunnIng pIctures, havent seen as wIth you later. StunnIng pIctures, havent seen as many wIth you later. StunnIng pIctures, havent seen as many thIs wIth you later. StunnIng pIctures, havent seen as many thIs year. L havent seen as many thIs year. DefInItely not.'>OIns Us wIth john'>OIns Us wIth the sport and we were sayIng that'>Aston VIlla were lookIng for a memorable specIal nIght'>In Europe. ChampIons league back,'>Aston VIlla back after such a long absence from the competItIon. To get goIng wIth a wIn was a really specIal nIght for them as they remembered theIr former strIker'>Gary Shaw who dIed. In two weeks, they wIll be playIng'>Bayern MunIch for the fIrst tIme In the competItIon In over'>A0 years. That Is the team they beat In that famous nIght In 1982 stop you can only ImagIne what It wIll be lIke for the fans ImagIne what It wIll be lIke for the fan. , , ImagIne what It wIll be lIke for the fans agaInst ImagIne what It wIll be lIke for the'>Fans Easy agaInst'>Harry Kanes by munIch,'>Fans Easy agaInst'>Harry Kanes by munIch. Easy . Fans easy agaInst'>Harry Kanes by munIch, easy . We'>Fans Easy agaInst'>Harry Kanes by munIch, easy . We wIll'>Fans E � agaInst'>Harry Kanes by munIch, easy . We wIll see. Good mornIng. It was a memorable nIght for'>Aston VIlla and lIverpool, as they shared sIx goals between them, as vIlla paId trIbute to'>Club Legend'>Gary Shaw,'>Asjoe Lynskey reports. After a1 years, the long waIt brought the lIft off. ThIs was vIllas fIrst match'>In Europes top competItIon sInce 1983. But they played lIke they belong here. YourI tIelemans can brIng It down and whack It through and fInd the corner. YourI tIelemans wears number eIght, the same as'>Gary Shaw vIllas IconIc former strIker who won thIs competItIon and who passed away thIs week. ThIs emotIonal occasIon would turn Into a rout. Young boys of swItzerland naIve at the back,'>Jacob Ramsey there to roll In vIllas second. Two more were dIsallowed before'>Amadou 0nana found the net from'>Range. 3 0, and a nIght thIs club never saw two years ago. When'>UnaI Emery came In, they faced relegatIon. A wIn that showed how much has changed, he dedIcated to shaw. A2 years ago, they achIeved the last vIctory In'>ChampIons League and wInnIng the trophy. We want to dedIcate thIs vIctory for'>Gary Shaw, hIs famIly, and for all the supporters of'>Aston VIlla. For lIverpool, a slower start. They fell behInd to'>Ac MIlan In'>Arne Slot� s fIrst match'>In Europe as coach, but hIs team would rIse to It. Konate'>IbrahIma Konate and then'>VIrgIl Van dIjk'>The Two Centre Backs wIth goals to'>Set LIverpool on course. A 3 1wIn meant, for both'>PremIer League clubs, thIs'>FIrst NIght was emphatIc. The same could be saId for'>Bayern MunIch and'>Harry Kane. Kane. Theyre back In control now. He scored four goals as hIs team won 9 2. It made hIm englands top scorer In thIs competItIon. And at the bernabeu, another superstar arrIved. The'>European ChampIons have found ways to stIll Improve. A specIal moment for a specIal player. KylIan mbappe for real madrId, and hIs fIrst goal for them'>In Europe. Stuttgart blown away. The'>ChampIons League Is up and runnIng. Joe lynskey, bbc news. Those four'>HurrIcane Goals wIll not be lost on vIlla supporters. Four'>Harry Kane goals. Now, we saw the longest penalty shoot out In'>League Cup HIstory'>Last NIght. 3a penaltIes were taken as preston knocked out'>PremIer League oponents fulham, comIng through 16 15. So many penaltIes were taken, even the goalkeepers had a go. And the goals dIdnt stop there. Manchester unIted scored seven agaInst barnsley. Marcus rashford wIth two agaInst a sIde two leagues below them. Rashford hIttIng some form after some patchy spells last season. Everton were on'>The End of another defeat. After a 1 1 draw,'>Southampton Goalkeeper Alex mccarthy was the hero, savIng ashley'>Youngs Penalty In a game between the two'>PremIer League sIdes yet to pIck up a poInt thIs season. You can fInd all of last'>NIghts League Cup results plus tonIghts fIxtures on the'>Bbc Sport websIte. Good luck readIng the match reports of prestons wIn. Someone else who battled hard In a'>Marathon Contest Emma raducanu, who'>Beat Payton Stearns at the korea 0pen. She won In straIght sets but both went to'>TIe Breaks and they were on court for over two and a half hours. ThIs was raducanus fIrst match sInce'>HerfIrst Round ExIt In the us 0pen but she Is Into the second round. And confIrmatIon has come the'>Commonwealth Games are returnIng to glasgow In two years tIme, 12 years after It last hosted the event. The scottIsh goverment has gIven Its backIng to the cIty to stage It, havIng stepped In after the australIan state of vIctorIa pulled out due to rIsIng costs, but australIan authorItIes have promIsed a multI mIllIon pound Investment. The Infrastructure Is already there but these games wIll look very dIfferent, wIth just ten core sports, and many belIeve thIs pared down versIon could be the only vIable way forward for the'>Commonwealth Games. That Is the'>BIg QuestIon. WIll thIs protect the games for the future, a scaled down versIon, or are you losIng, I guess, wIth some of those sports not part of It . Are you losIng what the'>Commonwealth Games Is all about . I guess we wIll fInd out. ~ ,. , Is all about . I guess we wIll fInd out. ~ ,. ,. , out. We wIll put those questIons to'>Hannah MIley out. We wIll put those questIons to'>Hannah MIley and out. We wIll put those questIons to'>Hannah MIley and laura out. We wIll put those questIons to'>Hannah MIley and'>Laura Kenny out. We wIll put those questIons to |'>Hannah MIley and'>Laura Kenny later on. If you are up durIng the nIght you mIght have had a bIt of a treat. If you gaze at the nIght sky, we had a supermoon,'>Harvest Moon and a partIal'>Lunar EclIpse all rolled Into one. Heres the footage we caught of It overnIght In salford. It was the second of four supermoons thIs year where the moon appears to be bIgger and brIghter. It was a clear nIght for most In the uk, so hopIng you got to see It If youd set an alarm. It was really good of you to stay up all nIght wIth that camera, nIna. I am dedIcated. Someone who was up In the early hours was astronomer ben marshall, who'>OIns Us now. You have'>Been up all nIght. I have. How was It . You have'>Been up all nIght. I have. How was It . Good you have'>Been up all nIght. I have. How was It . Good to you have'>Been up all nIght. I have. How was It . Good to start you have'>Been up all nIght. I have. How was It . Good to start wIth you have'>Been up all nIght. I have. How was It . Good to start wIth and clouded over how was It . Good to start wIth and clouded over for how was It . Good to start wIth and clouded over for me. How was It . Good to start wIth and clouded over for me. I how was It . Good to start wIth and clouded over for me. I got how was It . Good to start wIth and clouded over for me. I got a how was It . Good to start wIth and j clouded over for me. I got a couple of glImpses clouded over for me. I got a couple of glImpses at'>The End but It was cloudy of glImpses at'>The End but It was cloudy for of glImpses at'>The End but It was cloudy for most of It, unfortunately. I should have just rocked unfortunately. I should have just rocked up unfortunately. I should have just rocked up on your roof. Unfortunately. I should have ust rocked up on your roof. Everybody Is welcome on rocked up on your roof. Everybody Is welcome on our rocked up on your roof. Everybody Is welcome on our roof. Rocked up on your roof. Everybody Is welcome on our roof. These rocked up on your roof. Everybody Is welcome on our roof. These are rocked up on your roof. Everybody Is| welcome on our roof. These are your pIctures . Welcome on our roof. These are your Ictures . ,. ,. ,. , pIctures . That was lIterally after I started to pack pIctures . That was lIterally after I started to pack down and It pIctures . That was lIterally after I j started to pack down and It poked out through'>The Clouds so you have a'>Dark Patch out through'>The Clouds so you have a'>Dark Patch In out through'>The Clouds so you have a'>Dark Patch In the corner whIch Is called'>Dark Patch In the corner whIch Is called the'>Dark Patch In the corner whIch Is called the umbra, the darker part of'>The Shadow. The rest of It Is actuaIty'>The Shadow. The rest of It Is actually covered by the penumbra, the lIghter part of'>The Shadow, just as I the lIghter part of'>The Shadow, just as I was the lIghter part of'>The Shadow, just as I was packIng up. The lIghter part of'>The Shadow, ust as I was packIng upI the lIghter part of'>The Shadow, ust as I was packIng up. Always the way, as I was packIng up. Always the way, as ou are as I was packIng up. Always the way, as you are packIng as I was packIng up. Always the way, as you are packIng up. As I was packIng up. Always the way, as you are packIng up. ExplaIn as I was packIng up. Always the way, as you are packIng up. ExplaIn to as I was packIng up. Always the way, as you are packIng up. ExplaIn to us| as you are packIng up. ExplaIn to us what Is happenIng. Why Is the'>Shadow Cast and why Is It so much bIgger than at the usual tIme . The cast and why Is It so much bIgger than at the usual tIme . Than at the usualtIme . The moon Is lIuhter than at the usualtIme . The moon Is lIghter because than at the usualtIme . The moon Is lIghter because It than at the usualtIme . The moon Is lIghter because It Is than at the usualtIme . The moon Is lIghter because It Is closer, than at the usualtIme . The moon Is lIghter because It Is closer, It than at the usualtIme . The moon Is lIghter because It Is closer, It Is lIghter because It Is closer, It Is In what lIghter because It Is closer, It Is In what Is lIghter because It Is closer, It Is In what Is called an eccentrIc orbIt, In what Is called an eccentrIc orbIt, meanIng It Is ellIptIcal. It Is about orbIt, meanIng It Is ellIptIcal. It Is about 222,000 mIles away. The average Is about 222,000 mIles away. The average Is Is about 222,000 mIles away. The average Is 238, so that Is 16,000'>MIles Average Is 238, so that Is 16,000 mIles closer, whIch If we left here, flew mIles closer, whIch If we left here,'>flew North mIles closer, whIch If we left here, flew north over the north pole,'>All The Way flew north over the north pole,'>All The Way down to the'>South Island of new zealand, and then took a kInk and went new zealand, and then took a kInk and went to santIago, that Is how far It and went to santIago, that Is how far It Is and went to santIago, that Is how far It Is closer than Its average. So that far It Is closer than Its average. So that Is far It Is closer than Its average. So that Is why It looks bIgger. Well, It Is bIgger. It Is angular dIameter well, It Is bIgger. It Is angular dIameter In astronomy, basIcally how many dIameter In astronomy, basIcally how many degrees It Is a cross. It Is targer~ many degrees It Is a cross. It Is targer~ the many degrees It Is a cross. It Is larger. The'>Harvest Moon sIde Is that Is larger. The'>Harvest Moon sIde Is that Is the larger. The'>Harvest Moon sIde Is that Is the fIrst'>Full Moon of the autumn, that Is the fIrst'>Full Moon of the autumn, whIch we have just started, and, autumn, whIch we have just started, and. Well, autumn, whIch we have just started, and, well, the eclIpse, you know what and, well, the eclIpse, you know what those and, well, the eclIpse, you know what those are. The'>Lunar EclIpses are specIat what those are. The'>Lunar EclIpses are specIal. When you get a full one It Is very are specIal. When you get a full one It Is very ImpressIve because the moon It Is very ImpressIve because the moon turns It Is very ImpressIve because the moon turns red because of the lIght, all moon turns red because of the lIght, at of moon turns red because of the lIght, at of the moon turns red because of the lIght, all of the lIght of all of the'>SunrIses all of the lIght of all of the'>SunrIses and'>Sunsets on the earth, shInIng'>SunrIses and'>Sunsets on the earth, shInIng onto'>SunrIses and'>Sunsets on the earth, shInIng onto the moon. SunrIses and'>Sunsets on the earth, shInIng onto the moon. People wIll have'>Been catchIng shInIng onto the moon. People wIll have'>Been catchIng thIs shInIng onto the moon. People wIll have'>Been catchIng thIs from shInIng onto the moon. People wIll| have'>Been catchIng thIs from across'>The World wIth a dIfferent perspectIve. The world wIth a dIfferent perspectIve'>The World wIth a dIfferent perspectIve. The world wIth a dIfferent ersectIve. ,. ,. ,. , perspectIve. The advantage of thIs one compared perspectIve. The advantage of thIs one compared to perspectIve. The advantage of thIs one compared to a perspectIve. The advantage of thIs one compared to a solar perspectIve. The advantage of thIs one compared to a'>Solar EclIpse I perspectIve. The advantage of thIs one compared to a'>Solar EclIpse Is| one compared to a'>Solar EclIpse Is you have one compared to a'>Solar EclIpse Is you have to one compared to a'>Solar EclIpse Is you have to be In the rIght place at the rIght you have to be In the rIght place at the rIght tIme to get a'>Solar EclIpse, the rIght tIme to get a'>Solar EclIpse, where Is thIs, you just have eclIpse, where Is thIs, you just have to eclIpse, where Is thIs, you just have to be eclIpse, where Is thIs, you just have to be somewhere where It Is dark and have to be somewhere where It Is dark and the moon Is up because It wIll look dark and the moon Is up because It wIll look the same everywhere dependIng on how brIght It Is and where dependIng on how brIght It Is and where you dependIng on how brIght It Is and where you are, but everyone wIll have where you are, but everyone wIll have the where you are, but everyone wIll have the same amount of shadow across have the same amount of shadow across It have the same amount of shadow across It It have the same amount of shadow across It. It alljust depends on whether across It. It alljust depends on whether the moon was vIsIble. Just those pesky whether the moon was vIsIble. Just those pesky clouds. These are some of the pIctures vIewers have sent In. Not bad, lots of people stayIng up. That Is brIllIant, Isnt It . Wasnt cloudy where rachel was. And then thIs one, that Is super that Is tImInu then thIs one, that Is super that Is tImIng I then thIs one, that Is super that Is tImIng I can then thIs one, that Is super that Is tImIng I can hear then thIs one, that Is super that Is tImIng I can hear the then thIs one, that Is super that Is tImIng I can hear the envy then thIs one, that Is super that Is tImIng I can hear the envy In l Is tImIng I can hear the envy In our Is tImIng I can hear the envy In your voIce. Is tImIng I can hear the envy In your voIce. You Is tImIng I can hear the envy In your voIce, you are Is tImIng I can hear the envy In your voIce, you are not Is tImIng I can hear the envy In your voIce, you are not even. Is tImIng I can hear the envy In. Your voIce, you are not even hIdIng It. ,. ,. , your voIce, you are not even hIdIng It. That Is one of the thIngs you really want It. That Is one of the thIngs you really want when It. That Is one of the thIngs you really want when you It. That Is one of the thIngs you really want when you are It. That Is one of the thIngs you j really want when you are takIng pIctures really want when you are takIng pIctures to get It durIng an eclIpse, pIctures to get It durIng an eclIpse, well done. PIctures to get It durIng an eclIpse, well done. PIctures to get It durIng an eclIse, well done. ~. , ~ eclIpse, well done. What Is the lInk wIth the'>Solar EclIpse, well done. What Is the lInk wIth the'>Solar EclIpse . EclIpse, well done. What Is the lInk wIth the'>Solar EclIpse . The eclIpse, well done. What Is the lInk wIth the'>Solar EclIpse . The solar I wIth the'>Solar EclIpse . The solar ecfise wIth the'>Solar EclIpse . The'>Solar EclI Se Is wIth the'>Solar EclIpse . The'>Solar EclIpse Is the wIth the'>Solar EclIpse . The'>Solar EclIpse Is the moon wIth the'>Solar EclIpse . The'>Solar EclIpse Is the moon goIng wIth the'>Solar EclIpse . The solar'>L EclIpse Is the moon goIng between wIth the'>Solar EclIpse . The'>Solar EclIpse Is the moon goIng between us and the eclIpse Is the moon goIng between us and the'>Sun-eclIpse'>Sun EclIpse Is the moon goIng between us and the'>Sun. The eclIpse Is the moon goIng between us and the'>Sun-eclIpse'>Sun EclIpse Is the moon goIng between us and the'>Sun. Yes, and the'>Sun. The other sIde . Yes, and the'>Sun. The other sIde . Yes, and we are and the'>Sun. The other sIde . Yes, and we are on and the'>Sun. The other sIde . Yes, and we are on the and the'>Sun. The other sIde . Yes, and we are on the other and the'>Sun. The other sIde . Yes, and we are on the other sIde. And the'>Sun. The other sIde . Yes, | and we are on the other sIde. When you have and we are on the other sIde. When you have got and we are on the other sIde. When you have got a'>Solar EclIpse you tend you have got a'>Solar EclIpse you tend to you have got a'>Solar EclIpse you tend to have a'>Lunar EclIpse around the same tend to have a'>Lunar EclIpse around the same sort of tIme, so we had one on the the same sort of tIme, so we had one on the 8th the same sort of tIme, so we had one on the 8th of the same sort of tIme, so we had one on the 8th of aprIl, a'>Solar EclIpse, on the 8th of aprIl, a'>Solar EclIpse, and'>March 25 was the'>Lunar EclIpse, eclIpse, and'>March 25 was the'>Lunar EclIpse, so eclIpse, and'>March 25 was the'>Lunar EclIpse, so about two weeks before, 29 day eclIpse, so about two weeks before, 29'>Day Cycle for the moon, so half of that 29'>Day Cycle for the moon, so half of that. ~. ,. , I. 29'>Day Cycle for the moon, so half ofthat. ~. ,. , I. 29'>Day Cycle for the moon, so half ofthat. ~. ,. , I. I. , of that. What would you say you are a percentage of that. What would you say you are a'>Percentage HIt of that. What would you say you are a'>Percentage HIt rate of that. What would you say you are a'>Percentage HIt rate Is of that. What would you say you are a'>Percentage HIt rate Is when of that. What would you say you are a'>Percentage HIt rate Is when you I a'>Percentage HIt rate Is when you have stayed up through the nIght, travel to dIfferent countrIes, to see eclIpses of both swords and It has hIt the spot once you have seen what you wanted to see . What you wanted to see . Er. Not hIuh hIgh laughter It Is you, maybe. Laughter It Is ou, ma be. Laughter ItIs ou, ma be. ,. ,'>Laughter ItIs ou,ma be. ,. ,'>Laughter ItIs ou,ma be. , , It Is you, maybe. May be that Is why It Is you, maybe. May be that Is why I was told It Is you, maybe. May be that Is why I was told not It Is you, maybe. May be that Is why I was told not to It Is you, maybe. May be that Is why I was told not to come It Is you, maybe. May be that Is why I was told not to come onto It Is you, maybe. May be that Is why I was told not to come onto the I was told not to come onto the root I was told not to come onto the'>Root Lt I was told not to come onto the roof. ,. , ~. ,. ,. , I was told not to come onto the roof. ,. , ~. ,. ,. , roof. It Is not knowIng what you are auoIn to roof. It Is not knowIng what you are goIng to see roof. It Is not knowIng what you are goIng to see If roof. It Is not knowIng what you are goIng to see. If there roof. It Is not knowIng what you are goIng to see. If there Is roof. It Is not knowIng what you are goIng to see. If there Is an goIng to see. If there Is an astronomIcal goIng to see. If there Is an astronomIcal event goIng to see. If there Is an astronomIcal event goIng l goIng to see. If there Is an I astronomIcal event goIng on I goIng to see. If there Is an astronomIcal event goIng on I wIll have astronomIcal event goIng on I wIll have cloud, that Isjust how It works have cloud, that Is ust how It works. � ,. Have cloud, that Is ust how It works. ,. , works. As an astronomer, when you see a moment works. As an astronomer, when you see a'>Moment LIke works. As an astronomer, when you see a'>Moment LIke that. Works. As an astronomer, when you see a'>Moment LIke that. Or works. As an astronomer, when you see a'>Moment LIke that. Or dont | see a'>Moment LIke that. Or dont are you able to park the scIence In your braIn and just enjoyed the natural world or are you always thInkIng about the calculatIons, the dIstances, the numbers are . Hand dIstances, the numbers are . And whether a plane dIstances, the numbers are . And whether a plane wIll come across . Get on the app for the planes yeah, IthInk get on the app for the planes yeah, I thInk It get on the app for the planes yeah, I thInk It does happen a lot wIthIn astronomy I thInk It does happen a lot wIthIn astronomy anyway, although. To be faIr, there astronomy anyway, although. To be faIr, there are astronomy anyway, although. To be faIr, there are people who are not Into the faIr, there are people who are not Into the'>ScIence SIde of'>Astronomy Stop Astronomy Is a fantastIc scIence'>Stop Astronomy Is a fantastIc scIence for that reason. It Is the only scIence for that reason. It Is the only one scIence for that reason. It Is the only one that normal people can do. You cannot only one that normal people can do. You cannot walk Into some bIomedIcal facIlIty you cannot walk Into some bIomedIcal facIlIty and you cannot walk Into some bIomedIcal facIlIty and ask If you can study'>VIruses FacIlIty and ask If you can study vIruses. You know, you wIll end up on a vIruses. You know, you wIll end up on a lIst on a'>LIst Laughter 0r laughter or we wIll end up stuck In our houses or we wIll end up stuck In our houses agaIn but astronomy, you get a telescope. Houses agaIn but astronomy, you get a telescope, look at thIngs, fInd somethIng that Is not documented or was not somethIng that Is not documented or was not there or has moved. You tell someone was not there or has moved. You tell someone because we lIke to talk about someone because we lIke to talk about It. Someone because we lIke to talk about It, and you have done scIence. FIndIng about It, and you have done scIence. FIndIng a about It, and you have done scIence. FIndIng a near Earth Objects Is a popular fIndIng a near Earth Objects Is a popular thIng. There Is a lot of astronomers that are not scIentIsts, astronomers that are not scIentIsts, as well astronomers that are not scIentIsts, as well and astronomers that are not scIentIsts, as well. And I thInk even the scIentIsts as well. And I thInk even the scIentIsts of us, we stIlljust enjoy scIentIsts of us, we stIlljust enjoy lookIng. ScIentIsts of us, we stIll ust enjoy lookIngI scIentIsts of us, we stIll ust enjoy lookInofi scIentIsts of us, we stIll ust enjoy lookIng. ScIentIsts of us, we stIll ust eno lookIno. �. , enoy lookIng. And the weather gIves a enjoy lookIng. And the weather gIves a bIt ofjeopardy enjoy lookIng. And the weather gIves a bIt of jeopardy. It enjoy lookIng. And the weather gIves a bIt of jeopardy. It Is enjoy lookIng. And the weather gIves a bIt of jeopardy. It Is that enjoy lookIng. And the weather gIves a bIt of jeopardy. It Is that'>Moment L a bIt of eopardy. It Is that moment of a bIt of jeopardy. It Is that moment of wonder. A bIt of jeopardy. It Is that moment of wonder, the a bIt of jeopardy. It Is that moment of wonder, the scale a bIt of jeopardy. It Is that moment of wonder, the scale of a bIt of jeopardy. It Is that moment of wonder, the scale of It a bIt of jeopardy. It Is that moment of wonder, the scale of It all. Of wonder, the scale of It all. Thank you. Of wonder, the scale of It all. Thank you of wonder, the scale of It all. Thank ou. � ,. ,. , ~ Thank You. Ben marshall, Thank You for comIno Thank You. Ben marshall, Thank You for comIng In Thank You. Ben marshall, Thank You for comIng In. Our Thank You. Ben marshall, Thank You for comIng In. Our vIewers Thank You. Ben marshall, Thank You for comIng In. Our vIewers wIll Thank You. Ben marshall, Thank You for comIng In. Our vIewers wIll be I for comIng In. Our vIewers wIll be sendIng In more pIcturesjust to troll you. SendIng In more pIctures ust to troll ou. , sendIng In more pIctures ust to troll ou. M sendIng In more pIctures ust to troll ou. , troll you. Make you sad that yours arent as good. Troll you. Make you sad that yours arent as good, sorry troll you. Make you sad that yours arent as good, sorry I troll you. Make you sad that yours arent as good, sorry I am troll you. Make you sad that yours arent as good, sorry I am sure I arent as good, sorry I am sure matt has'>Been arent as good, sorry I am sure matt has'>Been up arent as good, sorry I am sure matt has'>Been up all arent as good, sorry I am sure matt has'>Been up all nIght. I thInk the weather watchers have'>Been sendIng matt pIctures. Jt j I thInk the weather watchers have'>Been sendIng matt pIctures. If I was to take a pIcture'>Been sendIng matt pIctures. If I was to take a pIcture It'>Been sendIng matt pIctures. If I was to take a pIcture It would'>Been sendIng matt pIctures. If I was to take a pIcture It would be'>Been sendIng matt pIctures. If I was to take a pIcture It would be a to take a pIcture It would be a whIte to take a pIcture It would be a whIte smudge, lIke most. Lets get back to whIte smudge, lIke most. Lets get back to the whIte smudge, lIke most. Lets get back to the weather for today. StartIng back to the weather for today. StartIng wIth a quIck look at yesterday. ThIs was northern lreland, yesterday. ThIs was'>Northern Ireland, where the temperature got to 24 Ireland, where the temperature got to 24 degrees, makIng It the warmest late'>September Day for about 11 years late'>September Day for about 11 years a late'>September Day for about 11 years. A bIt warm across parts of scotland. Years. A bIt warm across parts of scotland, temperatures around 7 or 8 degrees scotland, temperatures around 7 or 8 degrees hIgher than normal. And another degrees hIgher than normal. And another II degrees hIgher than normal. And another 11 to come today, If not a shade another 11 to come today, If not a shade warmer. A day on whIch we see the low shade warmer. A day on whIch we see the low'>Cloud Shade warmer. A day on whIch we see the low cloud that many have across england the low cloud that many have across england and wales'>SunshIne'>Break And SunshIne developIng more wIdely through the day. Some started wIth the'>SunshIne, partIcularly day. Some started wIth the'>SunshIne, partIcularly closer to the centre of the hIgh partIcularly closer to the centre of the'>HIgh Pressure across parts of scotland the'>HIgh Pressure across parts of scotland and'>Northern Ireland, Is a'>MIst And Scotland and'>Northern Ireland, Is a'>MIst And Fog but as a'>HIgh Pressure noses'>MIst And Fog but as a'>HIgh Pressure noses away,'>MIst And Fog but as a'>HIgh Pressure noses away, we have a strong breeze across noses away, we have a strong breeze across the noses away, we have a strong breeze across the south. That has helped cloud across the south. That has helped'>Cloud Developed across central and eastern'>Cloud Developed across central and eastern parts of england and wales, so a Great Eastern Parts of england and wales, so a great start for many, the'>SunshIne so a great start for many, the'>SunshIne wIll gradually, It wIll lInger'>SunshIne wIll gradually, It wIll lInger around the coast. MIst and fo lInger around the coast. MIst and fog In lInger around the coast. MIst and fog In'>Northern Ireland and scotland wIll be fog In'>Northern Ireland and scotland wIll be gone by mId to late mornIng and In wIll be gone by mId to late mornIng and In that wIll be gone by mId to late mornIng and In that'>SunshIne and temperatures wIll lIft further today temperatures wIll lIft further today. AgaIn, 25 or 26 to the north of scotland. Today. AgaIn, 25 or 26 to the north of scotland, 22'>Northern Ireland. At one day of scotland, 22'>Northern Ireland. At one day across the south. Cooler along one day across the south. Cooler along eastern coast wIth the breeze of the along eastern coast wIth the breeze of the sea along eastern coast wIth the breeze of the sea and that greece wIll help to develop of the sea and that greece wIll help to develop the low cloud agaIn. Much of central to develop the low cloud agaIn. Much of central and'>Eastern England and eastern of central and'>Eastern England and eastern wales Into tomorrow mornIng. Southeast eastern wales Into tomorrow mornIng. South'>East Scotland could be prone but the'>South East Scotland could be prone but the rest of scotland and'>Northern Ireland wIll have clearer skIes'>Northern Ireland wIll have clearer skIes and'>Northern Ireland wIll have clearer skIes and temperatures down Into mId sIngle skIes and temperatures down Into mId sIngle fIgures to'>Start Tomorrow mornIng sIngle fIgures to'>Start Tomorrow mornIng. In the mId teens towards the south mornIng. In the mId teens towards the south and east. Thursday, roughly the south and east. Thursday, roughly what we dId agaIn today. SunshIne roughly what we dId agaIn today. SunshIne In the western frInges of'>SunshIne'>England SunshIne In the western frInges of england and wales, one or two'>MIst And Fog england and wales, one or two'>MIst And Fog patches, same In'>Scotland And Fog patches, same In scotland and'>Northern Ireland. Low cloud wIll gradually and'>Northern Ireland. Low cloud wIll gradually dIssIpate but a greater chance gradually dIssIpate but a greater chance of It stIckIng around some'>North Chance of It stIckIng around some'>North Sea chance of It stIckIng around some'>North Sea coast through tomorrow and accordIngly'>North Sea coast through tomorrow and accordIngly temperatures In the teens accordIngly temperatures In the teens rather than the 205. Western'>Scotland Teen5 rather than the 205. Western scotland probably warme5t, but hIghest scotland probably warme5t, but hIghe5t Temperatures Acr055 Scotland probably warme5t, but hIghe5t temperatures across southern'>Part5 HIghe5t temperatures across southern parts of hIghe5t temperatures across southern parts of england and wales, could be 25 or 26 parts of england and wales, could be 25 or 26 to parts of england and wales, could be 25 or 26 to the west of london. Into frIday. 25 or 26 to the west of london. Into frIday. A 25 or 26 to the west of london. Into frIday. A few 25 or 26 to the west of london. Into frIday, a few changes. We start agaIn frIday, a few changes. We start agaIn wIth frIday, a few changes. We start agaIn wIth the mIst, low cloud, may be more agaIn wIth the mIst, low cloud, may be more extensIve acr055 agaIn wIth the mIst, low cloud, may be more extensIve across central and eastern be more extensIve across central and eastern'>Scotland ThI5 be more extensIve across central and eastern scotland thIs tIme. Be5t be more extensIve across central and eastern scotland thIs tIme. Best of Ea5tern Scotland thIs tIme. Best of the'>SunshIne In the west. Cloud wIll the 5un5hIne In the west. Cloud wIll break the'>SunshIne In the west. Cloud wIll Break Up. The'>SunshIne In the west. Cloud wIll Break Up, but through the day we could Break Up, but through the day we could see Break Up, but through the day we could see a Break Up, but through the day we could see a few 5hower5, even'>Thunderstorms Acr055 could see a few 5hower5, even thunderstorms across the heIght of england. Thunderstorms across the heIght of england, drIftIng'>Toward5 Wale5 thunderstorms across the heIght of england, drIftIng toward5 wales and the'>South West later on, and a the'>5outh We5t later on, and a greater the'>South West later on, and a greater chance of a few 5hower5 the'>South West later on, and a greater chance of a few showers and storms greater chance of a few showers and storms thIs greater chance of a few showers and storms thIs weekend. That Is how It 5torm5 thIs weekend. That Is how It Is lookIng that Is great. We wIll see more of those pIctures of It later. J wIll those pIctures of It later. I wIll show you those pIctures of It later. I wIll show you more those pIctures of It later. I wIll show you more than. Those pIctures of It later. I wIll show you more than. See those pIctures of It later. I wIll show you more than. See you | those pIctures of It later. I wIll show you more than. See you then. If youre headIng out for a run thIs mornIng, what wIll you be lIstenIng to . Maybe a podcast, some musIc or how about your very own lIve performance from an InternatIonal'>Pop Star . Thats exactly what happened to teacher'>NIkkI AtkIns, who was JoggIng'>In London yesterday. Just have a look. Hello. Any reque5t5 . Er. Could you do'>TenerIfe Sea . Yeah. You look so wonderful In that dress. I love your haIr lIke that. The way It pull5 on the sIde of your neck. Down your shoulders and back. We are surrounded by all of these lIe5. And people talk too much. You got the kInd of look In your eyes. A5 If no one knows anythIng but u5. Should thIs be the last thIng I see. I want you to know Its enough for me. Cos all that you are Is all that Ill ever need. Oh, Im In love. So In love. So In love, love, love, love. Im In love. Thank you so much have a good rest of your run. Laughter. And she runs but she sat down aaaIn. NIkkI'>OIns Us now. ExpellIng your face, what a expellIng yourface, what a moment, talk us through that. Jt expellIng your face, what a moment, talk us through that. Talk us through that. It was so random obvIously talk us through that. It was so random obvIously not talk us through that. It was so random obvIously not what l talk us through that. It was so l random obvIously not what you expect random obvIously not what you expect. Ju5t kInd of goIng for a run, expect. Ju5t kInd of goIng for a run. I expect. Ju5t kInd of goIng for a run, I actually havent'>Been for a run, I actually havent'>Been for a run In run, I actually havent'>Been for a run In a run, I actually havent'>Been for a run In a few run, I actually havent'>Been for a run In a few months, so amazIng that that happened on my fIrst run back for a that happened on my fIrst run back for a lIttle that happened on my fIrst run back for a lIttle whIle but I wasjust runnIng for a lIttle whIle but I wasjust runnIng down to the canal and I heard runnIng down to the canal and I heard some musIc and saw someone 5at heard some musIc and saw someone sat In the heard some musIc and saw someone sat In the front heard'>5ome MusIc and saw someone sat In the front of heard some musIc and saw someone sat In the front of a boat, a'>GInger Man and In In the front of a boat, a'>GInger Man and In my In the front of a boat, a'>GInger Man and In my head I thought, that looks and In my head I thought, that looks a bIt lIke and In my head I thought, that looks a bIt lIke ed and In my head I thought, that looks a bIt lIke'>Ed Sheeran and then I ran down a bIt lIke'>Ed Sheeran and then I ran downand a bIt lIke'>Ed Sheeran and then I ran down and onto the'>Canal Path just as he was down and onto the'>Canal Path just as he was passIng and I was lIke, oh, that Is he was passIng and I was lIke, oh, that Is Ed He was passIng and I was lIke, oh, that Is'>Ed Sheeran then he asked me for a song that Is'>Ed Sheeran then he asked me for a song request, so It was justm fora song request, so It was justm I for a song request, so It was justm Isort for a song request, so It was just. I sort of blacked out a lIttle just. I sort of blacked out a lIttle bIt just. I sort of blacked out a lIttle bIt but It was surreal. You sa that lIttle bIt but It was surreal. You say that but lIttle bIt but It was surreal. You say that but not lIttle bIt but It was surreal. You say that but not a lIttle bIt but It was surreal. You say that but not a'>Lot LIttle bIt but It was surreal. You, say that but not a lot of tIme elapsed between you recognIsIng It was'>Ed Sheeran, hIm InvItIng you to make a'>Request And Venue havIng one at the forefront of your mInd. You look so relaxed j at the forefront of your mInd. You look so relaxed look so relaxed I genuInely love because InsIde look so relaxed I genuInely love because InsIde I look so relaxed I genuInely love because InsIde I was look so relaxed I genuInely love because InsIde I was In look so relaxed I genuInely lovej because InsIde I was In complete turmoIl because InsIde I was In complete turmoIl In because InsIde I was In complete turmoIl. In my head, the tIme It took turmoIl. In my head, the tIme It took me turmoIl. In my head, the tIme It took me to turmoIl. In my head, the tIme It took me to ask for a song was a really took me to ask for a song was a really long took me to ask for a song was a really long tIme. I am so shocked that It really long tIme. I am so shocked that It was really long tIme. I am so shocked that It was that rapId when I saw hIs vIdeo that It was that rapId when I saw hIs vIdeo. Because, yeah, I lIterally hIs vIdeo. Because, yeah, I lIterally ran out onto the path, kInd lIterally ran out onto the path, kInd of lIterally ran out onto the path, kInd of waved at hIm and he asked me for a'>Song KInd of waved at hIm and he asked me for a song request, but In my head I was thInkIng, oh, my god, I need to thInk was thInkIng, oh, my god, I need to thInk of was thInkIng, oh, my god, I need to thInk of a was thInkIng, oh, my god, I need to thInk of a song now and It needs to be not thInk of a song now and It needs to be not really rubbIsh or a basIc one be not really rubbIsh or a basIc one. �. Be not really rubbIsh or a basIc one. ~. ,. ,. , be not really rubbIsh or a basIc one. ~. ,. , one. And what made you pIck'>TenerIfe Sea . There are one. And what made you pIck'>TenerIfe Sea . There are much one. And what made you pIck'>TenerIfe Sea . There are much more one. And what made you pIck'>TenerIfe Sea . There are much more popular. Sea . There are much more popular ones lIke shape of you,'>Castle 0n ones lIke shape of you, castle on the hIll. Jt ones lIke shape of you, castle on the hIll. ,. ,. ,. , the hIll. It Is an older one. I went to see hIm the hIll. It Is an older one. I went to see hIm when the hIll. It Is an older one. I went to see hIm when I the hIll. It Is an older one. I went to see hIm when I was the hIll. It Is an older one. I went to see hIm when I was young the hIll. It Is an older one. I went to see hIm when I was young and| the hIll. It Is an older one. I went| to see hIm when I was young and I thInk to see hIm when I was young and I thInk It to see hIm when I was young and I thInk It was to see hIm when I was young and I thInk It was from an album that was from thInk It was from an album that was from the thInk It was from an album that was from the concert I went to see but I have from the concert I went to see but I have really from the concert I went to see but I have reallyjust love that song, It Is so have reallyjust love that song, It Is so beautIful and my favourIte songs Is so beautIful and my favourIte songs are Is so beautIful and my favourIte songs are of hIs eye hIs straIghtforward guItar ballads and It Is such straIghtforward guItar ballads and It Is such a beautIful song. If you lIsten It Is such a beautIful song. If you lIsten to It Is such a beautIful song. If you lIsten to the orIgInal It Is one of those lIsten to the orIgInal It Is one of those songs you just feel warm when you are those songs you just feel warm when you are lIstenIng to It. NIna those songs you just feel warm when you are lIstenIng to It. You are lIstenIng to It. NIna and I were sayIng. You are lIstenIng to It. NIna and I were sayIng, not you are lIstenIng to It. NIna and I were sayIng, not only you are lIstenIng to It. NIna and I were sayIng, not only Is you are lIstenIng to It. NIna and I were sayIng, not only Is It you are lIstenIng to It. NIna and I I were sayIng, not only Is It amazIng you can thInk of a song ImmedIately but then that you get your phone out and start fIlmIng It you are really on It j and start fIlmIng It you are really on It ~. , ~ on It I know It feel lIke It almost looks on It I know It feel lIke It almost looks lIke on It I know It feel lIke It almost looks lIke I on It I know It feel lIke It almost looks lIke I had I on It I know It feel lIke It almost looks lIke I had planned that and was almost looks lIke I had planned that and was ready for It but genuInely In my and was ready for It but genuInely In my head and was ready for It but genuInely In my head I was thInkIng, oh, my god, In my head I was thInkIng, oh, my god, he In my head I was thInkIng, oh, my god, he Is In my head I was thInkIng, oh, my god, he Is actually sIngIng to me, I am not god, he Is actually sIngIng to me, I am not goIng to remember thIs If I dont am not goIng to remember thIs If I dont fIlm am not goIng to remember thIs If I dont fIlm It. I am just goIng to. Well, dont fIlm It. I am just goIng to. Well, I dont fIlm It. I am just goIng to. Well, lam dont fIlm It. I am just goIng to. Well, I am goIng to black out, I wIll not well, I am goIng to black out, I wIll not know what Is goIng on. In that vIdeo wIll not know what Is goIng on. In that vIdeo It wIll not know what Is goIng on. In that vIdeo It looks so rapId that I pull out that vIdeo It looks so rapId that I pull out my phone but I wasjust lIke, pull out my phone but I wasjust lIke. Oh. Pull out my phone but I wasjust lIke, oh, my god,'>Ed Sheeran I5 lIke, oh, my god,'>Ed Sheeran Is sIngIng lIke, oh, my god,'>Ed Sheeran Is sIngIng to lIke, oh, my god,'>Ed Sheeran Is sIngIng to me, I need to record thIs sIngIng to me, I need to record thIs . ,. ,. , ,. , sIngIng to me, I need to record thIs . ,. ,. ,. , thIs you are obvIously a'>Lot AuIcker thIs you are obvIously a lot quIcker and thIs you are obvIously a lot quIcker and what thIs you are obvIously a lot quIcker and what I thIs you are obvIously a lot quIcker and what I love thIs you are obvIously a lot quIcker and what I love at I thIs you are obvIously a lot. QuIcker and what I love at the thIs you are obvIously a lot quIcker and what I love at'>The End Is he wraps up and you resume your log Is he wraps up and you resume your Jog. J Is he wraps up and you resume your 0. ,. , Is he wraps up and you resume your or. ,. , Is he wraps up and you resume your 0 a. ,. ,. ,. , Is he wraps up and you resume your Jog. I wIsh I had saId more to hIm and Im Jog. I wIsh I had saId more to hIm and lm sure Jog. I wIsh I had saId more to hIm and Im sure people Jog. I wIsh I had saId more to hIm and Im sure people have Jog. I wIsh I had saId more to hIm and Im sure people have that I and Im sure people have that experIence just encounterIng a'>CelebrIty ExperIence just encounterIng a celebrIty and thInkIng, oh, god, I wIsh celebrIty and thInkIng, oh, god, I wIsh I celebrIty and thInkIng, oh, god, I wIsh I have celebrIty and thInkIng, oh, god, I wIsh I have saId that. ThIs celebrIty and thInkIng, oh, god, I wIsh I have saId that. WIsh I have saId that. ThIs Is your chance he wIsh I have saId that. ThIs Is your chance he Is wIsh I have saId that. ThIs Is your chance he Is bound wIsh I have saId that. ThIs Is your chance he Is bound to wIsh I have saId that. ThIs Is your chance he Is bound to be wIsh I have saId that. ThIs Is your chance he Is bound to be what'>L WIsh I have saId that. ThIs Is yourl chance he Is bound to be what he wIsh I have saId that. ThIs Is your I chance he Is bound to be what he Is always up early. Speak to hIm, what do you want to say to'>Ed Sheeran . Thank you so much agaIn, that was so IncredIbly Thank You so much agaIn, that was so IncredIbly specIal and so beautIful and really made my day. He was so lovely. And really made my day. He was so lovely as and really made my day. He was so lovely, as well. He was reallyjust so chIll lovely, as well. He was reallyjust so chIll and lovely, as well. He was reallyjust so chIll and nIce and I felt so sIlly so chIll and nIce and I felt so sIllyjust so chIll and nIce and I felt so sIllyjust when I was runnIng away at the sIllyjust when I was runnIng away at the'>End SIllyjust when I was runnIng away at'>The End because everyone on the boat was at'>The End because everyone on the boat was watchIng me but they were Ust Boat was watchIng me but they were just so boat was watchIng me but they were just so lovely. Thank you so much. What just so lovely. Thank you so much. What have just so lovely. Thank you so much. What have all your mates and famIly saId, who presumably know you are a bIg fan of'>Ed Sheeran . Mr; saId, who presumably know you are a bIg fan of'>Ed Sheeran . BIg fan of'>Ed Sheeran . My famIly are sort of way lIke. BIg fan of'>Ed Sheeran . My famIly are sort of way lIke, Is bIg fan of'>Ed Sheeran . My famIly are sort of way lIke, Is thIs bIg fan of'>Ed Sheeran . My famIly are sort of way lIke, Is thIs real . BIg fan of'>Ed Sheeran . My famIly are sort of way lIke, Is thIs real . My I sort of way lIke, Is thIs real . My mum sort of way lIke, Is thIs real . My mum was sort of way lIke, Is thIs real . My mum was lIke, I dIdnt thInk It was real to mum was lIke, I dIdnt thInk It was real to begIn wIth. And my frIends, as well, real to begIn wIth. And my frIends, as well, once they had run away, I had to as well, once they had run away, I had to fInIsh as well, once they had run away, I had to fInIsh my run so I couldnt tell anyone had to fInIsh my run so I couldnt tell'>Anyone StraIghtaway and I was ust tell'>Anyone StraIghtaway and I was just kInd tell'>Anyone StraIghtaway and I was just kInd of In my head thInkIng, what just kInd of In my head thInkIng, whatIust just kInd of In my head thInkIng, whatjust happened . I was really excIted whatjust happened . I was really excIted when I got back to my flat because excIted when I got back to my flat because I excIted when I got back to my flat because I wanted to tell my flatmates but they went In I was ust flatmates but they went In I was just on flatmates but they went In I was just on my flatmates but they went In I was just on my own I was lIke, I need to tell just on my own I was lIke, I need to tell someone about thIs sol just on my own I was lIke, I need to tell someone about thIs so I was gradually to tell someone about thIs so I was gradually messagIng everyone. But then I gradually messagIng everyone. But then I had gradually messagIng everyone. But then I had loads of people who I hadnt then I had loads of people who I hadnt managed to mess It she then saw hIs hadnt managed to mess It she then saw hIs vIdeo on Instagram and were lIke, saw hIs vIdeo on Instagram and were lIke. Is 5aw hIs vIdeo on Instagram and were lIke. Is thIs saw hIs vIdeo on Instagram and were lIke, Is thIs you . So saw hIs vIdeo on Instagram and were lIke, Is thIs you . LIke, Is thIs you . So he posted and ou lIke, Is thIs you . So he posted and you posted lIke, Is thIs you . So he posted and you posted and lIke, Is thIs you . So he posted and you posted and you lIke, Is thIs you . So he posted and you posted and you are lIke, Is thIs you . So he posted and you posted and you are a lIke, Is thIs you . So he posted and you posted and you are a teacher. | lIke, Is thIs you . So he posted and I you posted and you are a teacher. So you posted and you are a teacher. So you are goIng Into school, a student teacher, you wIll be teachIng kIds today. I was tryIng to ImagIne what your pupIls. Today. I was tryIng to ImagIne what your pupIls your pupIls. No, I am stIll quIte earl on your pupIls. No, I am stIll quIte early on so your pupIls. No, I am stIll quIte early on so lm your pupIls. No, I am stIll quIte early on so Im not your pupIls. No, I am stIll quIte early on so Im not In your pupIls. No, I am stIll quIte early on so Im not In schools I your pupIls. No, I am stIll quIte early on so Im not In schools yetj early on so Im not In schools yet but It early on so Im not In schools yet but It has early on so Im not In schools yet but It has made me thInk about my lnstagram but It has made me thInk about my'>Instagram PrIvacy settIngs and howl should'>Instagram PrIvacy settIngs and howl should probablyjust make a new Instagram for should probably ust make a new Instaoram . , should probably ust make a new Instaoram . , ~ ,. , Instagram for kIds wIll love It. Thank you Instagram for kIds wIll love It. Thank you so Instagram for kIds wIll love It. Thank you so much Instagram for kIds wIll love It. Thank you so much for Instagram for kIds wIll love It. Thank you so much for sharIng | Instagram for kIds wIll love It. I Thank You so much for sharIng your story, It has brought a smIle to all of ourfaces thIs story, It has brought a smIle to all of our faces thIs mornIng. Enjoy the rest of your day. ThIs of our faces thIs mornIng. Enoy the rest of your'>Dayfi Rest of your day. As nIkkI was sa In It rest of your day. As nIkkI was sayIng It made rest of your day. As nIkkI was sayIng It made us rest of your day. As nIkkI was sayIng It made us wonder I rest of your day. As nIkkI was| sayIng It made us wonder who rest of your day. As nIkkI was I sayIng It made us wonder who you mIght have bumped Into at the shops or whatever, any celebrIty encounters, we would love to see your pIctures. Do get In touch, send your pIctures. Do get In touch, send your name and the'>CelebrItys Name If we cant recognIse them In the pIcture and tell us where you are, where you encountered them and all the detaIls are on the screen. Dont the detaIls are on the screen. Dont foroet to the detaIls are on the screen. Dont forget to Include the detaIls are on the screen. Dont forget to Include your the detaIls are on the screen. Dont forget to Include your name. I I the detaIls are on the screen. Dm� t forget to Include your name. I love how she saId It was one of the most surreal Is In her lIfe, I would love to know the others. She surreal Is In her lIfe, I would love to know the others. Surreal Is In her lIfe, I would love to know the others. She wIll go for a run every to know the others. She wIll go for a run every day to know the others. She wIll go for a run every day. LookIng to know the others. She wIll go for a run every day. LookIng for to know the others. She wIll go for a run every day. LookIng for taylorj a run every day. LookIng for taylor swIft tIme now to get the news,'>Travel And Weather where you are. Hello, good mornIng from bbc london, ImjIm wheble. The mIstaken arrest of an actor In'>West London Is beIng InvestIgated by the metropolItan polIce. Reece rIchards was returnIng home to fulham on 4th September after performIng In the musIcal haIrspray when he says he wItnessed a'>Car Crash and two men fleeIng on foot. DespIte poIntIng out the dIrectIon In whIch the two men had fled, he says he was pepper sprayed, kIcked and thrown to the ground by offIcers. The'>London Assembly has warned of a dramatIc drop off In new affordable housIng In the capItal. 1800 homes have'>Been started under the latest affordable homes programme, whIch aIms to buIld a mInImum of 24,000 by 2026. In Its report, the'>London Assembly saId challengIng'>Market CondItIons and a delay In fundIng from the prevIous government have contrIbuted to the problems. The'>Beer And Pub Industry supports more than 160,000 jobs'>In London, but there are warnIngs that some of those jobs could be at rIsk wIthout government suport. Ahead of next months budget, the brItIsh'>Beer And Pub assocIatIon Is callIng for a 5 cut In beer duty, claImIng pubs makejust 12p on every pInt sold after taxes and costs. A'>Treasury Spokesperson saId the chancellor has'>Been clear that dIffIcult decIsIons lIe ahead. The'>Acton Market reduce and recycle hub, and Its dedIcated volunteers, have'>Been nomInated for a bbc make a dIfference award. Held every month In acton, Its volunteers promote and encourage resIdents to extend the'>LIfe Span of exIstIng Items and recycle clothes, books and small electrIcal Items. Me and the volunteers are so proud and amazed that weve'>Been nomInated for the bbc make a dIfference award. We all do thIs for passIon and tryIng to make a dIfference, and so Its really nIce that our efforts have'>Been recognIsed. Lets'>Take A Look at the tubes now, and theres a good servIce on all lInes thIs mornIng. Now onto the weather wIth katerIna. Hello, there, good mornIng to you. Well, Its'>Been lovely so far thIs week theres'>Been a lot of dry weather around, wIth good spells of'>SunshIne. HIgh pressure contInues to domInate. A bIt of early cloud to deal wIth, but once that clears therell be plenty of'>SunshIne on the way over the comIng days. So thIs mornIng Its a mIld start to the day. Heres that early cloud thats eventually goIng to clear to allow for plenty of'>SunshIne through the rest of the day. Those wInds wIll pIck up, so It Is goIng to be feelIng breezIer, and were lookIng at top temperatures In that'>SunshIne up to around 24 degrees. So thIs evenIng and overnIght It stays dry the best of the clear spells at fIrst, but by'>The End of the nIght, well start to get quIte a bIt of cloud pullIng In agaIn, and temperatures wIll fall away to around 13 to 14 degrees, whIch sets us up for another mIld start on thursday mornIng. Thursday, quIte a dull start to the day, therell be quIte a bIt of cloud fIrst thIng, but once that clears therell be plenty of'>SunshIne through the rest of the day, wIth hIghs of around 25 degrees. Thats It, lots more on our websIte though IncludIng plans to'>CourIer Blood samples between hospItals usIng drones, Ill be back In half an hour but for now back to nIna and jon good mornIng, welcome to breakfast wIth'>NIna Warhurst and jon kay. 0ur headlInes today. Hezbollah blames Israel after electronIc pagers used by members of the armed group explode sImultaneously across lebanon, kIllIng nIne people and InjurIng thousands. New powers to make sure communItIes have access to cash and basIc bankIng, as more hubs are Introduced In places where servIces are scarce. A'>NIght InjaIlfor the amerIcan'>Rapper And MusIc mogul'>Sean DIddy combs. Hes denIed baIl after pleadIng not guIlty to'>Sex TraffIckIng charges. A memorable return to the bIg tIme for'>Aston VIlla after four decades away they make a wInnIng start In the'>ChampIons League on a nIght to savour In swItzerland. Well have a specIal report from somalIa, one of'>The Worlds poorest countrIes, as Its people deal wIth clImate'>Change And ConflIct. A cloudy start for some of you but'>SunshIne wIll develop more wIdely through the day, and It wIll feel a touch warmer than yesterday. All of the detaIls on breakfast. Good mornIng. Its wednesday the 18th of september. BrItaIn, the'>UnIted States and the un have called for restraInt, after electronIc pagers, used by members of the armed'>Group Hezbollah, exploded sImultaneously across lebanon In what appeared to be a sophIstIcated remote attack. Hezbollah, whIch has'>Been desIgnated a'>TerrorIst OrganIsatIon by the uk, Israel and other western countrIes, has called It the bIggest securIty breach. At least nIne people dIed and nearly 3000 were Injured. Blasts were reported In supermarkets, homes and on the streets of the country, whIch shares borders wIth Israel and syrIa. Lebanons'>Health MInIstry says 200 people are In a crItIcal condItIon and that hospItals are beIng Inundated wIth the wounded.'>0ur Correspondent Graham satchell reports. It was an audacIous, unprecedented attack. All across lebanon, thousands of pagers explodIng at the same tIme. Many were on the street. Some, lIke here, In peoples homes. Some In supermarkets. Emergency servIces struggled to cope wIth the scale of the attack. Thousands of hezbollah members sufferIng InjurIes In the same Instant. Israel hasnt commented, but few have any doubts about Its role. So how was Israel able to target hezbollah In thIs way . Hezbollah started usIng pagers and old technology after It realIsed Its'>MobIle Phones were beIng monItored. The theory Is Israel knew hezbollah had ordered thousands of new pagers and Intercepted the shIpment. AssumIng that thIs was more thanjust makIng lIthIum batterIes, you know, overrIde and overheat, that they had planted small amounts of explosIves In each one of these pagers, then thIs was unquestIonably a calculated attack. 0n the border between'>Israel And Lebanon there have'>Been constant exchanges of fIre sInce the war In gaza began. Yesterdays attack wIll pIle more pressure Into a regIon that Is already volatIle and precarIous. One of the scenarIos, that thIs Is just the begInnIng to dIsrupt hezbollahs communIcatIon network, a begInnIng of a much larger'>MIlItary OperatIon In lebanon where when hezbollah cannot communIcate wIth'>Each Other, the IsraelIs wIll have a better chance at wInnIng or expandIng theIr operatIons In lebanon. Funerals are already takIng place In lebanon, and wIth them warnIngs. We hold the IsraelI enemy responsIble for all of the vIctIms, for all of the martyrs, for all of the wounded. And we belIeve that the reprIsal Is comIng. In a statement, the'>ForeIgn OffIce saId. There Is now consIderable InternatIonal concern at what may come next. Graham satchell, bbc news. 0ur mIddle'>East Correspondent'>Yolande'>OIns Us now from jerusalem. Already a very tense tIme across the mIddle east, yolande, how could these'>Events Yesterday Change thIngs . These'>Events Yesterday Change thIns . , ,. ,. ,. , thIngs . CertaInly tensIons are now ratcheted up even thIngs . CertaInly tensIons are now ratcheted up even further thIngs . CertaInly tensIons are nowj ratcheted up even further between Israel and Its long tIme adversary has smaller In lebanon. Hezbollah Is fIrmly poIntIng the fInger of blame at Israel for the wIdescale attack although the IsraelI prIme'>MInIsters OffIce and mIlItary declInIng to comment on what happened. What Is not clear yet Is If thIs Is just another very dramatIc development In the long'>RunnIng Shadow War between'>Israel And Iran the long'>RunnIng Shadow War between'>Israeland Iran In the long'>RunnIng Shadow War between'>Israel And Iran In Its regIonal proxIes IncludIng hezbollah, or whether thIs could be another step towards a full'>Scale War between Israel and has boller. In recent days we have had Israel threatenIng to step up Its mIlItary actIon so It couldnt get thousands of Its own cItIzens who lIve In the north of the country able to return to theIr homes, they have'>Been dIsplaced by the months of fIghtIng that have gone on In parallel to the war In gaza wIth daIly exchanges of fIre across the Israel lebanon border. There Is an InterestIng report that has come through In the'>New York tImes, whIch the bbc cannot verIfy, quotIng unnamed us offIcIals sayIng Israel was behInd thIs attack but Its operatIves were able to put small amounts of explosIves InsIde these pager devIces and It seems that accordIng to reports, they were actIvated by a message that appeared to come from'>Hezbollahs LeadershIp whIch Is why so many people have'>Been wounded In theIr eyes and hands as they reached for theIr pagers. Thank you for that update. The rest of the news wIth nIna, IncludIng some Important developers or consumers on the'>HIgh Street. New rules are comIng Into'>Force Today desIgned to ensure that communItIes wIll have access to cash and basIc bankIng, after thousands of branches were closed In recent years. The change has prompted the announcement of 15 new shared'>BankIng Hubs.'>0ur Reporter'>WIll Vernon has more. And although some people say that money grows on trees, the safest place for It Is In the bank. BrItaIns banks once stood at the very heart of the economy and socIety. But now bankIng Is changIng. More customers are goIng onlIne, more busInesses are goIng cashless and banks are closIng branches. AccordIng to the'>Consumer Group, whIch, over 6000 have'>Been closed In the last nIne years. Thats 60 of the entIre bank branch network. CampaIgners say closures partIcularly affect vulnerable groups such as the elderly. But the new government has promIsed to Improve access. New rules come Into'>Force Today, meanIng that local communItIes must be provIded wIth basIc servIces such as atms. It means that If a bank and a'>BuIldIng SocIety wants to make changes to Its locatIons of Its branches or locatIons of Its cash machInes, before It makes any of those changes, It needs to have assessed whether It can contInue to meet those local communItIes needs. And Its hoped thIs could be the solutIon. BankIng hubs. Theyre shared spaces run by the post offIce, but operated by the major banks, where people can pay In cash and cheques and make wIthdrawals and also speak to theIr bank staff. And brItaIns banks have now agreed to open 350 more of these In the next fIve years. All the vulnerable people wIll have access to cash, and theyll be able to go to a local'>BankIng Hub and have access. I thInk were lookIng at the vulnerable people, whIch Is elderly, who do not have access to the Internet or the apps to get access and know what theyre doIng. So they come Into the'>BankIng Hub and they can have access to cash. But theres'>Been crItIcIsm of the'>Range of servIces offered across dIfferent banks, and the lack of prInters to prInt out documents. The government has reportedly ordered'>BankIng Bosses to make Improvements, but customers In thIs branch say Its a vItal part of the communIty. A lot of people, they need to use It because there Is even not cash poInts. ThIs Is the only one. And there Is one next to my shop, but Its not workIng most of the tIme. My bankIng Is very, very basIc and If I have any problem, Im here. WIth these ladIes here, thats all what I need. Across brItaIns towns and cItIes, closures of thIngs lIke pubs and chemIsts are also on the rIse. Its hoped that schemes such as'>BankIng Hubs could help reenergIse the'>HIgh Street. WIll vernon, bbc news. In the last few mInutes the latest InflatIon fIgures have just'>Been released, tellIng us how fast prIces are rIsIng. Ben has'>Been lookIng at the numbers. They tell us how much prIces have gone up, on average, for goods and servIces compared wIth a year ago. It shows that In'>August InflatIon was at 2. 2 , the same as It was In july. It Is an average though some thIngs wIll have gone up more sharply, such as aIrfares, whIle otherfares, such as petrol. Across the board, prIces are stIll rIsIng but nowhere near the rate they are rIsIng a couple of years ago partly because the bank of england raIsed the cost of borrowIng by puttIng up Interest rates, whIch reduces demand whIch slows down the rate of prIce rIses. The'>Banks Target Is to get InflatIon down to 2 . That was achIeved Injune, whIch led the bank to cut Interest rates last month by a quarter of a'>Percentage PoInt down to 5 . It Is now slIghtly above 2 , InflatIon, whIch means the bank mIght not be In a hurry to further cut Interest rates. Thats Important because that affect the cost of our mortgages, loans and other borrowIng. The next'>Interest Rate DecIsIon Is tomorrow. The bank wIll be lookIng Into these InflatIon fIgures as they weIgh up what to do next. ,. , fIgures as they weIgh up what to do next. ,. , fIgures as they weIgh up what to do next. , ~ , �'>Emergency Workers In hungary and slovakIa are racIng to create'>Flood Defences In low lyIng settlements, as'>Water Levels contInue to rIse due to'>Heavy RaIn across central and eastern europe. Tens of thousands of homes In'>Poland And CzechIa are stIll wIthout electrIcIty and'>Fresh Water followIng the extreme'>Weather And FloodIng brought by storm borIs. At least 21 people have'>Been kIlled. At least seven people, IncludIng three fIrefIghters, have dIed as wIldfIres contInue to rage across portugal. Parts of the country have'>Been ablaze sInce the weekend, wIth temperatures In some areas toppIng 30 celsIus. The eu has saId It would send eIght'>FIrefIghtIng Planes to help portugal tackle the fIres. FamIlIes harmed by faIlIngs In'>MaternIty Care at'>NottIngham UnIversIty hospItals say they are stIll waItIng for proper accountabIlIty, two years after the senIor'>MIdwIfe Donna 0ckenden began a revIew of almost 2000 cases. ThIs mornIng the trust wIll launch a new servIce to support those affected. The'>HIp Hop Star'>Sean DIddy combs wIll be back In court later today. HIs lawyers wIll apply for baIl whIle he awaIts trIal on'>RacketeerIng And Sex traffIckIng charges.'>0ur North AmerIca'>Correspondent Peter bowes reports. Sean dIddy combs, one of'>The Worlds best known and most InfluentIal'>HIp Hop producers. A global superstar whos now facIng a possIble'>LIfe Sentence If found guIlty on'>RacketeerIng And Sex traffIckIng charges. In court, wearIng a black'>T ShIrt and grey tracksuIt bottoms, he denIed all the charges, but thejudge refused hIm baIl after prosecutors arguEd He was a danger to socIety and a flIght rIsk. 0utsIde court, the rappers sons turned up to support theIr father. HIs lawyer saId they offered'>50 MIllIon In baIl to get hIm out ofjaIl before the trIal starts, but the judge saId no. Hes goIng to fIght thIs to'>The End. Hes Innocent. He came to'>New York to establIsh hIs Innocence. Hes not afraId, hes not afraId of the charges. Sean combs Is accused of usIng hIs'>Power And Fame to attract women under the pretence of romantIc relatIonshIps, but to later force them Into sexual actIvIty. The charges follow a raId by heavIly armed agents on the musIcIans propertIes In mIamI and'>Los Angeles'>In March. Theyre sImIlar In nature to claIms made last year by hIs former partner, the'>R B SInger cassIe ventura, who accused hIm of rape and physIcal abuse. He denIed It, but a day later the paIr settled the case wIthout dIsclosIng any detaIls. Then there was thIs. Cctv footage emerged'>In March showIng'>Sean Combs chasIng and assaultIng cassIe In a'>Los Angeles hotel In 2016. Prosecutors saId'>Charges Couldnt be fIled because of the amount of tIme that had passed. My behavIour on that vIdeo Is Inexcusable. I take full responsIbIlIty for my actIons In that vIdeo. He cultIvated a'>Bad Boy Image, but'>Real LIfe Is a far cry from the red carpet. And'>Sean Combs lawyers say theyre preparIng for a long battle ahead. Peter bowes, bbc news,'>Los Angeles. The prIncess of wales has carrIed out her fIrst'>Work MeetIng sInce her'>Chemotherapy Treatment began earlIer thIs year. The meetIng was related to the'>PrIncesss Work on famIlIes and early chIldhood. ThIs tentatIve return to work follows a year of health problems, IncludIng abdomInal surgery In january followed by the revelatIon,'>In March, that she was undergoIng'>Cancer Treatment. Im sure shes bese pleased to be back out and about agaIn. Its'>Been a staple Item In kItchen cupboards for nearly eIght decades and the source of many partIes but It looks lIke tupperware mIght be nearIng Its expIratIon date. Maybe you are usIng It rIght now to pack up your packed lunch for today It Is'>The End of an era. The'>Food ContaIner FIrm has fIled for bankruptcy In the'>UnIted States, In the face of spIrallIng costs and competItIon from cheaper products. Tupperware had a slIght boost durIng the pandemIc, as more people cooked at home, but It was short lIved. Shares fell by 50 thIs week as rumours swIrled that the busIness had fInally gone stale. You cant beat a good bIt of tupperware, or more general plastIc contaIners, because of the cheaper ones that you mIght get from the takeaway just dont last as ones that you mIght get from the takeawayjust dont last as long. Have you ever'>Been to a'>Tupperware Party . J have you ever'>Been to a tupperware ya . , have you ever'>Been to a tupperware a . ,. , have you ever'>Been to a tupperware ya . ,. ,. , have you ever'>Been to a tupperware a . ,. ,. ,. , have you ever'>Been to a'>Tupperware Party . You I party . I would really love to. You should host party . I would really love to. You should host one, party . I would really love to. You should host one, save party . I would really love to. You should host one, save them I party . I would really love to. You I should host one, save them some stunnIng pIctures from overnIght wIth matt, good mornIng. Yes, It was not only a super moon'>Last NIght but a partIal'>Lunar EclIpse, lots of photos comIng In. ThIs was In the west of scotland. I dIdnt get to see It, too much cloud, and If you dId stay asleep, thIs Is what It looked lIke. Even though It was only a of the'>Moon Cast In'>The Shadow of the earth, It was an ImpressIve sIght nonetheless. Some of you dIdnt see It because of the cloud and that cloud thIs mornIng wIll Break Up, lots of'>SunshIne developIng once agaIn today. SteppIng outsIde In the short term, not to chIlly, certaInly a lot warmer across the south than It was thIs tIme yesterday. Southern scotland,'>Northern England and'>Northern Ireland are In sIngle fIgures. A few'>MIst And Fog patches here wIll be gone by mId mornIng and then blue skIes for the rest of the day, rIght In the north of scotland. Cloud In east wales and central and eastern'>England WIll melt Into the afternoon, one or two spot on eastern coast could stay cloudy Into'>The End of the day but more of a breeze across england and wales keep thIngs cool on the'>North Sea coast. HIghest temperatures In'>Northern Scotland, 25 degrees. TonIght tolocal develops across eastern areas and roles Its way west across eastern wales. Another cool start, mIld for many, though, tomorrow we do It all agaIn. The cloud lIngerIng longest on the eastern coast but lots of'>SunshIne for many In the afternoon and temperatures at the hIghest In southern and western areas. SomalIa has'>Been torn apart by more than 30 years of conflIct, but the challenges It faces have'>Been made worse by'>ClImate Change. The easternmost country In contInental afrIca recently suffered Its worst drought for 40 years, before It was hIt by torrentIal raIns and terrIble floods. 0ur clImate edItor, justIn rowlatt, has vIsIted somalIa to see the challenges the country faces. Im In somalIa one of the most dangerous countrIes In'>The World to report on how'>ClImate Change Is makIng conflIct In places lIke thIs even worse. But weve got to stay safe, and that means brIngIng some serIous securIty. Out In the dry scrub that covers much of the country, the clImate challenge Is clear. SIngIng. ClImate change Is dIsruptIng the patterns of raIn that have kept water holes lIke thIs full. SomalIa recently experIenced Its worst drought for 40 years an event scIentIsts estImate was made 100 tImes more lIkely by human caused'>ClImate Change. It has left farmers and herders fIghtIng for access to water and to pasture. TranslatIon there Is no respect If you dont have a gun. The herders who lead theIr anImals Into the farm stay back when they see my weapon they get scared of you. For the last 30 years, somalIa has'>Been experIencIng a brutal IslamIst Insurgency, a cIvIl war, and a whole serIes of regIonal and clan conflIcts. It means these local dIsputes easIly spIral Into full blown battles. And somalIa doesnt just face drought. We have come way down to the south of somalIa. ThIs place, kIsmayo, Is a port town. It has'>Been bItterly fought over. At one stage, IslamIst mIlItants from the lethal'>Alqaeda AffIlIate'>Al Shabaab overran the place. Al'>Shabaab Forces stIll surround the town. The front lIne Is just 60km away. It means the town Is lIke an Island, cut off from the rest of the country, but not from the weather. The year after the drought, somalIa was hIt wIth terrIble floods caused by raIns made twIce as Intense by human caused global warmIng. The floods kIlled hundreds, and dIsplaced'>A MIllIon people. The most vulnerable bear the brunt. The un has developed a specIal classIfIcatIon for dIfferent degrees of hunger. It says four mIllIon somalIs one In fIve of the populatIon, face eIther acute or emergency food InsecurIty. It says 1. 5 mIllIon chIldren under the age of fIve are acutely malnourIshed. ThIs humanItarIan crIsIs means theres no shortage of people wIllIng to fIght. The Impacts of clImate'>Change And ConflIct have drIven around four mIllIon somalIs Into vast, makeshIft refugee camps. Theres lIttle InternatIonal help. ResIdents here pay rent, and for theIr food and water. It Is why halImas husband and four of her fIve sons have taken up the only opportunItIes open to them as fIghters In a local mIlItIa. TranslatIon they are rural people wIth no skIlls, so the only work they could get was In the army. They were desperate. And when you are wIthout food long enough, and your chIldren are lookIng at you, you wIll do anythIng. Now, the people of somalIa cannot be held responsIble for'>ClImate Change. Ivejust'>Been doIng the numbers on my phone, and the entIre country has emItted as much'>Carbon DIoxIde sInce the 1950s as amerIcans have In waIt for It the last three days. But somalIa Is takIng actIon thIs'>Power StatIon Is movIng over to wInd and solar'>Power And TraInIng up a new generatIon of renewable energy engIneers. I found entrepreneurs settIng up new busInesses, IncludIng thIs makeshIft cafe In the refugee camp. I dont subscrIbe to the notIon that somalIa Is unfIxable. I thInk Its fIxable, and Its showIng sIgnIfIcant progress on pretty much every front that you can look Into. So there Is hope. But wIth clImate'>Change Turbo chargIng the conflIct In somalIa, the country wIll need contInued InternatIonal help In the effort to fInd peace, and to buIld resIlIence agaInst our changIng clImate. JustIn rowlatt, bbc news, somalIa. Good to end on a note of optImIsm but a very complex pIcture. You can see more on thIs story In a documentary called somalIa from crIsIs to renewal� whIch Is avaIlable to watch on'>Bbc Iplayer now. Glasgow Is set to host the 2026'>Commonwealth Games, after the australIan state of vIctorIa wIthdrew because of rIsIng costs. The event Is beIng backed by the scottIsh government but organIsers have warned It wIll be a scaled down versIon of what we� re used to wIth fewer sports and athletes. One person who knows how much the'>Commonwealth Games means to glasgow Is swImmer'>Hannah MIley who won the 400m IndIvIdual medley there ten years ago. We� ll chat to her In a moment but let� sjust look back at the moment she struck gold. 3 31. 33. Its goIng to be. 0h, shes got here In glasgow. BrIllIant swIm from'>Hannah MIley. CheerIng delIghted to say that'>Commonwealth ChampIon and three tIme 0lympIan'>Hannah'>OIns Us now. Good mornIng. What do you make of the news and the confIrmatIon that glasgow wIll host . News and the confIrmatIon that glasgow wIll host . News and the confIrmatIon that glasaow wIll host . ,. ,. , � glasgow wIll host . Good mornIng. Im really excIted. Glasgow wIll host . Good mornIng. Im really excIted, havIng glasgow wIll host . Good mornIng. Im really excIted, havIng had glasgow wIll host . Good mornIng. Im really excIted, havIng had the really excIted, havIng had the experIence of 2014, I thInk It Is goIng to fantastIc brIngIng It back to glasgow, I� m really lookIng forward to It. To glasgow, Im really lookIng forward to It. Forward to It. What Is It about glasaow forward to It. What Is It about glasgow whIch forward to It. What Is It about glasgow whIch wIll forward to It. What Is It about glasgow whIch wIll make I forward to It. What Is It about glasgow whIch wIll make It I forward to It. What Is It aboutj glasgow whIch wIll make It so specIal agaIn . Glasgow whIch wIll make It so specIalagaIn . J glasgow whIch wIll make It so specIal agaIn . SpecIal agaIn . I thInk Its the eo le. SpecIal agaIn . I thInk Its the people my specIal agaIn . I thInk Its the people. My bIggest specIal agaIn . I thInk Its the people. My bIggest memory| specIal agaIn . I thInk Its the | people. My bIggest memory I specIal agaIn . I thInk Its the I people. My bIggest memory I have specIal agaIn . I thInk Its the people. My bIggest memory I have got from glasgow 2015 was the volunteers, notjust the from glasgow 2015 was the volunteers, not just the volunteers but everyone who came to glasgow. Even to thIs day, If you are In a taxI, one of the'>TaxI DrIvers wIll have'>Been there drIvIng around, and they stIll have so many IncredIble storIes. It really brought the people together. And they say the'>Commonwealth Games Is the frIendly games, and glasgow really showcased that. It was so InclusIve and acceptIng of everybody. And I really thInk It� s great to be able to showcase the great cIty agaInst a whIte when we showed that clIp there, of you wInnIng, there were scottIsh flags beIng flown. Does It feel dIfferent scottIsh flags beIng flown. Does It feel dIfferent to scottIsh flags beIng flown. Does It feel dIfferent to seeIng scottIsh flags beIng flown. Does It feel dIfferent to seeIng the I scottIsh flags beIng flown. Does It feel dIfferent to seeIng the unIon | feel dIfferent to seeIng the'>UnIon Jack . Jt feel dIfferent to seeIng the'>UnIon Jack . ,. , �. , jack . It does, dont get me wrong, beIn able jack . It does, dont get me wrong, beIng able to jack . It does, dont get me wrong, beIng able to compete jack . It does, dont get me wrong, beIng able to compete for jack . It does, dont get me wrong, beIng able to compete for gb I jack . It does, dont get me wrong, beIng able to compete for gb at I jack . It does, dont get me wrong, | beIng able to compete for gb at the olympIcs and world and european Is fantastIc but for scots, thIs Is the one tIme we get to represent scotland. It means a lot, at home for us to do It on'>Home SoIl wIth our home crowd, It really brIngs us together as a clan famIly. It really dIgs deep Into our hearts when we see them scottIsh flags In the crowd. ,. ,. ,. , see them scottIsh flags In the crowd. ,. ,. ,. , see them scottIsh flags In the crowd. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. , , crowd. ThIs was not meant to happen, It was meant crowd. ThIs was not meant to happen, It was meant to crowd. ThIs was not meant to happen, It was meant to be crowd. ThIs was not meant to happen, It was meant to be In crowd. ThIs was not meant to happen, It was meant to be In the crowd. ThIs was not meant to happen, It was meant to be In the australIan I It was meant to be In the australIan state of vIctorIa whIch says It cannot afford It any more so It� s comIng back to glasgow. It sounds lIke It� s goIng to be a dIfferent tIme of games, the tImescale and money constraInts means that sums ports wIll not get a look In whIch means some athletes wIll not get to compete. Some sports wIll not get a look In. Jt� s compete. Some sports wIll not get a look In. V. , compete. Some sports wIll not get alookIn. V. ,. , compete. Some sports wIll not get alook In. � ,. ,. ,. , compete. Some sports wIll not get alookIn. � ,. ,. ,. , ~ , a look In. Its a shame, to keep the lea of a look In. Its a shame, to keep the legacy of the a look In. Its a shame, to keep the legacy of the game a look In. Its a shame, to keep the legacy of the game Is a look In. Its a shame, to keep the legacy of the game Is goIng, I a look In. Its a shame, to keep the legacy of the game Is goIng, the'>I Legacy of the game Is goIng, the model It was runnIng from prevIously was not feasIble, the rIsIng costs were extortIonate and It� s not faIr for host natIons to be under that pressure. So In order to try to protect the legacy of the games, we had to do somethIng a lIttle bIt dIfferent. It Is unfortunate that we are goIng to have to lose a lot of sports and a lot of sports to lose fundIng, and I� m sad that a lot of athletes wIll not be able to compete but If thIs Is successful and thIs model works, hopefully In the future we can buIld up on It wIthout the huge expense attached to It that may be tryIng to add more sports In. If we try to protect the games In Itself, there has to be some sacrIfIces and changes. As hard as It Is, It� s a shame to see these athletes mIss out, but hopefully there are other competItIons they can target and hopefully we can brIng the'>Sports BackIng In the future. , ,. , future. You see thIs Is potentIally a cha ter future. You see thIs Is potentIally a chapter that future. You see thIs Is potentIally a chapter that could future. You see thIs Is potentIally a chapter that could save future. You see thIs Is potentIally a chapter that could save the I future. You see thIs Is potentIally I a chapter that could save the games. If you look at the fact that the state of vIctorIa has ended up payIng not to hate them, It makes you worry about whether there Is a future outsIde the uk they have ended up payIng not to host them. Yeah, we� re not quIte at 100 years It would be wonderful If we can get to 100 years of the games beIng run. I thInk as the natIon, there Is so much doom and gloom, we saw how much the olympIc games lIfted everybody, we all deserve somethIng to look forward to. For me personally the'>Commonwealth Games was a great sprIngboard for my career InternatIonally and I know for a lot of other sports and younger athletes, watchIng theIr sportIng heroes compete, beIng somewhere successful that they can come and watch, that can stIr the next generatIon comIng through and that makes a massIve dIfference. Hopefully thIs model can showcase the cost not beIng as taxIng as prevIously and hopefully we can encourage other natIons to step forward followIng thIs model that Is goIng to go ahead. X� t� ou forward followIng thIs model that Is goIng to go ahead goIng to go ahead. You could have ste ed goIng to go ahead. You could have stepped forward goIng to go ahead. You could have stepped forward and goIng to go ahead. You could have stepped forward and beware I goIng to go ahead. You could have stepped forward and beware volunteer thIs tIme, hannah I stepped forward and beware volunteer thIs tIme, hannah thIs tIme, hannah I would love to do that we thIs tIme, hannah I would love to do that we wIll thIs tIme, hannah I would love to do that we wIll catch thIs tIme, hannah I would love to do that we wIll catch up thIs tIme, hannah I would love to do that we wIll catch up wIth thIs tIme, hannah I would love to do that we wIll catch up wIth you | do that we wIll catch up wIth you then. It do that we wIll catch up wIth you then It wIll do that we wIll catch up wIth you then. It wIll be do that we wIll catch up wIth you then. It wIll be a do that we wIll catch up wIth you then. It wIll be a very do that we wIll catch up wIth you then. It wIll be a very warm do that we wIll catch up wIth you I then. It wIll be a very warm welcome In glasgow. Then. It wIll be a very warm welcome In glasgow, fantastIc then. It wIll be a very warm welcome In glasgow, fantastIc cIty, then. It wIll be a very warm welcome In glasgow, fantastIc cIty, one then. It wIll be a very warm welcome In glasgow, fantastIc cIty, one of In glasgow, fantastIc cIty, one of my favourItes. TIme now to get the news,'>Travel And Weather where you are. Hello, good mornIng from bbc london, ImjIm wheble. The mIstaken arrest of an actor In'>West London Is beIng InvestIgated by the metropolItan polIce. Reece rIchards was returnIng home to fulham on lIth september after performIng In the musIcal haIrspray, when he says he wItnessed a'>Car Crash and two men fleeIng on foot. DespIte poIntIng out the dIrectIon In whIch the two men had fled, he says he was pepper sprayed, kIcked and thrown to the ground by offIcers. The'>London Assembly has warned of a dramatIc drop off In new affordable housIng In the capItal. 1,800 homes have'>Been started under the latest affordable homes programme, whIch aIms to buIld a mInImum of 2a,000 by 2026. In Its report, the'>London Assembly saId challengIng'>Market CondItIons and a delay In fundIng from the prevIous government have contrIbuted to the problems. The'>Beer And Pub Industry supports more than 160,000 jobs'>In London, but there are warnIngs that some of those jobs could be at rIsk wIthout government support. Ahead of next months budget, the brItIsh'>Beer And Pub assocIatIon Is callIng for a 5 cut In beer duty, claImIng pubs makejust 12p on every pInt sold after taxes and costs. A'>Treasury Spokesperson saId the chancellor has'>Been clear that dIffIcult decIsIons lIe ahead. The'>Acton Market reduce and recycle hub and Its dedIcated volunteers have'>Been nomInated for a bbc make a dIfference award. Held every month In acton, Its volunteers promote and encourage resIdents to extend the lIfespan of exIstIng Items and recycle clothes, books and small electrIcal Items. Me and the volunteers are so proud and amazed that weve'>Been nomInated for the bbc make a dIfference award. We all do thIs for passIon and tryIng to make a dIfference, and so Its really nIce that our efforts have'>Been recognIsed. Lets'>Take A Look at the tubes now. Now onto the weather wIth katerIna. Hello, there, good mornIng to you. Well, Its'>Been lovely so far thIs week theres'>Been a lot of dry weather around, wIth good spells of'>SunshIne. HIgh pressure contInues to domInate. A bIt of early cloud to deal wIth, but once that clears therell be plenty of'>SunshIne on the way over the comIng days. So thIs mornIng Its a mIld start to the day. Heres that early cloud thats eventually goIng to clear to allow for plenty of'>SunshIne through the rest of the day. Those wInds wIll pIck up, so It Is goIng to be feelIng breezIer, and were lookIng at top temperatures In that'>SunshIne up to around 2a degrees. So thIs evenIng and overnIght It stays dry the best of the clear spells at fIrst, but by'>The End of the nIght, well start to get quIte a bIt of cloud pullIng In agaIn, and temperatures wIll fall away to around 13 to m degrees, whIch sets us up for another mIld start on thursday mornIng. Thursday, quIte a dull start to the day, therell be quIte a bIt of cloud fIrst thIng, but once that clears therell be plenty of'>SunshIne through the rest of the day, wIth hIghs of around 25 degrees. Thats It lots more on our websIte, though, IncludIng plans to'>CourIer Blood samples between hospItals usIng drones. Ill be back In half an hour, but for now, back to nIna and jon. Hello, thIs Is breakfast wIth'>NIna Warhurst and jon kay. We all know that banks and buIldIng socIetIes have'>Been dIsappearIng from our'>HIgh Streets at a rapId pace over the last few years the busInesses say Its because were goIng onlIne Instead. But what about people who dont want to or cant do mobIle bankIng . ThIs mornIng we have some stark fIgures from the'>Consumer Group whIch . Theyve found that, sInce 2015, more than 6,000 bank and'>BuIldIng SocIety branches have closed. The group says thIs represents more than 62 of the total number of branches that were open at the start of 2015. So far there have'>Been a10 closures scheduled for thIs year, wIth a 6 already planned for next year. Now, under pressure from campaIgners and the government, major'>HIgh Street banks have agreed to fund what are called communIty'>BankIng Hubs where customers can get'>Cash Or Pay bIlls. So far, 81 hubs are open. The'>Labour Government made a'>ManIfesto PromIse to have 350 of these hubs operatIng In fIve years tIme, IncludIng 230 by'>The End of thIs year. Heres what hub users'>In London thInk about the servIces on offer. Most of our customers, sometImes they dont have cash, sometImes they do have cash. So when they dont have cash, they come to get It from here. My bankIng Is very, very basIc. She laughs. And If I have any problem, Im here. So, therefore, Im so grateful for everybody who contrIbute to the fact that thIs'>BankIng Hub Is here. Its fantastIc. Its very handy. Its a. Its a you know. Most of the bank Is closed In the'>HIgh Street. Its only thIs one, really, Is open, and It gIves a good servIce. And from today,'>New Rules are beIng Introduced meanIng banks and buIldIng socIetIes must revIew any changes they make to theIr servIces to assess whether theyre leavIng local communItIes wIth lImIted access to cash. WerejoIned now by'>Sam RIchardson, the'>Deputy EdItor of whIch . Money. Good mornIng to you. What wIll these'>New Rules me of a customer Is . Good mornInu. New rules me of a customer Is . Good mornIng It'>New Rules me of a customer Is . Good mornIng It Is'>New Rules me of a customer Is . Good mornIng. It Is really'>New Rules me of a customer Is . 2an mornIng. It Is really Important to consumers. What It means Is that If a bank closes the branch and It Is the last branch In the communIty you wIll not have that communIty left wIthout any sort of bankIng servIces. PotentIally for years In some cases, especIally rural areas, when people have to drIve many mIles to go elsewhere. Now banks have to lIne up ultImate provIsIons, such as'>BankIng Hubs, post offIces, atms before they close at last branch. It also means that'>Consumer Groups In the local area can say there Is not enough'>Cash ProvIsIon here, ask lInk to revIew It and get those up alternate facIlItIes lIke hubs In the communIty It. Just alternate facIlItIes lIke hubs In the communIty It. Alternate facIlItIes lIke hubs In the communIty It. Just explaIn why the communIty It. Just explaIn why the excess cash the communIty It. Just explaIn why the excess cash Is the communIty It. Just explaIn why the excess cash Is so the communIty It. Just explaIn why the excess cash Is so Important,. The excess cash Is so Important, there are certaIn parts of the demographIc that need access. fix, lat demographIc that need access. A lot of us are goIng demographIc that need access. A lot of us are goIng onlIne demographIc that need access. Lot of us are goIng onlIne and It Is wonderfully convenIent but the fInancIal'>Conduct AuthorIty estImates that 3 mIllIon people stIll rely on cash. That says that more elderly people struggle to use onlIne facIlItIes, and dIsabled people who cannot use of facIlItIes. Also low Income people, people fInd cash easIer to budget wIth especIally gIven the cost of lIvIng crIsIs. especIally gIven the costoflIvIng crIsIs. , , crIsIs. I suppose It wIll be good news for people crIsIs. I suppose It wIll be good news for people tryIng crIsIs. I suppose It wIll be good news for people tryIng to crIsIs. I suppose It wIll be good news for people tryIng to save | crIsIs. I suppose It wIll be good news for people tryIng to save theIr bank, but as we have heard from your fIgures thIs mornIng, 6000 banks and buIldIng socIetIes have already dIsappeared In the last decade or so. ThIs Is not retrospectIve. There Is nothIng we can do about those that have already gone. That have already gone. There Is nothIna that have already gone. There Is nothIng we that have already gone. There Is nothIng we can that have already gone. There Is nothIng we can do that have already gone. There Is nothIng we can do about that have already gone. There Is nothIng we can do about those l that have already gone. There Is I nothIng we can do about those that have already gone, and thIs wIll not prevent a bank from closIng a'>Branch OnceIt prevent a bank from closIng a branch once It has put those alternate facIlItIes In but It does mean those communItIes that have'>Been left In what we call cash deserts, no branches, after no atms, can I request somethIng he done about It. What we need to see Is those alternate provIsIons put In as fast as possIble. You poInted out that 81'>BankIng Hubs have'>Been opened, and 147 have'>Been recommended so the roll out Is too slow. 147 have'>Been recommended so the rollout Is too slow. Rollout Is too slow. There Is a way of flI In. Rollout Is too slow. There Is a way of flIppIng thIs rollout Is too slow. There Is a way of flIppIng thIs and rollout Is too slow. There Is a way of flIppIng thIs and sayIng rollout Is too slow. There Is a way of flIppIng thIs and sayIng that, of flIppIng thIs and sayIng that, actually, paInful thIngs has never'>Been more effIcIent. Im thInkIng about payIng on my phone usIng my thumbprInt. It Is about payIng on my phone usIng my thumbrInt. ,. ,. ThumbprInt. It Is so well protected. There Is a fantastIc thumbprInt. It Is so well protected. There Is a fantastIc maccas thumbprInt. It Is so well protected. There Is a fantastIc maccas to thumbprInt. It Is so well protected. There Is a fantastIc maccas to do I there Is a fantastIc maccas to do It. We want people to have a choIce of method but we have to recognIse that some people are not able to use those methods. They are stIll relIant on cash. Those people stIll have a rIght to bank, I wrIte to pay for'>It ThIngs and that Is why It Is so Important we have these hopes and atms so they are not left behInd. It that we have these hubs. What that we have these hubs. What about people that we have these hubs. What about people wantIng that we have these hubs. What about people wantIng to that we have these hubs. What about people wantIng to go to those places to have a conversatIon wIth a human beIng . That places to have a conversatIon wIth a human beIng . Human beIng . That Is a good poInt and especIally human beIng . That Is a good poInt and especIally now human beIng . That Is a good poInt and especIally now when human beIng . That Is a good poInt and especIally now when there human beIng . That Is a good poInt and especIally now when there are| human beIng . That Is a good poInt. And especIally now when there are a lot of chatbots onlIne, you dont know If you are speakIng to a real person. A lot of these hubs are set p person. A lot of these hubs are set up so you can have conversatIons wIth people. The kInd of thIngs you can do onlIne easIly. In wIth people. The kInd of thIngs you can do onlIne easIly. Can do onlIne easIly. In terms of what these can do onlIne easIly. In terms of what these hubs can do onlIne easIly. In terms of what these hubs are can do onlIne easIly. In terms of what these hubs are lIke, can do onlIne easIly. In terms of what these hubs are lIke, a can do onlIne easIly. In terms of what these hubs are lIke, a'>Lot L can do onlIne easIly. In terms of| what these hubs are lIke, a lot of people wIll not have'>Been InsIde one. If I were to walk Into one of the'>HIgh Street, what wIll I see . Is It lIke a bank . I the'>HIgh Street, what wIllI see . Is It lIke a bank . It lIke a bank . I thInk It Is more lIkel to It lIke a bank . I thInk It Is more lIkely to be It lIke a bank . I thInk It Is more lIkely to be bank It lIke a bank . I thInk It Is more lIkely to be bank staff, It lIke a bank . I thInk It Is more lIkely to be bank staff, and It lIke a bank . I thInk It Is more. LIkely to be bank staff, and often they wIll rotate so you wIll get staff from a dIfferent major bank each day avaIlable for conversatIons. There Is some debate over to what extent they should. So they should have'>DeposIt FacIlIty Is Ideal If the last branch has closed, but they may not have the full'>Range of servIces you expect from a branch at the moment. Banks are stIll learnIng. How do we do these hubs In the rIght way, what sort of thIng Is can we get people to do onlIne, what do we have to be able to do In person . CertaInly If you want advIce, a frIendly'>Face To talk to, I would recommend tryIng'>Sam RIchardson from whIch . Money, Thank Ou'>Sam RIchardson from whIch . Money, Thank You very'>Sam RIchardson from whIch . Money, Thank You very much. Sam rIchardson from whIch . Money, Thank You very much. That'>Sam RIchardson from whIch . Money, Thank You very much. That reversal. Thank you very much. That reversal would be well keep an eye on that and how It Is goIng In communItIes across the country. Is goIng In communItIes across the count. , ,. ,. , country. Lets us know how It affectIng country. Lets us know how It affectIng you country. Lets us know how It affectIng you. We country. Lets us know how It affectIng you. We are country. Lets us know how It affectIng you. We are back l country. Lets us know how It| affectIng you. We are back In country. Lets us know how It affectIng you. We are back In the rave of affectIng you. We are back In the grave of european affectIng you. We are back In the grave of european football. AffectIng you. We are back In the grave of european football. We l affectIng you. We are back In the'>I Grave of european football. We are. We are back grave of european football. We are. We are back In grave of european football. We are. We are back In the grave of european football. We are. We are back In the'>Groove Grave of european football. We are. We are back In the groove of we are back In the groove of european football. Good mornIng. A memorable nIght a specIal nIght In a week'>Aston VIlla remembered'>Club Legend'>Gary Shaw who dIed thIs week, a player who helped them wIn the'>European Cup back In 1982. 42 years later they made a wInnIng return to the competItIon, wIth the travellIng fans rewarded wIth a 3 1wIn over swIss sIde young boys,'>Amadou 0nana wIth theIr last goal. The sIde wore black armbands In honour of shaw who dIed on monday who helped them beat'>Bayern MunIch on that famous nIght back In 1982 when they won the trophy. And In a twIst of fate, Its bayern they play In theIr fIrst'>Home Game In two weeks tIme. We trIed to follow. 42 years ago, they achIeved the last vIctory In'>ChampIons League and wInnIng the trophy. We want to dedIcate thIs vIctory for'>Gary Shaw, hIs famIly, and for all the supporters of'>Aston VIlla. LIverpool manager'>Arne Slot got a nIce'>BIrthday Present on hIs bIg day a wIn over'>Ac MIlan. Hell be relIeved after they conceded InsIde three mInutes, they turned It around through captaIn'>VIrgIl Van dIjk who scored that header to put them ahead before half tIme. And then hopefully he found tIem to celebrate. And then hopefully he found tIme to celebrate. Normally you celebrate your bIrthday wIth your frIends and your famIly, but thIs was a real good alternatIve to play your fIrst'>ChampIons League game In a specIal, um, agaInst a specIal club for lIverpool, but also a specIal club for dutch people In a nIce venue. And then to wIn It the way we dId after goIng 1 0 down after fIve mInutes wIth the result of'>NottIngham Forest stIll In our hat, I thInk It was, um. It was very good to see how they took the game In theIr hands. MeanwhIle,'>Harry Kane hIt another landmark, breakIng the record for the most goals scored by an'>EnglIsh Player In the hIstory of the'>European Cup. Its 33 goals and countIng after grabbIng four In'>Bayern MunIchs 9 2 wIn over dInamo zagreb. And for the fIrst tIme, hIghlIghts of the'>ChampIons League wIll be shown on the'>Bbc TonIght as part of the'>LIcence Fee. Its a remInder of the costs facIng football fans who want to watch lIve football at home thIs season. A subscrIptIon to tnt sports, who have the rIghts to show the bulk of european matches, Is requIred for watchIng'>ChampIons League games at home mIdweek, but that wIll set you back over £30 a month. They dont have all the games, though a subscrIptIon to amazon prIme, whove got the rIghts to 17'>ChampIons League matches, Is requIred to watch the lot at a further cost of 8. 99 a month. And It doesnt end there. If you want to watch'>PremIer League and scottIsh premIershIp matches, sky sports have the bulk of those at a cost of £26 a month, £22 for those whove already got a sky tv package. All In all thats £66 a month around £800 a year on top of your'>LIcence Fee just to watch lIve football on tv. It doesnt come cheap and, on top of everythIng else, soon adds up. As well as knowIng whether or not you have the subscrIptIons you then have to work out whIch provIder Is showIng them actually want to watch. It Is lIke havIng a part tImejob, workIng It out. It Is lIke havIng a parttIme ob, workIng It outI It Is lIke havIng a parttIme ob, workInI It out. ,. ,. ,. , workIng It out. You have to sIt down at the start workIng It out. You have to sIt down at the start of workIng It out. You have to sIt down at the start of the workIng It out. You have to sIt down at the start of the weekend workIng It out. You have to sIt down at the start of the'>Weekend Plot at the start of the'>Weekend Plot through It. At the start of the'>Weekend Plot throuIh It. , at the start of the'>Weekend Plot through It at the start of the'>Weekend Plot throuIhIt. , through It. People make sacrIfIces In other areas through It. People make sacrIfIces In other areas to through It. People make sacrIfIces In other areas to fInd through It. People make sacrIfIces In other areas to fInd the through It. People make sacrIfIces In other areas to fInd the'>Money L through It. People make sacrIfIces. In other areas to fInd the money for the football subscrIptIon. If In other areas to fInd the money for the football subscrIptIon. The football subscrIptIon. If you are lookIng the football subscrIptIon. If you are lookIng to the football subscrIptIon. If you are lookIng to make the football subscrIptIon. If you are lookIng to make savIngs, I the football subscrIptIon. If you are lookIng to make savIngs, Isj the football subscrIptIon. If you I are lookIng to make savIngs, Is It possIbly one of the fIrst thIng that goes . Thank you. Last nIght was a treat for stargazers wIth a supermoon and'>L EclIpse, and youve'>Been sendIng In your pIctures. ThIs Is an amazIng shot taken byjohn dyer. He took It at quarter to four thIs mornIng In motherwell. That Is commItment he has a good lens on that thIs one Is from john vIctor, who managed to snap a pIcture of the'>L EclIpse from leeds. And thIs was taken In chIngford by steven guest. Were lovIng seeIng these pIctures so do please keep sendIng them In. As ever. They dont quIte look real. Matt has hIs as ever. They dont quIte look real. Matt has hIs eyes as ever. They dont quIte look real. Matt has hIs eyes on as ever. They dont quIte look real. Matt has hIs eyes on the as ever. They dont quIte look real. Matt has hIs eyes on the skIes as ever. They dont quIte look real. Matt has hIs eyes on the skIes and | matt has hIs eyes on the skIes and he has somethIng dIfferent but specIal cappIelow 0, mary'>PoppIns Laughter that Is more lIke It. Good mornIng. Even that Is more lIke It. Good mornIng. Even before that Is more lIke It. Good mornIng. Even before the maIn cut above the horIzon even before the maIn cut above the horIzon yesterday, In the'>South West of england horIzon yesterday, In the'>South West of england you mIght have spotted thIs optIcal phenomenon,'>Sun pIllars thIs optIcal phenomenon,'>Sun pIllars. You need to be around'>Sunsel pIllars. You need to be around'>Sunset or pIllars. You need to be around'>Sunset or'>SunrIse, there needs to be'>Sunset'>MoIsture Sunset or'>SunrIse, there needs to be moIsture In'>Sunset or'>SunrIse, there needs to be moIsture In the cloud, you get the'>Shafts MoIsture In the cloud, you get the shafts of moIsture In the cloud, you get the shafts of lIght appearIng from the horIzon shafts of lIght appearIng from the horIzon goIng upwards Into the sky. Just horIzon goIng upwards Into the sky. Just gIve horIzon goIng upwards Into the sky. Just gIve that extra lIttle bIt of added just gIve that extra lIttle bIt of added somethIng specIal to the mornIng added somethIng specIal to the'>SunrIse'>MornIng SunrIse or evenIng'>Sunset. That was'>SunrIse'>MornIng SunrIse or evenIng'>Sunset. That was on'>SunrIse'>MornIng SunrIse or evenIng'>Sunset. That was on vIew yesterday. Clouds rolled that was on vIew yesterday. Clouds rolled In that was on vIew yesterday. Clouds rolled In for that was on vIew yesterday. Clouds rolled In for some overnIghts are some rolled In for some overnIghts are some of rolled In for some overnIghts are some of you wIll have mIssed not only that some of you wIll have mIssed not only that but also the'>Lunar EclIpse but the only that but also the'>Lunar EclIpse but the cloud wIll gradually melt away but the cloud wIll gradually melt away through today and for most, lIke yesterday, sometIme wIll develop lIke yesterday, sometIme wIll develop faIrly wIdely and It wIll feel quIte warm. 0ver develop faIrly wIdely and It wIll feel quIte warm. Over the next few days we feel quIte warm. Over the next few days we have'>HIgh Pressure In charge to the days we have'>HIgh Pressure In charge to the north, days we have'>HIgh Pressure In charge to the north, just workIng further north, to the north, just workIng further north, allowIng more of an easterly breeze north, allowIng more of an easterly breeze and north, allowIng more of an easterly breeze and It Is that whIch Is helpIng breeze and It Is that whIch Is helpIng to develop the cloud we are seeIng helpIng to develop the cloud we are seeIng thIs mornIng across wales, central seeIng thIs mornIng across wales, central and seeIng thIs mornIng across wales, central and'>Eastern England. StIll some central and'>Eastern England. StIll some breaks on It and wIll call contInue some breaks on It and wIll call contInue to Break Up through the mIchaet contInue to Break Up through the'>MIchael Stockley Is gas In scotland, northern'>MIchael Stockley Is gas In scotland,'>Northern Ireland,'>Northern England, west wales, 1024 pages wIll last untIl mId west wales, 1024 pages wIll last untIl mId mornIng and by the afternoon most of the low cloud wIll become afternoon most of the low cloud wIll become. Just some lIngerIng around eastern become. Just some lIngerIng around eastern coasts. WIth the breeze of the sea, eastern coasts. WIth the breeze of the sea, a eastern coasts. WIth the breeze of the sea, a'>BIt Cooler compared to the sea, a'>BIt Cooler compared to the south the sea, a'>BIt Cooler compared to the south and west. HIghest temperatures lIke yesterday could be northern temperatures lIke yesterday could be'>Northern Scotland but probably more to watch'>Northern Scotland but probably more to watch the hIghlands and aberdeenshIre. As we go through Into tonIght, aberdeenshIre. As we go through Into tonIght, the mIst, low cloud that we saw last tonIght, the mIst, low cloud that we saw'>Last NIght wIll develop once agaIn saw'>Last NIght wIll develop once agaIn across parts of england, eastern agaIn across parts of england, eastern wales, and bIt Into eastern scotland. Eastern wales, and bIt Into eastern scotland, as well. Keep In temperatures up In hIs area wIth clear temperatures up In hIs area wIth clear skIes temperatures up In hIs area wIth clear skIes further north and west, temperatures Into sIngle fIgures and a few mIst temperatures Into sIngle fIgures and a few'>MIst And Fog patches to start thursday a few'>MIst And Fog patches to start thursday mornIng. Tomorrow mornIng, faIrly sImIlar thursday mornIng. Tomorrow mornIng, faIrly sImIlar for most, I thInk the bIl faIrly sImIlar for most, I thInk the bIg dIfference Is they wIll be a bIt more bIg dIfference Is they wIll be a bIt more cloud across parts of eastern scotland more cloud across parts of eastern scotland. The cloud may be a tad thIcker scotland. The cloud may be a tad thIcker across parts of wales and eastern thIcker across parts of wales and eastern parts of england, as well. But It eastern parts of england, as well. But It wIll eastern parts of england, as well. But It wIll Break Up, the cloud lIngerIng but It wIll Break Up, the cloud lIngerIng across eastern countIes. More lIngerIng across eastern countIes. More than lIngerIng across eastern countIes. More than we were passIng through today more than we were passIng through today and more than we were passIng through today and a bIt more cloud pushIng Into the today and a bIt more cloud pushIng Into the fInal scotland, but most of you, afternoon, lots of'>SunshIne agaIn. You, afternoon, lots of'>SunshIne agaIn, temperatures 23 In western scotland. AgaIn, temperatures 23 In western scotland, may be that across the west scotland, may be that across the west of scotland, may be that across the west of'>Northern Ireland, hIghest towards west of'>Northern Ireland, hIghest towards the'>South And South east, or 26 possIble towards the'>South And South east, or 26 possIble. It Is a case of spot the dIfference for frIday, but If anythIng. The dIfference for frIday, but If anythIng, more low cloud to start the day anythIng, more low cloud to start the day through the central belt of scotland the day through the central belt of scotland and the east, struggled to clear It scotland and the east, struggled to clear It for scotland and the east, struggled to clear It for It some eastern coasts. Most clear It for It some eastern coasts. Most of clear It for It some eastern coasts. Most of It clear It for It some eastern coasts. Most of It clear to'>Sunny skIes but what most of It clear to'>Sunny skIes but what happened across the south, we wIll see what happened across the south, we wIll see you what happened across the south, we wIll see you shower develop, to the west of wIll see you shower develop, to the west of london and they wIll get heavIer west of london and they wIll get heavIer and push westward through the day heavIer and push westward through the day so heavIer and push westward through the day so prIce of the mIdlands, wales, the day so prIce of the mIdlands, wales, southwest, you can see heavy Infantry wales, southwest, you can see heavy Infantry downpours before frIdays out. Pleasant enough In'>SunshIne but by and out. Pleasant enough In'>SunshIne but by and large out. Pleasant enough In'>SunshIne but by and large temperatures droppIng to what by and large temperatures droppIng to what we wIll see over the next few days to what we wIll see over the next few days and they wIll drop a bIt further few days and they wIll drop a bIt further at few days and they wIll drop a bIt further at tImes as we head through the weekend Into the start of next week the weekend Into the start of next week. Just the weekend Into the start of next week. Just watchIng thIs area of low pressure week. Just watchIng thIs area of low'>Pressure Push up from the bay of bIscay'>Pressure Push up from the bay of bIscay and'>Pressure Push up from the bay of bIscay and france. That means that whIle bIscay and france. That means that whIle some bIscay and france. That means that whIle some northern areas partIcularly through the weekend away partIcularly through the weekend away from eastern coasts wIll be agaIn away from eastern coasts wIll be agaIn dry away from eastern coasts wIll be agaIn dry and'>Sunny, parts of england agaIn dry and'>Sunny, parts of england and wales, partIcularly central england and wales, partIcularly central and southern parts, through the weekend, a fleetIng chance of some the weekend, a fleetIng chance of some heavy thunder eIght downpours. Maybe some heavy thunder eIght downpours. Maybe some longer spells of raIn toward maybe some longer spells of raIn toward southern countIes of england on'>Sunday toward southern countIes of england on'>Sunday and Into next week, temperatures back close to where we should temperatures back close to where we should be temperatures back close to where we should be for the tIme of year wIth a mIxture should be for the tIme of year wIth a mIxture of'>SunshIne and showers. We are gettIng used to those of'>SunshIne and showers. Thank you. See ou later. A couple of weeks ago here on breakfast we spoke to two brothers who are at rIsk of developIng dementIa In theIr 405, as they prepared for a'>FundraIsIng Challenge to run the entIre length of brItaIn. Jordan and'>CIan Adams both have a rare faulty gene, whIch can lead to fronto temporal dementIa lIke theIr mum, grand mother and aunt. Lets see how theyve'>Been gettIng on sInce we last saw them on the startIng'>LIne Atjohn 0groats. Day 15 of runnIng the entIre length of the uk. Jordan and'>CIan Adams are here wIth us now. AmazIng stuff. They have managed to slow down for a few mInutes. How are your legs . Slow down for a few mInutes. How are our leIs . , , slow down for a few mInutes. How are ourleIs . , ,. , your legs . Knocks and bumps, we are 18 da s In your legs . Knocks and bumps, we are 18 days In and your legs . Knocks and bumps, we are 18 days In and the your legs . Knocks and bumps, we are 18 days In and the full your legs . Knocks and bumps, we are 18 days In and the full dIstance your legs . Knocks and bumps, we are 18 days In and the full dIstance Is 18 days In and the full dIstance Is about 18 days In and the full dIstance Is about 30 18 days In and the full dIstance Is about 30 mIles per day and I am only doIng about 30 mIles per day and I am only doIng about about 30 mIles per day and I am only doIng about half of that because I have other responsIbIlItIes. Just at the 15 mIles have other responsIbIlItIes. Just at the 15 mIles a have other responsIbIlItIes. Just at the 15 mIles a day. Have other responsIbIlItIes. Just at the 15 mIles a day. So have other responsIbIlItIes. Just at the 15 mIles a day. So ImpressIve. | the 15 mIles a day. So ImpressIve. Is It as hard as you expected, hyder . I Is It as hard as you expected, h der . , Is It as hard as you expected, h der . ,. ,. ,. Hyder . I have a bIt more experIence than cIan In hyder . I have a bIt more experIence than cIan In'>Terms Hyder . I have a bIt more experIence than cIan In terms of hyder . I have a bIt more experIence than cIan In terms of runnIng hyder . I have a bIt more experIence than cIan In terms of runnIng the than cIan In terms of runnIng the long than cIan In terms of runnIng the long dIstances than cIan In terms of runnIng the long dIstances and than cIan In terms of runnIng the long dIstances and back than cIan In terms of runnIng the long dIstances and back to than cIan In terms of runnIng the long dIstances and back to back. Long dIstances and back to back marathons long dIstances and back to back marathons but long dIstances and back to back marathons but for long dIstances and back to back marathons but for me long dIstances and back to back marathons but for me thIs long dIstances and back to back marathons but for me thIs Is I long dIstances and back to back. Marathons but for me thIs Is new terrItory marathons but for me thIs Is new terrItory I marathons but for me thIs Is new terrItory. I have marathons but for me thIs Is new terrItory. I have done marathons but for me thIs Is new terrItory. I have done 17 marathons but for me thIs Is new terrItory. I have done 17 back marathons but for me thIs Is new terrItory. I have done 17 back to I terrItory. I have done 17 back to back terrItory. I have done 17 back to back ultramarathons, terrItory. I have done 17 back to back ultramarathons, so terrItory. I have done 17 back to back ultramarathons, so 30 I terrItory. I have done 17 back toI back ultramarathons, so 30 days terrItory. I have done 17 back to I back ultramarathons, so 30 days for the past back ultramarathons, so 30 days for the past 17 back ultramarathons, so 30 days for the past 17 days back ultramarathons, so 30 days for the past 17 days and back ultramarathons, so 30 days for the past 17 days and obvIously back ultramarathons, so 30 days for the past 17 days and obvIously we I back ultramarathons, so 30 days for| the past 17 days and obvIously we go the past17 days and obvIously we go agaIn the past 17 days and obvIously we go agaIn today the past 17 days and obvIously we go agaIn today we the past 17 days and obvIously we go agaIn today. We dont the past 17 days and obvIously we go agaIn today. We dont fInIsh the past17 days and obvIously we go agaIn today. We dont fInIsh untIl agaIn today. We dont fInIsh untIl the 1st agaIn today. We dont fInIsh untIl the lst of agaIn today. We dont fInIsh untIl the 1st Of October agaIn today. We dont fInIsh untIl the 1st Of October so agaIn today. We dont fInIsh untIl the 1st Of October so It agaIn today. We dont fInIsh untIl the 1st Of October so It Is agaIn today. We dont fInIsh untIl the 1st Of October so It Is a agaIn today. We dont fInIsh untIl the 1st Of October so It Is a faIr. The 1st Of October so It Is a faIr way the 1st Of October so It Is a faIr way to the 1st Of October so It Is a faIr way to go the 1st Of October so It Is a faIr way to go untIl the 1st Of October so It Is a faIr way to go untIl we the 1st Of October so It Is a faIr way to go untIl we get the 1st Of October so It Is a faIr way to go untIl we get to I the 1st Of October so It Is a faIr way to go untIl we get to rest. The 1st Of October so It Is a faIr. Way to go untIl we get to rest at'>Lands Way to go untIl we get to rest at'>Lands End way to go untIl we get to rest at'>Lands End way to go untIl we get to rest at I'>Lands End. The'>Lands End. Just over halfway. The weather has'>Lands End. Just over halfway. The weather has'>Been'>Lands End. Just over halfway. The weather has'>Been all'>Lands End. Just over halfway. The weather has'>Been all over'>Lands End. Just over halfway. The weather has'>Been all over the I'>Lands End. Just over halfway. The I weather has'>Been all over the place, how has that'>Been .'>fir Weather has'>Been all over the place, how has that'>Been . How has that'>Been . Or whether It Is ossIble how has that'>Been . Or whether It Is possIble for how has that'>Been . Or whether It Is possIble for the how has that'>Been . Or whether It Is possIble for the scottIsh how has that'>Been . Or whether It Is possIble for the scottIsh hIghlands, j possIble for the scottIsh hIghlands, they caIrngorms, we mIssed 2 temperatures by two days and It was 24 degrees temperatures by two days and It was 24 degrees when we went through so It has 24 degrees when we went through so It has'>Been 24 degrees when we went through so It has'>Been all kInds of weather. What It has'>Been all kInds of weather. What keeps you goIng . What are you thInkIng when you do those long slugs . ThInkIng when you do those long slurs . ,. , , thInkIng when you do those long slurs . ,. ,. ,. , slugs . ObvIously we are doIng thIs was somethIng slugs . ObvIously we are doIng thIs was somethIng close slugs . ObvIously we are doIng thIs was somethIng close to slugs . ObvIously we are doIng thIs was somethIng close to our slugs . ObvIously we are doIng thIs| was somethIng close to our hearts. There was somethIng close to our hearts. There Is was somethIng close to our hearts. There Is a was somethIng close to our hearts. There Is a reason was somethIng close to our hearts. There Is a reason we was somethIng close to our hearts. There Is a reason we are was somethIng close to our hearts. There Is a reason we are puttIng I was somethIng close to our hearts. I there Is a reason we are puttIng our bodIes there Is a reason we are puttIng our bodIes and there Is a reason we are puttIng our bodIes and mInds there Is a reason we are puttIng our bodIes and mInds to there Is a reason we are puttIng our bodIes and mInds to thIs. There Is a reason we are puttIng our bodIes and mInds to thIs. Sadly I there Is a reason we are puttIng our bodIes and mInds to thIs. Sadly we I bodIes and mInds to thIs. Sadly we lost our bodIes and mInds to thIs. Sadly we lost our mum bodIes and mInds to thIs. Sadly we lost our mum and bodIes and mInds to thIs. Sadly we lost our'>Mum And Aunt bodIes and mInds to thIs. Sadly we lost our'>Mum And Aunt and lost our'>Mum And Aunt and grandmother lost our'>Mum And Aunt and grandmother It lost our'>Mum And Aunt and grandmother It It lost our'>Mum And Aunt and'>I Grandmother It It frontotemporal'>DementIa Grandmother It It frontotemporal'>DementIa And Grandmother It It frontotemporal dementIa and our grandmother It It frontotemporal dementIa and our'>FamIly Grandmother It It frontotemporal dementIa and our famIly has'>I Grandmother It It frontotemporal. DementIa and our famIly has'>Been devastated dementIa and our famIly has'>Been devastated by dementIa and our famIly has'>Been devastated by'>DementIa DementIa and our famIly has'>Been devastated by dementIa and I dementIa and our famIly has'>Been. Devastated by dementIa and unless dementIa and our famIly has'>Been I devastated by dementIa and unless we et devastated by dementIa and unless we get vItal devastated by dementIa and unless we get'>L Funds devastated by dementIa and unless we get'>L Funds towards devastated by dementIa and unless we get'>L Funds towards research get'>L Funds towards research then ultImately get'>L Funds towards research then ultImately there get'>L Funds towards research then ultImately there Is get'>L Funds towards research then ultImately there Is no I get'>L Funds towards research then ultImately there Is no cure | get'>L Funds towards research I then ultImately there Is no cure for It dementIa. Then ultImately there Is no cure for It dementIa. No then ultImately there Is no cure for It dementIa, no cure then ultImately there Is no cure for It dementIa, no cure for then ultImately there Is no cure for It dementIa, no cure for ftd then ultImately there Is no cure for It dementIa, no cure for ftd and I then ultImately there Is no cure forI It dementIa, no cure for ftd and we wIll go It dementIa, no cure for ftd and we wIll go through It dementIa, no cure for ftd and we wIll go through It It dementIa, no cure for ftd and we wIll go through It at It dementIa, no cure for ftd and we wIll go through It at a It dementIa, no cure for ftd and we wIll go through It at a younger I It dementIa, no cure for ftd and we wIll go through It at a younger age I wIll go through It at a younger age than most wIll go through It at a younger age than most not wIll go through It at a younger age than most. Notjust wIll go through It at a younger age than most. Notjust us, wIll go through It at a younger age than most. Notjust us, If wIll go through It at a younger age than most. Notjust us, If we I wIll go through It at a younger age | than most. Notjust us, If we dont do what than most. Notjust us, If we dont do what we than most. Notjust us, If we dont do what we are than most. Notjust us, If we dont do what we are doIng than most. Notjust us, If we dont do what we are doIng and than most. Notjust us, If we dont do what we are doIng and raIse than most. Notjust us, If we dontI do what we are doIng and raIse the awareness do what we are doIng and raIse the awareness It do what we are doIng and raIse the awareness It wIll do what we are doIng and raIse the awareness It wIll affect do what we are doIng and raIse the awareness It wIll affect one do what we are doIng and raIse the awareness It wIll affect one In do what we are doIng and raIse the awareness It wIll affect one In'>Ton Awareness It wIll affect one In two'>People Awareness It wIll affect one In two people by awareness It wIll affect one In two people by 2050 awareness It wIll affect one In two people by 2050 so awareness It wIll affect one In two people by 2050. So we awareness It wIll affect one In two people by 2050. So we want awareness It wIll affect one In two people by 2050. So we want to I awareness It wIll affect one In two l people by 2050. So we want to play our part people by 2050. So we want to play our part In people by 2050. So we want to play our part In fIndIng people by 2050. So we want to play our part In fIndIng a people by 2050. So we want to play our part In fIndIng a cure people by 2050. So we want to play our part In fIndIng a cure for our part In fIndIng a cure for dementIa. Our part In fIndIng a cure for dementIa, whIch our part In fIndIng a cure for dementIa, whIch Is our part In fIndIng a cure for dementIa, whIch Is our our part In fIndIng a cure for| dementIa, whIch Is our maIn our part In fIndIng a cure for dementIa, whIch Is our maIn reason for doIng dementIa, whIch Is our maIn reason for doIng thIs dementIa, whIch Is our maIn reason for doIng thIs. an dementIa, whIch Is our maIn reason for doIng thIs for doIng thIs. Can you explaIn for eole for doIng thIs. Can you explaIn for people watchIng for doIng thIs. Can you explaIn for people watchIng who for doIng thIs. Can you explaIn for people watchIng who havent for doIng thIs. Can you explaIn for| people watchIng who havent'>Been around dementIa what It was lIke watchIng your mum go through that and losIng her In that way thIs Is thIs Is frontotemporal dementIa, and It becomes thIs Is frontotemporal dementIa, and It becomes symptomatIcally much earlIer It becomes symptomatIcally much earlIer than you ImagIne, It becomes symptomatIcally much earlIerthan you ImagIne, mId It becomes symptomatIcally much earlIer than you ImagIne, mId 40s stop frontotemporal because of the lobes stop frontotemporal because of the lobes of stop frontotemporal because of the lobes of the braIn It affects, start a show lobes of the braIn It affects, start a show It lobes of the braIn It affects, start a show It to lobes of the braIn It affects, start a show It to memory problems, personalIty change, but It ends, we were personalIty change, but It ends, we were turnIng mum a few tImes a day to avoId were turnIng mum a few tImes a day to avoId pressure ulcers and she It was a to avoId pressure ulcers and she It was a cruel to avoId pressure ulcers and she It was a cruel dIsease. And to avoId pressure ulcers and she It was a cruel dIsease. Was a cruel dIsease. And It can strIke when was a cruel dIsease. And It can strIke when people was a cruel dIsease. And It can strIke when people are was a cruel dIsease. And It can strIke when people are quIte. Was a cruel dIsease. And It can strIke when people are quIte young. DementIa Is such a complIcated condItIon, thIs Is a remInder. Extremely complex and that Is also a massIve extremely complex and that Is also a massIve part extremely complex and that Is also a massIve part of extremely complex and that Is also a massIve part of what extremely complex and that Is also a massIve part of what we extremely complex and that Is also a massIve part of what we are extremely complex and that Is also a massIve part of what we are tryIng I massIve part of what we are tryIng to do. MassIve part of what we are tryIng to do. Take massIve part of what we are tryIng to do. Take away massIve part of what we are tryIng to do, take away the massIve part of what we are tryIng to do, take away the stIgma massIve part of what we are tryIng to do, take away the stIgma that I massIve part of what we are tryIng| to do, take away the stIgma that It Is a natural to do, take away the stIgma that It Is a natural part to do, take away the stIgma that It Is a natural part of to do, take away the stIgma that It Is a natural part of ageIng, to do, take away the stIgma that It Is a natural part of ageIng, not Is a natural part of ageIng, not ust Is a natural part of ageIng, not just frontotemporal Is a natural part of ageIng, not just frontotemporal dementIa I Is a natural part of ageIng, not I just frontotemporal dementIa but alzheImers just frontotemporal dementIa but alzheImers and just frontotemporal dementIa but alzheImers and other just frontotemporal dementIa but alzheImers and other forms just frontotemporal dementIa but alzheImers and other forms of. AlzheImers and other forms of dementIa alzheImers and other forms of dementIa. ThIs alzheImers and other forms of dementIa. ThIs Is alzheImers and other forms of dementIa. ThIs Is somethIng. AlzheImers and other forms of. DementIa. ThIs Is somethIng that alzheImers and other forms of dementIa. ThIs Is somethIng that we can cure. DementIa. ThIs Is somethIng that we can cure, dIsease dementIa. ThIs Is somethIng that we can cure, dIsease can dementIa. ThIs Is somethIng that we can cure, dIsease can be dementIa. ThIs Is somethIng that we can cure, dIsease can be cured, dementIa. ThIs Is somethIng that we can cure, dIsease can be cured, as l can cure, dIsease can be cured, as you see can cure, dIsease can be cured, as you see wIth can cure, dIsease can be cured, as you see wIth lots can cure, dIsease can be cured, as you see wIth lots of can cure, dIsease can be cured, as you see wIth lots of other can cure, dIsease can be cured, asI you see wIth lots of other dIseases, as long you see wIth lots of other dIseases, as long as you see wIth lots of other dIseases, as long as you you see wIth lots of other dIseases, as long as you fund you see wIth lots of other dIseases, as long as you fund the you see wIth lots of other dIseases, as long as you fund the research. You see wIth lots of other dIseases, l as long as you fund the research and Ive as long as you fund the research and gIve people. As long as you fund the research and gIve people. The as long as you fund the research and gIve people, the scIentIst, as long as you fund the research and gIve people, the scIentIst, who as long as you fund the research and gIve people, the scIentIst, who are l gIve people, the scIentIst, who are makIng gIve people, the scIentIst, who are makIng great gIve people, the scIentIst, who are makIng great strIdes gIve people, the scIentIst, who are makIng great strIdes already, makIng great strIdes already, through makIng great strIdes already, through drug makIng great strIdes already, through drug dIscoverIes makIng great strIdes already, through drug dIscoverIes thatj makIng great strIdes already, I through drug dIscoverIes that we have through drug dIscoverIes that we have seen through drug dIscoverIes that we have seen already through drug dIscoverIes that we have seen already through have seen already through alzheImers have seen already through alzheImers that have seen already through alzheImers that we have seen already through alzheImers that we hope I have seen already through I alzheImers that we hope are have seen already through alzheImers that we hope are just the start alzheImers that we hope are just the start for alzheImers that we hope are just the start for the alzheImers that we hope are just the start for the future alzheImers that we hope are just the start for the future but alzheImers that we hope are just the start for the future but we alzheImers that we hope are just I the start for the future but we have to keep the start for the future but we have to keep bangIng the start for the future but we have to keep bangIng the the start for the future but we have to keep bangIng the drum the start for the future but we have to keep bangIng the drum and the start for the future but we have l to keep bangIng the drum and raIsIng funds to keep bangIng the drum and raIsIng fundsto to keep bangIng the drum and raIsIng funds to make to keep bangIng the drum and raIsIng funds to make those to keep bangIng the drum and raIsIng funds to make those new to keep bangIng the drum and raIsIng funds to make those new treatments| funds to make those new treatments'>L Funds to make those new treatments successful for funds to make those new treatments successful for the funds to make those new treatments successful for the people funds to make those new treatments successful for the people who funds to make those new treatments successful for the people who need l successful for the people who need them successful for the people who need them. � successful for the people who need them. , successful for the people who need them. �. ,. , successful for the people who need them. ,. , I. ,. , them. And how do you feel, knowIng ou are them. And how do you feel, knowIng you are carryIng them. And how do you feel, knowIng you are carryIng thIs them. And how do you feel, knowIng you are carryIng thIs gene, them. And how do you feel, knowIng you are carryIng thIs gene, that them. And how do you feel, knowIng you are carryIng thIs gene, that In I you are carryIng thIs gene, that In all lIkelIhood It Is comIng your way unless medIcIne advances . On one hand It Is terrIfyIng but on the other, It makes you seIze the day, lIve every moment of make the most of thIs opportunIty to raIse awareness. It of thIs opportunIty to raIse awareness. Of thIs opportunIty to raIse awareness. ,. ,. ,. , of thIs opportunIty to raIse awareness. ,. , awareness. It was our choIce to be tested, awareness. It was our choIce to be tested. There awareness. It was our choIce to be tested, there are awareness. It was our choIce to be tested, there are others awareness. It was our choIce to be tested, there are others In awareness. It was our choIce to be tested, there are others In our tested, there are others In our shoes tested, there are others In our shoes or tested, there are others In our shoes or who were before we were tested shoes or who were before we were tested who shoes or who were before we were tested who never want to fInd out and we tested who never want to fInd out and we completely respect that decIsIon and we completely respect that decIsIon. It was somethIng we felt we needed to know to move on wIth our lIves we needed to know to move on wIth our lIves and we needed to know to move on wIth our lIves and It has put a great onus our lIves and It has put a great onus on our lIves and It has put a great onus on lIvIng a more meanIngful lIfe. Onus on lIvIng a more meanIngful lIfe~ tIme onus on lIvIng a more meanIngful lIfe~ tIme Is onus on lIvIng a more meanIngful lIfe. TIme Is short, we mIght have 15 or lIfe. TIme Is short, we mIght have 15 or 20 lIfe. TIme Is short, we mIght have 15 or 20 healthy that Is really Important for us to bang the drum and raIse Important for us to bang the drum and raIse as Important for us to bang the drum and raIse as much'>Money And Awareness and raIse as much'>Money And Awareness as we can In that tIme. MassIve awareness as we can In that tIme. MassIve respect to both of you for usIng your tIme and energy to do thIs and to help other people. What about the bond between the two of you . ThIs Is somethIng you share that nobody would want to have, but how does that'>Bond Help you both to get through the'>RunnIng And LIfe . It get through the'>RunnIng And LIfe . It Is Important to mentIon that there are two Is Important to mentIon that there are two of Is Important to mentIon that there are two of us Is Important to mentIon that there are two of us here Is Important to mentIon that there are two of us'>Here Today Is Important to mentIon that there are two of us'>Here Today but Is Important to mentIon that there are two of us'>Here Today but we I Is Important to mentIon that there l are two of us'>Here Today but we also have an are two of us'>Here Today but we also have an older are two of us'>Here Today but we also have an older sIster, are two of us'>Here Today but we also have an older sIster, we are two of us'>Here Today but we also have an older sIster, we have are two of us'>Here Today but we also have an older sIster, we have a have an older sIster, we have a sIblIng have an older sIster, we have a'>SIblIng Bond have an older sIster, we have a'>SIblIng Bond because have an older sIster, we have a'>SIblIng Bond because we have an older sIster, we have a'>SIblIng Bond because we have I have an older sIster, we have a'>SIblIng Bond because we have'>Been through'>SIblIng Bond because we have'>Been through somethIng'>SIblIng Bond because we have'>Been through somethIng so'>SIblIng Bond because we have'>BeenI through somethIng so heartbreakIng wIth our through somethIng so heartbreakIng wIth our dad. Through somethIng so heartbreakIng wIth our dad, as through somethIng so heartbreakIng wIth our dad, as well, through somethIng so heartbreakIng wIth our dad, as well, that through somethIng so heartbreakIng wIth our dad, as well, that Is through somethIng so heartbreakIng wIth our dad, as well, that Is kInd I wIth our dad, as well, that Is kInd of unbreakable. WIth our dad, as well, that Is kInd of unbreakable. We wIth our dad, as well, that Is kInd of unbreakable. We all wIth our dad, as well, that Is kInd of unbreakable. We all share wIth our dad, as well, that Is kInd of unbreakable. We all share a I of unbreakable. We all share a tattIe of unbreakable. We all share a tattIe one hour of unbreakable. We all share a tattIe one'>Hour Arm of unbreakable. We all share a tattIe one'>Hour Arm that of unbreakable. We all share a tattIe one'>Hour Arm that saysI of unbreakable. We all share a tattIe one'>Hour Arm that says love always tattIe one'>Hour Arm that says love always In tattIe one'>Hour Arm that says love always In our tattIe one'>Hour Arm that says love always In our mums tattIe one'>Hour Arm that says love always In our'>Mums HandwrItIng L tattIe one'>Hour Arm that says love I always In our'>Mums HandwrItIng and'>Well Share always In our'>Mums HandwrItIng and'>Well Share that always In our'>Mums HandwrItIng and'>Well Share that always In our'>Mums HandwrItIng and'>Well Share that we always In our'>Mums HandwrItIng and'>Well Share that we all always In our'>Mums HandwrItIng and'>Well Share that we all have'>Well Share that we all have tattoo'>Well Share that we all have tattoo on'>Well Share that we all have tattoo on our'>Well Share that we all have tattoo on our arm. Well share that we all have tattoo on our arm. Our'>Well Share that we all have tattoo on our arm. Our focus. Well share that we all have | tattoo on our arm. Our focus Is'>Well Share that we all have I tattoo on our arm. Our focus Is to do'>EverythIng Tattoo on our arm. Our focus Is to do everythIng we tattoo on our arm. Our focus Is to do everythIng we can tattoo on our arm. Our focus Is to do everythIng we can to tattoo on our arm. Our focus Is to do everythIng we can to be tattoo on our arm. Our focus Is to do everythIng we can to be part. Tattoo on our arm. Our focus Is to| do everythIng we can to be part of the movement do everythIng we can to be part of the movement that do everythIng we can to be part of the movement that fInds do everythIng we can to be part of the movement that fInds a do everythIng we can to be part of the movement that fInds a cure I do everythIng we can to be part of. The movement that fInds a'>Cure And One that the movement that fInds a'>Cure And One that gets the movement that fInds a'>Cure And One that gets dIffIcult the movement that fInds a'>Cure And One that gets dIffIcult we the movement that fInds a'>Cure And One that gets dIffIcult we have the movement that fInds a'>Cure And One that gets dIffIcult we have not I one that gets dIffIcult we have not ust one that gets dIffIcult we have not just the one that gets dIffIcult we have not just the'>Focus One that gets dIffIcult we have not just the focus of one that gets dIffIcult we have not just the focus of each one that gets dIffIcult we have not just the focus of'>Each Other one that gets dIffIcult we have not just the focus of'>Each Other but I just the focus of'>Each Other but they just the focus of'>Each Other but they have just the focus of'>Each Other but they have two just the focus of'>Each Other but they have two great just the focus of'>Each Other but they have two great partners, I just the focus of'>Each Other but l they have two great partners, we have they have two great partners, we have famIly they have two great partners, we have famIly and they have two great partners, we have famIly and frIends they have two great partners, we have famIly and frIends wIth they have two great partners, we have famIly and frIends wIth us. They have two great partners, we I have famIly and frIends wIth us on the trIp. Have famIly and frIends wIth us on the trIp. FamIly have famIly and frIends wIth us on the trIp,'>FamIly FrIend have famIly and frIends wIth us on the trIp,'>FamIly FrIend nIgel have famIly and frIends wIth us on the trIp,'>FamIly FrIend nIgel who. Have famIly and frIends wIth us on| the trIp,'>FamIly FrIend nIgel who Is runnIng the trIp,'>FamIly FrIend nIgel who Is runnIng every the trIp,'>FamIly FrIend nIgel who Is runnIng every step the trIp,'>FamIly FrIend nIgel who Is runnIng every step of the trIp,'>FamIly FrIend nIgel who Is runnIng every step of the the trIp,'>FamIly FrIend nIgel who Is runnIng every step of the way the trIp,'>FamIly FrIend nIgel who Is runnIng every step of the way wIth us at runnIng every step of the way wIth us at the runnIng every step of the way wIth us at the age runnIng every step of the way wIth us at the age of runnIng every step of the way wIth us at the age of 68, runnIng every step of the way wIth us at the age of 68, who runnIng every step of the way wIth us at the age of 68, who has runnIng every step of the way wIth us at the age of 68, who has'>Beenj us at the age of 68, who has'>Been IncredIbly us at the age of 68, who has'>Been IncredIbly supportIve us at the age of 68, who has'>Been IncredIbly supportIve of us at the age of 68, who has'>Been IncredIbly supportIve of us us at the age of 68, who has'>Been IncredIbly supportIve of us both. L us at the age of 68, who has'>Been. IncredIbly supportIve of us both. We are very IncredIbly supportIve of us both. We are very fortunate IncredIbly supportIve of us both. We are very fortunate that IncredIbly supportIve of us both. We are very fortunate that when IncredIbly supportIve of us both. We are very fortunate that when the are very fortunate that when the stuff are very fortunate that when the stuff tImes are very fortunate that when the stuff tImes come are very fortunate that when the stuff tImes come are very fortunate that when the stuff tImes come In are very fortunate that when the stuff tImes come In the are very fortunate that when the | stuff tImes come In the tough tImes stuff tImes come In the tough tImes come. Stuff tImes come In the tough tImes come, we stuff tImes come In the tough tImes come, we have stuff tImes come In the tough tImes come, we have a stuff tImes come In the tough tImes come, we have a support. TImes come, we have a'>Support Network tImes come, we have a'>Support Network to tImes come, we have a'>Support Network to get tImes come, we have a'>Support Network to get through tImes come, we have a'>Support Network to get through It. TImes come, we have a'>Support Network to get through It. Go. TImes come, we have a'>Support Network to get through It. Go on, nIel. Network to get through It. Go on,'>NIgel Shout Network to get through It. Go on, nIgel. Shout out network to get through It. Go on, nIgel. Shout out to network to get through It. Go on, nIgel. Shout out to nIgel. Network to get through It. Go on, I nIgel. Shout out to nIgel. MornIng havIn a nIgel. Shout out to nIgel. MornIng havIng a welldeserved nIgel. Shout out to nIgel. MornIng havIng a welldeserved rest nIgel. Shout out to nIgel. MornIng havIng a welldeserved rest and. HavIng a well deserved rest and there Is also the wIder dementIa communIty, my dad has vascular and alzheImers and you fInd that support from other people who have'>Been through It, who have lIved through It, also I supportIve. DefInItely. We have not had one'>Day Challenge defInItely. We have not had one'>Day Challenge where we havent bumped Into a challenge where we havent bumped Into a'>Ranger who has gIven us a cash Into a'>Ranger who has gIven us a'>Cash DonatIon or told us theIr story'>Cash DonatIon or told us theIr story In'>Cash DonatIon or told us theIr story. In the'>CampsIte Yesterday we had a story. In the'>CampsIte Yesterday we had a woman In tears wIth her experIences around dementIa. That Is what the experIences around dementIa. That Is what the'>Range haIr Is for. StartIng what the'>Range haIr Is for. StartIng a conversatIon. People are sharIng. It well so fIrst tIme for both. CIan has'>Been to edInburgh before but In scotland we were not sure what to expect. Before but In scotland we were not sure what to expect. People took us In. We sure what to expect. People took us In we had sure what to expect. People took us In we had a sure what to expect. People took us In we had a lady sure what to expect. People took us In. We had a lady he sure what to expect. People took us In. We had a lady he was sure what to expect. People took us In. We had a lady he was a sure what to expect. People took us In. We had a lady he was a taxI In. We had a lady he was a'>TaxI DrIver In. We had a lady he was a'>TaxI DrIver for In. We had a lady he was a'>TaxI DrIver for one In. We had a lady he was a'>TaxI DrIver for one of In. We had a lady he was a'>TaxI DrIver for one of the In. We had a lady he was a'>TaxI DrIver for one of the golfers. In. We had a lady he was a'>TaxI DrIver for one of the golfers so| In. We had a lady he was a'>TaxI DrIver for one of the golfers so she pulled drIver for one of the golfers so she pulled over drIver for one of the golfers so she pulled over and drIver for one of the golfers so she pulled over and gave drIver for one of the golfers so she pulled over and gave us drIver for one of the golfers so she pulled over and gave us her drIver for one of the golfers so she pulled over and gave us her last. Pulled over and gave us her last fare and pulled over and gave us her last fare and a pulled over and gave us her last fare and a tIp pulled over and gave us her last fare and a tIp. That pulled over and gave us her last fare and a tIp. That Is pulled over and gave us her last fare and a tIp. That Is some pulled over and gave us her last fare and a tIp. That Is some of. Pulled over and gave us her last. Fare and a tIp. That Is some of the'>KIndness Fare and a tIp. That Is some of the kIndness we fare and a tIp. That Is some of the kIndness we have fare and a tIp. That Is some of the kIndness we have receIved fare and a tIp. That Is some of the kIndness we have receIved and. Fare and a tIp. That Is some of the kIndness we have receIved and people ust kIndness we have receIved and people just want kIndness we have receIved and people just want to kIndness we have receIved and people just want to wIsh kIndness we have receIved and people just want to wIsh us kIndness we have receIved and people just want to wIsh us well kIndness we have receIved and people just want to wIsh us well and kIndness we have receIved and people just want to wIsh us well and so just want to wIsh us well and so many just want to wIsh us well and so many people just want to wIsh us well and so many people are just want to wIsh us well and so many people are affected just want to wIsh us well and so many people are affected by just want to wIsh us well and so many people are affected by It. Many people are affected by It dementIa. Many people are affected by It dementIa, theIr many people are affected by It dementIa, theIr own many people are affected by It dementIa, theIr own loved many people are affected by It. DementIa, theIr own loved ones many people are affected by It dementIa, theIr own loved ones and we are dementIa, theIr own loved ones and we are grateful dementIa, theIr own loved ones and we are grateful to dementIa, theIr own loved ones and we are grateful to be dementIa, theIr own loved ones and we are grateful to be able dementIa, theIr own loved ones and we are grateful to be able to dementIa, theIr own loved ones and we are grateful to be able to do we are grateful to be able to do somethIng we are grateful to be able to do somethIng. KInd we are grateful to be able to do somethIng. KInd of we are grateful to be able to do somethIng. KInd of In we are grateful to be able to do somethIng. KInd of In theIr we are grateful to be able to do. SomethIng. KInd of In theIr name, we are grateful to be able to do somethIng. KInd of In theIr name, as well, somethIng. KInd of In theIr name, as well, lots somethIng. KInd of In theIr name, as well, lots of somethIng. KInd of In theIr name, as well, lots of people somethIng. KInd of In theIr name, as well, lots of people have well, lots of people have experIenced well, lots of people have experIenced the well, lots of people have experIenced the heartbreakIng devastatIon experIenced the heartbreakIng devastatIon of experIenced the heartbreakIng devastatIon of dementIa experIenced the heartbreakIng devastatIon of'>DementIa And L experIenced the heartbreakIng. DevastatIon of dementIa and we experIenced the heartbreakIng devastatIon of dementIa and we are doIng devastatIon of dementIa and we are doIng It devastatIon of dementIa and we are doIng It for devastatIon of dementIa and we are doIng It for them devastatIon of dementIa and we are doIng It for them as devastatIon of dementIa and we are doIng It for them as much devastatIon of dementIa and we are doIng It for them as much as devastatIon of dementIa and we are doIng It for them as much as we devastatIon of dementIa and we arej doIng It for them as much as we are doIng doIng It for them as much as we are doIng It doIng It for them as much as we are doIng It for doIng It for them as much as we are doIng It for ourselves. DoIng It for them as much as we are doIng It for ourselves. If doIng It for them as much as we are doIng It for ourselves. DoIng It for ourselves. If people are watchIng doIng It for ourselves. If people are watchIng thIs doIng It for ourselves. If people are watchIng thIs mornIng doIng It for ourselves. If people are watchIng thIs mornIng they| doIng It for ourselves. If people I are watchIng thIs mornIng they can fInd you onlIne. We are lookIng to raIse £100,000. So far we have raIsed £83,000 IncludIng gIft aId. You can fInd us onlIne as the'>Ftd Brothers and varIous socIal medIa. I brothers and varIous socIal medIa. I bet you are eatIng loads of lovely food. You can eat whatever you want, thatIs food. You can eat whatever you want, that Is the best bIt. That Is the best bIt. Good'>Luck Toda , that Is the best bIt. Good'>Luck Today. HIt that Is the best bIt. Good'>Luck Today. HIt the that Is the best bIt. Good'>Luck Today, hIt the road that Is the best bIt. Good'>Luck Today, hIt the road and that Is the best bIt. Good'>Luck Today, hIt the road and we that Is the best bIt. Good luck| today, hIt the road and we wIll catch up soon. StIll to come on breakfast. All I know. Is holdIng you Is all I ever wanna know. Theyve'>Been rockIng for 30 years before 9. 00 well be joIned by'>Snow Patrol to talk about theIr new album after a sIx year waIt, and gettIng ready to head back out on the road. And potentIally to the number one spot thIs week and. It Is and potentIally to the number one spot thIs week and. Spot thIs week and. It Is lookIng aood. TIme now to get the news,'>Travel And Weather where you are. Hello, good mornIng from bbc london, ImjIm wheble. The mIstaken arrest of an actor In'>West London Is beIng InvestIgated by the metropolItan polIce. Reece rIchards was returnIng home to'>Fulham On 11th September after performIng In the musIcal haIrspray when he says he wItnessed a'>Car Crash and two men fleeIng on foot. DespIte poIntIng out the dIrectIon In whIch the two men had fled, he says he was pepper sprayed, kIcked and thrown to the ground by offIcers. The'>London Assembly has warned of a dramatIc drop off In new affordable housIng In the capItal. 1800 homes have'>Been started under the latest affordable homes programme, whIch aIms to buIld a mInImum of 2a,000 by 2026. The'>London Assembly saId challengIng'>Market CondItIons and delayed fundIng from the prevIous government are to blame. The'>Acton Market reduce and recycle hub has'>Been nomInated for a bbc make a dIfference award. Held every month Its volunteers encourage resIdents to extend the'>LIfe Span of thIngs they own and recycle clothes, books and small electrIcal Items. Lets'>Take A Look at the tubes now and theres a good servIce on all lInes thIs mornIng. Now the'>Weather Today wIll see patches of'>MIst And Fog In places but theyll go and leave a dry and'>Sunny day wIth a top temperature of 2a degrees. Thats It, lots more on our websIte though IncludIng plans to'>CourIer Blood samples between hospItals usIng drones. Ill be back In half an hour, see you then. Good mornIng, welcome to breakfast wIth'>NIna Warhurst and jon kay. Our headlInes today. Hezbollah blames Israel after electronIc pagers used by members of the armed group explode sImultaneously across lebanon, kIllIng nIne people and InjurIng thousands. A'>NIght InjaIlfor the amerIcan'>Rapper And MusIc mogul'>Sean DIddy combs. Hes denIed baIl after pleadIng not guIlty to'>Sex TraffIckIng charges. The begInnIng of'>The End for'>WorkIng From Home . OnlIne gIant amazon demands'>Staff Return to the offIce full tIme. HelpIng the butterfly to bounce back. ConservatIonIsts declare an emergency, as numbers fall to theIr lowest on record. You look so wonderful In that dress I love your haIr lIke that. Serenaded by sheeran. The full story of the moment the star surprIsed a school teacher, who was out for a Jog after work. A lIttle bIt more clout around thIs mornIng compared wIth yesterday, as you can see behInd me In cornwall, but'>SunshIne-and-warmth'>SunshIne And Warmth wIll develop once agaIn. The full forecast here once agaIn. The full forecast here on breakfast. Good mornIng. Its wednesday the 18th of september. BrItaIn, the'>UnIted States and the un have called for restraInt after electronIc pagers used by members of the armed'>Group Hezbollah exploded sImultaneously across lebanon, In what appeared to be a sophIstIcated remote attack. Hezbollah, whIch has'>Been desIgnated a'>TerrorIst OrganIsatIon by the uk, Israel and other western countrIes, has called It the bIggest securIty breach. At least nIne people dIed and nearly 3000 were Injured. Blasts were reported In supermarkets, homes and on the streets of the country, whIch shares borders wIth Israel and syrIa. Lebanons'>Health MInIstry says 200 people are In a crItIcal condItIon and that hospItals are beIng Inundated wIth the wounded. Our'>Correspondent Graham Satchell reports. It was an audacIous, unprecedented attack. All across lebanon, thousands of pagers explodIng at the same tIme. Many were on the street. Many were on the street. Some, lIke here, In peoples homes. Some, lIke here, In peoples homes. Some In supermarkets. Some In supermarkets. Emergency servIces struggled to cope'>Emergency ServIces struggled to cope wIth the scale of the attack. WIth the scale of the attack. Thousands of hezbollah thousands of hezbollah members sufferIng InjurIes members sufferIng InjurIes In the same Instant. In the same Instant. Israel hasnt commented, but few'>Israel Hasnt commented, but few have any doubts about Its role. Have any doubts about Its role. So how was Israel able to target so how was Israel able to target and lebanon there have'>Been constant hezbollah In thIs way . Hezbollah In thIs way . Hezbollah started usIng'>Pagers Hezbollah started usIng pagers and old technology after It and old technology after It realIsed Its'>MobIle Phones realIsed Its'>MobIle Phones were beIng monItored. Were beIng monItored. The theory Is Israel knew hezbollah the theory Is Israel knew hezbollah had ordered thousands of new pagers had ordered thousands of new pagers and Intercepted the shIpment. And Intercepted the shIpment. AssumIng that thIs was more assumIng that thIs was more thanjust makIng lIthIum batterIes, thanjust makIng lIthIum batterIes, you know, overrIde and overheat, you know, overrIde and overheat, that they had planted small amounts that they had planted small amounts of explosIves In each of explosIves In each one of these pagers, then thIs was unquestIonably a calculated attack. On the border between Israel one of these pagers, there Is now consIderable InternatIonal concern at what may come next. Graham satchell, bbc news. The unIted natIons says thIs attack marks an extremely concernIng escalatIon In tensIons. Our mIddle'>East Correspondent,'>Yolande Knell, Is Injerusalem. CertaInly tensIons are now ratcheted up even further between Israel and Its long tIme'>Adversary Hezbollah In lebanon. Hezbollah Is fIrmly poIntIng the fInger of blame at Israel for the wIdescale attack although the IsraelI prIme'>MInIsters OffIce and mIlItary declInIng to comment on what happened. What Is not clear yet Is If thIs Is just another very dramatIc development In the long'>RunnIng Shadow War between'>Israel And Iran and Its regIonal proxIes IncludIng hezbollah, or whether thIs could be another step towards a full'>Scale War between Israel and hezbollah. In recent days we have had Israel threatenIng to step up Its mIlItary actIon so It couldnt get thousands of Its own cItIzens who lIve actIon so It can get thousands of Its own cItIzens who lIve In the north of the country able to return to theIr homes, they have'>Been dIsplaced by the months of fIghtIng that have gone on In parallel to the war In gaza wIth daIly exchanges of fIre across the Israel lebanon border. There Is an InterestIng report that has come through In the'>New York tImes, whIch the bbc cannot verIfy, quotIng unnamed us offIcIals sayIng Israel was behInd thIs attack and Its operatIves were able to put small amounts of explosIves InsIde these pager devIces and It seems that accordIng to reports, they were actIvated by a message that appeared to come from'>Hezbollahs LeadershIp whIch Is why so many people have'>Been wounded In theIr eyes and hands as they reached for theIr pagers. Yolande as they reached for theIr pagers. Knell Injerusalen of'>Yolande Knell Injerusalem. The rest of the news now wIth nIna. The rate at whIch prIces are rIsIng remaIned unchanged last month. The latest fIgures released thIs'>MornIng Show prIces In august were 2. 2 hIgher compared to the same tIme last year. Thats the same rate as It was Injuly. AIr fares rose sharply but that was offset by a fall In the cost of petrol, hotels and eatIng out. New rules are comIng Into'>Force Today desIgned to ensure that communItIes wIll have access to cash and basIc bankIng, after thousands of branches were closed In recent years. The change has prompted the announcement of 15 new, shared'>BankIng Hubs. FamIlIes harmed by faIlIngs In'>MaternIty Care at'>NottIngham UnIversIty hospItals say they are stIll waItIng for proper accountabIlIty, two years after the senIor'>MIdwIfe Donna 0ckenden began a revIew of almost 2,000 cases. ThIs mornIng the trust wIll launch a new servIce to support those affected. The'>HIp Hop Star'>Sean DIddy combs wIll be back In court later today. HIs lawyers wIll apply for baIl whIle he awaIts trIal on'>RacketeerIng And Sex traffIckIng charges. Our'>North AmerIca Correspondent'>Peter Bowes reports. Sean dIddy combs, one of'>The Worlds best known and most InfluentIal'>HIp Hop producers. A global superstar whos now facIng a possIble'>LIfe Sentence If found guIlty on'>RacketeerIng And Sex traffIckIng charges. In court, wearIng a black'>T ShIrt and grey tracksuIt bottoms, he denIed all the charges, but thejudge refused hIm baIl after prosecutors arguEd He was a danger to socIety and a flIght rIsk. OutsIde court, the rappers sons turned up to support theIr father. HIs lawyer saId they offered'>50 MIllIon In baIl to get hIm out ofjaIl before the trIal starts, but the judge saId no. Hes goIng to fIght thIs to'>The End. Hes Innocent. He came to'>New York to establIsh hIs Innocence. Hes not afraId, hes not afraId of the charges. Sean combs Is accused of usIng hIs'>Power And Fame to attract women under the pretence of romantIc relatIonshIps, but to later force them Into sexual actIvIty. The charges follow a raId by heavIly armed agents on the musIcIans propertIes In mIamI and'>Los Angeles'>In March. Theyre sImIlar In nature to claIms made last year by hIs former partner, the'>R B SInger cassIe ventura, who accused hIm of rape and physIcal abuse. He denIed It, but a day later the paIr settled the case wIthout dIsclosIng any detaIls. Then there was thIs. Cctv footage emerged'>In March showIng'>Sean Combs chasIng and assaultIng cassIe In a'>Los Angeles hotel In 2016. Prosecutors saId'>Charges Couldnt be fIled because of the amount of tIme that had passed. My behavIour on that vIdeo Is Inexcusable. I take full responsIbIlIty for my actIons In that vIdeo. He cultIvated a'>Bad Boy Image, but'>Real LIfe Is a far cry from the red carpet. And'>Sean Combs lawyers say theyre preparIng for a long battle ahead. Peter bowes, bbc news,'>Los Angeles. PolIce In poland say seven people have drowned In the country as floods contInue to wreak havoc across central europe. Storm borIs has caused extensIve damage across a huge area IncludIng the czech republIc, romanIa and austrIa. AuthorItIes In croatIa, hungary and slovakIa are also braced for more floods whIle Italy has alerts In place for most of the country. At least seven people, IncludIng three fIrefIghters, have dIed as wIldfIres contInue to rage across portugal. Parts of the country have'>Been ablaze sInce the weekend, wIth temperatures In some areas toppIng 30 celsIus. The eu has saId It would send eIght'>FIrefIghtIng Planes to help portugal tackle the fIres. The prIncess of wales has carrIed out her fIrst'>Work MeetIng sInce her'>Chemotherapy Treatment began earlIer thIs year. The meetIng was related to the'>PrIncesss Work on famIlIes and early chIldhood and, as our senIor'>Royal Correspondent'>DanIela Relph reports, marks another step In her recovery. ThIs tIme has, above all, remInded wIllIam and me to reflect and be grateful for the sImple yet Important thIngs In lIfe. The'>PrIncesss Return to publIc lIfe Is beIng carefully managed. Last'>Weeks Release of the IntImate'>FamIly VIdeo narrated by the prIncess, a sIgn that thIngs were begInnIng to feel more posItIve. I am, however, lookIng forward to beIng back at work and undertakIng a few more publIc engagements In the comIng months when I can. The prIncesss fIrst'>Work MeetIng was held at'>WIndsor Castle yesterday afternoon. Few detaIls have'>Been released, but It was related to her famIlIes and early chIldhood project. Early years has'>Been a focus of much of the prIncesss publIc work In recent years, but'>KensIngton Palace say she wont be returnIng to full tIme'>Royal DutIes for now, and Instead plan a'>LIght Schedule for her. On the balcony for troopIng the colour Injune,'>One Ofjust two offIcIal engagements for the prIncess In the past nIne months. She has descrIbed thIs year as IncredIbly tough for her and her famIly. Its hoped she mayjoIn the'>Royal FamIly agaIn for engagements around remembrance'>Sunday and In the'>Run Up To chrIstmas. DanIela relph, bbc news. She dId say she was keen to get back to work In a measured way but her famIly came fIrst. ImagIne thIs. Youre headIng out for a run, tryIng to decIde whether to lIsten to musIc or a podcast but you end up beIng serenaded lIve In person by one of'>The Worlds bIggest'>Pop Stars. Thats what happened to'>NIkkI AtkIns'>Last NIght, when she spotted'>Ed Sheeran on a'>Canal Boat'>In London. As you do'>AlIson Freeman pIcks up the story. Hello. Any requests . Er. Could you do'>TenerIfe Sea . Yeah. You look so wonderful In that dress. Student teacher'>NIkkI AtkIns had not'>Been for a run for quIte a whIle but as she stepped onto a towpath on a canal In'>West London the last thIng she expected to see and hear was an InternatIonal musIc style. I paras InternatIonal musIc style. I was ust InternatIonal musIc style. I was just runnIng InternatIonal musIc style. I was just runnIng down InternatIonal musIc style. I was just runnIng down to InternatIonal musIc style. I was just runnIng down to the InternatIonal musIc style. I was just runnIng down to the canall InternatIonal musIc style. I just runnIng down to the canal and I had some musIc and I saw someone set In the front of a boat, a'>GInger Man, and In my head I thought, that looks a bIt lIke'>Ed Sheeran. And then I ran down and ran onto the'>Canal Pathjust as then I ran down and ran onto the'>Canal Path just as he was passIng It I would lIke, that Is'>Ed Sheeran and then he asked me for a song request. I sort of blacked out a lIttle bIt, but It was surreal. Down your shoulders and back. Ed sheeran was fIlmIng on a'>Canal Boat when he called out two nIkkI to see If she wanted a request. She requested tenerIfe see not one of the most famous but one of her favourItes. I the most famous but one of her favourItes the most famous but one of her favourItes. ,. ,. FavourItes. I have always loved that son , Its favourItes. I have always loved that song. Its so favourItes. I have always loved that song, Its so beautIful. FavourItes. I have always loved that song, Its so beautIful. I favourItes. I have always loved that song, Its so beautIful. IthInk favourItes. I have always loved that song, Its so beautIful. I thInk my l song, Its so beautIful. I thInk my favourIte songs of hIs are hIs really straIghtforward to guItar ballads. Its such a beautIful song. If you lIsten to the orIgInal, Its one of those songs you just feel warm when lIstenIng to It, Its so lovely. Warm when lIstenIng to It, Its so lovel. �. , warm when lIstenIng to It, Its so lovel. � , I,. Lovely. After thIs very personal performance. Lovely. After thIs very personal performance, nIcky lovely. After thIs very personal performance,'>NIcky NIkkI lovely. After thIs very personal performance,'>NIcky NIkkI got l lovely. After thIs very personal performance,'>NIcky NIkkI got home and when she posted the footage In my no one could belIeve what happened. Ma; my no one could belIeve what happened my no one could belIeve what hauened. Y � ~ my no one could belIeve what hauened. Y � , happened. My mum dIdnt thInk It was well to belIeve happened. My mum dIdnt thInk It was well to belIeve wIth. Happened. My mum dIdnt thInk It was well to belIeve wIth. I happened. My mum dIdnt thInk It was well to belIeve wIth. I was happened. My mum dIdnt thInk It was well to belIeve wIth. I was really well to belIeve wIth. I was really excIted to show my flatmates when I got back to the flat but they went In, I wasjust on my own, I would lIke, I need to tell someone about thIs � , lIke, I need to tell someone about thIs . , , , lIke, I need to tell someone about thIs , thIs after thIs very speedy and surreal encounter, thIs after thIs very speedy and surreal encounter, nIkkI thIs after thIs very speedy and surreal encounter, nIkkI told I thIs after thIs very speedy and | surreal encounter, nIkkI told us here on breakfast what her message would be. I here on breakfast what her message would be. Here on breakfast what her message would be. ,. ,. , would be. I ust want to say Thank Ou so would be. I just want to say Thank You so much would be. I just want to say Thank You so much agaIn, would be. I just want to say Thank You so much agaIn, that would be. I just want to say Thank You so much agaIn, that was you so much agaIn, that was IncredIbly specIal, and so beautIful and really made my day. And really made my day. AlIson freeman. And really made my day. AlIson freeman, bbc and really made my day. AlIson freeman, bbc news. And really made my day. AlIson freeman, bbc news. She and really made my day. AlIson freeman, bbc news. She was I and really made my day. AlIson I freeman, bbc news. She was cool and really made my day. AlIson freeman, bbc news. She was cool as a cucumber, wasnt she . Cucumber, wasnt she . Worth goIng for a run almost. InspIred by nIkkIs story, youve'>Been sendIng In some of your random celebrIty encounters. NIcola and'>HerfrIend Rachel were In a'>Coffee Shop In leIcester where they bumped Into the'>Pop Star peter andre. And of course they got a selfIe. And he gave them one heather sent us thIs photo of her son thomas wIth the'>Blues SInger Ragnbone man. Spotted whIlst out shoppIng In heathfIeld, east sussex. Lam not I am not sure I would have recognIsed hIm. And another'>MusIcIan SIghtIng from louIse In york. She bumped In to'>Pete Doherty whIle walkIng to the shop. You wouldnt mIss hIm, would you . I wouldnt. I lIked the lIbertInes. Keep them comIng In, we would love to see them. I keep them comIng In, we would love to see them keep them comIng In, we would love to see them. I once bumped Into that'>Matt Taylor to see them. I once bumped Into that'>Matt Taylor to see them. I once bumped Into that'>Matt Taylor. I to see them. I once bumped Into that'>Matt Taylor. I thInk to see them. I once bumped Into that'>Matt Taylor. I thInk that to see them. I once bumped Into that'>Matt Taylor. I thInk that Is'>Matt Taylor. I thInk that Is'>Matt Taylor. I thInk that Is'>Matt Taylor'>Matt Taylor. I thInk that Is'>Matt Taylor s'>Matt Taylor. I thInk that Is'>Matt Taylor s secret'>Matt Taylor. I thInk that Is'>Matt Taylor s secret ventrIloquIsm I lIke when he ventrIloquIst stuff wIth gethIn. I I lIke when he ventrIloquIst stuff wIth gethIn I lIke when he ventrIloquIst stuff wIth gethIn. ,. , wIth gethIn. I wondered what I was doInu wIth gethIn. I wondered what I was doIng there. WIth gethIn. I wondered what I was doIng there. A wIth gethIn. I wondered what I was doIng there, a lIttle wIth gethIn. I wondered what I was doIng there, a lIttle talent wIth gethIn. I wondered what I was doIng there, a lIttle talent I doIng there, a lIttle talent I dIdnt know I had good mornIng. Before the eclIpse took place,'>Take A Look at thIs, thIs Is where the moon was comIng up across telford. A beautIful stance to the nIght there, more of that to come. There Is'>Cloud DevelopIng through the nIght and It was Into thIs mornIng, but even where you have got It you wIll see'>SunshIne more wIdely through the day. At the moment It Is not as cold as'>Yesterday MornIng In southern areas, because condItIons In'>Northern England, north wales and'>Northern Ireland, temperatures that emIt sIngle fIgures but not a bad start to the day. Mr and'>Fog Patches but here Is all of the fog across Ist In wales, central and'>Eastern England. Some of that wIll lInger In eastern coast because there Is more of a breeze blowIng In off the'>North Sea compared to the last few days. Temperatures a lIttle bIt lower along eastern coasts but away from that lots of'>SunshIne thIs afternoon, 25 degrees In the north of scotland, 2a In the'>South East of england. TonIght the low'>Cloud Develops once agaIn across much of england and wales and a bIt more Into eastern scotland as we go Into tomorrow mornIng. Some'>MIst And Fog patches lIke we have seen thIs mornIng for tomorrow, clueless In the north and west. Tomorrow we do It all agaIn, cloud and'>MIst And Fog patches gradually lIftIng and clearIng. May be lIngerIng more across parts of InglIs In scotland and england, a bIt more cloud for the far north of scotland but stIll the far north of scotland but stIll the'>SunshIne means It Is pleasantly warm. , y. The'>SunshIne means It Is pleasantly warm. ,. , the'>SunshIne means It Is pleasantly warm. ,. ,. A'>WIldlIfe CharIty Is declarIng a natIonal'>Butterfly Emergency after Its annual count recorded the lowest numbers In Its 1a year hIstory. Butterfly conservatIon says thIs summers wet weather Is partly to blame, but long'>Term Trends are also causIng concern. Our'>EnvIronment Correspondent'>Jonah FIsher Is at a'>Butterfly Farm In'>Stratford Upon Avon thIs mornIng. So what have you spotted . We cannot quIte spot you, jonah. I have spent the mornIng battlIng the elements In the deepest darkest tropIcal raInforest of'>Stratford Upon Avon. I am tropIcal raInforest of'>Stratford Upon Avon. Lam In tropIcal raInforest of'>Stratford Upon Avon. I am In a'>Butterfly Farm. It Is warmIng up gradually thIs mornIng. There are tropIcal butterflIes that lIvIng here. And If the truth be told, they dont fly around that much when It Isnt that warm so as the temperatures rIse, they are startIng to fly as well. We have seen a few on the plants, you can see one here whIch Is just waItIng on the plants, you can see one here whIch Isjust waItIng perhaps on the plants, you can see one here whIch Is just waItIng perhaps for that moment to take flIght. The reason we have come here Is not to talk about tropIcal butterflIes, Its to talk about brItIsh butterflIes. A survey carrIed out over the summer, the results of It have'>Been released today. And sadly, Its not good news for brItIsh butterflIes. Over the summer, thousands of people went out to record the'>Number And Type of butterflIes they saw durIng a 15 mInute perIod. And the results confIrmed what many have suspected there seemed to be fewer Insects thIs year. A thIrd of'>Butterfly SpecIes had theIr worst year on record, IncludIng the common blue whIch was not seen In some places at all. And whIle the wet weathers partly to blame, scIentIsts say the long'>Term Trend towards fewer butterflIes Is a sIgn that natures In trouble. DeclInes In butterflIes means declInes In pretty much everythIng. And, ok, thIs year mIght be partIcularly bad because of the weather, but over the long term, even when the weather Is good, these specIes arent able to do as well as they mIght be able to because weve not got the habItat avaIlable for them. ButterflIes have'>Been hIt by a host of pressures, IncludIng'>ClImate Change, habItat loss, and the use of pestIcIdes. Butterfly conservatIon Is callIng for a total ban of pestIcIdes known to harm butterflIes and bees. NeonIcotInoIds were banned In the uk several years ago, but exceptIons have'>Been made for'>Emergency Use on crops. And whIle the government says It Intends to change thIs polIcy, Its not yet laId out a tImelIne for when thats goIng to happen. And to talk a lIttle bIt more about that survey, one of the people who helped carry It out, doctor rIchard fox, the head of scIence at butterfly conservatIon. RIchard, what dId you fInd out . Butterfly conservatIon. RIchard, what dId you fInd out . Well, In one sense It was what dId you fInd out . Well, In one sense It was good what dId you fInd out . Well, In one sense It was good news what dId you fInd out . Well, In one sense It was good news because I what dId you fInd out . Well, In one I sense It was good news because many people all across the uk took part In the bIg'>Butterfly Count thIs summer whIch was fantastIc. Really grateful for them gatherIng all thIs wonderful data. The bad news Is that the butterflIes, they fared really poorly thIs summer. On average people saw 40 fewer butterflIes In thIs years counts compared to last year and a thIrd of the specIes had theIr worst year on record. Truth . Year and a thIrd of the specIes had theIr worst year on record. TheIr worst year on record. Why Is that . The ImmedIate theIr worst year on record. Why Is that . The ImmedIate'>DIfference L theIr worst year on record. Why Is. That . The ImmedIate dIfference from last ear that . The ImmedIate dIfference from last year wIll that . The ImmedIate dIfference from last year wIll be that . The ImmedIate dIfference from last year wIll be done that . The ImmedIate dIfference from last year wIll be done to that . The ImmedIate dIfference from last year wIll be done to the last year wIll be done to the weather, we had a very wet sprIng and a cool summer, and that hIts butterfly populatIons, that Isnt what they lIke. But the problem Is that thIs latest dIp Is just'>The End of a very long hIstorIcal declIne of butterflIes, that has'>Been goIng on for at least 50 years. 80 of our butterflIes are declInIng In the uk. Why Is that, why are we gradually losIng our butterflIes . fiddlIng why Is that, why are we gradually losIng our butterflIes . LosIng our butterflIes . Sadly It Is back down to losIng our butterflIes . Sadly It Is back down to the losIng our butterflIes . Sadly It Is back down to the way losIng our butterflIes . Sadly It Is back down to the way that losIng our butterflIes . Sadly It Is back down to the way that we. LosIng our butterflIes . Sadly It Is back down to the way that we manage landscape so thIngs lIke IntensIve farmIng, urbanIsatIon, pollutIon, all of these factors are pushIng down butterfly populatIons and the Impact of a poor summer Is just on top of that. Impact of a poor summer Is ust on top of that. Top of that. You are callIng for a'>Butterfly Emergency top of that. You are callIng for a'>Butterfly Emergency to top of that. You are callIng for a'>Butterfly Emergency to be top of that. You are callIng for a'>Butterfly Emergency to be declared. What would you lIke the government to do, what could the government to do rIght now to Improve thIngs for our butterflIes . Taste do rIght now to Improve thIngs for our butterflIes . Our butterflIes . We thInk the government our butterflIes . We thInk the government should our butterflIes . We thInk the'>I Government should ImmedIately declare a nature emergency, butterflIes and many other wIldlIfe are In grave trouble In thIs country. And we would lIke them to go further, to completely ban the use of the nIcotInamIde pestIcIdes, these hard dangerous chemIcals whIch move Into our streams and rIvers we would lIke them to ban the use of neonIcotInoIds. The we would lIke them to ban the use of neonIcotInoIds. NeonIcotInoIds. The government say the wIll neonIcotInoIds. The government say they wIll ban neonIcotInoIds. The government say they wIll ban at neonIcotInoIds. The government say they wIll ban at neonIcotInoIds neonIcotInoIds. The government say they wIll ban at neonIcotInoIds but l they wIll ban at neonIcotInoIds but not to put a date on It. Taste they wIll ban at neonIcotInoIds but not to put a date on It. They wIll ban at neonIcotInoIds but not to put a date on It. We need to see actIon. Not to put a date on It. We need to see actIon. Not not to put a date on It. We need to see actIon, not words. Not to put a date on It. We need to see actIon, not words. Are not to put a date on It. We need to see actIon, not words. Are there. See actIon, not words. Are there thIns see actIon, not words. Are there thIngs that see actIon, not words. Are there thIngs that we see actIon, not words. Are there thIngs that we can see actIon, not words. Are there thIngs that we can do see actIon, not words. Are there thIngs that we can do In see actIon, not words. Are there thIngs that we can do In our see actIon, not words. Are there thIngs that we can do In our gardens brIefly to make thIngs better for butterflIes . BrIefly to make thIngs better for butterflIes . ~ , ,. ,. ButterflIes . Absolutely, If you have an outdoor space butterflIes . Absolutely, If you have an outdoor space you butterflIes . Absolutely, If you have an outdoor space you can butterflIes . Absolutely, If you have an outdoor space you can Improve I butterflIes . Absolutely, If you have| an outdoor space you can Improve It for butterflIes. We should be thInkIng about places for butterflIes to breed, homes for caterpIllars, notjust pretty flowers for butterflIes to vIsIt. 50 flowers for butterflIes to vIsIt. So we can all gIve butterflIes a helpIng hand. We can all gIve butterflIes a I helpIng hand. Bad we can all gIve butterflIes a helpIng hand. Bad news helpIng hand. Absolutely. Bad news from the survey helpIng hand. Absolutely. Bad news from the survey but helpIng hand. Absolutely. Bad news from the survey but the helpIng hand. Absolutely. Bad news from the survey but the posItIve helpIng hand. Absolutely. Bad news from the survey but the posItIve Is l from the survey but the posItIve Is that If we provIde the rIght condItIons, butterflIes can bounce back quIte rapIdly. Thank you, always good to know how we can play our small part. Indeed. Glasgow Is set to host the 2026'>Commonwealth Games, after the australIan state of vIctorIa wIthdrew because of rIsIng costs. The event Is beIng backed by the scottIsh government but organIsers have warned It wIll be a scaled down versIon of what were used to wIth fewer sports and athletes. The cIty last hosted the games In 2014 and among the medal wInners was two tIme'>Commonwealth ChampIon cyclIst, dame'>Laura Kenny. Lets remInd ourselves of the moment she won gold In the womens poInts race. CheerIng. Glasgow, lets celebrate our'>Commonwealth Games medallIsts representIng england,'>Laura Trott then'>Laura Trott, nowl dame'>Laura Kenny.'>OIns Us then'>Laura Trott, nowl dame'>Laura Kenny. She'>OIns Us lIve, then'>Laura Trott, nowl dame'>Laura Kenny.'>OIns Us lIve, wIth then'>Laura Trott, nowl dame'>Laura Kenny. She'>OIns Us lIve, wIth a then'>Laura Trott, nowl dame'>Laura Kenny.'>OIns Us lIve, wIth a bIg smIle, happy days . It kenny. She'>OIns Us lIve, wIth a bIg smIle. Happy days . SmIle, happy days . It was, I actually forgot smIle, happy days . It was, I actually forgot that smIle, happy days . It was, I actually forgot that that smIle, happy days . It was, I actually forgot that that happened In glasgow to be totally honest It was a wonderful tIme so In glasgow to be totally honest It was a wonderful tIme was a wonderful tIme so many medals, was a wonderful tIme so many medals. I was a wonderful tIme so many medals, I dont was a wonderful tIme so many medals, I dont blame was a wonderful tIme so many medals, I dont blame you was a wonderful tIme so many medals, I dont blame you for l medals, I dont blame you for forgettIng the specIfIcs of all of them. What does the'>Commonwealth Games mean to you . Them. What does the'>Commonwealth Games mean to you . ObvIously for us, esecIall games mean to you . ObvIously for us, especIally as games mean to you . ObvIously for us, especIally as track games mean to you . ObvIously for us, especIally as track cyclIsts, games mean to you . ObvIously for us, especIally as track cyclIsts, Its especIally as track cyclIsts, Its the second bIggest'>SportIng Event that we can have It. I always thInk multIsport events are so specIal when you can have so many on at the same tIme. So It goes the olympIcs and then the commonwealth for us. Its hugely Important that thIs event stIll takes place. MultIsport events but It event stIll takes place. MultIsport events but It sounds event stIll takes place. MultIsport events but It sounds lIke event stIll takes place. MultIsport events but It sounds lIke because| event stIll takes place. MultIsport l events but It sounds lIke because of tIme and money, there mIght not be as many sports at glasgow as they would normally be. What thoughts and concerns do you have about that possIbIlIty . I concerns do you have about that possIbIlIty . PossIbIlIty . I was tryIng to fInd thIs'>MornIng PossIbIlIty . I was tryIng to fInd thIs mornIng the possIbIlIty . I was tryIng to fInd thIs mornIng the'>Number PossIbIlIty . I was tryIng to fInd | thIs mornIng the number whIch possIbIlIty . I was tryIng to fInd thIs mornIng the number whIch they thInk mIght actually be able to take part and I thInk they are sayIng ten out of 18 events wIll stIll go. I hope they take Into consIderatIon non olympIc sports, because the commonwealths for the lIkes of netball are the only lIghts that they really get shown on them sports. So I hope when they thInk, we wIll pull thIs one and that one, that It we wIll pull thIs one and that one, thatItIs we wIll pull thIs one and that one, that It Is done In a way whIch Is faIr because the olympIcs Is huge, and that Is where lots of people wIll watch, but ultImately the'>Commonwealth Games for a lot of these exports Is there olympIcs. We spoke to the swImmer'>Hannah MIley earlIer and she saId It Is that platform, It makes you raIse your game, makes you realIse where you are wIth some of your competItors, It Is an Integral part of the journey In the process. Yeah, that was exactly journey In the process. Yeah, that was exactly what journey In the process. Yeah, that was exactly what It journey In the process. Yeah, that was exactly what It was journey In the process. Yeah, that was exactly what It was for journey In the process. Yeah, that was exactly what It was for us. Journey In the process. Yeah, that was exactly what It was for us. A I was exactly what It was for us. A four'>Year Cycle between olympIc games Is a really long tIme. The'>Commonwealth Games falls exactly In the mIddle of that. DurIng my career, that for me was perfect, It meant that I could test so many thIngs, I could try so many dIfferent traInIng technIques, all towards that'>Commonwealth Games. The'>Commonwealth Games for me was always a huge target. Every tIme I went, I wanted to be successful there. Some eole saId wanted to be successful there. Some peeple saId today wanted to be successful there. Some people saId today that wanted to be successful there. Some people saId today that the wanted to be successful there. Some people saId today that the fact that glasgow has had to step In, the fact that a rIch country lIke vIctorIa In australIa could not afford to do that, puts a'>BIg QuestIon over the future of the'>Commonwealth Games long term. Future of the'>Commonwealth Games lona term. , long term. Yeah, I mean, I really hoe long term. Yeah, I mean, I really h0pe that long term. Yeah, I mean, I really hope that'>One Long term. Yeah, I mean, I really hope that someone steps long term. Yeah, I mean, I really hope that someone steps up long term. Yeah, I mean, I really hope that someone steps up and| long term. Yeah, I mean, I really hope that someone steps up and says, we wIll take the next one. When'>SportIng Events dIsappear, you very rarely see them come back. I thInk that would be such a shame for so many sports. The'>Commonwealth Games Is massIve for so many of the sports that only have that. So It would be a shame. We cannot let that happen. Ifeel lIke we cannot let a shame. We cannot let that happen. I feel lIke we cannot let that happen. I feel lIke we cannot let that ha en. ~. I feel lIke we cannot let that haen. ~. I feel lIke we cannot let that hauen. , ~ I feel lIke we cannot let that haen. ~. I feel lIke we cannot let that haen. , ~ happen. What would you lIke to say to the organIsers happen. What would you lIke to say to the organIsers who happen. What would you lIke to say to the organIsers who mIght happen. What would you lIke to say to the organIsers who mIght say, I happen. What would you lIke to say to the organIsers who mIght say, It| to the organIsers who mIght say, It has run out of steam and come to'>The End of the road . We has run out of steam and come to'>The End of the road . End of the road . We have got to thInk about end of the road . We have got to thInk about'>The End of the road . We have got to thInk about the hIstory. End of the road . We have got to thInk about the hIstory. The thInk about the hIstory. The'>Commonwealth Games has'>Been goIng for so long. It seems such a'>Shame Tojust leave It, forget for so long. It seems such a shame to just leave It, forget about the hIstory of the sport. We have'>Commonwealth ChampIon Is goIng back forever. It would be a shame to just say, Its a stop to that. It brIngs so many natIons together. It Is a multIsport event on a huge stage, we have to keep It goIng. Im multIsport event on a huge stage, we have to keep It goIng. Have to keep It goIng. Im sure a lot of people have to keep It goIng. Im sure a lot of people wIll have to keep It goIng. Im sure a lot of people wIll agree. Have to keep It goIng. Im sure a lot of people wIll agree. Just have to keep It goIng. Im sure a lot of people wIll agree. Just to I lot of people wIll agree. Just to fInIsh, you announced you are retIrIng from cyclIng, and that was just here a few months ago, and you have'>Been In parIs at the bbc over summer, how Is lIfe lookIng now, what Is your day lookIng lIke . Im what Is your day lookIng lIke . Im stIll lIvIna what Is your day lookIng lIke . I� m stIll lIvIng the dream. Everyone says, do you mIss It . I lIterally have every'>Day SomethIng new. Its so refreshIng and I lIstened to'>Andy Murray say the other day that he was really nervous about retIrIng because It Is so unknown. But hes really enjoyIng the, I can do, I can have tIme wIth the kIds, or I can go and have a run today. Thats what Im stIll feelIng, although I am way further ahead than he Is. Share Im stIll feelIng, although I am way further ahead than he Is. Further ahead than he Is. Are you stIll cyclIng. Further ahead than he Is. Are you stIll cyclIng. Do further ahead than he Is. Are you stIll cyclIng, do you further ahead than he Is. Are you stIll cyclIng, do you stIll further ahead than he Is. Are you stIll cyclIng, do you stIll go further ahead than he Is. Are you stIll cyclIng, do you stIll go out. StIll cyclIng, do you stIll go out on your bIke for fun . Mat stIll cyclIng, do you stIll go out on your bIke for fun . Not really I have sIgned on your bIke for fun . Not really I have sIgned on on your bIke for fun . Not really I have sIgned up to on your bIke for fun . Not really I have sIgned up to a on your bIke for fun . Not really I have sIgned up to a few on your bIke for fun . Not really I have sIgned up to a few events I on your bIke for fun . Not really I have sIgned up to a few events where I have to rIde a bIke and honestly, I have to rIde a bIke and honestly, I have to rIde a bIke and honestly, I have one thIs weekend, and Im slIghtly nervous that I wont get round � , � , ~ round Im sure you wIll. Its lIke'>FallIn Round Im sure you wIll. Its lIke fallIng off round Im sure you wIll. Its lIke fallIng off a round Im sure you wIll. Its lIke fallIng off a bIke. Round Im sure you wIll. Its lIke fallIng off a bIke. Youll round Im sure you wIll. Its lIke fallIng off a bIke. Youll be round Im sure you wIll. Its lIke fallIng off a bIke. Youll be fIne. | fallIng off a bIke. Youll be fIne. You never fallIng off a bIke. Youll be fIne. You never forget fallIng off a bIke. Youll be fIne. You never forget apparently I fallIng off a bIke. Youll be fIne. I you never forget apparently great to see you. You never forget apparently great to see you, lovely you never forget apparently great to see you, lovely to you never forget apparently great to see you, lovely to reflect you never forget apparently great to see you, lovely to reflect on I to see you, lovely to reflect on glasgow. To see you, lovely to reflect on glasrow. � , to see you, lovely to reflect on glasrow. V ,. , to see you, lovely to reflect on glasgow to see you, lovely to reflect on glasrow. � ,. , glasgow. Shes ust havIng a lovely tIme, not glasgow. Shesjust havIng a lovely tIme, not mIssIng glasgow. Shesjust havIng a lovely tIme, not mIssIng It glasgow. Shesjust havIng a lovely tIme, not mIssIng It one glasgow. Shesjust havIng a lovely tIme, not mIssIng It one bIt I tIme, not mIssIng It one bIt massIve smIle on her'>Face MornIng lIve follows breakfast on bbc one thIs mornIng. Lets fInd out what they have In store wIth gethIn and helen. MornIng. Its kInd of hard to follow laura because she Is such a rare'>SunshIne we are enjoyIng the'>SunshIne we are enjoyIng the'>SunshIne outsIde. ComIng up. ControversIal new a cameras are catchIng dangerous drIvers breakIng the law. In shockIng footage, chIldren have'>Been seen wearIng no seat belts. Our'>Ex Copper Rav wIldIng explaIns how a dashcam can stop reckless motorIsts. Plus, retIrees are beIng forced out of the homes they love because theyre beIng prIced out of the rental market. FInance expert'>Iona BaIn InvestIgates the devastatIng Impact Its had. I felt lIke I was headIng I for a nervous breakdown because I was so stressed. I thInk It Is so unfaIr how people were treated. I Its an awful sItuatIon. Were sharIng how proposed new laws wIll stop unfaIr evIctIons. And nearly 900,000 people are currently mIssIng out on pensIon credIt. Its a crucIal benefIt as It guarantees gettIng the wInter fuel allowance. Money'>Expert Laura'>Pomfret Shares how to apply. The support could boost your Income by £3,900 a year. I Ill explaIn why you should check Itoday If youre'>ElIgIble And Howl a prIvate pensIon doesnt rule you out of heIn also, Its offIcIally cold and flu season. Dr oscar tells you If a homemade'>Saltwater SolutIon Is better than expensIve shop bought remedIes at easIng symptoms. Everybody Is sneezIng and settlIng at the moment. DId everybody Is sneezIng and settlIng at the moment. Everybody Is sneezIng and settlIng at the moment. ,. ,~ , at the moment. DId that make sense . It wIll make sense. At the moment. DId that make sense . It wIll make sense. Crack at the moment. DId that make sense . It wIll make sense. Crack on, at the moment. DId that make sense . It wIll make sense. Crack on, no I at the moment. DId that make sense . It wIll make sense. Crack on, no'>One L It wIll make sense. Crack on, no one notIced and In hIs new bbc serIes, laurence'>Llewelyn Bowen Is huntIng for the best home In'>Northern Ireland. He can tell you everythIng about a person from theIr desIgn choIces so were goIng to see If he can guess whIch member of the team lIves here. Two kItchens that belong to the team. I two kItchens that belong to the team. � two kItchens that belong to the team. , � ~. Two kItchens that belong to the team. , � ~. ,. Two kItchens that belong to the team. , � ~. ,. ,. , team. I dont even know who Is dog that Is whose team. I dont even know who Is dog that Is whose dog team. I dont even know who Is dog that Is whose dog Is team. I dont even know who Is dog that Is whose dog Is that team. I dont even know who Is dog that Is whose dog Is that I team. I dont even know who Is dog that Is whose dog Is that I love I that Is whose dog Is that I love havIn a that Is whose dog Is that I love havIng a nosy that Is whose dog Is that I love havIng a nosy at that Is whose dog Is that I love havIng a nosy at other that Is whose dog Is that I love havIng a nosy at other peoples I havIng a nosy at other peoples kItchens, so I wIll be rIght there. Super spotless kItchens. SuspIcIous. It was lIke out super spotless kItchens. SuspIcIous. It was lIke out of super spotless kItchens. SuspIcIous. It was lIke out of a super spotless kItchens. SuspIcIous. It was lIke out of a magazIne. Super spotless kItchens. SuspIcIous. It was lIke out of a magazIne. We I It was lIke out of a magazIne. We were justjoIned It was lIke out of a magazIne. We werejustjoIned by It was lIke out of a magazIne. We were justjoIned by two It was lIke out of a magazIne. We werejustjoIned by two brothers, jordan and qIan adams who were tellIng us how they have a faulty gene whIch means that they are susceptIble to dementIa even In theIr 40s. SusceptIble to dementIa even In theIrllos. It susceptIble to dementIa even In theIr 40s. It had taken the lIfe of theIr 40s. It had taken the lIfe of theIr mum and they are raIsIng money for alzheImers. The . TheIr mum and they are raIsIng money for alzheImers. For alzheImers. They are runnIng 30 mIles every for alzheImers. They are runnIng 30 mIles every sIngle for alzheImers. They are runnIng 30 mIles every sIngle day for alzheImers. They are runnIng 30 mIles every sIngle day across for alzheImers. They are runnIng 30 mIles every sIngle day across the I mIles every sIngle day across the country, tryIng to raIse £100,000. When they sat on the sofa, the total was about 60,000. The . When they sat on the sofa, the total was about 60,000. When they sat on the sofa, the total was about 60,000. They want to get to £100,000 was about 60,000. They want to get to £100,000 for was about 60,000. They want to get to £100,000 for alzheImers was about 60,000. They want to get | to £100,000 for alzheImers research uk. Just look at theIr page here, they are on 97,000. Breakfast vIewers have gIven 30 or 110 grand thIs mornIng. Thank you so much. You can fInd them onlIne, be'>F T D brothers. Can fInd them onlIne, be'>F T D brothers can fInd them onlIne, be'>F T D brothers. �. ,. ,. , brothers. Already runnIng agaIn. They were brothers. Already runnIng agaIn. They were straIght brothers. Already runnIng agaIn. They were straIght back brothers. Already runnIng agaIn. They were straIght back out I brothers. Already runnIng agaIn. I they were straIght back out there. TIme now to get the news,'>Travel And Weather where you are. Hello, good mornIng from bbc london, ImjIm wheble. The mIstaken arrest of an actor In'>West London Is beIng InvestIgated by the metropolItan polIce. Reece rIchards was returnIng home to fulham on llth september after performIng In the musIcal haIrspray, when he says he wItnessed a'>Car Crash and two men fleeIng on foot. DespIte poIntIng out the dIrectIon In whIch the two men had fled, he says he was pepper sprayed, kIcked and thrown to the ground by offIcers. The'>London Assembly has warned of a dramatIc drop off In new affordable housIng In the capItal. 1,800 homes have'>Been started under the latest affordable homes programme, whIch aIms to buIld a mInImum of 211,000 by 2026. In Its report, the'>London Assembly saId challengIng'>Market CondItIons and a delay In fundIng from the prevIous government have contrIbuted to the problems. The'>Beer And Pub Industry supports more than 160,000 jobs'>In London, but there are warnIngs that some of those jobs could be at rIsk wIthout government support. Ahead of next months budget, the brItIsh'>Beer And Pub assocIatIon Is callIng for a 5 cut In beer duty, claImIng pubs makejust 12p on every pInt sold after taxes and costs. A'>Treasury Spokesperson saId the chancellor has'>Been clear that dIffIcult decIsIons lIe ahead. The'>Acton Market reduce and recycle hub and Its dedIcated volunteers have'>Been nomInated for a bbc make a dIfference award. Held every month In acton, Its volunteers promote and encourage resIdents to extend the lIfespan of exIstIng Items and recycle clothes, books and small electrIcal Items. Me and the volunteers are so proud and amazed that weve'>Been nomInated for the bbc make a dIfference award. We all do thIs for passIon and tryIng to make a dIfference, and so Its really nIce that our efforts have'>Been recognIsed. Lets'>Take A Look at the tubes now. Now onto the weather wIth katerIna. Hello, there, good mornIng to you. Well, Its'>Been lovely so far thIs week theres'>Been a lot of dry weather around, wIth good spells of'>SunshIne. HIgh pressure contInues to domInate. A bIt of early cloud to deal wIth, but once that clears therell be plenty of'>SunshIne on the way over the comIng days. So thIs mornIng Its a mIld start to the day. Heres that early cloud thats eventually goIng to clear to allow for plenty of'>SunshIne through the rest of the day. Those wInds wIll pIck up, so It Is goIng to be feelIng breezIer, and were lookIng at top temperatures In that'>SunshIne up to around 211 degrees. So thIs evenIng and overnIght It stays dry the best of the clear spells at fIrst, but by'>The End of the nIght, well start to get quIte a bIt of cloud pullIng In agaIn, and temperatures wIll fall away to around 13 to 111 degrees, whIch sets us up for another mIld start on thursday mornIng. Thursday, quIte a dull start to the day, therell be quIte a bIt of cloud fIrst thIng, but once that clears therell be plenty of'>SunshIne through the rest of the day, wIth hIghs of around 25 degrees. Thats It lots more on our websIte, though, IncludIng plans to'>CourIer Blood samples between hospItals usIng drones. Hello, thIs Is breakfast wIth'>NIna Warhurst and jon kay. MenIngItIs Is a potentIally fatal Illness that can strIke wIthout warnIng and Its on the rIse In england. The'>CharIty MenIngItIs now wants the publIc to stay Informed about the symptoms and to act quIckly If they spot them. So what do we need to look out for . MenIngItIs can affect anyone but under fIves, 16 to 24 year olds and the elderly are most at rIsk. Symptoms whIch often develop suddenly can Include a fever, headache, stIff neck and a rash that doesnt fade when a glass Is rolled over It. Latest numbers from the'>Uk Health'>SecurIty Agency found there were nearly 400 cases across england 33 of those were fatal. ThIs Is an Increase on the year before when there were just over 200 cases. Were joIned now by sue astley theodossIadIs, whose son alex dIed after'>ContractIng MenIngItIs dIed after'>ContractIng MenIngItIs and'>Dr Tom Nutt from menIngItIs now. And'>Dr Tom Nutt from menIngItIs now. Sue, sue, and'>Dr Tom Nutt from menIngItIs now. What would and'>Dr Tom Nutt from menIngItIs now. What would'>Everybody Everybody sue, what would you lIke to tell everybody about what happened to sue, what would you lIke to tell everybody about what happened to alex and why you want others to alex and why you want others to learn from that . I learn from that . I alex and why you want others to alex and why you want others to learn from that . Learn from that . Alex and why you want others to learn from that . I thInk wIth alex, alex and why you want others to learn from that . I thInk wIth alex, he was 25. Learn from that . I thInk wIth alex, he was 25, prevIously learn from that . I thInk wIth alex, he was 25. Learn from that . I thInk wIth alex, he was 25, prevIously learn from that . I thInk wIth alex, he was 25, prevIously very learn from that . I thInk wIth alex, l he was 25, prevIously very learn from that . I thInk wIth alex, l he was 25, prevIously very healthy. He was 25, prevIously very healthy. He was he was he was 25, prevIously very healthy. He was InexperIenced usIng'>Health Care because the only experIence he he was 25, prevIously very healthy. He was InexperIenced usIng'>Health Care because the only experIence he had really had really care because the only experIence he had really was as a chIld, It was a care because the only experIence he had really was as a chIld, It was a sports had really was as a chIld, It was a sports InjurIes and he would go sports had really was as a chIld, It was a sports InjurIes and he would go anyway sports InjurIes and he would go anyway to anyway sports InjurIes and he would go sports InjurIes and he would go anyway to the doctors so he moved anyway to sports InjurIes and he would go anyway to doctors so he moved away. Anyway to the doctors so he moved away. Anyway to the doctors so he moved away, was anyway to the doctors so he moved away, was lIvIng Independently, workIng away, was lIvIng Independently, anyway to the doctors so he moved away, was anyway to the doctors so he moved away, was lIvIng Independently, workIng away, was lIvIng Independently, workIng as a dj and he became Ill workIng as a dj and he became Ill and he workIng as a dj and he became Ill and he contacted us and saId I feel and he workIng as a dj and he became Ill and he contacted us and saId I feel Ill, I have and he contacted us and saId I feel Ill, I have a and he contacted us and saId I feel Ill, I have a headache, and the Ill, I and he contacted us and saId I feel III, I have and he contacted us and saId I feel III, I have a and he contacted us and saId I feel Ill, I have a headache, and the'>Headache Headache Ill, I have a headache, and the headache for hIm was the thIng that Ill, I have a headache, and the headache for hIm was the thIng that was the was the headache for hIm was the thIng that was the maIn symptom, really. And he headache for hIm was the thIng that was the maIn symptom, really. And he trIed that was the maIn symptom, really. And he trIed that market we saId you need to talk trIed that market we saId you need to talk to trIed that market we saId you need to talk to your gp because he thought to talk to your gp because he thought It was the flu and he coutdnt thought It was the flu and he couldnt get an appoIntment for three couldnt get an appoIntment for three weeks by whIch tIme he was already three weeks by whIch tIme he was already dead. There Is one thIng there. Already dead. There Is one thIng there, whIch Is that If you feel really. There, whIch Is that If you feel really, really Ill, you have two InsIst really, really Ill, you have two InsIst and really, really Ill, you have two InsIst. And the other thIng was that he had InsIst. And the other thIng was that he had a InsIst. And the other thIng was that he had a wIde socIal network, and after he had a wIde socIal network, and after he he had a wIde socIal network, and after he dIed It became apparent that he after he dIed It became apparent that he had told us some of hIs symptoms and told dIfferent frIends In dIfferent countrIes even other In dIfferent countrIes even other bIts of In dIfferent countrIes even other bIts of the In dIfferent countrIes even other bIts of the pattern. And when you put them bIts of the pattern. And when you put them all together you can see that he put them all together you can see that he was becomIng IncreasIngly Ill. That he was becomIng IncreasIngly III~ but that he was becomIng IncreasIngly III~ but for that he was becomIng IncreasIngly Ill. But for each of us IndIvIdually we only Ill. But for each of us IndIvIdually we only had that bIt of the'>JIgsaw Puzzle we only had that bIt of the'>JIgsaw Puzzle was that he was clearly worrIed puzzle was that he was clearly worrIed because he was communIcatIng. He was communIcatIng and the communIcatIng. He was communIcatIng and the thIngs he saId to people work and the thIngs he saId to people work lIke and the thIngs he saId to people work lIke I and the thIngs he saId to people work lIke I have'>Been lyIng In a dark work lIke I have'>Been lyIng In a'>Darkroom Work lIke I have'>Been lyIng In a dark room for days, he saId to one frIend dark room for days, he saId to one frIend he dark room for days, he saId to one frIend. He saId he got the worst flu he had frIend. He saId he got the worst flu he had ever frIend. He saId he got the worst flu he had ever had, the worst headache, he had ever had, the worst headache, he just he had ever had, the worst headache, he just wIshed It would go away. But he just wIshed It would go away. But he dIdnt he just wIshed It would go away. But he dIdnt have a rash and I thInk that he dIdnt have a rash and I thInk that Is he dIdnt have a rash and I thInk that Is another thIng that Is Important. The symptoms of menIngItIs can vary a lot. So alex, he went menIngItIs can vary a lot. So alex, he went to menIngItIs can vary a lot. So alex, he went to a menIngItIs can vary a lot. So alex, he went to a walk In clInIc and agaIn. He went to a walk In clInIc and agaIn. I he went to a walk In clInIc and agaIn, I dont thInk he communIcated that clearly agaIn, I dont thInk he communIcated that clearly. The Impact or the duratIon that clearly. The Impact or the duratIon of the symptoms, In the'>Sanre DuratIon of the symptoms, In the sanre'>Way DuratIon of the symptoms, In the same way If we go to the doctor, you or I, same way If we go to the doctor, you or I. We same way If we go to the doctor, you or I. We know same way If we go to the doctor, you or I, we know what to say, to put the nrost or I, we know what to say, to put the most Important thIngs at the top, and the most Important thIngs at the top, and young people dont yet have that educatIon. That top, and young people dont yet have that educatIon. That educatIon. That Is so InterestIng, that educatIon. That Is so InterestIng, you that educatIon. That Is so InterestIng, you dont I that educatIon. That Is so I InterestIng, you dont have the experIence. InterestIng, you dont have the experIence InterestIng, you dont have the exerIence. ,. ,. , InterestIng, you dont have the exerIence. ,. ,. ExperIence. You are ust not used to beIn Ill. ExperIence. You are ust not used to beIng In. Sue experIence. You are ust not used to beIng Ill. Sue has I experIence. You are just not used to beIng Ill. Sue has explaIned experIence. You are just not used to beIng Ill. Sue has explaIned really I beIng Ill. Sue has explaIned really serIously how thIs Is a complIcated Illness and the way we prevent It or try to help prevent It Is also complIcated. What are the headlInes . The good news Is theIr rIght vaccInes the good news Is theIr rIght vaccInes whIch the good news Is theIr rIght vaccInes whIch can the good news Is theIr rIght vaccInes whIch can help I the good news Is theIr rIght vaccInes whIch can help to I the good news Is theIr rIght vaccInes whIch can help to prevent menIngItIs, vaccInes whIch can help to prevent menIngItIs, so vaccInes whIch can help to prevent menIngItIs, so parents vaccInes whIch can help to prevent menIngItIs, so parents of vaccInes whIch can help to prevent menIngItIs, so parents of Infants. MenIngItIs, so parents of Infants and chIldren menIngItIs, so parents of Infants and chIldren wIll menIngItIs, so parents of Infants and chIldren wIll gets menIngItIs, so parents of Infants and chIldren wIll gets letters I menIngItIs, so parents of Infants. And chIldren wIll gets letters from theIr gp and chIldren wIll gets letters from theIr gp and and chIldren wIll gets letters from theIr gp and so and chIldren wIll gets letters from theIr gp and so on, and chIldren wIll gets letters from theIr gp and so on, askIng and chIldren wIll gets letters from theIr gp and so on, askIng them I and chIldren wIll gets letters froml theIr gp and so on, askIng them to et theIr gp and so on, askIng them to get these theIr gp and so on, askIng them to get these vaccInes, theIr gp and so on, askIng them to get these vaccInes, whIch theIr gp and so on, askIng them to get these vaccInes, whIch wIll theIr gp and so on, askIng them to get these vaccInes, whIch wIll be. Get these vaccInes, whIch wIll be lIfesavInd get these vaccInes, whIch wIll be lIfesavInd In get these vaccInes, whIch wIll be lIfe savIng. In the get these vaccInes, whIch wIll be lIfe savIng. In the long get these vaccInes, whIch wIll be lIfe savIng. In the long run, I get these vaccInes, whIch wIll be lIfe savIng. In the long run, and| lIfe savIng. In the long run, and for the lIfe savIng. In the long run, and for the Iast lIfe savIng. In the long run, and for the last several lIfe savIng. In the long run, and for the last several decades, I lIfe savIng. In the long run, and| for the last several decades, the number for the last several decades, the number of for the last several decades, the number of menIngItIs for the last several decades, the number of menIngItIs cases for the last several decades, the number of menIngItIs cases hasI for the last several decades, the'>I Number of menIngItIs cases has'>Been goIng number of menIngItIs cases has'>Been goIng down number of menIngItIs cases has'>Been goIng down but number of menIngItIs cases has'>Been goIng down. But the number of menIngItIs cases has'>Been goIng down. But the'>VaccInes Number of menIngItIs cases has'>Been goIng down. But the vaccInes are I goIng down. But the vaccInes are there goIng down. But the vaccInes are there to goIng down. But the vaccInes are there to protect goIng down. But the vaccInes are there to protect everybody goIng down. But the vaccInes are there to protect everybody so I goIng down. But the vaccInes are there to protect everybody so forj there to protect everybody so for young there to protect everybody so for young adults there to protect everybody so for young adults of there to protect everybody so for young adults of alexs there to protect everybody so for young adults of'>Alexs Age there to protect everybody so for young adults of'>Alexs Age may. There to protect everybody so for. Young adults of'>Alexs Age may have had some young adults of'>Alexs Age may have had some vaccInatIons young adults of'>Alexs Age may have had some vaccInatIons In young adults of'>Alexs Age may have had some vaccInatIons In Infancy, I had some vaccInatIons In Infancy, but as had some vaccInatIons In Infancy, but as In had some vaccInatIons In Infancy, but as In the had some vaccInatIons In Infancy, but as In the case had some vaccInatIons In Infancy, but as In the case of had some vaccInatIons In Infancy, but as In the case of alex had some vaccInatIons In Infancy, but as In the case of alex he I had some vaccInatIons In Infancy, I but as In the case of alex he would not have but as In the case of alex he would not have had but as In the case of alex he would not have had a but as In the case of alex he would not have had a vaccInatIon but as In the case of alex he would not have had a'>VaccInatIon AgaInstl not have had a vaccInatIon agaInst men 5. Not have had a vaccInatIon agaInst men b. The not have had a vaccInatIon agaInst men b, the most not have had a vaccInatIon agaInst men b, the most common not have had a vaccInatIon agaInst men b, the most common form I not have had a'>VaccInatIon AgaInstj men b, the most common form of bacterIa men b, the most common form of bacterIa that men b, the most common form of bacterIa that causes men b, the most common form of bacterIa that causes the men b, the most common form of bacterIa that causes the dIsease, I men b, the most common form of. BacterIa that causes the dIsease, so would bacterIa that causes the dIsease, so would have bacterIa that causes the dIsease, so would have'>Been bacterIa that causes the dIsease, so would have'>Been unprotected. I bacterIa that causes the dIsease, so would have'>Been unprotected. For. Would have'>Been unprotected. For your audIence would have'>Been unprotected. For your audIence It would have'>Been unprotected. For your audIence It Is would have'>Been unprotected. For your audIence It Is Important I would have'>Been unprotected. For your audIence It Is Important to. Would have'>Been unprotected. Forj your audIence It Is Important to be vIgIlant your audIence It Is Important to be vIgIlant of your audIence It Is Important to be vIgIlant of the your audIence It Is Important to be vIgIlant of the sIgns your audIence It Is Important to be vIgIlant of the sIgns and your audIence It Is Important to be| vIgIlant of the sIgns and symptoms but also vIgIlant of the sIgns and symptoms but also to vIgIlant of the sIgns and symptoms but also to he vIgIlant of the sIgns and symptoms but also to be aware vIgIlant of the sIgns and symptoms but also to be aware that vIgIlant of the sIgns and symptoms but also to be aware that they vIgIlant of the sIgns and symptoms but also to be aware that they may or may but also to be aware that they may or may not but also to be aware that they may or may not have but also to be aware that they may or may not have had but also to be aware that they may or may not have had vaccInatIons I or may not have had vaccInatIons that can or may not have had vaccInatIons that can save or may not have had vaccInatIons that can save theIr or may not have had vaccInatIons that can save theIr lIves. Or may not have had vaccInatIons that can save theIr lIves. To I or may not have had vaccInatIons that can save theIr lIves. That can save theIr lIves. To be clear, Is that can save theIr lIves. To be clear. Is It that can save theIr lIves. To be clear, Is It rolled that can save theIr lIves. To be clear, Is It rolled out that can save theIr lIves. To be I clear, Is It rolled out unIversally for Infants born In now and Is there a cut off of a certaIn age . For Infants born In now and Is there a cutoff of a certaIn age . A cutoff of a certaIn age . There are a few a cutoff of a certaIn age . There are a few dIfferent a cutoff of a certaIn age . There are a few dIfferent menIngItIs I are a few dIfferent menIngItIs vaccInatIons are a few dIfferent menIngItIs vaccInatIons for are a few dIfferent menIngItIs vaccInatIons for people are a few dIfferent menIngItIs vaccInatIons for people to I are a few dIfferent menIngItIs vaccInatIons for people to be| are a few dIfferent menIngItIs vaccInatIons for people to be aware of. VaccInatIons for people to be aware of the vaccInatIons for people to be aware of the Is vaccInatIons for people to be aware of the Is the vaccInatIons for people to be aware of. The Is the Infants vaccInatIons for people to be aware of. The Is the Infants programme, I of. The Is the Infants programme, whIch of. The Is the Infants programme, whIch wIll of. The Is the Infants programme, whIch wIll he of. The Is the Infants programme, whIch wIll be done of. The Is the Infants programme, whIch wIll be done through of. The Is the Infants programme, whIch wIll be done through gps I of. The Is the Infants programme, I whIch wIll be done through gps and parents whIch wIll be done through gps and parents should whIch wIll be done through gps and parents should be whIch wIll be done through gps and parents should be gettIng whIch wIll be done through gps and parents should be gettIng letters. Parents should be gettIng letters and communIcatIon parents should be gettIng letters and communIcatIon from parents should be gettIng letters and communIcatIon from theIr. Parents should be gettIng letters| and communIcatIon from theIr gp parents should be gettIng letters and communIcatIon from theIr gp and the good and communIcatIon from theIr gp and the good'>News And CommunIcatIon from theIr gp and the good news Is and communIcatIon from theIr gp and the good news Is that and communIcatIon from theIr gp and the good news Is that those the good news Is that those vaccInatIons the good news Is that those vaccInatIons wIll the good news Is that those vaccInatIons wIll protect I the good news Is that those I vaccInatIons wIll protect agaInst most vaccInatIons wIll protect agaInst most of vaccInatIons wIll protect agaInst most of the vaccInatIons wIll protect agaInst most of the causes vaccInatIons wIll protect agaInst most of the causes of vaccInatIons wIll protect agaInst l most of the causes of menIngItIs, whIch most of the causes of menIngItIs, whIch Is most of the causes of menIngItIs, whIch Is great most of the causes of menIngItIs, whIch Is great news. Most of the causes of menIngItIs, whIch Is great news. But most of the causes of menIngItIs, whIch Is great news. But for whIch Is great news. But for teenagers whIch Is great news. But for teenagers and whIch Is great news. But for teenagers and young whIch Is great news. But for teenagers and young adultsj whIch Is great news. But for teenagers and young adults they should teenagers and young adults they should have teenagers and young adults they should have had teenagers and young adults they should have had the teenagers and young adults they should have had the men teenagers and young adults they should have had the'>Men AcwyI should have had the'>Men Acwy VaccInatIon should have had the'>Men Acwy VaccInatIon at should have had the'>Men Acwy VaccInatIon at school should have had the'>Men Acwy VaccInatIon at school In should have had the'>Men Acwy VaccInatIon at school In year I should have had the'>Men AcwyI vaccInatIon at school In year nIne or ten vaccInatIon at school In year nIne or ten and vaccInatIon at school In year nIne or ten and the vaccInatIon at school In year nIne or ten and the'>Uptake VaccInatIon at school In year nIne or ten and the uptake could I vaccInatIon at school In year nIne or ten and the uptake could be. Or ten and the uptake could be better or ten and the uptake could be better so or ten and the uptake could be better so It or ten and the uptake could be better so It Is or ten and the uptake could be better so It Is really or ten and the uptake could be better so It Is really Important| better so It Is really Important that youngsters better so It Is really Important that youngsters up better so It Is really Important that youngsters up to better so It Is really Important that youngsters up to the better so It Is really Important that youngsters up to the age | better so It Is really Important. That youngsters up to the age of better so It Is really Important that youngsters up to the age of 25, If they that youngsters up to the age of 25, If they mIss that youngsters up to the age of 25, If they mIss that, that youngsters up to the age of 25, If they mIss that, they that youngsters up to the age of 25, If they mIss that, they can that youngsters up to the age of 25, If they mIss that, they can go that youngsters up to the age of 25, If they mIss that, they can go back I If they mIss that, they can go back to theIr If they mIss that, they can go back to theIr gp If they mIss that, they can go back to theIr gp and If they mIss that, they can go back to theIr gp and get If they mIss that, they can go back to theIr gp and get It. If they mIss that, they can go back to theIr gp and get It. You If they mIss that, they can go back to theIr gp and get It. To theIr gp and get It. You say thIs Is affectIng to theIr gp and get It. You say thIs Is affectIng a to theIr gp and get It. You say thIs Is affectIng a lot to theIr gp and get It. You say thIs Is affectIng a lot of to theIr gp and get It. You say thIs Is affectIng a lot of people Is affectIng a lot of people startIng off In lIfe, It Is dIffIcult to remember what vaccInatIons we have had but partIcularly for young people, they mIght not have theIr vaccInatIon record, they may not remember It, It happened at school, what was the sItuatIon wIth alex . He happened at school, what was the sItuatIon wIth alex . SItuatIon wIth alex . He was fully vaccInated as sItuatIon wIth alex . He was fully vaccInated as far sItuatIon wIth alex . He was fully vaccInated as far as sItuatIon wIth alex . He was fully vaccInated as far as we sItuatIon wIth alex . He was fully vaccInated as far as we could, I sItuatIon wIth alex . He was fully| vaccInated as far as we could, but not everythIng was avaIlable at that stage not everythIng was avaIlable at that stage. And yet he was In a workIng envIronment where he was InteractIng wIth a envIronment where he was InteractIng wIth a'>Tot EnvIronment where he was InteractIng wIth a tot of envIronment where he was InteractIng wIth a lot of people and meetIng a lot wIth a lot of people and meetIng a tot of wIth a lot of people and meetIng a lot of people, just as a student goIng lot of people, just as a student goIng back to unIversIty now, they are wIth goIng back to unIversIty now, they are wIth lots of people. Whereas In the covId are wIth lots of people. Whereas In the covId years people were not. How are ou the covId years people were not. How are you now . The covId years people were not. How are you now . I the covId years people were not. How are you now . I thInk the covId years people were not. How are you now . I thInk about the covId years people were not. How are you now . I thInk about hIm the covId years people were not. How are you now . I thInk about hIm every| are you now . I thInk about hIm every da. It Is are you now . I thInk about hIm every day. It Is devastatIng. Are you now . I thInk about hIm every day. It Is devastatIng. When are you now . I thInk about hIm every day. It Is devastatIng. When you are you now . I thInk about hIm every day. It Is devastatIng. When you are| day. It Is devastatIng. When you are a tamIty day. It Is devastatIng. When you are a famIty of day. It Is devastatIng. When you are a famIly of four and all of a sudden you are a famIly of four and all of a sudden you are a a famIly of four and all of a sudden you are a famIly of three and you go to places you are a famIly of three and you go to places you have'>Been and you can kInd of to places you have'>Been and you can kInd of feetm to places you have'>Been and you can kInd of feel. Feel the mIssIng'>Part KInd of feel. Feel the mIssIng part of kInd of feel. Feel the mIssIng part of the kInd of feel. Feel the mIssIng part of the famIly, I thInk. For me, It Is a part of the famIly, I thInk. For me, It Is a'>Sort Part of the famIly, I thInk. For me, It Is a sort of part of the famIly, I thInk. For me, It Is a sort of mIssIon to try and make It Is a sort of mIssIon to try and make somethIng good come out of It and to make somethIng good come out of It and to help make somethIng good come out of It and to help other people understand and to help other people understand and learn and to help other people understand and learn so that somethIng lIke that wItt and learn so that somethIng lIke that wIll not happen agaIn, and I thInk that wIll not happen agaIn, and I thInk vaccInatIon Is one'>ThIng But EducatIon thInk vaccInatIon Is one'>ThIng But EducatIon Is another. As thInk vaccInatIon Is one'>ThIng But EducatIon Is another. EducatIon Is another. As you ust oInted educatIon Is another. As you ust poInted out. fl educatIon Is another. As you ust poInted out, whIch I educatIon Is another. As you ust poInted out, whIch I I educatIon Is another. As you ust poInted out, whIch I dIdnt'>H EducatIon Is another. As you just I poInted out, whIch I dIdnt realIse, I thought the rash was always part of the pIcture. The I thought the rash was always part of the pIcture I thought the rash was always part of the pIcture. The symptoms dont all a ear of the pIcture. The symptoms dont all appear at of the pIcture. The symptoms dont all appear at once. Of the pIcture. The symptoms dont all appear at once. Our of the pIcture. The symptoms dont all appear at once. Our'>Message I of the pIcture. The symptoms dont all appear at once. Our'>Message Ofj all appear at once. Our message of vIgIlance all appear at once. Our message of vIgIlance Is all appear at once. Our message of vIgIlance Is to all appear at once. Our message of vIgIlance Is to be all appear at once. Our message of vIgIlance Is to be aware all appear at once. Our message of vIgIlance Is to be aware of all appear at once. Our message of vIgIlance Is to be aware of that vIgIlance Is to be aware of that'>Range-vIgIlance'>Range VIgIlance Is to be aware of that'>Range of vIgIlance Is to be aware of that'>Range of'>Symptoms VIgIlance Is to be aware of that'>Range of symptoms whIch vIgIlance Is to be aware of that'>Range of symptoms whIch are I vIgIlance Is to be aware of that'>Range of symptoms whIch are easIly confused'>Range of symptoms whIch are easIly confused wIth'>Range of symptoms whIch are easIly confused wIth'>Range'>SomethIng Range of symptoms whIch are easIly confused wIth somethIng lIke'>Range of symptoms whIch are easIly confused wIth somethIng lIke flu,. Confused wIth somethIng lIke flu, the early confused wIth somethIng lIke flu, the early stages, confused wIth somethIng lIke flu, the early stages, the confused wIth somethIng lIke flu, the early stages, the hIgh the early stages, the hIgh temperature, the early stages, the hIgh temperature, headache, I the early stages, the hIgh temperature, headache, confusIon. Could temperature, headache, confusIon. Could be temperature, headache, confusIon. Could be ftu temperature, headache, confusIon. Could be flu or temperature, headache, confusIon. Could be flu or even temperature, headache, confusIon. Could be flu or even a temperature, headache, confusIon. Could be flu or even a hangover I temperature, headache, confusIon. | could be flu or even a hangover but as the could be flu or even a hangover but as the dIsease could be flu or even a hangover but as the dIsease progresses, could be flu or even a hangover but as the dIsease progresses, you could be flu or even a hangover but as the dIsease progresses, you do. As the dIsease progresses, you do et as the dIsease progresses, you do get those as the dIsease progresses, you do get those classIc as the dIsease progresses, you do get those classIc sIgns as the dIsease progresses, you do get those classIc sIgns In as the dIsease progresses, you do get those classIc sIgns In some. Get those classIc sIgns In some cases, get those classIc sIgns In some cases. The get those classIc sIgns In some cases, the aversIon get those classIc sIgns In some cases, the aversIon to get those classIc sIgns In some cases, the aversIon to brIght. Get those classIc sIgns In some cases, the aversIon to brIght lIght, stIff neck, cases, the aversIon to brIght lIght, stIff neck, rash cases, the aversIon to brIght lIght, stIff neck, rash In cases, the aversIon to brIght lIght, stIff neck, rash In some cases, the aversIon to brIght lIght, stIff neck, rash In some but cases, the aversIon to brIght lIght, stIff neck, rash In some but not. Cases, the aversIon to brIght lIght, stIff neck, rash In some but not allj stIff neck, rash In some but not all cases stIff neck, rash In some but not all cases as stIff neck, rash In some but not all cases as sue stIff neck, rash In some but not all cases. As sue saId, stIff neck, rash In some but not all cases. As sue saId, It stIff neck, rash In some but not all cases. As sue saId, It Is stIff neck, rash In some but not all cases. As sue saId, It Is when cases. As sue saId, It Is when someone cases. As sue saId, It Is when someone Is cases. As sue saId, It Is when someone Is becomIng cases. As sue saId, It Is when| someone Is becomIng unwell, deterIoratIng someone Is becomIng unwell, deterIoratIng rapIdly, someone Is becomIng unwell, deterIoratIng rapIdly, you someone Is becomIng unwell, | deterIoratIng rapIdly, you may someone Is becomIng unwell, deterIoratIng rapIdly, you may know It yourself deterIoratIng rapIdly, you may know It yoursetf but deterIoratIng rapIdly, you may know It yourself but often deterIoratIng rapIdly, you may know It yourself but often It deterIoratIng rapIdly, you may know It yourself but often It Is It yourself but often It Is Important It yourself but often It Is Important for It yourself but often It Is Important for the It yourself but often It Is| Important for the people It yourself but often It Is Important for the people around It yourself but often It Is Important for the people around you, whether Important for the people around you, whether or Important for the people around you, whether or loved Important for the people around you, whether or loved ones Important for the people around you, whether or loved ones or Important for the people around you, whether or loved ones or or whether or loved ones or or whatever whether or loved ones or or whatever If whether or loved ones or or whatever. If you whether or loved ones or or whatever. If you are whether or loved ones or orI whatever. If you are spottIng sorneone whatever. If you are spottIng someone who whatever. If you are spottIng someone who Is whatever. If you are spottIngI someone who Is deterIoratIng rapIdty. Someone who Is deterIoratIng rapIdly, behavIng someone who Is deterIoratIng rapIdly, behavIng a someone who Is deterIoratIng rapIdly, behavIng a'>BIt Someone who Is deterIoratIng rapIdly, behavIng a bIt unusually, that Is rapIdly, behavIng a bIt unusually, that Is when rapIdly, behavIng a bIt unusually, that Is when you rapIdly, behavIng a bIt unusually, that Is when you need rapIdly, behavIng a bIt unusually, that Is when you need to rapIdly, behavIng a bIt unusually, that Is when you need to treat. That Is when you need to treat menIngItIs that Is when you need to treat menIngItIs as that Is when you need to treat menIngItIs as a that Is when you need to treat menIngItIs as a medIcal that Is when you need to treat menIngItIs as a medIcal emergency and seek menIngItIs as a medIcal emergency and seek urgent menIngItIs as a medIcal emergency and seek urgent medIcal menIngItIs as a medIcal emergency and seek urgent medIcal help. MenIngItIs as a medIcal emergency and seek urgent medIcal help. It. MenIngItIs as a medIcal emergency and seek urgent medIcal help. [It Is| and seek urgent medIcal help. It Is beIn and seek urgent medIcal help. It Is beIng open and seek urgent medIcal help. It Is beIng open to and seek urgent medIcal help. BeIng open to It and aware. And seek urgent medIcal help. It Is beIng open to It and aware. Thank| beIng open to It and aware. Thank ou for beIng open to It and aware. Thank you for comIng beIng open to It and aware. Thank you for comIng In beIng open to It and aware. Thank you for comIng In and beIng open to It and aware. Thank you for comIng In and explaInIng l you for comIng In and explaInIng that. I am sure It has'>Been helpful. It really has'>Been. When'>DavId Lawrence won'>A MIllIon pounds on the lottery, he knew exactly what to do. He bought a house In surrey, wIth a garden bIg enough to buIld a mInI'>Golf Course then he InvIted the neIghbours to come and play. Heres our reporter chrIs slegg. A year ago,'>Dave Lawrence celebratIng hIs lotteryjackpot. HavIng spent hIs lIfe workIng wIth dIsabled people, hIs prIorIty was to buy a house wIth a garden bIg enough to put to communIty use. Today, dave opened hIs garden crazy'>Golf Course. Im just thrIlled. ThIs thIs place, thIs house, what Im able to do. Not everyones got a garden, you know. Theres a lot of people wIthout a garden at all. And to share It Is wonderful. Theres three holes, each dedIcated to a'>Cause Close to daves heart. The nature hole. The'>BoccIa Hole celebratIng the paralympIc sport. And the'>Pudsey Hole whIch sarah was a'>Dab Hand at. I lIke crazy golf cos I lIke playIng. Its a good game and Its fun and Its healthy because Its more exercIse for me. Its gettIng me out from the house. It was quIte fun. I got all the. In the hole and I loved the day, Thank You. So were all goIng to have a go. Daves told local charItIes those In need wIll always be able to use the'>Golf Course. Whats really nIce Is thIs Is. We can come back agaIn and well be able to have more events here and well be able to get more Involved. And so the more that we come, the more the guys wIll get more skIlls. So theyll be more Independent and theyll feel more confIdent. Youve got to move It out from the fence. Thats It, take It from there. So how dId dave feel to see hIs dream become a realIty . SImply fantastIc. I try not to get too emotIonal. Absolutely, much better than Id even ImagIned. Its'>Been a couple of weeks of busy tImes, but Its superb, chrIs, Its absolutely fantastIc. In thIs leatherhead garden, theres a whole lot to feel good about. Yes chrIs slegg, bbc news. But all In. Shall we go . Well done for helpIng but all In. Shall we go . Well done for helpIng everyone. Its'>Been sIx years sInce they last released new musIc, but now'>Snow Patrol are back wIth a new album. They are back and then some theyve had a whIrlwInd of a summer, performIng a serIes of headlIne shows and festIvals across europe, and now theIr album Is headIng to number one In the charts. Heres a remInder of why theyve cemented themselves on the alternatIve rock scene. Lets waste tIme. ChasIng cars. Around our heads. If I lay here. If Ijust lay here. Would you lIe wIth me. And just forget'>The World . LIght up, lIght up. As If you have a choIce. Even If you cannot hear my voIce. Ill be rIght besIde you, dear. All I know. Is holdIng you Is all I ever wanna know. But maybe Im not brave enough to tell you so. But I dont have the strength to watch you go. Were joIned by'>Snow Patrol gary lIghtbody,'>Nathan Connolly and johnny mcdaId. Are very good mornIng to you. A lovely look back through some of your work and I tell you what, I put your work and I tell you what, I put your new album and In the car and I was cryIng by the tIme I arrIved stops I am sorry about that. Happy cryIng really powerful stuff because It Is sort of a journey and how tIme and space can change through your lIfe. The how tIme and space can change through your lIfe. How tIme and space can change through your lIfe. The maIn themes I was wrItIn through your lIfe. The maIn themes I was wrItIng about through your lIfe. The maIn themes I was wrItIng about was through your lIfe. The maIn themes I was wrItIng about was how through your lIfe. The maIn themes I was wrItIng about was how tIme through your lIfe. The maIn themes I was wrItIng about was how tIme can | was wrItIng about was how tIme can be mIschIevous, It speeds up and slows down. We thInk of It as lInear but It speeds up and slows down to the beat of our heart. Whatever we are In In our lIves, tIme wIll bend and twIst and move and speed up and slow down and I kInd of became obsessed by that. Slow down and I kInd of became obsessed by that. Yeah, In obsessed by that. Obsessed . Yeah, In wrItIn and obsessed by that. Obsessed . Yeah, In wrItIng and the obsessed by that. Obsessed . Yeah, In wrItIng and the lyrIcs. Obsessed by that. Obsessed . Yeah, In wrItIng and the lyrIcs. TIme obsessed by that. Obsessed . Yeah, In wrItIng and the lyrIcs. TIme Is wrItIng and the lyrIcs. TIme Is Infused through the whole record, and'>Love But Love Is obvIous. And love Is tImeless. The fact It has'>Been sIx years of tIme that your fans have'>Been waItIng, that feeds Into It, that Idea of waItIng and choosIng the rIght moment . Yeah. I thInk records choosIng the rIght moment . Yeah. I thInk records get choosIng the rIght moment . Yeah. I thInk records get made choosIng the rIght moment . Yeah. I thInk records get made the choosIng the rIght moment . Yeah. I thInk records get made the way choosIng the rIght moment . Yeah. I j thInk records get made the way they. Et thInk records get made the way they get made thInk records get made the way they get made and sometImes the journey. Oes get made and sometImes the journey goes to get made and sometImes the journey goes to places you dont expect It to. Goes to places you dont expect It to some goes to places you dont expect It to. Some great stuff comes out of that, to. Some great stuff comes out of that, as to. Some great stuff comes out of that, as well and that gets poured back Into that, as well and that gets poured back Into makIng the record. It Is sweat back Into makIng the record. It Is sweat and back Into makIng the record. It Is sweat and tears, so. That back Into makIng the record. It Is sweat and tears, so. Back Into makIng the record. It Is sweat and tears, so. That Is how It not sweat and tears, so. That Is how It got made sweat and tears, so. That Is how It got made. Use sweat and tears, so. That Is how It got made. Use make sweat and tears, so. That Is how It got made. Use make It sweat and tears, so. That Is how It got made. Use make It sound I sweat and tears, so. That Is howj It got made. Use make It sound as though It has'>Been a paInful process. Has It . It though It has'>Been a paInful process. Has It . Though It has'>Been a paInful process. Has It . It Is and also Its rocess. Process. Has It . It Is and also Its process. There process. Has It . It Is and also Its process. There were process. Has It . It Is and also Its process. There were tImes process. Has It . It Is and also Its process. There were tImes that l process. Has It . It Is and also Its process. There were tImes that were paInful process. There were tImes that were paInful but process. There were tImes that were paInful but most, process. There were tImes that were paInful but most, the process. There were tImes that were paInful but most, the way process. There were tImes that were paInful but most, the way It process. There were tImes that were paInful but most, the way It ended. PaInful but most, the way It ended and where paInful but most, the way It ended and where we paInful but most, the way It ended and where we got paInful but most, the way It ended and where we got to paInful but most, the way It ended and where we got to was paInful but most, the way It ended and where we got to was a paInful but most, the way It ended and where we got to was a real paInful but most, the way It endedl and where we got to was a realjoy. Probabty and where we got to was a realjoy. Probabty the and where we got to was a realjoy. Probably the most and where we got to was a realjoy. Probably the mostjoy and where we got to was a realjoy. Probably the most joy we and where we got to was a realjoy. Probably the most joy we have and where we got to was a realjoy. Probably the mostjoy we have ever felt In probably the mostjoy we have ever felt In the probably the mostjoy we have ever felt In the studIo. Probably the most oy we have ever felt In the studIo. Felt In the studIo. WhIch Is a lot to'>Fraser T felt In the studIo. WhIch Is a lot to'>Fraser T smIth, felt In the studIo. WhIch Is a lot to'>Fraser T smIth, we felt In the studIo. WhIch Is a lot to'>Fraser T smIth, we had felt In the studIo. WhIch Is a lot to'>Fraser T smIth, we had a felt In the studIo. WhIch Is a'>Lot L to'>Fraser T smIth, we had a great tIme to'>Fraser T smIth, we had a great tIme and to'>Fraser T smIth, we had a great tIme and we to'>Fraser T smIth, we had a great tIme and we have become really close and that tIme and we have become really close and thatjust changed tIme and we have become really close and that just changed everythIng and I and that just changed everythIng and I dont and that just changed everythIng and I dont thInk I have ever had more'>Fun Idont thInk I have ever had more fun In I dont thInk I have ever had more fun In the I dont thInk I have ever had more fun In the studIo. 30 I dont thInk I have ever had more fun In the studIo. Fun In the studIo. So you are stIll havIn fun In the studIo. So you are stIll havIng'>Fun Fun In the studIo. So you are stIll havIng fun together. Fun In the studIo. So you are stIll havIng fun together. Very fun In the studIo. So you are stIll havIng fun together. Very much'>L Fun In the studIo. So you are stIll. HavIng fun together. Very much so. It Is 30 havIng fun together. Very much so. It Is 30 years havIng fun together. Very much so. It Is 30 years In havIng fun together. Very much so. It Is 30 years In a havIng fun together. Very much so. It Is 30 years In a couple havIng fun together. Very much so. It Is 30 years In a couple of havIng fun together. Very much so. It Is 30 years In a couple of weeks, | It Is 30 years In a couple of weeks, It wIll be the 30th annIversary and stIll goIng very much very strong. That Is In a couple of weeks. ThIs week, the charts. Are you constantly refreshIng the charts . TrIo. 0h, week, the charts. Are you constantly refreshIng the charts . TrIo. Oh, come refreshIng the charts . No. Oh, come on refreshIng the charts . TIc. Oh, come on are you not . If It gets to number one, and It Is lookIng good, wont that be fantastIc . It number one, and It Is lookIng good, wont that be fantastIc . Wont that be fantastIc . It would be but we are not wont that be fantastIc . It would be but we are not checkIng but we are not checkIng laughter a poor result when you havent seen the match, a poor result when you havent seen the match, dont a poor result when you havent seen the match, dont tell a poor result when you havent seen the match, dont tell us. A poor result when you havent seen the match, dont tell us. The match, dont tell us. When you saw the album the match, dont tell us. When you saw the'>Album MouldIng the match, dont tell us. When you saw the'>Album MouldIng and the match, dont tell us. When you I saw the'>Album MouldIng and creatIng and shapIng over a perIod, what Is the moment at whIch you wIll agree, thIs Is It, thIs Is the baby . You would thInk thIs Is It, thIs Is the baby . You would thInk that thIs Is It, thIs Is the baby . Gm. Would thInk that would be. ThIs Is It, thIs Is the baby . You l would thInk that would be. Just after It comes would thInk that would be. Just after It comes out. Would thInk that would be. Just after It comes out. StIll would thInk that would be. Just after It comes out. StIll tInkerIngj after It comes out. StIll tInkerIng wIth It untIl after It comes out. StIll tInkerIng wIth It untIl the after It comes out. StIll tInkerIng wIth It untIl the fInal, after It comes out. StIll tInkerIng wIth It untIl the fInal, fInal wIth It untIl the fInal, fInal stages. EspecIally me, Im really bad at that. Does thIs snare'>Drum Need to be down a bIt . But we get there In'>The End but It Is a long process, I thInk the longest process Is when we fInIshed recordIng. That Is when we fInIshed recordIng. That Is maInly down to me. Is maInly down to me. Because you are such a Is maInly down to me. Because you are such a perfectIonIst . Is maInly down to me. Because you are such a perfectIonIst . No, Is maInly down to me. Because you are such a perfectIonIst . No, I Is maInly down to me. Because you are such a perfectIonIst . No, I aml are such a perfectIonIst . No, I am ust are such a perfectIonIst . No, I am just annoyIng just annoyIng. Laughter you are laughIng In agreements. AttentIon to detaIl Is Important but It Is hard attentIon to detaIl Is Important but It Is hard to attentIon to detaIl Is Important but It Is hard to let go because you know It Is hard to let go because you know It It Is hard to let go because you know It Is It Is hard to let go because you know It Is comIng and you are just tryIng know It Is comIng and you are just tryIng to know It Is comIng and you are just tryIng to make It the best It can be. ,. ,. ,. , tryIng to make It the best It can be. ,. ,. ,. ,. , be. You got together as teenagers. You must know be. You got together as teenagers. You must know one be. You got together as teenagers. You must know one another be. You got together as teenagers. You must know one another InsIde | you must know one another InsIde out. ,. , you must know one another InsIde out. ,. Out. Yeah, we are IncredIbly close, we talk a lot out. Yeah, we are IncredIbly close, we talk a lot. A out. Yeah, we are IncredIbly close, we talk a lot. A lot out. Yeah, we are IncredIbly close, we talk a lot. A lot of out. Yeah, we are IncredIbly close, we talk a lot. A lot of my out. Yeah, we are IncredIbly close, we talk a lot. A lot of my lIfe out. Yeah, we are IncredIbly close, we talk a lot. A lot of my lIfe has I we talk a lot. A lot of my lIfe has'>Been we talk a lot. A lot of my lIfe has'>Been In we talk a lot. A lot of my lIfe has'>Been In thIs we talk a lot. A lot of my lIfe has'>Been In thIs band. We we talk a lot. A lot of my lIfe has'>Been In thIs band. We talk a lot. A lot of my lIfe has'>Been In thIs band. We managed to ro e In'>Been In thIs band. We managed to rope In some'>Been In thIs band. We managed to rope In some famous'>Been In thIs band. We managed to rope In some famous backIng'>Been In thIs band. We managed to I rope In some famous backIng sIngers thIs tIme, dId you . Taste rope In some famous backIng sIngers thIs tIme, dId you . ThIs tIme, dId you . We dId. There was a wrIters thIs tIme, dId you . We dId. There was a'>WrIters StrIke thIs tIme, dId you . We dId. There was a'>WrIters StrIke and thIs tIme, dId you . We dId. There was a'>WrIters StrIke and sell. Was a'>WrIters StrIke and sell. Laughter laughter so It was your partners . Laughter so It was our artners . , so It was your partners . Sarah knott was In the studIo so It was your partners . Sarah knott was In the studIo at so It was your partners . Sarah knott was In the studIo at the so It was your partners . Sarah knott was In the studIo at the tIme so It was your partners . Sarah knott was In the studIo at the tIme by l was In the studIo at the tIme by kyocera was In the studIo at the tIme by kyocera was was In the studIo at the tIme by kyocera was In the at one poInt It sounded lIke we were on a rowboat and It was just men so It was on a rowboat and It was just men so It was nIce on a rowboat and It was just men so It was nIce to on a rowboat and It was just men so It was nIce to have gIrls on there. Courteney It was nIce to have gIrls on there. Courteney cox on the album. DId they ask to be on It or dIdnt organIc because they were hangIng around . I because they were hangIng around . I asked courts and you asked sarah. They asked courts and you asked sarah. They would asked courts and you asked sarah. They would have asked courts and you asked sarah. They would have heard asked courts and you asked sarah. They would have heard It asked courts and you asked sarah. They would have heard It around. Asked courts and you asked sarah. I they would have heard It around the house house. That I house. That Is| house. That Is nIce. House that Is nIce. Were you guys In the studIo when they were recordIng theIr bIts . That Is an InterestIng dynamIc for partners. Ltrufe theIr bIts . That Is an InterestIng dynamIc for partners. TheIr bIts . That Is an InterestIng dynamIc for partners. We were, and we let fraser dynamIc for partners. We were, and we let fraser'>Handle DynamIc for partners. We were, and we let fraser handle that. DynamIc for partners. We were, and we let fraser handle that. Probably| we let fraser handle that. Probably for the best we let fraser handle that. Probably for the best. PerfectIonIst we let fraser handle that. Probably for the best. PerfectIonIst phrase I for the best. PerfectIonIst phrase that uets for the best. PerfectIonIst phrase that gets to for the best. PerfectIonIst phrase that gets to handle for the best. PerfectIonIst phrase that gets to handle that. For the best. PerfectIonIst phrase that gets to handle that. It for the best. PerfectIonIst phrase that gets to handle that. It Is that gets to handle that. It Is potentIally that gets to handle that. It Is potentIally an that gets to handle that. It Is potentIally an InterestIng dynamIc when your partners are doIng the backIng vocals and you dont want to correct them or anythIng . I backIng vocals and you dont want to correct them or anythIng . Correct them or anythIng . I wouldnt dare. It Is correct them or anythIng . I wouldnt dare It Is a correct them or anythIng . I wouldnt dare. It Is a good correct them or anythIng . I wouldnt dare. It Is a good job correct them or anythIng . I wouldnt dare. It Is a good job that correct them or anythIng . I wouldnt dare. It Is a good job that they dare. It Is a good ob that they were good h dare. It Is a good job that they were good sIngers dare. It Is a good job that they were good sIngers and dare. It Is a good job that they were good sIngers and they I dare. It Is a good job that they I were good sIngers and they dIdnt ask so were good sIngers and they dIdnt ask so many tImes that you just saId ok. Ask so many tImes that you just saId 0k~ wIth ask so many tImes that you just saId ok. WIth thIs album, do you thInk 0k. WIth thIs album, do you thInk you have 0k. WIth thIs album, do you thInk you have such an establIshed'>Fan Base you have such an establIshed'>Fan Base that you have such an establIshed'>Fan Base that you wIll be stIckIng wIth them base that you wIll be stIckIng wIth them or base that you wIll be stIckIng wIth them or do you hope to brIng In new fans, them or do you hope to brIng In new fans. As them or do you hope to brIng In new fans, as well . Them or do you hope to brIng In new fans. As well . Fans, as well . Absolutely. The festIvals were fans, as well . Absolutely. The festIvals were great fans, as well . Absolutely. The festIvals were great thIs I fans, as well . Absolutely. The I festIvals were great thIs summer and there was festIvals were great thIs summer and there was a festIvals were great thIs summer and there was a lot festIvals were great thIs summer and there was a lot of festIvals were great thIs summer and there was a lot of young festIvals were great thIs summer and there was a lot of young people I festIvals were great thIs summer and there was a lot of young people In I there was a lot of young people In there was a lot of young people In the audIence there was a lot of young people In the audIence sIngIng. There was a lot of young people In the audIence sIngIng. It there was a lot of young people In the audIence sIngIng. It was there was a lot of young people In I the audIence sIngIng. It was amazIng to see the audIence sIngIng. It was amazIng to see that, the audIence sIngIng. It was amazIng to see that, just the audIence sIngIng. It was amazIng to see that, just generatIons to see that, just generatIons sIngIng to see that, just generatIons sIngIng along to see that, just generatIons sIngIng along to to see that, just generatIons sIngIng along to songs to see that, just generatIons sIngIng along to songs that I to see that, just generatIons I sIngIng along to songs that were to see that, just generatIons sIngIng along to songs that were as old as sIngIng along to songs that were as old as they sIngIng along to songs that were as old as they are sIngIng along to songs that were as old as they are. 18 sIngIng along to songs that were as old as they are. 18 years sIngIng along to songs that were as old as they are. 18 years old sIngIng along to songs that were as old as they are. 18 years old thIs I old as they are. 18 years old thIs year old as they are. 18 years old thIs year and old as they are. 18 years old thIs'>Yearahd Rum old as they are. 18 years old thIs yearand run, kept old as they are. 18 years old thIs year and run, kept sayIng old as they are. 18 years old thIs year and run, kept sayIng that, I old as they are. 18 years old thIs. Yearand run, kept sayIng that, It was amazIng yearand run, kept sayIng that, It was amazIng to yearand run, kept sayIng that, It was amazIng to see. Yearand run, kept sayIng that, It was amazIng to see. [ year and run, kept sayIng that, It was amazIng to see. Year and run, kept sayIng that, It was amazIng to see. I know you are not Interested was amazIng to see. I know you are not Interested In was amazIng to see. I know you are not Interested In the was amazIng to see. I know you are not Interested In the charts was amazIng to see. I know you are not Interested In the charts and I was amazIng to see. I know you are not Interested In the charts and the j not Interested In the charts and the numbers but I can tell you that when you look on spotIfy or any other'>StreamIng App and see the number of plays that the old stuff has had as well as the old stuff. I thInk chasIng cars Is the most'>RadIo Clyde Song of the century. ChasIng cars Is the most'>RadIo Clyde Song of the century. Those numbers can be dangerous. Song of the century. Those numbers can be dangerous. The song of the century. Those numbers can be dangerous. The metrIc song of the century. Those numbers can be dangerous. The metrIc for. Song of the century. Those numbers| can be dangerous. The metrIc for me Is that we get on stage every nIght and when we play people I sIngIng the song back and havIng a moment wIth us that feels specIal. What numbers are besIde that Is academIc to me. ,. ,. To me. You are so restraIned, I would be to me. You are so restraIned, I would be refreshIng to me. You are so restraIned, I would be refreshIng every I to me. You are so restraIned, I would be refreshIng every fIve | would be refreshIng every fIve mInutes. Laughter I thInk we have a clIp from the new album. The forest Is the path Is the album. There Is only you and me In thIs lIfe I dont want to mess It up now I dont want to mess It up now there Is nothIng for me In these past lIves there Is only one I wasnt yet there Is only one I wasnt yet If I made a mess. That was the'>Bbc Party In the park a couple of weeks ago. You have'>Been everywhere over the last few weeks and much more tourIng to come. Where are you goIng . Are you goIng . Around the uk and'>Euro Oe are you goIng . Around the uk and europe and are you goIng . Around the uk and europe and Ireland are you goIng . Around the uk and europe and Ireland In are you goIng . Around the uk and europe and Ireland In january I are you goIng . Around the uk and europe and Ireland In january and | europe and'>Ireland Injanuary and february, then the states and then around the rest of'>The World over the next year. Around the rest of'>The World over the next year the next year. And Is tourIng a dIfferent scenarIo the next year. And Is tourIng a dIfferent scenarIo now the next year. And Is tourIng a dIfferent scenarIo now than I the next year. And Is tourIng a dIfferent scenarIo now than It | the next year. And Is tourIng a I dIfferent scenarIo now than It was all those decades ago . As we all get older, a lIttle bIt more reserved and restraIned. Older, a lIttle bIt more reserved and restraIned. ,. , and restraIned. There are more gaps In between the and restraIned. There are more gaps In between the torIes and restraIned. There are more gaps In between the torIes twIce and restraIned. There are more gaps In between the torIes twIce more I In between the torIes twIce more recovery tIme . They mIght be a month In between whereas they mIght have'>Been a few days before there are a few more gaps between the tours. You to love performIng lIves and beIng wIth the fans. That you to love performIng lIves and beIng wIth the fans. BeIng wIth the fans. That Is everythIng. BeIng wIth the fans. That Is everythIng, when beIng wIth the fans. That Is everythIng, when the I beIng wIth the fans. That Is everythIng, when the three beIng wIth the fans. That Is I everythIng, when the three of us beIng wIth the fans. That Is everythIng, when the three of us are together everythIng, when the three of us are together playIng musIc, It all makes sense together playIng musIc, It all makes sense all together playIng musIc, It all makes sense. All the bIts In between makes sense sense. All the bIts In between makes sense. ,. Sense. All the bIts In between makes sense. ,. , sense. All the bIts In between makes sense. ,. , sense. That Is really InterestIng, It Is lIke that sense. That Is really InterestIng, It Is lIke that famIly sense. That Is really InterestIng, It Is lIke that'>FamIly ThIng sense. That Is really InterestIng, It Is lIke that'>FamIly ThIng when I It Is lIke that'>FamIly ThIng when you get together and spend tIme together and you know where you are, where you stand. Ltrufe together and you know where you are, where you stand. Where you stand. We are best frIends, where you stand. We are best frIends. As where you stand. We are best frIends, as well where you stand. We are best frIends, as well as where you stand. We are best frIends, as well as beIng I where you stand. We are best frIends, as well as beIng In I where you stand. We are best frIends, as well as beIng In a| where you stand. We are best frIends, as well as beIng In a band together frIends, as well as beIng In a band together and to get to do that wIth people together and to get to do that wIth people that you love, do somethIng you love people that you love, do somethIng you love wIth people you love Is especIally you love wIth people you love Is especIally specIal thIng. Ever thInk back to those especIally specIal thIng. Ever thInk back to those teenage especIally specIal thIng. Ever thInk back to those teenage lads especIally specIal thIng. Ever thInk back to those teenage lads and back to those teenage lads and thInk, oh, my god, we made It, and then we carrIed on and then we carrIed on agaIn . Or do you take It one step at a tIme . The carrIed on agaIn . Or do you take It one step at a tIme . One step at a tIme . The gIgs are dIfferent to one step at a tIme . The gIgs are dIfferent to the one step at a tIme . The gIgs are dIfferent to the fIrst one step at a tIme . The gIgs are dIfferent to the fIrst 20 one step at a tIme . The gIgs are dIfferent to the fIrst 20 years, I one step at a tIme . The gIgs are| dIfferent to the fIrst 20 years, we were paInted 20 people If we were lucky and now we are prIvIleged to play to tens of thousands of people because of those fIrst ten years, whIch keeps our feet on the ground and we dont take anythIng for granted because I thInk that was the best for me personally. As an Is year old If I had had success, I would have defInItely gone off the raIls, that Is for sure. So would have defInItely gone off the raIls, that Is for sure. RaIls, that Is for sure. So you whIle It was raIls, that Is for sure. So you whIle It was gradual. RaIls, that Is for sure. So you whIle It was gradual. Those l raIls, that Is for sure. So you I whIle It was gradual. Those ten ears whIle It was gradual. Those ten years took whIle It was gradual. Those ten years took the whIle It was gradual. Those ten years took the ego whIle It was gradual. Those ten years took the ego down whIle It was gradual. Those ten years took the ego down a whIle It was gradual. Those ten years took the ego down a lot I whIle It was gradual. Those ten l years took the ego down a lot of notches. �. ,. , notches. And to remember that hardwIck a notches. And to remember that hardwIck a bIg notches. And to remember that hardwIck a bIg part notches. And to remember that hardwIck a bIg part of notches. And to remember that hardwIck a bIg part of It. Notches. And to remember that hardwIck a bIg part of It. Yeah. | notches. And to remember that I hardwIck a bIg part of It. Yeah. We have'>Been tourIng hardwIck a bIg part of It. Yeah. We have'>Been tourIng for hardwIck a bIg part of It. Yeah. We have'>Been tourIng for a hardwIck a bIg part of It. Yeah. We have'>Been tourIng for a long hardwIck a bIg part of It. Yeah. We have'>Been tourIng for a long tIme I have'>Been tourIng for a long tIme and we have'>Been tourIng for a long tIme and we do have'>Been tourIng for a long tIme and we do It wIth love but you have to adapt and we do It wIth love but you have to adapt wIth age and be a lIttle less wIld to adapt wIth age and be a lIttle less wIld than we were when we were youngen less wIld than we were when we were ounuer. ~. Less wIld than we were when we were younger great less wIld than we were when we were younger great to less wIld than we were when we were younger. Great to haveI younger. MIght we all . Great to have ou here, younger. MIght we all . Great to have you here. Thank younger. MIght we all . Great to have you here, Thank You younger. MIght we all . Great to have you here, Thank You for younger. MIght we all . Great to have you here, Thank You forjoInIng younger. MIght we all . Great to have you here, Thank You forjoInIng us you here, Thank You forjoInIng us thIs mornIng. Snow patrol� s new album the forest Is the path Is out now. Stay wIth us headlInes comIng up. LIve from london. ThIs Is bbc news. Reports say'>Israels Spy Agency planted explosIves In thousands of pagers used by the armed'>Group Hezbollah the devIces exploded sImultaneously In lebanon. Israel hasnt commented. A taIwanese'>ElectronIcs FIrm denIes any Involvement, sayIng the pagers were made by a hungarIan fIrm It sIgned a deal wIth. A'>NIght InjaIlfor the amerIcan rapper'>Sean DIddy� combs after pleadIng not guIlty to charges of'>RacketeerIng And Sex traffIckIng. The prIncess of wales returns to work followIng her'>Cancer Treatment earlIer thIs year. And stargazers are treated to a rare phenomenon a'>Harvest Moon, a supermoon and a'>Lunar EclIpse all rolled Into one

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