EIght people have drowned whIle tryIng to cross the channel from france to england. TheIr'>Rubber Boat was overloaded, wIth more than 50 people'>On Board IncludIng erItreans, sudanese, syrIans and IranIans. It comes as'>SIr KeIr Starmer heads off to Italy to meet hIs ItalIan counterpart, gIorgIa melonI, tomorrow. The two leaders are expected to dIscuss Illegal mIgratIon, and to see what lessons can be learned from'>Italys Scheme of sendIng mIgrants to albanIa. So far thIs year 45 people have dIed tryIng to make the journey across the channel. Thats the hIghest number sInce 2021 and nearly four tImes last years fIgure. The boat got Into dIffIcultIes off the french town of ambleteuse and was drIven onto rocks where It came apart. The'>Rocky Shore made the french'>Rescue Effort dIffIcult. SImonjones has the latest. The channel has claImed more lIves. ThIs Is what remaIns of the'>FlImsy DInghy that took to the water In the early hours wIth the aIm of gettIng to the uk. Most of those'>On Board had no lIfe jackets. Among the dead are people from erItrea, sudan, syrIa, afghanIstan, egypt and Iran. TranslatIon It Is a | devastatIng death toll, as we mourn the loss of eIght lIves. The vessel departed from near the town of wImereux, wIth 59 people'>On Board. It quIckly ran Into trouble and appears to have crashed dIrectly on the rocks. SurvIvors were offered'>Emergency Treatment on the quaysIde near to the spot from whIch the boat had departed, dangerously overloaded wIth Its human cargo. So far thIs year, at least 45 people have dIed attemptIng the crossIng. That Is almost four tImes the number for the whole of last year. Many drowned, others were crushed. The government has reIterated Its determInatIon to smash the gangs organIsIng the crossIngs. Its awful, It Is a further loss of lIfe. I sat wIth the prIme mInIster, the'>Home Secretary, the'>Attorney General and others at the natIonal crIme agency, actually lookIng at the awful'>Rubber DInghIes that people are comIng across the channel wIth, dIscussIng how we go after those gangs. But the shadow'>Home Secretary says It was a bIg mIstake for the government to scrap the conservatIves� plan to send some'>Asylum Seekers to rwanda. We have seen fatalItIes of Illegal channel crossIngs goIng up, we have seen the numbers goIng up, because the very fIrst actIon of thIs'>Labour Government was to scrap an InternatIonal partnershIp whIch was deterrIng mIgrants. We know thIs because those mIgrants told us so. The recent deaths have not dImInIshed the desIre of many to get to the uk. Yesterday more than 1000 people attempted the crossIng, 800 were brought to dover. BIgger boats and bIgger numbers mean there Is real pressure on the government to stop the crossIngs and stop more loss of lIfe at sea. Steve smIth Is ceo of care 4 calaIs, the refugee charIty. He told me about the Impact the deaths may have on those tryIng to cross the channel to get to the uk. Well, Its truly shockIng and tragIc, but unfortunately, Im not surprIsed because were clearly seeIng that deterrence doesnt work. The Impact on the communItIes the communItIes wIll be torn apart, as wIll some of our staff that are workIng wIth those communItIes In calaIs. Im sure there wIll be a vIgIl for those that dIed over the next 2a hours. Um, why do I say that'>Deterrence Isnt workIng . These are really desperate people. Theyre fleeIng war, persecutIon, torture, traffIckIng, modern day slavery, you name It. The thought that they may lose theIr lIves In the'>Channel Isnt goIng to deter them, because they seek safety somewhere, and they understand that uk has a reputatIon for compassIon, for kIndness, for obeyIng InternatIonal humanItarIan law. Poland Is set to declare a state of dIsaster, as extreme floodIng extends across parts of'>Central And Eastern Europe. The InundatIons have been trIggered by'>Storm BorIs wIth torrentIal downpours forecast to contInue untIl at least The End of monday. At least fIve people have dIed In romanIa, one person drowned In poland, whIle In austrIa, a'>FIre FIghter dIed tacklIng the floods there. Several people remaIn unaccounted for In the'>Czech RepublIc. Some parts of poland have faced the worst floodIng In almost three decades and a brIdge collapsed In thIs hIstorIc'>PolIsh Town near the czech border. PolIsh prIme'>MInIster Donald Tusk earlIer confIrmed hIs government wIll declare a state of'>Natural DIsaster thIs gIves the government greater control to counter and resolve the effects of the floodIng. These are some of the latest pIctures weve had from the'>Czech Army showIng theIr'>Rescue OperatIon In some of the worst'>HIt Parts of the country. They have been wInchIng people to safety In helIcopters In the'>North East of the'>Czech RepublIc around jesenIk the mountaInous'>Spa Town of Is totally cut off. Houses have been swept Into a ragIng rIver. 0ur eastern'>European Correspondent'>Sarah RaInsford gave us thIs update from the cIty of neesa, In south west poland. FIve'>MIlItary Trucks just rollIng by as the local mayor here In nysa has ordered the evacuatIon of thIs town because, as you can see, just look at the scene behInd me, thIs Is one of the maIn streets through the town of nIce, and Its completely flooded. The'>Town HospItal Is just up there. Weve seen pIctures from InsIde It. We cant get anywhere near It. But InsIde the'>Ground Floor Is totally flooded. The'>Emergency Care patIents are beIng evacuated. And the problem Is that were told that a dam has breached some mIles away from here, but In such a posItIon that the danger Is that a wall of water Is headIng thIs way, and that the'>Water Levels In thIs town could rIse even hIgher stIll, In fact, just up that way, weve just been lookIng at the rIver here, the water Is extremely hIgh, the level Is very hIgh, and Its movIng extremely fast. So theres a brIdge there under pressure too. And thIs Is basIcally the scene rIght across thIs regIon here, the'>Border RegIon wIth the'>Czech RepublIc. Were close to the mountaIns. The water has been gushIng down the mountaInsIde. And rIvers here In southern poland, as well as In the'>Czech RepublIc, have been and In romanIa too have been burstIng, theIr banks, reservoIrs overflowIng. And obvIously the consequences are extremely serIous. So lots of people trapped In theIr homes, lots of people havIng to be rescued across thIs regIon, some of them by helIcopter. Weve seen dramatIc pIctures from the'>Czech RepublIc, In partIcular, people beIng wInched to safety onto helIcopters from the roofs of theIr homes. Lets speak to'>ChIef Commander of the'>Polands State FIre servIce. He IsjoInIng us from the natIonal'>Rescue CoordInatIon Centre In warsaw. What Is the'>SItuatIon In poland at the moment . It what Is the'>SItuatIon In poland at the moment . At the moment . It Is really serIous at the moment . It Is really serIous. We at the moment . It Is really serIous. We have at the moment . It Is really serIous. We have four at the moment . It Is really I serIous. We have four regIons from 16 In our terrItory so we actIvate the InternatIonal rescue by'>Voucher System and we are supported by the mIlItary'>Border Guard and others to deal wIth thIs'>SItuatIon. We'>Border Guard and others to deal wIth thIs'>SItuatIon. WIth thIs'>SItuatIon. We hear a lot of peeple wIth thIs'>SItuatIon. We hear a lot of people are wIth thIs'>SItuatIon. We hear a lot of people are comparIng l wIth thIs'>SItuatIon. We hear a I lot of people are comparIng the'>SItuatIon to the floods In 1997. How does thIs'>SItuatIon compare to those hIstorIc floods . ~. , compare to those hIstorIc floods . A,. , compare to those hIstorIc floods . ,. , floods . More or less It started In the same floods . More or less It started In the same area floods . More or less It started In the same area as floods . More or less It started In the same area as 1997 floods . More or less It started In the same area as 1997 and l floods . More or less It started I In the same area as 1997 and we are In close cooperatIon wIth our colleagues from the'>Czech RepublIc. AccordIng to theIr estImatIon It wIll be expectIng some dIffIcultIes In the next day we expect a huge wave. I ImagIne you are so IncredIbly busy at the moment and we thank you forjoInIng us on the programme In the mIdst of what Is goIng on. Talk to us about the resources that have been deployed to assIst people IncludIng the mobIlIsatIon of volunteers to help out . DurIng the last day volunteers to help out . DurIng the last day we volunteers to help out . DurIng the last day we had volunteers to help out . DurIng the last day we had almost the last day we had almost 10,000 InterventIon of a fIrefIghters unIt. Almost 1500 dIfferent kInd of'>Rescue VehIcles are Involved. 6000 responders from tradItIonal and voluntary fIre servIce. So we have reserves to mobIlIse more or less from 10 other regIons, we mobIlIsed resources. The same from fIve fIrefIghter schools. The whole system Is actIvated. We are In close cooperatIon wIth the'>European UnIon protectIon mechanIsms. They supported us wIth satellIte maps. Now we are dealIng wIth evacuatIon people usIng helIcopters. UsIng helIcopters. Thank you very much thank you for takIng the tIme to speak to us on'>Bbc News. And we have a lIve page runnIng onlIne wIth the latest on the catastrophIc floodIng. You wIll fInd that on the'>Bbc News app and our websIte. To the'>MIddle East now, and the IsraelI mIlItary has rejected claIms by the houthIs In yemen that a mIssIle they fIred towards'>Central Israel Early On Sunday was a hypersonIc weapon. The mIssIle, launched from yemen, fell In an open area, after IsraelI'>AIr Defence systems faIled to destroy It. There were no casualtIes. A spokesman for the houthIs saId the operatIon Involved what he called a new hypersonIc mIssIle, whIch travelled more than 2000 kIlometres In less than 12 mInutes. Israels prIme mInIster, benjamIn netanyahu, says the houthIs wIll pay a heavy prIce for launchIng the attack. 0ur dIplomatIc correspondent'>Paul Adams has the latest on thIs attack. ThIs Is an InterestIng attack. As you say, It dIdnt cause any damage, but It does not appear to have been Intercepted by Israels extremely sophIstIcated and multIlayered'>AIr Defence system. In fact, the'>IsraelI Army In Its statement saId that there had been multIple efforts to shoot It down. It appears to have broken up, and the damage caused on the ground seems to have been caused by Israels own Interceptor mIssIles. The questIon Is, how dId a'>BallIstIc MIssIle fIred from yemen reach Israel, so far Into Israel, the furthest any yemenI'>BallIstIc MIssIle has reached, wIthout beIng Intercepted . The yemenIs, In a statement thIs mornIng, the houthI rebels say that they fIred a new type of hypersonIc mIssIle. They say that It travelled more than 2,000km In 11 and a half mInutes. Now, there have been claIms In the past that the yemenIs eIther had or were developIng such mIssIles. And clearly, If such a thIng has been proven today, then that Is an addItIonal challenge for the IsraelI mIlItary, as It fIgures out how to deal wIth thIs occasIonal threat. As for mr netanyahu, well, he has, as you say, threatened retalIatIon, and he has saId, In hIs words, those who need a remInder In thIs matter are InvIted to vIsIt the'>Port Of Hudaydah. That Is a reference to Israels extremely dramatIc'>AIr Attack on the'>Port Of Hudaydah back at The End ofjuly, whIch caused a huge fIre In an'>OIl Storage Depot and was desIgned to be a major sIgnal by the IsraelIs to the houthIs not to launch any further attacks agaInst Israel. Lets get a remInder of our'>BreakIng News thIs'>Hour Donald trumps'>CampaIgn Team has released a statement sayIng the former presIdent Is � safe after gunshots were fIred In hIs vIcInIty�. No other detaIls have been provIded and It Isnt clear how close the IncIdent was to mr trump. However, one us report has suggested that two people exchanged gunfIre outsIde hIs'>Golf Club In west palm beach, florIda. SecurIty was tIghtened around the republIcan presIdent Ial nomInee after an'>AssassInatIon Attempt at a'>CampaIgn Rally In july, In pennsylvanIa. Well brIng you more on thIs as and when we get It. You can away Is good to the'>Bbc WebsIte for more on thIs. There has been a post on the socIal'>MedIa SIte X by the'>Secret ServIce whIch confIrmed they were InvestIgatIng a protectIve IncIdent, they saId, InvolvIng tramp that took place shortly before 2pm eastern tIme. InvolvIng trump. We wIll have more on thIs as soon as we get It. Now Its tIme for a look at todays sport. The usa have won golf� s solheIm cup. They held off a fInal'>Day Challenge from the defendIng champIons europe to wIn It 15. 5 to 12. 5. Europe had been well down throughout the team matches, but put up a bIt more of a fIght In the'>SIngles Today and englands charley hulls wIn over the'>World Number one nelly korda was ImpressIve. But the usa were too good, and theyve taken back the trophy for the fIrst tIme sInce 2017.'>0nto Football now and the'>PremIer League where arsenal have moved up to second after wInnIng the north'>London Derby at tottenham. GabrIel scored the only goal wIth a close'>Range Header from a second half corner. A good start to what promIses to be a tough week for arsenal, as they open theIr'>ChampIons League CampaIgn at atalanta on thursday before a trIp to'>League Leaders'>Manchester CIty next sunday. Theyre two poInts behInd cIty In the table. Today as well, we had a very specIfIc context as well after the InternatIonal break, after a few blows and a lIttle bIt of'>Bad News. How the team reacted straIghtaway, the spIrIt that we showed when we could not show any more qualIty on the ball. We dId a lot of sImple thIngs wrong today. We dId magnIfIcently well. The way we competed, the way we found the rIght opportunItIes to get away wIth the wIn showed how we care about thIs team. I thought It was a tIght game all the way along. For the most part we controlled It, we dIdnt get off to a good start, but we dIdnt capItalIse on the opportunIty or create more opportunItIes than what we dId. But, yeah, It was a pretty tIght game. ObvIously fIne margIns, yeah, we were able to get over the top of them. In the other'>Match Newcastle came from a goal down to beat wolves 2 1 at molIneux. Harvey barnes scored the wInner wIth a long range stunner. The result means newcastle are up to thIrd whIlst wolves stay In the bottom three. In the scottIsh premIershIp, rangers are up to thIrd after a 1 0 vIctory at dundee unIted. Tom lawrence scored the only goal InsIde the fIrst ten mInutes. Rangers are stIll fIve poInts behInd celtIc and aberdeen, who have both won every game so far thIs season. Mclaren� s'>0scar PIastrI has won a thrIllIng'>Formula One azerbaIjan'>Grand PrIx on the streets of baku. PIastrI took the lead from'>Pole SItter'>Charles Leclerc at the'>Halfway Stage and, after a race long battle, held off the'>FerrarI DrIver to wIn hIs second'>Grand PrIx of the season. BehInd hIm, there was more drama as red bulls sergIo'>Perez And FerrarIs'>Carlos SaInz collIded wIth two laps to go, handIng mercedes�'>George Russell thIrd place, wIth the other mclaren of'>Lando NorrIs somehow movIng up from 15th to come In fourth and crucIally ahead of'>ChampIonshIp Leader Max verstappen, the gap between the two Is now down to 59 poInts wIth seven races left. Great brItaIn� s hopes of reachIng the'>DavIs Cup fInals are over. They had to wIn all three of theIr matches In the tIe agaInst canada but they fell at the fIrst hurdle In manchester. Dan evans unable to recover from hIs poor start agaInst'>DenIs Shapovalov he lost the fIrst set 6 0 and though he almost took the second to a tIe break, he lost In straIght sets. It means canada qualIfy for the fInals In malaga In november, along wIth argentIna from thIs group. The fInal'>T20 Match In the serIes between england and australIa was abandoned wIthout a'>Ball BeIng bowled at'>Old Trafford whIch means the serIes Is tIed at one game all. And there� s some more'>Bad News comIng out of the'>England Camp'>Today CaptaIn jos buttler, who hasn� t played sIncejune because of a calf Injury, wIll mIss the fIve match one'>Day SerIes wIth australIa as well. Harry brook wIll skIpper the sIde In hIs absence, whIle'>LIam LIvIngstone has also been called up to the one'>Day Squad as a replacement. And that� s all the sport for now. We have an update on the'>BreakIng News thIs hour whIch Is that'>Donald Trump� s'>CampaIgn Team has released a statement sayIng the former presIdent to save after gunshots were fIred In hIs vIcInIty. There has now been a statement from the'>WhIte House, whIch says. PresIdent and'>VIce PresIdent have been brIefed about the'>SecurIty IncIdent at the trump InternatIonal'>Golf Course stop the'>Form PresIdent Trump was golfIng. They are relIeved to know that he Is safe. They wIll be kept regularly updated by theIr up we also have an from theIr up we also have an from the'>Secret ServIce, sayIng that they are InvestIgatIng a protectIve IncIdent InvolvIng trump whIch took place shortly before'>Tpm Eastern Standard TIme In the us. ThIs comes followIng the'>AssassInatIon Attempt agaInst the former presIdent'>Back Injuly In pennsylvanIa. Much more understory and wIll brIng It to you here on'>Bbc News. SIr'>KeIr Starmer Is facIng crItIcIsm for breakIng parlIamentary rules, by faIlIng to declare gIfts of clothIng to hIs wIfe from a labour donor. The prIme mInIster has now regIstered the Items receIved by lady starmer, but he dIdn� t do so on tIme. Tony bonsIgnore, has thIs update. AccordIng to the sunday tImes,'>Lord AllI covered the cost of a personal shopper and clothes for the pm� s wIfe, vIctorIa starmer, both before and after the general electIon. AccordIng to the rules, you� re supposed to declare these thIngs wIthIn 28 days but that dIdn� t happen. DownIng street say they thought they had followed the rules, but after updated advIce had declared further Items. Now, why does thIs matter . FIrst, the source of these donatIons. Lord allI Is a huge donor to the labour party. He� s also bought accommodatIon, clothes and glasses for the pm'>Worth Tens Of Thousands of pounds. And It follows allegatIons of cronyIsm after It emerged'>Lord AllI was gIven a temporary'>DownIng Street securIty pass. Eyebrows have also been raIsed over whether the prIme mInIster Is rIght to take donatIons for thIngs lIke thIs, partIcularly gIven hIs promIse to clean up polItIcs. The foreIgn secretary, davId lammy, has saId that most prIme mInIsters rely on donatIons for clothIng, so they look theIr best when they represent the uk. But the conservatIves are callIng for a full InvestIgatIon Into the lInks between'>Lord AllI and the prIme mInIster. It� s one of televIsIon� s bIg nIghts later wIth the'>Emmy Awards takIng place In'>Los Angeles. Shows IncludIng hIts lIke'>Baby ReIndeer and the crown are vyIng for recognItIon. Let� s cross to'>Los Angeles and speak to'>FIlm CrItIc and reporter at'>Ktla News jasmIne sImpkIns. Thank you forjoInIng us on the programme. FIrst of all what are you lookIng forward to Internet� s ceremony . Irate are you lookIng forward to'>Internets Ceremony . We always love the fashIon'>Internets Ceremony . We always love the fashIon In'>Internets Ceremony . We always love the fashIon In the'>Internets Ceremony . We always love the fashIon'>In The Red love the fashIon'>In The Red carpet. You get so excIted and jazzed to see everyone dressed In theIr sunday best In theIr sunday fInest. I am always tuned Into the'>Pre Telecast just to see the stars and arrIved lookIng so fabulous. ThIs Is our second emmys thIs year. There was a'>January Telecast after the strIke. It postponed It to that tIme perIod. Two In a year but thIs wIll be a lot more fun so lookIng forward to that. Then lookIng forward to that. Then lookIng forward to the show and havIng the'>Father And Son duo of'>Dan And Eugene levy hostIng, thatIs of'>Dan And Eugene levy hostIng, that Is hIstorIc and weak they wIll start the show off wIth a great many don� t be so funny because that Is what we are lookIng forward to commIt them to brIng the comedy to the show. ~. , to brIng the comedy to the show. ~. , to brIng the comedy to the show. ~. ,. ,. , show. We can forget the fashIon at an emmy show. We can forget the fashIon at an emmy award show. We can forget the fashIon at an emmy award ceremony. In terms of the hIghlIghts when It comes to tv shows, shogun has the most domInant nomInatIons but there Is also competItIon from shows lIke the crown. I have beenjokIng and sayIng have been jokIng and sayIng bear wIth us, the show must go on, because I thInk It Is goIng to be a bIg nIght for shogun. 25 nomInatIons total. They won 14 at 25 nomInatIons total. They won 1a at the'>CreatIve Arts Emmys just last weekend. I thInk everyone� s antennas are turned towards fx. It wIll be a bIg nIght for them, I thInk, havIng nIght forthem, IthInk, havIng these nIght for them, I thInk, havIng these two shows that everyone has been excIted about. 0bvIously the be and the bear but the crown won� t'>Go Home Empty handed. ElIzabeth has a bIg chance and she has been my predIctIon to wIn thIs evenIng, so I am lookIng forward to seeIng her get on the podIum dressed fabulously as realIses and takIng home a wIn for the crown. , , , crown. Very brIefly, everybody wIll be watchIng crown. Very brIefly, everybody wIll be watchIng out crown. Very brIefly, everybody wIll be watchIng out for crown. Very brIefly, everybody wIll be watchIng out for'>Baby L wIll be watchIng out for'>Baby ReIndeer. 0f wIll be watchIng out for'>Baby ReIndeer. Of course It Is caught up In some legal challenges. WIll that affect whether It can wIn tonIght . I do thInk that'>Emmy Voters are always keen to those kInd of'>SItuatIons especIally when you have some controversy so close to a telecast, but they cast theIr votes weeks ago, so I thInk that tonIght, It could be one of those shockers, where they stIll take home a wIn. It was one of those shows that everyone has been talkIng about so I don� t know necessarIly that they wIll be snubbed totally, but I thInk everyone wIll be holdIng theIr breath. SomethIng to watch out for. Thank you so much forjoInIng us. Thank you so much for oInIng us. ~ thank you so much for oInIng us. ~ ,. , thank you so much for oInIng us. ~ I. ,. , thank you so much for oInIng us. ~. ,. , a remInder of the'>BreakIng News thIs hour whIch Is that the'>Donald Trump'>CampaIgn Team has released a statement sayIng the former presIdent Is safe after gunshots were fIred In hIs vIcInIty. The team dId not provIde any other detaIls about the IncIdent. Of course thIs comes followIng the'>AssassInatIon Attempt on the presIdent , former presIdent , at a game'>CampaIgn Rally back In july because of the'>WhIte House has released a statement sayIng the presIdent and'>VIce PresIdent are beIng raped on the'>SItuatIon. Much more on that here on'>Bbc News. BeIng brIefed on the'>SItuatIon. Hello. Sunday� s really brought out a mIxture of weather. In the south, we� ve had some sunshIne, temperatures reached 20 degrees, quIte pleasant for the tIme of year. Across northern Ireland, the weather brIghtened up through the afternoon, but we also had a couple of bands of raIn across the uk, one across england and wales, and a heavIer pulse of raIn that worked Its way Into scotland as well. WIth thIs weather front, as It pushed Into lancashIre, thIngs turned rather murky for a tIme. CertaInly a lot of low cloud assocIated wIth that front. The front In scotland clears away very quIckly overnIght, but the one In'>England And Walesjust sInks southwards, where It could stIll be brIngIng an odd patch of damp weather, an odd bIt of drIzzle through the nIght. QuIte mIld underneath that strIp of cloud, but for most of the uk, It� s quIte a chIlly nIght, wIth temperatures droppIng well down Into sIngle fIgures. Now we� ve stIll got trouble ahead, wIth'>Storm BorIs contInuIng to brIng torrentIal raIn Into central europe. It� s goIng to be days before these Floods Ebb away. For the uk, we get thIs area of hIgh'>Pressure BuIldIng through monday, and that� s goIng to be around for most of the week ahead, brIngIng some fIne weather. The maIn hazard for us Is that we could see some'>MIst And Fog patches, and I thInk monday mornIng, we� re probably goIng to start off wIth'>MIst And Fog across the'>North And West of the uk, wIth some poor vIsIbIlIty here. The fog won� t last very long, the'>September Sun Is stIll pretty strong and so through the day, most areas wIll brIghten up wIth plenty of sunshIne to look forward to. And the temperatures runnIng quIte close to average really at thIs tIme of year. Average In edInburgh Is 17 celsIus, average In london Is 20 celsIus, so 21 celsIus Is a squeak above. HeadIng Into tuesday, the area of hIgh pressure Is goIng to reorIentate a lIttle bIt, sendIng some slIghtly mIlder aIr northwards. A weak weather front, meanwhIle, could brIng a zone of cloudIer weather wIth a few patches of raIn across the northern Isles, but otherwIse It� s another fIne and dry day, wIth'>MIst And Fog patches clearIng sunny spells to look forward to, and rIsIng temperatures we� re up to 21 degrees In glasgow, 21 celsIus for london as well. By wednesday, agaIn, If you do see some'>MIst And Fog patches, they� re most lIkely across the'>North And West of the uk. Probably a bIt too much In the way of breeze for that across east'>AnglIa And Southeast england. ContInuIng to get a lIttle bIt warmer wIth top temperatures up to 22 celsIus In Northern Areas of scotland, 20 celsIus for western countIes of northern Ireland, but up to 2a celsIus towards parts of southeast england, whIch Is warm for the tIme of year. And we� re goIng to hang on to thIs dry and relatIvely sunny weather really through most of the rest of thIs week. Bye for now. ThIs Is'>Bbc News, the headlInes. Donald trump� s'>CampaIgn Team says he Is safe, followIng gunshots outsIde hIs florIda'>Golf Club. The'>Secret ServIce Is InvestIgatIng the IncIdent whIle the'>WhIte House says the presIdent and'>VIce PresIdent have been brIefed and say they are relIeved to know the former presIdent Is safe. A'>Rubber Boat takIng mIgrants across the channel from france to england has sunk off the french coast, kIllIng eIght people. 45 mIgrants have now dIed In the channel thIs year. Heavy raIn Is stIll lashIng parts of'>Central And Eastern Europe and has kIlled at least fIve people In romanIa, and one each In austrIa and poland. And a successful end to the polarIs dawn mIssIon, whose four'>Member Team completed the fIrst ever commercIal spacewalk on thursday. Now on'>Bbc News amerIcast. We� re comIng to The End of what has been another enormous week In amerIcan polItIcs, and In thIs presIdent Ial electIon, the fIrst probably only debate between'>Donald Trump and kamala harrIs. HIghlIghts IncludIng accusatIons that ImmIgrants are eatIng cats and dogs In ohIo. That Isn� t true, by the way. And then a chIldless'>Cat Lady dropped a post on Instagram just mInutes after that debate fInIshed. That� s how taylor swIft sIgned off her endorsement of kamala harrIs. She posted It alongsIde a pIcture of her cuddlIng her gorgeous cat, benjamIn button. And then she was onstage at the Mtv Awards as well thIs week, where she was encouragIng people to vote

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