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released any time now. a total of 50 are set to be released over the next four days. israel confirmed they were given a list of those names and started to contact the families. as far as we know, families who may have hostages returned in the next few days have not yet had word of whether or not their loved ones names are on the list. in return for that hostage release israel will itself release 39 palestinian prisoners today, that is made up of 2a women, and 15 teenage boys, and that group is the first of 150 palestinian prisoners held in israeli jails who are due to be released as part of this. in the last few hours we have seen trucks rolling through the rafah crossing, in larger number than we have seen at any point during this war so far, taking that desperately needed aid into gaza, you can see there, pictures of the trucks that started to move through, a lot them carrying very basic things, like food and water, also medical supplies as well, but crucially fuel. egypt says that 130,000 litres of diesel will be delivered during each of these four days of the truce, as well as four days of the truce, as well as four trucks of gas, and that is cooking gas, and then as we say more than 200 trucks, round 230 trucks worth of aid that moved through there, through a large part of the moving after that ceasefire took place, reuters also reported early this morning, and sent these pictures of israeli tankings and armour vehicles moving sometimes within the gaza strip, but also reuters did film some of the vehicles moving outside the perimeter line, back in to southern israel. that will is what you can see on your screens now, of course when we heard from the israel defense forces here on bbc news, they said that many of their troops would stay within gaza and be taking up would stay within gaza and be taking up defensive positions during the four days of this ceasefire. 0ur middle east correspondent has more from jerusalem. as the sun rose over the gaza strip the new truce brought relative calm. and soon, after nearly seven weeks of brutal fighting, people were on the move, confronted by the overwhelming destruction. many left shelters, determined to make their way home. translation: we fled the death, the war, the devastation. - i don't understand how they could do this to us. israel had dropped leaflets warning hundreds of thousands of people i displaced in the south not to head back north, as it is still a war zone. and when large numbers did not heed that, palestinians say israeli forces opened fire. gunfire the bbc has verified the location of this video. the israeli military says it is looking into reports. through the morning aid has been rushing into gaza through egypt's rafah crossing. lorries loaded with fuel, medical supplies and food to try to ease the deep humanitarian crisis. for some, supplies couldn't arrive soon enough. this is a day that has been carefully choreographed. this afternoon 13 israeli women and children who have been held captive in gaza should be handed to the international committee of the red cross. they will then make their way home via egypt, and that will clear the way for 39 palestinian women and teenagers to be freed from israeli jails. in tel aviv, a weekly gathering to support the hostages�* families ahead of thejewish sabbath has a special meaning. it's an exciting day, very sad day but also very exciting because we are waiting for the hostages for such a long time. we hope everyone will be freed soon and in their homes. for both sides, as this fragile truce deal holds, there is a glimmer of hope. but there is caution too, with an end to this war still a long way off. yolande knell, bbc news, jerusalem. this is a deal that has been a long time coming, many days and weeks spent negotiating. israel and hamas do not negotiate directly with each and qatar have been the broker of the deal and they announced the details yesterday evening. let us speak now to qatar's former director of defence intelligence operations. thank you forjoining us here on bbc news, we have reflected on the role that qatar has played and talk us through some of the difficulties the of trying to broker a deal like, in the middle of a war between israel and hamas. the middle of a war between israel and hame— the middle of a war between israel and hamas. ., ~ , ., ., ., and hamas. thank you for having me. i think the difficulties _ and hamas. thank you for having me. i think the difficulties have _ and hamas. thank you for having me. i think the difficulties have been - i think the difficulties have been explained quite well from the spokesperson on the ministry of foreign affairs yesterday. it seems to me that it was a bumty road but we are here in the end, and i think that the qataris, the egyptians and the americans did a good job or as good a job as could be done to get here. both sides had very different expectations and different demands, how do you balance for example the israeli, the israeli need to continue this military operation as binyamin netanyahu has said, until hamas is removed from gaza, obviously with the need for a ceasefire, the need to release hostage, these are many competing and different objective, aren't they? and different ob'ective, aren't the ? ~ , ., and different ob'ective, aren't they? absolutely, and i israeli need to continue — they? absolutely, and i israeli need to continue this _ they? absolutely, and i israeli need to continue this military _ they? absolutely, and i israeli need to continue this military operation l to continue this military operation as binyamin netanyahu has said, until hamas is removed from gaza, obviously with the need for a ceasefire, the need to release hostage, these are many competing and different objective, aren't they? absolutely, and i think the "ty side was very clear, if —— qatari side was very clear, if there is no quick fix, all parties have to stay focussed on the mission at hand, which is the exchanging of the captives, and the hostages, fanned go day—by—day as we go. unfortunately the israelis have made the position clear, but this is not the position clear, but this is not the end, and they will commence operations once the exchange ends, the hope from the qataris is to move to another four day period, the israelis have stated that beyond the four days will be day—by—day based on a hostage release from hamas. 0bviously that is a difference, but the qataris, as we understand it, are focussing for the time being on these four, first four days of ceasefire, and truce. the qataris were clear about that hope, that it could progress beyond four days and humanitarian organisations have said the same, israel seemed to have largely ruled out a long—term settlement to all of this. do you think that qatari hope is realistic?— is realistic? well, i think it is realistic in _ is realistic? well, i think it is realistic in a _ is realistic? well, i think it is realistic in a sense _ is realistic? well, i think it is realistic in a sense that - is realistic? well, i think it is realistic in a sense that it - is realistic? well, i think it is| realistic in a sense that it has seen the results being proved for the most part in the past eight to nine hours, and we have already entered into the hostage and prisoner exchange or the captives the and prisoner exchange period, so it is a very delicate time. the qataris did, i think a well—thought—of thing, which is setting up an operation centre here in doha to co—ordinate every stage and iron out every wrinkle as it comes up. at the moment in real time, to avoid any snag in this process. time, to avoid any snag in this rocess. ., ~' time, to avoid any snag in this rocess. ., ~ , ., ., ., , process. thank you for “oining us here on but process. thank you for “oining us here on bbc news, _ process. thank you forjoining us here on bbc news, with - process. thank you forjoining us here on bbc news, with a - process. thank you forjoining us here on bbc news, with a qatari | here on bbc news, with a qatari perspective. nir barkat is the israeli economy minister. earlier, lucy hockings asked him if he supported the humanitarian pause and agreement to release hostages. well, it means that those children and women were taken hostages from their homes. they're innocent civilians that were taken by the hamas jihadists. they shouldn't have been released immediately, immediately with no condition. that's what anywhere in the world should, should happen. and these hamas jihadists want to kill us all. they raped our women. they took our babies into the oven. and these guys want to kill us all they want throws to the sea. can i ask you for an answer to that question? do you actually support the deal? because, of course, it's been structured to allow further releases. the incentive, of course, is a longer pause in fighting. but you will know that people like your national security minister has said this really does set a dangerous precedent. he is concerned, as others are in israel. this allows hamas to have a pause, to have time to regroup and rearm. what do you say to them? i support the deal. i, as part of the government, i listen to all the details. we care about our people. we care. we put them under shelter. we would do everything we can to bring them back home to their parents, to their wives and husbands and grandparents. for every one that we can return, it's the whole world for us. we care about our lives. and by the way, the hamas isis militants don't care about their people. they use them as human shields. their goal is destruction of anybody that is not a jihadist. they want to apply sharia law. and you should be cautious because you're next in line in terms of this cause that we're about to see the concerns about what hamas will do that i've just raised, how will the idf be using this time as well? are they going to be using it, do you think, to think about their tactics next? where are you at in terms of weaponry? does israel need more arms too, at a time like this? the israeli army is committed like the government, like everyone in israel, to eliminate hamas off the map. the pause is to bring some of our abducted hostages back home, the women and children. we will continue until total surrender. you know the phrase total surrender like nazi germany at the time, like imperialjapan at the time. we need to have total surrender? can i ask you more about that, that phrase that you're using because you say it's one that we understand total surrender. do you mean just total surrender of the hamas militants because gaza is a place that is run by hamas. we're talking about civil society in gaza as well. who exactly is it that you want to surrender? just to remind you, i don't remember britain or the united states at the tail end of the second world we're not talking about the second world war, though. i'm asking you about what is happening right now, not what happened then. what hamas is committing is worse than what the nazis did. it's worse because they took their own picture. i understand that. but when you say total surrender. total surrender of who? total surrender of all hamas leadership, the hamas militant groups, of course, everyone that took part in these atrocities are going to come to trial or go or will be killed. there's no other choice. we have to have hamas have total surrender. and by the way, they could finish this war in a minute if they raise the white flag and say they surrender, and they understand, they accept the fact that israel exists next to them and they take it off their charter, destroying israel and limiting israel off their charter. then we'll be happy to speak to new leadership that will take care of the palestinian palestinian and gaza. the time we were given for the hand over of those hostages and it will be a long process, it won't be a quick process but we were told it was due to begin at 4.00 local time, 15 minutes ago, now 11 israelis or dual nationals were were told would be released today and the egyptian state information service has issued a statement on thy hostages being held. —— thai. : that is what the egyptian government is saying, so we will continue to wait for comment from the thai government from hamas, there has been no comment from hamas, the thai prime minister has just tweeted, and confirmed along with the 13 israeli nationals, who are being released 12 thai nationals will also be among that number, that has been confirmed now, by the thai prime minister, they say that embassy officials are on their way now to pick them up. now as this hand ever, this very difficult and delicate hand over goes on, we have been told by the israeli government, that the israeli prime minister netanyahu, the defence minister are watching all of this unfold from the israeli ministry of defence which is beyond this square, the big building a couple of streets behind me, they are watching from a control centre there, surrounded by various senior military figures because of course the idf are involved in this, we know those hostages when they are released will be taken to a military base before being then passed on to various hospitals round israel, where they will be given medical care but also be reunited with their families who have had this anxious wait. notjust for the last families who have had this anxious wait. not just for the last seven weeks but for the last 24 hours as the deal has been signed. they had to wait for the ceasefire to come into force and they are now closer than they have been at any point in the last few weeks to being reunited with their loved ones, we are keeping you up—to—date with this developing story here on bbc news, another part of this deal was also aid, the movement of extra humanitarian aid and more trucks containing critical aid have entered gaza again this morning, the necessities they carry though, have been described by humanitarian organisations as a drop in the ocean, because the need and demand of those more than two million people who live in gaza is so great. lucy hockings spoke earlier where with someone from gaza and is currently based in iraqi kurdistan. when you said it's a drop in the ocean, the needs are really high, and we are talking about some release coming especially for displaced people who lost their houses. what is happening now is this aid will be supporting people access to food, people has been starving and access to water, and also making sure that the head sector is supported. the concern is that the needs are higher than what is getting in, if we want to paint a picture we are talking about before this round of escalation we had 80% of the people in gaza dependent on aid and we used to have 500 trucks getting into the strip. now we are talking about 2.3, round 2.3 million people in gaza need for assistance and we have round 200 trucks promised to come in today. still a relief but more is needed, more needs to be done, what is getting this is not enough, but at least people in gaza today have come out of the streets and we are seeing the sense of leaf, everyone when there is a little fear about what might happen in the few hours. that are coming. happen in the few hours. that are cominu. . ., ., happen in the few hours. that are comin. . ., ., ., , ., coming. once that aid ash rivals how do aid agencies _ coming. once that aid ash rivals how do aid agencies and _ coming. once that aid ash rivals how do aid agencies and the _ coming. once that aid ash rivals how do aid agencies and the people - do aid agencies and the people inside make the decision about who gets it? 50 inside make the decision about who nets it? ., . , ., gets it? so the agencies are co-ordinating _ gets it? so the agencies are co-ordinating and _ gets it? so the agencies are co-ordinating and it - gets it? so the agencies are co-ordinating and it will. gets it? so the agencies are co-ordinating and it will be | gets it? so the agencies are - co-ordinating and it will be focus co—ordinating and it will be focus on how to distribute aid, especially when it comes to fuel that will be provided for the infrastructure, and services. it will come down to the priorities, the many people who have lost their houses, many people are displaced and children will be in most need because they don't have anything. now, it is a hard decision to make when you have all the population under need, but there will be co—ordination mechanism, there are mechanisms in place to co—ordinate the efforts how it will be given out. we need a sense of stability and making sure that communications are working and the first thing to look at are people who have lost their houses and moves from the north to south and people who are in shelter as well. hesse from the north to south and people who are in shelter as well. have you manaued who are in shelter as well. have you managed to — who are in shelter as well. have you managed to speak _ who are in shelter as well. have you managed to speak to _ who are in shelter as well. have you managed to speak to your _ who are in shelter as well. have you managed to speak to your family - who are in shelter as well. have you | managed to speak to your family and friends? i managed to speak to your family and friends? ., managed to speak to your family and friends? . ., ., ., , , ., ~ ., friends? i have managed to speak to m famil friends? i have managed to speak to my family today. _ friends? i have managed to speak to my family today. i— friends? i have managed to speak to my family today, i asked _ friends? i have managed to speak to my family today, i asked them - friends? i have managed to speak to my family today, i asked them how i my family today, i asked them how did they sleep, usually the night before any ceasefire, or any pause, this is the first pause but any ceasefire is a rough night which was, i talked to my sister, she was happy to tell me she had a hot shower, she was relieved to be able to do so without being afraid of air strikes. i saw a video of a child i think 12, 13 years old, walking in the streets saying she so happy he can't hear the warplanes and drones. they had a nice meal as a family, coming together and many people in gaza are coming together to see each other in a long time, but at the same time many are now grieving and burying the people who have been killed and wither in the streets so it is a moment of relief but also grief as well. 36 thattives you an idea of some of the humanitarian difficulties that are being experienced in gaza, that is why you can see the rafah crossing, we have watched this morning the aid trucks moving in, some of the fuel trucks moving in, some of the fuel trucks moving in and you can see there now it is particularly busy, there now it is particularly busy, there are large crowds of people there, because the rafah crossing is where we are told that these hostages will be brought to on their way out of gaza and in the first instance into egypt. we know that there are 13 israelis or dual national, what we don't know is their identity, of course we know their identity, of course we know the identities of those missing hostages but we don't know who the first 13 are, who are being released at the moment, but we have had it confirmed in the last ten minutes there has been an additional release of 12 thai nationals. now on the 7th october when these attacks happened, there are many thai nationals who work in the kibbutz, that is why there was a large number of thai nationals who were among the hostages who were meld and the thai prime minister has tweeted on x, said that 12 thai nationals have already been released and are in the process of being handed over. you can see there, those live pictures of the rafah crossing, i think over the next hour or two, we will start to see a lot more of these life pictureser let me show you the tweet of the thai prime minister that we were talking about. confirmed that —— confirming that additional release of hostages, it is something we had been talking about, something we had been talking about, something we had been led to expect. it said it is confirmed by there are 12 thai hostages already released. basis officials are on their way to pick them up in another hour. their names and details should be known, please stay tuned. the thai prime minister confirms then the release of an additional 12 hostages. let us look at pictures of 0fer prison. this is the israeli detention centre, in the west bank and this is where palestinian prisoners are going to be released by israel, as part of this deal, there was the ceasefire element. the release of israeli hostages inside guard and the converse release of palestinian prisoners held by israel. you can see there, a scene which very much looks like they are preparing for that are prisoner release, think what was made clear, yesterday, when we started to learn about some of the choreography of this deal, the logistics the and how it would work, is that those palestinian prisoners would only be released by israel when they knew for sure that those first 13 hostages had been released, had been handed over safe, and well, had been handed over safe, and well, had been handed over safe, and well, had been brought back in to israel and then at that point we see what will be the final, the final piece in today's jigsaw which is the release of those palestinian prisoner, live pictures of 0fer prison. and lucy, ithink we prisoner, live pictures of 0fer prison. and lucy, i think we will see continuing live picture, at some point we will also see pictures from the israeli authorities, potentially of the hostages being handed over as well, and needless to say we are following every line of this developing story for you. we will be back with you, know you are watching closely as well, with me in the studio. frank, i i would like to start with you firstly, what do we know about what will happen with the hostages once they are released? what kind of time line are we looking at, what will they go through before they are allowed to be with their families again? right. be with their families again? right, well, as of now, _ be with their families again? right, well, as of now, we _ be with their families again? right, well, as of now, we are _ be with their families again? right, well, as of now, we are poised - be with their families again? right, well, as of now, we are poised at l well, as of now, we are poised at any minute for them to come out, to be handed over, across the border, the southern border of the gaza strip, rafah is expected where it will be handed into israeli custody, israeli security will check their identities to make sure they match. the list, the the list agreed between hamas and the israelis, and they will have a brief, very brief medical check because of course, who knows what conditions they have been held in, underground, we don't know what their feeding arrangements will be like. they will be taken by a fleet hoff military helicopters he's and flown to an air base in southern israel, and then they will probably ijy israel, and then they will probably by imagine a debrief, there will be more expensive medical checks and then they will be taking to tel aviv after that. are frank, we are closely looking at the rafah crossing but the other story we are keeping across, live pictures from is 0fer prison in the west bank. what do we know about the palestinian prisoners who will be released today? b5 palestinian prisoners who will be released today?— palestinian prisoners who will be released today? as is mentioned in the reports — released today? as is mentioned in the reports in _ released today? as is mentioned in the reports in the _ released today? as is mentioned in the reports in the news, _ released today? as is mentioned in the reports in the news, would - released today? as is mentioned in the reports in the news, would be i the reports in the news, would be chiidren— the reports in the news, would be children and se young people who were _ children and se young people who were detained in israel. this would be the _ were detained in israel. this would be the first— were detained in israel. this would be the first number of people who will be _ be the first number of people who will be released. it will be an egyptian _ will be released. it will be an egyptian security team in there to receive _ egyptian security team in there to receive them, because they are the main _ receive them, because they are the main mediator on the ground do that. they will_ main mediator on the ground do that. they will be _ main mediator on the ground do that. they will be taken through that, to egypt _ they will be taken through that, to egypt and — they will be taken through that, to egypt and then they will be united with their— egypt and then they will be united with their families after some medical— with their families after some medical check, security checks, so this will— medical check, security checks, so this will happen once the israeli delegation receives the israeli 13 released — delegation receives the israeli 13 released hostages. why delegation receives the israeli 13 released hostages.— delegation receives the israeli 13 released hostages. why were these eo - le released hostages. why were these people jailed? _ released hostages. why were these people jailed? jails _ released hostages. why were these people jailed? jails because - released hostages. why were these people jailed? jails because they i people “ailed? jails because they were people jailed? jails because they were accused _ people jailed? jails because they were accused according - people jailed? jails because they were accused according to - people jailed? jails because they l were accused according to israelis. this is an administrative detention. absolutely, detained by israel and they consider them as terrorists, so there _ they consider them as terrorists, so there is_ they consider them as terrorists, so there is like — they consider them as terrorists, so there is like sentence to be in prison— there is like sentence to be in prison and _ there is like sentence to be in prison and the supreme court in ismel— prison and the supreme court in israel should like make a decree to take them — israel should like make a decree to take them out according to the judicial— take them out according to the judicial system and this happened before, _ judicial system and this happened before, in— judicial system and this happened before, in 2014 when there is somem _ before, in 2014 when there is some... about won one,000 palestinian prisoners, one is the leader— palestinian prisoners, one is the leader of— palestinian prisoners, one is the leader of the hamas in gaza now and who is— leader of the hamas in gaza now and who is leading the military operation, again the israeli targets _ operation, again the israeli targets. 50 operation, again the israeli taraets. ., ~ ., ., , operation, again the israeli taraets. ., ~ ., ., targets. so do we know if any of these prisoner, _ targets. so do we know if any of these prisoner, women - targets. so do we know if any of these prisoner, women and - targets. so do we know if any of- these prisoner, women and children have been convicted of any violent crimes or where they all prisoner oafs administrative detention. ihla oafs administrative detention. no they are under like detention but there _ they are under like detention but there is— they are under like detention but there is no— they are under like detention but there is no like, they were in prison— there is no like, they were in prison because of some action taken against _ prison because of some action taken against them because of the israeli consider— against them because of the israeli consider them as a terrorist, doing something — consider them as a terrorist, doing something against the israeli targets _ something against the israeli taraets. ., �*, targets. earlier we saw spain's prime minister _ targets. earlier we saw spain's prime minister and _ targets. earlier we saw spain's prime minister and the - targets. earlier we saw spain's| prime minister and the belgian targets. earlier we saw spain's - prime minister and the belgian prime minister as well, they were there at the rafah crossing, discussing developments and calls for piece obviously and again reiterating a call from the european union, for a two—state solution. what has the egyptian president said about this over the past 24 hours. he egyptian president said about this over the past 24 hours.— over the past 24 hours. he said a lona over the past 24 hours. he said a long time — over the past 24 hours. he said a long time ago. — over the past 24 hours. he said a long time ago, the _ over the past 24 hours. he said a long time ago, the only - over the past 24 hours. he said a long time ago, the only solution | over the past 24 hours. he said a i long time ago, the only solution for this problem was two states. s. palestinian state on the border and the capital is eastjerusalem. what the capital is eastjerusalem. what the president said today, he is ready to accept what happen is called demilitarised palestinian estate, with the potential of the presence of international forces to help that. in order to convince israel to revive add and keep the peace process, once done that, i think lit make the legitimacy of hamas taking from them. because that is based on the defending the palestinian people and the state. 0nce palestinian people and the state. once a palestinian state is established it will help israel to achieve security. so what israel are trying to do toer eradicate hamas, they couldn't do that and i think that i will not eradicate hamas because they are under tunnels everywhere. the only way of establishing a palestinian state will help the security of israel because hamas will be over, and people will support the peace and i don't think will be in a potential attack against israel. in israel interest to have a palestinian state. . ., interest to have a palestinian state. ., ~ , , ., state. frank i will bring you in here, i state. frank i will bring you in here. i know _ state. frank i will bring you in here, i know earlier— state. frank i will bring you in here, i know earlier you - state. frank i will bring you in here, i know earlier you were | state. frank i will bring you in l here, i know earlier you were at state. frank i will bring you in - here, i know earlier you were at a contact meeting of foreign ministers from some of the neighbouring states, around in the middle east and round the conflict but also i think turkey, niece, they were there as —— indonesia, they were there as well. well. they are also calling for this palestinian state that has de mille tried with guarantees in the presence of european american and un enforcers, is that how they see it working too and un enforcers, is that how they see it working to— and un enforcers, is that how they see it working too— see it working too they didn't go into detail of _ see it working too they didn't go into detail of who _ see it working too they didn't go into detail of who should - see it working too they didn't go into detail of who should be - see it working too they didn't go . into detail of who should be running it, but yes, they were saying there is no point in having this military operation israel is doing in the gaza strip, unless there is some kind of o a hope of a future palestinian state, and it was put very eloquently by one of the foreign ministers at this group. he said look, you can't defeat a, a bad ideology and he was rethe fering to hamas here, because these people, these foreign ministers are no friends of hamas, they said you can't defeat a bad ideology unless you a better one, that one they said should be a sovereign palestinian state, about which there is almost no hope at the moment, because the peace process has been allowed to dribble away into the sand and all this time, israeli settlements are expanding right across the west bank and eastjerusalem taking up the spaces this future palestinian state is supposed to occupy. i pit to it the ministers i said do you think it is possible with the current israeli government, the see that state emerging and there was after long silence, a long pause and the answer was basically let us get a ceasefire first and worry about that after, but another interesting questions that my colleague lyse doucet put to them, was, whether they thoughts it was possible to have, whether they could envisage a pan—arab force, taking charge of security, in gaza, after the israel defense forces withdraw and it was a unanimous and emphatic no. we don't want to come in on the back of israeli band acts as they put it. irate in on the back of israeli band acts as they put it— in on the back of israeli band acts as they put it. we are 'ust hearing, anna, as they put it. we are 'ust hearing, anna. you-e h as they put it. we are 'ust hearing, anna, you're still _ as they put it. we are just hearing, anna, you're still whether's? - as they put it. we are just hearing, | anna, you're still whether's? where hearing from israeli tv stations that the israeli hostages have been transferred to the red cross, so that has happened. they are on their way to rafah, the border crossing with egypt. is that coming to you as and? , , ., ., , ., and? this is what we are seeing from one of the main _ and? this is what we are seeing from one of the main israeli _ and? this is what we are seeing from one of the main israeli tv _ and? this is what we are seeing from one of the main israeli tv channels, | one of the main israeli tv channels, as you say. they say they are only move towards the rafah crossing, they have been handed over. another of the main tv channels here as well, and remember the israeli networks have very good contacts with people within the administration, the military,

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