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hello, i'm anna foster. israel says its forces are striking hamas targets in all parts of gaza as well as his brother in lebanon. in all parts of gaza as well as hezbollah in lebanon. these pictures are from the israeli defence forces, showing their ground operations. the idf says it has encountered anti—tank missiles and machine gun fire as they advance into gaza. they say the situation is continuing to intensify. we can show you these live pictures of the gaza skyline, we have been continuing to see and hear notjust we have been continuing to see and hear not just this we have been continuing to see and hear notjust this morning but through the night the regular loud sounds of air strikes and explosions and artillery fire that comes from a point very close to us in southern israel. you can see the regular site of plumes of black and grey smoke on the skyline. our middle east correspondent yolande knell reports. shrouded in darkness, the gaza strip is pummelled from the air by israeli air strikes, with flares raining down to mark targets. and by day, the devastation and the huge human cost is clear. it was the subject of a briefing given to the un security council last night. according to figures from the palestinian ministry of health, some 40% of the more than 8,300 people killed in gaza were children. the true cost of this latest escalation will be measured in children's lives — those lost to the violence and those forever changed by it. more than 420 children are being killed or injured in gaza every day — a number that should shake each of us to our core. more than three weeks after israel endured its bloodiest ever day of attacks, it's been expanding its military operation to obliterate hamas, which controls gaza. israeli tanks are now slowly advancing, and the israeli prime minister rejects any idea of a truce. calls for a ceasefire are calls for israel to surrender to hamas, to surrender to terrorism, to surrender to barbarism. that will not happen. overnight, a glimmer of hope for israelis, celebrating after a soldier said to have been rescued by the army in gaza was brought home. some 238 hostages — israelis and foreigners — snatched on the 7th october remain captive. earlier, these three israeli women had been shown in a video put out by hamas. translation: when i saw the image of danielle - on tv my heart almost stopped. my wife and i were on one hand shocked, but on the other hand we felt relief that we saw her alive and that we see her. until today, we didn't know anything about her. entire neighbourhoods in gaza are being rendered unrecognisable. this fifth war in 15 years is the most brutal yet. and beyond the fighting, conditions grow tougher by the day. aid agencies saying that a small increase in the supplies now getting in isn't nearly enough. yolande knell, bbc news, jerusalem. let's speak to our middle east correspondent, yolande knell, who joins me from jerusalem. tell us more about the humanitarian situation, particularly the suggestion we might see increased numbers of aid trucks passing through the rafa crossing. we have heard that before, is it likely to happen soon?— heard that before, is it likely to happen soon? heard that before, is it likely to ha en soon? ~ . ., , happen soon? what we have seen so far is maybe — happen soon? what we have seen so far is maybe a _ happen soon? what we have seen so far is maybe a dozen _ happen soon? what we have seen so far is maybe a dozen committee - far is maybe a dozen committee doesn't matter dozen at the most of these lorries of food and medicine coming through the only crossing between gaza and the outside world thatis between gaza and the outside world that is not controlled israel. the white house aide overnight that it is in discussions with israel to try to improve the mechanisms so that more lorry loads of aid and go in. there is a real recognition that age many caring prices is taking shape and that is very much what is being voiced that emergency session of the un security council overnight with the heads of all these different un agencies coming forward and talking about how desperate the situation is becoming on the ground. {iii about how desperate the situation is becoming on the ground.— about how desperate the situation is becoming on the ground. of course it is still very difficult _ becoming on the ground. of course it is still very difficult to _ becoming on the ground. of course it is still very difficult to find _ becoming on the ground. of course it is still very difficult to find out - is still very difficult to find out what is happening inside gaza. we know that the israeli military operation has intensified in the north. our many civilian still in that part of the strip? we believe that part of the strip? we believe that in the north _ that part of the strip? we believe that in the north of _ that part of the strip? we believe that in the north of which - that part of the strip? we believe that in the north of which goes i that part of the strip? we believe i that in the north of which goes down including gas sat, there are still hundreds of thousands of palestinians who have not heeded this evacuation order, telling them to go south. some people did go south and returned to their homes because they were not able to find shelter. they saw the shortages of food and water as well. that is a complicating factor as the israeli ground forces advanced. we were told and it's really military briefing earlier that they were advancing slowly and meticulously but we have seen that this aerial bombardment still is continuing, a major part of the israeli operations. also some comments from hamas saying its fighters had managed to ambush three israeli military vehicles they said, they had used anti—tank missiles against them. it is not too clear what is happening, neither side for their own reasons wanting to give too much away about exactly what is happening on the ground. in too much away about exactly what is happening on the ground.— happening on the ground. in your re ort happening on the ground. in your report you _ happening on the ground. in your report you were _ happening on the ground. in your report you were talking _ happening on the ground. in your report you were talking about - happening on the ground. in your report you were talking about the hostages, and again we have heard the families of those hostages floating the idea of some kind of swap for palestinian prisoners in israel. is that something that is likely to be seriously considered as an option? likely to be seriously considered as an 0 tion? ., , likely to be seriously considered as an otion? . , , an option? certainly it is something that israel has _ an option? certainly it is something that israel has done _ an option? certainly it is something that israel has done in _ an option? certainly it is something that israel has done in the - an option? certainly it is something that israel has done in the past, - an option? certainly it is something that israel has done in the past, it i that israel has done in the past, it has done swaps for palestinian prisoners, mainly held in its jails palestinian armed factions when they have held prisoners, israelis when they have held the bodies of israeli soldiers also to bring them back so they can have a proper burial. you can see why, especially hamas had been talking about this as a possibility, the head of hamas in gaza we should remember is someone who was released by israel in the huge deal which saw something like 1200 prisoners being handed over in exchange for a captive israeli soldier who was held between 2006 and 2011 in gaza. the fact that you do have many of these people who have been released in past deals who have gone on to be part of what israel sees as major terrorist organisations continuing to plan attacks against israel, that does make it very difficult to sell some of these deals to the israeli public but it still very much as something talked about. we have the egyptian negotiators who are big part of the hostage negotiations going on in the background. hostage negotiations going on in the backuround. ., ~' , ., hostage negotiations going on in the backuround. ., ~' ,, ., hostage negotiations going on in the backuround. ., ~' ., ., background. thank you for “oining us. just want to show you these live pictures of the gaza skyline as we bring in and speak to lieutenant colonel richard hecht, spokesperson for the israel defense forces. we have seen and heard in southern israel the intensity of the israeli military operation going on in the north of gaza at the moment, what more can you tell us about what the idf are doing there? we more can you tell us about what the idf are doing there?— idf are doing there? we are intensifying _ idf are doing there? we are intensifying our— idf are doing there? we are intensifying our operation i idf are doing there? we are i intensifying our operation and we have to remember how all this started, hamas brought this on the people of gaza. we are now expanding our operation and intensifying it on the ground, in the air and sea. i wanted to ask you about the al-quds hospital, the subject of some discussion, palestinian red crescent said they were told to evacuate which they said it possible with a number of people and they said they raise increasing bombardment in that area, is that something that is being taken into account as the israeli air force continues those air strikes? taste israeli air force continues those air strikes?— air strikes? we are aware of the hositals air strikes? we are aware of the hospitals and — air strikes? we are aware of the hospitals and outraged - air strikes? we are aware of the hospitals and outraged by i air strikes? we are aware of the hospitals and outraged by the i air strikes? we are aware of the l hospitals and outraged by the fact that hamas are using these hospitals as terror bases. we talked about the other hospital, something that they do, i would also say that hamas can move their people, they have the capability. i have been looking at our picture, hamas are moving around. they can move people from the hospital, it is their responsibility, they brought this on their people. we responsibility, they brought this on their people-— responsibility, they brought this on their people. we saw yesterday the video that hamas _ their people. we saw yesterday the video that hamas released - their people. we saw yesterday the video that hamas released of i their people. we saw yesterday the i video that hamas released of several of those hostages but we also saw a glimmer of hope for people in israel in that the rescue we were told of an idf soldier. i think people would like to know more about that, what more can utilise about that rescue effort? —— what more can you tell us. 3 effort? -- what more can you tell us. �* , ., effort? -- what more can you tell us. ~ , . ., , us. a small event last night when rivate us. a small event last night when private 0ri _ us. a small event last night when private ori megidish _ us. a small event last night when private ori megidish was - us. a small event last night when private ori megidish was rescued| us. a small event last night when i private ori megidish was rescued by our ground operations and mass 2a hours in gaza. a small moment but again we still have another 239 hostages in gaza. to include the three ladies you mentioned that we used in a horrible matter by hamas, psychological warfare, to put these three ladies, talking and shouting on television, a very painful moment. on the other hand, having them released, rescued was a big deal in israel. a small minute of happiness —— to have ori megidish rescued. we are still in the fight. what about humanitarian aid and in those tracks that are waiting to pass through the rafa crossing? i know in various idf briefings of the past few days there has been an indication that humanitarian aid might increase, in other talks going on behind the scenes, is that something likely to happen soon? this is an interest in this to happen, it has been coordinated, there are trucks going in and there will be more coming in, also a germanic periods own that we have published for people to find shelter —— a humanitarian zone. in the south part of gaza. trucks went in and bobby moore trucks coming in. == bobby moore trucks coming in. -- there bobby moore trucks coming in. —— there will be more. there are serious concerns about... crosstalk. we are not fighting the civilians of gaza, this is an important thing to emphasise. it gaza, this is an important thing to emphasise-— emphasise. it is, very important, but there are _ emphasise. it is, very important, but there are still _ emphasise. it is, very important, but there are still concerns i emphasise. it is, very important, but there are still concerns about the civilian population and joe biden after he spoke to benjamin netanyahu a couple of days ago reiterated that israel had every right to defend its citizens from terrorism but also talked about a responsibility to do so in a manner consistent with international germanic alien law which prioritises the protection of civilians. he felt the protection of civilians. he felt the need to make that publicly, is that something which is happening? we heard it loud and clear we don't need the president, we are thankful for his remarks but we know from the idf that we are doing everything we can to minimise collateral damage to civilians. sadly hamas are hiding behind their civilians and conducting their war. they are firing from mosques, schools, international establishments inside the gaza strip. it is very complicated. i would say another thing, we have... hostages inside gas, we cannot forget that. it is not only the soldier or the older people, it is children, babies. i would ask you on bbc, have the red cross met these people coming on to see them? this is something which israel is really about is very troubling within the israeli public. when you say have the red cross been to see them, you suggesting the red cross have access to those hostages? that wouldn't appear to be the case. i would ask that, i would ask weight to let the red cross go and see our hostages to see that they are alive. that is the minimum international standard. it is not, these are not soldiers, these are children, grandmothers. to soldiers, these are children, grandmothers.— soldiers, these are children, grandmothers. soldiers, these are children, urandmothers. . ., ,, ., grandmothers. to be clear, i know ou have grandmothers. to be clear, i know you have asked — grandmothers. to be clear, i know you have asked the _ grandmothers. to be clear, i know you have asked the civilian - you have asked the civilian population in the north of gaza to move south and repeatedly, i know that message has been delivered clearly, but has been overcome and many hundreds of thousands have stayed behind in the north of gaza, some who have gone south and been displaced have chosen to return to the north again and we have seen the intensity of the idf operation. how will you protect those civilians who are in what has been described as the battlefield? i are in what has been described as the battlefield?— the battlefield? i would like to mention we — the battlefield? i would like to mention we are _ the battlefield? i would like to mention we are still _ the battlefield? i would like to mention we are still getting i mention we are still getting multiple salvos of rockets fired from the gaza strip into israel. every day. all the way up to tel aviv. they are still activating from within the whole gaza strip and firing at israel. we are moving meticulously and slowly, doing everything we can to minimise damage, but has high said, i know i am repeating this, but they are hiding behind their civilians. in a very cynical way, also in panels, and inside mosques, we are seeing it on the ground —— in tunnels. as this operation moves ahead seeing it. i wanted to ask you finally about what we have seen from the un general assembly a few days ago and the un security council, calling for a ceasefire or humanitarian pause. i know that the israeli government had been clear that is not going to happen. what is your response? i willjust amplify what our prime minister said. we have the obligation as a military to make sure this thing never happens to us again. i always go back to the 7th of october. it was a massacre, we cannot have this thing happened as again. wejust cannot. —— happen to us again. again. we 'ust cannot. -- happen to us aaain. . ~' ., ,, again. we 'ust cannot. -- happen to us aain. . ~' ., ,, us again. tenant kernel, thank you for “oininr us again. tenant kernel, thank you forjoining us. _ us again. tenant kernel, thank you forjoining us, speaking _ us again. tenant kernel, thank you forjoining us, speaking for- us again. tenant kernel, thank you forjoining us, speaking for the i forjoining us, speaking for the israel defence forces, reflecting on that increasing israeli military operation which we are still seeing and hearing. it's hector garzo. —— lets head to gaza. joining me now is our gaza correspondent rushdi abualouf. what is a situation? we are not far away from each other, we see and hear on this side the huge amount of outgoing fire and air strikes, and where you are, you and many hundreds of thousands of civilians around you are seeing and feeling the impact. yeah, last night there was a little pause of air strikes here, but this morning for air strikes in different areas resumed. we have to remember that this area is considered a safe area but israel keep targeting bases here in the south where about two thirds of the population now moved from the north into the cell. but the main focus of the israeli operation is in gaza city, and last night it was intensified in the north—west of gaza strip. it is near the coast and israeli border in the north. very heavy fighting in the area will stop very few people still having my still able to communicate, we are talking to locals, be managed to talk to someone in a camp close to talk to someone in a camp close to the area and he was talking about how serious the air strikes there are a mass of the exclusions in the area, they said the dust and smoke when making a real issue for civilians still living in the area. we are talking about 700,000 people who are still in the operation area, the place where israel has been bombing day and night. in gaza city, there was also another couple of strikes around the al-quds hospital. the hospital that israel inflates and calling the director to leave. he said it is impossible because about 40,000 people are taking the hospital as shelter and about 100 patients are being treated. eight or ten of them were connected to the life—saving machines. we are getting reports today about another 30 trucks heading back to gaza from the egyptian side, they said the process is very slow. the largest aid agency is very slow. the largest aid agency is also struggling to find trucks and fuel to move the food and medicine that egypt has been sending into gaza. a large amount of aid on the ground between the two crossings and they said the operation is very slow and needs to be more sufficient to allow more drugs into gaza. what we have got so far is 150 trucks in the last ten days, what we need according to the un is 100 trucks minimum everyday. just according to the un is 100 trucks minimum everyday. just describe for me, we minimum everyday. just describe for me. we can — minimum everyday. just describe for me. we can see _ minimum everyday. just describe for me, we can see the _ minimum everyday. just describe for me, we can see the tents _ minimum everyday. just describe for me, we can see the tents behind i minimum everyday. just describe for. me, we can see the tents behind you, so many people have been displaced and had to leave their homes as have you, and yourfamily and wife and your children, just ascribe to me what life is like they are now, where people are living, how you are managing to find food and water. water is the real issue. since israel said resumed this bombing water, what we have seen like a un title with clean water outside the hospital and hundreds of people queueing just to feel a little bottle of water, i met a father here in this 1020 told me yesterday that he had queued for six hours to get five for his family and said it is not enough, this is how people are struggling to get food and clean water in the hospital. the hospital, hundreds of family around me, but the hospital itself, the largest medical centre serving the two thirds of the population. the hospital itself had to shut many buildings and make them shelters for people, they shut them because they don't have the medicine, fuel to run them. what they have it is very essential building that is only focusing on life—saving vision. they have the operation room working and the emergency room working. the rest of the hospital, including the kidney dialysis department, has been shut. taste kidney dialysis department, has been shut. ~ ~ , . kidney dialysis department, has been shut. ~ ~' , ., ., , shut. we keep hearing about these dilomatic shut. we keep hearing about these diplomatic talks _ shut. we keep hearing about these diplomatic talks that _ shut. we keep hearing about these diplomatic talks that are _ shut. we keep hearing about these diplomatic talks that are going i shut. we keep hearing about these diplomatic talks that are going on i diplomatic talks that are going on behind the scenes with america, egypt, israel, various parties, promising an expansion of humanitarian aid but on the ground where you are, does it feel like thatis where you are, does it feel like that is likely to happen?- where you are, does it feel like that is likely to happen? well, the --eole that is likely to happen? well, the people here _ that is likely to happen? well, the people here in _ that is likely to happen? well, the people here in this _ that is likely to happen? well, the people here in this area _ that is likely to happen? well, the people here in this area are i that is likely to happen? well, thej people here in this area are asking for sustainable humanitarian corridor, people want to be able to feed and offer water to their people, they don't care about any other details. they are living and surviving, they want to survive first. of course there was a little hope when egypt decided to open this corridor, a little help when hamas was handed over the two hostages and second to hostages, but since then we haven't seen any movement. we understand from our reliable source in qatar that the talks are continuing. it is going very slowly. i think it is not even moving since yesterday. i tried to contact many people, the egyptians are talking about inviting hamas delegation, one of hamas leaders was saying that we might soon be to talk to and support these diplomatic effort. what they are now saying is that they are ready for a full exchange of prisoners, they said they are ready to exchange all of the prisoners in exchange for palestinian prisoners and the stopping of the war. they said they are ready to give the civilian and dual national in return for humanitarian situation and a ceasefire in the area. hamas had been saying that they are ready to cooperate, they are giving positive answers towards any ceasefire, but it does it seem that israel is willing to give it this chance. == willing to give it this chance. -- doesnt willing to give it this chance. —— doesn't seem. vacuum, take care. —— thank you, take care. you can also follow his house on the bbc live page, and our various other correspondings right around the region keeping you up—to—date with all the latest development in this fast—moving story. i could pick up on something, the medical situation in gaza. our real problem as he said, in terms of finding medication but also keeping life—saving equipment running. joining me now is salvi ross, a co—ordinatorfor the humanitarian movement doctors of the world in the occupied palestinian territories. thank you forjoining us. tell us more about the practical issues that doctors and medics are coming up against in gaza. fiiq doctors and medics are coming up against in gaza.— doctors and medics are coming up against in gaza. 0k, good morning. basically the _ against in gaza. 0k, good morning. basically the situation _ against in gaza. 0k, good morning. basically the situation in _ against in gaza. 0k, good morning. basically the situation in the - basically the situation in the health system and humanitarian is very hard. as your colleague explained. there is a huge lack of almost everything. especially medical supplies, almost everything. especially medicalsupplies, but almost everything. especially medical supplies, but more importantly everything now is the lack of fuel to make, produce electricity. the hospitals are being threatened, some have been damaged ljy threatened, some have been damaged by the bombardment. now, like 35% of the hospitals are out of order. 74% of the private health care facilities are not functional. it is very hard to work, and as your colleague said, the health workers are not only working but are victims of the situation, they are also running away from the bombardment. they are also taking care of the families. so it has been very hard to work. hospitals are basically trying to save lives, even trying to maintain connectivity to the incubators for the 130 newborn children. so those are all lives at risk, dialysis patients also facing a life risk. rover, we are seeing an increase in water —related disease due to the lack of facilities —— moreover. sewage water is being pumped out, 120 cubic metres per day. we are facing a huge crisis of water related diseases. it is starting and it is going to get worse. the humanitarian aid we are receiving is of course not enough. we need to see that what we had in gas and before de—escalation, it was protracted crisis. were almost 500 tracks were entering everyday with humanitarian aid —— trucks. now they say they are going to increase to 5100, depending on the source, so still 20%, we are talking about not even reaching the 100 we are demanding that would be the minimum to survive. ~ ., ., to survive. also, we heard earlier from the israel _ to survive. also, we heard earlier from the israel defence _ to survive. also, we heard earlier from the israel defence forces, . to survive. also, we heard earlier. from the israel defence forces, they say that hamas are using buildings like hospitals and the patients and staff as human shields. we know that in some cases the palestinian red crescent says that israel asked for the al-quds hospital to be evacuated, which they said was impossible. top because through how you would begin to evacuate patients and civilians from a hospital like that —— talk us through. it is that -- talk us through. it is impossible. _ that -- talk us through. it is impossible. first _ that -- talk us through. it is impossible. first of- that -- talk us through. it is impossible. first of all- that -- talk us through. it is impossible. first of all the l impossible. first of all the patients connected to life—saving machines, we don't have that right now. ambulances to move these people, some ambulances have been targeted, many are down. also the lack of fuel again. it is impossible, the lack of electricity to move all these machines with the people connected. this would be highly, highly not recommended. what is needed protect those facilities as stated in international humanitarian law, there is no way to move all these people. also you cannot move move 14,000 people that are taking shelter there, even more if you are not creating safe corridors. you are asking people to go out of the hospital, run to the south, while you keep bombing those roots. so, no, it is not going to happen, you cannot force people to move, you do not have enough stuff to oblige people to move, so that is ljy to oblige people to move, so that is by the keep on bombing around the hospital, to scare people and for stem to... people are not responding, the hospital is the safest place they have, even with all the threats the hospital is receiving. all the threats the hospital is receiving-— all the threats the hospital is receivinu. . ~' ., ., , receiving. thank you for “oining us. much more — receiving. thank you for “oining us. much more to t receiving. thank you for “oining us. much more to come i receiving. thank you forjoining us. much more to come from - receiving. thank you forjoining us. much more to come from here, i receiving. thank you forjoining us. | much more to come from here, live receiving. thank you forjoining us. i much more to come from here, live in southern israel, for now, let's head back to samantha's in london. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. head to allow page where we have developments updated regularly from our correspondings all over the middle east. back with all of the latest, thanks for being with us. hello again. in through wednesday night and all of thursday, storm ciaran will be with us with gusts of “p ciaran will be with us with gusts of up to 90 miles an hour with exposure in parts of the south, and widespread heavy rain falling on areas that already are saturated. the met office has an amber weather warning out for parts of northern ireland this morning, expiring at 9am. behind the weather front, it will brighten up before the next band of weather comes our way. the rain will arrive preceded by snow down to five or 600 metres, but tomorrow, as the rain continues to advance northwards, that will turn back to rain. for northern ireland in southern scotland, england and wales, it is a day of sunshine and showers, some of those could be heavy and thundery. windy across the north—east and south—west, and then we've got the of storm ciaran. this area of low pressure named storm ciaran is going to be pushing across southern areas as we go through wednesday night into thursday. the centre of the low will dictate where the strongest winds are going to be, there is still a little uncertainty about that, but what we do know is that we have got

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,Burial ,Someone ,Head ,Deal ,Possibility ,1200 ,Exchange ,Deals ,Fact ,Many ,2011 ,2006 ,Some ,Public ,Terrorist Organisations ,Hostage Negotiations ,Oining Us ,Background ,Negotiators ,Backuround ,Richard Hecht ,Operation ,Intensity ,Al Quds Hospital ,Hair ,Sea ,Area ,Palestinian Red Crescent ,Discussion ,Hospitals ,Strikes ,Israeli Air Force ,Terror Bases ,Account ,Hositals ,Hospital ,Picture ,Capability ,Responsibility ,Video ,We Saw ,Several ,We Responsibility ,Effort ,Rescue Effort ,Rescue ,3 ,Event ,Ori Megidish ,0ri ,2 ,239 ,Ladies ,Matter ,Television ,Rescued ,Psychological Warfare ,Fight ,Happiness ,Talks ,Interest ,Briefings ,Indication ,Behind The Scenes ,Rafa ,Periods ,Germanic ,Concerns ,Crosstalk ,Bobby Moore Trucks Coming ,Zone ,Bobby Moore ,Civilians ,Thing ,Population ,Joe Biden ,It Gaza ,Benjamin Netanyahu ,Protection ,Couple ,Citizens ,Manner ,International Germanic Alien Law ,Everything ,Collateral Damage ,Remarks ,President ,Mosques ,Firing ,Schools ,Establishments ,Hiding ,Hostages Inside Gas ,Red Cross ,Case ,Weight ,Access ,Wouldn T ,Red Cross Go ,Grandmothers ,Asked Grandmothers ,Grandmothers ,International Standard ,Urandmothers ,Message ,Battlefield ,Idf Operation ,Salvos ,Rockets ,Way ,Tel Aviv ,Damage ,Panels ,Tunnels ,Un General Assembly ,Pause ,Response ,Government ,Military ,Massacre ,7th ,Obligation ,Wejust Cannot ,7th Of October ,Tenant Kernel ,Oininr Us ,Ust Cannot ,Aaain ,Aain ,Hearing ,Rushdi Abualouf ,Hector Garzo ,Amount ,Fire ,Each Other ,Impact ,Areas ,South ,Safe Area ,Bases ,Cell ,Focus ,North West ,Camp ,Border ,Coast ,Locals ,Issue ,Mass ,Exclusions ,Dust ,Bombing ,Place ,Operation Area ,700000 ,Patients ,Director ,Israel Inflates ,Eight ,40000 ,Machines ,Ten ,Aid Agency ,Process ,30 ,Crossings ,Egypt ,150 ,Everyday ,Tents ,Life ,Yourfamily ,Title ,Family ,Father ,Bottle ,Five ,1020 ,Six ,Centre ,Hospital Itself ,Fuel ,Buildings ,Thirds ,Shut ,Building ,Emergency Room Working ,Rest ,Vision ,Operation Room ,Kidney Dialysis Department ,Taste Kidney Dialysis Department ,Parties ,Scenes ,Expansion ,Dilomatic ,Thej ,Corridor ,Eole ,Where ,Care ,Details ,Surviving ,Don T ,Movement ,Source ,Haven T ,Qatar ,Help ,Leaders ,Delegation ,Egyptians ,Wall ,Stopping ,Return ,National ,Chance ,Take Care ,Answers ,Doesn T ,Page ,House ,Correspondings ,Story ,Development ,Region ,Terms ,Problem ,Finding Medication ,Co Ordinatorfor ,Equipment Running ,Palestinian Territories ,Doctors Of The World ,Salvi Ross ,Medics ,In Gaza ,Doctors ,Issues ,Gaza Doctors ,Fiiq ,0k ,Black ,Health System ,Colleague ,Threatened ,Electricity ,Ljy ,Make ,35 ,Health Care Facilities ,Work ,74 ,Health Workers ,Victims ,Dialysis Patients ,Risk ,Life Risk ,Connectivity ,Incubators ,Rover ,130 ,Facilities ,Sewage Water ,Disease Due ,120 ,Crisis ,Diseases ,Receiving ,Gas ,Tracks ,De Escalation ,500 ,Minimum ,20 ,5100 ,Defence ,Staff ,Human Shields ,Cases ,First ,Ambulances ,Move ,Law ,14000 ,Corridors ,Roots ,Stuff ,Keep ,Stem To ,Threats ,T Receiving ,Developments ,Let ,Uk ,Latest ,Thanks ,Storm Ciaran ,Thursday ,Hello Again ,Gusts ,Exposure ,P Ciaran ,Heavy Rain ,90 ,Met Office ,Amber Weather Warning ,Weather Front ,Northern Ireland ,9am ,9 ,Rain ,Band ,Weather ,Snow ,600 ,Northwards ,Thundery ,Sunshine ,Showers ,South West ,Northern Ireland In Southern Scotland ,Wales ,England ,Winds ,Uncertainty ,Pressure ,Low ,Wednesday Night Into ,Know ,

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