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what they have said? so what they have said? much reaction already, i will read so much reaction already, i will read some of your comments out in the next hour. message me on twitter and instagram, oryou can the next hour. message me on twitter and instagram, or you can e—mail. millions of pupils in england head back to school after two months learning at home during the lockdown. from today care home residents in england can have one regular visitor — they can meet indoors and hold hands. and two people from different households can now meet outside for recreation, which can include a coffee on a bench or a picnic. although it is a bit cold for that... good morning. the duchess of sussex has said she found life within the british royal family so difficult that at times she didn't want to be alive any more. in an interview with oprah winfrey, meghan markle said she did not get help when she asked for it. meghan also claimed there had been concern within the palace, before her son was born, about the colour of his skin. the interview with harry and meghan went out overnight in the us and will be shown on itv at 9pm tonight and on itv hub, courtesy of harpo productions. in the interview, meghan said that there were conversations — relayed to her by harry — about how dark her son's skin might be when he was born. meghan also revealed that she had suicidal thoughts, and "just didn't want to be alive any more". she said she became lonely after limits were put on the things she could do, and she didn't go out for months. prince harry said his family cut him off financially in the first part of 2020, and that's why the couple struck deals with netflix and spotify, so that they could afford security. meghan was also asked about her relationship with kate, the duchess of cambridge. newspaper stories had suggested meghan had made kate cry in the run—up to harry and meghan�*s wedding. meghan said actually the reverse was true, but the account in the media was never corrected. our royal correspondent daniela relph has this report. the duchess of sussex didn't hold back. she described a royal life of loneliness and isolation that left her in the darkest of places. so, were you thinking of harming yourself, were you having suicidal thoughts? yes, this was very, very clear. wow. very clear and very scary. and, you know, i didn't know who to even turn to in that. these are the thoughts that i'm having the middle of the night that are very clear, and i'm scared, because this is very real. this isn't some abstract idea, this is methodical, and this is not who i am. meghan described feeling unsupported by what she called the institution. the duke and duchess of sussex! she talked about this charity event in january 2019. she said just before leaving, she told her husband that she'd thought about taking her own life. she describes how the glamour on the outside hid the pain on the inside. wait, listen, did you hearthat? the interview was personal, revealing, and at times, shocking. she told oprah winfrey that her son archie's mixed race heritage was an issue. that when pregnant, someone within the palace questioned how her child would look. in those months when i was pregnant, all around this same time, so we have in tandem the conversation of, he won't be given security, he's not going to be given a title. and also, concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he is born. what? and you're not going to tell me who had the conversation? i think that would be very damaging to them. the interview highlighted strained relations within the royal family. meghan said media reports claiming she made her sister—in—law, the duchess of cambridge, cry, were false. in fact, it was the other way round, she said, and kate had apologised. when harryjoined the conversation with oprah, he described how he felt both his brother and father were trapped within the royal family. of william, he said their relationship now needed space and he hoped it would heal. and he revealed a rift with his father. there's a lot to work through there. i feel really let down. because he's been through something similar. he knows what pain feels like. and this is... and archie's his grandson. but at the same time, of course, i will always love him. but there is a lot of hurt that's happened. there were lighter moments as well. the new baby is a girl, due in the summer. and life in california has brought the couple peace. this is, of course, one side of the story. but the interview is deeply critical of the royal family and its staff. it was a portrait of an institution unable or unwilling to help those struggling within it. daniela relph, bbc news. daniela is at buckingham palace. you said there it is one side of the story, is the palace going to say anything? it story, is the palace going to say an hinu ? , , story, is the palace going to say an hina? , , .,, story, is the palace going to say an hina? , , ._ ., story, is the palace going to say an hin? , , ._ ., ., anything? it is 'ust really hard to “udae, anything? it isjust really hard to judge. victoria- _ anything? it isjust really hard to judge, victoria. i'm _ anything? it isjust really hard to judge, victoria. i'm not- anything? it isjust really hard to judge, victoria. i'm not sure. - anything? it isjust really hard to | judge, victoria. i'm not sure. but anything? it isjust really hard to i judge, victoria. i'm not sure. but i judge, victoria. i'm not sure. buti think it is possible. a lot of the senior members of the royal family will not have watched this live overnight, so you can expect some of them to be given a briefing this morning. they will then have to have discussions in the royal household about whether this warrants some kind of response. there is so much to unpick inside this interview. a lot of it is also very personal. there are some things that theyjust won't address in any detail. but perhaps some of the more wider, institutional problems that meghan institutional problems that meghan in particular talked about, not being supported when she went to seek help, wanting that level of support to help her out of her isolation and help her mental health. that was not forthcoming, she said. could they perhaps address some of those more institutional issues around those areas, rather than more personal stuff? i think thatis than more personal stuff? i think that is possible. but i think this morning they will be looking at what has been said and trying to make a judgment call on whether it is worth responding, or referring to the position they often take, which is to say nothing at all. how damaging do ou to say nothing at all. how damaging do you think — to say nothing at all. how damaging do you think the _ to say nothing at all. how damaging do you think the claims _ to say nothing at all. how damaging do you think the claims are - to say nothing at all. how damaging do you think the claims are for- to say nothing at all. how damaging do you think the claims are for the l do you think the claims are for the royalfamily? i do you think the claims are for the royal family?— do you think the claims are for the royal family? i think some of them are really damaging. _ royal family? i think some of them are really damaging. we _ royal family? i think some of them are really damaging. we were - are really damaging. we were expecting this to be pretty explosive. we have seen all of those trailers to using it last week, which presented a fair bit of drama coming our way, and we were told that the interview would have nothing off limits. but i think it has gone much further than any of us expected. those uncomfortable questions asked about what archie would look like, how darker skin would look like, how darker skin would be when he was born. the questions around meghan feeling like she could take her own life, trying to seek help from palace officials. she said in interview she went to human resources at the palace and said, can you help me, and they said, can you help me, and they said, no, this is your lot, this is what comes with being a member of the royalfamily and what comes with being a member of the royal family and you have to navigate your way through this. why was she not given the extra level of support that she said just did not come to her. so, those kind of allegations will be really damaging. you know, you can't help but hark back to the interview that harry's mother diana did, her own big tv interview, where she also talked about loneliness, isolation, not being supported, more than 25 years on these are the same issues being raised again. on these are the same issues being raised again-— raised again. thank you very much, daniela. raised again. thank you very much, daniela- let's _ raised again. thank you very much, daniela. let's talk _ raised again. thank you very much, daniela. let's talk to _ raised again. thank you very much, daniela. let's talk to our _ raised again. thank you very much, daniela. let's talk to our north - daniela. let's talk to our north america correspondent, david willis. what is the reaction in the states? twitter has lit up, as you can well imagine. opinions very much divided. some people expressing sympathy for the couple, others calling for them to be stripped of their titles, duke and duchess. it would be, of course, the queen's decision on whether that happens. but we are expecting more from oprah winfrey, more on this story in a few hours' time. oprah winfrey is going to appear on the cbs morning show, with perhaps more clips from the interview that have not so far been shown. but a lot of people are aghast, i think it is fair to say. peoplejust people are aghast, i think it is fair to say. people just blindsided ljy fair to say. people just blindsided by some of those revelations, the bombshell revelations, many of which we featured on this programme throughout the morning. i have to say, they are being chewed over here, perhaps as avidly, perhaps as eagerly, perhaps in such forensic detail as they are about to be by the press there in the uk. fiur detail as they are about to be by the press there in the uk. our views about meghan _ the press there in the uk. our views about meghan is _ the press there in the uk. our views about meghan is polarised _ the press there in the uk. our views about meghan is polarised in - the press there in the uk. our views about meghan is polarised in the - about meghan is polarised in the states as they are in this country? or do they love her because she is one of their own? i or do they love her because she is one of their own?— one of their own? i think it is fair to say they _ one of their own? i think it is fair to say they love _ one of their own? i think it is fair to say they love her. _ one of their own? i think it is fair to say they love her. she - one of their own? i think it is fair to say they love her. she is - one of their own? i think it is fair to say they love her. she is one | one of their own? i think it is fair. to say they love her. she is one of their own, she is, of course, a child of the city, los angeles. she grew up yeah, she talked about working at humphrey yoghurt, one place that has appeared quite a few times on twitter this morning, as you can imagine. i think there is a feeling that she brings a diversity to the royal family that americans really recognise, really warm to. they love the royals here, of course. a lot of them struggle to understand the misgivings, the rancour and disputes that go on. that might explain why so many of them watched the crown so often. it is armchair viewing here and a lot of them can't get enough of it. oprah winfrey did ask harry and meghan if they watched the crown, and they were quite coy about it and said, yes, we have watched some. chris on twitter says i expect this will be the new brexit in dividing the country along the same lines. party girl says these two need a reality check, i'm sorry, i have no sympathy. john says is what prince andrew is accused of doing ok, and the mixed parentage of meghan not ok? and rhiannon says this kind of rubbish goes on in most families, just in a grander scale. saying he was cut off financially when he inherited millions from his mum does him no favours, especially what is going on in the world. i will read some more of those in the next couple of hours. children's minister vicky ford was asked for her reaction to meghan's comments that prince harry had been asked about how dark their baby's skin would be. you know, obviously i haven't seen the interview, because i wasn't up at one o'clock this morning. i was getting ready for schools coming back today. but i would say there is no place for racism in our society, and we all need to work together to stop it. let's talk to broadcastjournalist and writer afua adom. so many bombshell claims. let's talk about the suggestion that somebody at the palace talked about how dark archie's skin would be. what did you think about that? i archie's skin would be. what did you think about that?— think about that? i was shocked at this claim, — think about that? i was shocked at this claim, but _ think about that? i was shocked at this claim, but after _ think about that? i was shocked at this claim, but after i _ think about that? i was shocked at this claim, but after i heard - think about that? i was shocked at this claim, but after i heard it - think about that? i was shocked at this claim, but after i heard it i - this claim, but after i heard it i realised i was not surprised. this kind of insidious racism is prevalent in the uk, and sadly within the royal household. i think the questions over whether... how dark archie's skin would be, they are frankly just disgusting, dark archie's skin would be, they are franklyjust disgusting, and completely unnecessary, and so damaging. you know, meghan also talked about how they decided when meghan was pregnant, apparently there was a new decree that archie would not be a prince, and therefore he would not have the same protection. and she didn't say those two things are connected, despite what some newspaper headlines might tell you this morning, she didn't say there two things are connected. but i think they could be. and i think there was a decree made when she was pregnant, because this child was going to be of mixed race descent. perhaps theyjust didn't want archie to be a prince? they didn't want him to be a proper part of the royalfamily. so, he was othered even before he was born. this was a prime opportunity, missed by the royalfamily, to bring a mixed—race mother and this child and the family and reach out to millions of people to be properly inclusive. and it was absolutely mixed and it was trashed. and it was absolutely mixed and it was trashed-— was trashed. some people have su: rested was trashed. some people have suggested that _ was trashed. some people have suggested that by _ was trashed. some people have suggested that by not _ was trashed. some people have suggested that by not naming i was trashed. some people have i suggested that by not naming the individual who had that conversation, it damages every member of the royal family and everybody who works for the institution. meghan didn't say it was someone in the royal family. institution. meghan didn't say it was someone in the royalfamily. she didn't say it was one of the aides either. is that something she should have done, or was that enough? think that was enough. _ have done, or was that enough? think that was enough. i _ have done, or was that enough? think that was enough. i think— have done, or was that enough? in “ya; that was enough. i think there was an inference that it was somebody quite close to them, somebody quite influential. i don't want to speculate on who that was, and know did she. i think if she had named the person, it would be very damaging. ithink the person, it would be very damaging. i think the claims alone are damaging enough, what was said alone was damaging enough and clearly very hurtful to them. i think naming a person would not have made a difference. there is a lot of speculation on social media of who it was, but i think she did the right thing by saying those claims are out there, that conversation was had with harry, and how we relate it to her. she spoke her truth and talked about it, and talked about how hurtful it was. i talked about it, and talked about how hurtful it was.— talked about it, and talked about how hurtful it was. i want to read the full quote _ how hurtful it was. i want to read the full quote from _ how hurtful it was. i want to read the full quote from her _ how hurtful it was. i want to read the full quote from her about - how hurtful it was. i want to read the full quote from her about herj the full quote from her about her suicidal thoughts. the full quote from her about her suicidalthoughts. she the full quote from her about her suicidal thoughts. she said she had contemplated it, she had contemplated it, she had contemplated taking her own life. she said this. i remember how harry just cradled me. i went to the institution and i said that i needed to go somewhere to get help. i said that i had neverfelt to go somewhere to get help. i said that i had never felt this way before. i need to go somewhere. i was told i couldn't, because it wouldn't be good for the institution. what do you think of that? �* , ,., , institution. what do you think of that? ~ y, institution. what do you think of that? ~ y , ., that? absolutely shocking. someone who was suffering _ that? absolutely shocking. someone who was suffering so _ that? absolutely shocking. someone who was suffering so badly _ that? absolutely shocking. someone who was suffering so badly with - who was suffering so badly with their mental health that they consider taking their own life, she said the words i didn't want to be alive any more. she said she was ashamed to tell her husband that, knowing how much loss he had already gone through. and then when she told him, he was ashamed to talk about it as well, because he didn't know how they would handle that. for her to go to the institution, her her advisers, palace staff, she even went to human resources. that's true, went to human resources. that's true. she — went to human resources. that's true, she did. _ went to human resources. that's true, she did. let _ went to human resources. that's true, she did. let me _ went to human resources. that's true, she did. let me read - went to human resources. that's true, she did. let me read that l true, she did. let me read that quote. true, she did. let me read that uuote. �* , true, she did. let me read that tuote.�* , , true, she did. let me read that auote.�* , , �* ., true, she did. let me read that uuote. , , ., quote. because she wasn't a paid employee. _ quote. because she wasn't a paid employee, there _ quote. because she wasn't a paid employee, there was _ quote. because she wasn't a paid employee, there was nothing - quote. because she wasn't a paid | employee, there was nothing that they could do. i employee, there was nothing that they could do-_ they could do. i went to human resources. _ they could do. i went to human resources, she _ they could do. i went to human resources, she said, _ they could do. i went to human resources, she said, i- they could do. i went to human resources, she said, i didn't. they could do. i went to human l resources, she said, i didn't even know that buckingham palace had an hr department, but i suppose that makes sense. she said, i need help. they said, my heart goes out to you, i see how bad it is, but there is nothing we can do to protect you because you are not a paid employee. which is heartless?— which is heartless? completely heartless- _ which is heartless? completely heartless. imagine _ which is heartless? completely heartless. imagine being - which is heartless? completely heartless. imagine being told l which is heartless? completely. heartless. imagine being told we which is heartless? completely - heartless. imagine being told we are not paying you anything, therefore you have to put up and shut up. it seems ironic, because some members of the royalfamily, they seems ironic, because some members of the royal family, they have campaigned so much about mental health, about how important it is to look after mental health, working with mental health charities. and yet when someone within their own family suffering so badly with their mental health, they have suicidal thoughts, no help is given to them to save face for the royal family and save face for the institution. that, frankly, is beyond disgraceful and beyond a principle. brim. that, frankly, is beyond disgraceful and beyond a principle.— and beyond a principle. afra, i am auoin to and beyond a principle. afra, i am going to bring _ and beyond a principle. afra, i am going to bring in _ and beyond a principle. afra, i am going to bring in another - going to bring in another commentator. what do you think? it all sits uncomfortably with me to start _ all sits uncomfortably with me to start with — all sits uncomfortably with me to start with. why on earth would you want _ start with. why on earth would you want to _ start with. why on earth would you want to but — start with. why on earth would you want to put this out in the public arena? _ want to put this out in the public arena? this— want to put this out in the public arena? this is only going to be damaging. _ arena? this is only going to be damaging, only going to be damaging. especialty— damaging, only going to be damaging. especially when you are bringing in people _ especially when you are bringing in people who you are not going to say who it _ people who you are not going to say who it is _ people who you are not going to say who it is to — people who you are not going to say who it is. to me, obviously i have sympathy— who it is. to me, obviously i have sympathy for meghan if she was treated — sympathy for meghan if she was treated badly, and i understand, but the point _ treated badly, and i understand, but the point of— treated badly, and i understand, but the point of this is, why do this? what _ the point of this is, why do this? what is — the point of this is, why do this? what is the _ the point of this is, why do this? what is the point? where is the benefit? — what is the point? where is the benefit? how is this going to improve _ benefit? how is this going to improve any relationship with anyone? _ improve any relationship with anyone? surely this is something you could _ anyone? surely this is something you could have _ anyone? surely this is something you could have talked and worked with the family, instead of bringing it out into— the family, instead of bringing it out into the public arena damaging both families in such a terrible way? — both families in such a terrible way? i— both families in such a terrible wa ? , , , ., , both families in such a terrible wa ? , both families in such a terrible wa? , ., way? i suppose you could say not if our dad way? i suppose you could say not if your dad isn't _ way? i suppose you could say not if your dad isn't taking _ way? i suppose you could say not if your dad isn't taking your _ way? i suppose you could say not if your dad isn't taking your calls - way? i suppose you could say not if your dad isn't taking your calls any | your dad isn't taking your calls any more. afra, what is the point, what would you say to nana? i more. afra, what is the point, what would you say to nana?— more. afra, what is the point, what would you say to nana? i think when ou have would you say to nana? i think when you have been _ would you say to nana? i think when you have been through _ would you say to nana? i think when you have been through so _ would you say to nana? i think when you have been through so much - would you say to nana? i think when you have been through so much and| you have been through so much and had so many untruths written to you about the tabloids, a prime example when meghan was talking about the wedding rehearsal, and the newspaper said that meghan had made kate cry, but in fact meghan said it was the other way around, and kate had made meghan cry. the palace knew that, the institution knew that and didn't do anything to quell the incorrect headlines. she said the comms team did not want to know about it. i think when you have had so many untruths written about you, there comes a point when you say enough is enough. i think meghan has every right, as every single person on earth does, to speak their truth, to talk about what happened to them and to set the record straight. there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. i don't think we should ever be in a place where we dampen what people say, when we try and quell another woman's voice, we don't do that. {30 woman's voice, we don't do that. go ahead, nana? well, _ woman's voice, we don't do that. go ahead, nana? well, that's _ woman's voice, we don't do that. go ahead, nana? well, that's not - woman's voice, we don't do that. go ahead, nana? well, that's not the i ahead, nana? well, that's not the oint, ahead, nana? well, that's not the point. nobody _ ahead, nana? well, that's not the point. nobody is — ahead, nana? well, that's not the point, nobody is saying _ ahead, nana? well, that's not the point, nobody is saying you - ahead, nana? well, that's not the j point, nobody is saying you should quell— point, nobody is saying you should quell their— point, nobody is saying you should quell their voice, point, nobody is saying you should quelltheirvoice, i'm saying point, nobody is saying you should quell their voice, i'm saying the damage — quell their voice, i'm saying the damage that you're going to cause, you should — damage that you're going to cause, you should look at the collateral damage — you should look at the collateral damage before you do these things. if damage before you do these things. if you _ damage before you do these things. if you are _ damage before you do these things. if you are going to do something like that, — if you are going to do something like that, you need to get the palace — like that, you need to get the palace together and have a conversation as a group, as a team and a — conversation as a group, as a team and a unit, _ conversation as a group, as a team and a unit, and try to fix things in that way — and a unit, and try to fix things in that way. yes, you've got a right to speak, _ that way. yes, you've got a right to speak, but— that way. yes, you've got a right to speak, but he said he wanted to leave _ speak, but he said he wanted to leave this — speak, but he said he wanted to leave this country and go and settle elsewhere. — leave this country and go and settle elsewhere, fair enough, you do that. you said _ elsewhere, fair enough, you do that. you said you — elsewhere, fair enough, you do that. you said you wanted privacy, fair enough. — you said you wanted privacy, fair enough. do — you said you wanted privacy, fair enough, do that. but then you go and take an _ enough, do that. but then you go and take an interview with literally one of the _ take an interview with literally one of the most richest and powerful, influential— of the most richest and powerful, influential women on tv, which is 0prah— influential women on tv, which is oprah winfrey, and you error everything out there, you say you're going _ everything out there, you say you're going to _ everything out there, you say you're going to tell all. you also say things— going to tell all. you also say things happened, but you're not prepared — things happened, but you're not prepared to say who did those things — prepared to say who did those things. so, it's not good. it will never— things. so, it's not good. it will never end — things. so, it's not good. it will never end well. honestly, how do you see this _ never end well. honestly, how do you see this ending? how do you see this played _ see this ending? how do you see this played out _ see this ending? how do you see this played out for them and their relationship with their family? that is for ou, relationship with their family? that is for you. afra. — relationship with their family? that is for you, afra, i _ relationship with their family? t'isgt is for you, afra, i think? relationship with their family? that is for you, afra, i think? sorry, - relationship with their family? that is for you, afra, i think? sorry, i. is for you, afra, i think? sorry, i think the — is for you, afra, i think? sorry, i think the collateral— is for you, afra, i think? sorry, i think the collateral damage - is for you, afra, i think? sorry, i| think the collateral damage was, frankly, already done. it was already done before this interview was out there. i think in terms of how they wanted to play out, they've said their truth and said their piece, they want to move on. we both know it is not going to be that easy. the headlines are going to be rambling on and on in the days and weeks to come. but they have said what they want to say. harry and meghan have both said they want to repair ties with their family. meghan said she lost her father, lost her baby and almost lost herself, but prince harry said that prince charles was not taking his calls, there was a lot of hurt and they are working through it with william. they want to work through things with their family. and they want their side of the story to be heard. yes, it's not going to end well, but everybody has a right to their side of the story. the palace have put out their side, now it is their turn. yes, they did that through oprah winfrey, the royal family do it through the tabloids, everybody is using power at every turn. i everybody is using power at every turn. ., �* ~' everybody is using power at every turn. ., �* ~ ., ., , turn. i don't think the royal family have done — turn. i don't think the royal family have done much _ turn. i don't think the royal family have done much at _ turn. i don't think the royal family have done much at all— turn. i don't think the royal family have done much at all in - turn. i don't think the royal family have done much at all in terms i turn. i don't think the royal family have done much at all in terms of| have done much at all in terms of talking _ have done much at all in terms of talking about these things. in the open, _ talking about these things. in the open, public arena? i don't think that open, public arena? idon't think that has— open, public arena? i don't think that has been true at all. i think they— that has been true at all. i think they have — that has been true at all. i think they have been more reactionary. the ro al they have been more reactionary. royal family they have been more reactionary. iie: royal family don't they have been more reactionary. "iie: royal family don't have they have been more reactionary. i““ie: royal family don't have to, they have been more reactionary. iie: royal family don't have to, because they have the tabloids.— they have the tabloids. sorry, can i finish? i they have the tabloids. sorry, can i finish? i did — they have the tabloids. sorry, can i finish? i did listen _ they have the tabloids. sorry, can i finish? i did listen to _ they have the tabloids. sorry, can i finish? i did listen to you _ they have the tabloids. sorry, can i finish? i did listen to you and - they have the tabloids. sorry, can i finish? i did listen to you and i - finish? i did listen to you and i heard — finish? i did listen to you and i heard what you said, i would like to reply _ heard what you said, i would like to reply i_ heard what you said, i would like to reply. i respect what you are saying. — reply. i respect what you are saying, the royal family, the tabloids— saying, the royal family, the tabloids print what they are going to print, — tabloids print what they are going to print, they haven't particularly treated _ to print, they haven't particularly treated people well. i am not supporting the tabloids. but the point _ supporting the tabloids. but the point of— supporting the tabloids. but the point of this is that the outcome of this, _ point of this is that the outcome of this, the _ point of this is that the outcome of this, the damage this will cause to both them — this, the damage this will cause to both them and the royal family, it makes _ both them and the royal family, it makes no — both them and the royal family, it makes no sense to air it in public, and have — makes no sense to air it in public, and have everybody discussing it, everybody— and have everybody discussing it, everybody talking about how so—and—so was treated. you are not even _ so—and—so was treated. you are not even identifying people that have said these things. as regards to the question— said these things. as regards to the question about the baby, the skin tone and — question about the baby, the skin tone and all of that sort of thing, i've tone and all of that sort of thing, i've had — tone and all of that sort of thing, i've had people say things like that to m3, _ i've had people say things like that to me. i_ i've had people say things like that to me, i have two mixed children, and my— to me, i have two mixed children, and my son — to me, i have two mixed children, and my son is called ivory, they say, _ and my son is called ivory, they say, my— and my son is called ivory, they say, my goodness, i wonder how dark is he going _ say, my goodness, i wonder how dark is he going to — say, my goodness, i wonder how dark is he going to come out? if i call him ivory. — is he going to come out? if i call him ivory, what if he comes out likem _ him ivory, what if he comes out likem you _ him ivory, what if he comes out like... you know, sometimes people make _ like... you know, sometimes people make comments because they don't understand and it is ignorance. i don't _ understand and it is ignorance. i don't think— understand and it is ignorance. i don't think those things should be aired _ don't think those things should be aired out~ — don't think those things should be aired out. sort it out within your family. — aired out. sort it out within your family, don't put it on a global platform — family, don't put it on a global platform and destroy it, because i think— platform and destroy it, because i think it _ platform and destroy it, because i think it is — platform and destroy it, because i think it is destructive to the royal family— think it is destructive to the royal family on— think it is destructive to the royal family on them.— family on them. thank you both, really appreciate _ family on them. thank you both, really appreciate your _ family on them. thank you both, really appreciate your time, - family on them. thank you both, really appreciate your time, afra | really appreciate your time, afra and nana. thank you for your messages, i will read more in the next 30 minutes. has the interview helped change the narrative about the couple and why they left the royal family? the couple and why they left the royalfamily? some have suggested there might be double standards. they care about their own privacy, but what about the privacy of other members of the royal family? but what about the privacy of other members of the royalfamily? let me know your views on twitter, instagram and e—mail. millions of children in england are back to school after more than two months studying at home during the lockdown. many secondary schools will have a phased return during the week, allowing pupils to take covid tests, and facemasks will be worn in classrooms. there are also changes to the rules in england around meeting people outside, and to care home visits. john mcmanus reports. checking uniforms, packing bags. final preparations under way. like the cunningham family from cheshire, this is how many parents spent sunday evening ahead of the full reopening of schools in england today. most pupils have been at home for two months. plenty of time for families to get to know each other, but it has been a difficult period for many. it's been great having them at home and having all the time together. but for their sake, yeah, absolutely, really glad they're going back to see their friends and see their teachers and that community that they have that they've missed for such a long time. oh, just a little bit of normality. they're hoping that this return is for good. they went back in and it closed and then it opened. ours went back in just for one day then the schools closed down again and everything. to keep schools safe, older pupils will now be encouraged to take a test three times over the next fortnight, then to test themselves twice a week at home. they'll also be encouraged to wear masks. but these measures aren't mandatory. away from the classroom, other restrictions in england are also easing. as well as outdoor exercise, which has been allowed, you can now meet other people outdoors for recreation, whether it's one person, your household or a support bubble. and crucially, you can also sit down with them. rules are also changing in care homes, where the danger posed by the virus has led to families struggling to maintain contact with their loved ones. from today, residents in england can receive one regular visitor indoors. they won't be able to hug, but they will be able to hold hands. in scotland, the first minister, nicola sturgeon, says she'll announce changes to lockdown restrictions there on tuesday. they're likely to relate to meeting others outdoors. wales will review its covid measures on friday. the government in cardiff has spoken of restoring more freedoms. and in northern ireland, there'll be a staged return of pupils to school, starting with the very youngest today. back in cheshire, shaun and aiden have given their final verdict on their parents�* teaching efforts. mum, ten out of ten, dad, nine and a half. aiden? mum, ten out of ten, dad, ten out of ten! john mcmanus, bbc news. our correspondentjohn maguire is at a testing centre in york. hi,john, hi, john, tell us what is going on. yes, this is the second of the three tests thatjohn was just talking about in his report. so, this is the children, these are year 9, and they are being shown how to take the test themselves before going on to take themselves before going on to take them at home in the next couple of weeks or so. this is the old victorian railway sheds that have been converted into a sports hall. as you can see, converted today into a medical testing facility. heather robertson, you are from the york ri, it looks like an impressive set up, what does it take to get this up and running? what does it take to get this up and runnina ? ., , what does it take to get this up and runnina ? .,, . ., running? people are the main thing. we have a fabulous _ running? people are the main thing. we have a fabulous set _ running? people are the main thing. we have a fabulous set of— running? people are the main thing. | we have a fabulous set of volunteers who get _ we have a fabulous set of volunteers who get stuck into anything they need _ who get stuck into anything they need to— who get stuck into anything they need to do. generally that is a badminton or table tennis tournament, so it is a bit different. just getting bodies down to get— different. just getting bodies down to get things moved, get things cleared — to get things moved, get things cleared. but credit to the school in terms _ cleared. but credit to the school in terms of _ cleared. but credit to the school in terms of logistics.— terms of logistics. absolutely. quite a logistical— terms of logistics. absolutely. quite a logistical undertaking. j quite a logistical undertaking. anthony, you are the head of year 11 at the school. how does today feel, getting the whole school body back? there is a little bit of nervous excitement. the best thing about the 'ob is excitement. the best thing about the job is interacting with the students. it's really nice, actually, _ students. it's really nice, actually, to be around the students. they give _ actually, to be around the students. they give the place a real energy. there's _ they give the place a real energy. there's something a bit eerie about a school— there's something a bit eerie about a school that is nearly empty. so it's been— a school that is nearly empty. so it's been really nice to see the students _ it's been really nice to see the students. | it's been really nice to see the students-— it's been really nice to see the students. ~ ., , ., ., ., ~ students. i know you have worked hard to make _ students. i know you have worked hard to make remote _ students. i know you have worked hard to make remote learning - students. i know you have worked l hard to make remote learning work students. i know you have worked - hard to make remote learning work as well as you possibly could, and of course you've had children from key workerfamilies, vulnerable children worker families, vulnerable children as workerfamilies, vulnerable children as well. it is not the same? it’s as well. it is not the same? it's not. as well. it is not the same? it's not- we've _ as well. it is not the same? it's not. we've done _ as well. it is not the same? it's not. we've done the best we possibly can. not. we've done the best we possibly cah but _ not. we've done the best we possibly can. but trying to teach 30 black boxes _ can. but trying to teach 30 black boxes on — can. but trying to teach 30 black boxes on zoom is not quite the same as having _ boxes on zoom is not quite the same as having students in front of you that can — as having students in front of you that can maybe laugh at yourjokes, who knows? — that can maybe laugh at your 'okes, who knows?— who knows? well, good luck with that. annie, _ who knows? well, good luck with that. annie, you _ who knows? well, good luck with that. annie, you are _ who knows? well, good luck with that. annie, you are a _ who knows? well, good luck with that. annie, you are a cap - who knows? well, good luck with that. annie, you are a cap year i who knows? well, good luck with that. annie, you are a cap year 13 student. what of the last few weeks been like for you? i student. what of the last few weeks been like for you?— been like for you? i think they have been like for you? i think they have been difficult, _ been like for you? i think they have been difficult, and _ been like for you? i think they have been difficult, and i _ been like for you? i think they have been difficult, and i think— been like for you? i think they have been difficult, and i think that - been like for you? i think they have been difficult, and i think that was l been difficult, and i think that was a giveh _ been difficult, and i think that was a giveh but — been difficult, and i think that was a giveh but the _ been difficult, and i think that was a given. but the teachers - been difficult, and i think that was a given. but the teachers haven't. a given. but the teachers haven't 'ust a given. but the teachers haven't just taught — a given. but the teachers haven't just taught remotely, _ a given. but the teachers haven't just taught remotely, they- a given. but the teachers haven't just taught remotely, they have i just taught remotely, they have tried _ just taught remotely, they have tried to — just taught remotely, they have tried to teachers _ just taught remotely, they have tried to teachers in _ just taught remotely, they have tried to teachers in an - just taught remotely, they have tried to teachers in an exciting i tried to teachers in an exciting way _ tried to teachers in an exciting way. they _ tried to teachers in an exciting way. they haven't _ tried to teachers in an exciting way. they haven't just - tried to teachers in an exciting. way. they haven't just accepted tried to teachers in an exciting - way. they haven't just accepted we have to _ way. they haven't just accepted we have to do — way. they haven't just accepted we have to do it — way. they haven't just accepted we have to do it on— way. they haven't just accepted we have to do it on zoom, _ way. they haven't just accepted we have to do it on zoom, they - way. they haven't just accepted we have to do it on zoom, they have . have to do it on zoom, they have used _ have to do it on zoom, they have used a _ have to do it on zoom, they have used a zoom _ have to do it on zoom, they have used a zoom in _ have to do it on zoom, they have used a zoom in a _ have to do it on zoom, they have used a zoom in a way— have to do it on zoom, they have used a zoom in a way that - have to do it on zoom, they have used a zoom in a way that is- have to do it on zoom, they have used a zoom in a way that is a i have to do it on zoom, they have| used a zoom in a way that is a lot more _ used a zoom in a way that is a lot more exciting _ used a zoom in a way that is a lot more exciting for— used a zoom in a way that is a lot more exciting for us _ used a zoom in a way that is a lot more exciting for us and - used a zoom in a way that is a lot more exciting for us and i'm - used a zoom in a way that is a lot more exciting for us and i'm veryl more exciting for us and i'm very grateful— more exciting for us and i'm very grateful for — more exciting for us and i'm very grateful for that. _ more exciting for us and i'm very grateful for that.— grateful for that. what is it like beinh grateful for that. what is it like being back? — grateful for that. what is it like being back? you _ grateful for that. what is it like being back? you seem - grateful for that. what is it like being back? you seem to - grateful for that. what is it like being back? you seem to have| grateful for that. what is it like. being back? you seem to have a spring in your step? being back? you seem to have a spring in yourstep? i’m being back? you seem to have a spring in your step?— spring in your step? i'm very excited. _ spring in your step? i'm very excited. i'm _ spring in your step? i'm very excited, i'm very _ spring in your step? i'm very excited, i'm very happy. - spring in your step? i'm very excited, i'm very happy. i. spring in your step? i'm very i excited, i'm very happy. i have missed — excited, i'm very happy. i have missed people _ excited, i'm very happy. i have missed people a _ excited, i'm very happy. i have missed people a lot— excited, i'm very happy. i have missed people a lot and - excited, i'm very happy. i have| missed people a lot and unseen people — missed people a lot and unseen people has— missed people a lot and unseen people has boosted _ missed people a lot and unseen people has boosted my- missed people a lot and unseen people has boosted my mood . missed people a lot and unseen- people has boosted my mood already. good luck— people has boosted my mood already. good luck for— people has boosted my mood already. good luck for the _ people has boosted my mood already. good luck for the rest _ people has boosted my mood already. good luck for the rest of— people has boosted my mood already. good luck for the rest of the _ people has boosted my mood already. good luck for the rest of the term. - good luck for the rest of the term. stephen, a parent of two boys in the school. what has life been like in your house for the last few months? it's been tricky. but i think certainly— it's been tricky. but i think certainly my children, they have coped _ certainly my children, they have coped admirably in difficult circumstances. i think that's down to the _ circumstances. i think that's down to the learning this time around, like you — to the learning this time around, like you were saying before, how hard _ like you were saying before, how hard schools have worked at putting an exciting — hard schools have worked at putting an exciting educational package together. it was hard at first, when the first _ together. it was hard at first, when the first lockdown hit, because nobody — the first lockdown hit, because nobody was expecting it. we didn't really— nobody was expecting it. we didn't really know how to do remote learning _ really know how to do remote learning. but that has improved drastically. but it wasn't sustainable. to see two boys this morning — sustainable. to see two boys this morning stood in school uniform, eager— morning stood in school uniform, eager to — morning stood in school uniform, eager to get out of the door, eager for them _ eager to get out of the door, eager for them to— eager to get out of the door, eager for them to get out of the door as well, _ for them to get out of the door as well, it— for them to get out of the door as well, it is— for them to get out of the door as well, it is a — for them to get out of the door as well, it is a delight that they are back, _ well, it is a delight that they are back, its — well, it is a delight that they are back, it's brilliant. any well, it is a delight that they are back, it's brilliant.— back, it's brilliant. any anxiety from the boys? _ back, it's brilliant. any anxiety from the boys? i _ back, it's brilliant. any anxiety from the boys? i guess, - back, it's brilliant. any anxiety from the boys? i guess, yes, . back, it's brilliant. any anxiety| from the boys? i guess, yes, it back, it's brilliant. any anxiety i from the boys? i guess, yes, it is there. from the boys? i guess, yes, it is there- people _ from the boys? i guess, yes, it is there. people have _ from the boys? i guess, yes, it is there. people have alluded - from the boys? i guess, yes, it is there. people have alluded to - from the boys? i guess, yes, it is| there. people have alluded to this already _ there. people have alluded to this already. people are looking forward to the _ already. people are looking forward to the social aspect of it. but also, — to the social aspect of it. but also, that— to the social aspect of it. but also, that brings its own fears as welt _ also, that brings its own fears as welt if— also, that brings its own fears as well. if you've not been with people for so _ well. if you've not been with people for so long. — well. if you've not been with people for so long, you've got relationships to rebuild, and there are only— relationships to rebuild, and there are only 70 — relationships to rebuild, and there are only 70 people you can talk to one line — are only 70 people you can talk to one line. yes, that's there, but they— one line. yes, that's there, but they are — one line. yes, that's there, but they are more excited than they are anxious— they are more excited than they are anxious about it. till they are more excited than they are anxious about it.— anxious about it. all the best to ou and anxious about it. all the best to you and your — anxious about it. all the best to you and your family, _ anxious about it. all the best to you and your family, and - anxious about it. all the best to - you and your family, and everybody else at the school. this, of course, being replicated right across england for the next couple of days. some schools won't have started lessons today, but others, such as here in york, have gone straight into making this as full a school day as possible. when you think about it, it was that human contact that enabled the pandemic, the virus, to spread around the world. but this is now enabling a return to human contact, something that so many of us have been so anxious to see for such a long time. meanwhile in northern ireland pre—school, nursery and primary school pupils in p1 to p3 — that's under 8s — will return to full—time face—to—face teaching from today. they will then resume remote learning on 22 march to enable the return of years 12 to 14, until the start of the easter holidays. let's speak to our northern ireland correspondent, chris page... yes, it's back—to—school today for pupils and the youngest three years in primary school. we've come to st paul's primary in belfast. lots of children with different nationalities here and they are being celebrated with all these flags and some signs as well that this is not quite schooling in normal times so for example, you have these very colourful socially distant markers asking people to remain two metres apart. we had a steady stream of children coming back. they are now off in the school do various activities, many for the first time since christmas. let's go to the principle now, sean. what are your thoughts? you've got 200 pupils back this morning. it’s your thoughts? you've got 200 pupils back this morning.— back this morning. it's lovely to hear the sound _ back this morning. it's lovely to hear the sound of _ back this morning. it's lovely to hear the sound of children - back this morning. it's lovely to i hear the sound of children playing in the playground again and i think thatis in the playground again and i think that is what has been missing since christmas. it was fairly straightforward this morning, most parents are doing to social distancing as well as they could. you do get the odd hiccup. we had one child whose parents sent him from the wrong year group but it's a small problem and i'm glad to say this morning it's gone as well as it could. ih this morning it's gone as well as it could. , ._ ., , , could. in the playground behind us, there are about _ could. in the playground behind us, there are about 200 _ could. in the playground behind us, there are about 200 or _ could. in the playground behind us, there are about 200 or so - could. in the playground behind us, there are about 200 or so children. there are about 200 or so children playing. is the priorityjust to get them used to being back together again? we them used to being back together ahain? ~ , ., . again? we definitely need to have the children _ again? we definitely need to have the children playing _ again? we definitely need to have the children playing again. - again? we definitely need to have the children playing again. in - again? we definitely need to have the children playing again. in ourl the children playing again. in our community, the houses don't have decent size gardens. it's important they forward. i don't think we can hope to make any great progress in numeracy and literacy if they don't make progress in playing. iloathed numeracy and literacy if they don't make progress in playing. what are the last two — make progress in playing. what are the last two months _ make progress in playing. what are the last two months with _ make progress in playing. what are the last two months with online - the last two months with online learning belie? it’s the last two months with online learning belie?— the last two months with online learning belie? it's very difficult for us to connect _ learning belie? it's very difficult for us to connect and _ learning belie? it's very difficult for us to connect and keep - learning belie? it's very difficult for us to connect and keep in i for us to connect and keep in contact with the children. we were doing a weekly zoom, and it's about keeping in contact with their teacher and knowing that they will go back to them when school starts again. and also technology, not every child has access to the internet. we are doing a very, very best to make sure there's plenty of activity to help them make progress. it's whether the parents have time at home and whether they have a background in education themselves to be able to support their child. this same many variables but it's good to see the children back because we can move forward and make good progress together.— good progress together. finally, the children who — good progress together. finally, the children who are _ good progress together. finally, the children who are back _ good progress together. finally, the children who are back today - good progress together. finally, the children who are back today i - good progress together. finally, the children who are back today i back i children who are back today i back for a fortnight and then back to remote learning for a week. is that to allow older children to return. what you make of that? that's right. they are back to two weeks and then they go back to home learning and easter. my opinion is that the older children should have gone back and then gone back to remote learning and then the young children come back and have a start. but at least we're not having to go back to a period of remote learning. thank you ve much period of remote learning. thank you very much for— period of remote learning. thank you very much for taking _ period of remote learning. thank you very much for taking the _ period of remote learning. thank you very much for taking the time - period of remote learning. thank you very much for taking the time to i very much for taking the time to talk to us here on bbc news and we wish all the best you and your staff. so that is the start of the return of pupils to school and of course being very important that a people's, you do feel it for people in general. in northern ireland, is a step towards normality and hopefully a sign of things to come. adam finn is professor of paediatrics at the university of bristol and a member of thejoint committee on vaccination and immunisation. good morning to you. i wanted to ask about the test that pupils have to do, three tests and then two tests twice a week at home carried out by themselves or their mums and dads and they are less accurate lateral flow test. are you worried that they will not pick up all the positive cases? ., ., ., ., ~ cases? no. not at all. i think we need to see _ cases? no. not at all. i think we need to see these _ cases? no. not at all. i think we need to see these tests - cases? no. not at all. i think we need to see these tests in i cases? no. not at all. i think we need to see these tests in the i need to see these tests in the context of the context of knowing tests. before, we've been relying on sentence at ellis whether infection is there and that's unreliable, especially children. most children don't get any symptoms so these tests represent a useful step forward towards being able to pick up forward towards being able to pick up infections that we couldn't detect before and i think they should be seen that way and other public health measure, it will help us get back to normality. essen public health measure, it will help us get back to normality.- us get back to normality. even if they bring _ us get back to normality. even if they bring up- — us get back to normality. even if they bring up. the, _ us get back to normality. even if they bring up. the, which - us get back to normality. even if- they bring up. the, which sometimes they bring up. the, which sometimes they do, telling people that they are infected when they are not, i mean, that could lead to thousands of people having to isolate unnecessarily?— of people having to isolate unnecessarily? of people having to isolate unnecessaril ? , ~ ., ~ unnecessarily? yes. again, i think we need to _ unnecessarily? yes. again, i think we need to take _ unnecessarily? yes. again, i think we need to take that _ unnecessarily? yes. again, i think we need to take that in _ unnecessarily? yes. again, i think we need to take that in the - unnecessarily? yes. again, i think| we need to take that in the context of the alternative which is that nobody is going to school and, of course, as an individual, you want to be able to have the right answer and i wanna be kept at home unnecessary but the majority of infants go to school because one at a paper being kept at home when they don't need to be, that is definitely a price worth paying for everyone and these tests will give accurate results that vast majority of the time so cases will be picked up and kept out of school and will be able to keep the school safer as a result of using them. to keep the school safer as a result of using them-— of using them. would you expect wider transmission _ of using them. would you expect wider transmission to _ of using them. would you expect wider transmission to increase i of using them. would you expect i wider transmission to increase with all the pupils go back in england? i'm afraid it's bound to to some extent on the big question is, how big that increase will be, whether it will be low enough that us to be able to maintain schools open and that's what we are all desperately hoping for, which is why all these extra measures are being taken, the encouragement of masks in secondary schools the testing and so on that are being done and of course, if you bring more people into contact with each other, this virus is still circulating around the country. it has not disappeared so we will see more transmission occurring. you would hope, _ more transmission occurring. you would hope, unlike other releasing is of lockdown, because it'sjust the schools open this time and it's the schools open this time and its five weeks before anything happens, we will be able to monitor where the transmission is?— transmission is? exactly right. the im hortant transmission is? exactly right. the important thing — transmission is? exactly right. the important thing is _ transmission is? exactly right. the important thing is that _ transmission is? exactly right. the important thing is that we - transmission is? exactly right. the important thing is that we do i transmission is? exactly right. the | important thing is that we do things one step at a time and keep very close eye on things so we don't make many changes at once and then have to start all over again. so, i think that school opening is the first priority. we need to do that, carefully monitor what happens and if it's ok and then we take the next step but not until then. xyour step but not until then. your committee _ step but not until then. your committee has _ step but not until then. your committee has suggested i step but not until then. your committee has suggested that the best way to decide who is vaccinated is by age rather than occupation, you will know that some people have been pressing for teachers to be higher up the priority list. just explain why you have chosen to stick with age rather than occupation, when it comes to the vaccine programme. when it comes to the vaccine programme-— when it comes to the vaccine programme. when it comes to the vaccine hhroramme. . , ., ., ,., , programme. there are several reasons for that, victoria. _ programme. there are several reasons for that, victoria. the _ programme. there are several reasons for that, victoria. the first _ programme. there are several reasons for that, victoria. the first thing - for that, victoria. the first thing is that the main aim at the moment is that the main aim at the moment is still to try and bring down the number of cases of disease that are being admitted to hospital and the number of people dying and ages quite clearly the most useful predictive factor for that. so, quite clearly the most useful predictive factorfor that. so, that is reason number one. reason number two is the programme has progressed faster and efficiently and there's a strong feeling of it it ain't broke, don't fix it. using age which is very easily identified accurately, then we should keep going, heat the momentum growing. in fact, teachers and those who are at risk because their occupations who are at risk from this virus through their occupations, they will be protected most rapidly by identifying the oldest people first and getting them immunised. so, it's about efficiency, progress and being able to do it fast. it’s efficiency, progress and being able to do it fast-— to do it fast. it's about preventing deaths if we _ to do it fast. it's about preventing deaths if we can. _ to do it fast. it's about preventing deaths if we can. and _ to do it fast. it's about preventing deaths if we can. and when i to do it fast. it's about preventing deaths if we can. and when will. deaths if we can. and when will underwriting to be vaccinated? this no certainty — underwriting to be vaccinated? “i“i 3 no certainty that they will at all. we are doing studies now in teenagers and quite soon in younger children that will give us the information that we need to know the vaccines are safe, that there aren't side—effects that are more prominent in young people and it's not necessarily going to be the case that that will be the priority. by the time we have finished immunising the time we have finished immunising the adult population fully, which will be late summer, by the time people will have had their second doses, the priority might be to re—immunise or boost older people rather than immunising children. so, there are a number of options there and we don't know in which direction we will be going. fiiq and we don't know in which direction we will be going-— we will be going. ok, i didn't know that. we will be going. ok, i didn't know that- people _ we will be going. ok, i didn't know that. people with _ we will be going. ok, i didn't know that. people with asthma - we will be going. ok, i didn't know that. people with asthma have i we will be going. ok, i didn't know. that. people with asthma have been getting in touch me on social media saying that they had not been vaccinated and others with no health conditions have and they are worried about that. the conditions have and they are worried about that. , ., about that. the first thing i would sa that it about that. the first thing i would say that it is _ about that. the first thing i would say that it is really _ about that. the first thing i would say that it is really good - about that. the first thing i would say that it is really good that i about that. the first thing i would say that it is really good that in i say that it is really good that in this country, people are so keen to get immunised, we are getting approached by people with asthma but also other groups who are keen to be prioritised and that is great. at least people are really keen. the jci goes by the latest evidence and constantly reviews evidence on who should be prioritised. as i said before, we're to keep things fast and efficient but there's nothing to stop recommendations from changing. severe asthmatics should be prioritised and and those with mild asthma should not but that could change any time.— asthma should not but that could chance an time. ., ~ ,. , . change any time. thank you very much for our change any time. thank you very much for yourtime- — sport and for a full round up, from the bbc sport centre, here's sally. rangers are back at the top of scottish football after winning their first premiership title since 2011. celtic�*s failure to beat dundee united sealed the title for steven gerrard's side. jane dougall reports. rangers players celebrated together at their training ground after watching celtic fail to beat dundee united, handing the title to their bitter rivals. past title winners also joined in from home. congratulations to glasgow rangers, stevie g and all the boys. honestly, you were magnificent this season. you deserve to be top of the league, deserve to make it 55. fans have had to wait a decade to see their team win a top tier trophy. theirjubilation saw hundreds ignore covid rules to gather outside ibrox, when confirmation came from almost 100 miles away. the wait is over. rangers are champions in scotland. ecstatic, man. words can't explain it. ten years of misery, and this — look at the place, man, bouncing. this — this is the best ever. over the moon. eh... it's been a long time coming. it ends ten years of turmoilfor rangers. financial difficulties saw the club liquidated, having to work its way up from the bottom. celtic dominated that decade, winning nine league trophies, but the arrival of former liverpool and england captain steven gerrard in 2018, has helped take rangers to their 55th title and his first silverware as a manager. rangers will lift that trophy inside ibrox at some point, but these fans will not be in the stands to watch it. for now, they'll have to be content with their team playing their next match at celtic park as champions of scotland. jane dougal, bbc news. and some big stars have been sending their congratulations. from the world of wrestling, triple h joined in with fellow wwe fighter drew mcintryre in celebrating the victory. rivals still managed a bit of a dig, former celtic striker chris sutton pointing out it is just one title in contrast to the nine in a row celtic had won. and the current english champions liverpooljoined in the praise for their the club and theirformer player. liverpool won't be champions for much longer though. they extended their worst ever home run to six consecutive defeats, beaten 1—0 by fulham. mario lemina scored the goal. his side are still in the relegation zone, but only on goal difference. the liverpool manager admits it's of one the lowest points of his managerial spell. yes, it is. so... but that's not a problem, i'm not... ..i don't have to have to have always the best times of all, and that's it. this team is, erm, obviously is an extreme team if you want. we were extremely successful and now we have an extreme situation as well. so, erm, but we will fight through that. despite losing to neighbours united, manchester city are still 11 points clear at the top. a bruno fernandez penalty and a rare luke shaw goal ended city's 21 game winning run. gareth bale and harry kane both scored twice as tottenham beat crystal palace 4—1. the final goal was the 14th time son and kane have combined for a goal directly this season, a new premier league record. elsewhere, newcastle drew at west brom. women's super league leaders chelsea beat west ham 2—0. beth england scored the second as chelsea became the first team in the wsl to win five consecutive away games without conceding a goal. keira walsh scored the only goal as second placed manchester city beat everton. elsewhere, there were wins for manchester united, arsenal and brighton. now there could be a new name to watch out for in british athletics at the olympics this summer. keely hodgkinson only turned 19 last week and in herfirst international event won the 800 metres at the european indoor championships. great britain's12 medals in poland meant they finished third overall. i am only 19. i'm still learning and there's still things i'm going to learn. but ijust wanted to keep my same relaxed state that i did through the heats and the semi, you know. we been talked about that, just don't change anything for the final, you don't want to make a mistake. i really believed in myself, because i don't, who else is going to? big hitting bryson de chambeau beat lee westwood to win the arnold palmer invitaional in florida last night. westwood was unlucky to land his ball in a divot on the final hole. he didn't drop a shot but still finished one behind the american who showed his power best when he drove straight across the water to take a huge shortcut on a par five and was just short of the green. incredible power in that shot. that's all the sport for now. faraz khan is a physics teacher at grey court school in richmond and claire quansah is a mother to two boys — reuben who is 12 and isaac who is 5. and i'm alsojoined by brandon kristian biddiss, who is a student from surrey. are you ready with testing? yes, we are ready to go ahead in the next two days and these are really a priority for our schools. brandon, ou are priority for our schools. brandon, you are year _ priority for our schools. brandon, you are year 12. _ priority for our schools. brandon, you are year 12, six _ priority for our schools. brandon, you are year 12, six form, - priority for our schools. brandon, you are year 12, six form, how i priority for our schools. brandon, | you are year 12, six form, how you feel about going backwards i'm excited to go back. i feel about going backwards i'm excited to go back.— feel about going backwards i'm excited to go back. i haven't seen my friends _ excited to go back. i haven't seen my friends the — excited to go back. i haven't seen my friends the six _ excited to go back. i haven't seen my friends the six months - excited to go back. i haven't seen my friends the six months so i i excited to go back. i haven't seen i my friends the six months so i can't wait _ my friends the six months so i can't wait. ., ., my friends the six months so i can't wait. . ., ., ,., my friends the six months so i can't wait. . ., ., y., , wait. claire, what about yourself? i'm ha . wait. claire, what about yourself? im happy to _ wait. claire, what about yourself? im happy to have _ wait. claire, what about yourself? i'm happy to have my _ wait. claire, what about yourself? i'm happy to have my children i wait. claire, what about yourself? | i'm happy to have my children back at school~ — i'm happy to have my children back at school~ i— i'm happy to have my children back at school. i think _ i'm happy to have my children back at school. i think most _ i'm happy to have my children back at school. i think most parents i at school. i think most parents would — at school. i think most parents would agree _ at school. i think most parents would agree it's _ at school. i think most parents would agree it's been - at school. i think most parents would agree it's been a - at school. i think most parentsl would agree it's been a difficult couple — would agree it's been a difficult couple of— would agree it's been a difficult couple of months _ would agree it's been a difficult couple of months but _ would agree it's been a difficult couple of months but i - would agree it's been a difficult couple of months but i think. would agree it's been a difficult i couple of months but i think having your child _ couple of months but i think having your child at — couple of months but i think having your child at high _ couple of months but i think having your child at high school _ couple of months but i think having your child at high school who - couple of months but i think having your child at high school who will. your child at high school who will have _ your child at high school who will have to _ your child at high school who will have to get — your child at high school who will have to get public _ your child at high school who will have to get public transport, i'm| have to get public transport, i'm still quite — have to get public transport, i'm still quite concerned _ have to get public transport, i'm still quite concerned about - have to get public transport, i'm still quite concerned about his i still quite concerned about his level— still quite concerned about his level of— still quite concerned about his level of risk— still quite concerned about his level of risk while _ still quite concerned about his level of risk while he - still quite concerned about his level of risk while he is - still quite concerned about his level of risk while he is going i still quite concerned about his. level of risk while he is going in and out — level of risk while he is going in and out of— level of risk while he is going in and out of school _ level of risk while he is going in and out of school each - level of risk while he is going in and out of school each day. i level of risk while he is going in and out of school each day. right. i men, ou and out of school each day. right. i men. you probably _ and out of school each day. right. i men, you probably know, _ and out of school each day. right. i men, you probably know, clear- and out of school each day. right. i j men, you probably know, clear that young children, you've got a five—year—old and a 12—year—old, the risk to them is pretty minimal. true, but obviously, i think with a near— true, but obviously, i think with a near teenager. _ true, but obviously, i think with a near teenager, each— true, but obviously, i think with a near teenager, each day, - true, but obviously, i think with a near teenager, each day, he i true, but obviously, i think with a nearteenager, each day, he is. true, but obviously, i think with a i nearteenager, each day, he is going to be _ nearteenager, each day, he is going to be mixing — nearteenager, each day, he is going to be mixing with _ nearteenager, each day, he is going to be mixing with other— nearteenager, each day, he is going to be mixing with other people - nearteenager, each day, he is going to be mixing with other people on i to be mixing with other people on public— to be mixing with other people on public transport, _ to be mixing with other people on public transport, morning - to be mixing with other people on public transport, morning and i public transport, morning and afternoon _ public transport, morning and afternoon and _ public transport, morning and afternoon and i— public transport, morning and afternoon and i have - public transport, morning and afternoon and i have no- public transport, morning and i afternoon and i have no insight as to whether— afternoon and i have no insight as to whether they _ afternoon and i have no insight as to whether they have _ afternoon and i have no insight as to whether they have been - afternoon and i have no insight as i to whether they have been following guidance _ to whether they have been following guidance i_ to whether they have been following guidance i where _ to whether they have been following guidance i where he _ to whether they have been following guidance i where he could _ to whether they have been following guidance i where he could be - to whether they have been following| guidance i where he could be picking things— guidance i where he could be picking things up— guidance i where he could be picking things up from — guidance i where he could be picking things up from them _ guidance i where he could be picking things up from them or— guidance i where he could be picking things up from them or then- guidance i where he could be picking things up from them or then passingj things up from them or then passing it on to _ things up from them or then passing it on to the — things up from them or then passing it on to the teachers _ things up from them or then passing it on to the teachers he _ things up from them or then passing it on to the teachers he is _ things up from them or then passing it on to the teachers he is going i things up from them or then passing it on to the teachers he is going to i it on to the teachers he is going to be spending — it on to the teachers he is going to be spending time _ it on to the teachers he is going to be spending time within— it on to the teachers he is going to be spending time within school- it on to the teachers he is going to. be spending time within school too. it's be spending time within school too. its an— be spending time within school too. it's an additional— be spending time within school too. it's an additional concern _ be spending time within school too. it's an additional concern i- be spending time within school too. it's an additional concern i have i it's an additional concern i have with— it's an additional concern i have with regard _ it's an additional concern i have with regard to _ it's an additional concern i have with regard to him _ it's an additional concern i have with regard to him going - with regard to him going back—to—school. - with regard to him going i back—to—school. however, i with regard to him going - back—to—school. however, ithink what— back—to—school. however, ithink what the — back—to—school. however, ithink what the schools _ back—to—school. however, ithink what the schools are _ back—to—school. however, ithink what the schools are doing - back—to—school. however, ithink what the schools are doing to i back—to—school. however, ithink. what the schools are doing to keep them _ what the schools are doing to keep them safe — what the schools are doing to keep them safe once _ what the schools are doing to keep them safe once they— what the schools are doing to keep them safe once they are _ what the schools are doing to keep them safe once they are in - what the schools are doing to keep them safe once they are in school, j them safe once they are in school, is great, _ them safe once they are in school, is great, so — them safe once they are in school, is great, so i'm_ them safe once they are in school, is great, so i'm happy— them safe once they are in school, is great, so i'm happy for- them safe once they are in school, is great, so i'm happy for them i them safe once they are in school, is great, so i'm happy for them to| is great, so i'm happy for them to be in_ is great, so i'm happy for them to be in school~ _ is great, so i'm happy for them to be in school-— is great, so i'm happy for them to be in school. �* ., ., ., ., be in school. brandon, i wonder how much or otherwise _ be in school. brandon, i wonder how much or otherwise you _ be in school. brandon, i wonder how much or otherwise you have - be in school. brandon, i wonder how much or otherwise you have been i be in school. brandon, i wonder how i much or otherwise you have been able to motivate yourself when it comes to motivate yourself when it comes to do school lessons at home? yes. it's to do school lessons at home? yes. it's tricky- — to do school lessons at home? yes. it's tricky- i — to do school lessons at home? yes. it's tricky. i definitely _ to do school lessons at home? yes. it's tricky. i definitely get _ to do school lessons at home? yes. it's tricky. i definitely get my energy— it's tricky. i definitely get my energy and motivation from my friends — energy and motivation from my friends at — energy and motivation from my friends at school. it's definitely a better— friends at school. it's definitely a better environment than a home but it is something to do. it's better than _ it is something to do. it's better than dealing with the boredom of the last two— than dealing with the boredom of the last two lockdown. i can apply myself — last two lockdown. i can apply myself to _ last two lockdown. i can apply myself to learning which is a little bit easier~ — myself to learning which is a little bit easier. ,, ., myself to learning which is a little bit easier. , ., ., myself to learning which is a little bit easier. ., , ., bit easier. something to focus on. how much — bit easier. something to focus on. how much time _ bit easier. something to focus on. how much time do _ bit easier. something to focus on. how much time do you _ bit easier. something to focus on. how much time do you think i bit easier. something to focus on. how much time do you think you i bit easier. something to focus on. i how much time do you think you have spent in front of the screen, not only for lessons but your own screen time in the evening? i only for lessons but your own screen time in the evening?— time in the evening? i found myself thinkin: time in the evening? i found myself thinking that _ time in the evening? i found myself thinking that that _ time in the evening? i found myself thinking that that my _ time in the evening? i found myself thinking that that my productivity i thinking that that my productivity is on _ thinking that that my productivity is on the — thinking that that my productivity is on the screen, my entertainment is on the screen, my entertainment is on _ is on the screen, my entertainment is on the _ is on the screen, my entertainment is on the screen, my entertainment is on the screen, my entertainment is on the screen, my social life is on the _ is on the screen, my social life is on the screen for a really long time now which— on the screen for a really long time now which is— on the screen for a really long time now which is tricky, obviously but it's what— now which is tricky, obviously but it's what we — now which is tricky, obviously but it's what we can do. i zoom my mates when _ it's what we can do. i zoom my mates when i _ it's what we can do. i zoom my mates when i can— it's what we can do. i zoom my mates when i can try— it's what we can do. i zoom my mates when i can try to make the best of online _ when i can try to make the best of online learning, no matter how hard it is to _ online learning, no matter how hard it is to focus — online learning, no matter how hard it is to focus sometimes.— it is to focus sometimes. claire. how do you _ it is to focus sometimes. claire. how do you feel _ it is to focus sometimes. claire. how do you feel about - it is to focus sometimes. claire. how do you feel about your i it is to focus sometimes. claire. | how do you feel about your older child, your 12—year—old in secondary, wearing a mask or day if the rest of the class can't social distance? it the rest of the class can't social distance? , . ., . distance? it is quite concerning. i think it's probably _ distance? it is quite concerning. i think it's probably not _ distance? it is quite concerning. i think it's probably not very i think it's probably not very comfortable _ think it's probably not very comfortable for— think it's probably not very comfortable for them i think it's probably not very comfortable for them to i think it's probably not very i comfortable for them to have to think it's probably not very _ comfortable for them to have to wear a mask_ comfortable for them to have to wear a mask all— comfortable for them to have to wear a mask all day, — comfortable for them to have to wear a mask all day, including _ comfortable for them to have to wear a mask all day, including that - a mask all day, including that travel— a mask all day, including that travel time _ a mask all day, including that travel time as— a mask all day, including that travel time as well. _ a mask all day, including that travel time as well. it's - a mask all day, including that travel time as well. it's not . a mask all day, including that - travel time as well. it's not great for them — travel time as well. it's not great for them it— travel time as well. it's not great for them. it will— travel time as well. it's not great for them. it will be _ travel time as well. it's not great i for them. it will be uncomfortable. it blocks _ for them. it will be uncomfortable. it blocks communication _ for them. it will be uncomfortable. it blocks communication as - for them. it will be uncomfortable. it blocks communication as well. . for them. it will be uncomfortable. it blocks communication as well. i i it blocks communication as well. i think_ it blocks communication as well. i think it _ it blocks communication as well. i think it must _ it blocks communication as well. i think it must be _ it blocks communication as well. i think it must be difficult _ it blocks communication as well. i think it must be difficult for- think it must be difficult for children— think it must be difficult for children who _ think it must be difficult for children who rely _ think it must be difficult for children who rely on - think it must be difficult for. children who rely on reading, think it must be difficult for- children who rely on reading, it must _ children who rely on reading, it must die — children who rely on reading, it must die for— children who rely on reading, it must die for their— children who rely on reading, it l must die for their communication children who rely on reading, it - must die for their communication but i understand — must die for their communication but i understand the _ must die for their communication but i understand the wider— must die for their communication but i understand the wider need - must die for their communication but i understand the wider need for- must die for their communication but i understand the wider need for it. i i understand the wider need for it. it would _ i understand the wider need for it. it would be — i understand the wider need for it. it would be good _ i understand the wider need for it. it would be good to _ i understand the wider need for it. it would be good to know - i understand the wider need for it. it would be good to know at - i understand the wider need for it. it would be good to know at whati it would be good to know at what point _ it would be good to know at what point they— it would be good to know at what point they may _ it would be good to know at what point they may change _ it would be good to know at what point they may change those - it would be good to know at what| point they may change those also it would be good to know at what . point they may change those also if we had _ point they may change those also if we had an— point they may change those also if we had an idea _ point they may change those also if we had an idea of— point they may change those also if we had an idea of the _ point they may change those also if we had an idea of the criteria - point they may change those also if we had an idea of the criteria all- we had an idea of the criteria all conditions — we had an idea of the criteria all conditions at _ we had an idea of the criteria all conditions at which _ we had an idea of the criteria all conditions at which they- we had an idea of the criteria all conditions at which they will- we had an idea of the criteria alli conditions at which they will say, actually, — conditions at which they will say, actually, children— conditions at which they will say, actually, children do _ conditions at which they will say, actually, children do not- conditions at which they will say, actually, children do not need i conditions at which they will say, actually, children do not need to| actually, children do not need to wear— actually, children do not need to wear masks _ actually, children do not need to wear masks that _ actually, children do not need to wear masks that would - actually, children do not need to wear masks that would be - actually, children do not need to wear masks that would be goodi actually, children do not need to i wear masks that would be good to know _ wear masks that would be good to know so _ wear masks that would be good to know so i— wear masks that would be good to know so i could _ wear masks that would be good to know so i could give _ wear masks that would be good to know so i could give him - wear masks that would be good to know so i could give him that- know so i could give him that comfort — know so i could give him that comfort and _ know so i could give him that comfort and say, _ know so i could give him that comfort and say, it's - know so i could give him that comfort and say, it's only- know so i could give him that. comfort and say, it's only gonna know so i could give him that- comfort and say, it's only gonna be for the _ comfort and say, it's only gonna be for the next — comfort and say, it's only gonna be for the next five _ comfort and say, it's only gonna be for the next five weeks _ comfort and say, it's only gonna be for the next five weeks at - comfort and say, it's only gonna be for the next five weeks at whatever stage _ for the next five weeks at whatever stage the _ for the next five weeks at whatever stage the road _ for the next five weeks at whatever stage the road map _ for the next five weeks at whatever stage the road map comes- for the next five weeks at whatever stage the road map comes in- for the next five weeks at whatever stage the road map comes in but. for the next five weeks at whatever stage the road map comes in but iti stage the road map comes in but it could _ stage the road map comes in but it could be _ stage the road map comes in but it could be for— stage the road map comes in but it could be for a — stage the road map comes in but it could be for a while, _ stage the road map comes in but it could be for a while, which- stage the road map comes in but it could be for a while, which is- stage the road map comes in but it could be for a while, which is quite| could be for a while, which is quite cohcerhihd — could be for a while, which is quite concerning-— concerning. how long do you think ou will concerning. how long do you think you will have _ concerning. how long do you think you will have to _ concerning. how long do you think you will have to be _ concerning. how long do you think you will have to be doing - concerning. how long do you think you will have to be doing these . you will have to be doing these rapid tests for? taste you will have to be doing these rapid tests for?— you will have to be doing these rapid tests for? we haven't been told us yet- _ rapid tests for? we haven't been told us yet- i— rapid tests for? we haven't been told us yet. i don't _ rapid tests for? we haven't been told us yet. i don't know - rapid tests for? we haven't been told us yet. i don't know if - rapid tests for? we haven't been told us yet. i don't know if the i told us yet. idon't know if the teacher— told us yet. idon't know if the teacher has— told us yet. idon't know if the teacher has any— told us yet. idon't know if the teacher has any further- told us yet. i don't know if thei teacher has any further insight. told us yet. i don't know if the . teacher has any further insight. i teacher has any further insight. [ don't teacher has any further insight. don't think we know? mr khan, teacher has any further insight.“ don't think we know? mr khan, is that fair? we don't know how long children and parents will be testing themselves? i children and parents will be testing themselves?— themselves? i don't have that information _ themselves? i don't have that information myself, _ themselves? i don't have that information myself, to - themselves? i don't have that information myself, to be - themselves? i don't have that - information myself, to be honest. even as a teacher, myself, i need to be doing a test individually as well. i think the plan is still remained to be unrolled a little bit. ~ ., �* remained to be unrolled a little bit. . ., �* ~ ., remained to be unrolled a little bit. ~ ., . remained to be unrolled a little bit. ., �* ~ ., . . remained to be unrolled a little bit. ~ ., . . ., bit. we don't know. we will have to see what effect _ bit. we don't know. we will have to see what effect the _ bit. we don't know. we will have to see what effect the opening - bit. we don't know. we will have to see what effect the opening of - see what effect the opening of schools in england will have on the wider spread of the virus. are you cool wider spread of the virus. are you cool, claire about carrying out those tests on your children? mat those tests on your children? not particularly _ those tests on your children? not particularly. because they are very uncomfortable _ particularly. because they are very uncomfortable and _ particularly. because they are very uncomfortable and it's _ particularly. because they are very uncomfortable and it's not - particularly. because they are very uncomfortable and it's not a - particularly. because they are very uncomfortable and it's not a very. uncomfortable and it's not a very nice thing — uncomfortable and it's not a very nice thing to _ uncomfortable and it's not a very nice thing to have _ uncomfortable and it's not a very nice thing to have to _ uncomfortable and it's not a very nice thing to have to do - uncomfortable and it's not a very nice thing to have to do to - uncomfortable and it's not a very nice thing to have to do to your i uncomfortable and it's not a very. nice thing to have to do to your own childreh~ _ nice thing to have to do to your own children. likewise, _ nice thing to have to do to your own children. likewise, i— nice thing to have to do to your own children. likewise, i think— nice thing to have to do to your own children. likewise, i think my- children. likewise, i think my concern — children. likewise, i think my concern is _ children. likewise, i think my concern is about _ children. likewise, i think my concern is about bing - children. likewise, i think my concern is about bing able . children. likewise, i think my concern is about bing able to| children. likewise, i think my. concern is about bing able to do that properly. _ concern is about bing able to do that properly. '— concern is about bing able to do that properly. i have _ concern is about bing able to do that properly. i have concerns, i concern is about bing able to do i that properly. i have concerns, are we doing _ that properly. i have concerns, are we doing it — that properly. i have concerns, are we doing it properly— that properly. i have concerns, are we doing it properly or— that properly. i have concerns, are we doing it properly or getting - that properly. i have concerns, are we doing it properly or getting a i we doing it properly or getting a full negative _ we doing it properly or getting a full negative which _ we doing it properly or getting a full negative which then - we doing it properly or getting a full negative which then almosti full negative which then almost defeats — full negative which then almost defeats the _ full negative which then almost defeats the purpose _ full negative which then almost defeats the purpose of- full negative which then almost defeats the purpose of it - full negative which then almost defeats the purpose of it if - full negative which then almost i defeats the purpose of it if people are then _ defeats the purpose of it if people are then going _ defeats the purpose of it if people are then going into _ defeats the purpose of it if people are then going into school- defeats the purpose of it if people| are then going into school carrying the virus _ are then going into school carrying the virus anyway, _ are then going into school carrying the virus anyway, so _ are then going into school carrying the virus anyway, so i _ are then going into school carrying the virus anyway, so i have - are then going into school carrying the virus anyway, so i have some. the virus anyway, so i have some concerns — the virus anyway, so i have some concerns about _ the virus anyway, so i have some concerns about it. _ the virus anyway, so i have some concerns about it. i— the virus anyway, so i have some concerns about it. i understand . the virus anyway, so i have some i concerns about it. i understand the reasons _ concerns about it. i understand the reasons for— concerns about it. i understand the reasons for it. _ concerns about it. i understand the reasons for it, to _ concerns about it. i understand the reasons for it, to control _ concerns about it. i understand the reasons for it, to control the - reasons for it, to control the spread — reasons for it, to control the spread of— reasons for it, to control the spread of the _ reasons for it, to control the spread of the virus - reasons for it, to control the spread of the virus but - reasons for it, to control the spread of the virus but i - reasons for it, to control the spread of the virus but i am i spread of the virus but i am apprehensive _ spread of the virus but i am apprehensive about- spread of the virus but i am apprehensive about doing l spread of the virus but i am | apprehensive about doing it. spread of the virus but i am . apprehensive about doing it. i spread of the virus but i am - apprehensive about doing it. i will do it and — apprehensive about doing it. i will do it and we — apprehensive about doing it. i will do it and we will— apprehensive about doing it. i will do it and we will try _ apprehensive about doing it. i will do it and we will try our— apprehensive about doing it. i will do it and we will try our best - apprehensive about doing it. i will do it and we will try our best but i| do it and we will try our best but i will be _ do it and we will try our best but i will be a — do it and we will try our best but i will be a bit — do it and we will try our best but i will be a bit reluctant _ do it and we will try our best but i will be a bit reluctant to. - do it and we will try our best but i will be a bit reluctant to. brandon, have ou will be a bit reluctant to. brandon, have you done _ will be a bit reluctant to. brandon, have you done it _ will be a bit reluctant to. brandon, have you done it yet? _ will be a bit reluctant to. brandon, have you done it yet? i _ will be a bit reluctant to. brandon, have you done it yet? i think - will be a bit reluctant to. brandon, have you done it yet? i think i've l have you done it yet? i think i've had six tests, _ have you done it yet? i think i've had six tests, including - have you done it yet? i think i've had six tests, including an - have you done it yet? i think i've i had six tests, including an antibody one since _ had six tests, including an antibody one since march of last year. i had pneumonia — one since march of last year. i had pneumonia in march and then i had coronavirus — pneumonia in march and then i had coronavirus over christmas but i've had a _ coronavirus over christmas but i've had a few — coronavirus over christmas but i've had a few since then. find coronavirus over christmas but i've had a few since then.— had a few since then. and that's sim -l a had a few since then. and that's simply a swab — had a few since then. and that's simply a swab op _ had a few since then. and that's simply a swab up the _ had a few since then. and that's simply a swab up the nose. - had a few since then. and that's simply a swab up the nose. it'sl simply a swab up the nose. it's relatively straightforward and i also did one on my son and he found also did one on my son and he found a swab up his nose, he's ia, pretty fine, in the scheme of things, actually. i think it will be all right. actually. i think it will be all riuht. . �* . actually. i think it will be all riuht. . v . . actually. i think it will be all riuht. , h, , ., actually. i think it will be all riuht. , , ., �*, right. yes. it's simple enough. it's a bit uncomfortable _ right. yes. it's simple enough. it's a bit uncomfortable but _ right. yes. it's simple enough. it's a bit uncomfortable but i'm - right. yes. it's simple enough. it's a bit uncomfortable but i'm sure, l a bit uncomfortable but i'm sure, after— a bit uncomfortable but i'm sure, after a _ a bit uncomfortable but i'm sure, after a while, i'll get used to it. i after a while, i'll get used to it. i have _ after a while, i'll get used to it. i have got— after a while, i'll get used to it. i have got friends who have been going _ i have got friends who have been going on— i have got friends who have been going on whose parents are key workers — going on whose parents are key workers and they say you get used to it after— workers and they say you get used to it after a _ workers and they say you get used to it after a while. mr workers and they say you get used to it after a while.— it after a while. mr cohen, how difficult has _ it after a while. mr cohen, how difficult has it _ it after a while. mr cohen, how difficult has it been _ it after a while. mr cohen, how difficult has it been to - it after a while. mr cohen, how difficult has it been to teach i it after a while. mr cohen, how i difficult has it been to teach your people is virtually?— difficult has it been to teach your people is virtually? yeah. it's been a challenge- _ people is virtually? yeah. it's been a challenge- l _ people is virtually? yeah. it's been a challenge. i mean _ people is virtually? yeah. it's been a challenge. i mean at _ people is virtually? yeah. it's been a challenge. i mean at our - people is virtually? yeah. it's been a challenge. i mean at our school, | a challenge. i mean at our school, can't speakfor all a challenge. i mean at our school, can't speak for all schools in the country, but i think our school was prepared because we jumped country, but i think our school was prepared because wejumped onto country, but i think our school was prepared because we jumped onto an online system just before lockdown so i think the timing for us... we were really quite ready. attendance was fluctuating at the time it had began and the first initial lockdown hadn't started in march. we were already posting things online because students were not in school. when it came to jumping onto an online system, we were quite ready. the thing is, you cannot top face—to—face teaching and i think everyone will be excited to be back and i think it will be good to teach physically in front of them in a classroom. i voice to my students, the content that we are going through, this is a presentation that we would be going through in the classroom, as well, so it's trying to keep things as normal as possible and say we are moving forward and going through the curriculum as normal. of course, we are going to taper and tailor things because we can't expect all of that to have sunkin can't expect all of that to have sunk in and everyone would have been focused for the entire time but we are going to have two time that in schools. we are doing our best, you know. it willjust be nice to be back this week.— know. it willjust be nice to be back this week. thank you all very much. back this week. thank you all very much- thank— back this week. thank you all very much. thank you _ back this week. thank you all very much. thank you for _ back this week. thank you all very much. thank you for talking - back this week. thank you all very much. thank you for talking to - back this week. thank you all very much. thank you for talking to us | much. thank you for talking to us this morning and we wish you all the best. brandon, claire, and mr khan, good luck. thank you for your messages about second and harry's interview. their treatment of letters from you. all this coming from a couple, says stuart, from privilege, the us is welcome to them. thank you for getting in touch. we are going to bring you the weather in a moment but before that... the luxury car brand aston martin has said it will manufacture all its electric cars in the uk from 2025. the company —— which is based in warwickshire —— is due to start making hybrid versions of its vehicles over the next two years, followed by the first battery—only models. it has also confirmed that an electric suv will be built at its factory in st athan in glamorgan. now it's time for a look at the weather with carol kirkwood. today and tomorrow some rain forecast but it's still going to be really settled. its as we get to the middle of the week, towards the end of the working week, things change, but looking at wednesday, rain and gales and then into thursday, strong wins with severe gales across southern areas and could be disrupted. we've got this weather front with a couple of weak ones following and then we got rain across northern ireland, parts of scotland and northern england, getting into north wales, the midlands and norfolk. on either side of that, they will be some sunshine, all at worst, some bright skies with temperatures between 8—ii c. through this evening and overnight, this hip of a weatherfront this evening and overnight, this hip of a weather front continue southwards and eastwards taking its rain into the south—east before clearing and then they will be low amounts of cloud, wide skies and then this weather out west producing rain. as we go into tomorrow, here is that week where the front as we move eastwards and then it will weaken further meaning there will be clouds, the odd spot of rain and then there's another one coming in from the atlantic. where we've had clear skies at night, they will be sunshine throughout the day, some cloud, spots of rain and then another week front coming in across the west of scotland producing some rain ahead of this next system and as this comes in, more persistent rain and strong wins. the jet stream on wednesday will be developing low pressure in undulations and this is coming our way. look at the isobars on that. they are really squeeze, indicating there's going to be wins, even severe gales. that will rattle through quite quickly, driven on in the strong wins. the strongest out towards the west as you can tell from the isobars and more coming in from the isobars and more coming in from the isobars and more coming in from the west, temperature 6—ii c. this is bbc news. i'm victoria derbyshire — these are the latest headlines in the uk and around the world. harry and meghan's explosive interview with oprah — meghan says she found life so difficult at times she felt suicidal and harry was asked by one member of the palace how dark their son's skin might be. so we have in tandem the conversation of, "he won't be given security, he's not going to be given a title." and also, concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he is born. prince harry also spoke about a troubled relationship with his father, revealing prince charles stopped taking his calls when he wanted to step back from royal life. what do you think about the claims the couple have made

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,Wait ,Race ,Listen ,Revealing ,Issue ,Heritage ,Hearthat ,Shocking ,Someone ,Child ,Conversation Of ,Royalfamily ,Relations ,Media Reports ,Sister In Law ,Way ,Fact ,Brother ,Ground ,Kate Cry ,Lot ,Space ,Rift ,William ,Something ,Decision ,Grandson ,Hurt ,Story ,Side ,Baby ,Staff ,Girl ,Summer ,Peace ,Portrait ,California ,Buckingham Palace ,Don T Change Anything ,Members ,Judge ,Victoria ,Hina ,It Isjust ,It Story ,Dust ,Hin ,Udae ,Hinu ,Kind ,Household ,Response ,Discussions ,Briefing ,Theyjust ,Mental Health ,Level ,Problems ,Detail ,Support ,Wider ,Won T ,Address ,Stuff ,Issues ,Judgment ,Call ,Areas ,Worth ,Nothing ,Claims ,Position ,Wall ,Bit ,Trailers ,Many ,Drama ,Questions ,Palace Officials ,Human Resources ,Indiana ,Big Tv ,Allegations ,Let S Talk ,States ,North America Correspondent ,David Willis ,Daniela Let ,25 ,Sympathy ,Others ,Titles ,Opinions ,Lit Up ,Whether ,Queen ,Peoplejust ,Clips ,Cbs Morning Show ,Programme ,Revelations ,Bombshell Revelations ,Views ,Press 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,Principle ,Afra ,Face ,Commentator ,Save ,Brim ,Arena ,Earth ,Especialty Damaging ,Point ,Anyone ,Benefit ,Terrible Wa ,Nana ,Tabloids ,Dad ,Isn ,Untruths ,Example ,Dad Way ,Newspaper ,Wedding Rehearsal ,Meghan Cry ,Anything ,Comms Team ,Place ,Right ,Record ,Nobody ,Collateral Damage ,Damage ,Voice ,Woman ,Joint ,Quelltheirvoice ,30 ,Group ,Elsewhere ,Team ,Unit ,Speak ,Privacy ,Everything ,Tv ,Women ,Richest ,0 ,Ending ,Terms ,I ,Collateral ,You ,T Isgt ,Piece ,Both ,Ties ,Power ,The Royal Family ,Royal Family Don T Have To ,Idon T Think ,Iie ,Talking ,The Open ,Iie Royal Family Don T ,Ie Royal Family Don T Have To ,Ro Al ,Sprint ,Saying ,Tabloids ,Finish ,Reply ,Outcome ,Have ,Public ,Sense ,Ivory ,Question ,Regards ,Sort ,Skin Tone ,Tone ,Dime ,My To Me ,M3 ,Ignorance ,Goodness ,Likem ,Say ,Him ,Him Ivory ,Platform ,On T ,Messages ,Standards ,Narrative ,E Mail ,Return ,Rules ,Covid Tests ,Facemasks ,Care Home ,Classrooms ,Visits ,John Mcmanus Reports ,Parents ,Checking Uniforms ,Packing Bags ,Preparations ,Reopening ,Cheshire ,Each Other ,Sake ,Teachers ,Normality ,Friends ,Community ,Just A Little Bit ,Lateral Flow Test ,Safe ,Good ,Three ,Masks ,Restrictions ,Classroom ,Exercise ,Virus ,Contact ,Care Homes ,Danger ,Support Bubble ,Led ,Loved Ones ,Changes ,Scotland ,Nicola Sturgeon ,Lockdown Restrictions ,Hug ,Measures ,Northern Ireland ,Wales ,Meeting ,Government ,Freedoms ,Covid ,Cardiff ,Back To School ,Back ,Ten ,Verdict ,Teaching Efforts ,Half ,Aiden ,Shaun ,Nine ,Hi ,Testing Centre ,York ,John ,Correspondentjohn Maguire ,Tests Thatjohn ,Second ,Railway ,Sports Hall ,Testing ,Running ,Runnina ,Set Up ,Facility ,York Ri ,Heather Robertson ,Volunteers ,Set ,Credit ,Bodies ,Table Tennis Tournament ,Badminton ,Fabulous Set Of Running ,Undertaking ,Feel ,Head ,School Body ,Logistics Terms Of ,Logistical Terms Of Logistics ,Anthony ,11 ,Students ,Energy ,Interacting ,Excitement ,Job ,Ob Is Excitement ,Learning ,Same ,Work ,Worker ,Workerfamilies ,Learning Students ,Key Workerfamilies ,Zoom ,Best ,Luck ,Boxes ,Front ,Okes ,Yourjokes ,Cap ,Teachers Haven T ,Ust A Given ,Student ,Giveh ,Like ,Annie ,Who ,13 ,Exciting ,Spring ,They Haven T ,Grateful ,Ai ,Very Grateful For That ,Beinh ,Veryl ,Boys ,Xyour Step ,Mood ,Rest ,Term ,Stephen ,People A ,Yourstep ,Circumstances ,House ,Package ,Lockdown Hit ,Anxiety ,Delight ,Door ,School Uniform ,Well ,Wasn T Sustainable ,Relationships ,Aspect ,Fears ,It Back ,Welt ,70 ,Line ,Human Contact ,School Day ,Lessons ,Pandemic ,Primary School Pupils ,Pre School ,Nursery ,Teaching ,22 March ,8 ,14 ,12 ,22 ,Chris Page ,Primary School ,Primary ,Signs ,Lots ,Flags ,Nationalities ,Belfast ,St Paul S ,Stream ,Markers ,Morning ,Time ,Principle ,Activities ,Let S Go ,Sean ,200 ,Playground ,Sound ,Thatis ,Distancing ,Problem ,Odd Hiccup ,Ih ,Priorityjust ,Ahain ,Houses ,Size Gardens ,Ourl ,Progress ,They Don T Make Progress In Playing ,Belie ,Literacy ,Playing ,Make Progress In Playing ,Numeracy ,Iloathed Numeracy 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