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Good afternoon. Welcome to bbc news. Donald trump has become the First American president to set foot on north korean territory. He visited the demilitarised area between north and south korea, where he shook hands with the norths leader kim jong un. Our seoul correspondent, laura bicker, sent this report. Unconventional . Maybe. Unpredictable . Definitely. Buta meeting arranged by president ial twitter has meant these two men have a place in history. Donald trump didntjust a place in history. Donald trump didnt just take one a place in history. Donald trump didntjust take one step into hostile territory. He took 20. Before returning south over the official military line which separates the two koreas. He may be a show man by nature, but a last minute scramble to arrange this event, meant news outlets fought for their close up. President trump has just walked across the communication line which made him the first us president to visit our country. Ijust want to say that this is my honour. I didnt really expect it, we were injapan for the 620. We came over and i said, hey, im over here, i want to call up chairman kim. And we get to meet and stepping across that line was a great honour. A lot of progress has been made. A lot of friendships have been made and this has been, in particular, a great friendship. So ijust want to thank you, it was very quick notice and i want to thank you. And it seems that more invitations may be forthcoming. I would invite him right now. To the white house. The two held talks behind closed doors. The meeting was supposed to last two minutes, instead they took nearly an hour. They held a press conference where mr trump acknowledged his twitter invitation could have gone horribly wrong. I want to thank chairman kim for Something Else. When i put out the social media notification, if he didnt show up the press was going to make me look very bad, so youve made us both look good and i appreciate it. The drama didnt end there. The farewell wave was lost in the chaos. As President Trump leaves, critics have described his big moment as a fake diplomacy, reality tv politics. Theres been very little mention of the word denuclearisation. But others, including seouls president moon believes that this could, after nearly 70 years, lead to peace on the peninsula. Once the meeting was over, donald trump appeared alongside his south korean host, president moon. Host, president moon. He explained to the press that sanctions would be on the agenda for any future talks. I dont like sanctions being on this country. Im looking forward, but the sanctions remain, yes. But at some point during the negotiation, things can happen and thats what well be talking about, sanctions. 0k . Once again, the us president may face criticism. This meeting was more style than substance, but it is another fresh start. The hope in south korea, is that this time it wont be a false one. Laura bicker, bbc news, seoul. Our correspondent Stephen Mcdonell is in the south korean capital, seoul. Earlier he gave this analysis of todays events at the korean border. President donald trump is right when he says this is history in the making. He knows that for decades to come people will remember that moment when a United States president stepped across the frontier to shake hands with the north Korean Leader and then the two of them coming back across the border to sit down with the president of south korea in this friendly atmosphere, to talk about peace and future, you know, potential Nuclear Disarmament on the peninsula here. The us says that we are now going to move to these talks, at least preliminary talks to get that whole process going again, to move towards denuclearisation. But really, are we any closer to denuclearisation today . In fact, some analysts have argued that things are the other way around. Some serious north korea watchers think this is the First Step Towards washington actually recognising north korea as a Nuclear Armed state. Then again, you have the president of south korea, moonjae in, he says there is no path towards peace other than dialogue and for that reason, hes welcomed this impromptu, we are led to believe it was impromptu, this impromptu meeting with kim jong un. He came to power here, in this landslide victory saying that he was going to steer this country towards dialogue with the north. And for that reason he would argue that this has been the right path to take. Because despite there being no denuclearisation, at least theres less tension, there is less talk of war on the korean peninsula, like there was just a few years ago. Stephen mcdonell in seoul. A pregnant woman who was fatally stabbed yesterday in croydon has been named as 26 year old kelly mary fauvrelle. Her eight month old baby was delivered by paramedics and remains in a Critical Condition. A second person has been arrested on suspicion of murder. Caroline davies reports. 26 year old kelly mary fauvrelle, eight months pregnant when she was stabbed to death in south london. Police and paramedics were called to this address around 3 30am on saturday morning to reports of a woman suffering cardiac arrest. They found kelly mary with stab injuries. She died at the scene. However, kelly marys baby survived, delivered by paramedics and taken to hospital, where they remain in Critical Condition. Neighbours say they were woken in the middle of the night by noises from the house. My sister woke me up, because she heard people screaming, and she was alone, and she was scared, yeah . And, well, we look out the window, and we saw full of police and ambulances on the street. Then, um. After about ten minutes, i saw someone from the ambulance come out with a baby, and they put the baby in the ambulance. Others were distressed that Something Like this could happen on their street. I think the feeling is upset, upset for her. Hopeful for the child, but the neighbours were definitely, definitely upset. Forensic officers have been at the address today, later blocking off the street to conduct further searches. A 29 year old man was arrested yesterday on suspicion of murder. Another 37 year old man, also arrested on saturday, has been released under investigation pending further inquiries. Caroline davies, bbc news. The shadow chancellorJohn Mcdonnell says labour needs to move now towards support for another brexit referendum. Mr mcdonnell, who wants the party to adopt a remain position, said Jeremy Corbyn was still trying to build consensus with the trade unions on the issue. Heres our Political Correspondent tom barton. They are two ofJeremy Corbyns closest lieutenants, John Mcdonnell, his shadow chancellor and Len Mccluskey, the leader of the unite union, labours biggest financial backer and a close ally of the partys leader. But over brexit they are divided. In the last few months John Mcdonnell has become one of a number of members of the shadow cabinet to move towards supporting another referendum. Today he admitted that he was a little bit frustrated that the partys policy hasnt done the same. Weve all agreed that we have to go back to the people. Yes, of course we want a general election but we have to go back to the people on any deal or no deal most probably in a referendum. Almost certainly in a referendum. The discussion is about what attitude should labour take. I have said publicly i would vote remain and campaign for remain. But that other big beast of labour politics Len Mccluskey said the party needs to look before it leaps, suggesting John Mcdonnell was panicking. I dont believe there is a panic and my message to everyone is stop panicking. Stop putting pressure onJeremy Corbyn. He is demonstrating real leadership by seeking a consensus view across our party. Jeremy corbyn, change your mind it is notjust in labours top ranks where there is a discussion taking place over the partys brexit policy. Some members are calling for the party to take a stronger remain position. Others say the referendum result needs to be respected. But these two men will be key to how labour finally resolves this tricky debate. Meanwhile, the two tory leadership candidates have been outlining their spending plans, and tom is with me now. What have they been saying . Both candidates have been talking up their economic credentials. Boris johnson has been saying that he would use the unexpectedly high tax that the treasury received in february, spend that money on simultaneously investing in big projects, building projects but at the same time cutting taxes and he admitted he would be willing to borrow in order to invest. If you look at february alone, the chancellors revenues exceeded expenditure. They say thats when most people tend to pay tax. If you look at different months then actually you are in deficit. Well, believe me there is cash now available. Are you prepared to see borrowing go up . Well, i think at the moment there is the headroom available and we intend to use it and i also think you can do some great things to stimulate Economic Growth with tax cuts. Just a simple question, are you prepared to see borrowing go up . If it is borrowing to finance great infrastructure projects. VeryJohn Mcdonnell of you. And theres the opportunity to borrow at low rates to do long things for the Long Term Benefit of the country, then we should do them. You know, there are some projects, dont forget, in this country we are spending about £250 billion on public procurement per year of one kind or another and dont tell me their own significant tell me their arent significant savings to be found in the way that we spend that money. Ill tell you how we do it. So you are prepared to see borrowing going up, thats a straight answer to my question . I am prepared to borrow to finance certain great objectives, but overall we will keep fiscal responsibility and keep going with the general trajectory of ensuring this country pays its way and lives within its means, but you can do that with some sensible tax cuts that will stimulate growth, stimulate enterprise, get more revenue in. So that is borisjohnsons view. What is jeremy so that is borisjohnsons view. What isjeremy hunts idea. So that is borisjohnsons view. What is jeremy hunts idea. He was also talking about that extra income and he would also use it to invest and he would also use it to invest and cut taxes at the same time. He warned that if there was a no deal brexit he would have to pull much of that spending in order to support business, essentially saying that he was willing to go for a no deal brexit but he was certain that it would hurt business. He did though say that wouldnt stop him from delivering a no deal brexit if the eu proved unwilling to negotiate. A no deal brexit is not my first choice, but in the end if the only way to leave the European Union is without a deal, then i would do that. And we will make a success of it and we will protect the union, but we will have to be very sensitive to the concerns that people like David Mundell raised, because you are absolutely right, it would not be popular in scotland. I dont understand how it can both be the union first every time and be prepared to endanger that by going for a no deal brexit. Those two things must be in contradiction . No, because its not a question of choosing one or the other. Its a question of choosing a Prime Minister who has the capability to deliver both and if you send to brussels, someone who can negotiate a deal that can get through parliament, then you wont have a no deal situation and then you reduce those risks. But i am also very clear that we are going to leave the European Union come what may and i will deliver that. But if that happens, i will do it in a way that protects the union because its absolutely vital we do. Sojeremy so jeremy hunt confident sojeremy hunt confident that he is the man best placed to negotiate a new brexit deal rather than boris johnson. The campaign will continue this week with more trips around the country, meeting conservative Party Members and trying to win over their votes. We a re members and trying to win over their votes. We are expecting results in three orfour votes. We are expecting results in three or four weeks time. Network rail has made an indicative offer to buy part of British Steel, which went into liquidation last month. Bidders have until the end of today to make offers for all or part of the firm. The offer is to take over the section of British Steel that welds, finishes and stores rails. Grieving families will no longer have to cover burial or cremation costs when a child dies under a new government scheme. Each year around 3,800 children die, with a further 2,700 stillbirths. The Childrens Funeral Fund aims to ensure families wont have to pay Funeral Directors in england for burials or cremations from next month. That moment of tragedy, when families will be thinking about the child they have lost, having to work out how to pay for and arrange a funeral is just Something Else that they really dont want to have to worry about. What were doing here is trying to take away that worry about how you can pay for that funeralfrom them. You pay for that funeral from them. Everyone whose child dies in the context of england will be eligible, we are not means testing this. Itjust removes that extra worry and stress at a very difficult time for families. Justice minister, edward argar. All new electric vehicles must be fitted with a noise emitting device similar to the sound of a traditional engine to alert other road users to their presence. The European Union rules follow concern that vehicles without petrol or diesel engines are too quiet for pedestrians and cyclists. Katy austin reports. As well as being better for the environment, for some drivers the quietness of electric cars is part of their attraction. It is fairly busy today and you can hear all the traffic, but if it was electric it would be difficult. For more vulnerable pedestrians, including john and his guide dog, it is a problem. Stepping out across the road with your guide dog is something i might do, and if suddenly a vehicle appears out of nowhere when an engine is started up, so yes it is very difficult to make a safe decision to cross the road when you cant hear a vehicle. Some electric models already make a sound. From tomorrow, eu rules mean new electric and hybrid models must have a sound producing system fitted, and from 2021 that will apply to all new cars. The uk government backs the idea for safety reasons, and says it wont create too much noise. I dont think it is going to create any unnecessary noise pollution. The reality is that this device will only be active when the vehicle is travelling at 12 miles an hour or less, so very low speeds. It will switch itself off when the vehicle travels faster than that. John says it would be good if all electric vehicles made an audible warning all the time. Worked all the time, but says the new rules are a good start to making roads safe for everyone as technology develops. The headlines on bbc News Donald Trump says its a great day for the world after his walk across the border between north and south korea. A baby delivered after its mother was stabbed to death remains in a Critical Condition in hospital two men have been arrested on suspicion of murder. Jeremy hunt brands the question over the uks departure date from the eu a fake debate claiming he would deliver brexit sooner than boris johnson. Eu leaders will head back to brussels this evening for a special meeting to try and agree on who should be the next president of the european commission. They failed to agree on a candidate at the last eu summit earlier this month and finding the right balance for the different eu top jobs is proving to be a difficult task. Adam fleming has been considering the possible candidates. Wanted, a new president of the european commission. The current holder of the post is jean claude juncker. Responsibilities drafting new eu laws, making sure existing eu laws are followed and representing the eu in tricky international politics. In tricky international negotiations. Needs to be. Should be. Should have. Salary around 300,000 euros a year, minus eu tax plus an entertainment allowance. Perks a staff of more than 30,000 and a seat at summits of eu leaders. Eu leaders come up with a name, then the nominee has to be approved by a majority of the European Parliament. They wanted it to go to somebody who had explicitly campaigned for the role during the european elections and came from one of europes political families. Someone like manfred weber, who leads the centre right in the European Parliament. Or frans timmermans, the dutch Vice President , who represents the centre left. Or margrethe vestager, the competition commissioner from denmark who represented the liberals but parliament cant settle on anyone. Neither can the leaders and it has become a bit of a power struggle between them. So it could end up being a compromise candidate like Michel Barnier someone from the world bank. Or somebody that no one has mentioned. President of the European Parliament is more like the speaker oi parliament is more like the speaker or the chair. The high representative who is kind of like the eu foreign minister but also kind of not like the eu foreign minister. And the president of the European Central bank who is usually a European Central banker and will be in office for eight years. All five jobs are being treated as one package which has to be divided up by geography, north, south, east and west. Politics, so the right, the left, the liberals and the greens. By gender and between bigger countries than smaller ones. It is all a big old mix of politics and power and personality. Watch out for the italians, the luxembourg is and the belgians who historically have proved to be very good at playing it. Millions of people have descended on the streets of new york this weekend as part of a series of events to celebrate the citys annual lgbt pride. It follows the 50th anniversary of the iconic stonewall riots earlier this week, seen by many as the start of the International Gay rights movement. Our lgbt correspondent ben hunte reports. It is a weekend like no other. An estimated four Million People are hitting new yorks streets to celebrate lgbt pride. t it is a very celebratory and high energy event,

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