Have an audience of her majesty, the queen. I shall then continue with my duties in this house from the back benches, where i will continue to be the member of parliament for maidenhead. Ms. Cadbury thank you, mr. Speaker. I profoundly disagree with many of the decisions that the Prime Minister has made and many of the things she says, but i recognize that she does have a respect for Public Service and for the future of our country. So how does she feel about handing over to a man who, among many things, is happy to demonize muslims, is prepared to chuck our loyal Public Servants and diplomats under a bus, and promises to sell our country out to donald trump and his friends . Pm may i am pleased to hand over to an incoming leader of the conservative party and Prime Minister, who i worked with when he was in my cabinet, who is and who is committed, as a conservative who stood on a conservative manifesto in 2017, to delivering on the vote of the british people in 2016 and to delivering a
Many members commended her leadership, expressed concern for boris johnson, and thanked her for her service. This is just over one hour. Order questions for the Prime Minister. Bruce cadbury. Question number one, mister speaker. Mister speaker, this morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others following my duties in this house, this afternoon i have an audience with her majesty, the queen. I will continue my duties in this house in the back benches where i will be a member of parliament. Bruce cadbury. I profoundly disagree with many decisions the Prime Minister has made and many of the things she has said but i recognize that she does have a respect for Public Service and the future of our country. How does she feel about handing over to a man who among many things is happy to demonize women, is prepared to check our loyal Public Servants and diplomats under a bus, and promises to sell our country out to donald trump and his friends. I am pleased to hand over to an in
Questions for the Prime Minister. Bruce cadbury. Question number one, mister speaker. Mister speaker, this morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others following my duties in this house, this afternoon i have an audience with her majesty, the queen. I will continue my duties in this house in the back benches where i will be a member of parliament. Bruce cadbury. I profoundly disagree with many decisions the Prime Minister has made and many of the things she has said but i recognize that she does have a respect for Public Service and the future of our country. How does she feel about handing over to a man who among many things is happy to demonize women, is prepared to check our loyal Public Servants and diplomats under a bus, and promises to sell our country out to donald trump and his friends. I am pleased to hand over to an incoming leader of the conservative party and Prime Minister who i worked with when he was in my cabinet and is committed as a conservative, who
As Prime Minister. As always we invite your participation via twitter using hashtag pmqs. Members are finishing up other business, the floor of the british house of commons. Come october 31st leaving the eu deal, pretty callous, yes or no . Will this be his last mister speaker i fear the honorable ladys endorsement might have sealed it. Order questions for the Prime Minister. Bruce cadbury. Question number one, mister speaker. Mister speaker, this morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others following my duties in this house, this afternoon i have an audience with her majesty, the queen. I will continue my duties in this house in the back benches where i will be a member of parliament. Bruce cadbury. I profoundly disagree with many decisions the Prime Minister has made and many of the things she has said but i recognize that she does have a respect for Public Service and the future of our country. How does she feel about handing over to a man who among many things is h
A man in his 20s and a heavily pregnant woman have died in separate stabbings in the past 2a hours in london village, and he is quite close to paramedics delivered her baby where the meeting will take place. This is the same location where moon who remains in a critical condition. And revving up the sound of the electric car. Jae in and kimjong un new rules mean in future they will need to make some noise. Its crunch time for england this is the same location where moon jae in and kim jong un also shook at the cricket world cup defeat hands across this line, and you can against india today would seriously damage their chances of reaching the semi finals. Even go there as a tourist. It is where those little huts are, and one of them is like a meeting heart, where either side can come in and sit down at a table in the middle. Good morning. After the heat and humidity it is literally a lion, and one side of yesterday today will feel much fresher, with sunny spells, a few showers in the no