Attitude to alcohol a sad reflection on our society
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February 24, 2021 — 12.04am
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Congratulations, Jenna Price, for your article about alcohol being weaponised in sexual assaults (“Rapists are weaponising alcohol”, February 23). During my teaching career, I have been a chaperone teacher at many Year 12 formals. A number of times I have volunteered to drive young women home who were too intoxicated to stand, let alone protect themselves.
Comparing apples with oranges is usually unhelpful. However, would you expect to emerge unhurt from racing across a busy freeway or jumping into a lion’s den? In an ideal world, young people don’t engage in underage drinking, adults drink moderately, they don’t mix intoxicating substances and all men are respectful of others. As our ideal world is unattainable, people of all ages must heed the advice not to put themselves in harm’s way.