Giving a heartfelt shout-out today to Sunday Vinyl, the new Denver wine bar by the Boulder-based Frasca restaurant group.
I had the opportunity to visit early this year before the pandemic lockdowns while on a business/fun road trip with Paolo Cantele, one of my best friends.
That’s the venue’s signature turntable, above. Pretty friggin’ cool, right?
The folks at the Frasca group just know how
to do it right.
That’s the lobster pasta, above, at their (newish) Tavernetta restaurant, adjacent to the wine bar.
I don’t think there’s anywhere else in the country where there is such a rich confluence of finely calibrated professionalism, high-toned gastronomic aestheticism, holistically tuned and well-informed conviviality, and earnest embrace of ethics, fairness, and equity in fine dining. Some other groups come close and often shine in one of those categories or more. But none, in my experience, bring it together like the folks at Frasca.